Washington independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 1874-18??, June 08, 1876, Image 2

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    ' . ..Mae,,
3 r
Thnrsdagr. Jne 8 1876.
Tlw Americin "Newspapsr.
Tho Liberal Okfistian-i "forced to
the belief that tlicT"i!tTerican news
paper is one of the most question
able of the Bupeificial nents of na
tional morality." It thui closes an
article on the general subject of
newspaper influence:
It has vastly more power to orcti-
py than to guide, to distract and ag
itate tharfro settle and inform tlio
public mind. It usually onlr
made to sell, without t1ir responsi
bility of bonks and treatises, wbicb
are expose! if they do pot ad some
thing solid to onrt information or
cur edification. The nen-spaprr is
the great American gossip.- It col
lects, with pronatnrf.l iirvlus'rv,
news good. bad. indifferent from
all the winds of heaven, and ponrs
it as fto'ii a mvriad-mouthed water
ing pot upon the ever thirsty atten
tion of tho American people. Tt
lias become the only reading of mill
ion 9 their pulpit, library and prul
lery of art. It helps to mae rest
less, smart, curious, svperficinl peo
ple; to teep nil a perpetual buzz ami
fuss about politics; to drag crime fil
icide, and robbery before the minds
of tho whole nation. It sometimes
devotes itself for months to the de
tailed following of hateful crimes of
vice nnl filthiness. corrupt insr n
ceneration of youth by their lascivi
ous confess'ons. It malces a nation
of acute and all-knowing people.
Hut we sometimes think it would be
in tho interest 'of thought and med
itation, selF-exnmin ition, moralitv
and religion, if the newspaper could
be wholly abated for at least a lenten
period of forty days every year. To
get beyond its reach, is one of the
chief reasons for going into tho wil
derness in vacation.
To expect any fairness, rcr.l cour
age, or guidance in opinion from a
popular newspaper, is like looting to
a weather-vane to control tho winds.
Tho truly j i licial. absolutely incor
ruptible, and weighty newspapers
ere slow of growth, and never attain
great popularity, which, indeed,
may almost be dreaded as an inevit
able corruptor. For there is -nothing
fo dangerous to man or cause,
to party or -teacher, in the present
state of the country, as popularity.
A Local Celebration- Why Hot?
President Grant has issued n pro
clamation recommending the car
rying into effect of the late resolu
tion of Congress for the delivery of
local sketches of the country's pro
grcss.at various places, on the Fourth
of .July next. Now the people, as a
matter of local pride and ambition,
fchould hold a local celebration and
hear narrated tho history of our
county from its first settlement to
the present time. There are many
here who cannot, attend the State cele
bration, who would be glad to attend
one at home, and many others who
would otherwise go abroad would at
ttnd a local celebration. "Will not
some of our iulhiential citizens start
the project to have a pleasant and
rural celebration in somo shady
grovo on the Centennial anniversary
of our country?
Tho chapel of Willamette Univer
sity was filled with a large concourse
of people on Tuesday evening last
on tho occasion of the graduation of
anurnherof medical students. Af
ter the usual exercises President
Gatch conferred tho degrees on the
following gentlemen who comprised
the graduating class: Levi V. Ihown
ofCorvallis; Dan. V. Co::, Salem;
Ormon D. Poan, lv.igene; Andrew J.
G i c sy , A u r o ra ; J n o . Y. I r v i n e A 1 ba n ay ;
Harry Lf?ne, Kast Portland; Thomas
Mann, Portland; and J. 11. Brown,
of Corvallis. Tho benediction wa ;
then produced by Kev. II. P- Peck.
Tho Canyon City '.;): of May
20th, says: "On Monday last our
city was visited by a first-class thor
oughbred snow storm; tho hills near
by looked as pure ami white as the
Virgin Mary. A snow storm in the
middle of May is too much for a Web
foot, but tho 'oldest inhabitant tells
us that snow storms happen in the
middle of May-only about once in 11
year3. That we struck in the 11th
year is what chills u.
The Owyhee Aculanch", of the 27th
instant says: The finest looking gold
brick that has been soon in this vi
cinity for a long time, was made up
by Simondi on Tuesday from Belle
Peck crushing. Its total value was
$10,202 79 the proportion of which
in gold $G, 974 23, and the value to
the ounce about 11,53. There were
72 tons of rock used in making this
bar, resulting in an average of nearly
$142 to the ton.
Ti3 TU2 Han.
It is a common expression with
miners that gold only exists where
you tuulit, so with tho true man.
Poor nor rich raiment iudicatj its
presence. Uittle field, rostium, pul
pit, bur, nor p!o.v can successfully
claim its exelu-iiva pojsessioii.
Though in politic at this day, it
"pans oul" little b.ii "bla.-k sand,
:m they say in tho mines. Politician
are tho devil's cliatt which he Las
specially and thoioughiy viunoweJ
lui' tlicr burning. And W politi
cians', WO lllcMU tli.lt clllSj Ol liiCll
vvlio make politic a b t loesss.
Aludcsl m li.s prol'esci ji), often
ihu truj man is compurutivcly ui.
utiowu uiml ome grat co.ivaloiuu
iii society or government bi.ij - inu
ulo lue uc-1lL ut actio. i. 1JI ycatlat
jy lit: I picnhiut-nt ill ilia cjiu.aau.n ,
icbccLtit mill loved, ly iuj n'uc,
and "lied abu; ' iy iro
false, lie may noi. Lie politic u.iJ
nave TiUV, l..mciie una o.itCiUc.t;.
iljAllUJJ .iUlllUll l.ii tlMCii.
Ill ilMUIuj u.u can, lleitllOl'
vviiuiilod, o lolly nor uioiot'tca uiu.
pulsion. X le coiiilltililvii.tl hunt.
ul t.ie simple ami uiuttci iujV m
uuislclouo i .Unlui' ol uie Uuoi- new
er siJ. tixjii hiiucj nr oruv uu.n liu
Llilual. lie ileopi.-e. ge -g.ivo av
mere linci y ; itccot. L-.ico.t.oc, Mj
u.iu and M..magiy. :uui, lu.iito.
.ui.l lneLiiuil.c-.i i.i u.x vvi'j o.iy
ties, he 1: lol Cui III, Uli:anc Hut.
cltuCiive when iiluit.t.i.uu ucjajiui.
eall liilii loilli.
Or when cultured, he :ippv
ciatcs tatciU una geniu.s Wl.Iiuo- le
;uiou to ca.te, it.invity of station-,
lie lievel" ha v lv3 lii w v .1 iu.t-.ic.-i i.u.
vare.i. "lleieti voitr ica-aoi, poc
rv, and ,'t'oui tor - ei.-I aa .eetu
resi saia u iliilsooro some t.me ao,
kiiil not cm.in.ite lioiu inuiu, iiu
"blMai.'' ilettespiea 1V-VV ol ;iln.
ami slang its u pule N.oinaii iaue
lev(iue.-. lie ijes inaijuii.1, u:m
i.s ciiLcr a piiilautluMiat ur pniiooo
pher, ami oittii buVii.
