Washington independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 1874-18??, September 07, 1876, Image 4

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Tejtxtsos lias annotated his poems.
Dr. Holland has made $100,000 from
Li3 writings.
Trot. David Saying, of Chicago, is at
Long Branch.
Ex-Misistep. Schexck has returned
to private life.
IIexry Vincent U coming over to lec
ture again this fall.
Wuittiek lives frugally on. $1,000 a
year from the muses.
Sinoino Sankey proposes to settle
permanently in Boston.
IIawtuokne never received from Iris
writings euougli to live on.
David Dudley Field is said to receive
the largest fee of auy lawyer in the world.
TnE mother of Charlie K'iss is at Brook
field, Mass., with her remaining children.
' Bryant lias made 400,000 from the
Evening Post and only .lo,000 from his
Emekpox lives on a small patrimony
and has made only $'20,000 from all his
31 u.Geohge "William Cuktis declines
to be a candidate for the governorship ot
New York.
Cii vrti-ES FiiANcrs Adams is talked of
for Governor of Massachusetts by the
Cardinal McCloskey goes to ride
every day at Newport. His health is
much improved.
The nearest living relation to George
"Washington is said to be Dr. Lawrence
A. Washington of Texas.
Mr. Moody has moved into his new
house at Northtield, Massachusetts, just
adjoining his birthplace.
James Ucsskll Lowell is n possible
candidate tbr Congress. So is I'lCsideut
Chadbourne, of Williams Cullege.
In September, in Schoharie, X. Y., n
monument will he dedicated to David
"Williams, the captor of Major Andre.
Bayard Tayi.dk gets tfil.OOO u year as
editorial writer on the Tribune. His
works have yielded him some $.30,000.
Mk. Moody's church in Chicngo has
been dedidated. It cost $G1),000 and is
all paid for a condition precedent to its
Andrew Johnson's only son, Captain
Andrew Johnson, editor of the Greenville
Intelligencer, is a candidate for the State
Cvrran was once asked hy one of hi
l.mthpr iutbres. "Do von see anvth hi''
. . " . J , n
ridiculous iu this
i V " "Nothing but
the head," was the reply
Swedes is preparing to receive right
royally .Mine. Nilsson. Twelve concerts
are announced from the 10th of August
to the 10th of September.
If Custer had m ule a successful attack
and wiped out the whole Indian camp
men, women, ami children, would it have
been a "butchery" or a "glorious vic
tory?" HortATlo Skymoi k was elected orator
and Henry W. Longfellow the poet for
the coming Centennial of the surrender of
Burgoyne, which will occur on the 17th
of October, 1S77, at Saratoga.
Dit. Walt Kit Ciiaxmxo died in Tirook
line, Mass., on Thursday, in his uinety
fust year. He was a brother of William
Ellery Channing, and practised bis pro
fession with great success, in Boston.
Wiikn the Kmprror of Russia met the
Emperor of Austria at lleichstadt, on the
12th inst., he embraced him three times,
kissing bim each time on the cheek. Yet
Doni l'etlro never once olTercd to embrace
President Grant.
The one-hundredth birthday of Mr.
Windsor Howe was celebrated by his
friends and family at Bolton, Massachu
setts, July olst. The aged man was able
to appear at the table and direct the fes
tivities with a proud and cheerful air.
"I itEMEMiiKK," said the celebrated
Wesley, "hearing my father say to my
mother 'How could you have the pa
tience to tell that blockhead the same
thing twenty times over?' 'Why,' said
she, if I had told him but nineteen times
I fchould have lost all my labor.' "
JIu. Arri.ETON Oaksmitii delivered the
Fourth of July oration at Beaufort, North
Carolina. It was the first celebration
of the day there since the civil war. The
oration was delivered in the open air to
a great crowd. The harbor was filled
with boots from the surrounding country.
It is not generally known that Dr.
Oliver Wendell Holmes is the inventor
of the common hand stereoscope. Such is
the fact, however, and bis work has been
given to the world without the protection
of a patent. He has an immense collec
tion of stereoscopic views from all parts
of the earth.
Mil. Saxkey, the singing partner in Mr.
Moody's work, passed through Saratoga
Springs last Friday on his w ay to Boston,
where he leaves his wife and son for a
brief period. lie contemplates living in
Bostou permanently. He says that he
has received invitations to be present at
nearly every camp meeting in the coun
try, but declines because he needs rest,
and does not intend to imperil his voice
bv participating iu open air exercises.
Home JtuntqL
Hon. Geoikie E. I'coii died recently in
Cincinnati, Ohio, at the age of o'.j years
and 8 months. He was born in Cincin
nati, November 28, and graduated
at Miami University in 1840. He was
a lawyer by profession. During the Mex
ican war he was a captain in the Fourth
Begiment of Ohio Volunteers. He was
representative in the legislature in 184$
andl84'J; was appointed Solicitor to the
city of Cincinnati in 1830; was Attorney
General of the State in 1831, and elected
Senator in Congress from March 4, 1833,
for six years, and was a member of the
Committee on Public Lauds ami on the
Gen. Teiiky, who commands the mili
tary forces in Wyoming now operating
against the Sioux, is a native of Connecti
cut. He entered the service in May, I
1361, as Colonel of the Second Connecti
cut Volunteers, and in September of the
same year he assumed command of the
Seventh Connecticut. On April 23th,
1872, he was made a Brigadier-General
of Volunteers, and on January 13th, lSf3,
he was promoted to Major-General. His
record during the war was conspicuous,
the daring assault upon Fort Fisher, re
sulting in its capture, being one of his
most marked features. General Terry
was appointed at the close of the rebel
lion a full brigadier-general in the Regu
lar Army, to date from January 15ih,
1865, ami was placed in command of the
Department of the James, with head
quarters at Richmond, Va. His success
ful campaign against the rebellious In
diana iu Minnesota attracted attention to
him as an Indian fighter, and his service
during the past few years has been prin
cipally on tlie Western frontier.
A Knowing Coon.
A writer iu an English journal,
Oiee a Week, vouches for the following
he admits that th3 reader
may think it a "mere Yankee yarn:"
1 was living down South some years
ago that is to Bay, in Georgia. One
d ry, Pete, a gentleman of ebony coun
tenance, opal eyeballs and ivory teeth, a
thoroughly merry d irkey, who was my
companion in many a rishinir trip, came
g inning up to me with something tied
U in a pocket handkerchief, ami on open
ing it tliere rolled out a furry-looking
little animal, which proved to be a half
grown raccoon, one which, on arriving at
maturity, was as tame and companionable
a j a dog.
