THE INDEPENDENT. HILLSIiOKO : : THURSDAY. . We assume no responsibility for Tiews"ei pressed byeorrespondenb. Iiocal 3NToxr5 . President Marsh at the East. Hero is what two Eastern papers say about President Marsh, who, as our readers are awaro, went East last winter in the interest of Pacific University at the (hove: "llev. President Marsh of the Pa cific University, is now in this city, raising funds to meet the present pressing needs of that important in stitution. He has found a few good friends, but he must have more, and any one with meaus who will give him ten minutes to tell his story will feel the force of the claim. We ask for him a kindly hearinj."" X. Y. Observer. Dr. Marsh, a son of Dr. James Marsh a lormer distinguished Presi dent of Vermont University, has done a noble work in Oregon. "With a somewhat worthier endow ment the Pacific University would become one of the most fruitful sources of Christian culture in that State. Co)i(jrt'jalitt)taliit. "We see by the Orryonian that the Doctor sailed from Kan Franeiso for Portland on the JuJut, L. Stcphrna last Saturday, and consequently he will be here on Thursday or Friday of this week. He returns sooner than his friends expected. The Commencement Exernises Of the Pacific University at For estGrovo will begin ou Monday the fith of June, closing on Wednesday the 7th. The various exercises will be interesting' as usual, consist ing of lectures before the Alumni and Literary Societies, and of the graduating class. The graduating class for this year is as follows: Miss Ella Watt, H. Tamira, J. T. Martin, Kin Saito, Agero Xosea. Edward Atkinson completed his course also. but will not be present having start ed East last week. Rev. Ellis, Pastor of the Congregational church at Forest Grove, has asked the church at that place to release him from his engagement, which has been granted. His resignation is to take place the 1st of July next. He does not state the place of his des tination. His church have bean well pleased generally with his ministra tions, and the "outsiders" have espe cially liked him." Mass Electing. The Democratic mass-meeting mot last Saturday and a djourne 1 with out putting out a county ticket. Dr. F. A. Uailey, John llichardson, Fred Strong, who is the Democratic candidate for Prosecuting Attorney in this district, and others, made short speeches which called out im mense applause from the Democracy. Dr. Bailey's speech was especially applauded. Dairy Creek Bridge. Tuesday eommissoner T. Humph reys let the building of the remain der of the Dairy creek bridge to M. S. Dailey of this place for $1,575. Length of bridge, 812 feet; pa1' jiccross the stream to be built on pi ling, 170 feet; width 1( feet. Con tract to be completed by August 31st. Public Speaking. Italeigh Stott and F. R. Strong, candidates for Prosecuting Attorney of the Fourth Judicial District, will address the voters in this county in the following places at the following times: Hillsboro Mav 22 At 8 p. in. Forest Grove May 2.5 At H p. m. Cornelius May 21 At .S p. in. Aram Chanel. .May '2"i At 2 p. in. Middleton May 2G At 2 p. in. Died. Mrs. Logan Johnson died at For est Grove last Sunday morning after a long illness. She died in the hope of a happy fnture, and said she wanted to die. She leaves a hus band to mourn her loss. Her re mains were buried in the cemetery near the Grove on Monday. New Side-Walk The property holder abattinpr, propose to petition the the town board in Forest Grove for a new side-walk from Henry Buxton's resilience to McDonald's comer nd thence east by Joseph Watt'a to the outh-enst corner of block one. The part from Mr. P.uxton'a to McDonald's will be eight feet wide. ."Wappato," of Dilley, sends us a communication for publication but as he does not give us his name of course we cannot publish it. It is strange that men will read news papers for a rife time and not learn this universal rule. Preaching. Rer.G. W, Richardson will preach at Har ris bridge on the second Sabbath at 11 o'clock A. M. and Saturday