S. II. Humphrey an I T. liuthv
were t'icted Ju.-iticw-o ox lue Peace l-i
tins precinct.
A V A S 1 1 1 X i i K ) S CO v :v T V.
Tho fi'Ilo'vin th" r:prti'il vote f tu:s
county fi r -liiii- . 1 7:
IIm.si: i.r - F,r rf Nccn(i:i Attorney. Tt
S;.,tf, l ;7. V. II. Str..l!.;, t'",; St it'- S. ii.it. :.
A. S. Watt, !7, A. ICi' h ir-i .!. T'l; 11 ;:
si iit.itiv. D. ?.!.('. ;.uilr. 7."-, '. 'I'. !'.
i'irr. tin. T. II. l. :m .-. S . T. II. Ilati l y. 5l,
J'l. 11. Ii tntiiiL;. '.'i'.. II. iMistm, 71: ik,
f. II. .M imIm is i, , A. J:i 11 ; S i r
II. II. M -!-;;: .)". 4 .. M v.'.v. N't;
('. ':it:nis ii in- r T. VV. Tim d;h(i:i, 7-.
i . i'. i i , . n. i;s-v; i. l ':. i.i;.
Tivckt r, '. ; Tri iisiii-, r. i'. 1. YViI,m. r. ;,
W.Siniino-iH. 1 '.; A-i-i.--.si .r. .f. . A. V.. i:i ,
;;:i. J. A. J'lipi'iu 1:: Snw. v. i:
Sa.ith. .1. 'iiiivc..:n'.'. S h. .1 S i
?. tintt n.l. -lit, J. I." It. .!.!, M. l A. ll .il y.
. niviu r. c. vv . .u i . ii. u:ui.i
1oi:ks-x .Koy::--l-.,r i'o.U..l .vtrr- ,
ney, Nt. tt 1,2. Srrori ll; Rr it n -
or. Watt. '.M. Tiehar.l.Mi. Ml; It pr.-s, ,,t ;
ives. C. ielf. Ii7. Toi.-r. 12:?. Ieimy, 1 ' ;
1u:ki (i.'Mv:: for I'ms" ".itiii r A'tr
II imU. v I'.i. T.uiiii-! N.
i i-r . 1 . 1 1 1 i-
.Mathews. 1 .S. 1. j.-Hio.-,
ran. 137. M -now. .".
I '
t'olll'llis-i, ,T : r
ilio-tipi'ie, T. I 1 y . s:. Il txfo-i. III. Tu K-
r. t'7; i'r 1 iU'-.-r, It ileov. 1J7. Ri :rim:s.
72; Assf.Mjr, Youie.'. II!. Fii)jin. SI; Sur
veyor. S'uit!i, III. IC.f kv.-enS 1;!: S h . ,!
Siipt liiiien li tit, Kiil.!, 133. I! til.-1. 1'",; t'u;
onel". Jleek. ol, H ',-liri , 13).
Cor:::i.tr ; Sto't. 2' Rtro-f. ' : U'.tt.
33, I.'it-hard-on. 33; (liu't -I T..:;' r 3",
I . 1 n 1 V 31. 1 la ndley 2 I. T.in:ii:i 3 J. llatii
M itthr-ws 3 ;, 'l.-i.-llin 31; Mov.'.-m -17.
.Morrow 21: Tho:iii-;tii 31,
1.1.1 v 31 ; 1 1 n x ; i ' i
3S. T ir kt r 3.1: ll'di-ov ', Slaon .)! ! -
Y.nte H. 1 I i i i Ti Smitli ;. ir.t!, v. i
ceiiU. M; It .1,1. 3). I' dh v 12; -M - k 15. i
IT. I. tin ' 3.
T.;:.v,:i:i.vM-Ktott tr.Ti' 2f : II
'21. It:, ii ud ;o-i :!); O mit 23. To.Yr 2-1. i
Jleliuv 13, Hivil't v 11. Faiiiiii'r .H. i .tsT i ti i
If : Matli-ws. is. fjitilii,.'. IS; Mo:-r.i.
Vlo'.ri.w 37: T1o:iit-;o-.i. 2'3, iiv, -' 2. It;';-!
.on. i . x 1 1, ---i : ii i!ro:c s . ri-n::i.-i-i.
It; You ir, 21. FlijuVMi. 4?;Snrf!i. '..
U'.thv.-oin!..., t t; i; ,h!,2 ), T. iil. v, 'r, M.-.-k
23, ir.-hi;!i,' 11;
Trrrr: Stott. 71. Stro-vjr. 27; TTdr. 01.
It'.i li irds n. 32; (i-.nlr. .". 5.1'ozi. r. II. ?i
nv. i7, Il.ind'i v, -T, T.mnii) ?, at, I)us!in,
II; M ir'.iews. i , Li liiii,'. ..; .l r.-.iu '. ) ,
Morrow, t : Ilion;..-. -If, Diy. 3".. K
ton 1 1, Tu. -kit, S ; ITiIeov, 33, Ri:.:-.ions.
; i : i
2'', l'lij i ii. 70
Korrri T.-vt.vtts- St.dt. 3"). S1-.m '. C.
Tlarf, 33, Itieh-irlvM. II; i m!-.-. 2", T ::!- i
3 , Jiennv. is. Il.n.h. v, -, I'.mniie.', .
Dusti . 1 : ?.Iithf.".v4. 1 . I.'jellni-. 31; U-u
1. M HT.i v, 21; Tli u ;.ii, 23. Uiv.
2 '.. Ihixfoii 2 1. 'I r.ek. r. 21; H'il. ox. si'n-i:io:i-;,
-JI. Yuan' I1', FIi;;!n. 27, Smith, 2!,
H".thvco:if,.,-. ii; 1 :'..!, 2J, T.ail--v, 2';
M k. s, IT, 'Driii-, 27.
Ciovr: Ci:::i:::-Stott. 27. f'trnnj, 21;
U'.itr. 22. Itlehar l-i.i. It;-. O oiTt. T3, To-zi.-r.
23. ). n:iy --". Ilf.ill. v. 31. I'.i inin-,',
31, lU-tin. 37: Mathews. 1). I. -., liln,', JS;
.VP r'-i'i, 2i. ..pirro-.v, .'I; I le ie.iso:i, 13,!
liu- . i t:,vt,.-. i: c. . ii t t- I
........ .v. . , IC . 1 .. ,
ll'.thveomlie. 2'.'; ll-.!!,
M....1- 1 i- .1. ..: .... i
Tad -y, 3.-.; ;
Pvipy Ci:et:k- Stott. ..I, Slrr,ncr, 27; '
lla'.t, " , Itich.u.lson. 11; tiauU, 37. 7'. z;..r, !
31. Denny 31, ll.tndl.-v, i , l'.,imiii :
..1 -t .i, I.t llllll -, I.. I
Du-.tin, 37; M.uli.-xvs. 33. I.m 1 in.., :;;;
M orpm, 4 , Morrow, 32; 7 hoMisoi.. ,N;, !
