Washington independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 1874-18??, October 05, 1876, Image 4

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Dox Carlos and suite have sailed
Caleb Ccshixo has arrived in New
York from Europe.
Dcrixg five years Daniel Drew's busi
ness through his brokers amounted to
Ex-President Tiiiers is passing the
summer in Switzerland, on the banks of
Lake Geneva.
Gen. Tom Thumb is said to have ex
changed his yacht Maggie B. for a soli
taire diamond worth $3,000.
Stanley found a race of marvelously
beautiful women in Central Africa. That
accounts for his long absence.
There was a balloon ascension at the
Soldiers' Home at Dayton, Ohio, when a
couple were married in mid air.
Mk. John Tyler, Jr., a son of Ex
President Tyler, has become a minister in
the Methodist Episcopal Uhurcu aouin
General Sheridan has obtained per
mission of the government to enlist one
hundred Pawnee scouts to fight the
The letter of Pope Pius IX. to Jeff
Davis, recognizing the Southern Confed
eracy, has just turned up in the Richmond
archives. It is written in Latin.
Mk. Spinner, ex-Treasurer of the
United States, has returned to his home
in Herkimer Co., N. Y., much improved
in health by his sojourn in Florida.
President McCosii of Princeton has
come out in strong and determined oppo
sition to college regattas, which he con
siders more demoralizing than horse
Martin Fakqchar TcrrER, the Pro
verbial Philosopher, is expected in Brook
lyn, N. Y., the guest of James Miller,
the publisher. He will be accompanied
by his daughter.
The Byron monument in London is to
be erected in the Green Park, opposite
the mansion formerly numbered as 13,
Piccadilly. In this house Lord Byron
wrote "The Siege of Corinth."
Prince Bismarck gave a dinner at
Berlin to Mr. You Schlozer, the German
Minister to the United States. The
prince was in great spirits, and seemed
better than he has been for months past.
Harrison Gray Otis, of Boston, has
a new house, and in this new house is
the most costly mantlepiece ever brought
to this country. It is of blacic oak,
beautifully carved, and is four centuries
and a half old.
The statue of Dr. Livingstone, lately
unvailed in Edinburgh, represents the
explorer in traveling costume, his right
hand holding out a Bible and his left
resting on the handle of an ax. The ma
terial is bronze.
IIerzegovinia has a Joan of Arc in
the person of a Miss Mercus. She throws
all her fortune, favor and beauty into the
Turko-Servian war, rides at the head of
the troops, and seems bent on some sort
of realization of her romantic dreams.
Besides beinsr a magnificent writer,
the late George Sand was a pianist of
the first rank. Chopin himself taught
her how to play, and the great Listz also
gave her lessons. She never, however,
performed in public that we know of.
The Actors' Home, for which Edwin
Forrest made provision in his will, is
now in readiness for the accommodation
of twenty-four veterans of the stage who
may fill the conditions of the will. The
Home is near Springbrook, Holmes
burg, Pa.
Charlemagne's secretary was caught
by a sngw-storm sparking the Emperor's
daughter, at midnight, and she carried
him home on her back, so that his foot
steps couldn't be traced. The Emperor
heard of it, and saddled him on her for
the rest of her life. Worcester Press.
Messrs. John Jacob and "William
Astor are about to erect in the chancel of
Trinity Church, N.Y.,at a cost of about one
hundred thousand dollars, a memorial to
the late Wru. B. Astor. It will be in the
form of a Gothic altar and reredos, and
will take the place of the present wooden
Ex-Governor Henry A. Wise, of Va.,
died on the 12th instant. Durinjr his
sickness he received an invitation to at
tend a re-union of confederate soldiers.
He sent word that sickness would prevent
him from bein present, and added: 1
never expect to leavemy room again until
I am carried to my grave.
The Emperor and Empress of Brazil
have completely modified their intended
iournev. Dora Pedro, who was expected
in Paris not long since, has sent word to
his Minister that the Empress has gone to
Gastein, in Austria, to take the waters,
and that she will not arrive in France be
fore March next. During the interven
ing period his Majesty will visit Russia,
Sweden and Norway.
Some of "the French papers have pub
lished sensational accounts of the Em
press Charlotte's health, and her alleged
escape from the Chateau of Tervueren,
near .Brussels, where she resides. Her
Majesty is leading a perfectly calm and
quiet life, and is remarkable only for her
extreme gentleness and placidity, and her
apparent indifference to all beyond the
routine of her daily pursuits, varied as it
is by the frequent visits of her royal rela
tives. While the new ship Brown Brothers
was rounding Cape Horn on her first voy
age coming from New York to' San Fran
cisco, at daybreak in June last, it then
blowing a perfect gale and the sea run
ning very high, one of the sailors was
blown from the foretopmast into the high
rolling billows. To lower a boat was
out of the question. But the gallant com
mander of the ship, Captain Goodell, Jr.,
in the twinkling of an eye had a line tied
around his body, jumped overboard, and
saved the life of the half-drowned sailor.
Such heroic conduct ought to be shown
up as an example for other seafaring men.
A very graceful act has lately been
clone by Mr. James Russell Lowell. As
will be remembered, his Centennial ode
concludes with an eloquent tribute to
Virginia, 4,Motherof States and unpollut
ed men." A Virginia gentleman wrote to
the poet, asking for a transcript of these
lines to be suspended in the library of the
State. Mr. Lowell promptly replied, and
not only transcribed the concluding
verses with his own hand, but had them
handsomely framed and forwarded them,
free of charge to the State. Accompany
ing the gift was a letter, which, we are
told "evidenced the same affection and
patriotic spirit which breathes through
every line of the verses." It is further
added by the Richmond Enquirer which
furnishes the above facts, that, "not con
tent with this gift to the library, he prom
ises to send a photograph of the elm
tinder which Washington stood when he
took command of the army, framed in its
own wood."
Patrick Henry.
The patriotic heart at this time warms
with fervor and reverence in considering
the strugrirles of the noble men who so
boldly resisted oppression and won for
themselves and their posterity victory and
independence a hundred years ago.
Among names which have a prominent
place in our recollection, and a high
claim to our grateful consideration, is
that of Patrick Henry. This noble. Vir
ginian was one of the foremost to de
nounce the tyranny of Britain and to
urge the establishment of an indedeudent
government here. His impassioned elo
quence in the Virginia House of Burges
ses, in the Colonial Congress at Philadel
phia, and in the Richmond Convention of
March, 1773, had a most powerful in
fluence upon all who heard him speak.
Of his life it is scarcely more than nec
essary to give a mere outline.
