Washington independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 1874-18??, September 28, 1876, Image 4

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The citizens of Savannah have sent a
goM-headetl orange cane to Gov. Tilden.
Mil. Keur was the first Speaker of the
House who died in office.
Da. II. R. Revels, colored, has been
cppoiuttd by Gov. Stone to the Presi
dency of Alcorn University.
TnE colossal statue of "Win. IT. Seward
has been placed in Central Park, but is
not yet unveiled.
Gauib.vi.di conr-idera the Slavonian
cause that f civilization, ami says so in
a flaming letter to the Slavonian youth.
Rtv. IIenuy M. Field, of the Ecun
fjr.litt, is engaged to marry Miss Fanny
Dwight, a number of the old Massachu
setts family.
A Herald Long Branch letter says:
President Grant has invited Governor
Hayes and wife to spend a few days with
him at Long Branch, and Governor Hayes
has accepted.
Goveknok Tii.dex and Mr. "Wheeler
are Ptelvtei tan; Governor Hayes attend-
the Meth di-t Chart h with lii-vi!'e,
who is a member thereof, and Governor
Hendricks is an Eieoalian.
Ax inebriate asylum for women ha been
established at Binuhampton under the
mi pert Niou of Dr. Sa-ai J. Taber, a phy
bitian who ha prai ticed in that city lor
a number of vears. It is to bo called
'Teinple Home."
Jin. John Bnrour did not, as re
ported, i t fuse to diink the toat of "Tin
Kuipre.-s." Tlie toast was "Victoria,
Queen of Great Britain, and Kmpres of
India." Mr. Bright n se, though lie did
not drink, as he never touches wine.
A FEW days since the poor Empress
Carlotta escaped fioin the Chateau tie
Laewen, where she is still under care.
After tinding Iter it was difficult to make
her return, and she was induced to do so
at length by the stratagem of Hinging
flowers before her, as she is very fond of
Mas. IIkttif. Bkatty, wife of Rev. C.
C. Lieatty, I). I., died in Steubeiiville, :
Ohio, on July 15th. She had been as
sociated with her venerable husband in
conducting' the Female Seminary of that
place for half a century. She w as a no
ble woman, widely know n, and loved and
honored where'known. ;
It will be news surprising to many to
learn that the brave Gen. Cutter was of
foreign birth. He was born in Ispringen,
near Pforsheim, in Baden, Germany, and
emigrated when a child with his parents,
who settled in New Burnley, Harrbon
County, Ohio. Formerly his name was
written ''Cnstar." Since his return from
a trip to Germany, however, he appears
to liave w ritten it "Custer," Ids original
family name, however, beiug Kuester.
Buffalo Courier.
LiEir r. Ai.ficed B. Johnson, w riting of
Custer's fight, says: k,He fell like a gal
lant soldier, as he was, and the savages,
recognizing him as a great brave, refused
to scalp or mutilate Ids person. You
would be surprised to see the small piece
of ground it took to lii)ld Custer's tlead.
They fell just w here they fought, and the
space where over 200 men were piled up
was not much over two or three times
larger than our yard. The men, horses,
and mules were piled up over and across
and under each other, presenting one of
the most horrible sights I ever saw."
Ix 1810, a Xew Fnglander, who had
recently emigrated to Kentucky, bought
a slave ut auction for $!()(, alter sharp
competition. The negro learned to read
ami write; handled a paint-brush so well
that he made or a day; joined the
Methodists, and subsequently the Chris
tian church, and developed from an ex
horter into a preacher. After the war
his former master lent him a small sum
and enable him to take his family to
liock Island, where he has educated his
children ami won the esteem of his neigh
bors. On the last national holiday he
delivered au oration iu the court-house
Mn. Benjamin Diskaei.i, the British
Premier, has been made Bui of Beacons
field. The honor was tendered him once
before, but he declined it then. He now
accepts. He has been in the front rank
of able legislators for a quarter of a cen
tury, ami his record is suc:Ii that he tie
serves to be regarded as one of the ablest
English statesmen. lie is now growing
old and infirm, and can no longer sustain
the pressure of public work inseparable
from the post of leadership. He still
retains the title of Prime Minister, but
the conduct of public business will be
entrusted to younger and more vigorous
"Wellington's Youth. The Duke of
Wellington gave no promise in youth of
his subsequent greatness. The recent
work of the Earl of Albermarle, "Fifty
Years of My Life," narrates some curious
facts about "Wellington's early life.
His older brother was a distinguished
scholar, and a rising statesman. But
Arthur was a dull scholar, and was called
by his mother the dunce of the family.
At Eton he seemed stupid both iu the
class-room and pn the playground. At
the military college at Angiers he did no
better than at Eton.
He was refused an appointment as col
lector of customs on the ground of in
competency, and tradition reports that
Ids brother declined a commission in the
army for him for a similar reason. When
6n the stalf of Lord Westmoreland, in
Ireland, he was noted only for love of
mischief, and ladies stipulated that the
mischeivous boy should not be invited to
parties they attended. But after the
disastrous defeat of the Duke of York,
the young soldier grew sober, was dili
gent and faithful in all his duties, and
began to show the great military genius
hitherto latent.
A Great Worker. Madame George
Sand, who died a few months ago at a
ripe age, was one of the most industrious
among the many literary workers of
France. She led a quiet and retired life
in the pleasant home purchased by the
, earnings of her brain, rarely paying any
visits, and never going into society. Her
habiu were laborious, but very regular,
and much of her good health was due,
no doubt, to the uniformity of her life.
She rose at eleven, and took a simple
breakfast, and then shut herself in her
study for hard work till six. At six she
dined, took a walk in the garden, read
the newspapers, received the mail, and
answered her numerous correspondents,
looked after household matters, and en
joyed what recreation she might until
midnight. Then she entered the study
again, and was busy with her pen till six
in the morning. Her long life and gen
eral good health prove that hard brain
work ia not inconsistent with vigorous
bodily health. If she had been as good
a woman as she was an author, and high
toned in her wprk as she was industrious,
her example might have proved a blessing
instead of a curse to the world.
Wolf Dance.
A few years ago, I went with friend
from Decatur to Dakota, iu Nebraska.
It was a lovely summer day, and the
beautiful prairies could never be mtre
beautiful. The tall grass courtesied and
danced in the breeze, and bees, birds,
rabbits and squirrels were rejoicing iu
their own way.
