f ' PERSONAL. Queen Victoria is going to visit her German relations. Diskaeli has beeu elected a fellow of tbo Royal Society. Ges. Dix has "written a fierce letter against taxing church property. IIersciiei, V. Jonjcsox has consented to run for the Governorship of Georgia. The Howe memorial fund, now accu mulating at Boston, amounts to $890. EnsEst Longfellow, son of the poet. has recently made $8,000 from his paint ings. tJAitiB.YLDi has accepted the 100,000 I tn him as the crift of the 114 V '!,, - O nation. It is rumored that the President will nominate General Dix for the English Mission. a ithat-t rnmps from Havana that 41 Boss' Tweed has bought a house and re sides there. Trr Emneror of Brazil, now in the as been a creat traveler fur many years. Mss. IIatiuiet Beecheu Stowe's son Charles is to marry Miss Susie II. Monroe of Cambridge, Mass. The National Democratic Convention is to he held in the hall of the new Cham ber of Commerce in St. Louis. Offenbacu is to receive $30,000 a month fir his Ce:itt;nnitl performances in Philadelphia and New York. I Gex. Garabaum has accepted the Presidency of an International Arbitra tion Congress to be held at Borne. Caul Sciicrz, according to General Kilpatrick, will bo a delgite from Mis souri to the B.'puhlican National C'ouven- tion. A dispatch from Adelaide, Australia, announces the death of Sir Richard Di vies Hanson, Chief Justice of South Aus tralia. A pedestrian match is now being ar-ratiLT'-d between Lord diaries Krr and M. Froens Boncford to walk 100 miles for $.",,0U0. The statue of Win. "Wheelwright, an American, who introduced steam naviga tion in the Pacific, is expected at Valpa raiso, Chili, next August. Rcbenstein, under sentence of death in New York for killing his cousin, is said to be the only Jew ever convicted of mur der in the United States. ' The statement is current that ex-Scna- tor U -vels of Mississippi had gone over to the Democrats. He was turned out of office by the II publicans. Wesdkm. Philmps says license teaches men to drink every twenty-five feet, and tl.ere are thirty rum shops between his house and the Albany station. Gen. Braxton Braoo, with some prom inent parties from Mobile and Austin, Texas, is endeavoring to establish an ex tensive colony in Western Texas. TiiEoIdGreeley mansion,at Chappfiq-m, which was being repaired and refitted for Ida Greeley and her husband. Col. Smith, wa rccenliy totally destroyed by fire. The Augusta (Georgia") Constitutional ist contends that "the bright particular st.arin the Democratic firmament is Sen ator Thomas F. Bayard, o.f Delaware." Kino Kai.akaca got his thirty-second Masonic degree as a monarch and with out being able to work his degrees, which . is opposed to the tenets of Freemasonry. A dispatch from Bayonne to the Lon don Time rejxirts that the wife of Don Carlos h;is arrived there from Pan and visited wounded Carlists in the hospitals. P. B. SuiM.AiiF.it, "Mrs. Partington," is seventy-seven; has white hair. He is hi California for his health. II says lie studied the character of "Ike" from his own son. The Mikado of Japan has by a recent decree granted to journalists the right of sending whatever communications they may desire from one part of the empire to the other free of charge. The appointment of .Mr. Biyard Tay lor as poet-laureate of the Centennial Ex hibition has given general satisfaction to his countrymen. lie will no doubt give us a poem" worthy of the occasion. Sir Charles Elliott, who purchased the. Egyptian railways for English capi talist, was once a pit boy in the mines. He is now the largest coal proprietor in the world, and a member of Parliament. Sitcy. Miss Anthony says she wants the ballot if for no other reason in the world than tospite those newspaper scrib blers who amuse thvir small in l mis iy cracking jokes utthe expense ot woman hood ! Easy come, easy go. Captain Pat ton. the famous English pigeon shooter, won the grand prize at Menaco tins year tor the second time. With his wagers he net- t j I $:J;,000, and then Ioit the whole at roulette. The impression is increasing rapidly that Blaine is the coming man. It is gen erally admitted that Bristow lias more popular strength, but he has not his hand noon the "machinery," and Blaine has. X. . Tribune. PosTMASTKR-CiENERAI. JEWELL has practical sense of tlie situation. Speaking of the investiirations. he is reported as saying, "I do not care how severely they ro for us. The man who can't stand it ha 1 better get out of the way." Secretary Bristow h is promised to atteud the VYilhraham, Mass., Academv celebration on June 21, unless some uu- torseeu emergency keep- him away. Senator lioutwell and Dawes have also promised to be present, and it is expected that Mr. Blame will attend. John F. Barrett has been arrested in New Orleans upon an allid ivit of V. IS. Hyan, charged with an attempt to bribe Lieutenant Governor Antone. The bribe which Barrett is charged with offering Anto! e is said to be $20,000, in connec tion with the impeaehmeut ot Governor Kellogg. It was Belknap who was the cause of Gen O. O. Howard's long and bitter per . sedition. The war records were searched and re searched in vain to find some trace of di.