4 ) PEKSOXAL. Jenny Lisiiisla London itill siuglntf. ColtaX made $13,000 lecturiug itioce Utt summer. Tut Quetja tas presented Mr. Disraeli (th portrait of bwrsslf painted in oil. ' Tubes terntooi ware preached Id Boa ton in bonor of the memory of Charlotte Clubman. It i stated ponitirely that Pure Hya clothe baa agreed to return to Frauce to reaide permanently. "Stbp-two-m ilk" ia the name of an Indian chief. lie taunt be a product of Weston civilization. Lotta, the actress, haa engaged the Palmer cottage, on Bellerue avenue, at Newport, It. 1., for the aeaaon. Humor has it that ez-Qorernor Amos, of Mississippi, ia. going to Miiiuesotti to engage in the lumbering business. 8 alt a William, a negro, was jokingly voted tor aa constable in l'ahuoi, M !., and bla election haa been declared legal. Maocirk,odo of the six illicit distillers, haa been sentenced to pay a flue of live thousand dollara and to be aent to jail for six month. Tbb Archbishop of York,' it is aaid, boa identified hiniselt with the Church of Eng land Temperance Society, and haa become tnetoUlier. tt reading a hymn to be'sung one Sun t'lurrteruoon tl.e jourtget Dr. Tyng aaid, T uij6u niify'oniit the fourth' Terse. I don't beAev ita true." I t haa been ascertained that minority amoLg the Scotch and Irish members of Parliament are strongly in favor ot a wo man's franchise bill. Mb. Gi.adhtonb haa been elected Pro fessor of Ancient History by the lioyal Academy of England in the place of (tie late Bishop Thirlwall. Scsak M. Hallow ell. of Bunjror, Maine, baa accepted the professorship of natural History at Wellcsley temale col lege, with l,S00 salary. Tijet wouldn't let John Morrissey start a gambling-house in Philadelphia, and he aaid in great amazement, ''Can it bef Is this the Centennial year!" Thb first vote ever cast in Cincinnati by an American citizen of Chinese birth was polled at the late municipal election by aChinamau named Joseph Sing. Jkkmy Lixo hns given five hundred dollars to a borne for musical students established in Mil m, Italy, recently, and offered to si og at u concert to be given for ita benefit. Pkopbssor Lowell mentions the fol lowing advertisement as a good illustra tion of humor: "Wanted, by a boy, a sit uation in an eating-house. He is used to the business." Mr. Jefferson Davis has sailed for Europe, where he will reiatin for six or eight months, to promote the establish ment of a direct trade with the cities of the Mississippi Valley. - IIaks CnmsTiAH Akdkrsen's books, manuscripts, and autographs of distin guished persons will be sold by auction in Copenhagen for the benefit of the An dersen Children's Home. St. Louis Rt publican: "Dio Lewis says that wine is worse than whisky, but Dio Lewis is, as usual, mistaken. Wiue is only a mocker, while those who bare tried whisky know it is always in dead earnuit." Prehkntltb smile of inefiUble sweet ness spread itself over his pale face, and then be said, quietly, and with an ex pression of relief, "Let us cross over the river and rest under the shude of the trees." VeatK of "StoneteM' Jackton. Queen Victoria is haviug two uiag niticent railway cars built at lirussels, at a cost or $20,000, to await her arrival at Cherbourg on her approaching trip to Germany. These cars- will always re main at Brussels, to be available wbcu ever any member of the royal family travels on the Continent. Thb most exalted Baptist in the world la said to be a Chinese convert named Chang, who stands seven feet eight inches In his sandals. He Is the man who ar- 'peared in London a few years since as the Chinese giant, and was married in St. Martin s Church to an English woman, woo is now living with Inni in Shanghai Tn b JVw South mentions a fig tree on Dr. Uaworth'a place at San Pablo, which measures five foot ten inches in circumfer ence, spreads over an area of forty fuct, and baa produced twenty bushels in one season. We have one which has given us iweive Dusneis in a season, which would bring in market f J por bushel. Morula tsemt-j ropteal. Dr. William II. Ki-hskll, reincmlwred In this country by the nickname of "Hull Bun Kusscll," will represent the London Timet at the Centennial ; Godfrey Turner cornea lor the Vailg Telegraph; J. C. Parkiuson, l$ily Jeut; and A. G. Dud ley Ward will describe tho show for the Morning Putt, ltusseli is now on his way home from ludia with the Prince of Wales. Lows KoMtTn wrote to a friend re- reniiy: -ui I ik we who were once in our t alherland called the Uld Guard,' few are left share Dcak'a death; and among the few, r, ith the exception of jsigistnuuil llurnath, I am the oldest. I am but a living statue a tragical monument of the slandered past in tho midst of a dim . frt nothing more. Well, 1 am ready 1" Mis Edith, Htoht, daughter of the sculptor, and granddaughter of Justice Story, waa recently married in liuine to Sinor Periuxi of the King's household. As she U a lrottstnt heruiarrluiee wou'd nt bave been recognised as laal'ul by the Church of Itoine without the Point's dis pensation, which waa given. This is the only instance, it is aaid, of a granting of such request by the present IVpe. Thb WiTHKHtnwiji Moncmic.it. TIm site selected for this niouument ia east of Memorial Hall, Centennial Huil ling, la the lawa sloping toward the Laus dnwne Drive. The statue was dejiirned by 8. A. Usilcy, of Philadelphia, and Is east in the louiulrv or ItoUvt Wood A Co., of the same city. H will be a coIhs sal brome statue, resting on a pedi-sUl of (Juincy gtanite. The height of tim nionuiiieut will le about thirty -five feet. It Is erect") in honor of John Witlier anoon, D. D., 1'rMi.lrnt of the college at Princeton, N. J., a member for nearly ail years of the Continental Congress, and signer of the lrcUrtion of fn.iepcnd roe, (tanking among the Hancocks, franklins, ami jemirsoiisof that illustri ous assemblage, It is peculiarly appro priate that his statue should he plavrd almost within ij'tit of the Mit win-re ha signed the Ueclafutmn f American lu 4H!ndence, and placed U)U record the nnlel acntloisnls sxm utteirJ by a Chri.. liaa stsU-sman. Tin) corner-stone . of the monumsut waa b..d in NiTeni lit. It is erec ted uulur the upiccs l 1 . ' -' iaa diviuee and Inyini.n, willi I ' iii-s co .