He was a handsome little fellow, in his
duky gray coat, white-ringed tail, anJ
a patch here and there of white. But it
i; not t.f his personal appearance that I
wish to tell, but his antics and tricks. In
the former he resembled a kitten in the
way in which he would roll over, curve
his tail, or seize my hand and pretend to
bite it; in the lat er he was A 1 in thecun
ning he displayed.
Take him down in a lagoon on a moon
light night, and "Dick" would be in his
jjiory. Ha would scutlle out to an over
hanging bough, anil thoroughly assimi
late Himself with it by crouching so close
fiat you could hardly make him out;
and then he would allow his bu-hy tail
t droop into the water, moving it care
lessly about, and waiting for a bite.
He did not wait long, as a rule, for
over and over again I have stood and
watched him, till I have become aware
of a flight movement iu the water, wiien,
with a spring that was like lightning,
''Dick" would throw himself ashore, ami
i.i nine cases out of ten with a crab tight
hole of his bushy tail.
Then there would be a slight seufll ?.
' Dick" would sit up on his hind leys,
v iih the eantive that had tried hard to
regaiu the water, hold his prey in his
ii.ie paws, and crunch loin up with the
greatest of zest, before going to fish for
Bat they were not crabs which always
came to "Dick V tishrnj; tackle. Before
now a little alligator of some eighteen
inches long had seized it, and had been
shaken olf by "Dick," who evidently did
not wish for a nearer acquaintance. The
other creatures attracted were a kind of
turtle alligator turtles we call them,
hideous little creatures, and with a very
small carapace, ami a long, snaky-looking
head ami ueek, armed with a bird-like,
nipping mouth. I detested the things.
Pacing luvm next lo auigai.rs, imi
u.ri,..i.n i:i i.i
for there seemed to
u Net i i ne in,
be a good deal of succulent food con
tained between their shells. These fel
lows were easily attracted to "Dick's"
tail upon his fishing expeditions; they
bit readily, but the result was not all that
could be desired.
"Dick" wouhl be crouching on a tree
trunk, close over one of the silent, oilj--Iitokiug,
reed-fringed pools, when sudden
ly, as I w atched, a snaky-like head would
rise out of tlie water, followed by a
lumpy shell. Then another and another
would be thrust up, and the owners would
silently paddle to the moving fur, look
at it intently for a few moments, and then
one wouhl make a grab.
Evidently knowing his customers
"Dick" would wait patiently to let him
g-t hold fast before making bis spring,
'i hen oil" he would cro tor the shore or the
shallows, with jis big a bounce as bis
fuuscies would sustain; but as rule the
tesult was only a loud plash, the turtle
fell back into the water, and "Dick" had
to resume his tactics, and generally with
out success till a crab came, when, with
n short bark of delight, the clever little
animal would set to and feast.
When, however, by chance "Dick" did
succeed in getting his prey ashore, there
was no tight shown beyond the sharp snap
made by the turtle, one easily avoided by
"Dick," who would seize the reptile by
the back of the neck, and drag the soft
part piecemeal from between the shells;
for if he were not sharp over his work, a
task was in store for him, the turtle giv
ing up all hope of reaching the water,
and retiring within his hard, leathery
"Dick" afforded me many an hour's
amusement; but one evening, when I had
him out, he must have been seized with a
desire for freedom. lie darted off into
the undergrowth, as I thought iu pursuit
t something, aud he never came back.
Domesticity was all very well; but
"Dick's" motto was evidently, "A life
in the woods for me."
A CurioiiH African Plant The
witschia 3Iirjililis.
Xow that tin re is Midi a desire to ac
quire plants which contrast strangely with
the ordinary types in foliage or form, it
may please many readers to make the
iieijuaintancc ot' tlie H'elwitschia, prob
ably to provoke the exclamation, "Well,
I wish 1 had one !"
This plant is one of tlie most extraor
dinary found on the globe. Its stalk at
tains the diameter of a large tree-trunk,
four feet, or even more, but never rises
more than a foot from the ground. You
would take it tor the fctump of a felled
tree, or an enormous fungus. From this
stalk extend two leaves, which last a
long as the plant, often for a century, and
acquire an immense size, occasionally ix
feet long by two or three wide. They are
green, leathery, and, by their frequent
ll.ipping in the wind against the ground,
split at the irnl into a number of thongs.
The top of tlie stalks hollows in, and
is marked by a series of concentric cir
cles. From this, especially along the
outer edge, spring out branched llower
stalksi, bearing bright-red buds, which
finally become cones, like those of a pine,
two inches long by one in diameter.
This strange plant belongs to the Con
ifer family, genus Gnetum. It was dis
covered on tlie west coast of Africa, near
Cape Negro, by Doctor Wei witschia, w ho
gave it his name. The negroes call it
Tounibo. A French priest named I)u
parque brought a specimen of tjie plant
to Paris.
M. D. Conway is authority for the fol
lowing anecdote connected with the late
Lady Stanley : 'Lat ye;ir L idy Augusta
Stanley's parrot escaped, and the Dean
and a number of the clergy, including
the Archbishop, who were with him at
the time, went ont into the garden tofiud
the bird. The search was in vain for a
time, but presently a voice came from the
trees above saying, 'Let us pray!' It
was a familiar voice, aud Lady Stanley
laughed, then the Dean, and finally the
whole ecclesiastical group roared, as the
parrot cry came again with unction, 'Let
us pray !' "
A Tocxo lady told her lover that she
liked Shakespeare very much, and that
she "read it when it first came out."
Then she proceeded to scan a magazine
to sec what the spring styles were.
Quotations, mile, otherw ise peeifi d rep.
renent re-eiver' price iu lot, marketed uu
wliarf or from tore.
FLOCK The J. L. Stp!rna, from Port
land, Oregon, brought '2,40 Lf ks; Sett
Witch, from same pla.-e, 2,000 ir sk. Cle ir.
Miu-t s liave l.ern, 2i5 ltf nk to t'.ia oiia. tils!
hf sks to (J'.n-entvn, lrHunil, ami tin; Aus
tralian ste.inn-r for New Zcaluml carried I.uo
bhls. The demand is f.iir at sit-adv p-ues.
We quote superfine at 4 004 tamliO d
liruiiiU, $4 fnf 4 T; extra supurtiue, i CO;
extra family, f :I-"tj,5 .
