Washington independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 1874-18??, September 28, 1876, Image 3

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Gold in New York, 1.10.
Legal tenders in Portland baying 90
lling 91.
Silver-Trade dollars, 91e; other coins, 95c
Portland Produce Market.
WHEAT. $1.33 "ft cental, sacked.
FLOUR-For extra standard brand.!, $3.00;
extra country, $1 50l 73.
OATS Per busnel, 40 to CO cents.
DRIED FRUITS-Apples llc $ ponnd;
plums, pitless, 14 to 13c;witb pits 4 to 5c.
HIDES Best selected llc lb; culls,
off; gTeen 3 to 4c.
MEATS Hams, 12 to 8c; side 16;
shoulders 10c, dressed hoH 6 to 6Jc; mut
ton sheep $2.30 to $3 per head; beef dresM,
4 to 3 eta per lh.
LARD New lard in tins, 17c; in bulk 16".
n.VY-Timothybaled, $1&17; loose, $16.
DAIRY PRODUCE- -Butter, roll. 23to30c
f lb; fair, 15(.2Q;iii brine, 202."c. Cheese
14lfic tt). -
FEED Bran, $18(3520 per ton; shorts
$23.00; middlings, $27.50 (510; oil mal,
F-GGS 30 per dozn.
WOOL Choice Willamette, lC(a:19c a lb;
Eastern Oregon and Walla Walla, 1 113.
POTATOES 40 to 50c per bushel.
ONIONS $1.23 to $1.50 per 100 Ihs.
CHICKENS $3 .5' to t.00.
Ser.atcr Kelly an J Mr. Nichols, Ad
dress the Club.
Last Saturday according to appointment
tie Tilden club held its regular meeting.
The President, Dr. F. A. Bailey, calle the
rueetins to order and after appropriate mu
sic by the band introduced Senator J. K.
Kelly who addressed the club. He made
the usual wbosesale charges of corruption
and mismanagement against Grant's ndmin.
istra! ion presenting quite a damaging ar
ray of fact and figures. Mr. Kelly also
treated tho matter about Mr. Tilden's re
ported income frauds and pronounced the
report a malicious libel and said that Til
ilen was a great and good man. He thought
that n ryes was a pretty fair respectable
sort of a person bn' sadly wanting in back
bone, and concluded that his party would
bend him to its wishes and caprices and his
administration would if possible be worse
tha-i Grant's if he should be elected. Con
trawise Tilden was a strong man who would
raould the party to his wishes and views,
and so reform the Government as he h-ad
reformed the State of New York. We were
not present but we Ienin tLat tin. was the
pist of his remarks. He was followed by
Mr. II. It. Nichols of Portland, who ma le a
fow remark and the exercises closed with a
piece from the band.
A good many went away ilissapointed be
cause .1. W. Wtttts, Crnin, Williams anil
others who were expected did not aj-
pear as advertised by us. Mr. Watt writes
to us by card stating that he ha I made no
arrangement to discuss with Mr. C'ronin
as we, through mistake. reported in a local
note three weeks ago and as appeared in th"
advertisement. It was supposed at the
time that fhr advertisement was put in that
the gentleiueu as named therein would be
likely to be present as we stated in a local
notice, and not being further informed
about the matter we raid nothing further
Th3 PriC3 of wheat Going Up.
CaicAoo, Sept. 23 The upward move
ment of wheat has continued in conse
quence of the better condition of trade and
general improvement in business during the
past week, having opened at $1,03 cash for
No- 1 spring, and closed at $1.07;. The
highest point touched was $1.09. The
options have dragged considerable, however.
For November options, the highest price
was $1,05 1 , an abnormal condition, show
ing that there is Houvthinj of a corner in
cash. Thero is nothing particularly en
couraging just now in the market, and
higher prices are not confidently .expected
yet. No new features have marked the
week's business, except that 200,(XK) bushels
of wheat were posted on change as being in
a heated condition, and not deliverable.
Corn ha sold higher, chiefly at 47 cents per
bushel, closing a trifle easier. Oats have
depreciated about 2 cents, closing at 31VJ
Xt?ceipts for the week of wheat were 4 22.0! (0
Corn, one million against 111.000. Oats,
2 S 2, 000 against receipts of the same week
last year of wheat, 5D,00(; c rn 7R4.0.M);
oats. ooO.OOO. Th shipments of wheat are
417,000; corn. 1,036.000; oats, 252.000
against wheat. 455,000; corn, S77.000; oats.
