V? THE INDEPENDENT, Every Thursday Evening, MM" I One lot ne if0re or Thrtlort Vt" am laeiDeiiaeM II. B. LUCE, coll col. Office, Old Court House, 3 HILLS BORO, OREGON. Tern f Subscription (coin rat.) 2 months. TOO I I months... SOT Tail I OOt Mntfe copy pr year 13 50 month. . 7 W 10 (W MMfte copy tlx month 1 50 tne! nuratur 10 I TOL. 4. HILLSBORO, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1876. NO. 10. io it od jo 1 cam Wcw rei tt rr-rr' ti o J 1 1 M II gtOB Was i 7" Thou art not FhIsp, but Fickle. Thou art not false, but thou art fickle, To those thyself so fondly nought. The tears that thou hat forced to trickle Are doubly bitter from that thought: 'Tis this which breaks the heart thou grievcst, Too well thou lov'st, too soon thou leaveat. The wholly fitTse the heart despises. And spurns deceiver and deceit; But she who not a thought disguises, Whose lve is as sincere us street, When she can change who loved so truly, It feels what mine has felt so newly. To dream of joy and wake to sorrow Is doomed to all who love or live; And if, when conscious on the morrow, We scarce our fancy can forgive, That cheated us in slumber only, To leave the waking soul more lonely; What must they feel whom no false vision, But truest, tenderest passion warm'd? Sincere, but swift in sad transition. As if a dream alone had charm'd? Ah! sure such grief is fancy's scheming, And all thy change can be but dreaming! Only a Seamstress. 15 Y JOHN M. MACDONAI.D. "N, sir, there is no need of further conversation upon this topic. Once again 1 assure you that I will never give my consent to such an ignoble union." 'But, father, if you only knew her I am sure you would, love her. She is so refined and lady-like that you could not but respect her!" "Nonsense, Henry ! We often hear ami read of such eases, but seldom see them. But it is immaterial to me how accom plished and refined she may be. It does ut make the slightest difference, as I -would not give my consent to your 'mar riage with a sewing girl, even though she possessed all the accomplishments of a princess. Now understand me, Henry; if you are foolish enough to throw yourself awy on this Clinton girl, you shall never handle one cent of my money. I have labored hard to accumulate what I pos sess, and I do not feel under any obliga tions to you." "What you say in regard to your wealth is very true, father. It is not the loss of your money, but I am very sorry to for feit your good will and respect. But my mind is irrevocably formed in this mat ter, and nothing but death can alter it." "Very well, sir; you know the alterna tive." "Will you not shake hands with me, father, before I leave your house forev er " said Harry, extending his hand and walk ing toward t lie irate old gentleman with a half pleading look. "No, sir," was the harsh icply. 'I will never clasp your hand again until you promise ine that this disgraceful alfuir shall be prevented. Until then I do not care to hear anything of y u or your af fairs." "Well, good-by and od bless you, father. You will forget this soon." "Never white I live!" was the quick response. Seeing that all efforts toward reconcil iation were fruitless, Harry Sutherland, with a slow, faltering step, left the pres ence of his enraged parent. The scene we have just described tran spired in the elegantly furnished drawing room of one of the most fashionable man sions on P avenue. Judge Suther land was a retired banker of reputed fab ulous wealth. His beautiful and accom plished lady had died of consumption a few years after their marriage, ami left their infant son, Harry, to his care nnd guidance. The judge had been eminently true to the trust, and had lavished both time and money in endeavoring to make "his only child and heir a man among men. The judge had, previous to the occur rence just related, been very fond of his son, and had constructed many bright plans for the future, ia which Harry was to play a prominent part. But when Harry informed him that he intended to marry a certain Miss Clinton, a poor working girl, his rage and anger were boundless, and with bitter imprecations he. bade him begone. After collecting a few personal articles of jewelry, etc., Harry left the great man sion, once his home, and stepped out upon the broad thoroughfare almost a beirgar. But his heart was light within his" bosom for all that. For was not Nina's love far more valuable to him than all the World? Was he not young and strong, and fully capabla of battling his way through 1 i fe i And with these thoughts crowding into his brain, he has tened forward, and soon reached a mod est little cottage located in a poorer but none the less respectable neighborhood. lie rapidly ascended the steps and rang the door-bell. His summons was an swered by Nina, the girl for whom he had sacrificed wealth, position, everything. She greeted her lover affectionately, and theu led the way to the tidy little sitting room where her venerable mother