,aifvfrt iff 'way Ms-N 7 3 theTn? THE INDEPENDENT, Every Thursday Evening, BY II. 15. i, u c i:. Office, - - - Old Court IIoiif;c, HlLLSiiOiiO, Oli KG OX. AUIV, ent. On tqunrp or li, u on i(uirf ( li tubi am TIMB. Mm Independ gton wasi I month ... I M'ti ("I B 6 (lit I U)13 WUO AO J monthi. . . 4 aJ ft so 1 at M 10 Ou 11 U 9t M I month. .. IJ T Oil t pi U ttj U ft) P 1 U 01 month!.. Tj TwjlOtfi U MJ 1 ouj IT J UK mm t rT io ctj ii o 4 oul oul o Triu of Hnbrriptiw i rate.) fHnajl copy pr rr ...t'i S j MBijl ropy iU months? 1 SO ; slut:! lumber 10! VOL. 4. HILLSBORO, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 187(5. NO. 12. Y My Sony. At my work I'm always iri sjl n-, ThotlLrii theal.iy be ooM aid lon, FoP my In-nrt's so full of mu-ie That I CiHiliul -to the son:;, t am 'niii)of the unhine, I'hoU'4h tin- ?ky i- dull : mi yray; I am riii l: in of the lloi.crs All the cluily winter day. f am .- i j i i i iif'i f :: t With a hro.i'.'.. t ri j; Hi! c through. Where thi-: t'ny :-w .lrii uK!t-r On tin- ioI l's ju'l.il blue I am in:;hjg of a f.i, iiihou-e Ou n Walls tlic rili-i'i bloom. Of the flrellics in the t; n il n Flitting th roil 'h the a nine's g'"om. Anil beneath the -inn,' there's running One sweet fancy une.xj re-etl, Om; tlcar name I ih not i:tt r. Close is.lot.keil within my bixv.-t. I remember, hile I'm sinu;''in". How we waielen l hau l in hand In the fori'.-t w ii re the brooklet Kipj.h s o'er i 1 1 1 ' silver .-a:el. I remember, while I'm sin :i Of tin rose, on the u How we sb .oil ami I t In if f I a I a M ee I.i-t'niiiu- to the cricket's call. I remember, too, the hillside, When; beneath t he ma pie's .shade We together sat and blilhely Watched tin; .-lintel's i;!oi v fade. I l e me in be r M i 11 the pressure )f his lips n jioli Til V blow. And the imi-ie of his love .-mi;' Thrills my In art with rapture now. )o you wonder then I'm sininir When the day N cihl and loinr? Why, my heart's so full of loving 'That I e.itinut help the son if. hosing Them II I h. The !e:iret htt'e rovlul of a girl, v i 1 1 1 cheeks w In re ;i pink Mush came and went, and blue eyes, with ln, yUleri hl'ow 11 laches, aiul hair that Waved with out tin- ai'l of .ins or in ns. I always thought her name the niat s'Utlble that foil hi hive been cho-en lor Iter, though the only womh-r is tli.it oM F.-iher I'mid lhl riot ti:i!ie lii, only lai!;;!iti-r Dehoral), or Icelufc-a or Siiah .I.-hiv. K b;tnii i h.ul to; t;iu it !y Ix-t-n her father's o raudiiiof hi t ', nanic, however, ami so fatuc a I Jose I lid into the worhl; for Mrs. U.hhl ii id ;u nle the.nna:i mid dle name in.-te-nl of a p.u t of the first, ami dropped it. When I I.'mu to like Ro-e Ilmld so nuicli that I ioii-i y thoulit of propos ing' to her, If ir.-.m II pi.r liked her too. He ivii. Jive L..r , older than I, ; plain man of twenty-nine, witli faint sears on his face, and a b ild .-pot on the middle of his head. A poor m in, studying medi cine late in life, beeau-e he had not been able to study in his youth, only hoping lor Ins diploma in ;i year, with the prac tice nil in the future; and I, at twenty four,! tad the' Mosswoo 1 estate for my own, and money enough to live on comfortably. There could be no coiup n ison drawn be tween us, I fondly hoped, that would not be favorable to me; and I, coolly, though politely, took inv place before him and cut him out on all occasions with 11 se bud. I, young and rich and h indsome, and, as 1. .supposed, elegantly dressed ; lie, phtin, poor and habby, Iookingten vears older than he really was. What chance . ltad he against me And so he slipped ijuietly into the 'backgroli nd, and 1 made 1 ve to Uich:ld, . ami one day kissed her on the cheek, and told her iife would not be worth hav ing to me" if I could not win her; ami she said nothing, but out blushed all the roses, and let t.ie kiss her again. After that we walked bodily ann-in-ann through the village, and friends teased me and the other beaux dropped avvay, and one day I gave her a ling t- wear on her left-hand forefinger. Two week- from that day I went to London on business. I intended to stay a week, but I was so successful that I re mained longer; liuaily I went into busi ness in the city, :uid began to know peo ple. I vi-hed at the houses of wealthy merehants,und met their u ives and daugh ters, and by degrees begin to iiudcr.-t-ind that, though my rosebud w;ts very f air and sweet, shir, was not a hot-house tl.nver. In other words, her dress wu- not like the dress of a fashionable hello; hir manners were homespun, her education poor. She was very good excessively good, but not an elegant lady. Then, too, she sent mo notes in big bull' envelopes, and Used lit tle "iV for the pvr.