-"ra:lia of ntlier Prot i li. t. Peculiarities of the Buff.iliK There la every marked and curious dif ference tietweeu bull'uloea and domestic animals. The butl'ulo cow kcuis to poa aess scarcely a trace of lunti inul instinct, and when f. ihtentd will abandon her calf without the slightest hesitation. The duty of protecting the calves is devolved eullrely upon the bulls. I have seen evl-ili-iire at this mauv times', but the must remarkable instance I have ever heard of waa related to me by an army-surgeon, who was an eye-witness. Returning one evening to camp after a day's hunt his at tention was attracted by a curious action of little knot of six or eight buffaloes. Approaching autUciently neat to aee clear ly, be discovered that this little knot were all bulls, standing In a close circle with their beads outward, w hile in a con centric circle at some twelve or fifteen paces distunt sat licking their chops, in impatient expectancy, at least a dozen largo grey wolves, excepting man the most dangerous enemy of the buffalo. The doctor determined to watch the perform ance. After few momesjts the knot broke up, still keeping in a compact mass, aud started off on a trot for the main, herd, some half a mile off. To bis very great astonishment the doctor now saw that the central aud controlling figure of tliis mass was a poor little cult', so newly born as scarcely to lie able to walk. After goiug fifty or a hundred yards the calf laid dowu. The bulla disposed gieuiselves In a)circle as btC, aud the wolves, who ha J trotted alJT at cacb flank of their retreating supper, sat down and licked their chops again, and although the doctor did not see the end (it being lute and the camp distant), he had no doubt that the noble fathers did their whole duty by their offspring, and carried it safely to the herd. When feeding, Hie herd is more or l&s scattered, but ou the approach of danger it closes and rounds iuto a tolerably compact circular mass. Although there is not a particle of dan ger in approaching such a herd, it, iu a novice, requires au extraordiuaiy amount of nerve. When he gets within three hundred yards, the bulla on that side, with beads erect, and tails cocked in the air, nostrils expauded, and eyes that seem to flash fire even at that distance, walk uneasily to aud fro, menacing tbeiutruder by pawing the earth and tossiug their huge beads. The enemy still approach ing, some bull will fucu him, lower his head and start on a charge But, alas, for brute courage I W hen he has gone twen ty or thirty yards, Mr. Bull thinks better of it, stops, stares an instant, aud then trots back to the herd. Another and an other will try the same game, with the same result, and if, in spite of these fero cious demonstrations, the hunter still ap proaches, the whole herd will take incon tinently to its heels. This bullying pro clivity, combined with his natural indis position to get out of the way, has been the cause ot the death of thousands at the bands of men to wh mi buffalo-killing was no novelty, who needed no meat, and would not have gone fifty yards out of the way to kill, but in whom opportunity so arouses that spirit of murder which ia in herent iu every sportsman 'a breast that the temptation was too stiong to be re sisted. Stop Minute! Don't hurry so. Move slower; it tm.y be you will go surer. Grlnu, rniul grind one everlasting griud frV five o clock in too morning tiH tt-n at night, chasing the uubbte of human riches. What is the need, pray tell me! lou already have enough more than you can use. You arc heaping up health tor others to wasto or quarrel over when you are dead. AuU one half of your heirs, instead ot recollecting you grate- lully, will contemplate your departure from this hurrying scene nith infinite stitiataction. la'xe our lulvn e, re jt awhile. You am wenriug out the vital forces faster than there is need, and iu this way subtracting years from the sum total of your life. This rush and worry day after day, this restless anxiety after soiuething'you have not got is like peb ble stones iu machinery; they grate and giind the life out of you. You have useless burdens; throw them off. You have a ftreat dual of needless care; du it. l ull in the strings, louipict your business. 