Our road lay through two Indian res
ervations, the Omahas and the Winneba
goes. We passed the Omaha mud village,
passed the Agency, ami -'big field," cov
ered with waving corn, but saw very few
Indians. On the "Winnebago Reservation, we
came upon a mammoth tent and bower,
and under ami around these there was a
large company of Indians, gaily drescd.
As we approached the place, we heard
drums mingled with sand-bag and gourd
shell music, and the loud IIe-o, he-o!"
of many voices. We stopped here to see
what was going on.
As we alighted from the carriage, a
little boy dressed in the height of Win
nebago style stepped up to us, and said,
in broken English, "Me hitch w hite man's
"There is nothing here to hitch the
h rses to," said the driver. "You must
hold them."
B it the boy had no idea of holding
them, and saying, "Me hitch him boss,"
lie '-rasped as nint h as he could of the
1 .
tall, growing grass, and to this novel)
litching pot the horses were secured, j
Ilis smile when a new silver dime was!
placed in Ins haml lor iiic service, was as
good as a coat of varnish upon his painted
We entered the huge, oblong tent. Near
its wall, upon all sides, beautiful rush
ut ds were spread, ami these were the only
eats provided.
We preferred standing to squatting
likeTuiks upon the mats, but the sides
of the tent were too low for that, and the
centre was reserved for the dancers, so
there was no help for it.
Several men circled round and round
in a beaten path before us, dancing their
wolf dance, and playing the wolf as they
They were dressed to make themselves
look as much like wolves as possible.
Wolves ears were tied upon their heads,
wolves' claws hound upon their hand-,
and portions of their body were covered
with wolf skins.
As they passed, single file, before us,
thus attired, leaping, clawing, barking
and howling like enraged Wolves, they
were certainly more like animals than
In one corner of the tent sat the mu
sicians, squatted upon the ground. They
vigorously beat their drums and sand
bags, and taxed their lungs with their
loud "He-o, he-o!" They were certainly
doing all they could to make the enter
tain men t a success.
At length the wolves became exhausted
with their game, and then, as each one
danced around tiear the door of the tent,
he leaped with a loud, sharp bark from
the circle, and retreated to the ixwer,
where a sumptuous repast was provided
for them.
When the last man had barked, aid
jumped from the circle, the wolf dance
was concluded, and we continued our
journey. Youth' Coujxuiioi.
The ('! of Idleness.
When all the people of the w hole coun
try are engaged in productive industry,
either directly or indirectly, it must re
sult in general prosperity, whether wages
or profits are high or low. If wages are
low, capitalists are encouraged, and en
terprise and business are pushed forward.
If there is a disproportion between capi
tal and labor, and if the latter d es not get
enough, the evil soon regulates itself, by
more engiging as managers, and making
laijor more in demand. This runs up
wages. If capitalists and managers
make nothing, they cease to hire, wages
drop, and many become idle. This is
exactly the trouble now; too many per
sons are out of employment. Tne evil
has been greatly increased by that kind
of despotism which has so extensively
ruled, known as trades unions, which are
contrary to all principles of American
freedom, anil whieh the people and their
weathercocks, the rulers, would have long
ago suppressed, had they not feared los
ing votes. There are, in the United
States, at least l-?,0oo,000 working or
producing people. The causes above
mentioned have thiowu about one-third
out of employment, or reduced a larger
number to au amount equivalent to one
third; or thrown out 4,OU0,uO0 producers.
Kach of these would earn on an average
sjfs'JOO a year ; some more and some less,
their food and clothing constituting a
part. -Multiply the 4,000,000 persons by
the !j-J0O, and we have a product of no
less than $1,200,000,000, the same as ac
tually sunk annually, because those who
could earn this sum are idle. A much
less sum, consumed at the Chicago lire,
was felt through every State in the Union.
It is no wonder then that we have hard
times, when so large an amount of what
is the same as money is constantly ab
stracted from the great pile of national
prosperity. Country (Jintleimin.
Xati kai, Ice Hoise. In Chittenden,
Vt., is a sort of natural ice house which has
hitherto been comparatively little known.
The place is a narrow gorge with rocky
sides extending down about twenty feet
and arched overhead with trees. Here
an abundant quantity of clear, solid ice
can be found during the hottest season of
the year. At the upper end of the gorge
is a clear spring of water, from which the
ice is formed in winter, tilling the fissures
and crevices between the rocks at the
bottom of the ravine. This is the ice
house for the people iu the vicinity, and
here they obtain their supply. Last year
ice was taken out in September, and
there is reason to believe that it lasts dur
ing the whole year. The atmosphere in
the vicinity of the gorge is cooled by its
frozen treasures, and w hen the wind is in
the right direction a change in tempera
ture is apparent half a mile distant. At
a watering trough by the roadside, eighty
rods away, fed directly by the ice bed,
men and beasts alike are refreshed with
real ice water.
Tiue Enocoii. What wonderful pow
er has the true wife over home and hus
band! No man ever prosjered in the
world without the co-operation of his
wife. If she unites in mutual endeavors,
or rewards his labors with an endear
ing smile, with what confidence will he
resort to his occupation, meet difficulty
and encounter danger, if he knows that
he is not spending his strength in vain,
but that his labors will be rewarded by
the sweets of home. Solicitude and dis
appointment enter the history of every
man's life, and he is but half provided for
his voyage who find but an associate for
his happy hours, while for months of dark
ness and distress no sympathising partner
is near.
Quotation, mile- otherwise apecitlcd.rep
reseiit receiver -ri-t-s iu loU, marketed on
wharf or from store J
FLOUR. Export during the month of Au
gut utK ua follows: 15,4"4 bt.ls to China: CoT
loJajitn; 3,575 t Central Anu-ru-a; l,'tV2 to
Pan una; ooritoBtitish Columbia; :;uo to Eng.
land; 175 to Honolulu; 140 to Mexico; l.viuo
t. .Siberia: M to Xa i-ator Island ; 1,057 to
Taliili, and 5 to Marquesas total, i 1,74 7 bbU;
value, U:;,i3. The demand during the week
lias been good. A cargo is now being loaded
at the Starr Mill. Vallt jo, with l,t.00 bbls
for the United Kingdom. The local millers
have reduced the price for extras i"ic per !!!,
ia jobbing lots. We quote superfine at fl On
ii4 2"i; standard brands, f 4 r4i(('4 7a; extra
superfine, 5 IMP, extra family, " Vl-Hf?. 7."..