D iy 3. T.ixr.i i 3;, 7'i ker, . ; IT.kox. !
ii, ,-imi iinrn, 10.1117, , l tlj;lli. 4 1;
Smith 34. 11 ithv.-o-n... ;i;; n 47t
ley, 2S; M-ek, II ehfiu', 51.
Ckntkuvii-i.e tott, 12. Slrin,'. 27,
IT.it r. 3 5. liieh.ird-ion. 3J:ti-iult. 27. V'ozit r,
11. I)jnnv.32. Ilmllev, 37, Tannin.;, 33
Dustin. 31; Mathews, 21. L. 1 Hi-i7. 17; M r
o.ui, 37, M.urow; 32: Vhonijison. 2N, Ji iy,
27, Uuxton, 13. Tucker, 42; lIMeox. 21.'
Siniiuons, 47; Yinii7. 23, Fiijijii-n, 33;
Smith. .12, IT.thycondie. 2 I, It 11, 31, Tui-li-y.
12; Meek, li, ITchrin, ok
Total-Stott. G31. Stronj. 3TI; Watt, 171.
Richardson. 424; tiault. 4.17. Tozier. 4Hi;,
DeniiY, 411. IIinTey. 111. Fanning, 1G.I.
Dnstiu, 421; Matthews, 422. I.uellitiL'. .KM;
Morgan.' "m'J, Morrow, 37o"; Thump on, 427,
Day, 412. lluxtoti. 4')s. Tm-kcr, ."G; Wilcox,
421. Simmon. 537; Yonntr, 3G3. Flinjiin,
517; Smith. 531. Withycombe. 333; It .M,
173, T. iih v, 113; M -k. '22'. Wi hriii''. G22.
Sin,,,, .,,-, 4 1: You-,- I!. !:;;.:,;. r, ! , V": '""r'" ' V Av iV
Smith. IS. H'.thveo-ol.... t !- j; -M n I ot aduiiutsliMlion th-estate t.f W ai 11.
hv. 3t;M-ek. II, UVht-in-', -II. '' ' ' " j M N''' 1 I -t of M-n.l .;-in.. eo.inty. Cahfor
.,. ,. rt t. ' ... i ni l tl c a-i d. All in rsons h ivm; eiamis
IAi.rvT.-;-St..tt, I,..!-- r.m,2I; I tl. :i I a t.statc lJllv 1(.rJ,v notiliad to
I.:en ardson, I.ii.t ..I. 1 ,z, - ,. ; , ut s.u., , , ,.. fr jviv'ment within
ny. ... II i:,.u;.y, 2 , hm,,,-. 32. !nst,n. j ;ix 1!l(inths f,.,;i, tJl,. (T;l Ulrt'U ilt my r,-s-.l;M
, thews. I. .n,s,;. . 31; Morgan. 13, j,,,.,. ja Washing..,, county.
JI.,ri'..v.rI. ....nil.-...! 41.. J.;-y. Il x- : , Ami ali --r. ns iu l -ht -I t
- "rv 'X--., ' ;S,"":l,,',, ' estate are nou:i,d 'to settle the same inunc
2i.; oiui''. ..... l l''.i-i!i. 31: Sm th -!' . ,
Ta 3 Ccloxal ro3scs3ioa3 oJFraacs.
Franco could once boast of tho ex
tentof I cr colonial possessions in
America, and also for a while in
Asia. Sho liu loit tho greater por
tion of them, mil posjosses now
only the following: 1, i:i Africa, Al
gcuia on tho north coast, several
inlands, fea;-.orts, and military posts
on tho b-mks of the river Senegal,
the idand of Gjive on tin con'; of
Sjnegamb'.a, !iut! of Cap3 Vord,
Keu:i;oii(form?rIy Botr.bon Idind),
sout!ica:,t of that c;:itinr)it, in t!ie
Indim Ovi iu, an I t'i ida ili of
M.iyotte, X ssi Vjt an 1 Sto. Mirio,
near Madaga.c.it; 2, in Asia, tho
districts of P.:i lie'i r:y, Kiri'til,j
C in lorn ig .m Yni:i, ari l Mahe
in II:n 1 it. in, a.i I siv rjvi i?3i at
C K-lii:i Chin i; 0, near tho eoaii of
Noith America, thr? idanlt of St.
I i 'l'io an I Mi'pelon; 4, i:i tlr
Carribbo.iu Sm, Mutin pie, Guale
loup. Marie-G 'luite, B?s Saintes,
De. irade, i:d one h;.li of St. Mar
tin's Jsl.iud; 5, in S vith America,
French (1. liana, or Ciyenne; C, in
P.i-'ii'-! Ocean, th s ?.fr.po;is Is-
lan Is, or Me.laua Areliip. '!ag, the!
L ya'ty I I n 1 an I n-.v C i!a 1-
ii. Tahiti au I d -p r. Ija , th?
To i i:n intuit I-Iand-s, th Gambici
I nds, Tu!,m ii. an I Vavo a'i, p.! I
in Polynesia, and Cab:di t in Furtli
r lnd;i,;irc iiinlcr Fk m il pmtec
.'urn. 'i'ne p -)u!af iiu f Algeria in
IS7; was 1MIF21S; th; ag ;ivgate
population of th otiior Fh-ih-Ii
inie-i amounted in l'iTJ t- :ib ut
tJ.i, tiOt"; tint f tin? protecteil couti
;,r e.- to lJf.M ,CCi. The aggregate
ire.a of the co!oniv; was estiiiiate I at
J2'J,t til) square miles; t lint of the pro
jected cotinfrii.s stt. li,.K) squar
iuiles. An- l 7 !. Ann'1'iritit ( '-:7o-;
i.lif!, ' '. . 1 1 (1 'hi , W 7,-' l'r,tti'V.
rr -t -rf,i " T VT ' T
T!ie II'T.il 1 editri.-d r-ny the Jar
rett w l'.iliio-i fxv-'i-i train, vvfjirli
leaver Ne'.v York to-morro -v morning
o im' !i S.:u Fran -i-co h'm.dfy, iu
i :rd iv's, i a eo:.i::i -n ! t!!; evidence
of j lev.-.iling ni ( i pi i.-e, :;nl i :m
.Vi'ut '.v'lich ps.i;s-i li iiin'ia! iui
porfnliee. lr t tlie-e bald innr.a
.ierd i nowa.N awomlcii'ul feat will be
d(no "J y.;ua from tio.v every d y.
N:-w Y.:;;. M iy lit.- Tim C-nrrai
riilioi l t!.i-i morning reduce I t!ie
faro fn:a Jo-tdi to !e west o;i'
o; la
ie en: loan v immedi-
y reduced i" ir ? ov.