337,000, last year. The price of wheat this
time last year was the same as now; corn
was 56c, oats 3 P4C The general outlook
iu business and financial circles for the
coming year is still bright.
Joint Discussion.
On Saturday cf this week. Sept. 30, at 12
o'clock sharp. Dr. J. W. Watts, Republican
candidate for Presidential Elector, and Dr.
F. A. Bailey of this county, will debate the
political issnes of the day in the Court House
at this place. These gentlemen are both
able speakers and repre entative men
pf their respective parties in Yamhill and
Washington counties and we hope every
Democrat and Republican will be present.
The debate will be sharp, hot and exciting.
Come every body.
Burglar Proof.
Th agent for the nail safe was in
town last week. He says that Hinman's
and Hughes safes which were forced by bur
glars were only fire proof safes for keping
books and papers. He sells Mr. Ilia man a
burglar proof safe He says the safe in the
county Treasurer's office is burglar proof.
Some body has dragged a dead calf out
into the brush beyond Sheriff Morgan's
place an I the stench is about to drive the
people in that part of town out oP'hotBejind
home". W'qo is the guilty man ?
The weather is fine and the dust is laid
by recent rains, and one can be comfortable
at the Fair so far as that ia concerned. As
is usual on the first day but few tickets
have been sold. Entries of stock and prod
ucts being the main business of the day.
Our Washington county stock raisers are
jvell represented. Messrs. R. Imbrie, S.
Reid, Geo. Navlor, H. Wooley, and many
others are here. Also a gentleman lately
from California exhibits some fine thorough
bred and graded Angora goats. Bill Big
ham arrived last Saturday bringing five fine
The Copeland brothers are on the grounds
with their truly woaderful fossils lately dis
covered in Washington Territory, said to be
the largest boivs found in the world. The
animal is undoubtedly a distinct r.peeies
of the cow kind and is called by Prof. Har
vey JSos Elrphas Columbiana. Senator
Kelly crawled into the pelvis of one of these
fossils. T. A. Woods of Wood 4" Museum
is also on hanl. Montgomery Queen will
be here to-morrow and everybody has his
eye open to see this gigantic show.
The Society has wisely hired the Ilills
boro Brass B nl to discourse music on the
Grounds. The band led by John Hopkins
hismado wonderful progress. Tho band
will probably attend the State Fair.
A single dash free to all, came off at 2
p m. Coggan entered br. s Osceola; Young,
b, m. Rosa Mansfield; Tennant, b. s. Tom
Merry. Osceola took the "studs" when
half way round an 1 was drawn o J. Tom
Merry won the race, coming in a second
ahead of Rosa Mansfield. Time 1
The show in the TaviHon is quite slim
yat, though the entries will probably come
iu fast to-morrow.
Chief Marshal. W. II. Parker wit'i his ex
cellent corps of oflloers keep good order.
There are the nsnal number of huckster
stands, and eating houses. There are sev
eral games of chance, faro, rondo, roulette,
chuck-a-lnek. all forbidden by the statutes,
running night and day whereat many a fel
low will deposit his coin and gut no check
for it.
A row oceutred between two citizens.
Both were somewhat under the influence of
the flowing bowl, they had a misundestand
ing when one hit the other with a lub and
'aal him out and then slipped away. In
the evening the injured and irate man hunt
ed up his jubilate chum and knocked him
down with a club and would have doubtles
ly made a finish of his mortal carter had
not persons present interf red.
We will give particulars of the remain
der of the Fair next week as we wish to go
to press to-morrow (Tuesday), so that our
printers can attend what is left of the Fair.
-, ,- -
Painted His Fa32.
One day last week a farmer came into
tow 1 and i:iibih?J a littls too much "j xwe"
aud went cra the street to where Mr. II.
was paint. ug a picket fence and Mr. II.
told him to keep out of theway when the fur
m r stepped up and hit II. when the lat'e
struck f . it. t he face cutting a gash in his
forehead from which the blond stream ed
down each chek meeting un-l-T his throat,
making a red stripe the .whole of way
nvr.i l w'aile his f i j w is punted a deathly
white. The farmer ran and p'eked u;
some brick-bats but Sh'-rifF Morgan stopp'd
him. An 1 after getting his wound 4 dr.- s'd
at Dr. Bailey's drug store he got on hi
horse anil started home. "Touch not,
taste not, handle not" Mr. farmer.
Fight at Giencoe!