sat sewing. The old lady extended a cordial, motherly welcome to our hero. In as few words as possible, Harry in formed them of the difficulty he had had with his father, lie dispelled the gloom caused by these sad tidings with his bright and blissful projects for the future. And there they sat until long after the little bronze clock on the mantel had in silvery tones proclaimed the hour of ten. Several days after, Harry, through the influence of certain prominent literary people, obtained a situation on oue of the morning papers as an editorial writer a position which his thorough education rendered him amply competent to fulfil. A few weeks after this he led Nina Clinton to the altar, and in the presence of a few friends who, in spite of adver sity, still cherished them, they were pro nounced man and wife. After a brief wedding tour, the happy couple returned to the little cottage on A street. Harrv still retained his position, and was rapidly rising in the estimation- of both editor and proprietors. Judge Sutherland never mentioned his son's name alter the violent aitercanon previously related. He may have thought of and longed for the boy, who had, with one exception, always proved an affec tionate and dutiful son; but his proud sphit refused toanction that which his fathocls-heart dictated. His friends un derstood his, wishes, and never spoke of Harry iir his unrelenting father's pres-encel- Oar pleasant afternoon several years after the events previously related, Judge Sutherland, while driving through A street, met with a serious accident. His fiery-blooded blacks became frightened at some passing object, and, with flash ing eyes and distorted nostrils, dashed madly down the crowded street. The judge's efforts to check their wild career were unavailing. They refused to obey his voice, and his strong arms sank pow erless at his side. Several gentlemen endeavored to stop the terrified creatures, but they dashed upon the sidewalk, and, in so doing, the carriage was overturned and Judge Suth erland was hurled violently to the pave ment. He was picked up insensible, nnd con veyed to a neighlxuing dwelling. Was it fate that directed the steps of the gen tlemen who were carrying him that they should unknowingly select the house of his own son? But such was the case, and in a few minutes Judge Sutherland was tenderly laid upon a snowy couch leneath the roof of the son whom he with bitter scorn had driven from his sight neaily live years before. A physician was summoned, who, after a critical examination, pronounced the judge's injuries serious, aud advised, if agreeable to the occupants of the house, that he be permitted to remain w ith them until circumstances rendered his removal expedient. The powerful restoratives administered produced the desired effect, and Judge Sutherland speedily revived. The doctor informed him that Ids injuries were of such a nature as to rentier his removal un der the space of several weeks extremely precarious. The judge finally consented to remain, inwardly resolving to amply compensate the good people for their kindness. That evening, when Harry returned from tiie office, Nina related the particu lars of the accident, and informed him of the course she had pursued in the mat ter. Harry commended her action, and requested to see the unfortunate gentle man. One look was sufficient, and, with a slight exclamation of astouishment, lie turned to his w ife and said, "Good heavens, Nina, it is my father! Is he fatally injured f" Nina gave him the doctor's opinion, and assured him that if watchful care and tender nursing would restore the old judge to health it would be siteedily ac complished. Harry then disclosed to Nina a rapidly constructed plan. He requested her to attend to his father's slightest wish, but never, under any pretence whatever, to disclose her real identity, as such a pro ceeding would bo extremely dangerous to the old gentleman's health, as he would undoubtedly insist upon being re moved immediately. Day after day, night after night, she sat by the old judge s bedside, smoothed his pillows, gave him cooling draughts, and did all that lav in her power to len der his painful position more comfortable and easy. Such marked kindness and sympathy to an entire stranger struck a tender chord in the stern old man's heart. He often thought, as he lay quiet, how sadly he would miss the freh young face and winsome manners when his illness per mitted him to leave the quiet little cot tage on P avenue. One day he said to her, "What is your name, my child?" 