before at 3 o'clock P. M. in this month. ' Ma ate lia's verses will appear next week. Forest Grove: May, 8, 1876. W. D. Hoxtef has sold his fine span of horses to Mr. Hamilton for $000. This span of horses took the first premium at the State fair last year. We learn that the Democratic mass-meeting at Hillsboro was a fail ure owing the non-arrival of the Clasksnine delegation, which will arrive to-day on the steamer Ajax by way of Glencoe. Some of the Dem ocrats while returning from Hillsbo ro made up a ticket which when re ported here wfts "bifc" at by some of the faithful who shouted, "That's the ticket, you bet' They put Dr. Bailey at the head as Senator, and threo old dyed-in-the-wool Democrats in this place fainted when they heard of it. Fven some of the Kepubs. who are dissatisfied with the "straight'?) nominations, were pleased with it. Politics are badly mixed here this year. If the Democrats had put out a ticket it would have set everything right. Mr. Taylor Kerns boy, on Gales' creek, got a gravel in his ear last week. Every effort to extract the same was unavailing. It is feared that the boy will die on account of it. A number of immigrants are com ing in looking for homes. The equinoctial has "let up." Jerome Porter has gone Fast of tie mountains. Israel White will go Fast of the Mountains to take up a stock ranch. Mr. Vert has bought another tract of land near this place. Fdwnrd Atkinson in company with his mother staited for New England last Wednesday where they ijave many relatives. Mr. Atkinson lias completed his course of study in the University and is I suppose en titled to his diploma. He goes East now to accompany his mother whose health it is hoped will be regained by travel. He sold his lot hero to S. J. Stott for $150. Miss M. Naylor started for W. T. this morning. j Miss Mary Marshal is teaching at the Bethel school house in the north east p trt of county. The donation party and supper given in this place for the benefit of the Methodist minister was a grand success. It netted a little over $81. It was largely attended by the citizens of this town and neighborhood for which they have the thanks cf those i iterested in getting up the supper. Great praise is due to Mrs. Hen ry Huston. Mr. Gould, Mrs. Man ning, Mrs. MeMillen and others who superintended the matter. The supper was all that the most fastidi ous could wish. The music fur nished by Miss Dowlby, Miss Em ma Watt, Flora Smith and others, was superb, and the whole a very pleasant affair. Now, then, let the Hillsboro friends do as much for their pastor. Jack Welch sold four pounded hogs to-day. They did not bring onough to pay the expenses. Some complain here about silver, not wishing to take it at par. The victim paid off in this kind of coin will have to call it being xilecred in stead of ejreenhacWd as formerly. I presume the editor of the Independ ent would like to be silvered, es pecially on old subscriptions. (Cor rect, Toots." Ed. In.) Toots. Dilley: May 8th, 187G. The past two days of warm weath er have started vegetation up some faster. Seeding is still going on. Mr. Alexander and T. G. Flanary finished sowing in April. George Johns is planting more poppy seed on his fruit and vegetable farm. He does some bird and deer stuffing when he obtains good specimens. Omri Parsons lost two cows by drowning in the creek this spring. Rev. F. Elliott will preach at 2 o'clock p. in. at the school house in this placo on Sunday next on the subject of Sunday Schools. Last May we had three blacksmiths two in one shop and one in the other; now A. C. Hall is our only black smith. Our saddler has quit and gone to farming again. We would like to see a shoe-maker start in business here. It. D. Shear had plenty of work while he was here engaged in that business at this plaeo. K. Y. Z. Rev. Pierce And family of Portland were out here on a visit to Sheriff Tozier's house Tuesday. Mrs. Tozier invited in some friends Tuesday evening when music was the principal amusement. Mr. Pierce had quite a bad cold but he