Y THE INDEPENDENT, Every Thursday Evening, -Bill. B. U C 12, Office, - - . Old Court IIouso, HILLSBOttO, OKKUOS. aaeiDe mt Subscription (coin rates.) Mb copy pr jMr ia SO M! copy ili tnonth..... t SO Magla nam bar 10 HILLSBOUO, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1876. NO. 9. WAT- Washington ndento imonuw... 4uu s su Ton 1 40 10 oo 17 w rr w I month.. . I 00 f 01 t HI 11 0U U 00 n SI 8b 00 1 1 month... 1U 10 0U II Kl li OH IT WJ 83 90 80 00 1 1 rr J io a, it oj oj as oo, io oj 90 oj 00 VOl,. 4. Unrest. There Is a chord in Memory's lyre. Whose music thrilled my soul, And wakes to lifts a slumbering tire That kindled dares control. The spwll thtit rests upon my heart Is yielding to that chord, And memories of the buried past Are by its breathings stirred. Each fuce that I have mourned in tears In fancy greets my sight. And voices hushed for long, long years, Are culling me to-night. Again I clasp the tTmtting hands Whose pressure thrilled of yore And feel the lingering touch of lips That I shall It Us no more. My soul is tossed with wild unrest Upon a stormy sea. And memory, with its visions blest, Is all that's left to me. Where waves of sorrow surge and roll, Without a depth or shore Wanders my weary, troubled soul In darkness evermore. Yet though my barque is on the sea, With naught to guide its way Tho' billows dark rush over me With unrelenting sway The visions of those vanished year That haunt my heart to-night. May lift the veil of storm and tears. And lead me to the light. Alexander T. Stewart. POME PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS BY A CONFIDENTIAL CLEKK. The Boston Commercial Bulletin says The daily papers all through the week have given more or less space to the lead ing known events in the late Mr. Stewart s life, eovering that ground, very fully; but, as one of the Bullet iiSg present ed itorial force was for nearly three years in A. T. Stewart fc Co.'s counting-room, and during that time had daily specific duties which necessitated persona! interviews with Mr. Stewart, his recollections may add something fresh. In all that has ever been written of this gentleman in times past the closest interest has beeu taken. Ins great wealth, its steady accumulation from an original investment of $2,000, his sole capita!, and the example iie has afforded ot America s opportunity tor the Indus trious and prudent, gave almost a tinge of romance to his possession and induced a searching curiosity in regard to the methods ot his success. Mr. Stewart was about five feet six inches in height, weighing probably about 140 pouuds. He was of light complexion, wearinga full beard, always clipped close, the upper lip shaven. His hair was always kept rather short, ami ran a little thin, particularly back from the forehead. Ilis hair and beard had a sandy tinge. His eyes were a grayish blue. Anger was only visible in them, seldom if ever in his manner. When provoked, his eyes, which were medium sized and with large pupils, would snap to a purple tinge, a most peculiar color, and in coming back to their original shade would for at least three minutes be a deep, clear blue. His otSce was on the second floor of the wholesale department, and was the center of three compartments on the Chambers street side, divided off from the 1 ace-goods department 1y glass par titions eight feet high. Mr. Stewart used an oak library table, 4x6, about eighteen inches of the end of which was kept clear; the remainder was a succession of piles of papers, some of which had not probably been dis turbed for years, but about which, and just where any special one at any mo ment wa, lie positively knew. He was a very methodical man. His hours for certain duties were very regu lar until the active progress on his Hempstead Plains (Long Island), town and railway, Fourth avenue hotel, Sara toga hotel and other innumerable attend ing projects began to demand greater watchfulness, and then those having the care of the details of these matters were obliged to snatch a moment which might be termed leisure any time between 9 A. M. and C P. m. It was Mr. Stewart's custom to be at the retail department. Tenth street and Broadway, every morn ing by ten. Here he would meet his partuer, Mr. William Libbey, who prob ably had by that time been through that vu.-tt establishment, and after a brief dis cussion on matters of special moment, likely to be under a roof with 2,300 em ployes, and three or live millions of prop erty. Mr. Libbey would take the stage for the wholesale store, two mites further down Broadway. Then Mr. Stewart would go over the store and whore the sales of a department one day had been light he would have thrown upon the counter the whole stock, ascertain its cost, reduce its selling price if found too high, and then if the sales were below their proper or usual average he would make speedy and strict inquiry into the cause. If poor salesmen were the fault, off went their heads; if bad selections from the stock of the wholesale, then woe to the head of those retail and those wholesale departments, if his own or his partners attention had not previously been called to the unmarketable charac ter of the gfds. It