'Nina, sir," was the sweet reply. "A pretty name for a kind hearted girl," said the judge, looking into the smiling face. "Ah, 7 thought he, "if Harry had only found this jewel, w hat a blessing it would have been to us all!" Finally he told her of his sad trouble with his only son. "Ah! Nina, if it had only been you, how different it would have been!" "What would have been different, Judge Sutherland?" asked Nina, with a mis chievous twinkle in her dark blue eyes. "I mean that it would have afforded me the greatest pleasure to have welcomed you as my daughter." "Well, do so, then," laughed Nina, "for I am Nina Sutherland, your son Harry's wife." The old judge was thunderstruck, and he gazed with astonishment into the roguish face. But in spite of his oft re peated avowals to the contrary, he took the fresh young face between his hands, and, with a father's kiss, acknowledged a plebeian seamstress to be "too good for any Sutherland that ever lived.'' "Vou have deceived me, you minx!" snid he, "but never mind; it is all right now. Where is my son?" Nina told him that Harry had not re turned from the office, but that she w ould apprise him of his return immediately after his arrival. When Harry came home that evening, lie was informed of the favorable change which had taken place. The news was almost too good to be true, but with a light heart, he followed Nina into the room where his father was lying. "Father," said Nina, "here is Harry. Tell him what you told me this after noon." The old judge raised Iiimself slowly on hiselbow, and, extending his hand, said, "Come here, you young dog and let me look at you." Harry grasped his father's hand and pressed it warmly. All was joy and hap piness in the little cottage that night. "Harry, my boy," said the judge, "it is a good thing for you that I never saw Nina previous to fcer marriage." "Why, father?" asked Harry. "Because I should have requested her to be a mother to a certain young news paper man. Here the old judge laughed heartily at bis joke. Judge Sutherland recovered rapidly and in a few weeks was enabled to leave his bed. When be left the little cottage for the last time, he was accompanied by Harry and Nina, while little Arthur, after a slight struggle with his good natured grandmother, seized the j edge's hand tightly with his chubby lingers, and .stoutly maintained that he was going to "walk with grandpa." lLury, at the earnest wish of his fa ther, cancelled his engagement on the Enquirer. The old judge is supremely happy now. And seated upon the veranda, with his little grandson's soft cheek pressed against his ow n, and Nina's golden head resting lightly upon his shoulder, he fer vently blesses the day that Harry wedded Nina Clinton, who was "only a seamstress." , - Old Jlud. Story writers always describe their old maids as tall, thin and angular, with sharp nose, corkscrew curls and the neu ralgia. Now, we know lots of old maids, and nearly every one of them is plump in stead of lean, and not one of them wears corksc rew curls. Some of them are, w ith out exception, the best women we ever knew. The majority of old maids are not un married because nobody has "asked them," for we do not believe that there is a woman living who has reached the age of thirty w ithout having had an offer. Old maids are, generally speaking, girls who in their youth were belles and leauties, and who set a high value on themselves too high to accept the pro xsals of common men, and so they h ive, to use an old expression, "gone through the woods without picking up a stick," for the sole reason that they were afraid of picking up a crooked one. A girl who holds herself too high to stoop to wed where she can neither love nor respect, is very likely to be an old maid. Age does not make her any the less particular, and as she; goes along her life journey she sees, crhaps, that those who were girls with her unhappily wed (led to husbands who arc unkind, or dis sipated, or careless, or unfaithful, and she is strengthened by the sight to go oil her way alone. And though we believe that marriage is a divine institution, ordained of Jod and blessed by him, and though we be lieve it is far better to marry than to be single, yet a woman had better a thou sand times be an old maid than to marry a man whom she cannot love, and tor whom she feels no sentiment of respect. Frequently circumstances, from which there is no escape, prevent girls from marrying. Aged relatives whose wan ing and broken lives need the fos tering and gentle care of a daughter, may stand between her and happiness; and, with a self-saeritiee that costs her only Heaven knows how much, sin; may yield up the love for which her heart cries dumbly, on the altar of filial duty, and stamps herself with the dreaded stigma of old maid. Again, death may have taken from her the hosen of her heart, and her nature may be too loyal and trie to admit of her enshrining another in the place of her first love. Or, she may never have met one who has called forth the strongest and deep est feelings of her nature, and she may be wise enough to know that marriage is never what (Jod designed it should be unless it be entered into by "To soul with bat a single thought 1 wo heart- tu.it .