Washington independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 1874-18??, July 20, 1876, Image 4

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Gilbert Stuart's Later Life.
The new Sultan is nearly as tall aj Iom
Do Pedho lias again visited the Cen
tennial. A GRASDDArGnTER of Ethan Allen
live at Reno.
Mr. Moody will spend the summer ai
Horthfield, Mass.
Ajtd now they mention Grant fur the
Senate from Illinois.
Plymoctii Church has fixed the salary
of Beecher at $20,000 annually.
It is said that Mr. New has sent the
President his resignation as Treasurer.
IT is said that Mrs. A.T. Stewart and
.TnW Hilton will soon sail for Europe.
T?, w TT Milman. son of the late
Dean Mil man, is to be appointed BUhop
Of Calcutta.
The Czar is the tallest sovereign in
t. Thff Emoeror William comes
Ul . . &
next in height.
TUuin. a Scotch millionaire.
who lately gave 300,000 to the Scottish
Church, is tleau.
Bismarck has gone to Kisscngen to
Arnv tho waters, tor chronic intlamma-
tion of the veins of the leg.
Schknck left Washington a
r.,r Ohio. His daughters
are visiting relatives in tint State
Af n At aiiv Cleumeii. the gifted letter
writer, has purchased a residence on Cap
itol II ft 1 1, anil purposes passing uic -
mer iu Washington.
Mrs. Stoddard, daughter of President
Tllrtnchiird. t.f Wlieaton College, was run
over and killed by a train of the North
western road, at Wlieaton, III
Ex-Governor. Bullock of Mafs-iclm-
setts and Professor Walker ot aie "t
tluwf siirrestei for the
IC-W HI - ' ... -
Preshlencv of Amherst College.
Tur if p1(.i,l,.nt Stearns of Amherst
farewell sermon
to tlirrraduatiiig class before his death,
and it will be read on the usual day.
Mrs. Swissuelm predicts that there
will ln wur with Soain in six vears. Yet
there are people who claim that woman
does not possess the prophetic instinct.
Tnr. F.mnnror of Brazil accented an
invitation to visit Lehigh University,
Smith ItfMilfilwm. Pa. Tnere are eigltft
Brazilians now at the University, three
of whom will graduate this season
A number of representative politicians
.Irs4'w h.Lve united to recommend
the name of Gen. George B. McCIellau
aa thf unorpnr in the Senate of Pre ling
huysen, whose term expires on the 4th ot
ATi! fYinvFi.tx Stewart, widow of
Ka lata Vpw Vnrlr millionaire, has re
ceptly made donations to more than fifty
t 1-703 fii-unrt for a few months was
in New York,paiuting the portraits of the
most iamous uicu aim uku .. - 7
He then went to Philadelphia, then the
capital of the new republic, "his highest
ambition in life," as he declared, "being
to puint the face ot asmngiou. iuc
is a story ot his nrsi lumwutuwu
Father of Ins Country, sigmucuui
character of the two men. Stuart s natural
ease of manner (or selt-conceftt as we may
choose to think it) had often carried him
unaba-hed into the presence ot royalty iu
England. The man of genius, he de
clared, honored kings by his notice, nut
when Secretary Dandridge brought him
into the little parlor where Washing
ton awaited him, he utterly lost
his self-possession, and stood awed and
dumb for several minutes. The Presi
dent talked to him quietly until lie re
covered himselt. 1 here must, tunc in.-t.-ii
some tine quality in Stuart him-elt to ap
preciate the in:ijesty oi simple num.
. . i 1 " - 1 .i...il..n'n n
The paiuter uvea m uniu.niiu,
ouiet little suburb oi niiiaueiimiu, w
. . i . i .i . .
which the yellow iever umi )f
driven President Washington and the ot
f htntp. Ha turneil an ivy-urowu
J.V-V-J -' r
stable or barn, in a hvM near his house,
into a studio, and there he execuieu ine
truest and greatest work of his lite the
head of Washington working at it with
a patient and anxious zeal. Something
. . . . . . 1 . . Lilt..r riiiiitiillllii:lt-
ot tlie BlUCt'lliy "I
ed itself for the moment, u uiu uiit.j
....;.. Stum-tit tascinalioii coti-
.ii usi ,
luered even the grave and impassive
Vushingtou. Atter his own iMrtrail was
linishe'Ce are told in the legends of the
village that lu and Laiy Washington
would often stroll across the fields and
,it for hours iu the stable-studio, talking.
. . -i. i
to the painter as lie wortveu. inc !-
trait of Washington, in t.ttt, was not uu-
ihed at all; when the head was none
Stuart declared he would never touch ll
again, ami never did, although he nuisheift
inferior copies made from it, sold them,
and souaboled about the selling, i ins one
Meat picture was oougiu uy me iwsmu
Authemeum, to which it now belongs. It
ives us, perhaps, our only true knowi-
ed"e of the appearance of Washington, II
we except the bust made oy iiouuin, wu.
1, A" .. .1... . . . ...... i till f
came irom r ranee ht uic mifh-wi""-
pose of modelling it for the State ot n-ginia.
ft lu-ie are told in Germantowu many
,tories of Stuart of the great men and
the stately, beautiful women wlio came
to him to be painted (and one likes to
believe that in those nrsi uays oi me ie
public all the men were great and alt the
women fair): of his skill, his excesses,
his mad fury when angered, his generos
ity when pleased; at worn mis ihiuiu8,
with Thomas jencrsou as ms
attentive listener; this alternoon, kicRing
. . I. . L- t, his liiitclier s in a
a roast vi utii
cenuy maue uouatious u moie mu uuj a (ua ' . .. , . ...
benevolent or charitable institutions of tempest of fury, followed by the shout
,,r,t;r,r. .-.on OtliHr in.r deli-'hted boys ot the village.
that ritv. amounting to 74.500. Other
donations are yet to be added to them.
William Ccllen Bryant was pre
ountu.l Tvifh n fonmpniorsitivc vase at
Checkering Hall yesterday before an im
mense audience. oeverai uppiopnaic
snpo-lip. were made. The occasion was
the 80th anniversary of the poet's birth
Hates will not, probably, resign his
office as Governor uutil September, when
Lieutenant Governor Young will legally
succeed him the law of Ohio being that
if the Governorship becomes vacant thirty
days before the October election, the
vacancy must be filled at that election.
Meiiemet Mcrat, the new Emperor of
Turkey, was married a few years ago to
a bountiful Circassian slave, who was
purchased for the sum of $12,000. She
is reckoned one of the most beautiful and
accomplished ladies in the empire. Sev
eral children have been born to the pair
and the father has devoted much care to
their education.
Sunt a An itii.
His lecord atter this uaie is ou:nj
told. He went to W ashiugton, men u
lioston. and there died, the Uist portrait-
painter in the country, after an old age
oeset by disease, tieot, auu unui.. -.-
boy ever set out on the journey of life
with a larger capital ot health, winning
manner, friendships, or .latiirat ability;
no man ever brought thai journey 10 n
sadder end of disappointment and loss.
Ot. .Y tCUVI.il!.
Uussian Dinners.
A correspondent of the Cincinnati En
quirer, in a letter from the City of Mexi
co, gives some interesting particulars
about Santa Anna, and how he is passing
his old age: "He lives iu the City ot
Mexico, in a third-rate house of two
stories, with courts of not more than 20
feet fcquare, the pavements out of repair,
the whole telling the story of poverty.