He was born at Studley, Hanover coun
ty, Va., May 29th, 173G. His school edu
cation was rudimentary, but under his
father, John Henry, who was a native of
Aberdeen, Scotland, he acquired a fair
English education and so"ine acquaintance
with Latin and mathematics. He was ot
an indolent, wandering disposition ; would
leave his books at any moment to traverse
the woods with his guu or to sweep the
streams of the neighborhood with hi
fishing-rod. At sixteen he was placed in
a country store, but he exhibited no apt
ness for trade. At alxmt twenty years ot
age he married the daughter of a farmer
and began funning on a small scale, but
two years' experience led him to abandon
it in despair of any success in that line,
and ainiin try to keei a store. Hen
however, music, reading, story-telling,
huntiiii'. chietly occupied Ids time until
he tound himself a bankrupt; then he
begin to study law, and alter a mere
show of preparation, offered himself a an
attorney, but no clients enirajrei. his ser
vices, and he continued to live very much
as before. His opportunity came when
he was about twenty-seven years old, in
the celebrated "parsons' causes," when he
was invited to assist in the defense, for
the want of better counsel. The unex
pected figure he made in the assertion of
popular right, and the decision winch he
wrested from a jury deemed previously
to be committed to the side ot the "par
sons," placed him in the first rank of
Virginia orators, and changed the order
of his life. Three years later he was
elected to the House of Burgesses, and at
the time wheu British oppression ha
reached its climax in the Stamp act. The
times were of the sort to arouse all the
tire of his nature, and when the British
act came up for discussion, he opposed it
with so much vehemence and eloquence
that it was declared by formal vote to be
unconstitutional and void as affecting the
lights of the American Colonies. It was
at Richmond wheu the second Colonial
Convention met, that Henry pronounced
the celebrated speech in which lie ex
claimed, "Our chains are forged. Their
clanking may be heard upon the plains
of Boston. . . . The next gale that
sweeps from the North may bring to our
ears the clash of resounding arms. ... I
know not what course others may take;
but as for me, give me liberty, or give me
In 177C he was ejected Governor of
Virginia, ami continued in office until
1 t, giving eminent services to his Slate
in that most trying period. He was a
member of the Legislature throughout
the remainder of the revolutionary war,
and at its close was again elected Gover
nor. In 17y( he resigned. In 17U4 he
retired from public life to his estate of
Red Hill in Charlotte. Washington of
fered him the appoiument of Secretary
of State in 17l)., but Henry declined it.
He died in 170'J, shortly after having been
elected to the State Senate.
Of Patrick Henry's extraordinary elo
quence there can be no doubt; it was ac
knowledged by all the eminent men of
the North, and of the South, who partici
pated in the Colonial Councils which led
to the revolution and the formation of the
Union. He was not a good logician, Tr
eminent as a "case" lawyer, because of
his defective reading of luw. lie was a
man of the revolution, the mouth-piece of
popular sentiment and right, and was
possessed of peculiar temperamental pow
ers, a well as an extraordinary intellect
ual endowment, which enabled him to
understand men and move them at his
will. Jefferson said that he seemed to
speak as Homer, the great poet of Greece,
wrote. In person he was striking, al
though not prepossessing, nearly six feet
in height, spare and angular and some
what stoop-shouldered; with a sallow
complexion, a grave and even stern ex
pression in repose, he gave little indica
tion to the observer of the power which
was held in reserve by Ids massive brain.
His features were almost habitually con
tracted, but when he spoke, a change came
over him, his body became erect, and he
seemed to tower above those around him.
The stern face would relax with softness
and gentleness, or corrugate with indig
nation and wrath. The power he pos
sessed of expressing feeling by simple
movements of features was astonishing.
In private life he was kind, hospitable,
and agreeable; he indulged in none of the
fashionable vices, but lived temperately
and frugally. Phrenological Journal.
State Nicknames. Queer are the
nicknames of people of the different
States: The inhabitants of Alabama are
called Lizards; of Arkansas, Toothpicks;
of California, Gold Hunters; of Colorado,
Rovers; of Connecticut, Wooden Nut
megs; of Delaware, Muskrats; of Florida,
Fly-up-the-Creeks; of Georgia, Buzzards;
of Illinois, Suckers; of Indiana, Hoosiers;
of Iowa, Hawkeyes; of Kansas, Jay
hawkers; of Keutucky, Corn Crackers;
of Louisiana, Creoles; of Maine, Foxes;
of Maryland, Craw Thumpers; of Michi
gan, Wolverines; of Minnesota, Gophers;
of Mississippi, Tadpoles; of Missouri,
Pukes; of Nebraska, Bug Eaters; of
Nevada, Sage liens; of New Hampshire,
Granite Boys; of New Jersey, Blues, or
Clam Catchers; of New York, Knicker
bockers; of North Carolina, Tar-boilers
and Tuekoes; of Ohio, Buckeyes; of
Oregon, Webfeet and Hard Cases; of
Pennsylvania, Penances and Leather
heads; of Rhode Island, Gun Flints; of
South Carolina, Weasels; of Tennessee,
Whelps; of Texas, Beef Heads; of Ver
mont, Green Mountain Boys; of Virginia,
Beadles; of Wisconsin, Badgers. Record
of the Year.
Relioiocs Toleration in Rome.
The Vatican organ, the Vocedella Verita,
says it is rarely able to praise any act of
the Italian government, but it feels
bound to praise a step taken by the Min
ister of War. A Protestant clergyman
in Rome, having boasted of having made
five hundred soldiers proselytes, the
Minister of War ordered one of the bar
racks to be searched, and fifty soldiers
were found possessed of Protestant books.
These soldiers were asked whether they
were Catholics, and those who replied in
the affirmative had their books confiscated.
Quotations, unless otherwise specified. rep
resent receivers' price la loU, marketed on
wharf or from store.
FLOUR. The market is without notable
change; low prices continue to prevail for all
ruui. m ureal nepuoiie neiics ior notiir
Konir, on the 1st inst, carried considerable
quantities. The steamer Gaelic for Yokohama
commenced receivinir freight September 8th,
and will carry considerable quantities of the
various orami. e quote superfine at f4 00
4 25; standard brands, 4 tO("M 75; extra
supf rrine. 5 O0; extra family, 5 2.5 75.
IIKA1. The following table will show
the order of clearances since Sept. 1st. and
total from July 1st to Sept. irtu:
Date. Vttttl.
To. CV:
1. .I'ileiMi
4. .St. Nii-liota
4..Tm O'sh-inter.
4. . imtii.i
5. .Abbey Cow per. .