-houesty or mismanagement on the part of the Christian soWlier, while all the time the hands of the Secretary were tilled with bribes. We hope that Geu Howard has sufficient human nature left to be satisfied to have his persecutors crimes exposed at last. Some of the Gen eral's friends cannot refrain from mildly exulting that the guilty one is sit last found. Mr. Belknap has always been es pecially scornful toward Howard Uni versify; first, because it was founded by Gen. Howard and bore his name, and sec ond, because it is un institution for col ored people. Not very long since he sieiit three hours in an ante-room of the Criminal court under the guard of a black man, and with every prospect of a uiht in prison. Truly his humiliation has beeu sudden and complete. Exchange. The Devil's Nest. Col. J. W. Brooks, in a communication to the Chicago Tribune, descriiies a won derful valley, which will remind the reader of that inaccessible valley of diamonds descubed in the "Arabian Rights." In the winter of 1874 I was in the ser vice of the Government on the Piute Res ervation, in southeastern Nevada. My l.iu nnsa uflu tn look ftttcr tllC WJiniS OI , the Indians, visit the different sulnlivisions of the tribe, and use my influence to bring thom to the reservation, where they might be cared for and taught the principles of civilization. On one excursion 1 was looking after the scattered bands of Se- bits, and, on returning to the agency, was attempting to cross from the lower cross ing of the Little Colorado, on the east side of the main Colorado river, to the mouth of the Bed Virgin, over a dry, barren plateau ot seventy miles, it was a wearisome march, and both man ai;d lie.ast had reached a 6tate of actual suf fering for want of water. Serious thoughts and calculations occupied every moment; the fear of destruction seemed to be in delibly stamped upon nil; yet I, who had the guardianship of the party, had many times, in mv twenty-six vears in the far VWvt I'Tnerieiired verv similar tests oi , j - men's souls, and bade them onward and. with mv assurance that they wouh r:iHi water, thev trudged on. While traveling along a verv old Indian trail, I discovered an object in the distance which I supposed to be a deer or an antelope, which was regarded as a sign that water was near at hand. Spurs were applied i the faithful mules, and they were not loiu in approaching near the supposed animal but to the astonishment of the party, it 1 to be an ludian laden with Ziona blanket, on his way to what he calhi Hi il.l.t the Devils JNest. lie was most fearfully frightened. He afterward stated that he expected to be murderet by the party; but, upon being assured o friendship and good will, lie gave in for mation of water and als.i of his business. He proved to be a Moqua Indian trader with a large pack ot blankets upon in back, and, as he stated before, was on Ids way to the Devil's jSest. He invited to billow him. We had traveled but a short distance when we came upon u great descent the level i.laiu or Mesa. It was evident I j too steep to be descended with animals, so we dismounted, picketed our annual ami on foot followed our guide. A few nW travel brought in to a perpendicular cliff of solid in a I pace, or cooled lav from which we obtained a plain view a ino-t wonderful chamber lying at great distance below us. At this point our guide threv over or do.Vii his pick and it was soon out of sight. Iinnicdi attly before us was a narrow, deep cratt in tli malnaee. through which we went down ut an an de of eighty degrees, til another perpendicular cliff was reache which vvm ili'-ci'ii.lcl bv the aid of a Mex iean ladder. It was nude of rawhide ami was securely fastened in a large pile of stones at the top. it had small sticks twisted in the rawhide at light angles with the luii.it, which served as steps in the ladder. On them, one after another, a lower point was gained, except in a few cases where a long pole was used as a substitute. At list the bottom was gained, and, after a j mriiey of half a mile over a beautiful, smooth surface, we came to one of the most beautiful bubbling springs we had ever seen, of pure, cold water. At this point, to my astonishment and lismav. I found an abundance of Indian igns (tracks if Indians). I could look . - - ... . wound ine and realize the stubborn tact that I was in one ot Nature s most secure prisons. "The walls were perpendicular to the height ot thirty-tive Hundred to tour thousand feet, with seemingly no possible means of e-cape sav by the way we entered. I he first thought was nor- ifving in the extreme. The idea of liav- iii" fodoived an Indian into a stone-bound cave or chamber, ami into the midst of a band of wild Apaches, was terrible m- leed. I suspiciously and tremblingly followed the Mopi i a quarter of a mile further, when the stream ot the spriug Had grown 10 quue a nine creek, having been increased by many ther springs, and the signs of In dians had changed to that of real In dian villages; yet'not an Indian was to be seen, and this w as but confirming my sus picions of danger, and adding more horror to my tremoiing nerves. uur guide mounted a large rock, and yelled at the top of his voice a most horrible howl. Alter a seemingly long suspense, a very old, decrepit Indian, almost blind, crept out from the mass of detached clilf, that had fallen from above, and with tremb ling fear exclaimed, "Amigo-amigo !'' The salute was returned, and the twocowards no, brave men each fearing the other, rejoiced; and as evidence of friendship, there wus an exchange of tobacco, and the pipe of peace was smoked. It was fol lowed by calling together the whole tribe -a poo r relic of some ancient trioe numbering in all but sixteen. Thev had obably fled to this most secret ami re markable spot of earth for refuge in time of trouble, possibly previous to the in vasion of Cortez. They were most mar velously struck by my appearance. The IK-vil s Nest i situated in me norm- west put of Arizona Territory, on theeast side of the Colorado Itiver, and opposite the lower end of the great Canon ot the Colorado. That canon is lu some places six thousand feet deep. The Devil's Nest is a sunken hole in a ma! pace of lava for mation to the depth of thirty-five hundred to four thousand feet, w ith perpendicular walls, excepting the hazardous entrance, through or over which we passed. It is an oblong square, some two and a half by ten miles. 