WHEAT. Cablegrams from Liverpool of
Sept. lt quoted that market '.Is 4d.i? 'Ja 7d
for average- California, and t.- dtU lo for
Club. The fallowing is a detailed statement
of the export movement during the month
of August :
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Totals f r iIip in o-tli nf Auu-I .. !iiii.:, fit -,.; i
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The tli liveiies f ir the week shovv a fa ling
df from that id' the we- k p'evious. The tie.
iii.iiiiI eontinnes be brisk. All Coming
forward suitable fur shipping purposes ti s
ready sate at lull prices. Some Veiv tine lots
have been rccc'md liom sau I,ego. We
j quote evtra milling Wheat at fl ..(,
I '.; el ra saperiuie, 1 -ii ? I ; i: cr
ti in", t 'l.V. rl according to quality;
choice shipping, i .Tm. .r:l 1 ., ; fair to good
"i71:,,as to condition.
HAKI.KV. The market has ruled dull nnd
quiet for feed grain. At the close th .re is
more tune to the market, in t oliscqUeiice of
the inquiry making for shipments KaM. New
brewing has been in good request at ul.out
t 111, gold; old brewing sold up to 1 :;.".
We quote bay b ed at '.Me' '.l.V ; coa-t feed,
st 'X-; old brewing, 1 l"n:'l ;; new
hn-w in g-, 1 no it 1 o.V
OA I S The in n ki t has ruled steady, with
free ottering and a good demand for feed
parcels. M i i ling is st un c. We quote milling
at d s0,il; HO; good to choice b ed, $1
$1 7d; ordinary feed, fl :(('l 4'.
CORN. Ottering light wain a correspond
ing demand. I.arK'" yellow and white are
quotable at t "Aiu-?! ; mad round, 1 ViT'
:o -f) ft .
RVK. In the absence of sale we quote:
ft I fx), with good supplies.
WOOL. I he market remains much the
same as last given ; tin; tone of the market
is strong. I lie spring clip is now about all
old. We dro our q u t,ititis. Oregon the
receipts this week were only lis7 t ,1,-s, all of
which in. el with an appreciative market.
Fall Wool ii not coming forward freely us
vet receipts for the week '2,'2'Ht bales; the
d' lnand i good; sales ellectcd promptly on
arrival, at lull tigutes. Kvpoiti by sen V,'. ,.
;"os ttis per ship Freeman Clark, ami tts
per ohip liraliaJa for ine dentinal ion. We
quote; Oregon Valley, 'ihiv2lU-; Kastern,
otitic; intermediate, "lti''i.t IV; Calitornia
fall, free, good to tine staph-, 1 I(.f !;; fall
Iamb, free, 1 2t,r I.i ' 4V ; lamb, hurry, '.ir,I(lc.
BH.sj ami HA;;iS'. The inaiket has
continued to be unsettled and prices irregu
lar, in consequence of the late concentration
of supplies. Sales have been f fleeted up to
rj'Vif lor hand sewed grain sacks, but the
market is not active at the forced rates
quoted. We quote: Itarley Hags, Id,
at i:Jc; Barley Hags, MIo, 14:.,e; Harl. v
Bags, Jsxoii, t'l'.c; M ichiue-seM ed, g ':;,
IZr; Hand-.sewed, -ir., W4 (,t 1 Jc ; Flour
Sacks, halves, lie; Flour Sacks, quarters,
'i.(f7c; Standard iunnies, 1 1 1 Ii-; Wool
a. ks, 4 It.
Wool Sacks,
47; jc; Huriaps, 4 in., 0c; Burlaps, 4o in., Sc;
Burlaps. CO in., V2(d,l:i.jV.
BEANS. The inaiket is dull. Lots
from wharf are quotable as follows: Bavo,
4'-4e; small White, I COd'Sl 75; I'ea.fl 7."n.
1 s."; I'iiik. tKi.ir ; Bed, '. ' "-1 . c ; large
Butter, -''i.c; email (Id, l.'ji-jJ lb. Castor
beans are in request. The mills here are pay
ing 4e for all clean lot.
UAIKV l'K IL"('K. Butt.-r The receipts
of frcsli roll continue to fall oil and puces
ha ve again advanced ; inaiket lirm. 1'ickleii
and li i km is now com in g in demand, the for
mer tinds a good deal favor, and holders both
here and in the interior are lirm. Kggs have
cleaned up well this week, and the price is
lirm as quoted. We quote us lolloW s: Choice
fresh loll California Butter, :7,lj . 4Uc;
fair to good roll, :;u (4;r. ; pickb-d rill,
''Ahi'.'-i'i1 ji' f.' tt; Cheesi California, 1 1 (.'. 1 le ;
K.tsteni Cneese, lOyt I le fi tt; Caliloruia
Kggs ;i5,, ",:,' jf ; Oregon Kggs, '.'itt,'.l'2; c ;
Katern Kggs, JtUolUiv fi do..
Htl'iTS. I he interest ot the trade this
week has been centered largely on Apples,
Pears and Mountain Peaches," though the
latler have been iu light supply. lirapes
have been very plentiful, and a good inanv
sold to wine dealers at I " tldo no ( toil.
I'he market on the v hole ha ticen rather
better than tor the week previous. If our
farmers would Use more care in growing
their fruit properly, and ship it to market in
more uniform pactvagu, a very favorable re
suit would follow. We quote Peache, gi
basket, 40c (,.$ I oO; Pears Bartlelts, 'fi box,
.L't.u..-f I.i II I . i ...
i oou'.ji tt, i eai s, oi iiinary lo good, p liox.
40e(,'sl m; Plums, (J IT., V
:ie; Jirapes, "JO
h: it mix; Mraw tierrtes, t. oo,r s (i w
chest of NO lbs; Bananas, i aO(, ( no ti
bunch; Pineapples, t' (Nl(,d oO y do.;
Limes, fpj 5d(,i,:l. on " M ; Sicily Lemons,
ti OOi(.if7 Oil 1 1(H; Cantaloupes, :itu-ut$l oo
"r do; Waterm. lonst ti MH(,fl2 0O y 1ih.
FKL'ITS, IU1KI. There is a g,.d d.--inan.l.
We quote Apples, quartered, at '.'.,,.
7c V Ih; Apples.slicf d,7 ui'e; Apricots, 1 1(4
Pi.'iic; Peaches,bU47I2c; Pluins.jiitted, Pk-l I'm-.
M I S. Almonds, lOe for hard mill lH(,i:iOe
for oft shell; Brazil, I'M I4e ; Fillwrts, li)
t,-2h-; Hickory, IOk'.Uc; I'ecan, l-i'ae'J4c;
Chile Walnuts, lOiltc; California Walnuts
ldcllc; California Peanuts, Kt,fc y JJ,; Co
foaiiuti, 7 oonts in) y hundred.