-oiml pronoun, which should have been honored by the caoi tal -I." 3 1 And Farmer Uudd, with his uncouth coats and wonderful hats and long, strag gling beard and hairT was not the sort of father-in-law that I j-hould admire; and there was Miss Hannover. IVrhaps that fact was the most werful one of all the workings of my disenchantment; for Miss Hannover was beautiful, all millinery and Upholstery; and I'apa Hannover was called I'rince Hannover, by his friends, and had his dinner table set for forty every day, and wore a fortune in diamonds on his bottom, $ml made friends wherever he went by Ids lavish gifts, ami was the "greatest stock gambler in London. Papa Hannover had Mailed on m and counselled me how to invest, and had dined me w ith his daily forty friends, and had said, " Violette, love, this is Mr. Markham, one of those country gentle men of whom we are trying to make city men." And Violette had smiled radiantly upor me. Since then how many tcte-a-tetea had I not had with her how many rides? I was learning to dance with her, and had forgotten to write to It sebud for two weeks. Then came an anxious little note on thin blue paper, beginning thus: "Dear Henhy I take up my pen in hand raiu-U troubled iu my niiud regarding you i Wuow you would write If you was not Biek O, Henry, if you are sick do tellygrafTand let father come up and see you. Jlenry, i will not write any more nntil i hear from yoa I nm too troubled in my mind. W'e are all well nnd in the hope that you Will enjoy the same lleasiuj(s i remain , "Your truly, . . , IiOSB BCDT. , T. S.-Dr let pa come If you are sick. I . am so troubled iu my mind." I hastened to reply, the awful dread of Mr. I'udd's fatherly care hanging over me.soto speak, by asiiiglc hair. I wrote to Uose, hut how? I shall not copy that cow ardly letter here. When it was in the box I did try to fish it out again, but it was too late. It had gone, and its termina tion, " I'll inks, Miss liudd, for your friend ly anxiety concerning my health; I am sure .Mr. Uudd does not share it," was perhaps the worst of all the lines, by which I told her, not in frank, honest words, but in a manner that no woman could fail to understand that I did not choose to remember that we were be trothed. After that no more letters in yellow en velopes came to trouble me, and I paid attention to Miss Hannover, and invested my money according to Hannover's ad vice. And days and weeks and mouths rolled by, ami if a thought of my little II osebud, fading because the sunlight of my love was withdrawn from it, crossed my mind, I drove it away with a sigh. I could not help it, I said; it was fate. F,-te meant me for Miss Hannover, for Violette, and we had met that was all. Xo, not quite all; one day I remember it was the day after a splendid ball, and I called on Violette, whose escort I had been the night before one day I made this latter statement to Violette Hannover, and she, having heard it, bestowed upon me her most aristocratic stare, and asked me if I did not know that she had been engaged to Mr. Twentyplum for six long months. "And be married next week, Mr. Mark ham," added she. "So you see, you must be mistaken about fate." "And you have only been llirting with me T'I said, bitterly. "Do you know that you gave me reason to hope everything from you ;" "I know it is time for me to dress for a drive,'" she said. "So you must say good afternoon ; and don't look so ridiculously tragic, Mr. Markham. I hate scenes." Anil I felt that I deserved itall a3 I went for the last time down the steps of the Hannover mansion. In a fortnight Violette was Mrs. Twen typlum. Iu a month Mr. Hannover was a bankrupt one of those w ho take a for eign trip with plenty of money in their pockets, w hile others lie crushed beneath the fragments id their broken branches at home. My money went with his. I had come to London with a moderate competence. I had increased it by speculations until I was absolutely wealthy. Now 1 found myself suddenly almost poor. there icinameU to me onlv tlie .Moss- wood property, which must be turned into ,i farm, and I myself must leave my hope of being one of the city millionaires behind me, and become a plain firmer a man of the same social status as Hose bud's father, without his comfortable knowledge of money in the bank to com fort me. However, w ith the bursting of the bub ble fortune, the circle which gathered around Hannover had been seemingly scat tered to the winds, and people knew that Miss Violette had jilted me and also that my money was gone. The city had lost many of its charms, ami I wrote to the old woman who had kept the houe at Mosswood for my father until his death, to make it ready tor my return. I hen selling the furniture of my bachelor rooms, and packing my smaller belong ings in a few trunks, I started homeward. I must go back to Mosswood and be come a fanner. I bliould tind lioscbud fading gradually away, of course, and yet I knew she would be prettier than ever. How she had loved me how ungrateful I had been for that love. Ix'ow I would make amends. I would write as many repentant letters as were necessary, and she would, of course, forgive me. No worn in ever forgets or ceases to love any man she has ever loved, you know. Yes, alter a little maidenly resistance. It e bud would bloom for me again. I was sun; of this as the train bore me onward, as I was that the moon would rise that night. There is no adage more true than the one that declare that