Recently a man whom wo will call No 1
went to the city of Giencoe and while stand
ing near a blacksmith shop a man at
work in the shop, whom we will call No 2,
threw an apple at him hitting him in the
wide of the head, when he dared the fellow
out to fiht. Then another fellow. No 3, told
No 1 to Jay down that hammer and No 2
would "lick" him whereii on he dropped
the hamm r, when No 3 knocked him down
and beat him a while, and thee N' 2 took a
turn at him and No 1 was on the -whole a
"used up" individual when they got their
The HiKs-nro Band.
The Hillsboro brass band is now aide to
discourse good music. Tlie band will play
half an hour each day of the Fair per agree
ment with the SoeL ty. and will be assisted
by I'rof. Sedlock of Cornelius. They have
been practising nightly now for two or three
weeks and have progressed finely in that
time. Prof.II p!cin's indefatigable interest
and tuition has beeu the salvation and life
of the baud.
Please Understand.
We are not responsible for what our ad
vertise ucnts say. They are the statements
of other rnen, for which they pay us for
publishing, and we do not wish to be held
responsible for their assertions. This is
true of the local notices with a star or figures
at the bottom, which are advertisements
W. Co. Bible Society.
Will hold a business meeting in the M.E.
church at Forest Orore, on Sat., evening
Sept. 31, is7t. Members aud those inter
ested in the cause earnestly invited to be
present. Rev. P. I. Hexter, Dist, Agt. of
the Am Bible Soc., will preaeh in behalf of
the cause at 11 a. in. on t unday. So S. T.
Waihf r, sec, writes.
Mr. Adeook of Umatilla county Is visiting
his numerous friends and relatives in this
county whe-e he usd to live. He will act
as agent for the Independent in his county.
Staugh'o.Vs Hack
Runs daily between the Grove and the
Fair Grounds. Stonghton has a good hack,
drives safo horses, and is tfie man to
The west side road is doing a heavy freight
ins business now. 27 cars mostly loaded
with wheat went down one day last week.
Pittenger is selling lots of goods this
W. Wilcox arrived from Eastern Oregon
The Grove:
Sept 2G, 1S7C.
Coyotes got into Levi Smith pas
ture near this place and killed oue
of his sheep last week.
Your correspondent attended Prof
Robb and wife's Crvstal Wedding1
yesterday evening. The affair was
very pleasant and was attended by
the elite of the virove. . The Prof,
has a enough glassware to set up a
crockery store. Some of the pres
ents were real haudsorue. A $15.
00 mirror was among the presents.
The "Wedding was well attended.
The happy couple have our Lest
wishes, and we hope to attend their
Diamond Wedding.
S. Blank will start to Illinois next
week to stay all winter.
Charles Shipley, who has been
sickof tho consumption for several
months, died ft home Sunday eve
niti"; at 8 o'clock. Ho was a noble
young man and was respected by a
large circle of friends aud acquaint
ances at the Grove who mourn his
earl death. The funeral will take
lace this morning at 10 o'clock.
The team of Williams the butcher
ran way this morning a id broke
the wagon all to pieces.
Tool s.
Last week we received a hand
some little note nicely festooned
and tinted, announcing that on
Monday tho 23th, Mr. and Mrs. J.
D. Robb, of Forest Grove, would
celebrate their Crystal Wedding.
We respectfully acknowledge the
compliment and hope that they may
celebiate their Silver, Golden tnd
even Diamond weddings under as
pleasant auspices and as noble, use
ful life; and that tho silver I.'nTc and
golden tie of their wedded life may
never sever.
Compliinsntiry Tickets.
We acknowledge tho receipt of a
complimentary ticket of admittance
to the Oregon Sttuliir, which com
mences on Monday Oct. Dili, 1S7
and continues bix days. Freight
and fares are put down to half rates
by t''e transportation companies so
that the cost of travel to attend the
State Fair is comparatively small.
We also acknowledge the favor of
a complimentary ticket to the Wash
ington eouaiy Fair.
Sent ta Jiil Out.
Last Friday Bill Burston wa
tried before justice DeLetts for
stealing ?2'J from Mr. Neep of Cor
m-Iiu.s and convicted, and was lined
in default of which he was
brought, down to tin place aud
lodged in j iil. His father pail hi.
fine on Sunday and ho was t-et at
liberty. Bill Bar-ston is a young
! mau and astSiisisan enocli of reform
we hope he will spend his own inoii-
ey next time ho wants
on a
Profitable Farming.