-xl as one. Old maids, upon the whole, are a bles sing to the world, i ney taKe care oi sick sisters and brothers, they make tiieclothes for little nieces and nephews, they cause Sibbafh schools to flourish, they bind churches together, they beg for the min ister, they are on the side of good morals everywhere, and society would tind it a difficult thing to get along properly w ith out them. Long may they flourish ! The Russian Sable. The most fashionable and costly of all furs is the Russian sable the skin of the Mkstt'ltt 2tbelina, which is about three or four times as large iwtlii'ommum weasel, to which family it belongs. A choice kin of the sea otter or the black fox may command a higher price than one of the Russian sable, but the cost of the latter will be relatively greater on account of its smaller size. 1 he fur ot the ICussiau sable is brown in summer, w ith some gray spots on the head, and may be distin guished from all other furs by the hairs turning and lying equally well, in any direction. In winter, when the animal is usually taken, the color of the fur is a beautiful bUck. The dark skins are the most valuable. In its natural state the fur has a bloomy look ; but ilyed sables generally lose their gloss, and the hairs become twisted or crisped. Sometimes the skins are blackened by being smoked, but the deception is ex posed by the smell and the crisped hair-. A dyed or smoked fur may be tletected by rubbing it with a moist linen cloth, which will then become blackened. The best skins are obtained in Yakutsk, Kam schatka, and Kussi.in Lapland. Only 25,000 are annually taken, and these com mand extraordinary prices. The average price of a raw skin being about ', while a choice "crow n" Russian sable will fre quently sell for 40. But few of these furs reach the English or American mar ket. The chief demand is in Russia, where the use of the sable is monopolized by the Imperial family and the nobility, by whom it is chiefly used lor lining for civic robes, coats, etc., and for ladies' sets. Most Always io. Two or three wom en, posting letters for the early mails yes terday morning, were talking in the post- office corridor about Dom Pedro, one of them having heard he would stop in De troit on his way back from the West. "What day will he get here?" asked one. The other couldn't say, and she sighed and went on : "He'll probably get here Monday, and I'll have to wash that day and can't see him I All the kings and queens and cir cuses always get here on wasb-day!" Detroit Free fret. Utah lost 4,000 cattle by the late snow. Small Waists. This fashion and early deaths have been the subject of recent comments of a physician of celebrity, and his notion that the latter is the certain sequence of the former is borne out by almost all authorities of every country. Yet no matter how the physiologists or the phy sicians may talk, women have always cHHpressed their waists and expanded their skirts, and they always will, until public opinion pronounces for- heavy figure. It has never influenced fashion able woman yet to hear that th - Venus rfle Medici had a large waist: she 1ms leen told so ever since that faultless iluof female Ixauty was diinterrejyT She merely shrrtgs her shoulders a:in draws her laces tighter. Undoubtedly there will always be foolish mothers who make their daughters sleep in their corsets, and many foolish women who will always draw their laces too tight; but the golden mean remains; a figure well but not too stiffly supported, a waist slender, round, but not too small for the adjacent figure, is the grand desideratum of female beauty. Large women should remember that no tight lacing makes them look any smaller. Age, which reduces everything else, is apt to add on to the figure of woman, and time bungs an undesirable stoutness. This cannot be better treated than it was by the late Duchess of Devonshire, one of the mo-t heiutiftil of women, who grew at forty, as Englishwomen are apt to do, very stout. "How have you kept your complexion so pure, my dear duchess?" said one of her fellow ladies in waiting at the court of Q leen Victoria. "By dressing at ease and keeping my temper," sai 1 the handsome duchess. Children at Home. Nothing concerning the future welfare and happiness of the young, remarks a contemporary, is so neglected by parents and guardian, as the manner in which their evenings are spent. Dirkness is a temptation to evil ; and suffering young men ami Iwiys to be absent from the family hearth, when the light of the day does not restrain them from misconduct, is really training them to it, and pro ducing incalculable mischief and ruin. All the riots, disturbances of any kind, and crimes, are the result of running in the streets after nightfall. In the home something more is necessary than the mere command, an'l parents should en deavor by their own examples, to show the imMU tance of spending the hours of darkness with the family, for if heads of households cannot exiterience the truth of the assertion that "there is no place like home," how can they expect their off-pring