is from audi cases as these that so much unkind gossip in regard to Mr. Stewart has resulted. Men losing situa tions which they were striving honestly to fill and men reprimanded for mistakes they knew nothing of have told their grievances to every willing ear, and the stories, like the boy'a snowball, had grown at each turn. Men intrusted with responsibilities and well paid for their talents have, when a censure was their just deserts, turned it upon some luckless fellow. These are the misfortunes of life, and are alike characteristic of school-room, shop, store, office, army and church. A manufac turer who has a hundred men employed is rarely without some vexation of this sort. But a man with nearly ten thou sand men upon his pay roll, and scattered in nearly every quarter of the globe, with perhaps $500,000,000 involved in hid daily transactions, has not the time to follow every injustice. Others must be trusted to carry out details. That Mr. Stewart was cognizant of such evils among Ids people is a fact, and his secret charity was often, moved. There are men in the custom-houses, postnflices, railway companies, and in other mercantile houses, who owe their position to the quiet influence of Mr. Stewart. Missing their faces alwuit his stores,.Le has caused strict inquiry to be madeftjf the cause of their absence, and, w hile-'irffct disposed to ip-itate a really vaIuaMman by overriding his folly and decisions, he has ;iveu. hi .personal at-tentioif-to the Pause of tlie wronged one and secured. film jrtyttjbr situation elsewhere. Mr. tewifr iisu jll Cjgpent two hours at the ret;rWC?partment, coming down in his carriage to the wholesale department between 12 and 1. Upon his entering the store he nearly always went directly to the head book-keeper,lookedover his balances and gathered results of the previous day's work. Thence he went to Mr. Libbey, and after half an hour's discussion over the striking items in the morning's mail, the price and prospect of gold and ex change, markets abroad and buyers' re ports, retired up-stairs to his private of fice. Here he began to plan and puh his many outside enterprises, mingling with this work some of the more regular affairs of the firm in decisions upon style of goods to le made, of special purchases to be confirmed, etc. Only two men ever presumed to enter Mr. Stewart's inner oliice unannounced, They were Judge Hilton, his warm per sonal friend and legal adviser, and Mr. Libbey, his partner. Men for whose ser vices the house paid $20,000 a year, men high in mercantile, social and political circles, messengers dispatched and re turned with important and much-needed facts, all equally awaited Mr. Stewart's nod of recognition through the glass door or the approach of the lad in at tendance bearing Mr. Stewart's welcome. Politeness was a marked feature of his manner. He had a pleasant ''thank you" for the poorest porter who did his service, and always a civil speech, even under the most exasperated circumstances. His expression of disapprobation was ''tut, tut," and in response to any story or re port which he did not credit he quietly remarked, "stuff." Profanity anddruuk euuess were his abomination. He was an Episcopalian iu his religious tendencies, and, although not a vigorous chuich member, had great respect for the opinions of others. The purpose of his partner to educate two of his sous for the ministry was a matter of no little pride with Mr. Stewart, and after they returned from their studies in Germany aud were settled in Princeton College he was always pleased to hear of their proficiency and progress. He was a stickler for correct English. Himself a college graduate, and tor awhile a school-tcacucr in .New York, his method of correcting a sentence in a letter was by the closest adherence to old-fashioned grammatical methods. He dictated all the retail advertising, which on Sundays, in most cases, occupied a column in each of the papers. This was regular Sunday atteruon s employ ment, and, reviewing through his mind the attractions of the several depart ments, he would frequently close out a w hole liue at the wholesale, send it to the retail aud there open it at a price which barely covereil the first cost ot the goods. He believed in advertising, and tor his retail business used the New York local papers to what might have been styled an extravagant degree. In writing he used a large gold pen, long nibbed and rather flexible, sat well back from his table, with his left leg thrown over his right. His hand was rather scrawly, and to one unaccustomtd to his penmanship, very difficult to read. lie wrote very little an occasional letter to the heads of his houses abroad, a short note to some of the Senators or Cabinet officers respecting the possible c fleet of some contemplated financial measures, or a few lines to his wife puptrin" her for some visitor he would bring home in the eveniug, or ot an unusual detention from home. The extended ramifications of his business, the many well educated and shrewd men at home aud abroad in the employ of the house, and his own k en foresight, kept him well advised of the condition ot' affairs all over the world, and his