.v : Tu ( inn
t!i.':i' l oo. us
i 3V:; Iitii-
. t:...!i
!'i !: ft il !'. 17 ; Chic ig
.?1"); .Milwaukee.. CIS; ( iiiir-v. ir'lll:
S:. t. rKs.SI'.t: Kaus t ; C.:v, $3 );Sin
F.-auei-co, v-.'
fit: v : , J.i: 'J. --Tin j'fa'.i 1 jury
!n iliv it tin in d iiidictiof'iits against
i n 1 i.(f eoun y (-ouiinisNioiiers mui f-x
)'int v (':i:nii i 1
i t I a r 1 1 1 i
, , ( j Svv , ii: i
111 . mi
. l-- ' 'iV! j ll c'-. .l 'to s. I lie
in hi t l: lts in .', e.ise e.i.ir'ed
.u-':r.i.?v to ili-fruiel Cook eo-mtv.
-!!..:.!,.. :. I. . ..,.....: ..... 4
to s!u)'.v t lia' i Ii'; ini.st
o::s ;i !n:
unscru iloiti riii r e.'Listi
1. ti
ie mem-
Ier of i.i !i with tli(
war.len i at tlio in-; me
ui of tl.c!
-vluni ::i.il
i:or li t-.t; 'i.-cef-ii iiKi eouniv i
1 ir-'O rums of i.ionev liv niciiiis of un-
ti vver'.ir. over .: ir i:
I iufcii-
ori v of io-I.h fun.islnii.
t, , J nic !.- A eareful inrju'ry
:;'e w s . h it 1 't ve;- i it) anil .0 Imil-
!lii''s liuv e tu en .invnet
.... . .....l '.r. l...
is est i t eil at fSi.O.HOti.
;;!ul nianv i.:i':r
e i-u i. ties oetoirre. !.
A eoiinniUe lias lu. en a;tjioinlttl to
rai-e p.ionev l-u'llu; ;.uir.-ieis.
; W.i-n.-.i.TcN', June 1. Inn iler.l
I sl:.tt n.ent slmvvs a tit feast tluiiii''
i VI
IV oi
.CI7 ."1.1. Coin Iialanee,
J .Ml
1 1 1 Til I; (
.e'l-y iiiuinc.', r:.,
I I. -m sits hel.l f .'
- y , i o -;
r i -'it
S ll'l'I'l
.on eertilic tie.; of tU'nosit.
A hv tlio Court
at I Oa huiid.i-d
t! .llais "nv t lie citizens.
''-. th
a;i:-; !ieii lion an 1 conv ction of th-
P' ;, 'i-
:i i v!i l.-tr--;I.u-iz 'U tu: sT.ire
f II. t.. .Marsto?! in Oa-toiioii or nl out
th-.- n'uht o! tie 12th of M iy, Ts7it. Said
i! ties ,tf s"l;J...e.l t: ,h tin s.i ik; w!i
sti i! two s t 1 ll s f r it t'l .-::iis.-i of J.-4--p!i
Iivi ti ar tie ti.,'ii of O iston ah.iut
Ih,-s iid 13i!iil iv or May. 17."..
I'll AS. T. To '. -r, ts!i riti" of VVashin
o'l CoUlitV, O.-.-oii. ?.Iv2"itI.
jVCiii: i iJ r;sl sir h .Nolicj-.
otici: is ii:.it:::;Y c.ivr.N' that
- . . , ... ..1.. .
' -,v jTcXntt. :ul:u'r of est. tc of Will.
T t w l . I
11. .MC.4i.ll te-eeaseii.
IliiKhnio, June' 2,
j -4.v 1.
Ilx-t tl or' .ot.ff.
-LN the nnd t-rsi-m d Ii.-ivm tilnl their lin d
a . unit ut 1 X- er.toi-4 t.f the 1 it st will and
test.-iait tit of -Ios.-,h I Joyce, il.'C.il, in th-?
County Court of tlu L' .ti of D.e ui. for
Wa-ihiii,t n e ci itv. an I thit the first JI -tlay
in A iust, A. ., 14 73, at 1 I ichx-k a.
m. has Oeeti ai,;iiuti il ly said Court ui the
tiui-j for the sittU-nieiit thereof.
A. Y. 1 JOYCE.
Adt!t niisii-itir s Autice.
XNl tln nml.-r-i ;neit h i filed his finiial hc
eount as adrniii striitor of the estate of John
I. liich.irdsoii tl.-i-'d, in th County Court
of tin Staie t.f Oregon, for Washinsto"
coune-. anil that the lirst Monday iu Ans
nst 1-.7G. ut lU oMock 11. 111. has been up
pointed ly s tid Court as the time for tho
settlement thereof.
The Following Val:ialc
G20 Acre 1j; miles north of Ilill
Ixiro, F'ith acrc-i iu cultiva
tion. 320 Acres 3; niis v, t-st of Dilloy
Station; -U0 acrt-! iu cultiva
tion. t2.C35 A ore a one niil? soutli of Dillf-y
Station, SD acre iiu-ultivat ion.
200 Acres 3 miU w.rst of I.ll y
Station, 3JJ ucrti iu cultiva
tion. 321 Acre i miles Rout'a of Gaston
Station, ta)J acres in cultiva
tion. iOO Acn-2JJ miles w3t of Wilbur
'70 Acres oti S.invie's Iil.m.l in
JI iltur;na!i ounty, U mi'cs
north of t'ortland.
Go l DaSry i.i:mi ; Itnnrli-
p, ciie-p c.j di. t:iji i:a-
-cnt f .r i;;:. ;;: ' xo.g rr:.r:-:n
& olVJ: cuSUiiXZl XcCOIULU A".s'
;;;. ;;; j;tJyj;!;; co.XTX HAY
AMA'A'; At
) I'.utlcs tlt-siroiis of li::yinj; will jdciso en
(1niro of A C Hal! at DILIXV, or of
V Scov;;iiii
at my rcfiMc-r.ee 3 miles we.-.! of 1 i lit y .
Di'lty. WasLiuton Co., Oregon, May
ittli. I jTJ. j in 1 tf
WOOL CAiimvc fo;i
Vi:A!l li7G.
T'ao un lirsi;'i;-.l h iving 1 uatd hii Card
ing ra-.L-Iiiti at t'a l.icc Wut known ty tl;e
aa:nc of WW ' i Mi'.!, two nr.Tcs north cf
(jleacoc, W;'sIi'n;ton County, O; on,
whore he i pr.-pired t make roll and
Icits to o.' l t. IJii:ia;oa y ur w.il ia gord
ordi-T, with o:ic 11 i r.i 1 o( grease to e very
eih! p;uul.i of v.-jj!. Dj:iT Ii your
wool loo el. an.
j. rn.
Sheriffs S:ilt'.
viiixrr. or a wimt of r.xr.cr-
tioii iiini oiil r of sale out of llif
1 i
Circuit Coiui t.f the Mate of (:iu for
Wil-.hiii'-'ttin coui'fy iii favor or -ii M u;.