1 found these Indians in pos session of a small flock of goats, which had been kept within bounds by means of lariats. They had also plenty of beans and corn; and, more astonishing still, they had the most thiifty peach trees that I have ever seen. It is supposable that the most uniform climate in America is to be found in this sink. "Oi.n IIic kouv." The following story, which tells how Gen. Jackson got the title of vOi.l Hickory," isreUtoI ly dipt. William Allen, a near neighlior, ami who messed with him during the Creek war. During the campaign the soldiers were moving rapidly to surprise the Indians, and were without tents. A cold March rain came on, mingled with sleet, which lasted several days. Gen. Jackson got u severe cold, but did not complain, as lie tt ied to sleep in a muddy lmttom among his halt-frozen soldiers. Capt. Allen ami his brother John cut down a stout hick ory tree, peeled otrthe bark and made a covering for the general, who was with difficulty jHTsuaded to crawl into it. The next morning a drunken citizen en tered the camp, and seeing the tent, kicked it over. As Jackson crawled from the ruins, the toper ciied, "Hello. Old Hickory I come out of jour bark, and jine ua in a drink.' SAN FRANClttCO MARKET. The weather continues pleasant but cold, and crops of etarly fruits and vegetables are kept Lack iu consequence. Crops of all desorip. tions look well, and promise returns in great abundance in every district. Trade for the week past has been good in all departments, while in some branches of seasonable goods it has been particularly active. The silver question is fast being settled to the satisfac tion of all concerned. The Mint has stopped coming trade dollars, and with the restric tions put upon them by the mercantile com munity they are to some extent going out of circulation. The discount on "trades" has been reduced to 5 per cent, and on "batves" to per cent. Tonnage remains as last quoted, willi but little available iu the har bor, and for the week no charters to record. There is, however, a large fleet of grain-carriers enroute to this port, in anticipation of a good business In freights when the new crop shall have been harvested. We note but a slight decline iu the price of wheat in the Liverpool market for the week; the market is reported dull at the close. The home market is unchanged but quiet and dull. Flour remains steady at for. iner rates with less activity to the market. Biirhy is weaker. Ojts are stcaay Willi a fair demand. It ye is la demand at good fig ures. Huckwheat is scarce and wanted. Corn is in large stock and prices are declin ing, with but a moderate tli-muml. lieuns are in moderate stuck, with ligtil demand ut declining rates. Potatoes are coining in freely f-oiu all quarters, the bulk ot ull re ceipts beiiigof common and inferior quanti ties; choice are rat her scarce and iu active de mand at full figures, while common are plen I if ul . the range of prices shows a wide mar. yin. Onions are coming in more freely but are yet in demand at bili figures. Wood is coming in freely from the Southern counties; the market is quite dull both here and at the East and there must be a decline fiom the present low rates which have ruled eince the opening of the season. Receipts of fresh roll butter are fully up lo daily requirements, keeping prices steady all the surplus being packed by dairymen. It is cslimdted that the whole produel will be much greater than any previous year, and if prices are not forced up, will shutout importations from the East in a great measure. New Califor nia cheese i coming iu freely; stocks are accumulating; prices are steady for choice, lower for the poorer grades. Eggs bring got! price. WHEAT. The market is quite dull for all export grades, in consequence of a steady de cline of prices in the Liverpool market. Choice milling is in fair request at our quo tations. Present quotations ure as follow: Fair to choice export grades, fl 7.i I SO; choice lots for milling range from 1 t7j,'(8 $1 '..". The latest LicrMl quotations ure lor average. J, u(UOs; Club, lOsui lOs kl. FLoUlt. liood shipping qualities arc iu lylil iK-ui.ind, with a moderate supply of supertbie otfei ing. Family extras ure in aclive demand and price ell iu-taiued by reason of the dittlculty in obtaining the necessary choice wheat suitable for the purpose. We quote country brand of superfine as well ing williin the range of 4 (it ft 7"; standard brands, ft ?'('$) OO; extra super line, fiOtiif-'V 7-K Extra family is jobbing ul r, ooutf ' i, the latter an extreme price. liAKLEY. 