advice was constantly sought by the foremost men iu the nation. The de sire of President Grant to mike Mr. Stew art the Secretary of the Treasury gave him a new ambition. He arranged to re linquish all interest, iliiect or remote, in the OUsiness of the firm, and would line turned that vast income into charitaole purposes. Iu NovemlKT, lSTif, w hen gold went down to lOG 1-8, he made every preparation for a declaration of specie payments. An inveutory of the cost of his merchandise was made, and with this showing a shrinkage of about $3,000,000 on the hard pan basis, he entertained Geu. Giant one afternoon, pleading for the issue of a proclamation. With the failure of this scheme he seemed to lose all in terest in national legislation. Ilis investments ou Long Island, Sara toga, and in mill projeity were made chiefly to find profitable uses for his sur plus funds.. The death of Architect Kel lum robbed the Hempstead Plains and railway projerty of much of its iuterest to him, but the Saratoga project was pushed vigorously along because it paid a good dividend from the outset. The plans and specifications for all his buildings he went oer with the nicest care, and made it an invariable rule to reduce every agreement to plain, unde niable written statements. When build ing the present wholesale store a flaw in an ordinary drawn contract was taken ad vantage of by one of the parties employed, entailing a loss of about $20,000 upon'Mr. Stewart. From that day he is reported to have vowed "by the lor' Harry," tiis only peculiar and occasional phrase, "I will make all my contracts iudisputably plain." Fastijhws young lady (who has just had the entire dre.-s gw.ds department dis played) "I'll call again next week anil look through all your new spring goods." First SteumlNMit on the Hudson. The steamlxmt itself is a romance of the Hudson. Its birth was on the waters, where the rude conceptions of Evans and Fitch on the Schuylkill ami Delaware were perfected by Fulton and his succes sors. How strange is the story of its ad vent, growth ami achievement! Living men remember when the idea of steam navigation was ridiculed. They remem ber, too, that when the Clermont went from New York to Albany without the use of sails, against wind and tide, in thirty-two hours, ridicule was changed into amazement. That voyage did more. It spread terror over the surface of the river, and created wide alarm along its Ixirders. The steamloat was an awful revelation to the fishermen, the farmers, and the villagers. It came upon them unheralded. It seemed like a weird craft from Pluto's realm a transfiguration of Charon's boat into a living fiend from the infernal regions. Its huge black pije vomiting fire and smoke, the hoarse breathing of its engine, and the great splash of its uncovered paddle-wheels tilled the imagination with all the dark pictures of goblins that romancers have invented since the foundation of the world. Some thought it w as an unheard of monger of the sea ravaging the fresh water; others regarded it as a herald of the final conflagration at the day of doom. Managers of river craft who saw it at night believed that the great red dragon of the Apocalypse was loose upon the wa ters. Some prayed for deliverance; some lied in terror to the shore and hid in the recesses of the rock, and some crouched in mortal terror beneath their decks and abandoned themselves and their vessels to the mercy of the winds and waves or the jaws of the demon. 'YUa Clermont was the author ot some ot the most wonder! id romances of the Hudson, and for years she was the victim ant! enmity of the fisher men, who believed that her noise and agi tation of the waters would drive the shad and sturgeon from the river. B.J.Los sing, in Harper' for April. 3lore than a -Match for the Kobber. A night or two since, about eight o'clock, says the Central (Missouri) Iley itter, a party of four men, among them Jim Welch, a hard case, enteied William McLaughlin's harness shop in Black Hawk, in the course of a general con versation, one of the party asked -McLaughlin to "set up the drinks." He offered as an excuse for not doing so that he had no money. One of the gang then asked him if he had not sold a set of har ness that afternoon. McLaughlin said he had sold some new harness, but that he left the money received for the goods with his wife w hile at supper. The gang passed out of the shop, and, going into a dark place, Welch constructed a mask for his face from a piece of lining he tore from his coat. Going to McLaughlin's house and knocking at the door, it was opened by Mrs. McLaughlin. He endeavoied to push it in by force, but the brave lady seized him and asked him what he wanted. The answer was: "I want what money you have in the house." She answered: "You can't have it. I know who you are you are Jim Welch," and immediately tore off the mask. A short struggle en sued, but Mrs. McLaughlin soon released herself from his grasp and fled to a neigh bor's house for assistance. Welch, be coming alarmed at the turn affiirs had taken, abandoned his purpose of robbery and rairfor the mountains to conceal him self. Mr. McLaughlin, being notified, went in search of