WHEAT. Cablegrams from Liverpool of
August II qiiot'.Ml taut market IN :d(. a Ud
for average California, and IN JJtrr lu.t for
Club. This is a decline of Mui'.iA from previ
ous reported rates. Prices have slowly i.end
d downward sinee the l.-t instant. The
markt-t h-re, however, notwithstanding the
ihcliu): has ruled Crui, command 1 5o
$1 for good to ehoiee shipping; c'l.iiee
milling is in r,,0.j demand at 1 .V. -l .V7';
for a lot of forty tons of gilt-dgcd Australia
as high us SI (VJ was paid. This, howe :r, is
a very extreme price, and if quoted woii'd be
likely to mislead. .Millers tiiul it tlilHci.lt to
obtain wheat suitable for best extras, and
when really lioice lots are oilVred foy sale
mere are uutuer?. at goou prices. l liere iia
been an inerea-ed oUiute of luinesr- tliis
month. Comparative receipts, exports, val
ue and average price ate as given iu Ihh fol
lowing table :
K-r.-iKi. Kxporrs. Vlue. A'.
.Inly. 111 ;!. Ji S!.l. i7...;t
.luiv. i;s at."; zri. ..v Ki.uiij
Jai.lS.(i a tUl.iM l,ia,.'.V
Auuur. lsT.'i,
f.. ;iih m-i., IVI.Ibn K!,f.JT
Auk ist. 1 -".,
n mil lut.. 307.215 'hn,i:)
ieliveries continue libera', giving quid
patch, nine cargoes having cleared
riioulh to lat-. We quote new mi
cboii e, at St .V.rl "-.,; extra s ipe
1 50
. flis-
line I
$1 4-r,:?l ."k); siipeitine, -Jt
corning to quality ; choice r
fl fair to good shippin.
niixeil wheat,! ."Oiir'jt :71..
. . I -ti' j, ue-
hipping, -1 .r.O;t
r, 1 4o,i I 4 V1., ;
, as to coiid.tion.
I lie lalesi Liver
rpool quotai lo is are lor uve: -Vheat,
'Js oa'.N tid; Club,
nge Caliloinia
'., Kl If 10s.
ISAKLKV. The demand during the week
has itceii lair, bill wi.li very tree arrival-.;
Prices have, rtiie.l iu buyer's lavor deciit. tllv.
Tlo-reaie considerable iiiiauliih s ying m j
i tlie vvai chouse. The hooael" Heche ari'tied
Iroui the lower coast August 11. with b-l.!
ls, all tl ulue'.i went i.iio store. Cuoi O d
Brewing U iienl at 1 :0. We. iiote Hay tVcil
at '.;' 4i (c(,l 0); CVa.it Feed, I'.Kijl OO; Old;
lire Ui, I 2(i? ? 1 id.
OA IS. A choice article, whether fei d or
milling parcel, are in goo I demand. The
lirst ol Hie new erop from Oregon arrived on
Monday, August 7. JSulca at l !M, tl.oali
latterly, iu coiisetpiencu of larger Mtp!ie.-,
the m irkct is less lirui. We quote Mi. ling ai
1 .".((. I N"; good to choice Ft cd, ?T .a$
1 To; oitiinary Feeil, St o i.-iil 10.
C'oU.N. Arrival- light, itit coi responding;
demand. Large yellow and while aletpiot
able at $1 l -; a mad ruUlid, $1 iiiel
$1 :; " 6 cti.
UYL. 1 he market has been very tpiict,
Willi lew otl'eriuga ; at the cloe wo note ii
email -.ale at $ 1 40. We litlote : i I Jvi 1 o.i,
Willi large supplies.
WOOL. There has been a good demand
for ad parcels coming furwaid, at full rates.
1 lie i uiproi ed lo.ie of tie- go ils niaiket in
the Kasl lias hatt a good etteet upon our
Wool market here, causing col, ileialle
speculative fueling, and ail advance in p: ices;
lac talk with souie ia very buoyant, but ti.u
hulk, of the blliucs done iio.B that old
cau. lolls policy. Some lea blight ai.J f.ee
lots ol lac fail clip havu ma b: ti.cir appear
ance, uud stdd al liih ligurt s, say Vlv i loc.
Oregon Eastern Wool has bad a gooil cab. al
aiivameil prices. These parcels are in It-
pust. The staple in quality seems to be
utjo e the a vc rag it of lor me r ears. Vaiicy de
scriptions Holders are naming very bih
tigurcs, beyond the view s of bu e i, a'.id im
probability U that inueli of il w.U idiipped
casiwuidou otviici's account. I he follow
ing are fair quotation-: ."seedy, htl ac fi
lb; choice long free, I7i(1Sc; do ch ut, lo
('(lle; do Nol thei II, "J u le ; buriv, l.'e'.lle;
Oregon, E c-tern, I li 10, d Vailev, I'.l .ilc.
ItF.ANiS. A lew sacks of liao-.Iirsl ol tin
new- ciop, have m.uie their a ;q.i aram e ; so!;
all 7o. Tiadc is Very tpii' l. Lots bom
uli.nl are on. .1 ;i Inc as toliovvs: H.tvo, I'-.e;
sm.ill H lute
::ii,(,4c; i;
"i'jc; pinall
1 Cie'!
l ea, I , hi e ; I
large bill ti I ,
Castor beans a t e
1 '
t lb
in leuuest. The nulls here are
liiy ing 1c loi
all clean lots
DA IKY' I'KODU butter The la e
vanee in prices lirought us increased
idles and lessened tile demand. Kertli
out tlie clioii e.-l fresh loll l,a- been le-- ac
tive. 1'icklctl and liikin in light demand.
Cheese steady ill price with lioeral ii t tipts;
K.istcru in good supply. Kgs all kind-, in
moderate demand. I ue jotiti.iii;- rates are as
follows: CUoiee fresh roil Caliiojitiu ll .tter.
:;.V ; lair lo good i nil, :t ':'' ..e ; oirlvli'd
nli, Oof
( tl; 'heese, li t He; K istern
I heest
I .Yd lie V P; t'aldoiiiia liesii laid
r.;;', o;a
lie! Ire'roll "" 'Ai .f V. i, tern
V dtZ.
r KL ll
u lies have leen h
"Tl.ll III
supply all the week, ifivinr oi;r commission
merchants more opportunity to work otl
other stoeks. l'rieew have improved, though
we are reeeivinif hut few of the late Craw
ford I'eaehes, and other ehoiee varieties.
L'iiiriiuis are out of market. AVe ipiote
reac hes, V h.isket, 'J (, Xe ; I'ea rs IS.it I le; ts,
basket, (KVt,l 4d, 1'eais, orthllaiy to
iood, basket, 4 . iil ; I'niins 4 ha-ket,
J.Yi',-k-; lirapes, .Vkijl IU box; Fiis,
jt lKi,5?l .Y); lilat kben ies, t itit o ?4 .O.
ttr;ivvireiries, 0.r(, ( V hest ol N ths;
liaii.inas, $ I .)((' IHJ V hiineh; Pineapples,
$ii lMJi(fjf.ii iti) fV do; Limes, $tit 5i ft M ;
Sicily Leiuona, 0 00,41.7 (Hi pi Ino; ( ant.i
loupes, il W&iZ 00; W'atei uieloiis, ii iyKit
iiz .y y m.