1'uo demand for export is quite light; the home demand is only moderate; prices are ruling a shade lower for feed descriptions. Coast feed is now piolaole wilhoi the range of f 1 2 lu $ t 'Si ; Hay Brewing is held at ! oOil$l :!."; Chev alier, fair to choice, f I :J3il 4." f) cental. OATS. Itecelpt from all quarter are light and the market is firm at quotations. r e. l is in light demand at t. :U)u i :rK Choice qualities for milling purposes are quotable at $-! ti.rtt:J OO i cental. UYE. Receipt are very light witWft good demand. The range of prices for the week have been f I TOulfl SO V cental. BUCKWHEAT. A Kod article is scarce and in demand at J tH)(,t Tsl V l'K lbs. CORN. Ueceipls have continued free. while the demand is light and prices have a downward tendency. White and large yellow are quotable at " 1 V2t(it,H Si. Small vellow brings Sfl 40 V ceiual an outride mice. BRAN and MIDDLINGS. The mill mice are steady at ISUOIor bran, and od V ton for middling. HAY. Choice wheat Is in good demand. now selling at ll 00(.4f.)00 per ton. I he i. m ire of price lor all other kinds is from $1:2 5-1 per ton upwards. STRAW. A good article is salable at Wtj$ tV V bale. CEMENT. Eastern K.isend.ile Is quotable, 7.()r$:t DO jobbing at $:t -.2 (tt: ;U; Tort land, 4 7"Mi." OO jobbing at $." S'mit ." fsJ ,1 I.LI. LIME. Santa Cruz, iu large lots, t-00; retailing at $i Si V bbl. l'LAS'l'Elt. Th product of tl e Uold Hate, Mills is lurnished to the trade at tli UOyi : Si V bbl. BEaNS. lads from wharf are quotable as follows: Bais,:Vii31i'e; While.'-iuC-Jic; Tea, J'c; I'luk a ml lied, i.UWl-'s ; large Butler, ,'ic; small lo, e beans are iu request. The iiax inir 4c for all clean lots. f ll. Castor mills here are SEEDS. There is a good demand for all tin; varieties, and prices are firm at our limitations. We quote: Flax, V lb. Mitslaril, white, t(t; Mustard. Brown, 'J :ic; Canary, I5,(lc; Alfalfa, lOaillc HOI'S. We have no improvement to note in the condition of Ihe market. '1 he bulk of last season's croii remains unsold uud there is but little demand cither at home or abroad Prices are exceedingly low and Ihe demand very light, the present range being lupine as extremes. HONEY. We have moderate supplie of comb. Strained is in light supply at ad vanced nriccs. The home demand is fair. We quote: white comb at ln-e; dark, d I .".iM.l.V': strained is tlrm witlimtlie range of li.fr I0e for dark, and V&l4(oLhv. for light. BEESWAX. Beceipts are light with a fair demand. We note sales at 37 jcti-tdc, the lal tcr a iohhiuir m ice for choice. POTATOES. B-ceipts are large from all (iuai ters. and prices for the common grades lower; lioice are in goou ucmanu. ttcqumc the rani'e as follows for good to choice only HumlHddts, I bT;,(.itJUO; Pcttilunia and I'miiiili'S. J IKKu.S'2 W: inferior. l 0O((tfl t.t " loO It,,. ONIONS. The stock of choice on hand is light and principally in the hands of one or two thins. The demand is good anil price rule high say for choice, f: :htt'-i l ferior sell at less rates according to condition. HIDES The market rates are still low for drv. both here and in New Yolk mid is reported iiinet for all kinds. Follow iinr are cash rales puid in this market: Dry l-'sfcjl-b'.hir usual selections; Wet Salted are iiuotable at Cut.c. Ihe New iork price at .1 .le .riven at lSe. gold, for dry TALLOW. The market is quiet and dull n-il li tt at roll & tendency to lower rates. The nominal oriccs are tilttTc for common lo choice, POULTRY. The market demand at date is g.HMl; our daily receipts are moderately light. i- ii... rr.ii. nt r:iin' as follows: Hens -,.,! If.w.Hi.TH 7 lMJuU 00 V do.; Broilers 4 .rsi(td 5dW doz; Geese, tame, 2 UOytf J .rS) V pair; Ducks, do., 1(J OOittfH w V uoz. Tni-ksva. live. HUttSZv i: v T I LH Meats of choice quality are com lv and prices drip; poor qualities are plenty and cheap. The following ire the wholesale rates: ieel,Rcwrdiii to quality; Calves. 5 ,'37c; Mutton .4??.c; t.ai.ii .f7e: 1 loirs very scarce and high ..r.it nrirr are as follows: on. foot, ,V? He- Ho.ri dressed. lOajtlle; the latter price for choice small ones DMliY PRODUCTS. Receipts of fresh roll itter have been fair for the past week. slightly in excess ol ''IM,rr1""l"1"' prices for all grades are steady and firm- The range of prices are SBJiftt-'V for -'H'd to I choice dairies. The best Point Reyes sells bv the single box at 30e. Eastern is in 1 ; t atool Mini Itll il.-mand at any lirice. ew llgiii DK' n " - " - a., h i: ;.Ki'k.uuu ..i.wd. in more frets IV iui Oinifto the backwardness oiuus acuson and continued cuol weather small fruits and vegetables come in slowly, and are eenerally of inferit.r quality Oranges are more plentiful. U'e t.uute: Orantfes.fii l"(i.K si S M; Limes, 12 5.uil5 tW V M: Sicily I Lf'",!n! li ("lti:t OO if box: Bananas, 2 Wyft,t M V Mi; Pine-apples, 6 00 V dox: tocoaniits, 7 OOif! 00 V BK; Pears, l ,o($f.l00 f Imx; Apples, fi00it4 00 V box. btraw berries a5c35oc f) -t retail. prices are well sustained lr an enuue -the ran-e .l prices YlM r, h V ifornia c-s are in inotlcrate siipp.y and m o-ood deitiHiid, riimtalile at :)i:'le V lz. 1 1 ll K. K N FKL'irs AND VKUK1ABLES. FRAUD BOQTJS PIJLNOS. lie war or tbrm. 8inee the IVcktr Brother.' Piano hu bo- come the leading piano, unscrupulous desl ers, liotli in the Eust and in this city, have swindled the public by sellinir woilhl Idanos with the name of"l)e ker Jc Company, iccker Bros, and Decker te Bros. The genu ine Decker Bros. Piano has the name cact on the iron plate, on the left b ind side of me piano, h follow: UecKer i.ior. pairm. Jiiik-i Ntt. Any piano without thi i"'t a genuine Decker Bros. KOHI.EK. CHASE A CO.. r&i Clay street, San Francisco, are (ieneral Agents for the genuine Decker Bro. l'l anon; also for ttie Kmeisoli l'lano ana ine Mason te II miii I'm Onrans. 1 hey sell none but geuuine pianos warrant all they sell. fiPWhen the atiove notice was inserted two weeks ago there was a mistake. Becker Bros, should hare tieen nrin'ed among ilia list of fraudulent Pianos, as Deckr Bios, is the uatne of the genuine. Xantippe. It srenis that the memory of this woman, like lliat of her renowned husband, is likely to he kept alive lo the end of time. 8he is said to have. po-ecd a very irritalde tem per, and her name ha- become a synonym of "vixen," or "scold." It is more than po.