1 ak3 time tor thought ot bet ter thiuga. Go out into the air and let God's suu shine down ou your head Stop thiuking of business aud profit. Stop grumbling at adverse providences. lou will proimuly never ace much bet ter time lhau these in this doomed world. Your most opportune season Is now; your happiest day ia to-day. Calmly do your duty and let Gh1 take care of his own world. He is still alive and is the King. Do not for one moment iini(iuo th it things will go to everlast ing sni,:.h whea you dijjita from this mortal stae. 1 Ins world got along very well before your adreut iuto it; it will do as well when you vanish from it Don't fancy that tin curse of Heaven, in the shape of the vain task of right ing up this disjointed earth, is imposed upon you. tease to tret and lume; cease to jump and worry, early and late. The good time i coming, but you cau never bring it; G d can ami will. Take breath, sir. Then go calmly at the tasks of lite and do your work v. Ml. Kll.t.KD HV A Tn.KOHAFuTwiHK. All omnibus diiver in Loudon was killed during a storm, in a remarkable manner, which is thus described in the report of the luq'te-u: "J nuiiday, during the storm, the deceased went and got an omnibus and horses to bring dowu iuto the yard for the purpose of changing the horses. Shortly afterward a man named Heading caltud to him, ami then he saw the horses nith the omnibus coming down the yard, and the deceased sitting on the box with blo'hi fioaing from his neck. Witness got upon the box and louod the duceaw-d's head lean ing forward, ami, on lifting him up, found that his throat was cut from ear to ear, aud the man quite dead. He found that the toli-graph wires nhich bad bioke bad iuOictcd the wound. Dr. A. E. Musou said be waa Called to see the deceased, whom he found sitting ou the box of an omnibus, quite dead. His head was leaning on one side, and, on lilting it up, witness found that the throat was cut from ear to car, and that all the tixsuea were severed, and the roof of the tongue wits exposed. Death must have been instantaneous. Hu afterward tracked blood to tho entrance of the yard, where he saw a lare piece of telegraph wire. The wire, after breaking, hail made a loop over the gate and caught tho de ceased, while ho was eutoriiu, around tl.e neck." Tin non-iect'trfon. ecliooMiill, afb'r iM'iny discussnol for aoverul ilaj iu ihe New Mexicna l(isUliire, his heen de. fcated by a vote of 10 to 14. Tho selioo's are thus placed under the control of tn i'u.' ..c clergy. BAN FRAMCISCO MARKCT. The weather for lbs psit week has been most favorable lor tit growth 0j crops uf every description all ovur the Slat. Itusl. assa has uesuuin, but not particularly aellv except in special Hues of seasonable aoods, surb.tor instance, as agricultural liuplerueula, buola and shues, etc, while with the bright prospects of aa unusually large harvest almost assured, an' ; "ese at band, a very larra trade was auvi .p.ied od prepared for by our merchant. The depression la soeouuted for In some meaanr by tha late decline la stocks In this L. irk , which has bseu so (rest as to amount to H' 1 a panic. Tbe feel Ins: at lb jsvAse abow sonjv Improvement. The ilver problem ha beea solved by I' withdrawal for export of nearly all the trade dollars and tua stoppage of coin lug, aud silver baa dropped down to the usual brokers' discount of 5 per cent We note a further decline m In price of wheat In the Kujrlish market. This . ' j. (Tether with tha prospect of an estimated sur plus of WRI.0IP0 tons, for whleb a market bss to be found, has had the effect of materially re ducing prices in this market, as will be seen by our quotations given below, and holders srs uow making a decided etfurt to disposeenlirely of the balance of tbe old crop before tbe harvest of the new commences. Flour has slso declined In sympathy with wheat, though not In th same proportluu; the demaud for export Is only moderate. Barley Is lower. Oats are steady with fair demand. Kye Is In dauianit at good figures. Buckwheat is scarce and wanted. Corn Is in large stock and prices steadily decline wltb but a moderate demand. Beans are in moderate stock, Willi light demand at unchanged rates. Potatoes are coming In freely from all quarters, the bulk of all receipts being of comuiou and Inferior quanti ties; choice are rather scarce and iu active -insnu at full nftures, while coat dob are pleu tiful4lie rang uf prices show a wtd mar. gin. Onions are coining la' niftrs freely with light demand at h-sr figures. Woel coining in freely from the Southern counties; the market is units dull both here aud at tbe Kaat and there is a steady decline In price, with large stock accumulations. Receipts of fresh roll butter are increasing the consump tion ia large aud pi ices rule low, except for choicest dairies prices tit the Utter being well maintained. It 1 estimated that the whole product will be much greater than any previous year, aud if price are not forced up, will shutout importations from the East iu a great measure. New Catlfor. nia cheese I coiuiug in freely; stocks are accumulating; pre ei are lower for r 'I grades. Fresh eggs are lu fair supply and prices weak. WHEAT. The market ia quite dull for all export grsdes, with a marked decliue except for choice nailing, which is in fair request at our quotations, freseut quotation are as follows: Fr.ir to choice export grades, tldOitlSu; choice lots for milling range from 1 Ti)iiil 75. The latest Liverpool quotations are for average, 9a Odd lUs ; Club, UsUMuilUsM. FLOUR. Uood shippiug qualities are in light deuiand, with a mnjerate supply of superfine ottering, family extras Are in good demand and prices well sustained by reasuu of the difficulty iu obtaiuing the necessary choice wheat suitable for tbe purpose. We quote country brauds of superfine as sell ing withiu the range of H $4 60; standard brands, $4 i.'xgjo 00; extra siier. tine, taousA&i. Extra family is Jobbing atlo Wjtfo J7,H, the lattei au extreme price. BARLEY. The demand fur export Is quite light; tha home demand is only moderate; prices are ruling a absde lower for feed descriptions. Coast feed is uow quotable withiu the range of II 1JV(41 15; Bay Brewing is held at 1 SUulll oi, Che v. slier, fair to choice, tl 3'V11 -X) eeutal. OA IS. Receipts from all quarters are light and the market ia firm at quotations. Feed la In light demaud at a UUt'J 'ii. Choice qualities fur milling purposes are quotable at J 35tj 50 V ceutaL KVB. Receipts are very light with a good deuiand. Tbe range of prices for the week hare been l 75(tl 85 $ cental. BUCKWHEAT. A good article Is scarce and in demand st $3 36(3 50 V 100 Its. CORN'. Keceipt have continued free, while the demand is light aud price have downward teudeucy. White aud large yellow are quotable at $1 UHclt 15. Small yellow brings 1 1 iS5 V cental au outside pne- .. - 1 ,,,,, n.. '.t. D lis uu miuiii.i ji . i fin nun i, : . ' ".tor oral and S.