5. .Common wea. til
5..H -ilford-diire
1. .City of Vienna. ..
,. 54, im
,. i.15
.. Ti.Vll
.. -i.Tn
.. Z t
.. Ci.t".i
.. .n:;t
.. :Ji.s.n
.. .;
.. 4S.l
.. 4 1. ".'.
.. u:m
..m. '....
4.HI.. .
...4 1. !'...,
...Si. 11...
. Liverpool. ...
, .Liverpool....
..I.iv rixwl....
"..Krn n Broth-re . . H.ivrc. .
City of N lli:.
. .1 or
. I.yca Till..
8. . U.(Uoi'ua.
Totala ainee Sept. lt 41S.0.M $fi71.4n4
T 'l ill lrmi July 1 tSept S, '76.. 'i viM3 i.il,rtts
We have had free Miipiilies duri' the week
under review. Sept. 5lh the deliveries itis
jrre;;ated J.OOO ctls, and of this l'.d.OOO ct s
came to a !-inirlc i. arty, all of which w.i
for export. Prices of icijod to choice Wheat
for export and milling purposes are
steady with a good demand; and harden
prices in Liverpool, otl'erinij on
'diarize from diiy to day, consist lartrely of
mixed truin. This irica to fellow the sloven
ly manner of some of our farmers in cleaning
jrum. Of course, they are lary-c losers ty
thi careless mode of farminir, and if they
tot ill per.-isl in this curelesness they niu-t
abide the coiisefjuenees. The export move
ment continue hhcrul, as will he ir-een from
the above detailed statement. One notulile
feature is the clearance of the Itrowit Broth
ers to France direct, the tirst of the season.
Ve iuo'te extra milling Wheat at 1 .V;
extra supcrtiuc, $1 1 oO; supotine,
1 :Jo(il 4Js, according to quality; choice
shipping, tl :0il ?tl; fair to ood ship
ping, 1 40it$l 4? mixed wheat, l 7J0
,41 JJ'.i, as to condition.
It.VKI.KV. The following is a statement
of export by sea for the mouths of July and
12. .Vreilriea Man ia.
I.. I ruth
10... M. WhitriiiKe
II . .r..ll
. Kri-rm.oi cl rw. .
ii. .City !' 1 mama..
2. . !li:u-lt Karle
31. . ni ir.t lue
To. rtt. V-iiu.
Iiiutiie 1,332 tiy.aJ
. I.iii(iie...
. luii.ijut. . .
.i.Ori. .
. I.IVI'I I.M.
.. 2,M
.Near York.
.. 7.4-14
. Victoria.
Jri. .
. . Itui r.iril'n lu't. 4.U..
.. 2jo
. I.. ver:Ml 1,". 4.V.
MitceiUucuu Mupini'iiU..
Tot; ;i, sm $;o.a
We have had a good demand for Eastern
shipments. Freight has l-eti obtained as
low as $1 15 ft i ll to St. Louis, in lots of liX)
carloads at one time. Feed kinds have ruled
dull, with a better demand at the clone
We quote bay feed at 'JOui!.V ; coast feed.
o ;&':, new brewing. 1 Ot)4l U..
OATS. The supply of fetd kinds continue
ample, with a tea Jy fair demand. We quole
milling ut $1 U(.J 00; good to choice feed.
l 3M1 nil ordinary feed, ft yOio.Il 40.
COUX. Bu-iues is light; value unchang
ed. Large yellow and wliite are quotable at
II '.. f l St, amail roundel 7,'(4l oO V ctl.
Klh. in the alxitue ol saii we quole
1 4M1 ijO, with gul supplies.
WOOL. With a good strong tone in East
ern markets, our home market renin ins lirm
at prices alighlly advanced from last week.
Oregou parcels are very firmly held, and in
ome instances, where buyers weie exactly
suited, high prices have been obtHined. We
quole: Oregon Valley, tiliHc; Eastern, 17
(.((19c; Citlilornia fall, lree, uimiU to tine sta
ple, 11(4 13c; fail hurry, 'Allc; fall lamb,
lree, l'A41. ;gc; laml, burrv, motive.
U V(iS iMi ItAUlilXti. The market is inac
tive, with five supplies, but lower rates are
not obtainable. We quote: Barley Bags,-ix4i,
al 13c; Barley Ba-s, -J4x40, 14l.,c: B;u lev-
Bags, Ufx3', ltj;ac; Mai-hiiie-sewcd, 2x;itk
1-J-; Hanil-sew.il, -x.jo, luf (it P2 1 Jc ; Flour
siacks, halves, .H5 lie; Flour Sai ks, quarters.
biif.ic; Mai.Uaru tiunnies, ll(4l2c; Wool
Saek, 4 tbs, 5-JJ-fcC; Wool Sacks, 3! D.s,
4ic; Burlaps, 4 in., ic; Burlaps, 40 ni., he;
Burlaos. till in., I2(tljc.
BEANS. Lola from wharf are quotable a
follows: Bayo,4c ; small White, $1 (iil 75;
Fca,l7.H'Cl ; l,mk,-23(44c; Ue.l,2i4HV jS
large Butler, -(li-.'c; email do, f4 lb.
Caaior beans are in request. The mills here
are pacing 4c for all dean lots.
DAIRY l'UOUUCE. Butter The receipts
ol iresii roll continue to fall oil and pru es
have again advanced; market lirm. Pickled
is neiu uoovc i lie views ot buyers; prices
nominal; tiikiu is coming forward very free
ly, and meels with an increased demand ut
'-i.ui'.)e and 3i)c by the single package. E:rgs
have advanced; receipts extremely light;
market lirm. we quote as follows: Choice
fresh roll Caliloniia Butter, 424 (it, 4.V;
fair to good roll, :Oiij:i7j-e; piekled roll.
oOXoic; lirkin, ivt-0c lb; Cheese Cal
ilornia, ll(i 14c; Eastern Cheese, !Ul4c V 11
California EgiCs, 404-Jjic; Oregon Eggs, 34
(tf:.c; Eastern k.nx, aoTJOc i dox.
FKL'I TS. The market on the whole this
week has been less abundantly supplied, and
prices have appreciated, though some vane
ties, uotably Grapes, cooking Apples, and
common i'ears, hare been very slow of sale.