made the fiddle squeal. The occasion was quite pleasant. COUNTY COURTS-Arcbbold J. Hiixcoito, May 1st, 187G. IN' LAW Glazier vs. Emrick, suit for money; default. IX PROBATE Estate of J. Whetstone; final acct. allowed. Estate of D. T. Lenox; report of sale confirmed. Estate of 11. A. Farrett; petition to sell real estate granted. Estate of A. McFee; petition for allowance to widow allowed $15 per month. COMMISSIONERS Citation issued to C. Shuck, to cause why his monthly allowance for keeping Isaac Shuck should not be reduced and to give an account of the expenditure of the fund al lowed by the county. Claim of J. A. Flippiu for mile age as assessor; disallowed. Dill of It. Cave for Justice fees in tho case of Stall vs. Hoffman; al lowed . In the matter of interest and notes of J. W. Chambers and Elizabeth Jackson; orders drawn for amount of interest on each note, $300 and $120. ltoad on the petition of Geo. C. Day; continued. Itoad on petition of Enoch Hart ill; viewers and surveyor appointed. ltoad on petition of J. J. Morgan; viewers appointed. ltoad on petition of Ketch and Heisler; viewers mid surveyor ap pointed. Ucad on petiton of B. Scholfield; viewers and surveyor appointed. Application of Frank C'ota for lumber for bridge noar the McPo land place; allowed 2,700 feet. Orders drawn on tho treasury as follows: Co. Court Judge's and Clerk' fee. Co Commissioner fees Election , Inttrtst Jury fees Fu:J Pauper Stationery State eases. Justice court. . . . Koads . . 2a no . .. 2 '.t f Ml 7 r . . 420 Oil 1 on 7 . . mi :jo .. 41 Si ... 1 70 . . . 40 42 !?u77 33 Chas. T. Tozier, Sheriff, inaceouut with Washington County, May 187G. Dr. To amount of Tax Roll 1875 $ 00 New assessment !i 7; $2'J777 7 Contra. l?y am nint paid TreasnrT 210 1 7" " D'vibl y sssmI 177 4' Remitted 72 Vi " " Delinquent 1332 51 $2'J777 7C Forest Grove: May 8th, 1870. News items are very scarce in or about the Grove. The farmers are generally through with their spring seeding. The rains have ceased, the sun shines and all is lovely. Dusiness of all kinds is improving. Our merchants are filling up with, spring styles as well as the more staple articles usually called for at , this time of the j-ear" The roads are greatly improved, and people move more freely than heretofore. The entertainment given by the ladies of the M. E. church was a success an enjoyable treat. Smith & Buxton will begin the work on T. G. Todd's new residence 2 miles west of the Grove, the pres ent week. Mr. Todd is a success ful farmer. This improvement will ho of that stylo which gives tone and and stability to the county. The State Republican ticket gives general satisfaction to Republicans while the Democratic nominees are praised by all of that faith. Indica tions point to a strict party vote for State officers. The ladies have donned their furs and muffs. Mrs. Ruford's millinery and Mrs. Grant's dress making es tablishments appear to be the centre of attraction just now. Hxvl. List of Jurors. Tl e following is the list of jurors drawn for the circuit court for the Ma- term, 187G, in this county; llutte Preeioet J. H. Nelson, M. P. Smith, Thos, Tucker. A. J. Smith. Hillsboro Samuel 'Williams. Josiah Ti tus, Tilden Beauchamp, Calvin Adams, A. II. Garrison, Geo. Eagleton, Thom&a Stew art, farmers; C. D. Wilcox, hostler; It. D. Malone, carpenter, Dairy Creek Joel Shearer, W. B. Wil son, Chaney West; farmers. Cornelia Thou. Emrick, farmer; George De BonL laborer, Centerville Enos Davis, J. T. Jolly, E. E. Fanning, farmers. Forest Grove N. It. Welle. U'. McLeod, farmers; E. Buxton, carpenter. South Tualatin-W,.G. Ward, Chas. Guild, farmers. Cedar Creek Geo. C. Day, J. D. Eow ell, farmers. Wappato W. B. Walker, John Mills, farmers, Beavcrdam Samuel WalterB, farmer. Profanity. We are most emphatically in the age of profanity and it sems tous that we aro on the topmost current. One can not go on the streets anywhere without hav ing his ears offended with tho vilest words, and his reverenoe shocked by the most profane use of sacred names. Nor