NL'Ta. Almonds, lov f r hard and lifiih'
for aolt shell; lira.il, l'i aif, Ue ; Filberts, ii
(t:iie; Hickory, K)it IK-.
Chile Walnuts, I0vitlle;
1 era 11, 1'
1 ii.-:
I"J,itl4e; Caliiornia IVaimts, ,t'.o
i V,: Co-
eoanuts, 7 OOvtt W V hundit.t.1.
I'O TATOKS. The Mipply continues to
fall y ritual Ibr daily reiUiienieiits, ai.tl the
niaiket is steady ut quoted. .Sweet ileelined
immedi.itrly after our hist report and have
eoiilinued lo rule in buyer's favor. Interior,
from T.i,(r,'. re. Weipiote: Choice, Tiki! ; fair
lo if. Kid, ' itti(e lOO lbs; Sswtets, H VOt,
1 -" p Un It..
UNIONS. Onions are steady. New red
are quotable at 5)tt45c V Ytdlow,
l(.t;7. f.
I'KoVISloNS. Culifornifi Smoked lt.iron
and K.istern Sttles, in jubbint; lots, l.Ytl7clor
heavy lt lieht ; California plain limns, 14(
loe; Eastern Hams, 17et lv j'r ; California
Lard. ; Eastern do, t-Y(7a t7.1 for all
otvle of package; Caliiornia Smoked Heel,
..."tllle V tt; Beef loiiues, i.lM; lis'
Feet, fJtOO; Mess Beef, i'J ihf 1 1 OO lor
bbls, and 0 in) for hf bids; Ii k.f 10 00
lor li ime, f li .Yj-for l'i inie Mess, 2f H tor
Mess and ,: V0.$21 W for Clear and Extra
MEATS ami LIVE STOCK. Beef in jood
supply; Mutton lower and in larire upply;
I'oiktiim; lln;r eearee. Tin? followiiiij me
the wholesale rules: Beef, 4' sietord-
to quality;
?., 7e; Mutton,
dUi'l Lamb, uprinir, SS'd.t'k-; Turk ((Jros,)
i4(li"?ae; do dressed, 10,t4lOasC.
POULTRY. We quote: Hen,t 5'6?t ');
R.M-tcrs, OI)((i$S oO Vdoz; Broilers, i l fiO
H?.". OJ y doz; Oeese.tame, 1 5 V
pair; Ducks, do, . 00i0 00 V tlz; Tu'
kevn. live, 'dtiV.
HIDES. 1 he market rntes are steady for all
kinds. Following; are eash prices paid in this
market: Dry, 10il-2!je, for usual n.deetious;
Wet Salted are quotable at .rni7e. The New
York price at date jrivcri at 10c, k,1'
for drv. ,. .
TALLOW. Market abundantly aiipplied
at (.;i'k" for sr.iod to choice.
COllNME lL. Fine kinds for the table.
2!(i4:Jc y course kinds for feed, i'it -fKtU
fw mi y ton. . ,
BUCKWHEAT. New crop 1 m demand
'"llU iNASP MIDDLINC.S. The mill price
of Bran is reduced to li) M&$17 W, aud
fliM V for middlings.
HAY. There is quite a ranifc in prices;
stock heavy for medium prades; say 7 00
jd: 00, according to quality.
STRAW. A tfood article i salable at
60c V bale.
SEEDS. Tliere Is n irood demand for brown
Muatiird Seed, ehielly for milling purposes.
We quote: Flax, V B, ilit'- Mustard,
2$oc; Califoruid Canary, 10rfl5e; Alfal
fa, 1 1 tit Vic. , . ,
HOPS. California crop of 16T5it nominal
at liJlSe y tb.
HONEY. Choice newwhite in framea, 12J
Uc, in small lots; fair while, lul:ic;
dark, tiiiSe; ttrained, ."Kgloc.
BEESWAX. Receipts are lijjbt with a fair
demand; quotable at U5J27ic.
Wool Commission Merchants.
Mejr. Moodj Jk FarUli, Wool eommUlon
merchanti, have their ottlce at 210 DavU it.,
tnd ure one of the olJrt, if not the oldest.
Wool llrm in this city. They h ire been In
the biistnes tw ntv vai, and are engaged
exclnively in Itie Wool trade; e!iing WimiI
'ii eoiiiiii:ssjoii, makitig e:islr advance on
Wo 1 coiisigtiuients and furidsloiig lieep
amvvers w in all inci-arv Mipplies when
ordered. Mr. A. T. Farish has probably old
more 'aIifornia Wool il:an any other iiiair in
the :s!ate. Tlie Ii:tyear he was in the busi
ness, twenty years ago, he fold 500 bales,
which was then deemed a goo 1 year' work.
Now the tirm think it nothing extraordinary
to sell that number of liah-s in a kindle day.
Mr. Joseph L. Moody is the oner and a
the builder of the large warehouse near the
Southern K. ij. l), j:o ', in the southern part
of the city. Tin w ar. houre is an imnieiie
ti i k Kti ucture, -J3 Jx-ittO reel. The wall, are
i feet hiitb, mi i it is a lirst-cla fireproof
risk, taken at the lowe-t rate. It is occu
pied by the popular Wool firms of E. CirUar
it Co.,".J. II. .McAlliter Co., John F.Knox
and Ball A: Julian. Tne firm of M.-ody !c Far
ish, I e-idi s bring urn: of the largest receiver
direct hour the Wool grower and country
inert hauls, handle the larent part of Hie
tV ol eonsiu'iii-d to lii'-reh.int ia this city.
Their houe has been in the business o long
that it ia well known m every part ot the
rotate, ami lia a numerous and extensile pat
ronage. They are perfectly lamiliar with all
kinds of Wool, and with tie- husoics in all iu
varied branches. ,S. '. J-mrutl ' Voinmerce.
Artesian Wella.