misfortunes never come alone, but always in troops. )ftcn,of course, one brings the other. In my case, the anxieties that had trooped so thickly about rue made me nervous, ami so led to a severe accident. Having alighted at a certain station, I delayed my return to the carriages until they had started; I remember running after them, and then what do 1 remem ber theni Darkntjssdreams, pain, an awakening in a little room with white curtains, and a toilet table, and a vision charmingly dressed. The same one say ing slowly : "Yes, yes, yes; I think he'll do." And understanding this was my old friend, Hiram 1 So per, I asked: "How did I come here?" trying to sit up, and failing in the attempt. "Well," said Hiram, "wife and I were at the station, and I saw you were a good deal hurt, and we brought you on. i ou know this is my house." "Yours " said I. "And you are mar ried anil in good practice, I suppose?" "Yes," said ISoper. "Oh. yes; getting on famously. And you've had a bad tune, but vou It be on the right soon. I'ome and tell him he will, ISosebud." And there ves. there was IS se. After I had ruminated on the fact for a few minutes, I felt that trutli was stranger than fiction. "Are vou better. Mr. Markham?" said IS isebuil, bending toward me. Here was a poetical story being worked out in our proper persons. A wounded and repentant hero, I had been sent back to Kosebuu to be nursed and forgiven Had she not forgiven me, she never would have flown to my aid. All that I could do just then was to soueeze her hand. She took it away rather quickly; but that was very natural; I had not seen her for three years, bhe did not know of my contrition, liut she had not pined or faded ; she was, on the contrary, stouter ana rosier than ever. . Just then, Dr. Roper being present, I said nothing, bat afterwards, aa the even ing shadows fell, she brought me tea and oast; and then I took aer ha ml and said "Dear Rosebud, how good of you." And she answered ; "O, dear, no don't mention it. "You are an angel of forgiveness," I said. "And I , 1 have always loved you, ISosebud. Ti true a siren laid her spells upon mo, but the hallucination once over "' "I shall think you are wandering again if you do not stop talking. Do take your toast." "No," said I, "no, not a mouthful, ISosebud, until you assure me that you will forget the p ist, and once; more give me the love "' "Mr. Markham!" cried she. "Call me Henry," said I. "ISose. if you had hated me, would you be here minis tering so kindly to my wants?" "Here?"' said sh. "W'h're should I be but in my own house' I'm sure I've nothing to forgive you, either. Since you allude to our llirtation of three years ago, and since you will talk of it, I will tell you, once for all, that I don't think we ever should have been happy together. And 1 always liked Hiram lest, only he was so shy. And my goodness! we were married as soon as lie got his diploma." "Married !" cried I. "Why, yes," s lid IS vsebe. 1. "How else should I be here? You know this is Dr. It oper's house t Didn't you know I wis his wife before? Dear old fellow, he i the best husband woman ever had, I'm sure and, Mr. Markham, I know now that I never really loved you." 1 don't kiVnv whether that was true or not, but it did not matter. She did not love me then, ami does not now; ami I had lost her. I live alone at Mosswood now, an old bachelor, with a limp ami the dysjepsia, and she and a boa pie t af little blossoms tlourish over the way at Dr. ISopei's. Some time, perhaps, may marry. Miss Flint would have me, anal so wanild the Widow Wiggins; but whatever I may gather to wear over my heart it w ill not be u rosebud. I threw- that away long ago, and ISoper picked it up, and it makes his life fragrant. -NeM lie. Needles are more easily made than pins, or rather there is less machinery, and it is more easily understood. The wire is cut double the length required and sharp ened at each end. Then it is passed under a stamping machine w hich llattens the center and stamps a place for the two eyes, the next operation being to pierce the eyes. This is comparatively a slow operation, as the eyes are pierced singly, and care must be taken ta put the right spot under the instrument. Then they are strung on wires, and the waste rilt.-ai otf around the eyes by hand, ami the two neeailes broken apart. After this they are hardened by heating in ovens, and then being dipped in oil. yet this harden ing process leaving them too brittle, they are again annealed, which operation is supposed to leave them just right. At this parioil1 they are very Obtek; they are rolled loosely in canvas wrappings with emery and soft soap, placed under rollers worked by steam and rolled for a week, usually having the emery and soft soap renewed daily. Again they are polished by being rublwd against a leather wheel with emery, anl then they are straight ened. The strsiightener rolls them singly with one linger am a small steel plate, thus discerning the slightest bend, anal hitting with a little steel mallet. It is lone very rapially, but very surely. The lilferent sizes