D. T. Phillips who lives near Cor
nelius his raised three crops one
fall and two spring crops ii success
ion on a piece of hind on his farm
which respectively produced 40,
30 and 27 bushels to the acre. Mr.
Phillips burns a brick kiln once in
a while for recreation and makes
money of course.
Notice to Subscribers.
Our reporter, Mr. II. G Guild,
will b on the Fair Grounds at the
Washington County Fair to take
subscriptions for tho Ivoepexdest.
and all who are in arrears to this of
fice will ple'ise pay him the money
for which he will receipt in duo
Photograph Gallery.
Mr. Westrop, late of Vancouver, has erec
ted his Photographic Studio on the Public
Square in this place. Takes pict ires at
Portland prices. Particular attention paid
to taking babies' pictures. Come right
along now and save the espense of a trip
or two to Portland and at the same tim ' get
just as good pictures. S i 7wl.
Young men, save the mon-y that you usu
ally spend fo.dishly at th Fair and buy you
a good book or pay your debts.
Judge A retinoid ran to the station last
Friday loaded with silver. We went along
but forgot to take a derringer.
T. B. Handly returned last week from
a trip to Tillamook where he went on legal
The late rains lst week saved the
Agriculu'ral Society in this couuty several
dollars in the way of sprinkling taeir track
and Grounds.
Thos. Il-jover has come down from Eist
ern Oregon with some ra -e stock, three colts
a Norwich and two Miners.
Fredenrich's store is now sided up with
rustic and painted and looks as good as new.
Mr. Weathered who bought part of Jacob
H cover's farm was in town last wek to hire
a force of carpenters to put np his new
The Washington county girls have been
busy for a week or two making new dresses
and fixin up pretty for the Fair.
W. Ja j'isin's new barn will sooa be com
pleted and will be one of the best looking
buildings in town.
Joint Discussion.
The Hon. Richard Williams and Hon.
Lafayette Lane have agreed to discuss,
jointly, the political issues of the day, and
will address thier fellow citizens at the times
and places mentioned below:
Ashland Sept.
Canvonville "
Rosebur Oct,
E'igene City
Albany "
Oorvallis "
Silem "
Dallas "
Oregon City "
Lifavette "
Hillsioro "
1 t
p. m.
p. m.
p. ra.
p. m.
p. rn.
P. m.
3. I
5. 1
. 1
7, 7:30 p. m.
I p. m.
1 ?. m.
7:39 p. nv
I p. m.
Astoria '
St. Helens
14. 7.3') p. iu.
lis 7:3.3 p. ni.
Dr. J. W. Watts Republican candidate for
Presidential Elector, and E. A. Cronin.
Esq., Democratic candidate, will address
their fellow citiz ns on the political issues
of the d ay at the following times and plaees
KueneCity, Mon-liy.. Oct. 11, 7:30 p.m.
Harrisburor, Tuesday
li, I p.m.
17, 7:33 p.m.
is. 1 p.m.
is. 7 30 p. in.
VJ, 1 pru.
20, 7:30 p. in.
21. 7;30 p.m.
2t. 1 p. m
21. 7J3d p.m.
2"), 1 p. m.
21. 1 p. e.
2rt. 7:30 p. m.
27. 1 p. in.
2. 7:31 p. ni.
id, 13d p. in.
Hrownsville, . . .
Keio. Wednesday
Albany. "
C rvallis, Thursday
Salem, Friday
Oregon Oit3 Saturday .
Monmouth, Tuesbay . . .
Dallas. . .
Sheridan, Wednesday..
Mcminnville, Thursday
IIilMoro. Friday
Forest Grove.
ortland, Saturday. . .
The Rrass Rand serenaded Senator HeVy
Saturday evening when the Senator made
a short speech of thanks. He offered to
treat the band hut the boys said they were
emperanoe folks and a lot of ru'siders
nade a rush for the salcon and iu.b.bvd at
Mr. Kelly's xpence.
N t apples in this market.
Ira L Catnb 11 formerly a typo in this
office is reporting for the Portland Stand'ird
it the Washington county Fair.
Chas. Lnughlin has the finest turn-outs
'f any livery stable in the county.
W. Ridcliff, who has been residing in this
count j- for ten years, has moved to Golden
dale, Klickitat county W. T. where he
proposes to make his future home.
Thanks to our gentlemanly school
e tcher, Mr. Henderson, for a late
tile of the Hanisburg Xm lt'us.
Go slow on Old RonrlvMi this week.
Junior fpfsin.j;) : "Xthil is a noun."