He was seated upon a much-worn sofa,
attended by a smart-appearing Mexican
of middle age, and rose, with some diffi
culty, in receiving us. He complained
considerably of his wooden leg, and also
of blindness. He is an old man of 80
years, very decripit, yet iu full command
of his faculties; has a good head and face,
not unlike the pictures of Humboldt in
old age, with broad temples and an ab
Tiint Hiniare nose, and at one time, good
AtlltU ft It llMI 1 littln tosav. but appealed
-j " i i
pleased at our visit; and as we told him
ot the lour or nve general omccis
Mexican war still living, he listened with
interest, but showed no special recogni
tion until the name of Pillow was inen
tioned. whom he remembered perfectly.
Over the sofa where Santa Anna sat
was the picture of a beautiful woman iu
her fullness of youth and loveliness. I his
was his wife when both led the fortunes
of Mexico. As we passed out of the court,
our attention was called to the figure oi
a woman of fifty in the window opposite,
in plain dress, and devoid of any iuteiest
ing attribute. This was she whose pic
ture had so interested us, Mrs. Gen. Santa
A Practical Hearer.
The late Dr. .Nott, of Union College,
was an eloquent preacher, and a great
college President. In his Life, just pub
lished, an amusing story is told of his
boyhood. His mother was often unable
to attend church, and required young
Nott to give her a full account of the ser
mon, lie became, therefore, a very at
tentive listener.
One Sunday the minister preached an
earnest sermon against the new style of
head-dress, then just coming into fashion
among young girls. He called it a de
vice of the Devil to ruin souls, and ex
horted his hearers to keep it out of their
families, or if it had got in, to destroy it
at the first opportunity. Young Elipha
let's conscience was troubled, for he knew
that a sister had obtained one of the
dreadful enormities, and kept it carefully
concealed in a secure hiding-place. His
duty was a plain one, he thought, to obey
the preacher. He went home w ith a mar
tyr spirit, hunted out the head-dress, and
tore it into shreds. The sister soon learned
what had been done, and made a great
outcry. The mother summoned the young
iilirir who i notified himself bv the min-
1 .. j -- - ..
Ivtor'a iiirr. twi mid hi OWU Sense OI
duty. But the mother gave him a sound
whipping and a lecture besides. Dr.
Nott always maintained, however, that
his punishmeut was a blunder on the part
of his mother.
Cark for what joa say, or what you say
will make you care.
It is worth while to go to St. Peters
burgh, if only to eat a Kussian dinner.
Like all Northern nations, the Russians
rejoice in raw food and stai tliug contrasts.
Some of their favorite soup are eaten
cold, and their tea is drank so hot as to
be impossible to an ordinary palate. -As
a preparation for dinner, some of a long
list ot relishes are chosen and waneu
down by strong liqueurs. You may take
caviar, raw radishes, or even, like a sea
soned llussian, seve-herrings, raw smoked
salmon, raw dried sturgeon, raw siuokcu
. la . . I II!
goose, cheese, butter, or an oi inese deli
cacies. I hey are tollowed by cold iced
soup of "kyas" (a beverage made ot ter-
meuted rye), with pieces oi nerriug, cu
cumber and meat floating in it; or an
other cold soup of a green color, or, what
... . i i I ...
is really goxl, "stem, a caouage soup,
to be eaten with sour cream or fish soup.
For your next course fish you are rec
ommended to select either li iitagai pat
ties, very much like inuthus with udi, or
"solianki" a dish composed of fish and
cabbage. By this time you should be
broken in sufficiently to lace with equa
nimity both the words "porosinok pxl
knereuom," or their manifestations iu the
flesh, namely, cold boiled sucking pig,
with horse-radish sauce. You may then
add the really delicious chicken or veal
cutlets and roast mutton stulfed with
buckwheat, passing on to capercailzie,
riabehick U kind of grouse), or double
snipe, with salted cucumbers for salad,
and various sweet dishes, including Nes
selrode pudding in the land of its birth.
If digestion requires it, you may return
to cheese and caviar; but if indeed you
have succeeded in eating all these dishes
w ith relish, there can be no apparent rea
son on the scores of digestion why you
4l. .. I .
should not go on again wuu me wiu
soup and spend a few hours more or less
in .lining in a circle. You ought mean
while to be drinking the wines of the
Crimea, the Caucasus or the Don, but you
will not find it easy to get them unless
you pay for them under the names ot
Bordeaux, Burgundy, or Champagne. It
is far better to try the cider, perry, or
raspberry kias, or the cool Lompopo.
Coffee, yellow tea, liqueurs and cigarettes,
complete the repast.
We bar nothing of particular InterMt to
report the tame funeral quiet tone wliL-h
ha prevailed throughout all huinfts circles
for some time pat, nd vrhtc.-h U entirely con
trary to tli expectation of our business com
munity, who having in view the enormous
and unusual ham st yield of the entire coast,
were led to expect an active business, still
exists. Pei hiips too much was expected.
The harvest Is now under w ay, and the
...i.;..ir ..f ! ti iv emu liaft flli'eadv com.
IltlTlll ' ' " J ' - - J
uiencrd, as we note exports of hotb new wheat
... . ' . ...:.v.: i... ....
and nancy to some cxicm, innn mc jiuoi
wPft. EiiL'iireinent of tonnasre for export to
date a""-rezate aiut 00,000 tons within the
range .f -s Ga?t:Mls. At present there
U hut little doimr. and charters are weak
at the lower figures sriven. The amount of
tonnage now- on the way suitable for grain
cart iiige is estimated nt .jO,OOil tons.
Money is not in as free circulation as usual,
but the banks are well supplied, and rates
are easy for borrowers on j;ood feec uri tie,
say 1 per cent., present demand beintf l'njht,
uiinsuallr so for the opening of the harvest
vi'iir. wliich is the best evidence we have
lb :.t little is doing iu the purchase of crops.
The English grain market is reported dull
,i.i,l lib a sliirht recession in orices of
wheat within the week. The home market
sympathizes with the foreign, and the result
.. ti in:ii-tivitv: and even at the low
pi ices at w hich w heat s now oUercd.t here is no
disposition on llie pan in siupers 10 puicu.isc
Flour rales are steady with a continued large
..vn..it trade to China oi the lower ana
"""" . -:. i... , i
suttcrtine graues, occ.isioneu oy 'ioji
,.-;. fur Midi irrades and the mi
II., I..ur rit..-l of flfi'rlit K.irleV
Italian, i ' ' " " - - - -
weakens steadily as the near prospect of the
approaching large harvest is assured. Oals
nr. weak an d declining. Kve is in demand
..,;n. li.rl.t .tin L' Ihickvv beitt is extremely
scarce and high.' Corn is plenty demand
moderate, at uiiehanired prices. Ucali are In
i i.. -i.., L - u noli' an advance in some
llltWl I u Ll. r- ' t "
varieties. The old crop of Potatoes are moving
..irr ii nt i-..rv luw ni-iccs on account of lame
uunivi;.. iv.; , -
receipts of the new crop; prices all round
have steadily declined. Onions of the old
crop are becoming scarce, while the new are
llinir at low rates. Ue-
ceipbTof Wool have been slacking otf; sales
continue larire at unchanged rates, c-xceptfor
llie nexler graue nuiruiitunwiuiiis r-v . . .
,....1 n maud slight advance over late
ruling prices; a lar'e proportion oi ine
clii has been received and disposed of
"... . . . i.... .. : . . I ...... .
readily, lliougn ai vctj iuw ;n
is a strong prouaouuy ui me cuiuc
tirin" dip hcing cleaned up iM-fore the
beginning of the fall season. Utittcr re
ceipts are fully up to daily requirements
and prices are iiiaintamcU w unoui cnange.