-sihle, however, lh.it the judgment pa.-ed upon her ly mankind has beeu too severe. . A more eliaritablu disposition would undoubtedly have discovered in her many good qualities, and have attributed her tailings more to physical infirmities than to moral obliquity. 1 he party most intimately acquainted with her, and Uu r. fore bcit able to lorin a correct opinion, give her credit for many domestic virtues. It i, .:ow well known that many ol the diseases to which women are siHject have a direct tendency lo tender them irrita ole, pcevi-li, ctosn, moio.-e, un reasonable, so that Ihey chale and tret over all those little ills and annoyances that a person in health would bear with composure. It is fair lo in fer tliat most of the tantrums of Xaittipfie were due to these cau-es alone: and could Socrates, as he returned from the Senate, the Gymnasium, or the Athcncum, have stopped at 1'cstic A. Mortar's Drug Store and carried home a bottle of Dr. l'icrce's r'avorite li e scriptiou, now Mint then, no doubt he might liae evaded many a "curiam lecture, aiiayeu many a "domestic broil," made it mm h pleasantrr for the children, ami more enjoy. able for himself, and rescued his w ile's name oiu the unenviable, world-wide, ami e'enial notoiletv it has attained. IboiisanUs ol omen bless the day on w hich Dr. 1'ierce s avorite 1 rcscriplioii was lirst made known o them. A single liottle olten gies delicate nd sull'erin women more rebel than inoiilhs treatment from their family physician. it all those derailment!' i.t causing backache. laguinir-dowii sensations nervous and gen eral debilily, it is a sovereign remedy. lis soothing and healing properties render it of the utmost Value to ladies suir ring from in ternal fever, congestion, inflammation, or ni dation, and Its strengthening rtlccla lenu correct displacements of internal parts. the result of wrakm-ss of natural supports. It is sold by all druists. S.IVK III-)!! ! Buy from Ileadi-tiartcrs! It, choice Candies aie uiiiitu- where xi it. Ire iclure.l; we sell . Ih.iil any lioui-e on the ci .:1st, ow l to our immense sales. ISrokcu Candies, only els. a Miinul ; Mixed Candies, only 'St els. a pound, Ircsli daily. Call when iu I lie illy undr.ee candle- made on the prem ises. II until i ds i;-it our win k..-hoj daily. Candies sent by express to any part of Ihe State, lownselids Candy r .iclory, it I .lur kel street, l'a!:tce Hot I. S in r'r.iucisco, Cal. CVCKIl CS UK t I KEIl. ir. I'.ONII, of Philadelphia, announces his discovery for the radical cure of CamiT. ,hu'tc: .i I'ui it.' .Vr f ausf'V f KcuiedieS with full direc tions sent anywhere. Pamphlets and particu lars sent Jr,r. Addles nitli stamp. Dr. 1C. 1. lkM, V)'.lorlh Hi o id St., I'luladelprua, t'a. Parties who wish to procure" a cheap. titrable and convenient fence, are reipiesled to read Ihe advurliseineiit ol Wire Fence hi another column, of w lut lt Join. s, ens A Co., it! sS.icl iiuieiilo, are the agents. A iM.EAsl.VT, safe and ftfectual remedy for I.i ikjlit's disease, ttiabetes, gravel, and ad dis. ck.-cs oi ihe niau ier ana ktunevs, is jvk.vii- nev's KxTHii r lJi't ui'. TU .'!- is none to eipiul it. .Sold by ilriii;isls. CriiR riK Souk Tiikoat. Hub the throat itlt Trai'per's Indian lil until red; then bind on flannel until saturated with it, and in the morning it is one. yt i i.i.mi I ii:ki tkis AMI rt:il K LIST MAII.KII r lil-K. IJ i trtliTw ly imjiiI rei'i'ivi pr.Mii;if III !elillll. tf.HMli. A- I .... C. . II., siiliieet t l.irwitriieij per Weils, K;ii approvitl. A''lo -.s I . M 1 I.I.KIC. ipticisli, idr, M , lieai r.u-li .s in I-r iiieiM o. t'al. lit IIK l.ll'S HI SIMiSS OI.I.K4J K. T 'HIS i an ei-e ti nt ( ! f .r l vs sml yiMinic men. ll f.liii- tes td r mrflily m l iliceipiim i. e.ire- fu iy. Y.Miiiji iin-u sliould eti.uiiii' t ii si lei I Ue f,re iitretiil Newneri. r'lir iiif.irin itSmi i-nll si III.-..tll.-r, l r.t sit....r H.,lr.-. K. f. HKALH. b. K. IlliSK'S I'AI.ACK OK AUI, 417 MllMl.llMKia .! SI.. Snn I I.' I rail t A l N..I.I l.y Airer A. AN I'M IT. Mituey Hi il. n Aiblrsi. VI. V l.lVM.I, Kile. li. ". i , . k - (irr ittiv . .iil ft.r I lir..ino t sr;it.i;iie. Jm ' ' - ", rnutii'x Sii.v, tlosion, M. i-fiT l It l!r il si home, lei ins ree. Allre nTs-tBLI M isson A Co., I orllaiiil, Vlsine Kit WKKU.-Ai.KS IS WAX rHI. Articles new. bl'ie sm n.uir. i. m. iivimii.iv. :f I luril street. !. t. 7M'N I H Agents winreil ev-r liere llusiiK-ss In n .rattle and Ili l-t 1'ar tu uUrs ent free. Ail'lrcx .1. win: i ii a cii.,m. Ijni, M.. $250 1)1 S! Til K rtir!! HI-'!!! wtNHKi:ni. rr.i.K-inix itfft- ,041(1 ltlMit III Slillll.1- i.nl-'l IM M Klrai liox. F.mlle-ts miuixeineiit lur llie i iiuureii. m-iii. wilii inn tlircctioiis. In u siliiress, ummi recrijn m r. Ayr ttlt trunted. t. C. A. i.i 1 1 to i i.r. i w.. J silvci, iniw it K, MTTDAT, V.KIHII T'l I'A I.M F.IJ'S KIM i K 1 M il.n. l.y tlie Mei-lmn.i's' liistituie Fair, 1h;.5. .M;iiiiilt:l,iry, llerry St heiween Itli mul Mh. San Frsneim-ii. I Ull: A (Wn KK.T OK TFFTll-I..r;ilIXO OAS 1 iliniiiiiereil mul Hi-rsiiteil ierlfetlv t.ale lur nil. rillmit: leeth at reasonable rale", near llowant. Tliiril Mreet, in;. i io. EOOPIUG-1 1 pu riC KMIIN'. IS lll,l.l: ANY ON' K CAN I'aittt Mil un in cans ami barrels, for nlil Tin I Cools. WarolMHii-e I'lo..r l:n with Asi.IimII. Work dona in anv liart of the Sfaf. S-nil tor eiri-lllars. N . I". I'KUINK. Market St. , S r. SCREW, BOLT AND NUT WORKS, MAVlV.lt TrUhl'S OK MACIIIX F., CAFM'IAliK. PI oW ami everv description of BOl.Tw, , vet Screws ami Tap fonts, l-ig Sx rews, It.ol Kmls, aie.. at the lowest rates. Ilollw ai.il S'laxiita for I'iowa ami Agricultural M u liinery. made a iMciaity. lU' M .M & CO I 1 i ami I ItealeMreiJ. HaiKrsneisi o.al. AN EXTRAORDINARY RAZOR HA. AS BKKN IN VKX 1 Ml 111 I 111. VI l-.f. 