are supposed to have been kept apart, yet iu sharpening there is sometimes a little variation; so to make them perfectly' even in pa iters they are sorted by being put in frames which will iaId certain lengths, ami lastly they are tapered, labelleal and packeal. One set af men will make )0,uoo par alay, that is, on cutter, one "tamper, and so am. The Hat of the Period. The Chicago Inter (uiu has a treatise i - i . i : . .. . .. . . .4- ... on women s nais. in which u b.is. nm meet a remarkably modest and timid ap pearing young lady of to-day, and you notice that her hat has h meek ami shrink ing indentation in thar crown. It htoks i if it wanteal to shim the wickeal worhl, ami hang itself up in a nunnery, to morrow yuu meet the same laaly, and w hat i change. She appears as a daring Joan of Arc, and as imlc pendent as if she was president of a woman s congress. .nn her whatle appearance is thus altereal by pinning up the front of that hat. Na-xt lay she appears like a bngaml. I he brim is ll attened out, and her eyes gleam furiously from underneath as if watching an opportunity to onler you to stand and aleliver. Yatu see her again, ami the rim turncal up behind, while it is verv flat in front, gives her the appearance ot a female Solon Shingle trying to find a customer for that Mitr'l of apple sass.' Again, ami it is pitched on the extreme back of the heaa.l, reiniinling you of Two dies in his cups, when he is assuring the 'sailor man' that when his father heard of the sailor man's death, 'he went broken hearted to his grave, unal died there. With all its advantages it is no wonder that the reigning hat is intpular. It is com fortable to the head, so they say, and it is an ornament or a disguise, as required. It is demure, j lunty, meek, saucy, bold, sly, obstinate, conciliating, tender what ever you please everything by turns and nothing long. It is the hat of the teriaxl, cunning and deceitful, but above all things, desperately wicked." A veuv beautiful rainbow was lighting up the chtuals; every one who tiw ad mired it, anal so much praise made it vain. "I am much handsomer than the sun," it exclaimed; "for, bright as he is, he has only one color, and I have so many." The sun heard this, and without entering into a dispute witn tlie conceiteu rainltow, he quietly smiled. Then hiding his beams in the clouds, he concealed himself fatr an instant, and the rainbow also disappeared. Persons who are vain and ungrateful forget whose hand it is that made them prosperous. Is it not just that he in hi turn should dry up . i" . t " trie sources oi ineir prosperity i Prof. Swing said io a recent sermon at Chicago that "latterly wine bad done as much barm as lace," and the congrega tion applauded. ... Hating Between Meals. Win1!) ft man or woman has sufficient appetite ta eat three meals a day, it is more than unnecessary it is suicidal t i rat between meals. But this does not apply to children, who have not yet brought their appetites under control, ami cannot or will not. do equal justice to every meal. The child is ofteu called early in the morning, long before it has its natural sleep, to eat its breakfast. Of cauirse it has little, if any appetite; a few laouthfuls is sufiicient; and then think of going fratm live ta teven hours without eating fata id! Hut, you say, the child will eat a ha-arty dinner, anal make up for the breakfast. Fatssiblv: but be assured if it aiu-s it will overload the slatinach, a iu sing derangement ami inflammation. Ihit it is more than likely that the child will have passeal the time when dinner would relish, and ngain. very little food is lcquiieal. The consequence is, that by-aii'l-by he liecanees pale and thin, and losa-s vivacity ami color, and puzzles pru dent mamma by falling into confirmed ill health. Now we argue that nature is a safe teacher, and when a child feels hungry Ins stmn icii is crying tor neccs sity fooal. It may do very well fatr physi cians to make rules, but people should remember that all rules have various ex ceptiams. There is no doubt but the di gestive organs should have time to per form their allotted duties. We are tatld, tatat, that we should rest at least an hour ifter eating, before attempting physical or mental laoor. v u oiaeys tins injunc tion? Not one worker in lifty ; certainly not the little active one who Iras houses to build, farming toads to create, mill- lams to erect, aloll haiuse to care fatr. flowers to gather, butterllics to catch, birals nests to hunt, anal a thousand anl one st is that mamma Knows notion" tltatiit, besiah's as manv more for parents, brothers ami sisters. Mitral: lot the chil lier) eat when they are hungry, nnd bo- cause thev are Hungry; don t create false lppctites by proviaiing dainties for them it unseasonable times; a hungry child will enjoy a substantial piece of bread iml butter mitre than a slice of cake or jiiai ter af pie; anal if he refuses the bread, rest assiireal ha is in no need of faMXl, and cm "wait till uinner time. The .Moth. I his little insect, so destructive ta our oiist holds, is known tt naturalists