Throuli tin- coiirte-y of Me.srs. Price A
Morgan, tf West Oakland, we wi re Jrcseiit
at a Irial of Hie l'acilie Arte-iaii and l'ros
pi t-liug Au :er, retently patented by tlieiu,
and ueteei that ue un do no less than to
give the n suit of our olisel I a I ltns to our
readers, feeling as wc d that the problem
of th-ep well boruig is one of the lery im
p trtant iiilere-u tit-fore the people of the l'a-
Hie slope. The "l'acilie Angel" is simple in
it- construction, easi y run ly two men, and
not liable to get out id' oilier. Tlie cXpcri
uiel.t that We saw was ill ordinary soil, aild il
sank a scvi-li-tuch hoie , at the rale of ten feet
per hour. I he dirt is raised to the ui la e tiy
means ot a sii ling ch-vator lliat is worked by
a puoey , vt line liie tlllVllig roil or nliull is
ut er r.Osi tl from the Well unless it be to
i haugu fiom tiie u-e ol tiie auger lo ihe drill,
iu cuse of nieeliiig wilh rock or any li.iids.il-
staiice tiiat lt f(U.re tlie u-e ol the tb ill. For
mis is one en i ne au vantages I iaiuieu lor lul
Auger, thai a ill id either diuiuoud or con
tu-slou; can lie Usetl, if net easary, with per
lei l sin ces. kn. in our ouu otiservation. ,
well a. Imm the opinion t.l inlebigeiit gciitle
meii who have seen its operations w e are
saiislied that Ihis Auger is dcs.ined lo super
setle all olliei s, and to w ork all entire revolu
tion in ihe tleep well iircicst f this coa-t.
The l ust of the auiiaralus, exclusive o! shaft
ing, is about f'-i-n), and is so biuile in it
coast ruction ihal it can he workeU by anv
ordinary niei hanie. To those of our readers
who arc iutci clcd in deep well boring, we
say it. win pay you lo isil Messm. li u e
Morgan, ami see for y oui selves Ihe most per-
leel ueep Well -Anger jet inveiileU.
Our Gun Makora.
ti::!.l 4 into.
This enttrnrislu
', u -i cisfui, and dtsprvcd!y
o;nil.ii' lu iu .tie ttoii, bu-i:u s in Ihuir eoui
modioli es'.iliiiThiiiciU, IU .sau-oiiu stieet.
ui i 1.1 iiei-oo. i in ir lock eo:ii;i i-es every
llll l- III ilil' lllli ! UII, l lttoiS, tlUll IllU-
it rial, A lumtnii 1 1011, lo der, ."iUot. Cap- aiitl
V;id-, -Mei, ue t'ailiidues 1 1 0111 the Union
leliiie l.'jrli ide t'o., 01 iti idejtoi t, Conn
I'. . A., and L.eV Uro-., of London, Knlalid
iit'i tun tin on! ji-s lor ine ln-lie-.t male ol
inns and 1'i-d.d-, .111 .11 Hliuh arc liri teh
ami tiuiZi. c loading .Sn.l iunsf made liy W.
vV . lireener of I!. 1 m I14h.uu, Kimlaiid, and C
S.-..tt A .Sn, lin mm-h mi. for .Mimii's,
iteming !o:r and Lidi.nd's poitiii K ile-.
U iiieiiesiei lit en's reju alin; Kill s, wilii
Shot I'uiiehes, FlasUs, and implements for
loadoi- 'he slieli, ,,r lueet ii loailllii; Miot
(1111-, I10111 Ir.t ksou ,. sons, fe Hi Id, Kn
,ai.d. o tli ,t they have .1 l oinjMete stivk
from whieli inland tr itlersean at ail times or
der the Kinds in u-e in I loir loeal il ies. This es-lali.i-liniert
was open, d in ttiU 1 - it v in Mareh.
1-ii. on l oiiiiiiert-i.il
old K.tilroad Mouse
el ret r, opposite to the
hy I ' ii .ti Its t'urrv, anti
eal l lt d on l hint til. li s th 111 se III iNsl,
f thr
t he liii-iiie- pass, d into the hand
pit sent ti r lit, who p,
ronaire. ii-,lo nei3
aU highly of their j.at
willitieive prompt at-
it lit ion, fit; r It nils, s
m 1 1 1 It Maul V eo u I le- v
Hare ile.ilniir. while
uiil le extended to
' '"i tit ve.
them. .S. J'. Joan .' (
Givo Them a Call.
We d. ire to tall the attention of our
readers lo tie-a Ua-i t:-etu-iit of N.Curry it
li o , in another column. you need uu A
No. 1 (inn or I'M ,!, that will "prove by u-c to
b-just as reprt - -nKd, -ive Ihctll U rail when
von are in the rily. Vou will tiutl them mIIj
l entleiiieri and reliable lit al. is; and they
will sell ion ijt.d, at the very lowest market
pi ices.
Tho Best Photographs
On th I'aciiu' Coast lire now made at the
New York I. alien, No. Third utrcct, San
Francisco, l'rit -t lo uit thtr times.
J. II. FKI FUS. I'roprietor.
I'hiladt l.hia, an iioiuices his discovery for
the radical cure of Cancer. Xn Knife! So
'".' ;tmxn-r Kt-medic with full direr
lions pent anywhere, r.nnphlets and partieu
lars Miiti-.. Addrrss with stamp, Dr. II.
T. BtiMi, .".; North Broad M I'hiladeiphia, Fa.
Biuoht's disease, diabetes, gravel, and all
"'isi a-es of the bladder ami kldiievs rilnil by
Kkahn ev's Ent icr Bi;t hl It is safe, etliea
cious and reliable. Sold by dru-ists every
where. Advice gratis.
f'l-KE roil Si iisb TuitniT. Hub the throat
a it 11 Trapper's Indian i III until red ; then bind
011 llannel until saturated with it, and in the
1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 r it is one.
'I'lfl.-i Is an excellent aelni.il f.
r ln)s ami young
a in. 11. 11 e.liie it. 1 11. ,r. ... lj- i 1 ! v -....1 .1 . .... ... ;
only. I itiiiix men siiotii.l t i.i.iniie tais s, ii,,l ,e
lre utreiid it fist-wuere. lur lii.iriii..ti.,n rail ai
llie oliiee, il i'lwI .r., or address K. I. llh.VLtl, S. F.
MfNTi;MKi:V ave. niei Kearny -f .San Pranrls
., two iti.M-Ks west .. the rimt-ofttce str. t-l er
ir..ui ali tlie S'f.iiier unit li.inr.ia 1 I. . .. slut fret
1 oa. li and I .irri ir.'s 1.. tlie 11., tel. In.RN m.ow Kit A:
M. I'riipri.'l..r. II Ht I is l.ri. k, r.air smries. eon
I r 1 1 ... r..oui. a,i -rlect.y nluetl and venti-
1 de.l, lnili.n' r.-t.His, thoi Slid old wsteri aial rliisets
..ti every tl..r; street 1 1 '.ntae :Ui Ifrt. Iliree tlidtsi.t
stairs, and ..nr I'nlntl II unln- tiivimi. Hotel
ana 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 j s( nil nut e..t nearly Jla.itj. Will Im
k.'.r KlUsl-, CAnS. at i.ll l.er .lav. ami I1.M1I.111.