Professor: "What doe it cvne from?"
student: "It don't conie at all." Pr fes r
(quizzing): "Doe-n't it come from .VioV?"
tnl-nt: no. sir; tx nihiht nihil fd! Pro
fessor settled. Slt'l'im lud-x.
The edit u- of th Shelby. Kentucky, Uepuh
'lout sends forth this joeiu:
Hurrah for the Centennial Year!
Wrap us n in the American flag.
Tuck us iimli r tlie eaSe,
Tickle n with a bi hy straw,
Pop goes the weasel.
t" TTi Nitio-viT G Id "I 'd.i! wis awu l
1 to HrilL-y t U'lto' 'i for the best Fho
to-;ra;hs in the I'niti d States, and Vienna
I--d il tor the best in the world.
V2! M'ntioni.-ry Street San Fnmejco.
Di'-d ut the rsi ln'. of V. T). Ewintrnenr
Ore-?iv:H.'. A-14. b'.fh, H7t,. F.Iiz.iV ith Writs
g d 'M years and 11 months. Town pa
pers please copy.
At the r;si len--e of R. K. Funis in RuttVr's
pr-'cinit. Mrs N"anrv Mct'l.-Ilon 1. aged 83
vi"s.. 4 months and d vs.
of ins
Uudjr the auspices of the
Wasalititua Co. AjrieaUur.il Socletj,
T bn held at
.llondjy, Tuesd.iv, WeJnwsdiy, Thurs
day Si. Frid iy,
September 2". 2, 27, 23 and 23.
1 o'cl.vr'c p. in. Ft"it ruun:n-r
mare o- g d sin A d is'
fro for all swen ttke. Entrance $." ad
dt'd to purse of
2 o'lo:'t p. ni. Fistest tro'tin horse
m ire or g Id i ig. .'I years old, mila and re
repeat sweepstake. Entrance $.j0 added
to purse of $ !.
3 oY-lo'k p. m. R.st walking horse,
mare or gol din . Pre uiuais, $M,'$.
Arranging article for exhibition.
11 o'clock a. m. Public A I Ires.
1 o'cloj p. iu. II Mt s111j h rse, $13
2o'cIik'( p. m. Fastest running horse,
mar o- d li-i , 3 yj.irj oil, in 'da aal re
peat. $l-V. $73.
3 o'clock p. m, Trial of draft horses,
4 oV'ok p. m. Single carriage horses,
S.j. $2.50.
4 o'clock p. m. Djuble carriage teams
$10, 3.
A. M. Uta ninatioi of stoc'-c. etc.
1 oVIo.j's p. m Uit trjttin h-rs.
m ire or g -Iding. free for all, best 3 ia 5.
Eatrance $ jJ, to be added to the purse of
2 o'clock p.m. S'mtingmato'i, 10, $5.
3 o'cl -k p. id. T.-ial of horsj tor all
work $10, $..
1") o'clock a. m. Piribi of all animals
that hive ben awird-d premiums, under
direction of tha M irsh d.
3 o'olock p. m. Piowing match by boys
under l years, purse $10,
3 o'clock n. m. Ptstest running h-rse,
m ire or geldin . x- nile anl repaat, sweep
stake. Eutrauee $ ). to b j a 11 1 1- p ir
Purse $50
II o'cl?k a. m. Rai linj list of awards
of premiums. ,
1 o'clock p. m. Fastest ruuuinq; hw.
mare or gelding, 2 mile heats, best 2 in 3.
free for ail $100, $100.
3 o'clock p. ta For 2 year old's V rn 1
and repeat $130, '.S
3PA L:n3 of n icki will constantly ran
from the Dot to the Fair Ground, which
nil oarry Panwscjer at Reasonable R I
Book Agents Want'd
E. J. HALE & SON, rubluhers
17 Murray St. X.
Are now issuing to subscribers only,
The only Fully Illustrated Edition of
Of American make ever offered to thu
Of the text of Sir Walter Szott it is, of
course, unnecessary to tiie&k. Of the style
of manufacture the volumes now ready will
speak for themselves wherever seen.
"They have" stys the new York Ecrvinu
Post, "the best of all good nualities in a
printed book -lear, large type. Without
being expensive, elegant an 1 serviceable."
"An exceedingly beautiful edition, a gem
of typographical beauty," says th New
York U'tjrUl.
Forty-eight volumes, averagiug 400 pages
each, andcontaiug trio thouvaud llbistra
tions, will complete the series. Two vol
umes issued monthly.
Nineteen volumes now readj.