-J 50ut.'5 U0 tt ton lor middliugs liAk. Choice wheat Is in good demand, now selliug at (Id OtHitllU Ot) per ton. The range of prleea lor all other kinds 1 from $li 50 per lou upwards. STRAW. A good artich) I salable at 60(8 ooc V bale. CEMENT. Eastern Koscndafe Is quotable, J 7 .t 00 jobblug at 'i '.'.". itti:) 60; Fort land, i 7Jf00joubiug at 5 ii54i5 5U V bid. LIME. Santa Crux, lu large lota, 13 00; retailing at J -iS )l bbi. I'LAalEK The product of the Uoldea Uate Mills is furnished to tbe trade at 13 Witt Sd & V bbl. BEANS. Lots from wharf are quotable a follows; Usyos out of market; Wlille, l t4 ; t'ea, 8 ig Vi,S,c; Fiuk aud Red, 2uj'Je; large Butler, ,c; small do, 'Jc ft tb. Castor beans are lu request Th mills her are paying 4c for all elean lot. SEEDS. There is a good demand for all the varieties, aud prices are firm at our quotations. Wa quote: Flax, V tb, Hcac; Mustard, white, lJuuCJt; Mustard. Bruwu. iut 3c; Csnart, l-uelHe; Allalla, 1 Out lie. HOPS. W'e have no imoroveiuent to note iu the condition of the market. A pert of last season's crop remains uusold ana thai is but little demaud either at home or abroad. Price are exceediugly low aud Ihe demaud very light, the present range being lOutioc. as rati ernes. llONEY.- W'e ' have abundant sunolles oi comb. Strained is In light supply at ad vanced prices. The home deiuaud is fair. W quote: white combat l'J.'-lik'; dark, do.. Njfil'J.'-Se; strained Is firm withiu the raue ol liatioe fur dark, aud I 'c for light. BEESWAX. ReceipU are light with a fair demand. W note sales at 'sa430c. the lat ter a jobbing price for choice. POlAiOES. Receipts are large from all quarters, and prices for all grades have de clined; strictly choice ouly are in good demand. We quote tbe range as follows for good to choice only: tluiuboldts, i 7.,,$l go; Peta luinas aud Toiualcs, tl 7.;KJ1 WO; eomiuou and inferior, $1 ootuSI .') l luo lbs. New are quotable at Sv44c el lb. u.MD.ns.-Keceipts for the week have been large, and the market at date is well supplied at less rates than last qunu-d. I lie acuiaua is light; we nuote. choice. i i6 ('i AO. Inferior sell at less rates accordimr to condition. HUES. Tbe market rates are still low for dry, both here and in New York, aud Is reported quiet fur all kinds. Follow ing are cash rates paid in this market: Dry, !c,ior usual selections; vtet salted are oootable at Otitic. Tbe New York price at date given st lie, gold, for dry. 1ALLOW. Ihe market is quiet and dull, ilh small prospect of illiDrovelueuL Tbe nominal prices are Ui 7c for common to choice. t OUL1 Hi. the market demand at dale is gwd; our daily receipt sr moderately light. We glv the present rang as follows: ileus aud Roosters, $7 0U uo y dot; Broilers 4 Mi .to M don: tieese, tame, tl Out&HM rpsir; Ducks, do I'J UUiitflouu V bus.; in keys are scarce w uuote, live, 2-lfit'iie. CA i'TLK. Meals of choice quality are coni ng in more freely and prices drooo: unci qualities are plenty sndehi sp. The following si the wholesale rales: Becl,4i4c,Bccordiug to quality; Calves, 7c; Mutton, ttii'ic: .ainl.s, d rtCe; Hog very tearce and hiuh present prices are as follows: on foot, 1(4 MV; Hogs dressed, lollc; the latter price for choice small ones. DAIRY PRODUCTS. W note an Increase in the receipts of fresh roll; larireit in eicess ol daily rmpilrenicnts and firices for all ex cept a lew extra choice dairies sra ,li iiie rsngrt of goal to choice U Mut ilv.. T he lieit Point Kejes sells by the single box at Oc. F.aalurn is In lis ht stock snd no demand atanyprlce. New CUIIorula Cheese comes in more freely aud tlocks accumulate,; prices hsve steadily declined, the present range for all gradirS is 10(,ti4c. Fresh California eggs srs in g'Mid supply and In fair demand, quot sble st Joe y dux. OREEN FKLiTS AND VEGETABLES. We are now In receipt dally uf all tbe va. rietie of seasonable vegetables, and prices general'y rule low. Apples are very scare snd hih. Btrawbfrries are coming In more freely. Oram, sre plenty snd cheap. We iioo-: Oranges, ii uui,t.iij ts) V M; Limes, HI yj M; Sicily Lemons, a Mha,t OU l tx.X; itiinanss, 1 rsit4 on y oh. (n,. apple 17 00 V do I ueosnuts, ST VDvltH UU y lH Pears, uu4.oii V box; Apoles, Hi'-ufiH) y box. Strawberries Jiliillii'tc V ft at rsUlL Tbank "From tha Depth of the Heart." Wei ii xc: fix, Lnrsln Co., O, Aug. 21, 1871. Dr. R. V. Fir hi 'B, Hutlalo, N. Y.: Itmr Sir Your lardiciues, Golden Medical Discovery, r. bsgs's Catarrh Remedy, hsve proved of the greatest service to rre. hit months ago no on thought that I could possibly live lone;. 