.r iiiontl.. l eine n. see
-SK's, 1'AI.Al K lK
S( ., 11 f rant'isrti.
llf l. II 1 JLW1
III 444.-. 4.44l A l
slltt t ronl Mreel, is K.
t''- I' AMII.V WANTS IT. Money In it
a J soul l,y Ae.ns. A'tdrrss M. N. UlVFI.I Kri. pa
Silllo C")". Pi'rtldjr. Kfnd for Chrt.tno l'ataliriie.
VlO t),;-r. II. iii rmKit' ho, it.wion Mas.
iJCoiCOn l"r day at home. iiip!rs worth fl fre.
wJWiiV -stissom To., l ortiaii.t. Msmt-.
A M' IN' Til Airt-nts wantcl everywhere.
Ilusiness liotioralile and tlrst-elasa. i'ar
tit ulars enf free. Address
J. wiili l H i't..t. Imta. Mo.
- I KT A ' II A II I. K H All.'
AL enables every ladr
handle, with ease, a Jar.
t iiaiulter. &e.. w t liout ri-k of -piiliii ,.r ti rip.niif
Mate si..; a. ..ulld Ik-iow 1 lie e.lif. s.m;ile, post tid,
. t-eius. .1. A. II Mill. IN'i.ver. ol.
t VI A Kl'hll T I'
AI.Mhlt'si K1HJK Itxil.S. I.y tlir
J Meenan.es' litsrilule lair. Is.
lu-rrv St.. l'tw-een IT li sn.l 5Ui. Sn Kranrise.,.
was ri:t.
T day ituaran
' and t'hiitlreu's
Il . I. sell rt.tr .es for t;nlie.
ear in.li.eiisahle, pn'etitetl, and of real merit.
Have oil y t . ! esnihited to sell. Adopted and rei-.
oiiiinen.ied hy la.i' lre Kef.irin I o.ii niitlee . the
I nit' d ate. l ..r particulars address Ellis Man'o
t , VVaithsm. Must.
i Teeth saved, i
sdiiimi-t.-i ed lor painlrss r xtrat-tioii of teetli.
!et- ol Artitieial Teeth warranted lo last teu years,
from illl upward, uttlre, 1 Ji .iiiter-ire. t, San f rau-i-IM-o.
( I'se the elevator I. Ili. T. MtlliKfKW.
i Tiiia. to i-anvass f.r " : !. a work jf real
merit, writteu l the Prophet Hriicnam ouiiK'a rt
tedliou wile, Mr. Ann Eliza Wel.ti Yo.io. who la
1I..1114 more towards .li-iiiilerratin the atr.M-ious
M . rin. .111 system than the te.veruiueut of llie t inted
btatts. Terms liticral. Addrtum
A'1 ll t-rison Ut . ri e ra. e.sen
Mo. IN Kcaray Mt.. near Bu.h
ti pt-r gallon.
T. W. JAtKl iM. fc&a rran
cieo. boia Agent for Call for
eta and NeTKln.
C. & P. II. TIBESLL & CO.,
Btwea noniB sod Baircry. SAN FKANCISCO
llnnrrrur'r of Mmi'i, Buyi'. Vonth't. ud ChU
tlren KINK CALK KimT8.
orders std'.i-itttd snd promptly niletl. All ilM M
qa-tlir-tw ma.lt? st the luwmt merkrt priOM.
fiesse exsuime in coutls ami once.
m. t aiiiir)iiir wania oi iiii" w
rilir Mtittra, Ima Jsitbt-rii nrrfrrlrd and
sli-l lilt n rrgsiar V:.L. UORHU
AXl PnOsPKtTIKH . I i:it. It l.ran-
irurlftl on purely arlrittlllr prlnrlplra.
nil lia prrfecl almpllrlty f roriitMtlon
!! Milnpta It to all kinds af wrll lr
lue itd mining purpose, llj lia
the rspenae or oblalul a water inraaih
out Ihrdr portions of llie rountry. In
unrfiiff or atrtrainit m rlla, III bt creatly
rnlureil. Mntl for prospertinc for min
eral It will nereaairllyr aupersed all
oilier in rliliea nut In uae.
Tills almple and pr.irl lrl maelilne ran
now be seen at ncrk and thoroughly
rinrolnril at OaUlaiiil loint Planlii(
.Mills. Mtate and t'ouiily Itlgliis for aale.
All liifarmntlrtii otitalned by npplylnc
Pa tr u tee.
Addreaa: )Mll:tutl Point. C'al.
IMPoltlEKt. UK
Waon 1 Carriaje Material
And al' ctrles uf IlodN-a
itiij I'mitisu! rt.
Sarven Patent Wheels,
Wooi Hub Wheels
Of all izr-s, untile ti
Mole Ageuta for
Adjustable Carriage Umbrella
limit II esn be aitaelifd to f open reldele. Ir
l run he n.llii-lfil I" -ity 'lesircil 1 emlil, snglti or
loe. tl,... 1. Weill tlriiil nullum n t'i ill ; is irsns-
iilile from our tmriakc iu su.jllit r: welKlit. leu
5r-..n.l f ,r tllii.trstt il ctrculsr. Adilrt a l
aiei t'4l Murker st , and It wi.tl I HIriiU H.
S iu t rsm-iw i; !tw i.il IOI J sin-et. haerainunto.
Vou hoiiltl I uu u re your Life in th
Mutual Life Insurance Co.
lTo. 41 Ssccnd St., Sacramento.
SKHI.OOO Appratrtl Neratrltlra depea
lira ssllli ! 'illfrMl Htat
Ilriartmeiit its e-sn-Hjr far
folic y-It oiara rtfrjwbrrt.
J. II. AKIi'll.U
Vice President.
. fcccratary.
Issues every rteserl ptlon of approved Lira, Km
Ih. im. snd Joint I.i r ac r..l.t' is. navshle Is
t,.jlu ort'.irreiit-y al the option of the Insurar, at
rales as l.w ms ot'.er mutual c ompanies.
It ret eivt-s a lUK'ier rale of Interest on Ita Invest
infills thsu is ret el veil t.jr any other Llie Inaur
sin e 1 ompany In the roiihtr).
Insure MW, for though y..n may tie well to-day,
next week or ueit uiouTU you may become uu
215 Sansoma Street. San Francleco.
Journal of Commerce.
A . l
Best Commercial Paper
A Complete List of Jobbers Prices,
And a General Review of all
Goods sold in this Market.
Terms cf Subscription, $5.00 per Tear.
irHamil oplea atrnt on Appll'a
f I u II .