!i t;:i and ::-;.iiiii Ki- havd K: !fy, d it d M ty
'22i-. I 7;I, ;:nd t- in-. dit' i-ti-d and l
niil rieiiM iudiii' n:e los-fiVy t!ic sti:n of
lI.'JI T. S. eoni, and 1 c-i's, o.U of
tin- loM-tw i 1 d mtiIm tl ti.:itt:r l-an-tl f
laitil. t vit : j
'k'h,' ii-ilil stead el.li'ii of tl;r saM Uieh- i
:ud K- !tv l i-i,' l'ie N'of the N1; of S -. i
J''.. T I . II W. Ih. Tote l,V Viltue of !
said writ. 1 h I v- i. d ii:o:i -.;u 1 tract or j
I 1 1- - 1 o! 2:unl and 011 l'i i 1 ty the ;:ii 4I.1v I
1 11 1 it-. ls7; sit. one o't lnek I. Iu , st tl.-
r t ll-use d.,.,- , I filN Wnd,:,,,,,
i eo'i.i;-.. Oie-oa. I wiil s !! at i.ul.lie an. -
ti. ,lit. ' tit,,.nl.a int ,Ut tli.-.t the
. ,;, ;i-), iid K Itv lias or had or. ti e '.nt
d.:v of .M-iv, ls7t;t i-t
to t h a' o e . 1 . - i
' srli!..-d tlaer of l.i!id to th.
hi;!l.st bidder
. in. .... .1. is. it.. . mli i-xtki.i.t:i :iiiii :ii-
Witness n:v li.ir.d this -:7'.h. d.iv of M.-v
137 G.
CIIAS. T. TO.MMi:. F!i-.i-:iT,
Wa-.hin ;toii County 0..-'o:i.
ju i! tv t
i Iirrifr sS;tEc.
T.y virtue of a writ of exi entioii i- sut tl '
0 tt of th Cin-nit Court of lh- St ite of )r-
1','iin fo.- W.-ishint :i county l..tt 1 Mai- ;ih.
Is7;'., and att;-ted l-y A. I.a -. I!iii Clerk of i
s.-iid 4ui I in favor i f .l.i in s II. i'r.jsh. m.l ,
a ;aii:st M. I. Mt rrici: for the su-n of s pto.-
3 4. U. S. oo!d i.i:i, an 1 S3!.K e.sts, to nn- '
direct eil and co:nin:'n lin z me t.i in i!;e sale
01 th-; following tl, st-iili.-d trai t or jmi-i-i I of
hiiiil to v. it : "All of the th n rth h ill of
tie noith-west ijnut.r ot section .i, ( V . S..,(.,,SIS T( rMn1 , v," I 'l 1 1 N id,
in lownsh.j, thr.,. (J) Nonh l.u.-e t2) am. lit i:t;n.; ,v siiiNiiLi.i;.
I-.,,, west, .m, I.ihty (II) ivcvc.i, more or Minula, l.n, .s and Imj oil. i-. w !.t.l, ..a!e
s. . c.i .i oi.. i , t ! iin.l Uet.-ul Deal.-rs iu I'ufnttnrcJjdUui
And o:i S.itnr.1 iv th iItli day of June ,.,.,,... v. , ... . t w , T, .. , ,
...... , , . i . . -it . , L-ir'3,5. t J i j.-i. m ri.i 'j, vi. wi Ji.:,
I H. ::l till- linr.l el one I. t loek p. III. "' J III iOi"3 C r "' "
s inl il iv. .it tin- Ciiiiil House iPs.r in tin " x-jt l" rir Y'-i' i'l A Fir-!
townotllilUlu.-o. eonutv an I State ..for.- Cl W"7;33'""r . n a- V
s.i,i, i vi.ds d sai it,.i'.-i,.f,,..tiof l u.djSls. Stsin Factory Lcr. Maci.so.T L
! at j.-G.he a.e tion to th: hi-ia st hi id. i
therefor, I. S. o.iM coin, cash in hand to
satisfy ii I ix -i-uri.,:i an I a -crui'i ; co.ts.
j Witucs. my h in-1 this. T3t!i day of .May,
ie,. cu s. i . i i.ii;it,
SIiL-rifTof W.is!iin..toii ciunty Ore-,'oTi.
in v-lw-1
. s! 1:1 i 11 i si ra t :i ' A ol I vv.
TVTofiee ts herehy 'iven that the undor
X signed h is l,;-en ajiM,'nted ly tie II m.
County Coitit ot th.; State of i.lrt 011 for
W.ihinto:i county, ad ninistrator of the
estate of 'has. (I. Merit II of said county
deei ased. Al'dali p. -isms hivin-,- t I aims
against said 1 state are hi -rely iiotilinl t 1
j.reseiit the sane- for allowaie-e within si
months from tin- tl ite ln-reof to th" undet
sl'iietl at his resident-in Itutt. Treein.-t iu
said county, and ail p -rsons in l, Iu. d to
saiu estate are herehy reiiiu stctl to In. ike
i 1 nudiate )a!m nt.
DeUT I T C. Jir.ItllKLL,
Aduiinistrator of the cXite of ('has. .
Merrill iT-oea4ed.
May '22. 1S73.
Mil-1-iTs Sale.
v YTHTTT. nv wi:rr n rvr-r.
i4 : 1 .. 1 1 .. , . ...
11011 ,-ii.ti oriicr 01 sue issneii out o Ine
Circuit conit of the S'ute of Oregon for
Wiishin;ton t otinty. tl itetl M.iv .'t th. 1S7G.
in f.ivorof J. II. It i t an 1 a;aint Ch is. F.
Uiovvn for the sum of S2. l!H.H.l T. S. coin,
tome directed, corniiiandui.' me to levy nj
oiian l sell the following des:rih,-d tract t.f
l.nid tt wit: lie iiii all t. ie don. land claim of
J. II. K'eil and S ir.ih J. his wih; notifica-
tioti No. 1HJ, cert iti nte No. 3,73 nnd
i .r X.. ... .. .. . . .
eiaiui .m. i f. excepting iiine iiuuilretl
and eiiiht anil '.H-liMiths ucr s sol 1 prior to
Mav 2Sth, H72. to A. II. Johnson aid
ltich.-ird Terkins; all of said inort;;ac;ei!
tr.ictofli.il ly n;siit'i of t'l Cortlml
roatl tt Harris IJrid-e in sei-tions IS and I'.I,
'r 1 S, It 1 W, in Washington county Ore
gon ftii.i containin g J;j. acres, ino.-e r
less. Anil on Friday the 3 tli tlay of June,
1S7G. nt 2 o'clock p. in. ftt the Court house
dtxr in Ifilllioro. county anil State afore
H.iitl. I will n-ll tho ahve described tract of
laud at public auction to the highest bidder
for U. S. coin, to satisfy suitl execution and
accruing costs.
Witness my Land this May 31st. 187G.
Yasliington county, t)rogon. junlwl.
lliRIfaTURl! W.1RE1I0FSE.
S.HJGH23, Forrsr c-ncvz, ogii,
iK.i.rr. ix
cjiami'jox mu.im:,
COL Ll.X'S r. I s ' TXr.L,
itt! ;ai:ii:schy no vs.
7.1V.t- J'Ai'U-lr ir.l'o.;
niJAi-Eus. m pwj:i:s .t- riii:i:si!Ki:;
l'A' tl'ir FAX MILLS;
il ii:'J.STt.; vwnn oy ml kjxus.
siinr.r a iii.vvv mitnwAitr.:
ii.!i.i:ss SADDLrjiY;
V.'HITINC. .-oi l CKMUMT;-
Ailml iiivt i ::0 s IoJ ic.