'is OWN ..t kmchiml. the eile ami IimIv of Inch ia... thin and flexible aa never t- require grinding, and hardlv ever si tting. It glide, over Ihe lace like a niece ul elvet. making .having n,uile a limiry. It I. creating a great exeiteineiit it. Kurope among the e-m-rts who proiioii. te it Pr.l:i Ml loN. JinliuOalo hamlies. .Uti ivory; l.y mail. cent extra. The trade supplied on l.lierat terms l.y the sole agent lo ,UeL nlt'afc,l,ATii JOSKPII ro.. No. All 1 lav tt.. an Krani iwo Oilliliilltl ltt'Hl lisitnte. I A ROE I i:.XACTIONH. IlKTWKEX OXK AND i i . i. ion-ami III- u.mt doll r." wmtlt of KKAI. tSTATE In Oakland h ls-en 1 ,! ring the i, h ot Mar h. ISIS, l.y KlUKI tlW a KOU P.I.I., f,h itr.sd . -.-. S.'.s lil. Call. I'erM.p. C -lru g ii. iie. or lu . en ttietit. tit tin. r iptdlv growing c ty a d one enjoying .uoerior a it-tal and -d lea tonal a'tvant.-K will di well to cor esind wlih the ah..v part'-a li'i have all la largt; li.ou.l t.f clioire lin rmve.l'aml nn inproved jiroperty lor sle, uu the lni.-t faror .hie term. J. L. COGSWELL. DENIIST, wUtAw He. 93W Hrarnr Sl.. near llii.lt KAN KKAM ISfO. " COCIIUANK & lUCII.MOXlV DENTISTS, !M Market Str pt. Corner tit'K-kMn. flanJfraneliicn. Ttt Green .rook k Pitersca City N uneriei Mail 12 Choice Varietieifor $1, or 5 for 50 cti., vltk S AAci CVreasostTS Tas liUsrs &-tii. Samais.OKe. AArejssJ UBwBiTaa, Sec BoxS37,Patraoa7li .J. 2IOODY et FAUISI1, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 10 Davla atreel, - Wsiei rrclae Eareka Olyrerlne and Crblle Sheep rMp; Sheep Shears: Wool back and Twine constantly un Land at w prlcea. CALVERT'S IAKIIOLIO SHEEP WASH l per ffHllon. 1. W. JACKSON. bn Fran cco. Sole Aiieut fur Califor cis and Nevada C. & P. II. TIH2SLL & CO., IMKOKTKB1 41 M I A! Tl tr (IP BOOTS AND SHOES, ISO. ! SLAV MTItKBCr. Between feausonie nl r.stterr. SAN THASClMXh Manufytnrei-a ..f MrnV. Il.. Youth's. sol Chi. dren'a rlNh 'AI.K III MiTh. Or.tent olii-itrd nr prou.pfir fllleil. All ! and qullti iiiiuIm si Hik lomni market prices. flesse examine the ,kxU U'l prices. AGENTS WANTED. CENTENNIAL MEDALLIONS, S-truclc In tHdiil Altmu IMite pintl in spja'srsuie wear ami color lo MOI.II NII.VFII Oil liOI.U. I rswntiiiis a larsw vsri. ty of l-aut ful llmltnn I Me. I illi. .ps sre Inr.'er ttmn a Silver Trails dol lar, iieiiitt i nu ll, in ili-iineier. liaiuiM.inely iittl tqi unit sen reiu :,i i!.t. 1 nr. Mos t VaI.i ahlk S i d X1KS ASIt MKKICNr.H El Kit tssl'KII. A Cllllllete ..l.tflff II I u .... 1 1...... - ..... .. . f 1 . r . .i nii i-. ii r Ht-iii ill e et -i i lieu M .r.M-r.. cane-!iii'iiitin II, c Hii.i .,1 "lie.ire WmsIi iiiirtoii.' Crtiiil Kiiirxii.e I m.-r n :il I null KxliihiOon. Mt liiorial Hail (Ait l...i rv). ll..rli ulturl IUII. Maui IJill ilint;. ami tti- nrinl reprr Illation f Ilie 'ikm.iik in ine if-riri.il'iii uf 1 iiilvin-Iiileia e I ilenlKlieil tiy I luiiitiiill i, in nilt-n-i,! .y iiiMil ireeipt t ilratl r t-osi tun. e urii.-r I .r f.l. iii. .ir ill hl l.y ripretM l". II. II. ll, H. a receipt of rsiirr rhutgrt. A'i liU' t.ireuiar ali i l rice l.ii am) mie aiil..' aenl iim.ii r ieiit "I an its. I tit in-nM pr..tll. hells at altil. r.iu iiMie iteiito lor eni. i j,r,.c. AiKtif- U. S. MEDALLION CO., 212 Broadway. P. 0. Bos 5270. New V0rk. You should Insure your Lilt in the PACIFIC Mutual Life Insurance Go. OF CALIFORNIA, No. il Second St., Sacramento. ACCUMULATED FUND, NEARLY WIOO.OOO A iii avril Srrurlllrii le.oa Itrtl Hllli lite nliloi'Ml.t fsntle le.Mrtiitenl mm Krriiilly for I'olley -llwlilei rvrt j n Itrre. IJI.AMI STANFOIM. J. ll. ai:i:oi.i, . A. I-. V A I.MAN T. - President. Vice Prmlilc tit. Secrelnry. Iiii..,. rvei y il.-M' ri pi i.in i.f a;.;r..v 1 I.trr. Fv D.m kiai. !l .1, .i i In r- I ..in :n. I 4l;,V in li.ilil or I iii r.-iii y Ml the i ptl. li ut I'm' lii-uu r, Ml r:if-. li sm ..I I, er unit ii a I I'l.in (smis. ll r.-ct-ive. n liilier rsfe of inn-rot on its lnvi'' i-iits tliNii i ii .eivi-'t t-y siiy i.ilu r l.us Ju.ut ili-e i '..in ' !li I; Tftr -olii.t I y . Insure NoW, f"r rhnin:li ) oil may lis ell f.-1 , in I meeU. r licit month ) u may In conic ut. iu,iiriitiie. .u:i rnr.ss & ckawfokd, (.tXtlAL AUKXTS. 215 Sass:me Street, - San Frascisco. WAKELEFS ftnuirrel nnd Cooher i Exterminator ! 'I'HK MO!T ClSVIMFST ? II H'OVMM fA . 1 n-'i. r .r the .leatrm l.oii uf kiuli rtl. S(.l- rm. .1 lr, nr. l s.iopie.i i in. rqurre, tn- i-eel.irs ami iirjiieipal f irmer, la ii.ant tton ol allforma Hsc.mS ll.e premium oi ti.a sta'.e agri cultural aociety. .t. For the thres venrs tia.t Wa k pi.rk's Sot'ianai. on OorH rm l.t t tin I m a io. .tleait Ih. a,.l of a.ltert Ue- mrnii, l.w mi l it inrel mi'i'ea. t lierehy Ih,(ih: ev. r I i'r'ti t re. . iniiHr-ii k m aniiraring, am i fermr lirles uimi t W m iiln t. rl.su.. have not glret. .Ml.sfaef ion ami have, tl an'iie inatsiieea, o ng lo Ih. II -i in i.ir 1 ranee, hr, .iiTht t l t aril, le imn iii.te. ute. On.' rni il kf I I c r il'". will kill a.mu.ia fr..m 6 t i I'. -a ii. ii I th imitation. In .r, lie. iiiirrf.ii.. suit ine tnliti'. ml ha. Is-eii eoiiiineiii rii aainnt tin-trl. II. I'. W.tKCt.aB the Hr.t In , tirei ej.ari r..r a ii, innl irrstn that it t.hl n lisn it. n.miT I reat len th ' I me anil olit neil I a L 'IU r. I'at. in f ,r iA only : hut I lie ;u cvinpo'i nt i creimrei! hr -erret I .ruin ami ha uft urra .Mei eaa- lullv KMilale.,. 