POTATOES. The supply has about
equaled the demand ; prices steady. Sweets
are more plentiful and cheaper. We quote:
Choice, Oc(f'l 0O; fair to good, 70(( Vie y
l(H tf.s; Sweets, 1 2. J 100 U,s.
ONION'S. Onions are steady. Red are
quotable at 40d.jOe y ftl; yellow, o0(,r;70e.
PBOVISION'S. Jobbing rates are for Cali
fornia Smoked Bacon and Eastern Sides,
in jobbing lots, l.(,f, 17c for heavy to light;
California plain Hams, l.V; Eastern Hams,
ldt -idc; California Lard. 14 (, U'.;4'e;
Eastern do, l.ttli for all styles of package;
California Smoked Beef, Pi,1 I4e V fit; Beef
Tongues, iOOO; Pigs' Feet, it OO; Mess
Beef, '. riii$ll 0O for bbls, and j :0ui
il for hf bbls; Pork, P.MM for Prime,
irf i for Prime Mesa, N for Mess and
7 0O(, fis oo for Clear and Extra Cleur.
M EA I S a.m. LIVE STOCK. Beef, first
quality, in good demand; second and third
qualities abundant and dull of sale. Hogs have
been more plentiful, and price have de
clined materially ; demand strong for pack
ing. The following are the wholesale rates:
Beef, 4vil7c, according to quality; Calves,
4ti$c; Mutton, :;i4e ; Lam b, spring, S.dttk';
Pork dirossi, i'om. :,c; do dressed, '.ha'JU1'-
POl'LTKV. We quote: IIeus,7 Mut t M;
Roosters, 5 tMn M OO V doz ; Broilers, 3 00
(t M y doz; lieese.tame, &i ontJ .rtO y
pair; Ducks, do, i "iO 00 y doz; Tur
keys, live, '2t,r )je.
HIDES. The market rates are steady for all
kinds. Following are cash prices paid in this
market: Dry, l'2ir",13c, for usual selections;
Wet Salted are quotable at 5(;7c. The New
York price at date given at loc, Kold,
for dry.
TALLOW. Market abundantly aupplied
at .7'e for good to choice.
COKNMEAI Fine kinds for the table,
MiiaiW y fit; coarse kinds for feed, 27 M(A
oo y ton.
BL'CKWHEAT. New crop is in demand
for seed.
BKAN axi MIDDLINGS. The mill prices
of Bran is reduced to f 10 50(jtl7 M, and
ti4 W V ton for middling.
HAY. There Is quite a ranje In prices;
stocks heavy for medium grades; ay $7 00((
13 00, according to quality.
The California Insuranoe Com
pany. This prominent homo nre and marine In
surance company i now doing the feufefct and
la-fit hiibincs in it line in the State, or on
tl.l coast. Organized in 1"M1 under the title
of the --California Mutual Marine Insurance
Company," it successfully conducted the ma
rine insurance business "until August, 1U4,
m hen w ith increased capital it re-incorpor.
sited under its present name and entered the
list of tire insurance comcni . From it
hicipieney to the close of 174 ten other local
companies have either failed or closed up busi
ness and retired. During that time this coin
pany h ih paid its stoc khotder in dividend
over ::oo,ino, and bus paid losses amounting
to l,0.u,ount and still has a large surplus on
hand. It has on hand one dollar of asset for
every seven dollar r'ks taken, while the
average of our home companies in this re
spect U one dollar of assets to fifty of risk
taken. This alone show s the superior sound
ness and good uiauagemeut of this fcterlilig
In their confidential letters to agent is a
list comprising V, classes of property upon
which risks must not be taken at any price.
More than sCt.onO is also forbidden on anyone
risk, and iiist ruction given not to so place
risks 1 hat any one lire would be likely to x
pose t he company to more than that loss.
That is, several risks ill one blo k aggregat
ing more than t.'.tNIO is discountenanced, if
nol actually forbidden.
Acting upon such safe principles, instruct
ing its agenis lo take no risk of any kind
wheie l in; a; plicant's character is the Mlli
Jei t of -u-pic ou,ohicc red hy llicll of the high
est tin. incial. moral and social siandiiig, it Is no
wonder thai liny h . iv-u I ll V id bo many
other local companies ami command I he
pa! l otiage of 1 he best class of iiisiu t l those
who insure lor -ably, not for pi out.
The tact that the bil-wiess of the
company has been conducted on those
piiioip.c is what has saved it front tin:
laic of so lilanv other Us the re
sult of the great tires of Chicago and Boston.
Had they eagci y t. .ken tir.-t-cla-S risks there
and piaccd tliciu so c.o-cly as did many other
companies, liolhiug could have eatd the
company f.om wreck in those licry storms,
'faking risks in l.oge cities far apart any one
lire cannot reiiotisiy atlcct a company ona
sound basis.
Having done our bu-ines v ith this com
pany f..r the last fix Vears, we can speak ad
visedly id their manner, and have coulidciice
iu its safety, and have no hesitation in rec
ommending it to the public for patronage.
Its olfu-crs are no kid gloved gentry vv ho del
egate their powers and duties to others and
lay olt ut the expense of the stockholders,
but they may be lound ever at their posts,
personally superintending and transacting
the busim ss entrusted to their tare. The
coi,ipan's ollice is at :lls California afreet,
San Francisco. .V '. '(.' lta.li.
Editors of Papers
Having a circulation of four hundred or
no. re, and an ordinal v job tr..b, ought to
examine 1 he "Aciin- prc.-s which is iiiuiiiug
olt the "Fair Daily," in Mcchauns Fair, Sail
Fi aneisco. It is t in aii ( I ,"i ) ; ca-y running;
will pi ml t)oo iinpie-sious per hour by haml.
I, -toO by lea in, and lb .Cs all kll lb of jolt (Milk
us w ell as any press made. A ldtn: lighu r
made prcbs ol usual pattern, size x4:, can
be had for : 1,1km. Suattick t Fiktciiku,
.xi'J Coinmert ial street, S. t ., are the Agents.
An Extraordinary Offer.
An entertaining family paper, tilled with
the choices! miscellany, will be sent three
months run:, on trial, to all sending their
aiiili t s. i his oiler w ill be given lor a limit
cd time only. Send at once. Address "Mis
cellany," No. ,'mi Kearny st., San Francisco
The Best Photographs
On the Pacific Coast are now made at the
New York liallerv, No. Third street, San
trancisco. prices to suit the times.