S. F. Journal ol Commerc Publithinq Co..
For Water or Gas.
J teed to stand any reijulretl pressure,
labor uetfkry to eltlit-r lay or lap it.
u .killed
Mrnd for tirrnlars aititt Irlr l.lat to
Miinufacturer nJ Sole ARfnt for the ParlflcCoaat,
7H Foorth Mt.. Man Pronrlaro.
L M irlili.ei y of all deacriptiona. Flour MUla Iml.t
liy couirart or liy ilie day. Call partieiilar aiteutloii to
our Feed Mills for Esrit.rr's use. Keml tor tlest-riptive
t irrular and prlee list. ,IO. WAIiN n.lt at I II .
1 13 and 1 1 Mission 8 .. San ErJOtlsCO;
1 Muze y..idu.K Hhsl Uan.. ! omsI fit.
isU. II .ve e.ii.Ktaiitlv on lei ml Kharn'sand IteuiuiK
ton XM.rtlii-; It ties. tA ltn-lieier and t-.vans' lieeatiiiK
Itillfs. UriHi 4t tireener's .:elelrated Hree li Uaduiie
I ..nine 1.11ns. Ainiiiiiidlion of all Vimla alwsya uu
liaoil-Wholesaleand ltsH. N. UUKItV BKO..
114 b.nsiiiie Street, 8.11 t rsnt isto
V3t Markrl Mt- Ms w-.MiiPt.ro.
renovated, and it now oien f -r ifue.ta itli or
wii hout iH.sr.l. I he House ia centrally located and
numi e.,iiir,,n .l.Ie sii.l nlesaaiit plat- lor htrauifera
isilingtliecity. Ilootua "':
Second St., bet. J and K,
Only one block from Hie Depot, BACIIA M Elf TO
V. . WATKKM. rroprlrlor.
flr.IWa.tl. eerreeet. r" rnrrinnf to iht
N.W Market Itteeet. fVirner fltoelrton.
Kan rrswrlsro.
Olil slay at home. Areola wotf?l,. "iT
5 last term Ire. TitUK CO.. Aogswt. Maia.
On'flt aad
The Last Great Trial of
From the Report of the Judges on Sowing Meohlnrs at
tho Grand Exhibition of the Mechanics' Institute.
San Francisoo, California, September, 1870.
"Ti but Ukn Btmalr ontn. ti Imalr. Into th merits of .11 ths M-ioh'.nt ou hlIUa. n IliaV
Isk.a In consideration, lo arrivs t verdict, ii"l so tnurli tiie Cm brilliancy uf rills puuit, a Uul ua
liiostiOD of qiisniie. lauding t msk id tlia aiiKreirate a ifrfirl mm-riiir, ui,r wlucU h III reiuaia la li e Iish.
ol IU jur liascr a Iouk I uie and lir all itisl n claliued fur it litni u.- . jn riiiiiui iii'a, dsi aOll t , lljlil-
ea uf luvliuu, tisri.tUuu if ailicti, liabilitr k waar, tie,
The Florence Sowing Machine.
"Wcwrra favarablr ImpriMed wsllh lh pirlrlln rtli allfrlilnaT
anlsm mt thla Muthlne, It rnll lt
nearit m( mn. It h rrmrkal
alo lai h llr-sip. Its general rHtrnelln tremi ml in I rn lily adapted 10 aiann
tb wear (.U'fiisrnl fro in tie w.rk don upon that rinse ot inarlilnea. elliere.
for ht tho FlItMT plae mm m famlljr Nmliic Harblue, Mlltor Modal
Awarded. (KlgueU)
mis. 11. a. mooki:.
Mrs. II. A. Moors would announre. tn ladlea and
unltof hair that li haa roiened parlors tor lis eiwes i reaitnetir. 1 ney are em piniiirany assnt en siie riwee
tha skill to proilaee a full flowing t rop of hair ult all arnnes of lmliln-s. A lew irenl nienis will enn vlnt'it tli
niiMt aKepUral - thla lutieiarKraiion. No mineral or tlamKlnn siilistuni'i-a used. I haveln my parlors nine
toiirapha ul wei'l-Wnovvu cifixnna, ulnl.ltiiiK I tin roulraat tit-fore ami alter trt'Mt mi tif.wlilrli 1 mi tieaeea tv lliossi
ilesiri. it it. K iH-tter evlileoua cau l f urtiiaiiHtl. Hlii'U Ihry are si eu, .loiml vanisln a. J'repiuiitioiit sent
lo all parta'of the rouoiry.
$30 Health Lift
II a, 1. I a. M.l. A. Me, i-resiaeius aim rr..
.rs i.n'olleit-. a.-h.Md Frmel.aU, Autitora. JCrtl
Attorueys, Bankets, l'ub!islrs. Merclistits aud
10 m,
lliain Workers k-.-iier. liy. J. w . ai tiermeriiot n itu...
Msiiarsi turers. 14 Hon.l st . S . T. i.1 f'"- "' .rand
nneelist. I. V Mt I' Hi K. M.IJ.. Agent. XV lost at reil.
at Musuula I snip, U iilis.
Improved Quartz Mill
XX lialf Ilia coat of III naual t !. hauX fo Circa
laraud frtca List to
Car ar V. A. lluutliiitsa,
IIS aud 14S frfwonl Ht..
Man rranclac. I'al.
..skTiniii KXTIHKI.I aa.ni js
fcl 1'l.KlKlt 1I ALU
Tho only Mattress
THAT CAN BK THiH I . r.u wu mao..u si
for five years. Iwnt Yor Circular and
TRUMAN . t.LAUK.hole Agent.
His Market HI. .it Kraiteiseo. a I.
Price List to
'I'lIK atWIiET s ' "
1 ant and lleaicr. now stopping at rso. oit
krarny mr.rl, r.an rnm wu.o"i
11 ., wuo m-e. the loll.ia "IK l"-oHiii..i.-.
t irsi t hai K unless r..u ".-.
Kecoiol-llr sa. ill read your l'Atl, i'i.KnENl and
Fi ri'liK. tuaranieeiiig th I'ast tt Urn correct or
"VVhiru-Adlrr trlven 1b reference tn loat frleuda,
1 roiwrty. love, or liusinesa; aat i.fai lion or uu ft .
roiirtn-lf in por headtt lie UI l.s ateyoir disease,
dest ril Ha yinpi..ms ait l-o.-ultair fr.t"t",,
mar linlividiisl sslem, Wiriltitl AaKI Ml A
ill Kail ION This aaallb eiaminatloB la mad liy the
woB.lertulartt.f Maguohy. without any visible e
aiiunaiioii of iliaess. d organs, aud la lv as a tast ol
VW.m,.V."-ltly-VfLVor dtsaiuM. la etirabl.. he will
tiL' AKA.N I Kkt.. resloi. the lisaltb wllnout using a
ttrT.pot any drug, by method of tr.aiment --ii-islTy
U.t 01" Particular atieution g vel. to Nerv.aa.