by i ic name of tinea, and behtugs ta) the family of the lepidoptera or scaly-winged insect, of which it is the smallest, the mo-t Iteaiuifiil ami the most destrueti vc. It is seconal eou-in to the canker worm ind tin; turpentine moth, but among its u istocratie and honorable relations is the ilk worm. The inimcaliate family rela tives ot the common moth are, the bee moth, carpet moth, hair moth, grain moth and the pack moth. As sawtn as the gg laid by the mother moth is hatched, traightvvav the tiny worm proceeding from it begins to feed upon the fabric to w hich it is f.istenel, and spins itself a co- K.n in which it moves freely anal unseen, uiai from this in due time emerges a but ter fly. Iu May or June these winged in sects aleposh their eggs. Ilcfbrc this time everything they can harm should be placctl beyamii their reach. lefore put ting away witaden gatatals and furs, they shouhl be thoroughly beaten to dislodge mycggsth.it may have Iteeu . deposited on them, ana exposed to the sun ami air tor hours, it i said tint brushing over their retreats with turpentine will dis htalge them ; that camphor, black pepper, tobacco, shavings of Russia leather, will lisgust them; that camphor wood and cedar trunks are free fratm their visita tions, ami that corratsive sublimate wash ings, sulphur fumigations and the action of he at anl steam, will kill them. Pre vention is the best cure. If furs and woolens are carefully sealeal up in paper cases, or put away in chests or irunKS which the nitth-lly cannot penetrate, they ne safe. Fabrics already attacked by them shouhl le beaten and sunned re peateally, and thair ravages will be iccked. I his little insect hives dark 's., and hialcs its evil doings from the light of d ly. To keep it fratm plush fur niture, twice a year, n a bright sunny lay, take the fin niture out of daors, re- move the itottoms ii'om trie chairs ii tney can ite removeii, ami give the cushions a gitoal switching with lmg,pliab!e switches, till the dust is removeal ; then brush them thoroughly all over. While the cushions are being sunned, give the frames a coat ot varnish and let the furniture remain in the sun nearly all day. Cor. Inter' ( ti'fuit. To Keep Dkiku Hkkf. When the beef is ready to dry I enclose it in a bag of thin cloth to keep the dust off while alrving. When dried I wrap it in a patter. then take the ashes out of the parlor sttve. put in a dry stick of wood anal lav the beef on it and shut the stove Fair twelve years I have found it a per feet place. No insects ever tind it. Hoi' Yeast. Take a handful of hops, steet) them in a quart of water, take one tablespoamful ot Hour or middlings, wet it in cohl water, then pour the hop water boiling hot over it and set it on the stove anl let it Itoil; add one tablespoonful each of salt and sugar; when it boils set it (tit ana when blooU warm put in one cup of goaxl yeast. jiitEAD Uai.i.s. Jsreak the. bread in small pieces ami moisten with milk or little warm water, season with salt, pep per and nutmeg, adding a little fine sage or parsley, and a small piece of butter mix and form into small cakes or balls roast with beef or chicken, or fry after meat in a skillet. Socp Dcmpmnos. Take one pint o: water, one-half cup of batter and a little salt ; let it boil, stir in flour enough to make a stiff dough; bake it well, then beat it up with four eggs and a little cinnamon, cot it with a,, spoon in smal lumps, as it rises; boil one minute. Chocolate. For -. enn chocolate. grate a dessert spoonful, dissolve in half a cap of boiling water;- bring to a. txii a cap or neb milk, sur in the cnocoli 3 when thoroughly melted; boil three ml utes ; poor oat and serve. a Murderer by Bloodhound. Mean- of The London papers publish the detail of a remarkable murder, the perpetrator of which has been dcteetel iu a most singular manner. The victim was a little girl ageal only seven years anal the sus pected murderer was a barber nameal Fish. The trunk of the body of the vic tim was fou ml in a ojteri field, anal the discovery of the tkull was made in a most extraordinary manner. The nflicers he cured the services of the owner of twa blooalhounals anal set out with the dogs and their owner to the place where the trunk of the Itojy was fou ml, to see if any scent of the remaining portion of the baxly coiiht be found. '1 fie dogi did not appear to seer.t anything. They were taken to w here the legs of the child were found, but without any result. They returned and it was then decided to have the dogs taken to Fish's shop anal flic shop of a barlter n lined Whitehead, who alsat had Iteen suspecteal. The detectives entered the premise of the two barbers simuItaneousIy,anil one of them remained at Fish's shop while the other establish ment was examined. From the move ments of the datg the patlice h.ul no reason to suppose that anything was concealed there, and the dogs proceedeal to Fish's premise?, iu which there are two rooms lielow and two above. The bloodhounds immediately ou entering the house began to snitf all round, ami eviilently tccutcd something. Then the ofliecrs anal dogs went up stairs, ami the blooalhuunds at once scenteal up the chimney of the front room, anal the owner of the dog put his hand up the chimney anal pulleal alow n from the recess of the draught-hole the skull anal some other portions of a child wrapped in a paper catvereal with IjIimhI. From a medical ex iminatian it was evi dent that the head had recently been burned, ami but two teeth were remain ing in the lower j-iw. The prisoner was fairly overwhelmed and confessed that he committed the murder and, without' be ing aided by any one, mutilated the body and dispersed the remains. Woil.l Fair.