J. H. PETERS, Proprietor.
Canceji can iie t t'KEii.-Dr. Boxo, o
Philadelphia, announce his discovery fo
the radical cure of Cancer. A Kuitl! A'
I'aiu! A'm I ii(ic.' Reinrities with full direc
tions sent any where. Pamphlets and particu
lars sent frtr. Address wit h stamp. Dr. II
T. Bono, Ss.V. North Broad st.. Philadelphia, Pa
ANT disease of the bladder and kidney
deopsieal swelling-, gravel, diahctca and
Brig Ill's disea-e spccdi I y succumb to the ill
!... . r t ' ' i.
nut nee oi ir.viiM:i s r. 1 1 1 A c r l.ri lit , the
only reliable remedy for tho-e diseases, in
male or female. Sold by druggists every
where. K. Bi tti i:n k cv o.'s PATTntNs.the stand
ard of fashion. Kail styles: just received.
Send postage stamp b.r catalogue. Also, best
quality sew ing-niachine Needle for all ma
chines, M c ms pi r dozen. II. A. Deiuing,
111 Post stru t, .s-au Francisco.
TllK Litti.k Pvix. toothache, headache,
earache, cramps, colic, corns and bunions,
are lelieved by one application of Trapper'
Indian Oil. Pi ice .") t cuts.
'I'lllS in an escell.-iit ocliin.l I'.r Imva am! yoiiny
I men. ll eiiiu ates tlioruHlily .lnl iliscliiillic care
only. iiMinn imimi Minimi examine i mi. .s( ii.,. i.e
l..re tt.-mln, ei.-w lu re. lianniulHui -a!l ai
the ollice. 1 V,st at., or ailiiresa t. 1". llfc.lUJ, S. K
ONTIJOMKUV ave. uml Kearny .t .San Francta
, two a Ural ol the Post otli. e -I r. el e;ir
irom all the sit-Miners ami lUilroa Ih i .1., ami Kri-i-I
mi li an. I I'.irri.iea to I lie Hold, iiokmii.ow .k A
xi!. l'rorn li.r. Hotel is In n k. lour aiories, on
tains I ... larire r.M.niR, all perri-i llv lilileil ami vchti-lil.-.l.
hillni!.' renins. ( hoi a it I col.l water) ami c!osiia
oil every lliT; sire, t llolitae .iH feel, three Illlil.ol
stairs, ami one I'm. h t II yi. milir K. fv hk. Hotel
an, l liirnlshiiitf oil iifr cost nearly .:..oi. Will Im
kept KiKsr- lass, at tilt) p, r day, ami leas by the
week or month. I nnie ami see!
MHIsK'.n 1'AI.Al K ttt AUl, 41. .MllMhllMKin
St ., .s.iri t r.-i nciseii.
1l V . MT 1.1411 If I 4.44 V. 4.44l . Vl
cheap, troinl.wVVUV. .1Mt . rout Mreei, s K.
li'VKKV I AMII.V HAMS IT. Money miT.
I s"!'l.ty A (Ten I a. A i! l rm M . MJV Kl.l, Krle, P.
Si I II O C-)"". I'r iay. S-ml lor I hroino CAtalottm.
yl' -I. II. iilFroKira hoMi. Itosloii Vliwi.
vtfc(TQn t'r day at tioinn. hainple worth ft free
WjetDLU risoN t I n., I'lirtiaml. Maine.
(tlCt" A M' N Til Atfeli'" wanfeil every wlifri..
VL-Al lliisiiiess hoin.rahle ami firm clasa. i'ar
(IlwUU ticiilar wi-ftt free. Aihlresa
jt .1. VM ii; H jo..M.Ifi.nt. Mo.
H. ii ! i r.r . ii . it i. k ii ii."
enahlea every Inly 't leimlle. with ease, a Jar,
I hainlM-r, iVe., w ithout risk of npijliuif or lroppmc.
state aize aruuinl -Ik'Iow Itie eilre. Sample, m.s p. ml,
.- cents. .1. A. II A If 1 1. I ten ver, I ol.
"1IIOI.H, liy tlie
MkiiiiIiu torv.
J MechHUlcB' Inslilul Fair, IX
berry ht
he t ween 4th ami Mil. .San F rancisco.
r VTi:ll. i i:TN.- M.li l.er iliiv (ruaran-
teeil. In pell article for l ulus- ami i tiihlren'
weiir-lmlisiH'iisalile. intent. l. ami of real merit.
Ilve on ly to Iw exhlt.iteil to sell. Ailoiteil ami rec
oiniiieiiileil hy laill. s' Itresa Uelorm I omiintree of the
t'uiteil .stated. Kor p.irtu ul.irs aililrea Kl.l.ls Mas'u
t o.. VValthain, Mass.
iH.NH:i,i;a iii:.
VI. ISimivis. :! Kearnv St..
ni'.-ir Uii-h. KniEKiir CHLiihni'iiiiii
ailiiiiiiistc reil. A la ly assistant in at
temt nun. l.min mi only t in
ployeil to oM'rilte,
WHO Market Street. Corner Bfockfon. Ran rranrtaro.
im nia, tocunvasa f,.r I '. itt." a work f real
tnerit. written l.y tlie Proiihel Itrirhatii Vi.uiik' re
bel lioua wife. Mm. Ann Klia Wel.l. Vouinr, who I
lining tm.re towar'la ilistiiit.'K-ratunc the atria ioii
Mormoni system than the te.verumeiit of the United
Mate. Term lilK-rat. Ad.lrtsm
j. sii.vf.i:,
IlarrlMtn St.. han Kraneiaro.
vtnzie Ij.nlimr Mlit , M I rt-a and lla
lull. Hue constantly on tesml siharp'a ami UeriuiiK
ton portiim liirtes. W itichester ami fcv ana' l.eealoi
liilles, Scotl & Ureener'a l elehrateil llreech l.aluiK
Ismhis i, mi. Aininniiilton of all kunla alwava on
Itiunl -Wholesale ami lletal I. X. I I'UUV IWiO..
I 13 S4iirn Street, s.n Kranes fi
Tvr-r-r.-r- STONES,
1l:TAIlLF. Mlbf-S. BOI.TIXU (UlTII, Ml 1.1.
M-vchinery of all le rtptiona. Flour Mill built
by ron tract or hv the ilay. t all particular attention to
our 1V. J Mills for Fanner' use. semi tor ilrw-nptire
circular anil price-list. .I s. W AU X KK i..