Choice reaches and rears sell well. Moun
tain Iruit is coming forward more freclv and
generally of good quality. We quote Teach
es, .Mountains, t iox,i oo$i oo; rears
Barlletts, if box, 1 Suu$'Z OO; Tears, ordma
ry to good, V Ihjx, 40ciil 00; Plums, '2.,4c
& H; Grapes, 'm.-(.i1 no x box; htrawt:r
ries, (i KA.4$4 OO V chest of HI lls; Bananas,
42 OOei; il f bunch; Pineapples, (ii 00n,
il 50 ig doz; Limes, 12 ,M)(u 15 OO V M;
Mcily Lemons, 00(i4T OD if WO; Canta
loupes, ;iOc(Cl 00 y doz; Watermelons,
o OOiit12 OU i wo.
FHUITS, DKIER There is a good de
mand. We quote Apples, quartered, at tint,
7e V 0; Apples, sliced, OJsfei 7a'c ; Apricots,
11(4 12c; Pcuche.s,i;47e; Plums, pitted, 12(4 lie.
XL IS. Almonds, IOc for haid and l(42c
for soft shell ; Brazil, 12.(4l4c; Filberts, 1
(420c; Hickory, 10(4 11c; recall, 12,(4l4t
Chile Walnuts, lOytllc; California Walnuts
W(.4lle; California Peanuts. K(i,'.Hi V C; Co
coanuts, 7 oi4fJU0 V hundred.
POTATOES. Keceipts from the coast have
been very liberal, and the market has favored
the buyer. Sw eets have sold at fl tkjil 12,l
most ol the week. We quote: Choice, 'JOc (4
1 OO; fair to good, 70(i4SOc V 100 lbs;
Sweets, 1 00(itl 12, V WO lbs.
liIOS. Onions are steady. Ked are
quotable at 40(x 50c fe ctl; yellow, 001470c.
PROVISIONS. Jobbing rates are for Cali
fornia Smoked Bacon and Eastern Sides,
111 jobbing lots, 15(4lc for heavy to light;
California plain Hams, l5c; Eastern Hams,
lH(4 20c; California Lard. 14 (fc HJ'-jc;
Eastern do,15(4l7J for all styles ol package;
California Smoked Beef, 12;(4l4c lb; Beef
Ton-rues. 220 00; Pigs Feet. 24 00; Mess
Beef. J 50(4ll 00 for bbls. and 50 (tf
S OO for hf bbls; Pork, fly 00 for Prime,
22 50 for Prime Mess. $24 OO for Mess and
27 00(423 00 for Clear and Extra Clear.
MEATS and LIVE STOCK. Beef, first
quality, in good demand; necond and third
finalities abundant and dull of sale, nogs-
demand strong for packing. The following
are the wholesale rates: Beef, 4(4 e, accord
ing to quality ; Calves, 4(Hc; Mutton. 3(3 4c;
Lamb, spring, 5V$(gic ; Pork (Gross), tic'Vc ;
do dressed, ylc.
POLLTKV. We quote: Hens.t? 50(?f 00;
Roosters, 5 00(4 $0 V doz; Broilers, 3 00
(44 50 V oz; Geese, tame, 2 00(42 V
pair; Ducks, do, $7 00(2$! 50 f doz; Tur
keys, lire, 202223c.
HIDES. The market rates are steady for all
kinds. Following are cash prices paid in this
market: Dry, llSc, for usual selections;
Wet Salted are quotable at 5(g7c. The ew
York price at date fciven at 16c, gold,
for dry. ,. ,
TALLOW. Market abundantly supplied
at 5fi?e for good to choice.
CORXMEAL. Fine kinds for the table,
2(43c lb; coarse kinds for feed, 27 50(4"
2-S OO ton.
BUCKWHEAT. New crop U in demand
for seed.
BRAN axt) MIDDLINGS. The mill prices
of Bran are reduced to 16 5017 50. nd
$24 00 V ton for middlings.
HAY. There is quite a range In prices;
stocks heavy for medium grades ; say $7 00$
$13 OO, according to quality.
STRAW. A good article is salable at 55
60c V bale.
HOPS. New crop lots are now coming
forward quite freely; the inquiry is good for
hipping. Sales have been effected at 17f(g
20c, in carload lots; 5 carloads have been
shipped from Sacramento and 1 from San
Francisco during the week under review.
Foreign crop prospects are unfavorable.
San Francisco Steam Pump.
A Splbndid Srccatt.
Among ths noticeable exhibit on exhibi
tion at the Mechanics' Fair, now being held
in San Francisco, is a fine display of Steam
Pumps from the shop of XV. C. Wilcox Jk Co.,
t No. 114 and 116 Beale street.
In the short space of one year that has
lapsed since thts gold medal of the Mechan
ics' Institute was awarded to this pump, over
all competitors, after one of the most thor
oughly contested working trials, it has ob
tained a reputation that usually can only be
had by lou years of hard labor and ex
perience. We can not attempt In this article to give
particulars of construction, and will only say,
that it is a direct acting steam pump, made
upon the simplest mechanical principles,
easily undertood, and not likely to get out
of order.
The pumps on exhibition were not con
structed especially for show, but wer select
ed from the common stock of the shops, and
just such as are turned out every day for the
trade; but as ther stand, ranging In capacity
irom one thousand to forty tiiousai a gallons
per hour, oilently doing their work, they are
models of beauty and simplicity, and attract
around them hot of admirers 'of that class
who are interested in the matter of raii-l.ig
One very important feature of the exhibit
of Messrs. Wilcox t Co. is liable lo be passed
by unnoticed by the casual observer. We re-
fer to the upright deep-weil direct acting
Slum Pump, which works by an engine
standing perpendicularly over an artesian
rore or mining stiaft, ana working tne pump
which is attached to the column pipe, and
lowered down the well or mine to anv re
quired depth.
I his last-mentioned pump is an invention
of Mr. Wih ox, made this vcar, involving en
tirely new principles, upon which application
for letters jiatent has been ti K it. A number
of these pumps are now in use in this city,
and can be seen by any one interested, by call
ing at the basement of the Il-nnnani bath
house, the Grand Hotel or Palace Hotel, where
they have been running for several mouths,
and more than meeting the most sanguine
expectations of the inventor.