We hear of no Has tern iuijiorts, although
stocks at Ihe Last are reported large
and prices in the Western States unusually
low. Cheese receipts to date exceed those of
any former season and with present stocks
large and steadily accumulating, prices have
a downward tendency ; imports of Eastern
..;t.. i;., i,t tVi-xh ( 'abl'tiriiia Kltits are
in moderate supply, and in consequence of
i .1 -.I . . t -j . .f L1 1 r-ll M'l 4' liitVfr 11 (I -
iixwuiirn ii-ir ins i in? i,. uh
vaiiced: llie demand is good.
WHEAT. New is arriving freely, but there
t liith-Ki-tiviiv hi the market: old is ouict.
The range lor new is ft .r-V5l V cental,
at which prices large parcels have been pur
chased for future delivery. Old is quotable
at H GiVrf I TO.the latter for choice milling
ii... l..t... I ii'ir il i in it at ii in4 art for aw-1.
aire California wheat. Us IMUls Id ; Club, 10s
l.l lllH till.
'r'LOL'fl. We quote country brands of
siipeiline as selling within llie range of
4 OU44 .V); (standard brands, 4 A05U0;
extra supei tine, $" U0uit" &V Extra family
is jolibim: at 5d. The low pi ice of super
line, together with the low rates of freight to
I liiini mi J Jatian. encourages shiiioers and
there is more doing in that grade.
BARLEY. There is no demand for export.
The home demand is only moderate; prices
rule lower for all descriptions. CoasMccd is
now ijuolaiile w ithin the ran;e of 75(14 'J' i
New I'.ay lhewing is held at y.H-:l OO.
OATS. teed is ottering ul 1 N4-i 00.
Choice qualities for nulling purposes are
quotable ul i 15(t f celilat.
KVE. Receipts are very light with a good
demand. We quote old at i 00(4 i 10; new,
1 W),dl 9 ).
CORN. Receipts have continued fiee.while
the demand has improved mid prices are
steady. White and large yellow are quotable
atfl HHl l.V Small yellow brings 1 .20 fcll.
BRAN and M 1 ll)l.lNtS. llie mill price
are steady at 20 0O for bran, and 'i4 00 f
ton for middlings.
HAY. Receipts of new aro large and in
creasing daily. The demand for both new
and old is fair, but the prices are weak with
downward tendency. Present rane is f 7 OO
((t,:o OO for new, and fs iHhtiil'i OO for old.
Sl 't.W. A goou article is nuianie ui oo
ft'JI. J IkStll
LIME. Santa Cruz, in large lots, f Z OO;
retailing at 1M bbl.
i! u" v -i Ijiu (nun uliaif art- nuotalile as
follows: IJayos out of market; White, ll4'Jc;
i , . !:..!. .....I O...I tl.'i... L.i-iru
. chtibssrM A Co.H rrltr Ke
SJibUskument on Msrkt trt.
WXmm DIsply r El Eastern
MaA Fr.ltur-Sill -daicmntt
rn11r. th. tntrest. of bu.ln. and s'al Ute
ply quickly f..ltown. Individual in'""'" ".,f JL
te'prx h.Te no w become .uch nu. ufrIT.
turuiK neeessiiieii met ana eeonoiim. " .:.,...
Cuiiilielttlon tn.lre. einulsltou nd Pr'"P"",;"r
tliut tnnll . eilniilntj. frequently ltuiu J'y.f.
irii.,ui. Id u .hTrl lu.ie. ''iniKhfy M'j""'tt elZ
m orn, nr.iw." No better illntrun of IU
lie f.mnd thunthst furnudied by the ruruiiure h"ln
oi Su Kru. i .,., N.H m.ny yer, uau t here crs
un y iu iw li.uiul iu-tiic nj li" ..a Mil
mefiu devoted to that line of enteri n.. n d ull
UoUMliiilteror wesilii nu cick-" i,,,,. -
to t. t their turnttu e from llie t ,e' "
rant met with in.i.ie 1.k-1 ibinetinker tt .roc ure
ttie rt . l.n wanted. lather course s uttendeU H
tfreut eipeuM! uud tuuett uiiiuihi;-wuu.
. . . . . . t i rr ennme. lone ron-
curn Hiinii! ui intim. wuim - - i:. ,
tii.ue lu e,.y hft.-b --. ",".,7. .
un iinMriiice niiiiiia. uuin .i";- r, . . t.....i.
it.l .n,l tr run inle of trade would not be "-
ulted. The eons quem-e tl.st In " !"f
lauiatiimetiiH iN-eaine iroini" ,
nd for ...me time .f u inany f wilit ie. ' . "
tHe. in Ihe iiiHiiiirw lure i iu, - -----
...... u-,.... i... ...v rutrru c IV. One of ' liet
. . ....... ...., ..ut,niiHil (haldi r
ronuucieu "nil iiumi nor, j - - - ..
.. . . --y- fl ..L-u, fpi'l't KMII r TH1
: -i.i."i..rue .. ' " :.L:.,;LV ;.-,ti..T. in the
fisro, winrn I. nerimii. hi -
i itv. Mr. Ch.lb..urn- tu for many y-r nne. ted
pnilT. HIHI 1TI lilt? tlrs 1 1 j - . j - - -. .
..L i s... t.s mkf iurrhHi(' ftr tin
HII Illtlf' Vlll . i...
tnronirh ih-l' incMi.t.- mid T.-rritri. n rnui
. , . .;........ TI.. Min-i'-a lilili nt-
ine nuhinea m oie n-ie m V. i . i ,.7i . i.
t. n.t.d hi. Horn, limy oe """'"'"'r'":', ' :
fact that while lie connected with l he -'''l"y
i . t... ,i i i.Toil. ai-nmrmu tir -lor-
.i ...i.. i...i. .,i..i,.ivr tu i-oliinete witu ome of
....... ...,.....,.-..... rui.t,.rle. Th
ine leauii'a r.w"" " " .7 . j...
who are ai iUiinl'il wuu rir. iiu'" -.
bu.ine anil uiiiiriim energy i.eed uoi lie told that
he took inucb ri.le n ihe icrowitiK iiiiHriu.e ut
ti,eroiiiimn,oe ra lona tf lie lie were aole iro-
prleUir of Hie cmabiialiine I.
rindinuthat hlaperwnl lutentd would be much
betv r c.nwrved by havinit Imalueaa ot hia own, he
..iK ned Ihe larite h.-uae Market Mreei. which he at
. la-rat eked with oar of the Urgent and moxt cleKint
aaaortiiirntaor Ki U'rn manufactured furniture rur
offered in thl.iity. Iu order that he iiiUhl In- a Me
to couii-rt-kuecr-.ru iijr wilh all rival r.tahlwhinriit
i... .1 Hir-...iiu-ll.i luiT nothiiiic a n liaiiil
f . . - .. L- .i.M furniliir. A. lil-
UM me niie-i itw riiiii.,11 ui r- -
previou llt. to ew inn. ..; - -
L .-tm i-it.ea hroutf'it Inn) iii 1 iinat. Iv in relation with
tiie h. l known rnruituir manufacturer , he m able
t. ffect Ihe liurkl lavoraiue arraiixi-iiiriii-
r'raiulM-o bu-liirw, nil I tnereoy 111 a l "
a belter sample of fornliure for Ihe . nee charged thau
l4Tlias aii kiiuilar liou-e lu the city.
. . .....r.u-t tn all lis anrKitntmenta.