Totk i: ii nr.::i-:::v civr.s tiivt
ll - mi. I r : i ;tic ,1 h.is tili .l his iin il ac
'init a- inlrtii'ii- t i .'t: r t ,i'i s ".. of lip--r,t
t" of .I n ol, Wli "txtolii-. il t-i ; .1, in 111 -Coiiety
I'oaitof liu- St tt- of Oi1.4-.11 for
Va.Iin;-'t'ii I'natity. ami l'i:;t V-.iii i
ifti i- tli- ii r.-t MoikI.iv in .linii', A. ! . lsTi'.
at 1 I o'l loi-Ii ;i. lit.. L is Ii 1 u s; t ly stiiii
Court for tlji- ex.i'.uin iti-'ii t!iT of.
aprJJvl THUS. 11. T( X ! ITI.
3)13 PI
rpn:: rNTn:i:r.ic;N"i:i ir.vs ron ram:
-- se r.d 1 arn; anl a Iai-j.,- uluotint of urst
c!a.ss, tii:i:iijrovl lainl, lyiny in Washing
ton Co.uitv, Ori-'Mi.
I:.)iui j;ran!s and ot,';rts
desiring t .i:rcl;ft
would d vvt II to
lua a ci.l!.
N'ow is 'A.i- time t
euro cojfolfa.!ij
liOUH 3
t. r::.s.
tii on. i). nr.".::ii:i::vs.
IIlI.I.si;;)i:o, .Line C'.'th. T-7". jli Mf
iiiii'i4.-tiSfSij3 1 - -
WiWt aSKir' i i-rti
Tror.l bis.. I ort r.r.o. trcco.i.
cai. i. tiii: attention or i nr.
V . it:. ii4 ol HII.I.NliOltd ii'id vit ui-
itytoti.e I n t that v.e have our su unu r
stock t.f furniture, clso'e.u ju ts, od-chith and
wall ajt r 1'icli w ol'. r fit ;;n alK ledilet d
J 1 it i s. To t !n- I i ran -ei-s We ttiild say Imy
i tUI'IMtl.rc of liiis In use e,at.' llolil ii'.ll
4 rc'on a di. lua;...- a'.itl alder. We do not
I:ee. Tim- ai d Itetlvvood fiti niPue luade in
California. And if on tut a tir-t rate
Sjii in Ik .1, Wool, Iltir. or Tnlu nia.t ass,
veiylliiie,' a llii- t st..1.!i!iMi tit is t han
l;eVV alld ill -dl. Hot ;i iolltn of Si eolttl-h I l.d
tit.it, l i . 1 ns. d. The I n iiii i iii ii.tni-f Mnn
itf.icl tl-iii ; Conni.iiiy i- i:tana-ed Iy men
vln liave ii'-iii t In-!' st j ii t of tle-ir lives
in li;:il.iiii; uj. t'.:i- fin iiiiiire lui.-itiess in 4r
ooii alid we t l iil.: to know tin vvj.ii'h of Iht
turiiiturt trail-'. S.-e eiid puce our goods.
We warrant sati'.'Vt iioi:.
Orefjon Fit n;U:rs HanB'f Co.
tlrelUv Ti.rtlaiel, Oregon
p."5 Ut i'VZ'l jM-rtla v at home. Sanijih s worth
.i fr;.. Sti:4 ;i a-(' i.. Toill iu-I M line.
iitrifr -av.
on and order of sale issued out of
the circuit H'lUt of the State of Oregon
for Washing-toil enmity on liu- 2'. th day t.f
May, 17G. 111 f.ivor of John I. iiid -s and
leiiii-t John S. tlray, FaJitiie firay
and John I 'ii', for ih- 111111 of
S3UUM T, S. coin and r? 1 "..'' eosU and
disl.lll si niellts, mid to nn dil'eeteil fiilll
Iiiamlin7 Uie to make lew and sale t.f th"
follow in. ilesc riitfil tract of Im 1 to s it ; The
! Stu.lh lialf of tin don. I.uid 1 laim of Jos. oh
I . . . . ... .. 1
ami l-'li.ils th Hunsaeker 111 Township two,
Jsoiith of ltange three West, excepting one
acre more er less( said exception inclndiiii
nil of aforesaid land that lies 011 ti e S.
K. sidof the t-rci k and in South East corner
of said 1 in 1 ). th it i t to h iy 11 1 iicreii nmrJ
or less. Therefore in pursuance of order of
said writ on the .'13th day of Jr. lie next, 1H7G,
r.t the hour of 10 o'clock n. in. lit the Court
house door in Ilillslmro, county nnd State
Rforesiiitl, 1 will sell said tract " of ln l nt
public auction t the highest bidder for II.
S. Coin, to Hutis'y taiil execution and ac
cruing costs.
W itness my Lan.ljhis 23th dav of Max',
1870. CHAS. T. TOZIEK.
fcbcrifT of Washington county, Ogn.
i - 1
mroTicE is nnm:iY civen that iiv vinTru op a waukaxt issued
"t ol th- County Court of the Ht:tt of Oregon for WitHhiiiton eoiiutr, nttt-wt-..I
ly the CKik of hui.l eouit on the 11th luy of Miiy, ln7!, tiuU to ine directed coin-luamlin-i
Hie to collect deluuiiielit taxen for the year 1 j, mid for want of iicrHuiiul prop
ity, I will Hell at pul.lic am iion ut tlie CourUioiiht' door in the town of IbllhWo in Hiiiil
County, on Monday the 0tn d.y of June, IhTU, the following deHcribed tructn or tirc U
ol laii.l or o tiiuc-h thereof u-i may le liecesbaiy to Mitikfy the tuxeH thel't oli, together with
cuhtn and t 'harr;-K.
.sale lu coin.iunce nt 10 o'clock u. in., nnd continue from day to day until nil tlio JjiiiI
is hold.
C1IAS. T. TOZIEK, tslicriff of WaUn-ion County. Orecoii.
llillslioro May l'Jtli, 17U. ' b
Abt rcojulai-, C. M
Atkinson, J. S.
Adcooii, W. 11
iiolHR, ll. il (cbt.tte.) .