-. If the world's fairs go tin growing larger anal larger in their dimensions, and each successive intern. itional cxhibitiatn makes a point of covering just twice as much space as the one that went be fore it, this class of brobdignagian entertain ments will catme to an end shortly by reason of the impossibility of obtaining enough ground in the immediate neigh borhatoal of great cities ujmu which to plant the structures. The inclosure for the French internatiatnal exhibition of 187 is to occupy not less than 220,001 square meters of superficies, which is double the spice of the exhibition of 18!7. In addition to the main building, we read that "on the summit of the Tro cadero, a vast covered circular enclosure will be reared, capable of holding from four to five thousand persons, and destined for concerts, festivals, internatiatnal meet ings, etc. Ou the slope of the same h cality, in terraces, anal arrangeal with a view to picturesque c fleet, are to be i . i..a: ..:... i:i:...,o Ciecieai I epi ataiuci latus 'I lanilgll lillliU', such as an Lgyptian temple, a pagoala, mosque, etc." The next wan Id's fair after the Paris exhibition, will probably le held at Loiulon, and, of course, the Eng lish will feel themselves calleal upon to excel all previatus efforts in the bigness of their buildings. It makes the senses reel to contemplate the enorniatusness which these international structures are bound to reach within a few decaales, if they continue at their present rate o! Noms le Plume. Following are Norm de Plume useil by some writers of celebrity: "Artemas aril, ' C has. I-. llrowne. "Carlcton," C. C. Coffin. "Charlotte Bronte," Currer Bell. "Christopher North," Prof. John Wilson. "Elia," Charles Lamb. 'Fanny Fern," Mrs. James Parton. "Fanny Forrester," Emily Chubbuek. "Frank Forrester," Henry W. Herbert, "(iail Hamilton," Abigail D oalge. "Grace CJrcenwo'Hl," Mrs. S. J. Lip- pincott. "Josh Hillings, it. u. Miaw. "Mark Twain," Samuel Clemens. "Miles O lSeilly," Charles (1. H ilpine. "Mrs. Partington," B. P. Shillaber. "M. Quad," C. B. Lewis. "Oliver Optic," W. T. Adams. "Orpheus C. Kerr," IS tbert N. Newell. "Peter Parley," Samuel (J. Goitdrich. "Peter Pindar," Dr. Wolcott. "Petroleum V. Nasby," D. IS. Locke. "Timothy Titcomb," J. (J. Holland. Washington's White Ciiauoeiis. Washington was an excellent horseman. It is saial that he could ride at a full gallop, and retain a silver dollar between each knee and the saddle, such was the tenacious grasp of his thighs upon the horse. He was very fond of hi horses, and liked to see them thoroughly groom ed. The manner in which his white horses were kept white is curious. Mr. O. W. P. Custis states that the night be fore they were to be used they were en tirely covered with a paste, the chief in gredient of which was whiting, and were then completely clothed, and left for the night to sleep on clean straw. By the morning this coating was hard and dry, and it was then brushed and curried off, leaving the hair beneath beautifully white and glossy. After this the hoof were blackened and polished. To complete this carious toilet, the horses' mouths were washed, and their teeth picked and washed, when they were considered to be groomed, and were ready lor work. A cobespokde5T who writes from Nora Springs, L&-, asks : Uid yoa ever see a one-armed compositor! ouch a enriositr tramped through our town early in the winter, lie places his stick diagonally across the space box, and. when fulL empties it with . almost as much as ft person nsving two uanaa. It is his left arm which i missing. It - f vraa well worth a dime to see the poor C3ow work. Detecting Origin of the Name of th State. Maine takes it name from the Provinces of Maine, in France, and was so called iu compliment to the J,uecii of Charles I., Henrietta, its owner. New Hampshire tir.