I .-IT-I1T"I,C fUit I-.." .... ... - - - --1 1 . .
ba-ement. wht. h l,3l feet by W feel 111 eitetil. IS
crowded wilh unpacked niHMi-,uch a chairs ! ea-e
etc. I til- linlii' iiae uiinin 11 j ..1 n -.-
. . . .1... . A....I 1.1 u-.-m larie elioll-'ti Ul
fl rill iroin 'in r.f. 1 i' - - - -
. ... .1 k.i.iir . r,.r fiirinlu eincoli-
auppi) tnr --" . n.-.r Is
i-rrnrii. i'-r lima inor i" -" : ,.
alM.if, rthy ltHI feet, and the display or fiirninire
1 here is uiiiu.-ll..n bly i.iieor the im-t attrai tlve ever
ma.ie on tin- coat. 1 he side, are lined with .he flii. -t
Ku-lern Mack ainut enainorr ci-. -i.u r . . .
rilled with elezmt l4 '-w. library-ase-. stde
tiartU and numerous ..tin r haiidme articles in the
same line. On the left, near the entrance, mere is a
.uiierh show-window, ci 0111 in i uui"-
'. . . 1 i..,i 11 r. AimiHif other
thiiiKs. it colli on- Kren. li MariJ iietrle lulald cabineU
sndl-liles: raucy nphol-tery piec a. Kill cornices
lambreiiiiiim and lace curtains, and a mulncent
divan, upholstered with puffed ponceau .atin.
I on the Mronil floor, which I. SO feet by 75 feet, and
a tilled with a larue variety of the finest furniture
mauufai tured In the r.ast. fhamher and draw iik
riH.m -uiles preiM.iiderste. but there are many single
.. .. .. .. ...i.i. ...v 1'inlr. nr.. which are en-
t tied to social attention by reason of the (treat tn-auty
..ftliB w.mhI -lid workiiiansiiip. An attractive feature
..t ,1.1. ......... i. -1-.1 a ulaMi case in w hich are a d v-n
in blue satin, fancy filt chairs and otiomana. and
st.M k iifeoverina- e in-i-tinM: of plushes, sntiu-. cash
mere, etc The third tliw.r .a devotea to toe work
h..fi and nrew nts a buy acene there lietun s vast
nna.it tv of furniture 111 course of inaiiiifactiii e and a
.tir ..r workmen employed. It will Ik; sen
tnsi V l.adbourne A Co. have. a has lM-eu.Hi. it.
. ....mnl.-ie e-.labli.hiueut. and deserve the uiost
liberal patruuae.
The Underwriting Agency of
Hutchinson, Mann & Smith.
ti... i,..ui ii.t mn.t re-iionsihle and uroumt
underwriting agency on this const, I that of
Hutchinson, Mann v nuuiu, .o, oi uu-
lomia street, represeinmg capital auu
assets amounting to 5,.M4,l'il.l3, distributed
among such companies as me.
ati i I vsi'k a n'Ce Company of Hartford.
(illtAKD "
Home m "
New Oki.f.sxs lxHtitAXCR
Plu lad Iphia.
Columbus. O.
t.f Memphis.
Newark. N.J.
44 St. Paul. Minn.
" l$stoll
Facifio BusintM CrOUesre.
A t -l ,Km T-nll. ftnctn.a. frmmm ftf.
m 1 j . . A 1 . ! 1. 1 . 1.
Mif LUfU us m clam uaai ui uicaiure, . w
VT.-j . .ii..Tj...,i ..... "..-.I.. .. t, - Vii.l
C.Liu a 1 mj iubi iimLui i uLijiuj; in, "
story of ths Red Metrs Building, epposlu
Lruua square, aua is unaer uis mmuwniu ,
of Messrs. W. E. Chtunla rlsln, Jr, and T. A.
Robinson. This lustltutloa, dastgiiwd to at -
.-a ff...ii;i:Ad nl.iu;..i.w. A Vw..-. .n .ri nrii'.
iviu i.iuui,, tvi vviauuu m iuviwum f
th ai business wdm-ation, has been lu success
ful operation s'mc 1;mo4. It ha, during that
lime, prercu more yountr men mr
... ... ....... .. 1 1 ..!?,. 1.. ..:.... ...id . 1 . tlltf'
tureen i mi uLiier iiitiuuiiuu. - -
coast, and its irraduate. obUinin ftret-class
u ;!..... .i;i:....i, oU nri found
Bliuwtiona -iiuuuv uiiiieuoj, mi v;
linnnruhlv flllitir niiait ii.li. of trust In OUT
leading mercantile houses, insurance offices
and hunks i well as in ntl.er walks OI llie.
The course of instruction pursued here is
far in advance of auy with which we are -
:...J T.t: . . .1 : I I Tli
quaiuieu, aim is peculiar loiiua k uwi.
object bcinj; to ive the largest amount of
instruction and the most thorough pra Cue
; .1... . 1...., .: .. .1... ...... A.4k,.l4..1 llV
m vne kiioi test nine, ine svsiciu ur "j
tb I'iieitie Itusiiies I'.iIler'U is neifectly
adapted to this end. A business course may
mean a smalieriiiir .f llie commercial
branches generally tauuht in such schools.
and be practically valueless to its possessor;
or it may mean, us in iliU institution, a broad
tinucrsiauumr oi inese urancucs, t uunmw
with thorouuli discipline in the processes of
actual business, such as qualities the student
m . 1: .. . . .... .... t.. ..ntv..i.i
ltr an iiiiiiieuittie auu kihi cbpiui .-iiii-
on a business career. Such a course as the
latter doe not necessarily occupy more tbun
... . I. .. . 1. . . i ... .1 ......... . v.. t ...I in
SIX mourns, us uui oeeii ui-ini.iiPii""
uumtK'rless instances within easy reach of
reference. Tbis economy of time i un im
portant consideration to youn; men, and the
-how" has la-en pointed out by this college.
The business course proper embraces
double and single entry look.-keepini, com
mercial penmanship, authentic business
forms, corn's 1 ondence and actual tratisac.
tioiis in men hiiiidiziny, b.mkiuj;, etc., to
gether with lectures 011 .011111u r11.il law, po
lilical et onoiny, ethics, etc. Iu the EiiKlish
Dcjiartmcnt are taught the several bran, lies
of oiniuon Kiilish.embracin reading, writ
ino;, arithmetic, j;r..inin.ir and om.sition.
The M itheiiutit ai course includes higher
arithmetic, alget.ra, ciil eiiinecrin. navi
gation, etc. In the Telcyr..phic pepurt
mcnl the course is calculated to make
proticicnls in the art of telegraphy not
only in 0K-rating the instruments, but
4.-..1.. II...11. .... tl... ii:all:.iri.iii.it tlf bat-
lit ft,, 1 1 I . 1 lit. ... - ........
tcries, the use of s wilt hes.undergiound wires,
etc. We regard it us entirely within the prov
ince of a commercial paper like the Jnunml
of Comment to urge upon those w ho think of
di'voiing their lives to business, the impor
tance ol a careful preparatory t uucaiioii. 1 ue
risks ot ignorance and incompetence are too
great to bear when they may be avoided so
u-.ftiilv f:niv 11 man whose life has liecll a
lailure might have walked tin the highway
of success had he availed himself of opiortu.
nitics tti acquire a knowledge of the forms
and inclhod-s of business and no sue.
cessful man lives who does not owe
his success to the strict observance of them.
Theie is large demand for men of gixd qual
ifications opportunities on every hand run
ning to waste, but those without the tieces
i sai v qualification must be content to see
them waste. "I'luck" will do a great aval
for a youn man, but it isn't the sole requisite
to success. 'I'luck" is force a business edu
cation a ill make it available, and ghe it
right direction. For information in detail,
aiu.licalioii mav be made in person or by let-
ter to the College. S. t'. Juurwd j Com
Dr. Bond, of
Pl.it,a.l.ltiliifti hiiii. .limes bin discoverv fol
the radical cure of Cancer. XuKuiftl .Vo
Pain! XoLnitie' Remedies with full dircc.
inns sent all vu lu re, l'aliinlilets and I.arlicii.
. - ... . 1 1 11
... u.nt t aiiiiresa Willi siitlllli. wr. 11.