PRICE, in Cloth, gilt extra,
per volume, . $1.5!"
" Half Turkey M irroco, gilt top, . 1.2't
Care E. Hale k Son. 17 Murray St.N. Y.
Publishers desiring to neeure a set of thi
beautiful edition cau niak aatinfactorv ad
vertising arrangements by addressing th
Gen Agent as above, or ileiirs. GEO. P.
CIIA Mr 10 X M0 1 IXE,
A 'so
Bu -m ra ona.
State of Oregon, for the county of Wash
ington ss: Josiah M. Merr-1 jiTtin ift". vs.
I)-Hit C. Merrell. ndministrittor of tho es
tate, of Chas. O. M err. 11 Uec'd, Margaret
Merrell w.dow of ail deceased, and Wil
liam Henry Merrel, E.lward Merrel, SojiLro
nia Ann Z.iigh-r, Chas. '. Merrel, Margaret
lane Atkinson. Di bora K'iu;. Eli.alw th
Menl. M i y Waldron and D. witt C. Mer
rel heirs-at-law of said Chas. tl. Merrel de
ceased, defendant.
To the alve named defendants; In the
n mie of the State of Onvn: You are here.
iy r,-q ui red to appear and attVi r the coir-
;d.iijt hied against you in the aliove en l
:ied s'lit witiiin ten days from the dite of
the service of this sunanous upon yon," if
served within this counfy or if sewed in anj
other county cf this State, then within
twenty lys from the date of the service of
this summons upou yoa, nud if you fail so
tofinswt-r, for want thereof, the i'laintiff
will apl ly to the court for a decree againt
you, for the relief j rayed for in the 'lain
tilFs co:ulaint herein, to wit: that a certain
nortgage therein described i e held by D--wift
C. Mern 11 in trust for 'laintitf, and
that 'laintitTis the owner in fee cf 20 acres
of land therein decrile.i, and for such oth
er and further relief as the court may seem
Service ly publication of summons here
in by order of the Hon. County Court
alxivenamcd made at the May term thereof
, Atfy for 'Iff.
Adini itisli-atoi 'a Sale!
v virtue of an order f the County
Court of Washington county. State of Ore.
gon, at the August term, A. P.. lo, to wit:
on the 15th day of August, lSo. in the
matter of the estate of V. II M -Nuft, de.
ceasel, the uinlerKiiineii aominisiraior oi
said estate will, on Friday, the (ith day of
October, 137d,at the hour of lnc ock. p. hi.
of said dav. at the Court house door in
Hillsboro. Washington county, O egon, sel
at pnblic auction to the highest bidder, all
the right, title and interest that the said
W. II. McNutthad at the time of his de
cease or since acquired by his estate, in and
two the following lescnl-il premises to
wit: The N W )Z of fie N E i of See 9,
T 1 N, R 1 W. of the Will imMte Meridian.
10 ai res, and the S W i of the S E V of
Sec 4. T I N. It 4 W, of said Meridian. ImiiIi
of said tracts containing HO acres of I md
and lying in Washington county, Oregon.
Terms of sale, fiold coin, oue half of the
purchase price in hand, the balance (one
half) to le paid in one year from day of
sale, deferred ayment to draw interest
from day if sale until paid, at the rate of
ten per cent, jmt annum, and to he secured
by mortgage on premises sold. Exjm usc
of deed and mortgage to be paid by pur
chaser. ROUT. W. MCNUT T,
Executor's .Notice.
the undersigned has filed in the coun
ty court of the State tit Orepon, for Wash-
I. gtn COUiiry, Ills unai ncit miiii " t xevuior
of the last will and testament of Geo. lhie
man dee'd. and that said conrt lias ai-
pointed Thursday after the first Monday in
Oct.. 1876. at 10 o'clock a. in. as the time
for hearing objections thereto aud the set
tlement thereof.
Fxecntor of the last will and testament of
George Bneman, dee'd.
The demand for the Weekly Oregonian
for a short time is so gre&t that we have
concluded to-o2iir it for the balinco of the
year for
On Dollar!