does it oomo from the old or middle aged alone, for it is a fact alarming as true, that the younger portion of the community are inoat proficient in the uso of de grading language. Roys have an idea it is smart to swear; that it makes them manly; but there never was a greater mistake in the world. Men, even those who swear them selves, are disgusted with profanity in a young man, because they know how, of all bad habits, this clings the most closely, and increases with years. It is the most insidious of habits, growing on so invisibly that almost before one is awaro ho be comes an accomplished curser. Krchawje. These truthful remarks will apply to Hillsboro as well as most of the towns in this State. Judges ot Election. The following is the list of judges of election appointed at the last term of the county court for tho various precincts in this county: IIill.sloro Li. Patterson, P. Steeples, Isaac Butler. Bcaverdim W. It. Everson, W. Bron son, Chris. Smith. Butte W. Robinson, W, W. Graham, It. A. Carpenter. Cedar Creek John Swtek, Isauo Ball, J. D. Howell, Wappato John Sappiugton, Henry JIc Leod, W. C. Johnson, South Tualatin A. Wing. John Fleming. 11. Wagoner. Forest Grove M. E. Dilley, W. Kane, Levi Smith. Dairy Creek W. Wilson, W. Stevens, G. II. Darl and. Centerville John Harrison, Henry Wool ey. George Corey. Cornelius A. Montgomery, A. Jackson, Samuel Lenox. Immigrant. A correspondent writing from Far mington nays, "An English gentle man arrived at this placo ou the 12th of April and and has taken up his abode with James With) combe for the time bting weight ten lbs." BREVITIES. It is reported that Rev. Ellis of thr Grove has an oll'.-r from thn Cong, eh., at Seattle for $1,'20 u year, and a -tiil Letter offer from the same denomination at Port Mers, Milne, Bc-jok-Ii imp and George Led ford have hcen giving their dwellings a new eoat of paint. Tho thermometer went up to SC ' in the shade on Monday, A. Y. Boycehas Wen re novating his fences somewhat. J. J. Morgan raised his Lam last week. It is a frame, htructure, 30x10 ft. Wilcox knock the pcr-Simmons iu - June? is the important piestion Wfore the puLlic uo w. Sunday Leforo last Dr. Atkinson took up a collection of $11 30 in currency for the American Home Missionary Society a lil eral sum, we think, showing that Hillsboro is not dead to the progress of the world. W. D. Hoxtcr has a cow that gives two pails of milk at a milking. Now who can trot out a two-horned annimal that can beat that? W. D. I'ittenger has new potatoes np. A fine Hon arrived at Benton Killin's house lat month. Mrs. Ja.'nl) Hoover of Steilacoom, W. T. has been visiting her husband's relatives iu this county during th past week. Kev. Ellis deliver d an excellent Kcrmon at the Grove last Sabbath ou the subject of the sacrament. Dignified, earnest, and plain to suit the understanding of the ron gregation, it was very appropriate, and, as clearing up the fog and dogma of metaphya ics and creed, it was refreshing to hear in thse day of so much abstract speculation on this subjeet. The Baiter brothers who vero engaged in the saddle and harness business iu this place have taken up a homestead in Scoggin'a val ley where they are now located. Eugene Jackson moved to Independence Polk county yesterday morning. He owns a place up there and. nay Jus is going to give himself and family a ret. He ntill own his farm near this place. Mr. Jackson is good citizen and we are sorry to Joe him. W. D. Pittenger is makirjgit pret ty warm for certain dealers in this place. He undersells them and gets tho cash custom. An old lady in this place who bor rows the Independent discovered a letter turned upside down last week and now she says that the ignorance of these editors is shocking. Not withstanding she i3 the same lady who the other day put her off stock ing on wrong side out, wiped her nose w ith the dish-rag end stuffed a fowl for dinner with her night-cap, and who last winter was discovered out back of town trying to get a perpindicular view of the rainbow without