-t called L iconia fratm Hampshire, England. Ya-rniont, fratm the (ticcn mountains, (French certl tiiout.) Massachusetts, from the .Indian lan guage, signifying (he country about the great hills. IShode lidanjl gets its name from the fancied resemblance of the Island to that of Khixles, in the ancient Levant. Connecticut was Monegan, qi-od originally, lion-eli-ta-cut, Mgnifyin; "a long river." Ne York w.'H so named as u compli ment to the Duke of York, w hose brother, Charles II., granted him that territory. New Jersey was named by one of its original proprietors, Sir George Carter, after the Ul and of .Jersey iu the Uritish Channel, of which he was governor. Pennsylvania, as is generally known, ta'tes its name from William i'onn, and the word "sil vania," meaning wood. Delaware derives its name from Thomas West, Loral Do la Ware, governor of Yir ginia. Maryland receives its name from the tjueen, of Charles I., Henrietta Maria. Virginia got its name from (J'locn Eliza beth, the unmarried, or Virgin tjuccn. The Carolina were nameal iu honor of Charh's I., anal aWeorgi in honor of Charles II. Florida gets its name from K isqua ale Florcs, or "Feast of the Flowers." Alabama comes from a (ireek word, signifying "The land of rest." Louisiana was sat nameal in honor of Louis XIV. Mississippi ilcrivcd its name f ont that of the great river, which Is in the Nacliez tongue, "The Father of waters." Arkansas is derived fratm the Indian won! Kansas, Sinoky Waters," with jlie French prefix of ark, "a bow," Tcnnesaee is an Inaliau name, meaning "The river with the big bend." Kentucky, also is ait In. i.tii name. "Kaintuck-aa.', fciguuying ul the lieaai oi tlie river. Ohio'is the Shawnee name fatr "The beautiful river." Michigan's name was derived from the lake, tlie Indian trap, which I J 10 name lor hiiupe ad' lisli weir, or too lake sug- gestcM. Indiana name came from that of the Indians. IlliinuVname is derived from the Indian word "llliui," men, ami the French uflU "ois," m iking "Triljo of men." Wisconsin's name is said to be the In aliau name for a wild, rushing channel. Missouri is also an Indian name for niudaly, having reference to the muddi lies of 'the Missouri river. Kansas is un Indian word for Mnoky water. Iatwa dignities iu the Indian language, "The drowsy ones," and Minnesota "Cloudy water." How She .Manage If. "Is my hat done?" inquired a cold looking lady at a Chicago millinery estab lishment one pleasant day this week. "Yes, ma'am," politely responah-d tlie shop-woman, "it will be here in a mo ment." 1 An assistant soon brought up the bon net, ami w hile the customer w as duly in specting it, the store proprietress ventured to iinpiire : "How do yatu like it, ma'am ?" "It's simply horrial '." was tlie reply. "But it' just a yatu onlered it," pleaded the maker of head wear. "Yes, something as I ordereal it," was the short anal sneering answer. "I'm really sorry, but " "Well, never mind," broke in the buy. er, with set Hp; "what's the expense?" "A-b-o-u-t seven dollar, I guess," said the ihap woman, timidly. The money was paid over and the bon net ordered tip ta the house, when the purchaser pranced out upon the street ami immediately exclaimeal tat an accom panying lady friend: "isn't it perfectly la)velyf" "Yes," n plia'd thefrieinl; "it ravish ing. But how eaiuld you talk o to that woman f "Talk so.' exclaimeal t-he ol the new Unmet; "why, if I UmI let her know how much I liked the hat, the woman would certainly have charged me fifteen dollar, but now, vou see, I ve got it tor seven: The other woman mial that he had never thought 01 mar, oui woum prom by her friends rijte experience, anal never like an article again until ehe had bought it. OiiF.YiNo Oudkhs. A certain general, suppaising his favorite horse deail. or dereal a soldier togo ami skin him. "What! i Silvertail dcadr asked Pat. "What's that to you?" replied the offi cer, "lio as 1 bnl you, anal ak iu ques tions." Pat went about hi business ami in an hour or two returned. "Well, Pat, where have you been all this time?" asked the general. 'Skinning your horse, your honor." "Doe it take nearly two hour to per form such an operation?' No, yer honor; but then you see it took about half an hour to catch hun. "Catch him! was he alive?" "Yis, yer honor, and I could not skin him alive, you know." Hi. Skin him alive! did you kill him?" Io be sure I did, yer honor I ami sure yoa know I must obey orders without asking any questions." Sohrt. A man broke a chair over his wife's head. , When be got to jail and the chaplain undertook to talk to him he displayed s crood deal of penitence. lie said tie was very sorry that he had per mittcd his anger to obtain the mastery over him, and suffer him to do such an act, because It was a good chair, one of those good old-fashioned Windsor chairs which was an heirloom la his family, end he knew be never could replace it. The regular hotels in Philadelphia reckon that they can lodge 34,353 per sons. Interesting Fact. A blind boy had become thirteen year of nge w lieu hi eye were touched by a surgeon. Ho thought scarlet was tlie niot beautiful color; black was painful, lie fancied every object touched him, ami he could not distinguish by sight what he perfectly well knew by feeling, for im-tance, the cat mid dog. When Id secoml eye was touched, ho remarked that the objects were not so large in appearance to this as to the one opened at hrt. Picture ho considered only partly colored surface, and a minia ture absolutely ntonihed him, seeming to him like putting a bushel into a pint. Stanley, the organist, and many blind musician have been the best performers of their time; and n school uiistrc fn England could discover that the boys were playing iu a distant corner of tlie room instead of sttnlying, although a person using Id eye could not detect the slightest sound. Prof. (Sanderson, who was blind, could in a few minute tell how many persons wero in a mixed company, nnl of each sex. A bliml French lady could dance In figure dance, sew, anal thread her own needle, A blind man iu Derbyshire has actually been a surveyor of roads, hi ear guiding him u to distance 11 accurately as the eye to others. The late Justice Fielding, w ho was blind. 