All subscriptions will expira Dec, 3tt,
87o, no matter wheu they commence-. Ad
Sheriff Sale!
tion issued out of the Circuit Court of
the State of Oregon for Multnomah county
dated Aug. 11th, 17G, in favor of Itnii
Holladay and against Arthur D? Pourtnle
Gorgier for the sum of Four thousim I nine
hundred nn 1 twent.,-flve and C3-100 dollars
eoiu 4y25.t3-liHi. which judgment was en
rolled and docketed iu the Clerk's office of
said county on the ninth day of June, 1S74,
which execution was received by me on the
I2th day of August. 187o. Therefore b
virtue of said execution I did on tbe 12tli
dtyofAng 1H7(', duly levy on th follow
ing d' seriled tract or parcel of land to wit :
Commencing at a point on the Ea-t i-lt o
the private road of Win. G. iger. 1!M rod
and 15 feet East of the Northwest corner o
the donation land claim of Solomon Em
rick; thence East, along the North Line o
said laud claim 20 chains; tliein-e South 4
chains; thence West along the South line o
aid claim 20 chains; tin nee North n!''m
the E ist side of said private road of Win
Geiger 40 chains to the place of bcinnm;
containing 80 acres more or kf.s--iu Wash
rn.'ton county, Oregon.
Aiivl on Saturday, September 23 d, 1S7C
it the hour of 1 o'clock p. tn. ot nid day
Oi Court House, door in flillsboro, iu sai
Washing'tn county, I will sell tra tor pa ice
if laixl at pui. he Auction tohe lil;:in st
therefor com cash iu hand tu haiify ai
execution and accruing costs.
Witness wv hand tliis Aug". lMi,
Sheriff of Washington couuty, Oregon.
Mit-rUr Salt?'
tion issnetl out of th" Cicnit ' .in t
die State of Oregon, for Vt'ashiu;;toii com.
ty in favor f-f (ieorge IVll and against M ir;
. I'.ell for the sum t-f twi-nty.(vo and 1"
100 dolIar($22.!M) costs which jud.'uiei.
was enrolled and docketed in the Ch-rk'i
uice of eu: J county on the 2'Jth day of May
Therefore by virtuo of said writ 1 did rr.
h 11th day of August, Jh7'5, duly lew o
he following describt'd tract or parct I o
and to wit: The one undivided one thin
part of the following described parcel
land hituafe iu Washington county, tJregoi,
ro wit . The East half of the donation Ian
laim lK.unded and deseiiled as follow
'Jetinning at a point 1..77 chains East nie
3.12 dain North of the South-West cone
if Section Id, T I N, R 4 W, an ' runnin
thein-e South 43 chains: thence W't 37. -j
hnins; thence North 43. oo chains; ih ne
East 3d. H7 chainx to the place of bi 'ii.iiin
.oidaiiiing Ono Handled nn 1 "iliy Nni
ind S7-1O0 acres more or less.
And on Saturday the 23d day of Scpteni
ber, ls7t, nt 2 o'clock . in., of said Jav n
the Court House do r in HilUl rro in sai
jonnty. I will sell said tract of Ian 1. or u'
the riht title and interest the said Mary O
Hell has or had in mid to s iiil tract of j hi
n fhesuid 2'.Uh day of May, 1 7i3. at publi
iiiction to the highest bidder thereior cas
in hand to satisfy Kiiid execution and accrn
ing costs.
Witness my hand this An?, llth 187G.
Sheriff of Washington coanty. Oregon.
gtm-xxvrrs on i.
State of Ore ;on, for the county of Wash
ington. Pt ter DuIh r 'iaintiiT, vs. Jos-p!
Boulai.ger. defendant. To Joseph iloul.tn
grr. the iib ive named d-ft n l tu I ; In th
name of th St its of !. n y i ar.a h tc'i .
reejuired to appear and answer the com
plaint tiled against you in the above name,
court a i l ia th a' iv eatitl,. I action
the first day of the term of said court fo
lowing the expiration of the tiun of h
weeks from the d ife of tl.U KUiiriions, t
vit: by the 2 ith day of M ty, A. D . I"77
nnl if y u fi.il ki to l., tho 1 'i.iii.t'.n wi'
take jm'gitii nt linst you for the sum
($l.o75) sixteen hunlr.d an I s-y.nt y-flv-dollars,
d images sustained by I'laintifl' l.
reason of the l 'str t-ti n of 11 lintiU"
property by yon. and for hi costs and dts
liursements h rL-in. S .-rvica herein h pub
lication of ni'iimoiis, by an or 1 r of v. V.
I). Shattuck, i i lg of s ii I court, at cham
bers, and dated Augu-t 2s;"n. lS7i.
i'alcU O.'J l. -idl l-)4 J.
G. II, DUKH M. - Att'ys for rkiiitiff,
Dated Sep. 4, 170.