113 aji.l 115 Mission St.. San Fram lx-o.
W30 Markrl Ht Man ft'ranrlar.
renovaieit. an.l i now oen for iromiiwiili or
without board. The lloiiar i crntrally l.nate.1 and a
tn.s't I'otnrortahle and pleafant plac-e for tran-er
Tuitlnu the titr. lUjoma en uitt or inil.
M1W. C. V. liLAKF.LEV.
m 4lmr at home. Agenta wanted.
term frae. TKUa m
CO.. AutruaU, MatA.
$4 per galloa.
T. W. JACKSON. 6a rra
eico, Bole A?ent for Califor
nia and Nevada.
C. & P. H. TIRRSLL & CO.,
urokTiii a wo miit'riiiTikiii or
Between feaDnorim knd Buttery, BAN KKANC1SCO
Mdnnffietnrem nf Uhii'i ituva Vnnih'i. and ChU
order kohciied oikI promptlr fllld. All itaea and
qiiHllliMa niHile m ll,e It.wrn tnarkrt prlcea.
I irimc riniinne ll if ooilM nil iiricek.
iso. r. koi i:sk. joiia r. cuomt.
Freiglit am Baggage Transfer Co.
(i iNstiiVEKs ok n:i.i.nr ot: iiaoh vik, to
J arm.- Iii-r,- fr mi ;oiy part ef ti.e rlil. run, b'
Icavinir tli. ir linl i f ia.1 nj itli u. li . tlie irmxis
riMii.tlv 1 iver. il on ,rrivl, t.r trau hiied t ! -
Mit ir .lll. f ! Ilirlll r Vi s.
Iwal l'.ii,vii'c inl parcel dllvi red to any '.art
of Mil- r t..
PUI M IP A I. ni'KIi F v. V. i: IU FnUIit lapi.l.
Kim th li I ki"i sTi-,-i i.. nu .no-.
IHIVM II uH Rt-.u. 4 li vli.iifiiiiii rv utrei-t,
San t rulli !;(. i,f ii K. .l l!Si:,
,i 111 K. I IKII'KU.
fii fi'rri ' t i the hIx.vc, I I . W til" epivortiniitf t
th uik i.!d frieials :il!i .iio,n,. ami Imviinr kniil
illlelcst lit t'le ;l..w hu.l,.'.!.. Inether Willi the
n one ami i .i will. I I ike i ra nrr ill recniiiini'ii'liiiif
tii) mi ei ssi. r. Mn-r N'-.ur.e K I 'ihii'ii. ti. a vrencr
iii, iiiililli-. ami licM"ilk t'H tie in a iit.eral har ol
tlial i iirmiaire i in ral y c'iVi n In im-.
w. j. iirutnviJ.
JOHN 11. W IsE. Tllllk. im loN
v v vy v j i
vutuwibnivu aa w w tm x.m
;ot i ioni st.t
Ilet. .lai kk'.n and I'aeific,
kIU Vol li oUliEK rm
Tnltacco ami Sulpluir,
A l:ir'c ai'M-k of h.cli i a'w iv k pt and li at
cr lull mlr.
J r"she. p . .1,1 or s'liii'htereil on euin iniloti. nick
ret rns au.l s it if.ictory ale maile l ,r all our im
t Mers.
sax fj:axcisco
Journal of Commerce.
tiik i,AK(a:T, jiout it i:tini i.k.
a si n
Best Commercial Paper
it (omiiN
A Complete List of Jobbers' Prices,
And a General Review of all
Goods sold in this Market.
A HF.Ri WANT Wll.l. K A V K Mtf ll MoIJK Til AX
TIIF rKli'KOF TIIK I'AI-KU ItV Kt Its! Kill.
IXU roll THIS V A I.I 'A H I.K Jul.' UN A L.
Terms cf Sutscriptien, S5.C0 Year.
IrMniMil ( iilr or lit on Aillra
I lini.
S. F. Journal of Commerct Publishing Co.,
411 4 I. A V MTItl'.r.T
Von nIiotiM Injure your Lite In tin
Mutual Life Insurance Co.
No. 41 Second St., Sacramento.
4MOO.OOO Approtrd Nrrarltla I.as.
Itrit with th 4nliririil Mtwl
llriarlmnil Ma "4rurlljr lor
folli-y-lloldrra rirrfwhrr.
.1. II. Aklt'tl.L, -A.
Vlre rrelitf nt.
Inin every iIcmi t! ption nf approved I.tra, Fi
im.h nvs i. ami Joint I.i k I'ni.n i kii, !; alilr In
(..,iil m ( iirri-in v n' tin- piinii i Hit lnnircr, at
rm a In an ..I her in nl ual I'liiiipanii'.
It rt'. fivca a liitfln-r ri r iincri-rt on It lnvt.
iii.'iila than m ri ii iM il hy any oilier lj im 1 Imur
an.'' I oiii P ii) in I he .'.unit ry.
Iiikiii N iV . lor I In. ii Ii nii may t well to-day,
mm w.-.'k or ii.il iiioiitli you may hecome uu
215 Sacscme Street. - San Franclico.
'I'iik rxiKit;xKi is riiKrAUEii tooffku
L vup.-rior iml'ii .'in lit" ai .1
On II F..T n.rHiiMii-.l h' fri. ti.U In Knropi.
ot flottinir iviri mail.- tor ilivlviT) , fit li.'r In
the I niiiil K imriliiiii or I'oiiiint'iilal marktt. Full
iartiruiri.ii apjili. ntton to
U. W. Mi N F. A It, I oni iiii.on Merrtiant,
-i t lay Mr.-.'!, kan Fraiirlaro.
It us i iic-ss College.
Tlieolil' Ht ami im at roiniilrti' I oinnn ri Ul t'ol
l. tre on Hie rn:il. Kl.'ir.tnt linl); inw rurniiiiri; tlmr
oiiirli lli-trui-tii.ii ; prmin .ll tcarliir; liltfli at uu.l 1 UK
Willi tli.' puI'Mr. Mlnl.'hla ian i-oiiiniciiri at any
time. I :iv ami i-rriniix i-ioii. iiriiilar. may l
hail frrc on applirai ion.
Melllng lint, on Arrnunl of Itctirlng;
rrillll llllalliraa.