Welch, and finally found him iu his own house, when he charged him with the attempted crime, which was stoutly denied. Welch declared that he had done nothing of the kind, but when all the facts were laid before him, he ac knowledged the corn, but said he didn't mean any harm by it. McLaughlin told him he must leave town immediately or lie would have him arrested. Welch took the hint and left town next morning. Dic k Lazyiiones was the owner of a large dog. which cost as much to keep as two pigs; and the dog was worse than useless, and greatly annoyed Dick's mother. "Plague take the dog!" cried she. "31 r. Lazybones, I wish you would sell him, or do something or other with him. I won der you keep such a useless animal." "Well, well, my dear mother," said Dick, "say no more about it. I will get rid of him some of these days." This was intended as a mere "get oil"" on the part of Dick; but as his mother kept daily dinning in his ears about the dog, he was at lat compelled to take ac tion in the matter. "Well, mother," said he, one day, "I've sold old Jow ler." "Have you. indeed?'-' she cried; "I'm glad of it. How much did von sell him for?" "Ten shillings." "Ten shillings! How glad I am! But where's the money, my son V "Money f" repeated Dick, taking a long breath. "I didn't get any money, mother ; I took two puppies at five shillings apiece." The Lvtkst Giant. An Irish giant who anived in Baltimore last week is thus described: Ileisa native of County Derry, is seven feet four inches high, large-boned but not stout, and his name is given as James Allaiider, twenty-eight years old. None of his ship mate are tall enough to reach above his shoulders, and some of them not much above his waist. The motion of the vessel, which requires all sailors to stoop in keeping their equilibrium, has made the Derry man round-shouldered, and at present he is a very crooked giant, but he expects to Ihj straightened out in Philadelphia. There was entirely too much of him to enable him to Ik; an efficient seaman, but he expects to be a success in the show business. The vessel made a quick trip, coming across in twenty-eight days, show ing that the weight of the giant was not a hindrance to her sailing. Allaiider says he is a gardener, and has a taller brother. He is accompanied by a dog weighing two or three pounds, which is always at his heels. Sleep the Rest Stimulant. The best possible thing for a man to do when he feels too weak to carry it through is to go to bed and sleep a week if he can. This is the only true recuperation of power, the only actual recuperation of brain force. Because during sleep the brain is iu a state of rest, iu a condition to receive and appropriate particles of nutriment from the blood which take the place of those which have been consumed in previous labor, since the very act of thinking consumes, burns up solid parti cles, as every turn of the wheel or screw of the splendid steamer is the result of consumption by tire of the fuel in the furnace. The supply of consumed brain substance can only be had from the nu tritive particles in the blood, which were obtained from the food eaten previously, and the brain is so constituted that it can best receive and appropriate to itself those nutritive particles during a state of ret, of quiet, ami stillness in sleep. Mere stimulants supply nothing in themselves; they only goad the brain, force it to a greater consumption of its substance, until that substance has been so exhausted that there is not power enough left to receive a supply, just as men are so near death by thirst and starvation that there is not power enough to swallow anything, and all is over. Tortured Out of Shape. It is related that u certain sculptor of olden times chose live hundred beautiful women from whom to model his Venus, and among them all could not find a de cent set of toes. If he lived now a-days what luck would he have under tin dainty little button boots, with their sharp pointed heels': A soon as the help less babv can put its foot on the ground, and before it can complain in words, shoes are put on it by w hich the width of the toes is contracted fully half an inch; and usually a stiff counter is ordered on the heel, with some vague idea of "strengthening the ankle." From that time, no matter how watchful or sensible its parents may be in other respects these instruments of torture always constitute part ot its dress. The toes are forced into a narrower space, year by year. 