to In domestic? Evening recrea tion nii employment in the family circle are infinitely more agreeable and pleasant thin any amusement or dissipation abroad; and honorable and learned men are the products of the one, while miser able and dissipated specimens of the human race are the results of the other. L t home be the place it should be, and let the same fascinations aud inducements Ik ottered at the homestead as abroad, and a more exalted and creditable class of citizens w ould people the world. CoorEitATiox of thk Wikk. No man ever prospered in the world without the cooperation of his wife. If she unites in mutual endeavors, or rewards his labors with an endearing smile, with what con fidence will he resort to his occupation, meet difficulty, and encounter danger, if he knows that he is not spending his strength in vain, but that his lalwr will be rewarded by the sweet of home! Solicitude and disappointment enter the history of every man's life, and he is but half-provided for his voyage who finds but an associate for his hippy hours, while for his months of darkness and dis tress no sympathizing partner is prepared. In the course of a lecture on Mercury recently delivered at Vienna, the leg-bone ot a man was exhibited, whose death had undoubtedly been hastened by mercury. On striking the bone heavily on the table, out fell thousands of little glittering globules, which rolled alxxiton the black surface before tiie lecturer, collecting here and there into drops. This mercury had iK'en absorbed during life, and proved the death of the absorbent. Pi mpkin I'oci.tick. The best remedy I ever used for scrofulous swellings or sores is tinea pumpkin, stewed in as small a quantity of water as possible and ipplied as a poultice. If the swelling or sore is on the limbs, apply it directly to the affected part; if alxuit the head or neck, apply to the wrists or hands. One or two iultices in twenty-four hours will usually be sufficient. Kisses. Two pounds of powdered su gar, the whites ot eight eggs, oeaten to a froth, then add the sugar aud lfavor with lemon or vanilla. The whole should be beaten very hard a few minutes, then drop in oval shapes on white paper which has been slightly buttered, and place in a moderate oven. Bake to a pale brown. then place the flat sides together. Arm I auts. lake one egg, one cup ot sugar, one cup water, one huh a nan teasHMnfu!s tartaric acid, one tcaspoon- ful tlour, one teaspoon ful extract lemon, a piece of butter size of a walnut. Cook over steam, then fill the paste and bake moderately. Put the lemon in just be fore baking. Ice them if you wish. Nice Mi ffixs. One quart of flour, two eggs well beaten, two ounces of but ter, one pint of milk, one teaspoouful of salt, one gill of yeast. To be dropped from a spoon into the oven, and baked quickly. Pi.aiit Steaked PnniNO. One pint of buttermilk or sour milk ; one half pint sweet milk: one teaspoonful of soda or saleratus. Thicken with flour to a 8 tiff batter; add raisins or fruit; place in a pudding dish and steam one hour. Serve with sweet sauce. r hitters. One quart of milk, one pound of flour, add seven well-beaten eggs, a teasp wnful of salt. Drop by the spoonful into hot lard and try a light Drown. Honesty the llest Policj One dav the Duke of Bu Scotch nobleman, bought a c neighborlnxMl of Dalkeith, wher I he cow was to be sent home dav. Karlv in the inornin?. as t wan taking a walk in a very ciTiLor?4'rfeCaTrjlkk. tiV; dress, he saw a boy trying in vain to diiddeu VeWetMgrf the cow to his residence. 1 he cow was very unruly and he could not get on with her at all. The bov. not knowinir the Duke, bawled out to him in broad Scotch accent: "Hie, mun, come here and gie's a hand wi' this beast." The Duke walked slowly on, not seem ing to notice the boy, who still kept call ing for his help. At last, finding that he could not get on with the cow, he cried outin distress, "Come here, mun, and help us, and as sure as anything, I'll gie ye half I get." The Duke went and lent a helping hand. And now," said the Duke, as they trudged along after the cow, "how much lo you think you will get for the j !?" "I dinna ken," said the boy, "but I'm sure o' something, for the folks at the big house are guid to a lodies. As they came to a lane near the house the Duke slipped away from th boy, and entered by a different way. Calling his butler he put a sovereign in Ins hand, say ing, "give that to the boy who has brought the cow." He then returned to the end of the lane, where he had parted from the boy, so as to meet him on his way back. Well, how much did you geU asked the Duke. ling," said the bov, "arid there's the half o' it to ve." "But surely you had more than a shil ling?" said the Duke. "No," said the boy, "sure tint's a' I jot; and d'ye no think it's plenty?" "I do not," said the Duke, "there must be some mistake; and as I am acquainted with the Duke, if you return, I think I'll jet you more. They went back, the