011 walking Into a room for the lirt time, ufter Mtcaking a few word, said, "This room is twenty-two feet long, eighteen wide, ami twelve high," all of which wa revealed to him with accuracy through the meilfum of hi car. Verily "we uru fearfully ami wonderfully made," Dom pK.nuo, Emperor of Brazil, i by far the most distinguUheil guest in re spect of title ami dignity that the United States has ever entertained. He ha not only the highest title known fit the world, but he govern the largest empire except two or three, uud that empire W capable of supporting the largest population probably of any country in the world, owing to it extraordinary fertility and wonderful river system ot internal com munication. The Emperor of Brazil has yet a higher title, however, to general rc spect. He may be called "The Libera tor," having abolished slavery in his do minions, m far a he couldall born of slave parent being free after twenty-ouo years' fervUe a apprentices. Dom Pedro is, of course, a itoman Catholic, but he knows how to keep the Bishops of Home in their place, having had a collision with them concerning their ex communication of Free Masons. The Emperor i a man of magnificent pro portions md excellent prlvato character, and his conduct, since he camo to the I'niteal State, ha been distinguished for gooal sense, lie i saial to have learned already more about this country than the average Congressman. N.Y.Vitnf. Loxo IIaiii. Eirl Marble, a Boston poet and art-writer, seem to differ in opinion from the Apostle Paul, who thought that Nature taught it to bo a shame for a 111:111 to "have long hair." Mr. Marble wear hi hair very long, and thereby hang a tale which no one tells more humorously than the subject of it: While passing up Beacon street a short time silica, Mr. Marble wa so unfortu nate as ta step 011 a lady's trailing dress, ami, iu attempting to get off, only made matter worse, and was beginning to stammer forth 1111 apology, w hen the laaly turned, anal with a scowl, snappeal out, "Stupiil! cau'tyou keen off my dress I" Tlie ll.ish of Iwr eye aaiureal the apol ry, and turned it into the curt reply: "I shall be most happy to do so. mad 1111, if yatu will keep your dress off the sidewalk." Sweepiug grandly to one side, ami waiting scornfully to allow tho man of rhyme to pas, she exclaimed, as she caught sight of his llowing locks: "It isiortunate you were not in front 1 ine oi1 I In 1 1 rlil iiit'0 ttut ivo. I tii.ni air. His reply wa lot in the rattle of an express wagon. A Sl. il VOUKht.V Plot Eximskd. The Women' Christian Association of Phila- lelphia have sent out a circular warning the public, of a base le tter which ha been circulated broadcast over the country. iddressed H young girl. It purports to '(me from a 111 111 who proles to be "Agent for the Ccnleniiial Committee;" iml it olVcr remunerative situations in the Centennial Exhibition, besides ex- pciiio paid, and wage in advance. Girls are advised by thi letter not to consult their parent, but to come without their know Icalge. .No such linn as that which sign tlu circular i couuectcal in any way with the Centennial Commission, anal the circular i in reality only a vile scheme to entrap the inmtcunt luto ruin. Onen Mountain r reeinan. Mahm:i cxUt abundantly in tho great forces of nature, in the waters of the sea, anal most abundantly of all in the earth. It is known to have been used as a medicine early in the cighteentl cen tury. A priest of that period offered it for sale in the streets of Komo as a certain cure fair all disease. For a time ho kept hi discovery a secret. But it was finally w rested from bun by the march of science, which brought out his merits. It soon acquired high rank in pharmacy as an antacid, and fair disturbed conditions of the stomach and bowels. Although it is used to a great extent in America as a corrective of stomachic derangements, its consumption is small compared p that of England. I - .- t v " Our Dutv. are ' but falnt.hearted crusaders; even the walkers, now-a-days. undertake no persevering, world's-end enterprises. Our expeditions are ' but tours, and come around again at the old hearth -stone from which we set out. Half of the walk ill but retracing our foot" steps. We should go forth on the short est walks, perchance, la tho spirit of stir, ring adventure, never to return prepared to send back our embalmed hearts only as relics to our desolate kingdoms. If you have paid your bills and made jour will and settled all your affain and are free man, then I you are ready for a walk. V 1 , v ' V 1 - t" - . 'JL.-s rv