'to give a good shape to the foot," until they over lap and knot and knob themselves over with insipient corns and bunions. Then high heels are introduced, and the action of the muscles is hindered. The results are a total lack of elasticity in the step and carriage, and a foot inevitably dis torted. Pirosrnours roil Insomnia. Dr. Cut ter relates an interesting case in his practice that of an energetic carpenter who, in building a hot-house, was ex posed to the sun's heat under glass in the summer time, this exposure being fol lowed by symptoms of disturbance of the nervous system evincing a loss of nerve force. Naturally of a cool temper, he became excitable, was unable to cast ac counts, his steps were rapid and manner nervous, but sleeplessness was the most prominent and perplexing symptom. Chloral hydrate, bromide of potassium, opium, sulphate of morphia and valerian ate of morphia were successively tried without avail. Finally, reasoning that here was a case of loss of nerve force, and knowing phosphorus to be a most im portant nerve food. Dr. Cutter prescribed one-fiftieth of a grain thrice daily in pill form. In a few day the patient slept as well as ever, and, discontinuing the pills, has since had his natural sleep. CriiE fou Epilepsy. A writer in the Cincinnati Gazette recommends a cure for epileptic fits which he has proved him self after suffering more than twenty years. He is now in good health. The following is the remedy: Take of bro mide of potassa two ami one half ounces, dissolved in one pint of rain water. Dose, a tablespoonful three times a day before eating. Should your throat Iecome sore, weaken it. If it should make you dizzy headed, reduce the dose. Some con ti tutious will not bear it as strong as others. There is no Janger in the above remedy, if you are careful. Chicken Sai.ao. Boil the chicken until done, in as little water as possible; when di-me cut up into small bits; take half as much celery stalks as chicken, cut into very thin slices; have ready two hard boiled eggs; slice the whites into the chicken, mash and mix the yelks with one tablespoonful of mustard; stir iu h ilt' and half vinegar and the water in which the chicken was boiled, as much as needed to cover the salad, heat to boil ing, aud 1 1 Mir over your chicken and celery. Icei.ano Moss Jf.i.i.y fgood for colds, arid very nutritious in convalescence). Soak for an hour four tablespoonfuls of the moss in cold water enough to cover it. Then stir it into a quart of I foiling water, and simmer gently till it dissolves; strain, sweeten to taste, flavor with juice of two lemons, ami a little cinnamon if agree able, and a glass of wine; strain into moulds, and cxd before using. Hu e Pi ddixo. Boil one cup of rice a little while; beat well together three eggs and oue-half cup sugar; add one cup raisins, one quart sweet milk, ami the cup of boiled rice; any seasoning pre ferred can be added. Bake in a moder ate oven one hour. To be eaten cold or hot, w ith wine sauce or sweet cream. To remove freshly spilt ink from carets, first take up as much as possible of the ink with a son. Then pour cold, sweet milk uKn the sjor, and take upas before, pouring on milk until at last i. becomes only slightly tinged with black. Then wash with warm water, and Absorb with a cloth without too much rubbing. Venetian Stew. Take one table spoonful each of chopped onion, parsley, flour, and Parmesan cheese; a little salt, pepper, and ground mace. Mix, and spread between some thin slices of veal. Leave for some hours, then stew in rich broth, with a good piece of butter. Pop-Overs. Three large teacupfuls of flour, stir in gradually three large tea cupfuls of milk, three eggs, well beaten, one tea-spoonful of salt. Bake in cups in a very quick oven. A Canadian's Encounter With Two Ljnxex. The Pembroke, Ontario, Obterter has received the following from Jas. Calwell, of Fort Coulonge, Pontiac; I started on the 22d instant for Geo. Brysons's shanty to do a piece of w ork I agreed to do, and on my way back to the shanty I got lost. After leaving Coulonge I kept the main road as far as Mr. Armstrong's hotel. then, w ishing to take a short cut tbrougn the woods, I put on my snow-shoes aud struck north, thinking I would reach the shanty about 5 o'clock i. m., but alter traveling some two hours alter night I felt assured I was lost, and being much fatigued and hungry, I made up my mind to remain in the woods until morning. After cutting some dry wood with my ax, the cry of a lynx was heard. Being afraid of it attacking me I crouched down in my couch as low as liossible, but in a few minutes I heard the cry of another lynx answering, and so they kept up their noise for over thitty minutes, when, as I suppose, they smelt me. Then they began to approach me, circling around as if to take me by surprise. I rose up to my feet, and taking my ux in my hand determined to sell my life as dearly as jKssible. Iu an instant one sprang at me, but I was lucky enough to end his lighting with a blow on the head from my ax. But w hile engaged in com bat with the one, the other sprang on my back, and not being able to u.