.'1 riiroiiioi.. In) I'ai in iiif, l.ithnprapli, F
lire I. ill hi,. I Vrlvi't Fraiiii k. ft)'. 1 will frain all
kitiilaof i'li turc at i.wt, l rlone out my ilwk el
ianii:l wixti:h.
911 Krarny ht.. frau Fraiirlaro.
$30 Health Lift
nlfilll r niMMFMlKI) uv nrxlRKl)s OK I.I
l a. I. I a. M. ll . A. M , l-rraiilrnla ami IT
trkM.ra of 'ollrttr, Si ,ihi I'nnrlpala, Author. Fll
torn. Att..rtii'T. It.iiikrra, I'nli'iiilirr. M-rrtinta and
llraiii Workr'ra jr. ti.Tally. 4. VV. fcrlirrmrrhorn (..
Maniif i. tur. r. 14 Id.ii.l .1 V V. hrml forrirniUrand
prire it. II I'. M' f IIK. M.I., Af'lit, It l'ot atrrrt
at MaM.ntr Irmpir llallia.
. ami Markrt tr.i'U, San Frawlarn. Ilopaea,
4'Ntl lr anil Mhrrp sold mm (milmUa,
1 lioroiiirMrr4 Mork lnpi"''1 to all part ol thr world.
SM-rial AkTPnt rortlif AiiHtraltan Tolonlra. Fvrry ron
Trnirnri f.r Hrralcint; an.l lirivinx Voniiic ll.rai.n
the prnnlw. a.'liwk wlvanrrd on all ilearrlptlon of
Live M.h-W.
riAMrAir.NCLrn unifoum madetoordeb.
v brud for Circular and I'rlce HtJ.
T Mqitsoiiiit DTtllT,
tn f'BAXciaco.
OVf Tt rtt.mti i.r thr I-UIXf'K OIM1AN and MF.I
PCiins now In iim' tliroiiulioiil North ami Isoiith
A in. 1 1 a. Kurope. thr l'oalor Ala ami Alrl' ,
K it ami V r.t Indira, ami the II,iiii1 of lliff I'aciflr.
I lira" hwr. t-voirril I n.t rn mi iita air to lit 1'iumi In
lnorr Fi.lnllir, i ;liurrlir, hi hoola, "-.M irti' It ami and
.rm y lUlla lliroiikrlioiit IliU t IHt.it KUIr tliau
tln.Mrft mii v ..I hrr in u r.
I Iih rill i k iil;i. . In HniH't evrry town on t'i
. i a ,. i ...... i...u. . i. i 1 w f....,l l.v tt.r.
vni I. ty , rnniiit.', and liavf at'M.d H.r arvrrral 1 0.1
ml ill r h 1 1 cirrunitiilii r. I.all Mini ri I lit Nrw
C'l'IN T i: XMAIi OlMiAN,
A marvel of llrauiy auil I'ri f. rtion, at moderate anat.
A I.AUi.K H ' K'kw OF
"Ii.-t Mii-Ii . ami uther .Miiniral Mrrcliandlae con-
Uulij uu timid.
JUrkrl Mlreet.Man rranrUra.
American Fruit Drier
Miami at the head, aa a Faculty. Farm or
Parlor) ltltlt.lt. It enahlea every man
to li hi own bu allien and prodnre
uneualed reaulla.
Html fur C ircular and I'rlra I.Ut.
J. M. HKKI.KK 4 CO.,
.ftw anil .11)1 Manaoine Mt.. M. F.
The Celebrated
Sluthour Pnmps
4i now Improved
and um iim tart u red In Man Franrlaeo
ar. all olhera In Mlmpllrlty, liar
blllly and F.ane of art Ian and (rrt re
aulla. Semt for Circular on it Prlrt. Mf.
J. H. KI'.FI.F.U aft CO..
and Manaome Mt., M. F.
AqiiHriuiiiM, UiiKtic Cliaim nnd Set teen,
Ikon Ham.ixo and Tkkk (Jcahds,
Stabla FUturet. Weathar Vanaa.
Pumps, Engine and Machinery,
J. 91. KKKIiKR 4t .,
3ta and ISO Siskmi Hr.. - i Fwriw.
Cures P Scab
Lard ty all Klirrp raiarra hMut of the liucky
Mountain. Ki.r lti liy
2&. -V. X3. -W-A-TSOUST,
SIS to aio llattery Mt.. Man Franrlaeo.
glfsrnd for Irru'ar and I'rici? I.lt.
For Water or Cas.
irrd toktand any rr.fiilrrd preure. Ko .klllrd
l.ilmr iircrkkary toilllirr lay or tai it.
Mend fur Circular and Prlr l.lat to
Manufartnrrr and Sola Aitrnt tor Ilia ParlflcCoaat
To Big Trees
1TZD toseiiti:!
1)1111. 14 -4VFV.CF.-IAIL TO MFR
I Kl, tlirnrr (Hi iiillr) tT ktaBe or iJVrry 1am,
Tia I'oiiltiTvillr. to KS. Mil K.
Takeadirm t route for t'otiHiTVltle. and tlii-nra (4A
niiU'kito iitai'tinie, iiakkinit tlie llntitr lure, under
thr rrrt-t ol filnt I't.if, llir.nili tlir Mr reed tlrr.
of !; 'I'reew. up tim I'atinn ml alonir the HnpliU
ol llie Vrr.e.t irrr, l.y ttir iitmn.tr, Hitb. Hri4.il
Veil, and Voarmitr I-all, nnd the Htikflity t lift un4
Ihmir ut the I '.inini .nut Y.iltty-Ahe raitdit iiiouo-
tain, ii.rrki, wairr ami ria l arenrry in the world.
uiriiurEi; ok
Wagon i Carriage Material
And all M 1r of Hod In
and I arria(i parta.
Sarven Patent Wheels,
Wood Hub Wheeli
Of all alrr. mad t
Mole A.al for
Ailjustablc Carriage Umbrella
AVHiril rtn Iw atfarhrd tn any "P'" ',l,r1r; '
ran I.r a.lutrd to any dr.lrrd l.rtirht. nl nr
direrllon; U lirld llrmly analnat any Morms '. r"
f.ralile from una rarr!K to anotlirrt weight, tea
,Mir-si-nd for lllukfratrd rlrcular. Artdraaa
an.l l Market at . and l anl l aliiornla at.,
han r raiielw.i; Son and SO J atrrrt. riiient.i.
or TBS
National Wire and Lantern Works.
Of w fork, (IIuwaBD Mob a, Propr'a).