1 bad a rouaplicatlon uf diseases, Scrofula, Manifesting itself in eruptions and great bluteheson nij head that made suck sores tk.it I could not havs my hair combed wit!oi4 causing me much suf feriug; si causing swollen glands, tonsils enlarged, enlarged cv "thick neck," and large terrible Chronic C'slarek, and la fscf-i was af eetcassd that life wsaa burden to mi: J had tried many dotsiritn ua beaettl. f finally procured onsshaif doaen boltlcs of your (iolden Medical l)j.-ovenr and ona,doten liae's Catarrh -V and c'v rtueeced ihelr Uc. At first 1 -cary -rrrd, but alter taking imtt botllea uf th Ui,ery I began to improve, md when I had tsken the remaining 1 wss tall, lu addition to the nse of Discovery spilled a solution of Iodln to the Ooitre or Hick neck, a you advise in pamphlet wrapping, and it entirelv disap peared. Your leovery is certainly the most wunderful Stood medicine erer luvent ed. I thank (iod sad you, from the depths of my besrt,for tte great rood it has done me. . , Very gratefully, " f -is : : ' a Mas. L. CHAFFEE. ' Most roesiclnee' Wntek. are advertised as blood pur . and liver niediciues contain eir.lisr msrrv, la some form, or potassium and lodino irioi f combined. All of these scents bar ire tendency to bresk down tli blood ! i.and debilitate and 0U1. erwise inji. 'una system, and should therefore I d d. Ir. Pierce'l UoldAn1 Mediral Discove r n tho other haad being composed of " Hid eitraet ui natlia JUjmrJr"t , "nniij, if no ease pns. luce I' - V..". . .''stre ntflheuirtg endeu .. .txl- 'rurtnpurilla, which used to enjoy quite a rrpnaetuin as n blood purl iter, is a remedy ol thirty jean .io, and may well give pist e aa It is doing, to the mora positive and valuable vegetable alteratives which later medical investigation and discov ery hat brought to light. In Scrofula or Swing's fcvn, v line swellings, L leers, Ervsip. elas. Swelled Neck, Ooitre, Scrofulous lnitam. nation. Indolent Iuflammatlou, Mercurial flections. Old Mores. Eruption of the Skin and Sow Eyes as in all other blood diseases Ur. Fierce Cloldcn Medical Discovery bss shown Us geat remedial powers, curing the most o'alioate and intractable cases. Sold by all dtaiers iu niediciues. Wonderful. The rapid growth In popularity of the Yerba Buena Bitters Is something wonderful. In a little more than two yaars from It first lutroUuctkm to the public, without the aid ot capaai push It, but simply upon Its own unparaueieu menu as a catuarlic and regulator, it has attained- to a degree of importuace as a remedial agency unknown in th annals of medicine. From Its first starting-point, its tint trial, it has been ad vancing sten by step, from it? to city, from towu to town, from state to state, until to-d.t it is being sold bv every respectable drug", gist, and has become a household reeesslty In every family upon this coast. The pres. tlge of its sower over disease has been wafted by tbe grateful voices of thousands of restored sufferers te other lands; and rum all quar ters of the earth come luqulrles aud orders for California's sovereign remedy for the siilfering. Among Important foreign houses Uial bave requested and obtained exclusive agencies for and ordered large invoices, are Diikt &t u, of Calcutta, India, and Harvey A Jaiuieson, of Constantinople, Turkey. James A. Scoville, of Chicago, has also so licited the exclusive agency of that city, aud ordered a large bill of Bitters. The manu facturers have now in this State tour wagons traveling in the farming districts, that are selling at the rate of twelve gross per week, and order are coining in for goods fastur tiisn with their present facilities the firm Is sble to till. Tut j h 'vc removed and enlarged twice within two wears, and from present I vrop ptei win ue cniupeiinu soon to enlarge again. P' jnn but congratulate them upon a success so ewuntnuv a--serven. CaiVI'WR ftisi ki CoitHfv Ikr Row r, nr rnnaue.pnia, amioiinee ni aiscovery to i o... -...i.r...i .S ltiU.Vt P VI VUUCi we- rasVtral.cnre ef tjuncer. jfo Kuifk! A ' n ,. r . . i. . . ., - . . . r. ... ' Hon seoTaivwiere. Vam.Vhh.ts ii-isnent nw. Aunress wun sialllD. inc. tl. T. u i y .jSo.th Bmad St., Philadelphia, Pa. Anv disease of the bladder and kidneys dropsical swellings, gravel, diabetes and Bright s disease speedily succumb to the In nueuce of Kkahnst's Extkact Buchu, the only reliable remedy for those Uiseases,ln male or icinaie. Bom by aruggist everywhere. Curxd ron Fore jJits " After spending iiuiiuicais jyj iionars itr uociors' lees, i was cured at lost of i heumatisra by investing four bits In a flask of Trapper's Indian Oil." nrLi.KK-a ricasLH srncTtnta. DIKKCTIOS ASB PKIC'R UST M.M1.KI) FltKK. Oniers by msll receive ptoinrit siu-utlon Oissls furwsnleil per Wells, Ksrgu l CO. !., anhlct to approval. Adilrew C. 3ribLl,Klt. OptlelaD, iaa Mont gomery at., uear uuu oho r rsiieiseo. tL ni.tlD'S Btl'DIXKN) CULI.SSOB, TUlia Is sn excellent school for bors snd young men. Itcilucstw thorouahly snd disciplines care billy. V'ming men should exsmlne tins Scho d be fore stteieiiiis elsewhere. For Inforaistlon call st uu uniisi, a row at., ur aauress s. r. lllwALO, a. r. S.IOIWK K PAI.ACR or AttT, 417 MON tOOMKKV , &sd Krsiictseo. t' V fe It V A t I L. V VV AMX It. VloneTlait ll Sold by Ap-eota. Aililrflw a. U. UlVRLL. krle. Ps. xlll 1.". M'r dsv. Send for Chronio t'slaloKiie. Wiv w ti ' o- Dcrroau a ivvri, aoBioD, Mass, fts$0n Per say st home. I'ermt Kree. Addrs Jjf 1U O. Srissoa a Co.. Purtlsnd. Mains. I.sv I'f.lt WKKK AUK NTS WANT Kl. Articles wAlillnew. Staple ss Hoar. C. M. Lininoton. . v;. n. L1 N I NO TUN, SS Third atrei-t, 8. F. A MoN Til AjfnU wantd evfrywlicre. HiiHlntw hoDiirHlile ftnti fl rt-;liaa fikr- Hcuistra) will irfe. Ann reai J. nOKI H CO..M. Lnti a. Mo. llir r i ri r r ; ri r r hi t Cl I sra a uatis' s " ' - ' ' KinKeaM AuiUM-iiint fur tin- children. 