I5a:.er. S. N
lillUce, I), fi. . . . ,
lOt lll iid, It
I):kchu'XIon. or Lixp
ol mi1. 11, 1 in, j.i i, liVww 13 20
" 10 ucreK, . . b 23
Harms, San.in l Tail of ltaiton' lion.. T 1 S, II 1 VV, liu iU 'm,'
alwip't A.C. Ihowu Hlion.' Tl S, 11 a W, HO ucrcH, 2!) 70
Ihck. W'.ll. V nt te.i.l iHon 4lon., Mr, ii, T ( v, iu trN( 2 -17;
liallaM.-x f, tieo., oV, 11 tion.tUoli, ec 2 and 'J' 1 H, li ," w, JJ(J hc I'' 1J
UiU.. i. lieav.ltoli iol4 .1 and I I li l.lk II, Viillle,
" " 1, 'i, 7 and N, IU value, $G0,
" " ' "I'd s, idk value. 2u;
d'JU :U, value, S.,U;
" " .llk .J.i, vhIuc, .i, 3 38''
T.avnes, Isaac part L. IlaJT doii., I 1 H li. I W, ilij nelct., 1 1 6 j
Cai utlK-.s', i'niice.(,ll iij . . l.t 1 o J. To 1'h doii., 1 IN, K 2 U', ..Vi iti-rrN, , , l'j tl)
Colllel, J. A I'Ht . St 11' UOU..N. L. hec. 'SI, T 1 N', It 1 W, 1 1 iii ue-.,;
1..01 .1. A. NiiUmii k ion., m e. 2, 'i' 1 N, It I V, l.'ii iicivw, I'j Hh' '
Cohm.tn, VV. T j-.ut IS. Ji and J)'t N J O. h. 11 all doll., mc. 2, T 1 IS, U 1 W, '
w 9 00
Cas ter, C. M N. W. euin r Wilcov don., m c. .Ui, i 1 .N, K .'J w, 7i ucrew. , ., c 60
1 1 nn ns, C. M.. T 2 . It w, l(Ua-;-es, . . . , 7
C.iiUoiiwtne, K.(iiuiioi i.ut .1. V iin eni'i, d. nation, T 1 k, It 2 w, Ml am k, A M)
Hi. u iiwiii, .Ui.-.. li., li -ll. of yt wio 'n ail J. llie.iiuiili'4 dcu., T I , it w,
.o-i-c N 2.1
Ii 1.111, .1, II., ou n t .nation, I 2 11 - w, -' ueten, , U 't
i. tu..i.i, A. 1',, jiail own il.uialioii, 1' 1 h, it A w, iin l'i s 1J 'll
I. UIi. VV. I)., i ol W. Allell d UlltioU, .hi C. lli, T 1 N, it J W, Ki.J ael f.4 y yj
fo.il, I ho,., t i.tl t ! the 1, .V 11 II tlon itloil, i 1 H, it 2 W, ),l HC'I'eM 4 12"'
ma), .) . r , r ; , 1 1 uu -taker e mat ion. hec. 1, '1 . J, J w, '.Lhj aeren Wl'
u.i -.0.11, V. 1... i.'.im an I .Lis. Co.ii.v lU d matloii, mc. 2J, i' In, It 1 w, ilD neicK li H.i'
II. l.dt iHHi, .John, st -, ".'I, '1 I , K II vv, Jiitl aeli-K, , 'J 'Jit
11. til, a, v , iin i own uoii.iwon, st t-, 11, 1
ll.u.1',11 I,, l. 1..,
i 1 ill. V, . II., I ...
.ii. 1.1. soil, Al.,
Kill ', Amos, set
.V v .
si f. JI, i' 1 s, li
esKi.'oVe, Wal.i I .III. lit 1 ,l, -
lots J, 2 an, I 1 111
I' I N, K I W. K.I ae.es
ll.iloauli, t .,( 1, 0I1 1 tt i lllo ll a;;i Ills), iall
1 N, K 2 W, lull acre., .
Laii-'hlin, John, l.oivi 1I011 11 ill, sec. 1,-
i.uu.illiot, .ioliii, part ol wile's tioll., sets, 1 1 nnd 1J, i' IN, It 2 W, ll.i Hilts,
rnVt . it'll, 1 tl.J.iuiin. I't jit t-i ille. one ut If,
.iliuor, .nis., i J s, It J vv, e,o ii. ( s, f
Jl.u .h all, - ,i.ut itaskt ;l tioiiatioii, T 1 s, it 1 vv , leMucren ,
.U.utin, J. J..oail ol C. .1. liallot ii's d. illation, t' 1 .S, it il vv, (i,J a, it s,
.viaoii, .3. II., v'oiiit l;ns. liUs H and ,
.U -i'ol..lii, li., St e. II, I i s, K ( VV, I.) IKTI-H, ,'
.i.-.kt It, l'..Us.ii, .ut it. S. Hail iloii., M c. 2, i' 1 h, it 1 vv, lljil acres,
Ali uu.ii, Mls.i!!, pait ol Nlckiiui ' tlonatioli, hec. 2S, i' I N, ll 1 VV, J 1,0 aci'eH
Aol.tii.l, ll.liivau.iisel) ji.ut JI. Nolai.tl h tlou., sic, 22, i' 1 h, It 2 vv, laelei4,.
I'oit.l, 1.. A., ji.i.l 111 VV. ,Si,il.i d, illation, i' 1 N, il . I VV, ,'i,i inn m
i'e.il.-,ijjis, Vvia.r,., Jall.iJ 1 l:os. i't al soli s doll, hec, HI, i' 1 N, 11 1 W, JliUaci'eM.
I'lUiMi.m, .1. I'., Vttit 'jOl illos, Teal'itiu'h tloll., he cm. ii and .J.", T 1 ,, It 1 W,
I'.il a. i. s,
i'earsolis. Iltliry, ,. v, 't t t st e . '.i i I' 1 N, It - vv, JliJ .iei, s
" o.vn Ji.i.ai-str.ul, see. .i t, i 1 N, Jt ' W, ,1.1 uci'em,
IN rkius, part ot l.oekti'.iian':. iloiiaiioii, i' Is, it 1 vv, ;H aeitm
Itainiiuin, J,.it tl 1.., ii ts o and s 111 sec. 1 , T 1 m, It 2 w, M aciem
" ;i and I in hec. '.i.i. i 1 m Jt 2 vv, .riii m i i s, , . , ,
1 ami 2 in stt . .. i 2 m, Ji J w, 11 aeres "
-. i.. ', in r, vv. ; an, 1
It 1 vv, ai-lt s,
J.. ' , of s. li. '4 ot si e. 1,
!. 1 . s. It 1 v, .11 I atTi s,
Kid.-r. 1 '.. SfC
li 1 :u, 1... I, i I . C
1 N. J-;. 1 t ol
.-. t il.ii.d -I-, .1. 1.1 1 vv 14. s, .-, 2.",. I 2 s, Jt 1 W, 1 ii) lieres,
.s:.:iiii, Jost-jih, p.. it ol I.. .U. liosin-y'm iloii., sei-. 3 ', T N, It I vv, Ml mrem, , . ,
.-..iit:i, I. 11,.). .tl. Ji.iiilv donation, M-c, 3.1, i 1 h. It 1 vv, ;i.i acrem,
il iu, J) iil!, 1, nl'wi-, lit, 1' 1 s, It I vv, Jii l.it lem,
'iio.lia,,, .VI .ty i;., (i,,- u.i iii i a o,v.l -HO,
ImsIi.iu, Jl.inifl, juijo! ). ;-i l i-.ti.iu'. ihui., sec, 2", i 2 m, It 1 vv, Ti.i acit-H, , , 0 GO
.Mi t H-.OII, Ji. I I., nit st lilnv . lot Z, lilli T.I. i ;t
S -w. il. .. At Hi. s-.-e. y. I 2 . It 3 w. S3 a. Its ;i .;' '
.", ii. th. VV, .) ,, j ait ol .lohiisoii ilnMitioii, h,
1. v.s, ll in v, p.it .!. Ti v. i's d 1.1 it, 1:1, M
i .ii;..a, .1 . A.. J'.u t C. 1., --.Ms .. i:i it loll, 1 1
lel't r. il. in v, s. e. Yi, I -J s. It I w, NO iii-it
1 i.niii
i o..,i
ui, ..ii-s. .v.. A., put oi Vv , I'. Clu
ii ...v .i.-i s, ad o, s .., 3 . T 1 s, li .1
ui ol '. tS. Il.aht'i, d. illation, se. m. Id and ll, 1' 2 , ll 1 vv,
17 aeit s, ' 1 (''
Vau-hn, T. M.. Ih av. itoti Jot-., 3, 1. '., and G, 1 .1 2" ., -Jt
v i. ..ii, .'.li.. i' T, st hoo I land, s. t 1G M.d IV, 'i I N, It 2 w, 1 l'i in n m,
w i s 1G ami 17, '1 1 m. It I w, IG(I ueiem 4 y,
'.ll y. T.ter. p.ul of.f. T.i .sli, ai 's tl.ui., sic 1, l I N, It 1 w, 2(ii.tiem, 1 (i.i
Viol , liieh.ud, 'J' 2 s. It 1 v, Iiil.ieits, , i ;n)
W iiiiai!i-,i!i. .lohll. i hos, I., t i it !i I'.i.l.aliull, I 2 s, ti 2 VV, 32'l ai It s T.I Ml
v 1 y. ' 1 1 I .. li i .. 1 1. I' I , it I vv. lil a v m, ... , 1 G
W ard. 3. T.. T..;t -t Cove, lot 1. I.,., 13.