D ike rang the bell, and ordered all the servants to be assembled. "Now," sai 1 the I). ike to the boy, point me out the person who gave you the shilling." "It was that chap there with th j apron," said he, pointing t the butler. The butler fell on his knees, confessed his fault and begge 1 to le forgiven; but the Duke indignantly ordered him to jive the boy the sovereign aud q ;it his service immediately, "loti nave lost, said he, "your money, your situation, and your character by your deceitfuluess; learn for the future that honesty is the bet ludicy." The loy now found out who it was that clpd him to drive the co; ami the Duke was so pleased with the m tulines md honesty of the boy tint Ik; sent hi.n to school and provided for him at his own expense. iuiiriy Hay. The Vsittli of ISruzil. All intelligent travelers who have visit ed Brazil se.tk in the most glowing term -4 of the country. Prof. Agassi regarded it as the most productive and interesting country on the glole, and one in which it is the easiest to obtain a livelihood. Some who have sailed up the Amazon de clare that a vessel can be loaded with Brazil uuts, nt the expense of only a few cents per bushel. These constitute a val uable article of commerce, while the oil extracted from them is very desirable. All the tropical truits arc produced in Brazil almost without cultivation. The sod in many parts of the country will produce twenty successive crops of cotton, to bacco, or sugarcane, without the applica tion ot manure. No country in the world approaches the land of D iu Pedro in the variety ol its forest production. Prof. Agassiz states that he saw 11 different kinds of valuable woods that were cut from a piece of land not half a mile square. They represented almost every variety of color, and many of them were capable of receiving a high polish. Oue tree fur nishes wax that is used for candles; an other a pith that is used for food; and still another yields a juice which is used in the place of intoxicating liquor. I here is a single variety of palm from w hich the natives obtain food, drink, clothing, bed- ling, cordage, fldiiug-tacklc, medicine, ami the material they manufacture into dwellings, weapons, harpoons aud musi cal instruments. Diubtless the day is not distant when the valuable woods of Brazil will be used for various useful and ornamental purposes. Brazil is not only "wooden country, but a country that produces the most beautiful woods in the world. Not Satisfactory. After worrying his father for three or four years on the subject, a young man who has grown up with Detroit succeeded in becoming the owner of a timepiece the other flay. Hi father purchased it on the sly, took it home, and when the young man turned over his plate at uiuner ne iouuu me watch. 'Good! Bully for me! on arc a noble father," he exclaimed in delight. As he opened the watch his smiles faded away, noticing me cuauge, in lamer asked : "Isn't the watch all right?" "It's a i?ood enough watch." was the U v reply. "Then what's the matter?" "Why, you have had my name engraved on the case, and no pawnbroker will give me five dollars on it if I get hard up." Free Prest. Good Advice. If you cannot speak well of your neighbors, do not speak of them at all. A cross neighbor may be made a kiud one by kind treatment. The true way to be happy is to make others happy. To do good is a luxury. If you are not wiser and better at the end of the day, that day is lost. Practice kindness, even if it be but little each day. Learn something each day, even if it be but to soell one word. Do not seem lo be what you are not. Learn to control your tem per and your words. Say nothing behind one's back that you would not say to hit face. Rat. Tne Hamster is trie ppecie s cirecKsr iirirr -rx i 1 1 m j r iw zv rman it-innaBrsucil. Ilt'l OS. i and a a Ham and fighting sec'lll no other passion. iut of anger, which Induce, him to attack every animal that;evJ 11 'is way, without in the least '-litCend ing to the strength of the enemy. Ignorant of then art of saving himself by flight, rather than yield he will allow himself to bu beaten to piece with a stick. If he seize a man' hand, he must be killed before lit will quit lrV bold The m ig uitudeof the horse terrific hi in a little a the tenacity of the of hunting him. dog, which is fond When the II mister perceive a dog ut a distance, he begin by emptying hi cheek and pouches, if they happen to be filled with grain; he then blow them out mi prodigiously that the size of hi head anil neck greatly exceed that of the lest of the body. He raises himself on hi hindlegs, and thu dart upon the enemy. If he catches hold, he never quit hi foe but with the loss of lite. Tin ferocious disposition prevent the Hamster from being at peace with any animal, even with hi own specie. When two Ham ster meet, they never fail to attack each other, ami the otrougcr always devour the weaker. A combat bet w een a male and female Usually last