-e my ax 1 endeavored to pull out my knlle, luit my hand w as so cold that I dropped it iu the snow. So I had to Use my hands as lively as possible to release its hold, but before I could master it it had all my coat and pants torn oil' me, and my back so scratched as to make me feel f.tinti-h. Alter lighting for about thirty minutes 1 succeeded in choking it with much tumble. After the light was over 1 put on my overcoat and got my ax and knife deteimining not to sleep any more that night. When morning came I skinned the brutes, and then put on my snow shoes and retraced my tracks till 1 reached a farmer's house, where I got niy break fast and a pair of pants to take tue to Coulonge, wheie 1 purchased a suit of clothes f rom a friend aud got my wounds cared for. Atoi'r Children. Win. B. Astor had a superior wife, ami she strove to do good among the poor, but there were diliicuities iu the way, its the public generally understood. They huv two daughters, married to men of charac ter, their names being Cary and Delano, ami they live up town in handsome style. There are three sons Henry, a weak minded man who has been kept carefully out of the public gaze, William and John Jacob. Tne latter is a portry man of large build and has passed his foitieth year. lie is lieir apparent to llie largest part of the estate, it Iwing the intention ot the old man to keep it unbroken as long as possible. Oi H illiam, the second son, so little has been heard, that wcic it not for his expected wealth he would be merely one out of our million of iuhabit- ints. Henry was kept formally years at the farm in Barry town (between this city ami Allianyj, and as he is mentally de ficient it was intended to make that an asylum for him. Hedefcated these plans, however, by making a match withacouu tty girl,w ho had no objection to hitch on to an opulent family, aim tne latter w as taken by surprise at an event w hich shows how love laughs at capitalists. John Jacob married aiut twenty-five years ago, and the oldest sou hasjust graduated at the law school. The ooject, no doubt, w as to give him such an acquaintance with this profession as will enaOle him to manage the vast estate. Instead of setting up his sign ami waiting for clieuts,he w ill find enough to do in that oliice, w nich contains the tleeds to forty acres of land in the most im portant city in America. Io go back to the idea ot the Centennial, what a differ ence betw een the young Astor of the pies ent day and his ancestor who a hundred years ago was helping his father draw- polk ou the bank ot the Uiiine. The Ways or Two Ohatohs. No man was so skillful as Pitt to answer the questions of hi adversary without com- uiuuicating the smallest inlonnatiou. He was never taken off his guard. If Pitt ever appeared in some eyes to grow warm as he proceeded, it was with a measured warmth; there were no starts mid sallies and sudden emanation of the soul; he seemed to be as much under the minutest regulation in the most vehement swellings ami apostrophes of his speech as in his coldest calculations. Fox, as ail orator, appeared to come immediately from tne toituing hand ft nature, lit; spoke well because he felt strongly ami earnestly. His oratory was imjK tuoiis as lliecuneutol the liver Khouc; uot'Ong CjUid arrest its course. His voice would insensibly rise to too high a key; he would t un himselt out ot breath. Lvery- thing showed how little artifice there was in his eloquence. Though on all great occasions lie was throughout energetic, yet it was by sudden flashes and emana tions that lie cieciiuien tne ncari, auu shot through the blid of his hearer. 1 have seen his countenance liglited up with more than mortal ardor aud good ness; 1 have been present when his voice has been suffocated with the sudden burst in" forth of a torrent of tears. A o it EES young man from Connecticut, .who went to New York in answer to a matrimonial advertisement, and alter- wards wrote home that lied "become en gaged to a beautiful young lady of wealth auu arisioci ant vonuvvnns, ui in his fiieuds by suddenly returning crest fallen and alone. MWnere' your wife t" was the general inquiry. 'The fact is," said he, "as we were waiting for the clertrvman to come and marry us, police officers came in, and arrested iny girl for stealing, and I thought it best to post pone the wedding a tittle while." The New York Graphic is seeking to show that Miss Fay, the medium, is a humbug. Might as well devote two col iimiiM to move that black is black, when everybody but dolts admits it. The Weaver Birth. Many birds construct for their nests a kind of canvas, composed of grasses twisted together in a very compact man ner, resembling a coarse cloth woven ujion the loom of some primitive tribe. These are in truth weavers who work up vege table fibre like wool or cotton, possessing only their beaks for looms, which they use with great activity In order to inter lace the fine stems of the grasses, and form a sort of membrane difficult to tear. These winged workers construct different kinds of dwellings. Some consist of a sort of purse, having in the interior sev eral little panniers aflixed to its sides, in which the female places her brmd. In this case the entrance is frequently situ ated in the lower part, which represents a kind of gaping funnel; this is the fash ion adopted by some troopials. Others are simply long and large sacks with one or more openings, which the aerial artl sans susjm ikI to the branches of trees. On this account the name of weavers has leen given to a tribe of sparrows re markable for the perfection of their work, but other birds imitate their industry, al though they belong to different families. Some weavers, less skillful, content themselves with twisting grass rudely to gether, and forming a little cup of ft, in which the female lies deeply ensconced. It is in this that she carefully hatches her eggs, watching all about her. The Fondia erythropa builds one