A i il-, .J ,!ia;h in, st .-. 1 7, T I s. It 3 v. . 1 1G
i i , - A. Y . IJi'OVCC,
-I J-
OS t.r. lied to tin all kilidsof lital W. U k .
IT- ham a tine I leiit.d I hair, also the tinted
: . nUii-rSiM-ai-i .
I Whit h it iidi im toolh-jmiine.; conijiarativt lv
:v i" it..-. Win i ..t ii.
Ol'TTCHadjoiniiij' the Tostinitc in Ilills
l,oro. injihn.'l
Sil I a l!.t V ;;l eute. A 71 lil waliti d. Oiit
I !ll a in I tel.il free. i ltl'T. V CO . All'TUsIa,
' Maine. nj'lP'.vl
f) Q Q
7r1t anything
in the Grocery line, frcm
a burel ofSujir dwa to a Nut Ileji
look mm
cam:d rnurrs,
Or anyti j kpt in a First-Class Cro
curySiors. Callatths Po3t OR:
r.nd fjstlhom c5ip;r than ever.
I .Mean Iin !
W. D. Pittenger.
.t. 111:11.1:11. ihoihii:toii.
tix ir. 1
JIAlilt U'.lllE,
tlTTin Ware nnd Ftovt Tipe conittnutlj
on lmuil or made to order. FUlinij and re
airiiHj dune, IColcr 'y laid, . fte,
Hillfiboro, Oregon. niarltn.'l
Vest J', ol N. V.. '4 of wc. C. T-i:-, 80 ftercH,
South of S. V.. '4 of (tee. ;M, T. -U., Mil u, r,.M $7 (
.Tart l Hail 1oii.. we. 17, T 1 N, U. 1 v, ho Mcih I '
Seen. -&l and il, T. I K. n ., 'J.,JjU . M ' -x X
Tail 11. ii ihuieH.lon., T 1 N'., U, I W unlivi'.
Owu Uolii.-r.li ad, h. c. 'Jli, T 1 H, U lit) uvu-n U '
I'aitot W. Toilet h don., Me. 7 iH jj ,
ai.Ti N. iu v. urn ,,,, ' UHl lh5
IS. J. S. E. nii.1 K. J of N. w. 0f sVii.'j' ;
h, 1, 1 v, 11 .1111:4
2 w, l"i init h, ,
f. ;o
3 30
l.j .u,';
oil. 7; and 't lot in ll.i 12
o li.antlJ, Voiiu'r doll., hec.
:h, t
(! ;o
2i 40
H 2.i .
1 (ij
4 Va
'J UiJ
i !!
4 12);
3 Mi,
W 2.V
4 1 2.',
11 or,
8 2.1
1 1 u.
1 iter
en, .
.. w , ;t 01 m.
of m c. 7, T 2
T 2 s, It 3 w, It0 ui lem,
K 2.1
3 ;i 1
U 2.1
h 2-1
10 oO
sec. !, I' 2 , It 1 W. K J ucrt-m
I 30
Mi II lei' 'r tl U. 1' 1 rt. It 2 vv. 320 acrem 111 .Iii
c, 12, 1 3 s. It 3 w, K0 a It m,
ii. 2 an Id, i' I , JI 3 vv. ldl acrcH. .
4 '.(.
sec-. - an i.i, i i HJW. 131 iirr. H. . . 1J20
s, 1,2 VV, J 13 mil s, S2 ..0
s 4 i i
ut tie's tl n., T 1 h, It 1 vv, 13.") iuhw,.. ti Ml
v;, G I ) iieri m 1:1 i
2 I7J i
! 4 ll ili pv. i it
' '
Milan. S'Jt'fTCOn nd ACCOUC'ieur.
!. '
mi Lxuviw, iui.LUU.r4
Ol ITCF.-nt the Drtif; 8 tor.
Iti.SlDENCE-Thtce Jlhukii fvouth of
Dnij Store, ul :yl
noirroit ii. imivci:,
Phylctan and Surgeon.
ll'IIKI., Illl.l.sl!.)li(), Oregon,
Tli) .ie Linn nd Surgeon,
foi:i:st .uovi:, .... tni:(.o.
OlTTCE-.At LiTiTebiilcnc, Went of
Johnson' Tl.imiiu' ildU. txi'J; j
t. iiamm:y,
OFlTCE-ln the Court Horn, Hillhhoro,
Oregon. luy 1 ,'1-tf
C, A. HAM..
a r t o 11 a j: vs.at-la y
No. C Dekuin'H .Mock.
loin mux, . iuun
Cntlin &. Klllln,
liekum's Ihiililing, First Rtrect,
Attorney .ntLnu,
llilMxuo, Washington County, Oregon,
xoTAitr runic and coxvkyaxceh
LEOAL papem drivwn ml collection
mane. iiikiunh cuirusit-u 10 uia care at
. 4 . f .. . . . 4..4. .
endeil to prciiiptly.
OF1TCK V.w Court Houwi
Veterinary 8 nricon,
fcTlnflrmarr Kept for Women. f!5 per
month will be tba charge for any ordinary
cns. aprStf
. - - -
t :
I V.'."