T. Bon o.Vi'J North Broad st- Philadelphia, Pa.
Si i rn i. iiofiiinec: Wkt tV Iuv! Elec
I!,... .nr..' '1 11.. f:llllllll-i SllltllOlir PUIIII's
k.-.l.-i's Imiir.Ac.l AmeiKau truit Drier.
llead.iuarters, Is'sl Saiisiune street. Afl Jut
I tnnUn. J. M. Ket ler tV Co.
Al l. Hllections of the bladder and kidneys,
diutictes. g.avtl and Blights disease are
.......1 , 1 -... ..1 ,-.it...l i.v ki nisii h l.viutn
Hri ut:. It has 110 euual in Materia Medics.
, Sold bv druggets everywhere.
ti fCT f alios.
T. W. JACKSON, Ban Frsn.
Cisco. Hols Asent or C'siifor
Bts and Nevada
C. & P. H. TIKHELL & CO.,
l.rniTiu urn wurOTraaa or
Between Sanaoma and Battery. HAN rBANClSCW.
u.nhimr.n if Mhii's. Uova'. Youth'. MUtl t hli-
dren'. KINK CAI.K IKMT8.
Order, aollclted and promptly filled. All .to snd
qualltiva made at th lowest market prlcoa.
fleaae esanilD th coud. aud orico.
1 jtili lil roiiuiicuce IU licit tkria W
lAV, ALGl'hT J.
Wlih IN Bus roiniiKidl n biilldlna. U ani'lt
rrtiundu, and iu lnre and etllrleiil of lescln r,
the Institution otr.-r unrivaled JantaKe. lor a
thorough and nnl.li. il eitu. slum.
All letters of Inquiry an. I all enliiiiiuntcatloii. rela
tive to adii.isioll should he itddressed:
H urn. Ktrw. Alameda t ounty. Cal.
You Blmulfl InauTe )"r Wfe i tlif
Mil Life Insurance Go.
No. 41 Second St., Sacramento.
lOO.iHMH A tr "tl Srrrlllr etti
Itetl ll It tlte 4'nlif 01 nla fle
riMiloient mm ,., ll lor
llley lloltlei a rvrrj l.ei e.
Farmer, Miner and Granger
aoi'1.0 iviwmni run tub
The Popular Weokly.
Enlarged and Improvotl,
Tho Bost and Chonjjost.
ONLY $2.00 A YEA li.
ONLY $2.00 A YE Alt.
ONLY $2.00 A YEAR.
P.iit.fr f ela. Mdtllllonnl.
ir-end for Kample Copy. The low prl.-e at wJ,,h
It I. iiulilmlied coiniimii.l. lor It s very Iai if' c ri n a
tlon' Kv. ry Farmer and Hnalne. Mani nh.nil .uli
srrllis for II. All um-qu illed inedluiil lor Adeillann.
! Tbc Sao Francisco Daily E, cuius: Tost
WiH be Euhirfflil amt linyrovai.
'OklMite t i'
LrXASIl 8T.WFOi:l.
Vice rre.lilPiit.
. Kecrefary.
laaue. every d'Hcrlf Ion of approved I.trs. F.w
rMiWMKNT. and Joint I.i r I'.u.n 1 ra, imyahle In
(...Id orl'iirreiicv at f he o.tloii tif the Inxurer, at
. . ... ....... l ....... r .1 1 ...
Mill It MPW MUiri' i iimiii'.i ' "(-
It receive, a higher rale of inlereat on Ita Invi-af.
1111 ntn I hall la receiveti i.y any 01 m-r mi
anee Company In the count ry. ....
Illume NOW, for thonxh y..u may tie well to-day,
next week or next nioutli you tnajr become un
215 Sansome Street, San Francisco.
C AIIKOi:XI A M 1 1, 1 T A RY
Hiruck In olld Alhata fiai. . , m apjHiarsDff, ssr
nun v
preaeiiliiitf a variety of lieau.llul UshKima IN lUl.l'.
Thew Medal, are larer Until a hllvi-r li"l" 'UJ
iw.i.nfii. in.l. in dianielor. Iialidaoiiuily pill Ul "'
wli readily at lijrhf.
The uiuat talual.li oiui'nin
tJOOP A'iEXTS WAXTEHh rrn Vlt To,rn
Irtiitory will In ulrtn,ij deiirl.
RFTAII. I'UH K. For the Alliftt Hllver, IV) fU.
Oill. l. In fun. y t -ii,. diw-ouii ' " ' ' nl.
A coinpleie ouini 01 111.1a u.. .-.i. ,-,. kih
in .atill or velvetlli.ed in.-roccci cH.e, co lit ill III hl M
Medala. Ultl.-reiil U.Uli. one Kilt, anil. I I or J. I
era. h..w liid.J.. etc.. .. lit oil . ecei o ... -
I'oaltit ce l nl. r Tor or win .ii- r. i-. . . -,- ,: ...,
lNi-nptlvel ir.iilar 'ricH l.lal and otie 1 "'''I'1"", 'J
,, recent of iV. U !! .K"" ' ',!'" 'K"Mf.'.
U. . MEOALUON CO., 170 Broidnnir,
"Your Tickkt, t?iK." Ou one of the
Northern railroads, there U a conductor
named S , a very clever, sociable
gentlemanly man, a great favorite
with the company lie is connected with,
aud the travelling public iu general
fond of a joke, quick at repartee, and
faithful in the discharge of his duties.
During the past year as his tram, well-
tilled with passenger?, was crossing a
l.ri.lo-o over a. wide stream some
seven or eight feet deepthe bridge broke
down, precipitating ine xwo pitsseuyci
, . .I... r. ....... .
carriages into ine stream, -as imo. ti
gers emerged from the wreck, they were
borne away by the lorce oi ine cuirent.
Our friend S had succeeded iu catch
ing hold of some bushes that grew near
the stream, to which he held for dear life.
A passenger, less fortunate, came rushing
by. S extended one hand, saying:
"Your ticket, sir; give me your ticket."
You can imagine the effect of such a
dry joke in the midst of water.
"When you meet with great and unex
pected offers of friendship, receive them
respectfully, but with a moderate degree
of caution; endeavor to discover whether
they flow from a warm heart and a silly
head, or from a designing head and a cold
heart; knavery aud folly are often hardly
to be distinguished.
U8E-LE88 tobaCCO.
IVa, lj ic; 1'ink anU Keil, 'li(d.:ic; hirje
Butter, 2Uc; small do, l?e y it. C'aotor
Leans are lu reuuest 1 lie nulls here are
Ai. f..r nil ft'lft'iftll lilt
ski-IiS Tliere is a irinnl demand for some
llv for i i 1 1 i i r tiurnoses. We
i..- i.-1-.v -i It. :-t.f.:;U'e : MiiMiurd. whit
it:ic; Mtisturd.lirow n,3(3) a"-', Canary,! J
ilHe; Aiiiina, iiHd, iic.
IlOl's. We have no improvement to note
in the condition of the market. Ihe crop
works oil but slowly with hut little demand
either .tl home or abroad. Prices are exceed,
ini'lv low and Ihe demand very I iirlit. the
ii-t-eiit ranire beiiiir iutt-ic. us extremes.
HONEY. We have abundant supplies
of tomb. New strained is coining; in freely
and prices have dropped to 8(iX10c for liiflit,
and fiitlTe for dai k ; w bite comb in quotable at
I J(l.V; dark, do., fetClOc.
IjEESWAX. Receipts are liy;lit with a fair
demand; fjuotnble al 2J-a'(t.3i.K', the latter a
jol.l.iiiLr pi ice for choice.