of these nests of im perfect tissue. The black-headed synalaxis is a much better artisan, being a first-class weaver, if not iu respect to the finish of her work, at least in respect to its solidity. She builds her nest with grass, entwining it in a compact and inextricable manner, ami generally makes it fast to tall water- plants at a distance from the shore. This nest is of a globular form and only dis plays a little entrance on one of its sides, through which the bird is able bo pass with difficulty. PorriNo the Qlestion, The efficacy of either of the following methods of re plying to gentleaien when "they pop the question is recommended y an observ ing philosopher w ho has beeu through the mill: 1. Especially recommended to blondes Pause, sigh very short, then open your eyes with a good deal of wonder (of course you have been trying to make It out and can't), look your lover in the face, and say, "What what can you mean, Alfred?'' If the last words are spoken with a little of the terrible, so much the better. 2. Very suitable for brunettes Give a start, a glance at the questioner, turn aside, ami be unable to speak your emo tion; one hand pressed high upon your bosom will express this effectually. 3. Safe in the hand of anybody, and generally considered a clincher Burst into tears, eovering your face with your hands. If you can't, droop your head on the inquisitor's shoulder, and murmur, "Oh, William!" 4. For "merry grigs" and nice little girls, it is enough to say "No!" pout, shake your shoulders, and look pretty. A Shahp YutJTii. The Shepherd's Bush B y can stand up with any other boy in the world against an accusation. The other day w hen his mother discovered sugar on the pantry shelf, she called to her boy and said : "Some one has been stealing this sugar I "Is it possible?" he eiclaimed, rolling Ilis eyes iu astonishment. "Yes, it is possible, and the thief isn't far away." "Ain't hef Do you suspect father? ' "No. I don't." 'Couldn't be the cat, could it?" he in quired, glancing under the table iu search of the feline. 'Cats don't eat sugar, young man." "They don't?" "No, sir; the thief is a boy about your size." 'He is? I'd just like to catch him in lire once." "If this sugar is disturbed again," she said, as she covered the box, "I know of a boy who'll get his jacket dusted." "I w ish you'll let mc stay out of school so's to see you catch and maul him." And he went out to devour the other lumps. Apartment Horsi-.s. This style of dwcllingis coming iu vogue in New York, where it is gradually driving out the ho tel and the French flat system. Apart ment houses, according to the description, are for a class that is desirous of home delights, w ithout any of the cares attend ing them. Su far as this new class of structure has leen erected, they are sought for and occupied by the wealthy only. Etch private hall communicates with the oflice by a speaking tube. The buildings are heated throughout with steam. By means of the private hall, any member of a family occupying a suite has free access to the bath-room, parlor, or to the main hall, w ithout disturbing any other inmate. The children's rooms are placed farthest from the parlors, and the sleeping rooms arc so situated as to get enough fresh air and a good share of sunlight. Free com munication, with strict privacy, is in all ce aimed at, the suites being each as isolated as a private dwelling. A Fkakkul Experience.- The sur vivors of the ship Utrathrnore, which was an emigrant vcsael bound from England to New- Zealand, and was wrecked on a group of uninhabited islands in the South Pacific, exemplify the perils of tho sea in a manner that falls to but few persons In a whole century. These islands are very near the Antarctic Circle. Nothing was left from the wreck, not even a boat. Those who survived to rench the rocks subsisted for six months without fire, on e birds, their eggs, and on tUh. They had not a mouthful of bread or biscuit in all that time. A few, who were wounded in the wreck, died in consequence of gan grene. A New Bedford whaler, cruising in those latitudes, sighted their signal and took them off. It was Capt. Gifford of the Young Phaniz w ho did this humane work, for w hich he will be blessed as long as a single one of that little company survives. Throwing the Old Shoo. Very few, probably, of tho thousand who throw old shoes after bridal parties as they are leaving homc,know anything of the origin of tho custom. Like most all our customs, it is ancient, and can ho traced to Biblo times. It was then tho custom for the brother of a childless mail to marry his w blow, or, at least, ho had the refusal of her. If lie chose to reject her, the ceremony was public, and con sisted in her loosing his shoe from his foot and spitting in his face. His giving up the shoe was a symbol of abandoning all dominion over her; rpitting in his face was an assertion of independence. There was an affair of this kind hctwetm Ruth and Boaz. Iu some parts of tho East it was the custom to carry a slipper before the newly-married pair as a token of the bride's subjection. The custom, as it exists with us, i very old aUo in', Scotland. The usual saying is, that it