84-nt, wttli ml) air (mil, 10 wuj ijuren, uiMn rpif iin or slc. all.;- tcanu.i. . C. A. LoTltilHtK CO., f si 1'ey mreet, Nt'W Vortc. aoiZD 4 W AIiDKI' TO PALMKK'M KIMJK lOOLM, by tttv j. m. Mtf-iiMiur iiiaiiiiui rair, too. niKiilllMClury, He iry tu liciwrtiii 4tli and 5rh. Han Frinc $10 IOR A GOOD BKT 4tF TKKTII- rAIHIMINO OAS r vlinlnttfml and warranted per tiv mie rr a . 0 Thlrtl MroeL Oulilun l Ilrt 1 JOt-t t uto. rAROK TKANBACTIONH. HKTWEKN (INK AND i rn ttumir.'d Ili"iiHiid dfjlltra worth uf KKAL K.sTATK In OHklanrl hu- U-n fiid dtirifie fit iiitir.ih H, fi, iiy HIUKI.OU ett KOU I1I.L, r-'r ii (i . wvwaeSBaa W a B . r nriHtll it l K tiiiiiifa ur iii rstniPiitu lu lina ipi.l)y urowlnir a d ime 6nJyi'K amimrtfir aunal and tilnrailiniil mUsffn, wiii'l't well U fiir-MiMind wt'h thr atrove 11' SsM1'"' ,"!,t hv' rK nni'juut of rholi e ini r?v;rit-iid iuiiiiorved property fur Mlo. on th Mioni laitirsnir ie, ma, J. L. COGSWELL, DENTIST, Mv em jw,r sw j ",. nfrtr ruiait COCIIKAXE & ItlCIIMONIji, DENTISTS, Market ?trfl t'ornpr Htfkrnn, San Franrlaro. n Qreenbrock k Faterion City Nurseries Mill 12 Chslre Vsritisfor$, sr5 for 50ctt.,w1t I A.b-:-B Clircsi:t-Tk Tin Lillcffl Orv.ii. Stmpi.sOAc. Aiidrsss J (IRBlVES.Src.Hojr.HOT.PttersonTNTJ. ffiTTFTcrarusiBs: (Da Dlt's Patbxt). MArr'FArrt'Krn nr vr.srro sprino, ko. IS Trhsma strem.near Third, a rrsnclw. Srtidtnr rtrrut'tr. RUPTURE. IT8R 5f() VOftR MRTAI.fJn TTl rTHftRH f No mre nt'frfr'.nn fr-ini Iron llfnim or 100 VIIOTOdRAPHS of the leading A(.1X)K RRd AC THKHHKH srnt (post paid), rt Hp of OO Otalt r. r. RARNI EV Mk CO., Mimiom lr.t r. AdSrns Hi.el8jTl.uni. Mt. KoWk'H PATKNT Rl.AN I I TIC TKU.-.H la worn nh ease a d mnif.-rM I lnitht and day, n1 will, and haa perf.rnieil I ! rsvti'-al rurm wlien all others have fallfd y Kirt'I-r. If yi are rnptnred, try fill's of 1K KdVS K'N roniPrt.tble e a tf. ai-pH lues yonl will never regret It. KOWfc Kl.AhTH: TKIJI 1 f M PA IN T, hacricnU tstreet, tupl wstalra), H-tn Franeiai:o I CALVERT'S CAR UO IXC SHEEP WASH T. W. JMksi'K, Vra siMSft. atolv Awsl Hr taioul au SS4 Kvvsfta C. lP. H. TIEE3LL i CO., ii0srrM ajtd sUici'AOTPim or MOTS AND SHOES, O. 41 CLAY SVTBBK1?. Bstwsaa Saasaei aa BatMrr. tax ritAKCIHCU Msaararrarers or Urn Bojrs', Toatk-s. sad Ckll Sren s KINK t Al. IUmiTH. Order, si .helled aa pniMplr Siled. All stsaa sa SQsllllae innle al Ui hivnl aiarket prka. Please eisinln the ruoda ab.t arlrea. CAI II TRIATEB WITH tdCECSS At thi hsiiiif of Hv pnf im w ttiuui IM ua) ul UtW IN1FE OH CAUSTICS land WtlhffwtfXJea. Afklriaw Or. A. M. Br.0WII. XEW HAVKV, CONN. CorrtHifev1vTtr? fmm phr.r.' . 'h-'rM. WAKELEE'S Squirrel nnd fiopher XTEIMNATOn MOST COVVrVTFNT AXI EPONOMICAL J astfcni fur tft? ttvatructitn of HeiMlrr!. .tjN rw, Je.lcs esP. la auttprfd by ihJ hquirrvl Id at'tir ! I nrinr)al fariuftt In itiiwiv tKn ot rliform. Receivt'd th pre lit inn uf ttm bUkUt Agrl CUlturml Soc(tfl. I -"IS. HuitdrviU of Ifttfra ctnild h? furnl-httl from oar vitMit exH'rttuca sriuvraa but a trial La ait that la tY-quirti. II. P. AVAKELEE & CO., Druggists, Importer Ursr. fkeailesls. ft. trArssl sss lu'sim Sjlalde-st C'ISV l'beaal M arsta. Oyira Cos. Muvtoohsst Sr Brsa Sts , S. K. You should Insure) yonr Life iu tbe PACIFIC ttal Life inn Co. OF CALIFORNIA, No. 11 Second St., Sacramento. ACCTJITTLATED FUND, NEARLY $1,300,000. lOO.AOO Approvex! 93crltlm tlepM ld with th Caliroml DoM'taiifnl ta MMmity tmr rItrjr-Hldera) tvrwlitN, UCLAND tTASK0UI J. H. CAHHOI.L, -A. C. VALUAKT, Pifid?Dt. - Tlce-Prealdtfut. - Becreury. Imqm every dracrtptlon of ftpprorrd Lips. Fx ihw m int, and Joint Liv roLtotsa, pMVHble tn (told or Currency at the tptim of the liuurer, at rate m low aa othtr mutual com pan ttm. It m-r-lveaa hiKtifr rnte of tnirrtfii od tta tnr'.at meutfl than is rtn elvtt by any other Lite Iraur aut-e Coiuptny tn thr roumry. Insure Now, for though you may he w t.vditrt next wmk or uvxt uioutit yon may become uu iiaaurstble. JEFFKF.SS & CRAWFORD, GEX&RAl AUK STS. 213 Sanioma Street, San Franciieo. V. SAV. PARKHURST, Franeliet-c. Cal.. baa ' lcluuve RKencv ub rKanvvuuti ior tilt - MAItGIXAL INDEX DIARY, (Patented), Price .m. Hent to any addn rt't-flot of nnre. The ulre or thu bmk la 314x7 inches, and contain (t page, rnled and printed on the ttue-t qunltty of itiiifu riuiiK P lr, niiii ia icitiij' iMiuriii in nue leatner, in mk-kvi-oook fciyie. i ou can Turn mm an to any day In th - yntr. Tuere re culenda a ior II years Any anhjut can be turned to iiiftaiitly. nas It Mutahuu Indict. It t'untaina over :) dhum nf pr nim inaiiwr ( vaiuaum o an; on roniaice; roieijrn hthi uonicpiiic money trriivrn; in u: rem lames; itun for Compu Iiib: lutereHt; tables of WttKOsj b the Week, of neifrhtfl and Mranurps, tfuuuie or I-nnd MfRMiire, Mamma Work, Meure of lime. Troy Weifrht, Government taand M aanre, to M;aure Corn in the Crib: r Ontennial ( uleiMUr; WeiKht of one nushel or dlm'reuttniriapi: Meureor l.uniiier: What ooniatltutpa a Cr ImuI: Quantity of .Seed required er M-re; LenKtb and mimber or nails to the pouud: rorre ot the wuin; rower o. ine Morse; value or Foreta-n Coins lu 17. S. Money: Secret Cipher Table (ifs explanation): Kubttsof a man of Biifliiesa, and a hot of other VRiuaiue lnioruiaiton Rdapted to. ail Th i.nd'T(7wM ts Sole Agent on the Paelfle Coast for llowr'a V. M. Mttilnrtl McKlrsi. and ha the larKat and moat rompieie m-aie htrtDJittiiment in tlit? I." in led h lutes. The store hits a dent h of fpet with JO extra feet for bimtlntt and unloading gouda. sun a iron K on jiiHrN "i Kiri-ci tn .m leer. Howf't Hay. r VVnnn Mrstl. eon- tain alt the nindei n IniprovemeulA. All sizes Howe's Ihirmsint i i'llittf hcaies, and riHtro-m Ncaten, ever ale anil TiiHetv. Ainu, mi: TKtt ."