longer than that between two male. They begin by pur suing and biting each other; then each of them retire aside, as if to take breath. After u short interval they renew the combat, and continue to tight till one of them fall. The vanquished animal uni formly serves for a repast to the con queror. Sing More. Cultivate singing in tne family. Begin w hen the child i not yet thiee year old. The song and hymn your childhood anr bring them all back to your memory and teach them to your little ones; mix thein all together, to ureet the similar moods, a in after life they coum over u so in vsterioiisi y sometime. M m v a time and ft, in the very whirl of business, in the sunshine and gayety of Fifth Avenue, and amid the splendor of the drive in Central Park, some little thing wake up the memories of early youth the old mill the cool spring the shady tree by the little schoolh iiise; and the next in stant we almost see the ruddy cheek. the smiling faces, and the merry eye of schoolmates, some gray-headed no.v, mot "lie mill L-iiag in the grave." Aud, anon, the "song my mother sang" spring u.ibi I f n; to the lip aud sonde ami sweeten all these memories. At otln r tunes, anrt.ig tins crushing mishap of busine.s, a merry ditty of Iden time poo up it little head, break in upon the ugly train of thought, throw the mind into another channel; light breaks in from the cloud in the sky, and a new courage i gi veil to us. The hon est man goes inging to hi work; and when thu day's labor i done, hi" tools laid aside, and he i on hi way home, where wife and child, and tidy table and cherry fireside await him, he cannot help but w histle or sing. The burglar never sing. Moody si lence, not the merry song, weigh down the dishonest tradesman, the perfidious clerk, the unfaithful servant, thu jKiijured partner. Hands and Fkkt. A great many children suffer iinrtvrJ oni with their feet and make no sign. Compreiou of the feet in children, not less than in rrown eople, work a great many evil. Deraugemeut of circulation, headache, and weak eye result from wearing tight shoe. The movement of a child ehould le absolutely free, and every garment mid covering of the bodyhould be so contriv ed a not to detract Hi thu least from per- fecttreedoin ol cuculati jii aud movement. Keeping shoe on feet that have outgrown them i very expensive economy. It i probable that more children suffer the misery of compressed feet from want of rell.M'tion, or from false view of economy on thu part of the parent, than from ma terial vanity. It may not be amis to add a word of consolation to the Unfor tunate Hsessor of ugly hand aud feet. We have heard unnumbered expression of admiration of the work of variou artist, author aud poet, but we do not remember ever to have heard the query a to what kind of hand wrought any picture, or penned any passage thus ad mired, or w hat kind of a fo t seconded the researches of the brain and hand in pursuit f thu knowledge or ability thu illustrated. If our work is well and faithfully done, it matters littlu whether our complexion is clear or cloudy, w hat the color of our hair may be, or w hat number of glove or shoes we wear, so they do not impede our activities. A physician write the following sen sible advice: My profession ha thrown mu among women of all classes, and my experience teaches me tl at ( d never gave man a greater proof of Hi Iov-3 than to place woman hero with him. My advice i: Go, propose to the most sensible girl you know. If shu says ye, tell her how much your income i , from what source derived, and tell her you will divioe ttie last shilling with her, and love her with all your heart in the bargain. And then keep your promise. My word for it, she will live within your income, and to your last hour you will regret that you uidn t marry sooner. Gentlemen, don't worry about feminine extravagance an I feminine untruth. Just you be true to her, love her sincerely, aud throw it up to her frequently, and a raoic ionu, luiiuiui, ioousu siave you will never meet anywhere. You won't deserve her. I know, but she will never know it. Now, throw aside pride and selfishness, and sec what will come of it. The onion was almost an object of worship with the Egyptians two thou sand years before the Christian era. It j first came from India. A .yiHr'LialiiStorv ipcies A pttVitJeitjiJ l-Jriel pouchjv iiiir!ow ing jrettyTifrVj of AjfUiiA, IyCMn lo"pffmeri;hic7ni dnnt (tear ar the story J t Ik alarm m Iploimitic tersburg, wife of a fr mi yend with him. uand trains the Hussian caprt airs after the lady had left the explanatory note (considered necessary in good society) on her hus band s table. I he guilty pair, surrounded by traveling app iratu, are waiting forv the inoni'jiit of depicture in X's house, when the husband i announced. Natu rally the lair one bolt Into a neighboring room. The husband come in with hi wife' letter in hi ban I. "My dear X," he said, "my wife tell me tint you are going