POTATOES. In consequence of continued
l.ir"C receipts of l.otli new and old the market
is overstocked. Prices for both old and new
have declined materially. We quote the
raniie as follow for j;ood to choice old: all
varieties., fahjuTUc; new are quotable at 15c
(il 1" 't HW A"-. I'10 latter an extreme for
laiye and choice varieties.
ONIONS. Receipts for the week have
been iare, and the market at date is well
suiiplicd at our quotations. The demand is
fair; we quotc.choice old, 1 35l 40. Infe
rior sell at less rates according to toudition.
New brin tOcffl Wi f 1W us.
HIDES. The market rates are steady for all
kind. Followiiitr are cash rates paid in this
market: Dry, ll(tUc. for usual selections;
Wet Salted are quotable at ACritfc. The New
York price st date jriven at 17c,irold, for dry.
TALLOW. The market is quiet and dull,
with niiiall prospect of improvement. The
nominal prices are 5$(io,lc for common to
choice. ... .
WOOL. The bulk of the clip 1 in and our
...... .'t ti tars irnic it linlilel. Sales for the
week have been larire. Prices for choice sclec-
. : ..... ct...lv ut th.. 1 it., ml vance of I to "C
UI.IIOUIV r- l i .... j . ..
y tt The following are fair quotations:
Hurry and dirty, 7rf1'2c; free to fair con
ditioned irrades, liyS Ox.-; cnoice, t(u,,y .
POULTRY. Thts market demand al dale is
pood; our daily receipts are mo.icriC.j o-.
We uive the present range as follows: Hens
and Roosters, 000110 00 V doz; Broiler.
f4 ( SUV Jeese, tame fl
V pair; Ducks, do., ti 50(i?T oO V doz.; Tur
Wevs live 2"'((2-4c.
CATTLE- Meats of choice quality are
abundant and prices droop. The following
... ..... lwf Srt7c.aeeordnnr
to quality; Calves, 4Sc; Mutton. 2tfJtfc;
Lambs. 4i4e; HoKs decline slowly ; present
r.illiia-: oil loot. ,'J. tc. IIOKS
Alliance " "
It will thus be ecn what a splendid oppor
tunity is offered in this aireiiey t.ttlmse seek
ing security from losa and daiuaife Irom tire,
liivlnir their personal attention to the bu.-i-nes
con tided to them, tlie Companies men
tioned in their agency have representatives
mi Ibis coast in reality, not in name, only.
The system pursued by Hutchinson. Mann tfe
Smith in keeping up a record of their tran
sactions with the Companies in whose name
they do business, is a model of correctness
and good older in every particular. The
transaction of each Company re kept a
separate and distinct as if located here lu
fact, instead of being here by representation,
and so systematically is the w hole thing done
that a trial balance of the affairs of any one,
or all of the Companies, could be furnished
tin demand. In this respect Hutchinson,
Mann Si Smith liave received tlie highest
commendation from all the Companies doing
business thiough their agency. The firm i
un old and experienced one; and being Well
j known throughout the coast, posses great
and valuable advantages in irMi unS
underwriting business, much -tturcs
property. It is with the belief that thor-
ough and complete protection I kivcii in
leturii for the premium paiu, aim nen ii. is
otherwise, the whole thing is a deception,
and consequent disappointment. In the
agency presided over by Hntcliinson, .Mann
vTsmith every guarantee Is iriven of a com
plete redemption of every obligation entered
into and contract maue. mcir u.ijusi uienit
are complete and hornet, ana no eiiori is
iii;.de to take a mean advantage In their
settlement. They are doing a larire and
lucrative business; a buslncs that w ill be con
stantly increasing instead of decreasing. A
capita"! bordering on i,OO0,(Ni0 is a very large
one in the transaction of underwriting busi
ness, guaranteeing as it doe thorough, full
and complete indemnity; and w hen that is as
sured there is nothing more to be asked by
the one purchasing, or promised by the one
selling. We look upon the agency of which
we speak as the leading underwriting agency,
not only of the Pacific Coast but of the West;
entitltd to be known a such hy the Immense
amount of its capital and Its thorough sys
tem of transacting business.
Tkappkk's Inpiax flu. The simplest stK
. e.. l .. t..m .lii.ii.u.ilitii rw.i .
IllOSt pOWCIIHI ICIIM ll I'll ... .-, "
ralgia. sure throat, and all aches and pains.
Sold everywhere, at fifty cents per flask.
'I'll IS la an eic-fllf nl clisil f..r ! ana yoiinn
1 men. Il e.luc-ale llior.iiitflily ami ticllliic cure
..inns m. -ii Mlmiilil rimu ie Him hi nu i ue-
I ill I v
f.re alt.'inl.iik; elw liere. l'r
tlie utiice. U Post St.. or !! rc
iiir..rmifttiiili I'ftlll Ml
K. I'. 11KALO. h.
0T(.MKKV ivf. ami Ivcarnr -t-.lan Krnri-
. ....... t.. u .. ... .... I. .IH.'m - tr. l .'urn
fl . . (111 IIIIH ft, wip,..,i.n . ........ . ..
in. ill all llie Mcuincm anl litilr.iaj II. p t. slid r ree
Mm. n ami imrwui-, ' ...c
mxi, ,r.,i.r.,-l..r. Il.rtel in l.ri.-k, four sit.ru-s, t-..u-
-. i ...... - .... u w-r...-t .v uiif..! iftiiil ri'utl-
1.1 U" I I -J IN. Pfc' I ' " " " - " ' " " "
l .tf.l. btliiiikt rooms. li.i' ami old teri ami cl.setii
mi every tl.s.r; street ir..ntae 311 feet, tlir.-e tlllitaol
stair, ami i.ne t'nUttt Hyitmulir K.kvatok. Hotel
. . . ... ..ll ......1, ihul Will lu.
iu.l iur..iMiiiiiK tut ... . .j , ...,--"
kepi First- tAss. at 2 . mt day, aud Icm ly tlie
wet-H tir iiiimiu. mine 1 . .
fit., Han Kranclscu. ,
V Ii New MuiitKniiiery St.. hnn Krancisc.i.
m A t 1 1 . 1 k t A In II. Mi.ur l m ll.
Vi Sold li A-nla. Ad.lrem M. N.UlVK.IJ. Krte. IV
tr... ..l.l,.... Urv 1IAV11I Mi C l.t KK
Pruiciial. iiiu'oii, Calikobxi a.
And Preservers
flMll? nvt.V OltVKi TIIArWIU. MAKK ItAI-
1 sum e.iial t.i Oih nun dne I. lnf iiiiitlle.l ..r Isiil
llv .rf i..rj u-. Ieiiil for dit rlitlve circular tu
UUI1C Vll.l .
315 Davis t.. 8. 1., Cal.
1 S NY PFIfON M r r r KI Mr Willi l H.
1 Jm. tlrt intertill U1 uisirt-ssina c..iiipiini.iit- i -
1 i i it . mi i.i m iiiim.' ri 1. 1. -lie i re ii ii ren iint -
all f, Iw'ina t.iiMitiii o rr inn iiiriuM.ii.
1 r " ' . r ..... ' .... ii-.-'.r.n.i
' t'flt r rr'H'l Hill' ' T .nrm fwj 11 n
id i'a iris . iitiout tii.'j.iivciiii.'H nr rfblricf in
Rllllllll l"H I " ..... . -- - i I
Pacltic 1omi f..r th .....
(Pateut.'d). Trie .. Hftit fo any addruM us
reieii.l of price. ...