Ilea neaa. Hiieuinatism. Nauraigia. Minll Weakueas,
;."f M-uiorv. and .11 disasea having their crigm
..The Ksl-a Kidoevs and Moma. h. res niodersie,
m'HUtii f.'u e. a'to M il.. ld t r a ll.altl. k
Im.iIaft.oT. r a It adlng of h.racter. beta be.ag
uvea UtEh to all, as a lest of power. ..,.,.
re" health eiamiualioti sent to people ated lltafl
who inch ae a ihrse-cein aianiiv, '"'''""'''- -.
-r ..ir. 1'eon.e at di.unee wUliing the part
..... i,,i... itinst 1 in-use cm reel date ef
birth, silk
Iim k ef hair and .' In gold, when
wrIIUu Destiny
will heeeatby flist mail. i.. w.iis
r.en.1 all iuuuici by registered letters. r vreila.
Fargo A i n.
Uoiira from 10 a
m. until in r. .
1 and Market .tret u, San r rai.el.cfj. II -r.ro.
1 wii Ir wittl Mhrrp .old om twnaiisl"la.
"oVo ighb"d ht.Kdf shipped w all l;. U "I -rl.
simh lal Anenra f.rthe Ausli alien t oloniea. Every eon
IMiai leii.s 1 . I,,,,.,., v., una Horses on
,,,e memlse; " I "m.H ad r.u.ed o. all deicn.-iiou. i
L,.ve blocs. ,
Cures (SjP Scab
feed by 'l Bheep ralaera '
Mountain. Tor aale by
111 f sf ll.tlrrr Ml.. Mn
tw-Send for Clrcnlar and Uric l.m
200 Bales
3. 4. 6. 7. 8. PLY.
Elm Mills. Ludlow Mills.
Cable Flax Mills.
IS SIT HarrmeelH Mom PranelM.
CAI IE flEif f
with iisecti
I At the home of th patiem
WitUoat th nee 01 to
land without awl. Addr
Or. A. H. tllOWII.
Oorrwsoad) ttoa physlcUM alM wUsMC
5. tfmCOLttt .
s- XiVi risers 2 2 p
" 5 A eTF AM fvMr AT m C
11 iiii"r:pi
Ua Kii.ue.i u, in our cituciudwa.
" Hrrme HKhlnvaa entl mil.
Imprai rnintia M lh nrrillo uiollon, !
V. iit.V. MOR FAT,
MOI'Ol.lt All, nintlitea.
wn. H ATirs, J
T tall KTI Kit II I It t IIII It II ' Kit.
Market Mt.. Nun I ranrUct,
a-entleinen who riestrn the .ermnl aiiirninent nf a On
I r.STAItl.lMt 1 ll
All Aril-lU In ltiiiiieiila, lluxsoii
ahle i-lr'S. I .sIMlliiii-llls, Mvild
lor lllual I'SImI MIHlonue.
JAMES S. SMITH, Gon'l Agent,
lot Hliirblan Mtrrrt. ISsti Kmntln o.
Tils' J IIII i.V. K it It Is A M n ! M irr.
Utility Aijnita.lt Titles
At 109 Stockton St., San Francisco.
Farmer, Miner and Granger
aouLD .I'Bsoitiii roa mt
Tho Popular Wtrokly.
Enluru&d and Improved.
The Host and Chcupuat.
ONLY 82.00 A YEA il.
ONLY $2.00 A YEAR.
ONLY 82.00 A YE All.
PoatMicr VO rt. .il.ll t lon.l.
Iir-end for Sainn'a I't.py. The low prlee wlitoh
It ia pnlillsltei! eoiiinisii.U for If a very large rlrenla
llon. Kvrry Kartiier an.t llu.iliess Mas sTioiild an
MTilte for it. An un.-y usllrd iiiejiuui Iwr Atlvei tUt-r
Tlie San Fraucisco Daily Evening Pes!
IVill b KnJnrqml awl Improved.
Mrrvrd lr I'arrl'r. ot 11-' rt.. per
a rrk 1 ti Mall, our yr.r, s.1.tM al
HKinllia, att.Mt Ihiff .tioiillia, atl.ftO.
natHirr rt.. ol tl M torn I.
Breeder of Thoroughbred bpanlih
Mrrlno atlirrp, from Vermont I'lsiniuni tock.at
berkeley, Alsin. Ua Coiintr. Horse ears every liau
hour from Hr..sitw ay tsii..n, Oi.k ImiiiI. 1 n ru.rioi,
AIM I'nllt'oriitit alrrrt. hsit r ranclseo.
American Fruit Drier
land, ot Hie lirotl. a. a Family, rarm or
rartory UKIKIt. It rtialilr. rs.rtr tuan
o boa. Ill own bueluea. aua pt oduoo
eneq.aled rr.olta.
titndjur ctrvulart and Me Uu.
J. M. 14KKI.BR CO..
! anil IIIO Maw.oiwa mi., n. r.
Tito t'rlrbratrd
Slfllbonr Pnmns
A mow lnprood.
a tut manafarlurrd in Man rrssri.es
nrpas. all otlier. In Mlmpllrlty, Itora
blllty nd Km of action aud girat ro
btndfor Circular anit I'rlrt .t.
J. H, HKI.LKH aft CO.,
It and AH) Mwnaorwr Mt., M. V.
Aquuriuin, Kiwtic I'lnilr ana jeuee-,
Stabl Fl1ur., Wtthr Vn.
Pumps. Engine and Machinery,
old er
J. n. KKKI.KH at CO.,
and HMO swatimel'T.. Fw'''i
1 IJI INK! Itat taoiitlie Rtoniiirh. Uver, Kidney
anrt ilowela. producing natural operalloti end
rnriry Ihk tbo lllood. keud for Iroltl to th
ueareat drunglet, ur to
S Xew Montgomery HI.. Han rranelacn.
g-W-iTn. Ho. tot.
Hinini anJ Saw Mill HacMnery.
TAB Khvn IK ALL lll "r JVf AMD lECOSw
13 nana
Ami 9tM MMhtnrr Mo-ght ttd "
99 rra.t rr.uoo,
I --11. 1
1 (CTrijgj tjj
linrcli V !' .MHkera,
..... nl- i-i,t I
a.sssis.l' is. a t. smi hi, in. ama., m isfiltal