While we were by invitation of Mr. Wilcox
visaing and admiring these splendid inven
tions, we t-t tun Med upon another new appli
cation of the power of steam pumps, which
we take the liberty of mentioning while on
this subject. In the engine-room ot the
Grand Ho; el we noticed a finely finished,
powerful pump, quietly forcing water into an
immense tank made of boiler plates, with
pressure gauge indicating, with slight varia
tions, 7U pounds to the square inch; and
upon inquiry we learned that the water was
taken from this tank, which served for both
water and air ch.niibcr, through several hun
dred feet of pip", to the cylinders of one of
Hiukle'a elevators in the hotel w hich it is
running, entirely to the satisfaction of the
proprietor; and hits reserve power enough to
run another ( levator of the same kind, and
make trips every minute. When 1 add that
upon visiting Wilcox V C'o.'a shoo. I found
the hack room lit up by a chandelier, with
six gas jels and capacity for lift v more, and
running by a diminutive pump, draw ing air
and forcing It through gasoline, with every
thing handed automatically, so that if one
p-t is burning, or fifty, it is all the same; the
surplus air escaping through a safety valve,
U fore coming in Contact w ith the gasoline,
hav ing the pressure 011 the Jets always the
Wheu we take into consideration that aftrr
one of the iiit thorough working trials, in
a contest against what have been heretofore
considered the heat pumps in the woild, the
Mechanics' Fair association of San Francisco
awarded their gold medal for the best Steam
Pump on exhibition, at their fair for 175, to
W. C. Wilcox iV Co., on pumps patented in
that year. That he has since made a com
plete success of his decp-wcil or mining
pump, snd his power pump and attachment
lor elevator, both doing work entirely new,
I mut say that we were impressed with the
inventive genius of the patent. -e, Mr. Wilcox,
and risk nothing in saying that if the water
question is not solved for the whole city, it
is at least for individuals w ho are w illing to
spend the few hundred dollars necessary to
lap the mountain streams which circulate
through the gravel beds which underlie
nearly the whole of this city, and allording
an unlimited supply of water pure us that
falling from the clouds. .S. h'l tninj J'ott.
The Winchester Rifle.
In these days of "wars and rumors of wars"
it is well that every man should be act us,
lomctl to the use of weapons, and to our
readers it is especially necessary in many in
stances to protect their stock from the depre
dations of marauders, either two or four leg
ged. In this age of improvement it also he
comes us to keep up with the tiuo s, and not
go to practicing with the (Jueen Anne mus
ket of Hint-hx k persuasion, wit h the expects
tioii that we are thereby rendered capable of
coping with a horse thief or burglar armed
with Colt's repeaters, or a grizzly bear en
veloped in his shaggy hide, ami his vital parts
protected by arching bones of the heaviest
That which will make in equal in the con
flict is what we want, and lo ascertain what
weapon w ill do this is the object of this article.
In our advertising columns w ill be found cuts
of the celebrated Winchester repeal ing rifle of
the 17:1 pattern, than which no more ell'ective
arm is now known to the American sports
man. Being a combination of two patents,
further improved alter several years' trial,
they are the perfection of tire arms for sport
ing and target use. Strong, simple, effective
and rapid in action, the grizzly that faces one
in the hands of a skilled marksman has mou
ldered his day s and w ill molest the Hocks and
herds no more.
A friend at our elbow tells us of one man
killing live bears in one pile before the brutes
could jump to their feet and scatter, with one
of these guns. He purchased one last fall,
and at Christmas for the tirst time tried it at
a turkey match, and carried oil" six turkeys
as the result of seven shots at 225 yards, with
rest and open sights. It has proved itelf
equally good with deer and small game.
I'acjjlc Jiurul Prt.
A Prominent Boot and Shoe Man
ufactory. The firm of C. Ai V. II. Tirrell cfc Co., manu
facturers and importers of Boots and SMioes,
41'J Clay street, San Francisco, has been doing
business on this const for fifteen years, and
is well known by- all parties acquainted w ith
the trade. They employ from iOO to :iOO
hands; and the quality of goods manufact
ured by them is so well known that the very
name is considered a siillicient guarantee.
This fact has induced certain parties to manu
facture a spurious article, stamped with a
name very similar to the genuine. Some of
these IxHt'is and shoes are stamped A. A H.
1 irrell, and others K. it II. A. Teyrell. The
public is cautioned against these frauds.
None are genuine unless stamped C. k I. H.
Tirrell fc Co.
Dr. Wakuen's Ykkba Bi ena Hitter con
tinue to attract much attention at the l'avil
ion, and many of those w ho previous to the
opening of the Mechanics' Fair knew hut
little ol it, can now attest to its great blood
purifying qualities. Messrs. 11. Williams A
Co., proprietors, are every evening at their
stand I which, by the way, is one of the bust
at the Fair) treating all who desire a glass of
the medicated Bitters. Success to them and
their excellent medicine.
Philadelphia, announces bis discovery for
the radical cure of Cancer. Vo Knife A
I'ain! A'o Vautic r Remedies w ith full direc
tions sent auy where. Pamphlets and particu
lars sent frrt. Address with stamp. Dr. II.
T. Boxd.'&YJ North Broad t, Philadelphia, Pa.
K. Bi ttf.rick & Co.' Patterns, the stand
ard of fashion. Fall styles just received.
Send postage stamp for catalogue. Also, best
quality sewing-machine Needles for all ma
chines, 50 cents per dozen. II. A. Deming,
111 Post street, San Francisco.
The Best Photographs.
On the Pacific Coast are now made at the
New York Gallery, No. 25 Third street, San
Francisco. Prices to suit the times.
J. H. PKTEK3. Proprietor.
A radical cure for Bright's disease, grav
el, dropsy, diabetes, gout, non-retention or
incontinence and all atfectionsof the kidneys
and bladder, is Kearney's Extract Bccuu.
Sold by druggists everywhere.
A CrR for rheumatism, simple, but pene
trating to the seat of pain and giving instant
relief, is Trapper'a Indian Oil. Sold every
where, at fifty centa per patent flask.
12 pnr Ballon.
T. W. JACKSON, 6n Fran-eix-o.
eo.s Affect for Califor
nia sr. 4 Nrvfl.
C. & P. H. TIRHSLL & CO.,
MO. 410 ( LAV Ml K K KT,
Between fesnsoius sail Bartery. SAN FKANCI8CO.
Mannfsenirers of Mi n n, Bovi Tooth's, and ChU
aren a 1NK ;AI.K 1!mii3.
Orrtr illriiei iil promptly filled. All aUoa aod
qusltia ins.l- si th luwrni nti4rkt prices.
I'lesxe examine Hie bhU aua once
1h (f Ir braid tctipse wind Mill
Cuaip ,ier rim W mt-L. sriuM. mr kiv,
nd Umm it ut mmj Sight or Uirslity,
for H.'i.t, ijapV Him r Ut. M
; iv (tnri.l feed u4 Br!, w
Mi. Ac l.rt.-t intention il lh
A vinct mill thai 4,n at blow .
Prf-ll7 Mlf r.(u,aunf . A l.l
itfc Iwm mr jriuta Cn sot
ftaa up r get aut f rdar. A wmai
lat rnihiraa. Illtrale4 Cinrulara frsa.