Tlif !? or thu l.'s.k t HW U'clii;. and con ns
Vi i.e.. ruled and .rti.led on the lli.t. t )U Ity of
tmit'd arilli.if l-r. nd I m-,uly ln
,.r,,n ,-!'.-Uk ..yle. V;m ciin uri, li.M ... ,
tuany any 1.1 "; " V " ' ,. , , ,r. 1- It
ear Any ttioj-t 1. ":' '''".:.... V1... J1.. ..i
11 Mlllilhx" lii'llif. eiiiiinnm ih'-i e?s---
...1 .......... ,v. ,,,.1,1.. 1.1 .III un I'.mtHlfei l orn lien
Itiiinestic Money Otrti'iH! tnliresl 1 an If
1 inn iu ill if 1 ii'irn i r " - -t
Week. f W ikrliU im! M u.uii', K'Uh or Jna
k . ' l ...I, lil.m.l.l-ll 1.1 I I 111.. 1 TO
WtlKl.t. tiovei liiiiflil Unci M asiirt', to McBur t ril
H timirni; a t eiii. innni ,.. 1 j
1.. ..1 ,ii.. r.o, 1 iiiiim.i MrHMire of Lu 111 liel I W il
c.Vi.stituif. ; .r l-m.l , oiiai.tltv of M'.'.l rf;iilr l"J'
cr.'i lii-HKtu T ' J .V .. .. .. 7.t
fti.eki.lHi.Miiuiiii ll'.l.lt. f amioiof lin.i.,..si. suds
liiwl of oilier valuulilM liiloniMllon Hiliipll'il to all
(-'fx'. . ,,..,i V.m at
for ! '. liMlrtl tacHlea. ami h
I o. Lriri-.l und inosi rolniii. li' hcaie (.liilillHliliifllt IB
the i; lined sfHl--. I I'f tore li jlt'l'iU ''"J
with 111 ir r ior 1 k '
ml a Iron V " Mxrkft stif. t of H leef .
loU'a ll'. -r Wh.i MCMloa, con-
timtall tlif I l.'i li liii.r..M-in. iil All !. How
Ooni.-ii. -4 I llUr scales. ...d H.ilf; ''. ''r,?
.te Hint VHilely. A m MHIH ALK, SI K1N
MA LAV I K. irilMU'U M-AI.KS. Ool( bcaf.
etc, rtn!ofiie clil on 'inii.'io.i ..... -..
'wX'. ri.Vn't Mom-y l.r.wer-t.yf r ftfins..ld on th.
ro.!. Moi.e) irer., li.iiir.i.' m niiis r- t.
,y K00.I. ar w";'', H M r
. . 1 .... I ... ...... ft. . ...... ..,1 ulli.l't.
I ortier 01 juiti hum : --
in n n.. I'J I mii rHiirlsco.
'Z'Xirr'iT .crdy: Kend lor I liron.o t alalo ue. '
Aeili ier day at lioiiie. Kample. worth 1 free. j J iS M-lj MS m)AJMJ
STISso m t o.. 1 on mini. nm
A MN I'll Aii.'lit wanted everywhere.
llu.lneM lioin.ralili: and rlr.t-t.la. far-
.i..i.l.r.u.nl fri. Alillretft
.1. woui ll ;.. m. Imi. Mn.
WllMli ll Til I'ALMtl.S r. 1 1 . S.
f 1.1-.. 1. In.titute t-alr. INiS.
Kerry 1st.. Iwtwtfn th n.l Mh. fan
liMiLM, liy tlit-
r ranenwti.
- - -. . . i mr m.'wm imp . I v triiiftrn-
V 1.'. ftw.l artic't for U.lie' and t lil.dreir
rr-li..lisH-n.al.le. ' IT'LnlrVwV.
iuemicdtiy Uerttrm
I lilted f ait', ror .nii.-
H . Wsltnam, mass.
n mn ritr t'lromrh-
...ii t., ist:.t i:ull.
IU," a worn l real
.,ruia. to t-auvaiMi l .r '
in. rii. arltten I.y th I'roi.nei ununi ii . ohhk- rt-
auii r.n " it.p ....lip,.
: v. Ai... v iim Wei.n 1 .i.inkf. alio l
Heinous ue, . . . ..... '.
.i.ai.ir in.. re towar.l tl.stinieKrai iua tc irin mui
.1.., in .v.Iimii I hull llie ir'V.-ruiii.'i.i 01 uir. luiicu
Mat.. Term. Ills rl. -i.it ,.,.E.
9H Ilnrrlann St.. Sun t-'ri.flco.
- - 1 i' i'LA'I'l It II V 'I 1 1 I nPbbVV i 1 14 -4.
W W A S l B m. r w. a r, a s a S s w u 1 ' " ' '
I t 1 ..niimiiT of Knalaiid. Ili etlice sua Isxly of which
I 1 1....11. .... .iiiiiir It trllde tivtr thn facts Ilka 1
meet? ol velvet, inaMiia ... na m.u.j. n is
.. ..t...w . . v.,iiini.iit In tV.tirotM amoiihr Ilia
nt-rtji. alio iiroiiouiicr it I'KUlf M I'UfS. iiii buttulu
fmndlf. l.-.in Ivory; by mail, 10 cent
trade .-,pliel tut lilieral term by
11. . " . . v - - . ...... . . . .
im . m .m j. h j hvm ftr. m mm
.. Ml t lay si ., xan r rannwo.
fKtra. '1'hf.
the kola a-enU is
wtii-.-nd. rT-rn ruitr. torHch new nlwrrlb.-r
ofTiisNaw VtiK AnswiV Mum th lv. a iimmun
0V11 rrvxiil. Mita..Ril. MkiiaL tin fancy loi.
utill.'k In A lint I'l "ie HIIV.T. inrm-r '"",'
trade dollar. IS Inch In dla...eler-1'rl. f M cent
each The At! K N is' M.twTill. I a lio.lsome. s'l y.
lrtf."r.' pH.r. iiitaM-ru.fio price rciita s year
M....I n'cel.t.. n.t fin III receivs Ml
M.IVTIII.V lor our ) i-nr, ....i-'.....,
Medal ttrati. jiiurt-s
to Hn.iAl.a T. KwVnm.
Improved Quartz Mill
4 UmiT.CHKAl' an. l W I- UK fl. Ml ;
A i..ir iir ni.1 of lh uiual tjle. bend for Circu
lar aud I'rles Ut lu
cr r r. a. u m .
14S Alt 4 14S Frf lilAIII mm
y y
Srd: the Uer p'ricS for choice
Culifomiift butter have been iriich i lsr fr
the i.ast two weeks on account of the hot
wcatU, but prices remain s esdy. The
ranire of tr,d to choke is -r-tt-. me
ist ro iUKeyes sells by the single b.,x a
'e New California Cheese still comes m
freelv and stocks accumulate; prices un
the present n f
Ti.tt c Fresh California eirs are in ltht
fp,:iy and in Rood demand, quotable at
We arownV Sift daily of all the varie
tiea of Beasonable fruits and yejietahles and
price, generally rule low. Ue quote: : Oran
Les.t2) 00(Sf3O M; Limes, 15 00 V M ;
Sicily LemoVsJia 00x3115 00 V fl
$i 5oca4 00 bb; Pineapples. 3 OtktW 50 V
doz; CocoanTits. 7 003f S V 100; &. reen
Apples, 75cl 50 box ; Fe,t I 00 H 50.
St raw lorries, 10 0'1 thest of o
pounds; Gooseberries, 46c V 1b Cherrie
(31 Ac V lbas to variety; ""
:?00 V chest; Apricots, WH V
Raspberries, 1530c y ; Peaches, tl 00
11 -a y box.
Indisputable Evidence.
.St. Ei.mo. III., Julv 8, 1874.