1 ii iiu. en is inn. e re h"il'S tia u'"'l t o. iitr 1 Ke- Irr'i Kor..lH.itr, Wakslee's Exterminator is ths Best Poison. tin kot, 11.., rebrusrjr tl, 1h;. n f Woti.tr. Kfj. hnir .M . I hae ued your Patent (iraniilatel H.nerrel Kxtermlnator, ami w.tli i.tie can kil.eil more mi.nrrela tiiati it i i u it cans of lla t.ey'a. I lake ..en.it'-e in recommending it a t ie beat xiuirrel il Min I he ever u d. 1'Kl aU Ho s N ki.l.T. To the Ett Ut ' of th' Unral l'rn: I irnr - ir : I 1. a e .ut tnaile an eipsrlment with nrnsml ihhiu.i. f r kil.lng ..Uirreia. nuttii g .nit a ran earli of ihe f.llowini iMi.a.ns: a can of lltrnri' a can of Strea". ami a ran of the artie.e ralleil Wake- lee'. Kxteriiiuiator. One can of Wakelee'a kll an I inniir aa s.-vi-n of Uarner'a Kini.rrel Po'aun: anil tiianv aa leu ein of .stsn-'a qu.rrel Poiaott. 'I Link in.' the r-iu' t will It.? iniers.ti a your rraiter I ai-uil it f.r l.ielr lieuect. onra er res.iectriiilr, . i. voobwAi:n. II Twar.. April S. 1.S. Anv niTxin miv try ihe ahnre einrrlmenl for them .elves li. (i .1 re iuini . . a can of tin I'oia .ti taut from tit" - am if u tnri r.i ami pu'tmic out at ll. aama time lu u;ff. rent p.ria of His rams n lit . r. WAKHE CO . rrnz1U. InM.nter. Iiriij., 4 lu inn ai. ete. Asent ami Msnsser tiolilen cut t liemiei-l Works. ortice Corner Montgomery sml l'u-li alreela. Sn Fri'ri'f.. GEO. W. CLAEK, Furheilt or aS Pike KTttrsr, HAM llF..TIOVi:i TO 645 MARKET ST.. Tna llsnra ! at 1'al.ie Ilvlel, AX FUANCISCO. ll'IIF.HF. HR NOW OIIKKS in 1 il lb I Hi UK IT and at Retail an eiejitm H'k vt Paper-Hanpjs and Decorations ! AT III.IIK i n i nn IS. Campriaing Iteigua .nual.'e for Parlors, Pining K nnos. Ilall-i. iiaml-r. Oltleea. ete . aie. HIhi'i sautrlnr Mrratcl, Wl.olnn M.llsnd.,,f all eoloi. anS .Kill,.. IIMV SUA Ik ACM uf i-Vi-ry description nianulai IU'eit li urili-r C. Jas. Kins of Wm. & Co. FJAVK TUR OK1.V Ever awardeil on title Continent for Hermetically Sealed rGoods, And ere the only F.rn ry on thi. roiut that employ WHITE LABOR EXCLU3IVELY, anil saiit.m.i.1... am. rr. iiri. . PLASTER MILLS, 215 and 217 Main Street, SAN FRANCJSCO. i'Mlrlned Plaalrr, I. nd I'laater, 9.Y.4M s aS..1 er bbl. VIW.OU per lam. tour Mr. I.neee h. heen for thirteen year, the menu fiuturer of the VVuther.jH.on brand of I'laotert. I.U'AN. tl KH .lt 4k ORLEANS HOTEL, Second St., bet. J and K, Oalr one block from the lienor. K ACHA M KS UK X. R. H ATICHS. Pr).rleler. fUrt-la in tr.-ry rfpft. Ert rmrring tolhf knutt. f A 1.1 fO It I A HIIIK WUKI1M, i-tat.li.tied in XSL KCKFKl7lT & CO., Of all kind". A'ent. for llollowity s rtre r.ittn gui.her. 41 ' jr Hlreei, m. w . t-"send for elrettlar and pr!ie li.C CAN IE TIEATED - WITH SUCCEIS At the home of the patient Without tlie uaeai tin KNIFE OR CAUSTICS and without pain. Addraat Dr. A. H. BROWN. NEW HA VEX. CONS'. Correepoade-ee from phy.lelans els sollct4L CMCER HAVE REEIOVED ! CHAS. I'ioiii 1 2 ninl lift 11 Furniture, Upholstery Goods, Carpets, " RUGS, MATS, Etc.. TO TIIl'IK Hos. 641 and 643 NEXT TO THE PALACE HOTEL, SAN FRANCISCO. Farmers, Take Notice. The Most Important Invention of the Age. THE ENAMELED STEEL PMlritlrd by J. V. (.I.IIMi:. It makes the most durable, safe, and reliable fence In the world against stock of all ages. KO USE fOn ANY ANIMAL. TO THY THE GLIDDEN FENCE V I CAMT GET THROUGH v.; :,:.:: - c The I.I II'KKN PAT1 VMS HAKB WIKE lis hsen versally i-e.eti.m.ti.l II. Wettk oti In try II lolllie fi, the teioiiiiiiei il. you can ri lin n ii -nil )'ur money HI m e , . ft It i.ke "le i,st. tl.att nv other fence. other fence. V i aitle, mules. hi.iI horse. ill not run t.,H,., it. snd lire, will not hurn ll .. u- u . . Is- sale us I ir tl tehee is coiiceriii'ii. . I on m .n .- can ilrsw eiiouuh ill tmuiry t" fem e ll hiti-k. siiI I i.tne iit.n o..Mi t inr. .m.i.i.. I.-.. -" It. t. tf. ai II the ,rets tiooiurseiurrii pnnrriy cent resler ti.Mii that orsnv coi,iti:uii iron irr. n. I i m rm i : I II x-nsf hat cannot be i ip ui'il itli lliuii.n or linger, or i-aii.e. iioru.. .. !",""- ? Ir. in "e.Hcct. ihe I iM.-.l lie. aixt eaiiiiot lie l.rnt. broken, or r.it.l.sil off ami t.ev.T n.-i-.l fei.Ui llirf. In I lis ..nlv c' Vlbsrl. i.m, n . lie. hu l, rentier, illmmovshle. IS. I he only ho . in I, I h. during ,.r..-s of msn.i.s.1 lire. ii. st, e uv " ' ....u I,. i-ii wire rieif 'ifit-e. iiulvei.il .ati.tsc turn, sml has - ...a ..w r..r ii... i.mi.mfs I'i.im lUi.u U'lm. sainjile M-nl free tl charge. Ii) su.ite.sing (Jetieral Ageula ltr I lie I o.tsl. Pacific Farm, Spring Tl.eW.1 i.sltite.1. the h-.t roM.rt:..ne.l. the ,e ... l . ,l'l ll'liwl)lIVii U tl.llV I lir I K H Klli:iiM-KlN.-WA...N.FOU !,KsH riu si rn K l'llrr " . 1 m . It., a !...... U I. ...tl. Tinfnrth irpllntrrr f. Pn jjimui in. nutiut,& w w.i ieitei'Ml Agent f. I' Faelde !. 3 ar.d 5 T EC KT a ax f;ax j?(o. EELLE2 & CO., Agent:, SA HA ill.XTO. BAKER a HAMILTON, . 