Eclipse Wind Mill Co., Beloit,Wii.
t-aTr or turilier iuloriii;tU,ri aiidro
II A. !. Ill .
111 IlBaLB HTKKtT, ll Fit A He !".
iIO. r. &Ol"KaK.
joiis r. twm.
aft. iiEnniuo
Freiibt and BcaTrausfcr Co.
(vNsrjNEE of fu::ioiit or: nAr;c.A;t to
J arrlv h-i fr im anv part "t the world, ean, by
Iravme t'ji-ir hill f Irvlnitr with u. Ii.ir the ut'xla
jTni,t'i iviT' il mi arrival, ur lri. ahipprd with
out f r ii fi tt.f m. !!.
Ij.ial I'.a.'Kae an.l 1'arcela flalircri-U U say part
of ihe nt .
I'UIM ll'Al.nrni K-C I. P. H Freight Depot,
Foil th li'l Kl l Ttl. up r.
UK Well oFKlCfci Nu. 4 Monttromrrr atreet,
hu 1 raucmco. t.l.i f. .nl i:-K,
J ill N F. Cool'Fli.
rii'fi-rrii v to the ah'.Te. I t.We th I't.portnnlty to
thank uhl frieutla and pairnfia. antl ha'iut; aoiil nf
ifilret in tli alHve hlicllieaM. torfher wlfh thr
rt'iiiieand timl will, I t,tk' p ea-iiri' in ri'omiiiendiritf
liijr auri- aw.r. Mra.ra. Si.urti" t'inr. In tnr
utia pub! i , ami h'ai'ak for lu-in s nlx-ral ahara of
that iMlroiiae tt ueralir glvrii to Hi'.
JOU.Y 11. I9.
Tlloa. illlaiK,
; v v vy iJ
Commission Merclants,
tut' Trout St.,
Itet. Jarkton and 1'aclfle,
tun Tui 11 oitDcua mt
Tolcift-o anil Sulpliur.
A larca stock of whirh la a! warn kept and !d at
rr laiea,
SBSheep aolil ur alanithf ral on romniiaiiun. (jsick
ri l rua auil aatiafi-tory aaie maiia for sll oar in
You mlioulil ItiMiire your Life in tlir
Matnal Life Instance Co.
17c. 41 So: end St., Sacramento.
5i.oc 0,000.
Wl0.040 Appro veil Krrnrltlea) tlrom.
Ilrd with Hi C'nlirornlM Mtatd
lfiirf ment a r-urlty far
fuHry-Holderm etery wliera.
J. 11. i:ai;:;hlu
Vice I'reahlf ut.
Iou' every I'rl pit 'n 'f a pproved I.trn, Ew
imiu mkm, and Jois r 1.1 f a I'ulii i ns able In
liold ort'iirreiii y al the option i.f the Inaurer, al
ratea a low other imilu tl 'oinpa:iiea.
II reieirea a hiarher rate ol Interi-at on Ifa In real
mi'iitu iiihii la reinvcd by any other Lite inaur
am e 'oiiii iiiy in the country.
Inmire M V , for ihoiiK'i y.m may be well to-day,
net week or utxl uiuutu you may becoinsuu
inaai hli".
215 Sassose Street, - San Fracciico.
II K. l.la'M Itl Mlr.MM
'1'IIIS la an eirellent arhixd f.
S'O I.I.f.4i SC.
1 men. It edm-atea thorotiifhly and iliarlnllnea ear
r boys and yoona
luiiy. Voiiiik men ahoiihl rxainine thia -i'hi. 1 be
fore Httend rtf elnewhere. For information rail at
the ottiee. H ,'ont St., or addnaa K. P. II HA I.I . t. r.
f '.n.i:it i.i. iiidtsci..
MONTI. OMKKV ave. and Ki-irny H .San Francta
o, iwii bliM'ka weat ol Hie I'oal h iffli e Mrei t eara
In. in all tin- Sie.iiii.-ra and Kailroal lep ta, and Free
om b and t arri;it;ea lo the Hotel. Hon hi owes A
x a, I'roprn-lora. Hotel la bru k, f. .ur atoriea, ron
biina I : I trtre riKiina, all ierfe-tly lighted and wnfl
1 tied, hut h nif nx.tna, (hoi and fold water and t-loaeta
ntl every floor; Htn et lionlae feet, three flihtaof
tnir. ami one l'itrtit iUrnuitr Kiavaroa. Hotel
and fiinuahnnc nil H'ir -i-.l nearly fi-Ti.KiO. Will be
kept r iKr- .. at fM xr day. and leaa br tha
week or iiionlli.
mill. nine and Nee :
IOIMITt, PA LAI 'h OK AKI, 41, Mi M (,i M Kit V
ia ri.
, han FraiM im-o.
eheip, irom I.OVV, UV. .! Front Mrn-t, e F.
1." VK.lt V KA.tlll.V H AXTK IT. Money In It.
J hold by Airetiia Aditre JiJS . Ay FI.L, Krte. '.
Kend for I hronio I 'ataloeue.
r roaii'a Hon, lloalon Maaa.
per day at home. Harnplea worth II free.
KTlfcaoM t:o.. Portland. Maine
Met-liaiilra' lin-iiluie I-air, IH,,i. Manufactory,
Kerry M.. betaeen St It anil SOi. hail Franeiaiui.
UT TV.. A 4. IK T.-.. er day (ruaran-tt-d,
lo ae a rlu-iea for ladiea' and -tiildreti'a
wear lnilipen:ible. .:lti lili il. and of real iHerit.
Have only to lie exhibited to aell. Adopted an.l ree
omiiieiided by ladiia' ilreaa Keforni loin nut tee the
I int. d i;itea. For partit uUra a.lUreaa fc-ULia Mlkii
I o . Wallham. M.
II.. 4a r.M.'a) lSC.
a I AL K(MIM. Kearny M.,
near lln-h. K I n t K or I it loi oaw
adiiiimatered. A Inly aaai.Unt in al
tend Hit a ifa tuL'Alca only eui
pioved to nH'tmi.
mm Market Street. Corner Hliw-Wton. (tan Franriaeo,
Miizie-Loalinir Mltatl liaaa, Mltlea) NMil !
Ila. Have roiiatantly on hnnd hharp'a anil lieming
ton hportinar Kirlea, W-in'heter and r.vana' heieati ut
Kiflea, M-olt A l.reener'a I elebrHled lrer-li l.a.lnoc
I oii hie I. una. Ammunition of all ktnda alwaya on
hand-Wholeaaleand lieli.ll. Vl l KUV lillo..