(' AI.KS HlMtl i BALANt Krt. TUKNHLLL'S hCALKH. (.old Bealee. etc. CafitlofrueR sent on application and orders prompny nuesi. While's Pstent Money Prawer over .vmosold on the roRst. Money Drawers. Duuhleand Hlnjcle Lock. All my aioous are warranten i itive njiiMr n tion. ' V. N. W. PAHHHI HNT, Comer of Market and Fremont streets. P.O. Box !Vi4., Kan Fmnelsrn, STlIH.HAIal.It WAUOXS Iron Axle and Thimble Skein, Farm, Jr. km Tnaaa RritiNO AND llSADEK, AND Fol'K SPHING "vcr j. o o n s. Alnelotof Haf(les and rrlir In stock laSend for Prlee Lints,.! F f rMFS. fiew'l Atjy ' SacnwentR, Cal. PACIPIO SCREW, BOLT AND NUT WORKS, MANTFAt,TlTRKlW OF MACHINE. rAKTdAOK, PIW and every description of It4lr4, Bt'i Screws and Tap ft-tlts, l.ait Screws, 11. .It Knds. Ac.. at tlie iwef rate. Holla and t hsln fur Plows and AKrirtiitnrai MtH'iiiriery.niAdeaHperUitr. t ;.. stft'l Heiiir iireeT. Mdii rrsiiclwo, Cal, ;!, IHN . ATI! PLASTER MILLS, 215 and 217 Main Street. SAN FRANCJSCO. 4'alrlne4 rinater, m.00 4 per bbl. IsSaRial tlnsiter, 9IO.OO pr t. fOnr Mr. I.nrp.shMbeen for thirteen years the man a fRcturer of the Wothersinon brand of iMst'tri, 1,1 I AMI. OKMXfcN CO, FULLED RAWHIDE. Kl.TlffO Wns-le Rnd don hi., of current sixes, constantly on hand, al cost prices. IA lleary Rnd light, cat or In sidea, front 44.M upward. B. ROVKM, Pts-ntee and sale Manufacturer, 47 Itrannan street, han Kranelsro. AH EXTRAORDINARY RAZOR 1 I AH I'KKN IN VKNTKI) HY1IIK OI'KKN W OWN J A t o'ltpanr of KoKland. the edge and ttody land, the edge and ttodr of Is ao thiu and flex. Me aa never to remilre Rrlnnlna. and harolr ever setllng. It glides orr the face like a pie.f of Tf I Vet, msk IliK shavltig quite a hmiry. It Is rri'SHnu f i Pinirnirni in r.'irt'p an oiik mm e tin bufTtln pn, who pronounce it i'KltK kr rh N. hwtidies, R.1 in irory: br mall. 10 eenlt eatrn. Tlie trs-ie supplied n liberal terms by the sola agents 1b Ur Untied lH-ti s. AATNAtaRPN A 0., No. Ml :Uy Mt.. Hun Krnnfiseo. ORLEANS HOTEL, Second St., bet. J and K, Only m tlloe from Ihr IN-ikX, ACRAMK"T. Mr. St. WATias, rrssrirur. Vtl-4arMrrrsqMcl. Fret emi iagt to tA. Akm. mm. Pacific Farm, Spring and Header Wagons. The Wt Minted, the bert pre portioned, the he troned, a1 he Ret Wavetai mm Wh .. We can arli a hk.nfc.it fcPhlNU WAGON OH l.Es SslONKT than any ftnu In CHiliornin, eoinirlalng Two fcprtntf "b(HH.i Hau" aud Flafrm Spring UUvry WaeToui Time wwi 'or burluy fiiurvw M awuna boUt viUk plaiA aud arv a cVt V'a(ot V hM Linfortll, Mm & Co., 4a)emal Atmt for racial I'M, 3 and 5 FRONT ST., MAS FMA3VISS0. m EELLES a CO., Agents, MAC BAM SH TO. IU3MOVAX, GEO. W. CLARK, FosassLT o a a rise Stssst, H AH BtKMOVKD TO 645 MARKET ST.. Tws Swn Woat r Palae Hatrl. . jAABf IBA.t(CISCI). rHERK HU HOW OKFEUS Tl) TH TRADE Iff sad si bvtstl sa sleaaat stuck of Paper-Haw ail Decorations! AT RKDCCCD miCEft. Crm,trli1nff Deatffna aultahte for Ptrlora, Dlnlnf Kouina, H.al.s, t ha in hum. oiflrea, etr . ere Klnri hM-rlor Mceklrh Window Hllatr at) colura ft'id w Mil ia. UnUUW MHADKH of eTery avw rtpilon mnnutavctiired to order. BAKER & HAMILTON,- 7 to 19 Front St., I 0 to 15 J Street. SAM FRANCISCO. I SACRAMENTO. THE GENUINE BUFFALO PITTS' THRESHER. SOLK AURMT9 FOK THR FO!,U)WINO CKI K-H-(AThl) ARltTLTl'KAL IMPLIt JIMTd. H of w n teli have ifQ tried and pro counced to be the bit of tueir elaae by all tbe practical fturuiermoa tl Ooaat: HoLtiNewnTH Witkii.vd Wt RiKift, Tmwm bBLF-DUMPfNA WHKKLBD RaKK lMPOV! Tll Fiw Woou K.kbs, Amis' 8taw HthwiN En fliNea, Champion Kapk and Mowsrh, Alt- HOtTttK's FKPB(?TKMU'"HltUCLAT(KO WlKI MlLLA, BWKMITAII SlNtlLB GRAM HBAUNBS, BaITE ft (Stockton) H xa i K Ra, HainrV Houblb Oiak HhaIIXBA, FlftHRS'S Katkmt MowbeKkifeUriniv RS, price. te.Utl VlNIHTII Co KM PLANTER. PlTTsV WFBOVgO Bit YT A LO THRKSHKR, J ACKKON't LF I1HIKH, bWlimAKI UBNRirK IORKS, PlTTW MfITal PlIU'KRa. ECLIPHB HOL'RI.R Tt'R- binb Water Whu, Bim Waoonr, Swrrprtakj 8RINO W a eox a. Price's t PeUluins) Hat pRRKhKiT Kaolr Uav rKataaiw. efco.. tfco. Hendor Catuiuyu. We meet com petition by tell lug hitter nrtfcle at theaameor lower pru-ea. Ak aa for nrtrca bt'fore buytn. We hare r larre stork or HARUWAHK at I he lowest prtcea. We are determined not to be unduraold. Fakmkr. Brr i hi bkst, BAHKHtt HANILTflV, BAN FhaNOIRCO or 6ACKAHBMTO), VIKDVATER. If jou erep Intend laying a WIND KILL, examine the record, of the tolld heel SC1IFSS, tested 8 years ; 3503 In operation-IMPEOVED Hand or Wind mill Force Pumps ; Second-hand STEAM Machinery ; CHEAP. Write ma for cir culars, or call. CHAS. P. H0A3, 118 Seals St., San Francisco. KENDALL'S Improved Quartz lill QUAETZ MINIS Cr BEVOLUTIONIZED ALIGHT, CHFAP snd POWP.RFPL MILL st on half the cost ur the iuub! styis. Bend for Circa tor ana trice Uel ta STEPHEN KENDALL, Care ef V. A, Haatlngtait, 111 is 14S rrmesl St.. San rranclaa. Cal. EVERY Farmer, Miner and Granger SHOULD RVBRCBIBB TOB THB SAN FRANCISCO WEEKLY POST. Tho Popular Weekly. Enlarged and Improved. The Best and Cheapest. IT ADVOCATE! THE RIGHTS Of SETTLERS. ONLY S2.00 A YEAR. ONLY $2.00 A' YEAR. ONLY $2.00 A YEAR. Pontnxo to rt. uddltlonnl. tW "Send for Rsmple Copy. The low prlre r whlrh I is piililirtheil ron I li liim! i, rr It r verv Urze r.lreuU- tion. Kverv K;triiier snd Hiiines Mhii ahnuld sub scribe for it. Aa um quailed medium for Advertisers. The San Francisco Daily EyeiiiDH Post Will be Enlarfrd and Improved. THE POPULAR JOURNAL Of SAN FRANCISCO. IS 1-9 rta. ftT I .Mil : stall, nn, ,.,r VM -.it monfha. S'l.nil - thrfS months. Sl.ao, u.i.,r 1 .. .tun imnn SlfMMI tn be dirldrft nnnnf th. .1. most eiicr.wfol ttrtmt-n )io .hell liriHinr. inn i.hm-hi nti.ntitv ri I Ik or HI III .nd Al.lMIA pot.toea lric. of eerh, $1 per lb. CENTENNIAL PREMIUMS. aiilo to be swarded forth, beet c,.llctlf.n, one l.f.