420 Santomi St., San Francisco.
and IKON WIKK CIjOTII. r-rlltlr.: Hraaa
and Mteel Haiterjr Mereena, .oeomotlva
U'lrr a iatN. and ll.vy Mlnlna 4'lotn.
rnaaaental W lra U'arfc, Hlddlea,Mle'ro.
MNIn and Kallroad Unlrrat, 'lro
Fenre. Hallln.. I.aarda. ete,
Kenreaenli-d la fcaa Kranrlara lijr
lte Manarr with Kratrldt 0.
At the home of Iha patleal
Wltliout tba naaof tba
aad wlthoatpala. Addrata
Or. A. H. IROWS,
CorraapoadaDca Atom payalclaoa alao aollcto.
L srrn cold.
tl.Wj MEDAL if V
S W f '1 H-gv. J m
Aev isvKWTifiv. whicm wr.
dully auppllra tli itnla of lh
rllla Mlla. Iia- jaatliran iierfi-rleil mid
altapvd Into m r.uUr 'KI.I. HOKI
AMI PltMIKi;TIl AI'MKN, It la roll
f rafted on nrrly arlrnllftr orlnrlplra,
and Ha perlrrt almpllrliy of fiiTitmlliin
well tila It to nil kliiila nf Mi ll l.or
In a; and ntlnlnc iiarvom, ity It n
tli oxprna or obtaining; m ater I liriiugli
out lailrr portion of tli riMnili y, In
rface or ailralan Mralla, III lie Hi fully
rrdutrit, and for proa pec I in a; tor mln.
erala It will nereaaarlly auperseite all
otber naaahlnoa how In ,
This almpla and prnrt laxl mnrliliir ran
now bo aen at work and f lionniulily
examined at llaalaml l-olnt 1'lniiliif
Mliia, aialoand County Itichta tor aula.
Tha following teat I tiionlal from Profaaop Wrlwood
Murray, of ilia I'nlvi'ialty linrnlmrg, and of otliar
prominent collrf i at Vie Ki.t, prk for lteitt
No, 1) Urmta Ctikt
an Knclr . April 1,. I
Ma. PlircE A MiiliiiA N-icnr Hiving
t vour rr.jiirai r nil nr.l and prartlralljr trlrd )onr
inacliliie. I takr ifri Nl iilrimuri In lira'liiK t.ktiniony
to Ita .lur lot a ell t.orltijr. rm h a remit roiilil i lily
he olitalnrd from mntum ripiTlriire nf llm ilrMilrrata
rriiiille, i on I'lril lih mn Iih niral .kill, lo iIiUhj
nu ll 'pliain ra en tiovr) I lie ritriiklot; tut and
rorrd aiiKrr, aorkrd l.V a powerful tr, I'.V ulilrlj
thr rntira aya'rin tit wrll-lH.rlaa la rlinir'l. fiii tlilM'l
and rlirai.'iird. anrt hy tin- aoil or ilrh. Ik l.rlliMT liroiiuht
dirrrtly to Hi kiirfMi e wllhoul unroni'lliiK, 'f a"
liirlianre . f llir krirwIiiB or In. a i l)f aliafl. 1 Mr ""T
atinii i timdr ocrrtHln a to lee n qin'tlon ol ilia
Krrnt tiriirdl aim h will pre.lllJT arrrilti to llila htiila
from It I ii r il in 1 1 hi . , .
Tni.tliitf for oii a rlrli perunlarjr atifre, I rrmaln,
-eulleu.au, your, truly. WKLWOO, MruA Vl
All luforiiiHllon ol.lnlneit by apt'l)liiw
Aitdreaat Oakland I'olnl. 4'nl.
Wnlld. Cltnrrta M Co.. Makera, ftualan
All fleat.elaaa I nl rnmenta. lteon.
i.i. a.i.... v,emv lalliurllli. Menu
lor lllHatrated I alaliiKue.
JAMES 8. SMITH. Oon'l ARont,
lOtt Mtoekton Mtreet. Kan Eranrlara.
The Jl Jt II.F.F. Illia Mai in aold hera
Utility AdjnstaUi Talsles
At 109 Stockton St., San Francisco.
Farmer, Miner and Granger
mould avutcRiaa roa tii
The Popular Weekly.
Enlarged and Improved.
The Best and Cheapest.
ONLY $2.00 A YEAR.
ONLY $2.00 A YEAR.
ONLY $2.00 A YEAR.
oa lag to rla. additional,
Hrand for lUmpl Copy. The low prim al whlah
It i pulili.lird roiniiianil for It a very largn rlrrul
lion, fcvrry Karuirr and lliiklnrk Man should a.
tcrlba for It, Au uuquallrd tuadlutu for Ad vci llu r.
Tlie San Francisco Daily Eyenina: Post
Will be Enlarged mul Imprwid,
Nerved ty Carrlera at H I- eta. r"
wrkli t Mall, ane ear, .tM l
inanth, . IV i I Ii ree tuoMllia, 41, ftw.
I'ealac to rla. ail it 1 1 Ion h I .
98em1 fur rtiriihir. Xn Aient;
Paper Warehouse
a. i). kejiincton,
ftrt'lKeMIIl TO
411, 413 ami 415 Sansoino St.,
Auvorvri.: to tiik thakk that iik iia
Die lienl aaaortinrlit.il UNK J' A I'Klth, liii'lllillliB
li.ii .i, i... ii,. Ii.-iim. Mili um. Hold and lllilrd.
it Cap, r olio. IM'IIII . iru inn, mn i. ami ;'
ii all aradea H.H.k.Cur. Manila, etraw and l(a
.rr Tim larireal lora- of Nrw.paprr III all l
I Kiadr lirld liy any lioii.e uu lliecoaat.
A. I. IIKMINiaTIIW, New York,
V. M. HPAH.IMNI1. Manager.
Man Crani'laco.
1 unrivaled aa a remedy. No llormaian almiild
without It. O.Mid alike for Mm or IIba.t, lurMiralu'
llrulara, Kliauniatlatn, Mud Keviir, Mwalllng, aUi.
i ry ii ana you win ue no mnw,
tmrM(lVP:n t 4tS New Monlirotnary at., oaa
UUtrk aouth of I'alai Hotel. Mn r rnrlro.
P. N. P. C.
No. 111.
J. GRAY & CO., 437 Jlrannan Street,
I fi2fi A UAY.
IVaa. AdAraaa .Vila Aar Co., . Umli, M,
feiTTm: I aa
I A1 Tk.nr ..in
f ... "'MT. ia
I e'.'Jioii
Li e'
. ianil