R. V. PiERrK, M. I)., Butrulo, N. V.:-I wish
to add uiy testiinonvtothe wonderful curative
properties of voiir Alt. ExU or Golden Medi
cal Discoverj-r I have taken irrcat interest in
this medicine since I first used it, 1 was
oftro t..il w ith dvsnensia. liver tleriinired
i.ti.aij . - , I t reused IIIMIIUO. iuiiiik i.i, nm.-w, 1 Miir.ii - ..... ...
and an almost perfect prostration Of llie Her- I M,p,,iy the croiiiK denimid for the U.MMjsofmy inanu
. i . . ...... .1 ....A ....mnL.ti. rl.rl tli I f. ! I. ii.Ia vi.rl uir to I urn ..ut mm oerfeet Ii.hmI
vous sjstt ui. a u.Kirri! aud skil. iil iermlt.I hone for font inn:ince
li....lL'irv I'HI'l'l II Hl-IIClHUIClll.li. m.iii.u . ftr.......r..ll I
-. T, . v . a w . . 1'. I V .'...,
iai r m r .
I 111. ml resireetlullv nnotincr tnt! IIpiiiothI of mjr
KAMI 1 ih nr.l.llti. i.orr. u.i i.Ati.Mi r ai-
-ij.ov r...m A'l? lir.iiiiun ul r...'t t., I Itk li I Mr-.
. m ..(. M-t 1. i.ii I-if ill and s,mrti. With in-
t-rrused iiiniif u tuniiftf f.icilitle. I khall tw" ahle l
I F.TBLflll ltSl-1
L13W.I J vi.t--. - - 1
more like maric and a ierfect wonder to my-
self and since mat iiuie vc iiaic uch-i .n-eu
without a bottle of the Discovery and l"ur.
icative Pellets in the house. They are a solid,
sound familv physician in the houne and
ready at all times to Hy to the relief of sick
ness without charge. We have never had a
doctor in the house since we first began the
use of your Pellets and Discovery. I have rec
ommended the use of these medicines in sev
eral severe and complicated cases arising
from, as I thought, an impure state of the
blood, and in no one case have they failed to
accomplish all they are claimed to do. I will
only mention one as remarkable (though I
could give you dozen). Henry Koster, fur
niture dealer, of this place, who was one of
the most pitiful ol.jects ever seen, his face
swollen out of shape, scales and eruptions
without end, extending to his body, which
was completely covered with blotches and
scales. Nothing that he took seemed to ef
fect it a particle. I finally induced him to
try a few iKittles of the Golden Medical Dis
covery, with daily use of the Pellets, assuring
dim ft would surelv cure him. He com
menced its
two Pellets
i.na vhpIi nirrht. and the Discovery
The result is, to-day his skin Is perfectly
smooth, and the scaly eruptions are gone.
!!: has taken some seven or eight bottles In
all, and considers himself cured. This case
bad baffled the skill of our best physicians.
Messrs. Dunsford & Co., druggists of this
place, are selling largely of your medicines
and the demand steadily increases, and they
rive perfect satisfaction in every case.
Respectfully, W. U. CHAMPLIN,
v Art Am. Exp. Co.
im lavors. ii' i i , u ; . , , . -.-
'Iionlilr Hell Ini of current widlhalwayuB hand,
w V bam-isco. .hi ne. h;h.
of vtt favor.
tualld. th-rcte tt .. MmUrrm, Moat on.
Mo. II MoavrHT !.. nrar Hm.lt
KAN K KA NtlW'i 1.
r n m
n fhtists.
tQ Marlcrt gtrrrt. fornrr Htrlttn. 8an rranrlnro.
At th home of the pttiM
I WitUi)UlintuK."
and without pain. Addrea
Dr. A. H. BROWN.
OirrMnoridr net- from Kteln atao a..Ilrfrd.
or th
Ii fl 11
:frt"n"V:r.";r' m
'mr. hena lor ninstraicru . ...-.
JAMES S. SMITH, oen'i Agont,
! Wtrfklow tstrrt.sn rrmneisco.
" Utility AdWu.taMa Talslei
At 109 Stockton St., San Francisco.
To Big Trees
t;EI. thenrr (MS nilleat l.r rti! or Mverr Team,
......i..Bill .. VI H.L'11 ITP
TV s dirret route for Conltervnir. and thrtire 4J
milrtt Toemitr, nanaifiK thr Uncrr Cre unrtrr
thr rrntnf Pilot Pent, through thr Nrrrrn Brar
a h .. . . i .w.A .li.nif Ih. tfunlill
of the Mfctit Hirer; bjr thr famradf, ftihbon, HriiUU
IVW, n.l oaetiiltr Kail, and thr mighty r7(if t
Ixtmttof tk. Vnnnn nnit V nllryWxm irrndrl moun
tain, IOrn.1, nr. m . ... . j , .. ... w ... ....
'I'HK INVKNloii uf TIIK HKllKil wihjimih.
. .." . 1. ...t .,...i.il iiiinrovrinniila OU lliS
I. II M lll.im i..:w miM.. -----
ain. and now feel coiiflilent of havtns I l.r
Mlmulrat. I'liMpnf. Sloal lit run in ."
iilr Vrrniirl Windmill In tta VrlU I
The Turbine
I KirLT. nrraitaa It t lima coinpllcatrd 1 Ciisap.
. . I ...... ....... I . irwll ..ul of iir.li.rt MllMT IllTKA.
11 lb, bciir It I all miller covrr, and lot lr rlKirlrf
tKet tint til reimlri im I.V I'srhassnt. Immsiih Dim
only Windmill in l ha world that Iota nnvtir bmiu Injun-d
.. . 1 ...... .
"'..':! . ... .... . . ...i.l ..A K.lim.n.t.ln
Mill! DUlll Ol Ilia IMWl niairnw ni w... p. ..........
f.mtm an1 visn mi iBw.i'.m1 Hfri'i't. bctyVC-HCI WiulilUI
m . . . , . j immw km la rr Tstrrlf i.TV.
BddreathtilDventt.r. ......u .
T. O. Bos 188S Kan r ranciico. or llos . taklimd, Ca..
Clrrnlars rontaliitntf SfW prlc lUt, snd m vains
ble Inforiiialton, will 1m furiiinlifd on BBplleaiUiii.
Itnaldrnen of A. II. KorTHWlii, N. W. Corner or
lath anil Weal turret. Oakland, Cal.
f Pla mint irhmr wow ntr thl wrfrrftrtntt 1
m, 68 $
fl 8 ?
I i n
ill MTr- r ) -5 :
f 2 Trttj rCISC0 IZfry Zm,
114 and IIS 8CALC tT.. KH FWNCI8C0.
P. NJ I. C
rOUlU rureij CUIC ll 1111. 11c oiui- 111 - L I r n I IV Ammm.
tsurte some six weeks since, taking National Wire and Lantern worKs, FRUII
rts each nijfht for a week, then and . jnaB. Pronr'). I II fk.
niffht, and the Discovery as directed. Of New Tort, (How j f p I I 1) R I F R
UftB. mma mm -mmmwr
mCJ Iinvmi .
ikon wi ke c urrji. tJXZ JSTiV:
MklB mm BVavl I ro ."'"
KToTeaeBted la 8m Kranrl-eoby
W.Var with FATrTdt AJCO
rm., - ...ikimn AMBUSMUKl. OB.tt
$L Z uraufreo. TRCTK CO.. Ata, ms,
American Fruit Drier
MtBmaU sit tho mml, mm m ralljr. rstraa sr
rmetmry OStlKK. riaablr rr bnisw
to vmmm his own mmm F""r
ro.amlr.tf roaaif
Stnt for Circular and Prirt LUU.
J. tt. BIBLM aft CO.,
M IBBBB , ft
; fmr ClrrailBir and Prlc L,latp
J. GRAY & CO., 487 flrannan Street,