S nl I'V 1
The next brra 1
cgius on v i-ancsJaj',
Sel)teiil-r Gtll.
Tuition iu Coliege nnd higher Acadenre
per year
In the common Irranchcs per year...v3J.
MRH. D. I. President.
Rev. S. II
and Professor
of Intellectual und Mural
M., Profess-
of Rhetoric and History
J. W. MARSH. A. M.
and Greek.
J. D. HOUR, A. M.,
M.. Professor of
Professor of Latin
Principal cf the
MissE. MACK. Preceptress.
Miss SARAH IIOWI l(V, Teach
stumt ntal and Vocal Muie,
r of In
Au3l. 1 1 ?
lJ ' u s
To the Wo i kins Cl:iv-We cm
furnish you employment at which you can
make l.ire piy, in your own loculitics, with
out Uin from home over niht. Agents
wanted in every town and county to take
Kuhscrihers for The f-nt inii.d Record,
the largest publication i nthe Unit'd States
tf. paj;. . l ol i us; Elegantly Ill.tstrate.l.
Terms only SI s r year. The Record
is djVotetl to whatever is of intreft
conne tf I with the (Yntennhil yciir. 'I h
Greiit Exhihition at Philadelphia is fully il
lustrated in d tail. En ryiMsly wants it
The whole peojde feel nr atly interested in
their Country's C nt nnial liirllid iv, and
want to know nil alo.it if. An ileount
patriotic crayon di-awiii; i.ieiiiiuni picture is
treR'lited fr-c to each Milscvilc-r. It is en
titled. "In rcinemlxTaiice of the One Hun-
dredfh Anniversary of the Independence
of tho United States." Size i l ' :i in
che. Any one can Ix-eome a uc-cssful neent
for hut Khow the jmper and pictures and
hundreds of Bubsorihers are easly ohtaiin d
ever. where. ThereisiiobusinesHthat will
pay like this at present. We have many
agents who are making; no hiu'h a-t $'JU p.-r
day and npwnrds. Now in tl e time; don't
delay. Rememher it cost nothiu1'; loiivo
the husinesH n trial. Send for our circulars,
terms, and sample copy of paper, which ate
sent free to all who apply do it to-lay. Com
plete outfit to thosu who .decide t -nya;c.
Farmers und mechanics, and their sons nnd
daughters make the very best of agent.
Maine. n'i:i
Nog. 60G&60S
JPojjLt Street,
avvvai A QLrrn:n of a
still off. r to the t.r.o( Uil
(Iritc euro In
all cas-M of
blilMITT AL Y7E A ' ,
The pfeHi rvitiion oi iicuJlu end li'c i
pcnd nt upon the proper condition of tho
procieatiie functions nnd "iiy in akness ci'
cause of weakness of the .te ialie oiguii!!
ir their use is a din it miac; i:pu iho
in ral health us i J a e d il rud i u
-if tint prop! 1 1 y cured i f the nl'-.ilis lh;t
tic the plld - ot one s.-x ai d (hi Mi v ill' i f
heotlnr. 1 s Vol-ni is !:.;' iln- t i; i cl linn
f 111 lie h f the n i ,( ! y o ill 1 1 - i ,i i , 1 y I, a
llilnlg' lice of l 'ie .Mii-r J I i j l i J l K I V
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vcakiiess and i uiu nMoug jiii.iii-.ii.il, iiv It
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The le -t lea'i;r
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I'si- I.o-a'., C ii'i'iiif,
I'i a Vii ;
tr -. t fi r ! c, .nn. i!.
i - v" v v . .-hl " ' 71 'Cm"
w I i ii-;-. NI MIV? - I
Cor. KE.WU.'Y au r-I'TTJiK fUnchi.,
San I'iia'.i i -i-.i,
7"nt3 i'n lV.cifs Covt.
rc:rci c;;; i i
V.'i- - ,.cJ t C Jt 3 l.uii
c.ji i i r-' ii:--i2.
C-.l !;r C i cj'j '
; . zz::zi
V :a J'ls- i '. c t
. t V.I j coj.:.
OTjlriaoy cC3 Co
no. ii, i;i;ai:n sti:i:t.
Treats all Chronic and Piivato Diacasca
without the ail of Mercury,
cor.SLTALor;: encc.
OZao Honrs, 0 lo 12 M; 2 to 5 aud C to
9 p. is., Sundays yeepttd.
ConMi!tatiyu3 free.
Call or address,
Dr. II riiinoy to Co.,
Ila ll.Koarn-y St.,
Cau Tranciico,