-k. esrh, ef pot. S1.10 for I he beat and moU nmm. I. 1 1). fWrdlinf. Ni.il him I'rlnale. llvbrlO.r fol.,10 ' kl of a seed, tueta. I lis rolh'rlinn. f..r .hu h tl,. I.. .pr.m, ll are onVnd will herihil.ilen at nd on.niiini. wi'l h. .war., I.. .1 . ''W l.nndilion. and fx. I nun unJ i Prpmiiiiti 1'iri-iil.r n..,.!. I fne In all. www "TTi ""!"?"'. nixwnr. andAm a- or . lliinle to loe I1f.. ..r ad U ....l tin" i adwrmli.e II- of al rarlolie. oK.ar.l.ji Kef Id nit Klowern.wila with .u.1,,-,1 direction, fur rollnre, tinen. ..ral humtrrd enrrarin. anil a biautifull C.I..., d lllh.Krr.l.S. fi-nl jvi-tn.id. for . rent llllw . Sarolen.r'e AlnaaniM eniU.,,jf rhew lullr .lli,-trl.l. mail'd In all ap.li. anl. incUin. Inn. lllea'.lllnMrnlrd Potatof alaloan. rontaim sd.eriifiv liat ot all the n.w vart.tiea nci.nllr Intro, diirpd.wllh meornthardoalrahle anrta,alao tnurh na.ra Isforiualioa upon UielreuUivetloa. Si pa.es, luoeBte. R. K. BLISS SONS, f.O. n.a Na. ari' SlJBarrlaw Sl W.T (2 1 V ""T st hoii'f Asenta wanted. (Mlflt V wraie ires, iituaa ;- nfclii.m i CO., Auauats, Maine, KOOrilTGI MASTIC ROOFINO IS IU 11.18: ANY ONF CAW put tt on; Fire and Warer-Proof. MuMia Plni put up tn tana and Wrela. fur old Tin Koofa. WartbMtHe Ftoora lain with Ahnlt, Wurk duue lu Miy peu-tofthe Sittfe, f'-r t-irrulara, N. P. i'KKISK. SMMarkut8t,0 F. 1AL1V0KIA UIRK WURtift, kaUuljahtd lu Iltti, ECKFKLUT & CO.t . WIRB QOODS Of all ktnrts. Asynts for Hisw.y's Kire Kstla- .visiMir. t C'li4 sa.,il'v ir apnu ur cirrmsr inn inrrr.jM 114 and 118 BE ALE ST.. SAN FRANCISCO. AGENTS WANTED. CENTENNIAL MEDALLIONS, Struck In solid Albata Plate eqnRl In appearance, wuar Rud color to HO LID MILVKR OR OlD. Present) hki large Tariety of beutlful Drmlgnu In K-ll-t" Thene Medallions Rre laiw thRn R SHrer Trade dol lar, beinit: 1 V Incti. i n diameter, handsomely put up and sell read 1 y st niic'it. Thr host valuahlr Sovvb nirk aki Merrnioi bvkr ishiru. A coitip)et outfit of niRfcnttleent suiiiiples Tor AKt'iiU, In velvet-lined Morocco CHMe liicmdliiK the Must of ''UeorrfQ Wash nut on. Ornnd Entrrtiiee Interiuitiisnal Kxlitblttoa. Meinortal Hal) (Art tiallerv). IlorttrultiirRl Hall. Main Buildintc, and the Brand representation of the SltfnloK uf the Dwlaratlon of indeiwndenee tdetiltrned by Tuinhull), In (tilt sent by mat) on receipt or draft or Poat ottlte order for f3.no, or will ship by express CO. U. uion receipt of txpre chary, Aitents Clrrular and Price Mat ana one sample tent upon receipt of 90 eta. Immense pro fits, bulls at sight, Jvxtciustve fields for e 11 tar prise. Address U. t. MEDALLION CO., 212 Broadway P.O.Box 6270. Ntw York. rVftR GREAT CATHARTIC AXT ItFOrLATOR- X I 1 Ptirelv Veiretahle for IHsnensta. Indiiiestinn. Con stlpHtlun of the Dowels, Inflamiimtlnn of the Kldueyf ia an dixeiises or uie nver sua noweis. , VVI1.I.IAHM , , rroprietors, St., hu Francisco, Oat Aw Montgomery Pacific Ink FArrroRr, i 22:2 and U Bmniiaii St. ( I Sam fr'RANOisou, Mafcb 31, 187. N. C. Bitdgis, Eq., tl Blnzome St.: Pmr ftir Please aend to ofllcc ne-balf dos. bottlos Tbsra Blbna Uittbrh. 1 have bt;en usvlnR the sample yon I ft me lat Nil and believe them to be the bent preparation for the pur poses for which they were intended tbt 1 have ever found. Truly yours, J. I. KfroWLTOTf. rf A':Var: -3 rpRK kino or i.iwinrsTis. sTtsna a onriVAled s a relnety. No Horsesisn ehonlS M without It. ftooashke for Man or Bsart, for Hprsiite1 Brulife, Itlieunistinni, Mud Fever, Swellings, sUl. Tr 11 snd job will uw no orlicr. hiissr williasii. nr"HKMOVRn to aiy New Montcomerv St.. 00 blofk south ofPslsre Hntel. Han Fmnctiico. P. N. P. C. No. 93. TURBINE WINDMILL rpllR 1NVKN1IIK lr THK HKX'I'KH INPM1I t a nee nietle I snd itm'rul (innroTemenu on tli seine, snd Dow reels cooQilent of bsrln. II). nimpleaf , S'hanr.t, Moat lMral,la and) anly r.rwsnrai W tndmlll tm tk W.rial The Turbine Is BimplrsT. neeftHSR It Ir less complicated; Tltla BaT, berauiae I inever irela out of order; Most Ii'ra R lb, because It Is all undr cover, and haa lens hfnttng to vet out of repair; Onlt 1'rrmanrnt, bteRue the only Windmill in the world that lias nerer been Injured by storms, Mllb built of th best aitterlR) and workiriRnibtp by A. H. SOUTIIWICK. Ofllre artrt bop on Reeond Street, between Washing ton and Hroadwri, (inklatid. rr nirther mrormstion reardlnf Mills or Territory addreas Hi tn enter, A. tt. hottii wirK P. O. Boi law ban rrar.n'rco, or Hos Oakialid, Cal rtrenlara ronminln new price list, and mneh TrIrr ble liiforniafion, will le furni"iied on applk-ation. Kealderire of A. H HoitTHWim, S, W. Corner Of lftth and West Streets, Oakland. Cal. f Plfl4 tnt rhm- tw UK) thi ltesN-remM 1. 1 WIMDLEDOf Lcng Ihvnnn Eretch loading PractJca Pistol & Targets. rnrrlos V lark ball with seen raer Bits leet, withont Kiwil..r or pcrcneNlon. Itrsss liarrel, hair trte-n-er. T dealers Mr mall. fee. for IS rente with wee. i nianent ammunition for tar.et prKtlc Indoors, tad fur Bportln. ont of doors. ACENTS WANTED. A. A. ORAUAM, 7 Libert, fttrwal, New Ior i f. medal I j i? 5 S S-sM ruMCitco IZ'jkT t 5