is thrown for luck, but originally it meant a virtual renunciation of authority over the bride by the patents. It was formerly a custom among tho Germans for the bride when she was conducted to her bed chamber to take off her shoe and throw it among tho guests. Whoever caught it, in the struggle to obtain it received it as an omen that ho or she would soon bo happily married. Train, in his History of the Isle of Man," suys, "On tho bride groom leaving his house, it was custo mary to throw an old shoo after him, and in like manner after the bride on leaving her home to proceed to church, In order to insure good luck to each respectively, and if by stratagem either of tliu bride's shoes could be taken off by any inspector on her way from church, it had to bo ransomed by the bridegroom," In Kent, after a couple have started on their tour, the single ladies are drawn up iu one row and the bachelors iu another. An old shoe is then thrown as far as possible, and the ladies run for it, the successful ono being the first female w hom it is supposed will be married. She then throws it at the gentlemen, and the one who is hit by it is deemed to be the first male who will enter wedlock. Generally it Is considered the older the shoes the better. The Fiction of Hlmno by the Queen. The visit of Queen Victoria to the continent calls forth the following from the London Timet: 4'For fourteen years tho Queen has taken Bc.trccly a formal part iu the business of govern ment, and has lived reinoto from Minis ters and their deliberations. But in return she has given the most complete freedom and discretion as regards the general conduct of affairs to those who carry on her government, and the little inconven iences to individuals which are nojee, times noticed may be fairly looked upon as counterbalanced by tho growth of a large and liberal constitutional tradition. Looking at the general tendencies of iho present reign, we are inclined to take royalty as it presents itself to u, and not to insist on constitutional traditions tho sovereign allows to fall in abeyance. There is, however, another singularity about the departure of her Majesty just at present, which would have caused quite a constitutional panic in tho old times. The Queen crosses to Cherbourg this morning, the Prince of Wales at Cairo, the Duke of Edinburgh is on his way back from St. Petersburg, the Duke of Connaught is at Gibraltar, even Prince Leopold is at Nice, so that for days tho sovereign, the heir to tho crown and all his brothers will bo out of the kingdom, and the royal lino will bo represented by Prince Albert Victor of Wales, aged twelve years. No regency act has been passed concerning the young Prince, nor have Lords Justices of tho kingdom been appointed to take charge of things during the absence of the sovereign. Macfacti" he ok Isinglass.-Ono of the most notable Industries of Hussia depends upon tho sturgeon, tho swim ming bladder of which Is manufactured into isinglass. Tho bladder is first placed into water and left there for some days, with frequent changes of tho water and removal of .all fatty and bloody par ticles the wanner the water tho more rapid the accomplishment of tho opera tion. The bladders, on being finally re moved, are cut longitudinally into sheets, which arc exposed to the sun mid air, being laid out to dry, with tho outer face turned down, upon boards of linden or bass wood. The inner face is pure isinglass, which, when well dried, can with care be removed from (ho external lamelhe. ' The finer sheets thus obtained are placed between cloths to keep them from flies, and are then subjected to a heavy pressure, so us to flatten them out and render them uniform, ami after this they are assorted and tied up in packets. The packets Composed of tho isinglass of the large sturgeon usually contain from ten to fifteen sheets, and weigh a pound and a quarter; and those of others con tain twenty-five sheets, weighing a pound. Eighty of these packages are usually sewed up in acloth bag,or inclosed iu sheet lead. A Joking Puophecy Fu.killkij. The Noi ristown Herald says John Dixon, of Kutztown, a well-known citi.cn, died this week. A curious Incident is related. Mr.' Dixon was sitting in a store-room at Kutztown some time ago, when a young man stepped up to him and said he would not outlive April, although at tho time Dixon was iu the best of health. An other man came in and said that Dixon's time was nearly at an end, and that by the 15th of this month ho would be a corpse. The prophecy only proved too true. The man lies cold in death. It is not known whether the Jesting prophecy troubled him or not. Thinking and Doing Bight. It is much easier to think aright without do ing right, than to do right without think ing aright. Just thoughts may failof producing Just deeds, but just deeds al ways beget just thoughts. For, when tho heart is nure and straight, there is hard I v anything which can mislead the under staudimr in matters of immerihita run. cernmeut; but the clearest understanding can uo nine in our ivinar an Imnura heart, or the strongest In straightening a. crooked one. ' i l t t r . i I in i s, 1 . ' J. " -s.V .r- a Muff 4k, r "-" i