7 to 19 Front St., 0 to 15 J Street, ACItAMKN'l'O. is n:Nrjsco. THE GENUINE BUFFALO PUTS' 1 IIRESHER. SOI.K Alir.MK nut tor. ru.i i t . r. . r. U.AlivIt A It 1 4 ' I I. T I It A I. iSlfl.tC. MKVIN. all uf wnli It bae li.eti trien auu ! iioitucirt l ! the SKT or their class by all lite (iracticil farmer, on tue coast: Hoi.t.iKowoKt hs WtirKi.Kn Vtnr l!iM.linn Kti. in kriMi ntri tn mix, n.riiii t-i Wool. Ukk, Auks' sikaw litastsa K oiks. ttaaei.. Idurrm. asn Mowiaa, Alt Hucaa'a cmrriTKm. -Us.i'l.i ixu Wixn Mii.i.a, sw kKirkK sikii r 1.K4K llrnnia.. Hrraa I K! M-L t.lll I llatiiKHs. ilAiN.a' imcai.a tik.a It a. i,kr.. Fisit a's I'a I r s I' M .w i k v i ru (in i w ii- , linen, l(: V.KiMvra (dm pt.asTKRs, . i.' lut-aov kii II. .rill) I iiltksll r.aa, ,t ai imh a SKIP KkKPkRS. hKltl'lllll lllti KICK I-lKk, PtTia' Mot mill Pow.ks, K l.ll'sa I mill It s nikk W t Wtikai ll HidiiM, nr.ni Httia" Wa4is. I'hii K'a ( l'i laanna illit 1'Rks.es, Kiul.k III! I , '.. arc. tiunH.tor Cutriinuur. We meet eompet. Hon tiy .etllt ga bmrr article at the .ame !;r low rr ;r.i e. a I'll V - - ' litirtiiK. We have a larue stock if A I rue .km a M .. - - - ww - - Vi are detsriuliieil nut to be at the lowei-t price. l tKHIRI, BI T HIFBTST am w t ea - SK I'H. rlni or -' " "vn BUY THE STANDARD'. JL-n sTri)i:viti;u mahOs Iron Axlo nml Thimble Skein, F.iitM. Tkm AMI llr..0F.ll, TllUKf. 81'ltlNO ami Foi'it SrrtiNO y&sjr G- o 3ar s . AflneMof ltuglea and -rrl'es) In Mm-lt f-e-hend for I'rli:e M.l E. E. AMES. Gen'l Aj't. Sacramento. Cel. KENDALL'S ; Improved Quartz Mill QUARTZ MINING REVOLUTIONIZED miir i tor ! and I'oW KIlU'l. Mil l, et ane A lialf Ihe i '.t if Ihe u.ual at) l m end for Clrra lar and I'rlee IJ.l t STEPHEN KENDALL, l .r. af V. A. llitlMgl. 4S stud 1 4.1 rrfBtenl nan frnurlari. t'mt. 114 nd 118 BEALE ST.. SAW rRNCISC0 P. N. I C. iMi". u I. 100 PHOTOGRAPHS of the leading ACTOUs and AC ll;8SK ent (MM.t paid), on re e.lnt of OO Ot. Addreae W. r. M.IRKI.KV 0 4 Mleog WT . . Y. C1)s4ayit home. Agents wanted. Otitst sad eplS teruislree. TliUB CO.. A-gueU, Mslne. !. f 'LM COLDL ? i1- A WAIlll KlJ 15 f JrJTAH rMCltC0 PLUM & CO., Post Kin-'!, tlw ir Ni:V STOHU, Market Street, BARBED FENCE WIRE. '.- feted hy Hum in i of irsi'tlt:nl fsrmi-n. Un uni I... Il.u'. ttm.uitf . . r r . n ... . . : .. ,. ' be refumle.l. 1. ll Istliu i Iii him l sn.l iml ilnisl Is 4. II can lie ut i.; lor on.-,, ...trier ll.e Inl.or ol H..J it.iiim '"" : v, ... ll ,,. '"7" , , .r. .H l.V uv l6 Von - - ,, '..',, i,,. men run 'u. n i.i in i ? r ,-. i - :.o,ri rum "- ' ',, ",' ,7. Ye ;n,. . . u. I.iil. ii 'mnj '. Z,i. . ll. .... f..,' Ti, ."I" - 1 " ' "' ' ..o,, -7 V, . . 1,1 i,i . :i s " ii ' h. a grrater ie Ihsn all oil.era nut n-tr.-tlier. l"l J tiniiire of llanm.re i,a li u,l in .il I ') ra. .-fW t li mikI IOIIi Wlreela, Knri nitteiilo. and Header Wagons. Iri.i.en n u in- . " t.ti on w neets. Mo V F V .tl, n nny '- ' X HI I T t I IMS i i - n ni'iin. i - . mltfAmV If ' ' 'l , XE-f't WIMbLtUUF. Long llunq Lmch Jmdvuj Practice Pictsl & Target- Camas a I imli tidl with .r.-u- rsrr arty tcet, without pow-itar r parru.sioti. I'rsas l.srisl, h.ir tttit'r. I o bf dealers Hy lulil, rtea , r ' rents, Willi nianelit siiiniunilloo fur laini-t 14 k, tint 4 snU for spurting out of door. ACE NTS WAWTCD. 4, A. ORilUM. ? I. 1 . rv free. re V 'I'lIK MINIS or l,IMMTS, eT . I unrivaled aa a re.ne.ly. No llor.ea.nn .houhl ! without It. 4iiM.il alike for MiKiif Hba.t, for Mpraln." llruinea, Uheumatl.i.., Mud ! ever, Sw tilling", etc. Try It and ou will ne mi other. ' ' HO MICH II.I.IAMS, HflEKMOViai t .l New Montgomery HI,, "he blnek .outli of I'alaee Hotel, San Kranelneo, riMIK OIIKAT C ATM HTtt' AMI HFf 1 V I. ATO !t 1 I'urely Vegetulile for I ne.lB, IndlgeNlh.ii. I im .tiitloti of Ihe lluwei, iiinninmaiioii ot ii.u ninne i,. I ail ihi.oii.i ii of Ihe ver ami houei. II, I I.I.I A 1 A I O., I'l-itprletore, Mil New Moiitgolliei) et., K.tll I' ralielkCii, Parinc Is FArTasY, I '111 a ul 1 Hra.t.iRii M t ban I'KiMUfo, Msrrli'jl, INlfl. M.C IlRVIioK., Kfccj . il ll!utioiiie St, i lirnr Sir Pleane .end to offir nr half dux. t.ottle. Vsiiha III una I1ii i k, I hare tiei'ti itxliig the .nnii e you I ft me ll II I and lielleve ti.eiu to tie tint he.! ni .ration f'ir Ihe pur. ,c...a f.,r hu h tltey . r Intended ih t I l.nve t-vi r found. Titily J I, kSjowi.tov, tn V. rlviit.i1 Lteotie the .It int evrfrecfnl g.-uuen una .li.it iroduee the l.r.it iniat 1 Ir fi.a lb. f UI I1T and A 1. 111 A. potaloea, i'nue iA oaaa, f 1 inr Ih. CENTENNIAL PREMIUMS. SI&A lo a ie.rdrd f ,rthel.l culieeiifin. one ti.rk eh, l nota in. Inlrodured tyaa.im;. IWD. SU'.O f .i ihe leit acd aini enmw iMtae ...dhnr. rfcta.il thi. r.ar from Inalva 1 1 J brletlae- Hiilule .. l .i .kt.t.f .i-i).. Mill. I -.. 1I-. ...... t..m kl.,lt .Ii- U... ta or ti. tie. ' ' f.teti i e einmnen ei the ('.ntenn.nl ft ltil.ilit.il. In I'll. lad.!). lilt, In O. Ulier end i-eimine will t e .w. tiled tr th:r e aimiHee. Vor n.nditiou. n:J full i.rtrul.r rend for tor 1'olaUt j'r-ni.u.n I ' r'ul.r, tii.ilrd fre to all. Illlea'e llluat ratted Heed 4 eHlcrasai1Ams leur e Ouida In lue Mower ami kiti h.t. t.aid.n, eon. tain. di-ei'rip'ire li't of Wit) e.rirti.t ff (..rtlen, Ki.lil and l-'low.r Kii.de, w.tlt eipl.eil direrlion. f fulli.ru, iHOpajr... aaveral nwinirad eneraeingL and a lie.ultlullg t,..l,-d lit itnnnV a.nt i.aati.e id, for SS r.nta. Illlea'a irteiiere Alataaae nd'.4i. rwt .'; i irlH r"i- hfl; lA iaeea, leaull fiiliillu.tri.l. mailed I" U Sfplieanta inrlaemg lUvte. nilaa'elllti.trnlad nlnl H nlagiia eoat.itis adewiSive liet of ell the n.w eer.etiee rerentlr tnt.ro d need, with many other d'.ir. hie aorta Uu ntu.S e.eful iufuruiattu- upon tfc.ir .alunatioo. UU pagee, lueeata. B. K. BLISS at SONS, r.o. niN. sria. f i nrunt, w. v. FULLED RAWHIDE. BKl.TIWIi Wngle and double, of current elses. eon.taiitly on baud, et eo.t prlcea. LAt 1W4J Heavy and light, cut or Id sides, from. Bjg.tMl upward. H. KOVKH. I'stente end sals Manufacturer, Ail Brsunan street, bsa JTrsuvlsco, 1 ID A r w. -J w mm aessi r is P r. ot s. C. . ,1 W.Z 1W.VA. II -7SJ U.'lte-,