119 S.iiiaome htreet. hni KranrlM-o.
forma, to eanvaaa lor IS'K a work f real
merit, written by the Prophet Hrirhain ouior'a re
bellioua wife. Mrs. Ann F.liza Webb Voiiiik, who la
doinir more towards diMiiitetrratinir the atna-Kma
Mormotii ayatein than the t.overnuieut of the Lulled
States. Terms liberal. AdUrttt
aj Harriaon St., han Franelaro.
Ijegally and quiet
ly otttained. Le?al
everywhere. Iteal-
denee Immaterial. Atildtvita aufllcieut proof, fee,
after decree. AddreiM (with atampi
K. . M AKV Y N, Waatiin:t..n St.. Chleayo. Ill
y bend tor Circular and Price liatt.
COLLINS & CO., Hatters.
117 Moitsoiiit RTtllT, AB FaAMCiaoo.
IPSO jBat .TlaltPt nls nBal WT tVAHCIAC
renovated, snd la now open for aueaUwith or
without board. 1 he House is neutrally located and a
moat comfortable and pleasant place for strangers
TUltin.th.cltr. ijj?,
t - in ta - 1
Winchester Repeating Rifle.
MOD3DL 1873,
The Strength of all Its Parts.
The Simplicity of Its Construction,
The Rapidity of Its Fire,
The Power and Accuracy of Its Discharge,
The Impossibility of Accident ta Loading,
Coshnenii it to tht attention of all who nit a Rifle, cither
for Hunting, Defense, or Target Shooting.
Tbs am Franc!- Ageucj It nw fully n'IU"l Hli sll lliu val lum kln-U ail mi j li t
of Arm, oiauuou turrd by Ilia Wlai lis.trr Iti'pestlng Arnii Uoiiipaiiy, tu wit :
R..im 1 burrr-ls plsln suit mt. 4 lorli- blui'd. rtiin-iii barrel, plain, M Hu ll Hii-il
(VttaT.in arre' iet 24 as., 3U Inrli blued. rlxii barrel, w riira heavy. M. 'M.
i' Imli-blue.l OctsiPMi haiTfl, ft U. t. 2 Sn-. lira flilfheil eaai hm.lini.l ami
A. i- u i .,,,., r.w, b.rre act. Z4.
known aa '
one of One inouaaiiu,
and na-raveil. Carblnea blued.
Taaltrrlairra ! Iairl
Manufactured by the W. II. 'A. To., for sll kiln!
of icifle. and Piat ila. conaUntly on hand
and w arranted the brat In the mat ki t.
108 Bdtterj St, San Francisco,
llf I'ltnnnt4tntth9ipaptr
Vnv.w i!VKTisr, wnmi pb.
rtMlljr ttpplleat tle wsata mf t h
eifte aialra, hava Jual heeu perfei lea sad
a lin pert latta a rralar WKI.1, 4KI4J
.! PRimPKI'TIXU Al liKK, II laroti.
tlrurtrd an purrl) aelentlflr rliirllea,
ad lie perfect linpllrlljr mt rtrnialltBi
writ adapt It all laltia af well bar.
Ink attd mliilac iarpaaa, Ity Ita a
Ih ape nee. af ablalal"r water Ihraaih.
aal Ihrdr, porllona af ae raanlry,
tarfar, ar arlealsn wella. w ill ba graatly
rnlarrd. and far pratpeallac far anln.
rralt It will nreeaaarlly aaperaeda all
oilier latarhlaea uaw In
Title elm pie sad practical marlilar raa
aw Ita eeen at wark and lharaahly
ritialafd at Oaklaad Paint Plaalng
SI I lie. tttatcand t saal j Kitlit I ar aala.
The Mlowln testimonial from Profeaaor Welwwd
Murray, of the I'Dlversity F.nenbnrf , and of other
prominent Colleges at the Kaat, apeaka for Itaelf :
So. IHIHcrTit THT, I
1 Fx Oi'iM'ii. April Al, 17, t
IS"ti. rUH'E MolMiAN-eir Mn: Havln
at ur reijui al etanilned and prai fWally tet d ymir
rnchli.e. I lake itn at ple-.aure In bea' tn teatlntony
to ita v liie ..r well borlntf. eiich a reault roiild i.nly
be obtained from mature ei penence of the ilealderata
reiiiaiie. coupled with met hanleal klll. to devlae
am h appliances ao novel aa ibe rttetialon bit and
cored aiiger. Worked bv a pow rfnl acrew. by which
the entire aya Tin of well-borias larhenifd, facilitated
and cheapened, arid by the anil or debt la l.eing brought
directly lo the aurfaee without iinconpllnf , or any dia
turbance i f the ecrewlim or boung aliaft. The oper
ation ia made ao certain aa Vi leae no qaeaf Ion of the
-re:.t lieueflta w lilch will ajieeoily accrue la thiaUtate
from ila introduction.
TruaiiiiK for yoti a rich pecuniary tneer, I remain
.cusmsu. your. Irn.y. WKLW(I, UVRRKY,
All Infarntatlan abtalned sy applylns
Ta PHK I at Mltd.N.
Patent aa.
Addrrtti Oakland Paint. Cal.
And all atylea of Bodies
and f'arrlaee parts.
Sarven Patent Wheels,
Wosi Hub Whetli
Of all a I tea, mads to
Mala A.nit far
J 1 A. It It
Adjustable (arriape Umbrella
THICH csn be attached to anr epn wehlcle. It
can be adjuafed to any dealred I eight, anfle or
direction : l held firmly apaliiM any avirm t la trans
f. rai.le from one cai rlage to another i weight, ten
r-Send for llluttrated circular. Address l
ami l Market at . and ! snd SI California at.,
Han rranriaco- 4M and S J street. Mrrsnitiilu.
eieUlne; Oat. an Arrsaal mT RatlrlatS
freat llaal urn,
rbnunoa. till I'ainntira, Llthorapha, French
iie (ill! and Velvet fraiiica etc. I will rraine all
kin. la of I'm urea at coat, to close out my stock of
l l Krarry ft.. Ban Franc.laiv),
'I'iik r.nnm miiow fi.aihvov.
I ant and Healer, now atoppinpr at Aa. IMI
Krarny tailreet. Kan rrauclM'o, i Fntrance, Itooin
II i, who ini.ke. ihe folio Inn iroiMH.itl..i:
Firat Socharireunlcaa KM'IKFaatiafHCtlon l riven.
H.iond-lle will rend your I'Ahl. 'KKKNT and
FI'I'I'liK, KuaraiiteeliiB the i'aat lo be correct or
NO FFK. . ,
I hird Advice arlven In n-ferenre to loat frienda,
property, love, or Imaincae; aatlabu-tloii or no fee.