to bu good enough to escort her over thy frontier, I havo therefore come to think you in pur mi for tint gieitust service which any man has ever done me. Only, a I have some regard for my fam ily name, I must beg tliit when you arc tired of her, a must soon bu thu case, you will not bring her back ugai n, or we may disagree. Joi Kiy iyel'' and ho left the room. I understand that a gloom wa cat over thu excursion by this speech, which resulted in a separation soon after the traveler had arrived at Pari. 8 X re turned to R ivsia alone. Thu flrt person he meet i the htubind, who said, "What, back already ! I told you it would be .)," "Ve, my dear felloe," replied X, "but you quite forgot to let mu Into the secret of your wife's confounded temper." "Come and dine," s-iid thu husband, "and remember that there arc xecret in every family which, when found out, generally burn the finger of the discoverer. A it is, I look upon you a my truest friend." All of which is very immoral in theory, but in ral in its bearings, for It te ache u not to gather forbidden fruit without counting on it unripe properties. A Curio!! Legend. A legend s ay tu u liK-re onc.o dwelt on thu island of FaUter a l i ly of rank, who wa extremely rich, but hid neither son nor daughter to inherit her wealth. Shu therefore resolved to dedicate it to a piou use, mi l caused u church to bo built, which was both sp icioii and mag nificent. When it wa completed she hud the altar candles lighted, and going through the choir to the altar she cast herself on her knee and prayed to Clod that in reward for her piou gift Hu would add a many year to her life its her church would t and. From time to time her relative and servant died, but she who had madu so foolish a prayer lived on. At length shu had no longer relative oi friend. Sh't saw children grow up, become aged and din, and their chil dren ag tin grow o., while she herself wa w asting through extreme age, so that he gradually lost thu use of all her senses. Sometime, however, she recovered her voice, though for an hour only, at mid night, n Christina. On onu of theo night shu du,ircd to be laid in an open colli, l and placed in thu church, that she might there die, but that the pi ict should attend her every Cnristuia night to re ceive her command. From that time her colli n ha stood in the church, but .he ha not been permitted to die. Every Chii.tni.n niht the priest goes to her, lift thu lid of thu colli. i, and a hu raises it she rise slowly up. When sitting slid asks, "I my church yet sliu liug?'' an I when the priest answers "Yes," she sighs and says Ah! had urantthat my church were burned, For then only would my alllicUou tu ended." She then sink back into thu collin, the priest let thu lid fall, and coniu not again until the next C.niitui h midnight toll from the high church tower. Wttl ern Rural. iNTEMPKIl.iNCK IN .1 Al'AN. TIlC rilling I ... h . I . I ' vice in J ap in i uii'intioMMiy miuiikcii nes. It pervade all classes, though it i confined by f ncu of public opinion to thu male sex. O i a festival t( the third in mill woiii 'ti are indeed allowed great license, and in their h uein, from which on that tl ty even their lord are excluded, they may indulge to any ex tent in thu forbidden cup, but a woman f the lower clas who may be found Iruuk at any other timu would bu ex- posed to a severe beating fro in her hus band ; were she of the higher class she might die by the sword of her spoitsu. 1 he only tennentu 1 liquor mcd I, it 1 said, the saki, distilled from rice, and littering Irom thu Chinese tin or slum- shu in th it, w hile it i weaker, it often contain much of the poUonou oil of distillation. It 1 taken warm, ami the butler kind i not disagreeable to tho taste. Few Japanese are tit for business in the evening, aud in the afternoon many of thu streets of Yeddo are ren dered unsafe by drunken retainers. Fhiends. A witty Frenchwoman once remaiked that we go in search of new friend when our old friend know us too well. The truth, or modicum of truth, involved iu this dictuinb I not at all an agreeable onu to contemplate or to accept, though one may pick a useful lesson out ol it. We may strive to give it the lie in our own experience by avoid ing such dreary interchanges of thought and feeling as are apt to make friends weary of each other. It is altogether a mistake to Imagine that even our nearest friends should know everything pertain ing to us; there is no confidence im paired by the withholding of what is painful, frivolous and disagreeable. There arc a thousand thing occurring in life which it were impertinence to share with another, because they are things which, whether trifling or iinportaat, art so only in relation to ourselves. Some mcu will believe nothing but what they can comprehend; and there are but few things that such are able to comprehend. Fifty thousand dollars is tho prico to be paid for the sweeping out of tho Cca tennial buildings. -l ( I