Fourth If in P'Mir beallh be will I. h ale) on dlaeaae,
deacrilie ita ayinptoina and ita peculiar effect a apon
your individual avalein, H I Till li'l' A-KISU A
ol K.s l loN". Thia iieallli rxanilnatloti la made by the
w -underfill art of .Mrcoo0 . wilhoiit any vlaihleri
auiiiiaiioti or iliaeaa.-d orifaua, and la ''" a a teat of
power. FIJF.F. TO Al.l
Fifth, and Lastly I f your diacaae la curable, be will
lil' A It A S l K to reatore the health without tialnita
ilropol any druit. Iiy a tnclhod of treatment caaen
thilfy hia own. Particular al lention Riven lo Nervmia
Ihae'tace, ( 'onauuipttoli. Female baeaaea, Kir.' Fea,
Ilea neaa. Cneiimallam, Neuralgia, Menial Weaklieaa,
l of Memory, and ill diaeaca hatinit their oritfili
in the Hack. Kfdneya and Moinai Ii. Feea moderate,
avcrairtnn from t ! to Itl.Vi. I'all for a Iieallli Fi
aiiiinution or a It ailinaT of t haracter, lol h being
given r UKK to all. aa a teat of power.
Full health exuiuiiuuloti aetit In people at a dlatancc
who Inclose SS three-i-ent ataniia, with photograph or
ha k of i air. I'eople at a ilii-Unre wlahtniMhe pat
and future inin-t ine oae correct date of birth, with
lock of hair and t i In rold, w hen -a wrilU u Iteatlny
will beeent by flrat mail.
.end all monies by regia'cred lettert, or Wells,
Fariro A t o.
Hours- from 10 a. m . nntll 10 P. at.
r aUFKIilolt TO ALL.
The only Mattress
Warranted fr Sve Tears. Bend for Circular sad
Price Utt to TRUMAN a. CLARK, Sole Aat.
tl Market at, ban Franciaoo. Cal.
and Market etreeu, San Franclacn. Harart,
4'attle and Mneea aald aa t'aaaaalaalan .
1 horoughbred Stock shipped to all parts ut Ihe world,
r-peclal Arenta for the A uatrallan Colonies. Kvery con
venience f.r Rreakint and Drl viae; Vountr Horaeson
the premiaes. sjaal ad raaced aa all deacrlptlons ot
Live Stock. .
alar at home. Afssts wsstad. Opat sad
tatnasfrea. TJtCi CO., Aairaata, Malas,
i Garrian Mitral n&MM
A-tt? ai'TJ3 V
jVa v i ttaU i it
JB. f. MH II. nrauiuuiiy iiii 'iicn
( II Mild ('. h.
m !,i.in .mu i,..i,
M. tilvi r Mini nick id plnti d
a!o (told, aiiver and nickel platen, Mini ir rine
flllneia ami faruilica, iiiouri iwn, b'ii aa
l Aran,
Target miuoi l -r. F. II. I'urili'e.,
"in rranciaro. ;) coiiKecullvc ahola
tlalKiice I HI viirda i alriiirf iiic.iica;
awruata I V Iim.
fu tait tMm
Farmer, Miner and Granger
snot'La aiTua.-aias ros tub
The Popular Weekly.
Enlarged and Improved.
The Best and Cheapest.
ONLY $2.00 A YEAH.
ONLY $2.00 A YEAR.
ONLY $2.00 A YEAR.
Fcalaft-a to rte. addltlanal.
a"-rnd for Pampt f'opy. Th low price al w htcs
It ia puhllahud rmrmianila ..r It a very laran clrcnia
Hon. Kvery Farmer and liainet Miiu thouiil uS
acrlbs for tt. Aa unequalled un-eiuiu for Advt'rtlavrt.
The San Francisco Daily Evening Post
Will be Knlargrd and ltnjrovrd.
Mrrvrd Ity Carrier at I I - rta, tier
Week i fc Mall, ana year, ekJ,4M tit
wtallia, S1..1II-tlirrC moitllia, !.&
Fualat To rta. additional.
taulld. i'harrh t o., Mskrra, lloalon.
All flrat-clae I nt rinurnti. ltaaon
aide Prlrra, I'aa.t I ii 1 1 men t a, Sleiid
lar lllaalrated t'ataloitiie,
Ot Mtncklou Ml reef. Hun KinriilM'o.
Thf J I' II I l.r". K 0 1114 slto an Id ira.
Utility AdjuEtabl T&Ut
At 109 Stockton St., San Francisco.
Improved Quartz Mil
half Ihe coat of the uaual stylu. rScli'i for Cllt'li
lar and t'rlca IJat to
Cars af F. A. Ilanllniilon,
I4S and I4S Frrmasl mt..
Man Frsnrlara, t'al.
For Water or Gas.
(3 I
Mo aklllod
labor iicceaeary to either lay or tap Ii,
Hand for l lrralare and Price l.lat ta
Manufacturer and Pole Agent for thn I'scinc Coast,
TIO Paartli Mt.. Man rraiicleco.
To Big Trees
-A-atT-D TT03X:ITI2I
Iyrm.ir 'ivr.'Aj,K-icA!f- to mfr
( r.li. t hence ( aft mllca i l.r -Itkia or Uvrry Team.
latloulterville. to VohFMITK,
Take a direct route for roiiltcrvllle, and llicnre (4I
inlleaito Yoaemite, tiaaaing the Nnwrr '"Tt. undr
the creat of I'tlol fntt t hroiigli ihe Merred 44 lav a
mt Mia Tree, up the nno and along ihe Hni'iU
of the Mrrml Itirmr, by Ibe t
'ril, and Voaemlte Falla. and Ihe mighty ' Jlf ad
innnrtoi tnr iimm unit V allrff the graimeai mioub
lain, foreat, water and rm k acenery lu th world.
1 9
SKZ rtticitco I
114 an IH BCsLI fT..tN FHNCUC0,
A. superior iuduceuienls ai d
On WH KsT ronaianed to hla friend In Furnpe
Kalea of floatine carsoea made for delivery, either In
the I'niled kluiidom or Conliuunlal uiaravta. Full
nartlculara on application to
ti. W. McNFAR. Commlaalon Merchant
ls Clay Street, Man Frauclaco.
P. N. P. C.
No. 112.
At the home of the pattest
Without the uaeot tbs
and without pain. ' Address
Or. A. H. BROWN,
Oorrwaondsnos iron pkytldsni also soUctsd,
r M
IIFaTani.taHrD IHSl.l