her spectacles on. Take Stoughton's hack from the station to the Grove. He runs the regular line. He is careful and gentlemanly and the man for the Gro- I vians to patronize. "How fle Fooled Her", Cjupteb I It was NewYear,s morning. He had been thinking deeply for a day or two, and there was a Spartan look on his face as he sat down to break fast. He was unusually quiet though he said he never felt better in his life. ClIAPrEH II Rising from the table he drew forth his tobacco-box and said to his wife: "Hannah I'm going to quit the weed." "No!" Yes I am. I havo been a slave to this digusting habit for forty years; but now I'm done with it! Come here Hannah." She followed him to the door, and he flung tho box far into the back yard. CUAITEH III. Four days had passed. Dried pumpkin, cloves, spices, gum, and dried beef had been chewed instead of the accustomed quid. The fami ly cat had been kicked out of doors; the dog had tied; the hired girl's nose was turned up; every peddler iu town euiito to the door, 15ut you will stick to your reso lution, won't you?" asked his wife. "I will or die!" he replied. C'haptkh IV. 'Twas dark. A man sneaked around the house on his knees on tho grass pawed around lingers clutched an object lid flew open moved his right hand to bis mouth - "Yum! Yum! But what a fool I was!" Moral. Don't quit chewing. Dot-ton I'ost. Silence that Terrible Enemy of Life, a Lad cough with Hai.ksIIonkv ok Hokkiiocnd and Tau otherwise the cough may soon silcncu you. Pike's Toothache Drops cure iu one min ute. Agents for the Washington Independent The follow ing persons are duly authorized t act as ,-igeiits for the Wabhington IvuE Beaverton 11. B. Wilmot Cornelius J. K. Spncer,V. II. Parker Cedar Mill J. A, Young Dilley Geo, Kintield. Forest drove , I. Meyer . i Marstoii, Oliton-Dr. J. W. Hainea Greenville J. F. Pitroe, J Fin. Barret. (Jleiieoo J. J. Fowler Mountain Dale D. O.yuick Seholl' Ferry J. D. Bowell Tualatin M. llichardson West I'nion S. A. Holcomb Other erson desiring to act as Agent will please send in their names. Home Produce Market- Wheat. r bushel K Oats bushel 50 Flour, f '""ircl 5 O0 Potatoes, f l",s" l ",0 Egtfs. fresh 7' doz. !." Butter, good fresh roll In . '.VH.a'M't Bacon, tiiib s Jb 1'K" 15 Hay per ton 15 A pplcH per bushel 'i Beef per lb. "I&IO N i: W A 1 ) V 1 : 1 IT1SKM KNTS. ill II Mi MJ, S.HUGHES, FOREST OKOVE, 0GN, C1IA Ml'lOX MOUSE, CES'TEIl DHAl'i! IIT. t'OLU.ys VASJ STEEL. t,i a a ntExciTv no '.. BAIXit 1W1FW W'A'iOXS; UEAPE11S, MOWEHSA Til itKUEllS; PACIFIC FAX MILLS; HAUVLSTIXG UOOUSOF ALL KIXVS. KIIF.LF L HEAVY II ABDWAIIE; FABMEB S & .IKCHAXICVS TOOLS; A FULL AND COMPI.KTK STOCK OF 1 1 a 1 1 n i :ss k s a I ) I) l i : 1 1 v ; DOOBS. SASH. MOULDINGS; PAINTS. OILS. BBUSHES, VABNIS1I; WINDOW GLASS; PUTTY. LIME, FLASTKtt. WHITING, and CEMENT; ALL at tc LOWEST MARKET RATES. m-'Kitf Administrator. IVof ice. lOTICF. IS HEBEUY GIVEN THAT l the undersigned has tiled his final ac count as administrator de boni.1 non of the estate of Jacob Whetstone, deceased, in the County Court of the Stab of Oregon for Washington County, and that Wednesday after the first Monday in June, A. D., lf7', at 10 o'clock a. m.". has leen s t by said Court fr the examination thereof. apr20w4 THOS. H. TONGFE. Brldso "DiTo-tloo. mjOTICE IS "EUEBY GIVEN THAT on the lth day of May, A. D.. lHl(, at th hour of I o'clock, p. m. of said day, I will, at th Court House door in Hillsltoro, Washington counfy, Oregon, let to the low est bidder at public outcry, the building of the remainder of the bridge across Dairy ('reek in said county where said creek is c rossed by the Base Line road. The Bridge will be trestle work, and will be PS feet in width. Tho whole length of the bridge, in eluding aprons, will le about 710 feet. The hiht, except across the main channel of the creek' will le from 10 to 1 feet Across the main channel, l(i to 30 feet in bight. Plana and eeitieation! can be seoi at my office in Hillsboro, on and after Mon day the 24th inst. THOS. D. HUMPHIiEYS, Supt. Hillsboro, April 17, 176. npr20w4 Notice. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the W. C. A. Society will be held at the Court House, at Hil'sboro, on Saturday the oth day of May, 1876, at 1 o'look r. M, for the election of nine Directors and for., auch other business aa may proierly come before the meeting. hw order of the Boaerd. W. D. PITTENGER, Secy. raar9tu2 3Ft. L. 23ailoy'o NEW DRUG STORE, MAIN XTltEET, HILLS DO UO, Keeps constant! yon hand V1A7.V. OILS, GLASS. DHVGS MEDIC IX ES and CHEMICALS . . . A LaKCJC ASSORTMENT ok. , . FatontlVCccilolxics TOILET ARTICLE SOAPS, SPOXGES, PEUVUMEHY tfc. t(c. Ac. Also a well selected stock of CICJAUS una TOIIACCOS. Ture WINES and LIQUORS, for iledicinal purposes only. Glass cut to any slza desired. Prvxcrlptiotis awfully compounded and all mrd'w'iHca icurruntrd jenuine Q V ST03I I? US Y J S 1 1 1 XQ A X V thing in my line will find any and all urti ch s usually found in first class Drug Stores, and for nal LOW for caxh. A. HINMAN Has tho largest stock of good in the Grove, Consisting of DRY GOOJJS, CLO'llllXG, UA1S, FA XV Y A It'l'lCLES, f. Family Groceries and Provisions, JIAlll) W'AUE, CEOCKEJIV ?., de. rillCFS LOW a the LOWEST A, 1 1 1: X 31 AN'. Forest Grov Or. Nov. 7, 167J 4.Jny ;1 Kahn & Freidenrich, f lave Jnt rerifl!i laree ami M. M. elcgitnt stock of th Very latest styles o jjaajes j'ress t nous, nm w, ruoes, Hosiery e c. Also a tine lot of clothing and every thing c-lso to complete a gent's attire. Gro ceries Crockery, Hardware, Notions, Tobac co and Cigars, and many more ictars too nu merousto mention. Friers .osuit evervlxMly, KAHN ,fc FllEIDENBICH, Hillsboro YOUNG LIEN Who may lx be suffering from the -fleet of youthful follies or indiscretion, will do U .w to avail themselves of this, the great est bonu ever laid at the altar of sull'i ling humanity. Hit. SPIXNKY will guaran tee to forfeit $500 for every case of semi nal weakness, or private disease of any kind or character whioh he unJej takes and fails to cure. He would, therefore say to the unfortunate sufiercr who may raed this notice, that you are treading up on dangerous ground when you longer delay in seeking the proper remedy for your complaint. You may be in the first fir-t stage; remember you are approach ing to last. If you at e lrilci ing upon the lat. and are sutfi-iing some or all of its ill fleets, remember that if you piesist in procrastination, the time must come w hen the most skillful physjejau can render you no assisbiuce; when th doof of hope will be closed against you; when no angel of mercy can bring you relief. In no case has the Doctor failed of suaccss. Then b t not despair work upon your imagina tion, but avail your imagination, but avail yourself of the beneficial results of his treatment la-fore 3-ourcase is leyond tho reach of medical kill, or before grim death hurries you to a prematura grave. Full course of treatment f i.l.OO. Send njonev by Post Oflice order or Kxprr.n with full description of case. Call, or Address. Dr A- B- SPINNEY. No. 11 Kearney Street, San Francisco. SHERMAN & HYDE, MUSIC D-ZALERS. Cor. KEACNY and SITTTEU Streets., Has Fjuxosto, Agents icr the Pacific Coast JUST OPENED! T A. U JOHNSON'S ITRXlTrilF IIO0M, the best stock of furniture ever offered to the jeopleof Washington count y, Consisting of ls-dsteads, chairs, stands and tabic enunsioti and drop leaf, bureaus, center tables plain and marblo top, safes; wall brackets in bhu-k walnut, (vry ''), mirrors, pictures, frames and mouldings; also wall paper, window curtains, shades and fixtures; also carpets, tapestry, nil cloth, matting, ruggs, t-e., tTe.- Also Baby carriages, (ao'K-f-jxr Z'). Baseballs and Batts, Croquet sets and fancy articles. X. 15. Particular attention given to up holstering. B pairing, gilding and varnish ing done to onb-r Call and see for your selves. Sales Boom on Pine-st. Bet. Klin and Walnut. A. L. JOHNSON, Forest Grove, July 20. '75. Proprietor jlyi'J-tf THE TIN STORE. j. iikllkh. I'Hopiinrroii 77-V VAEE. 11 AliU WAllE, LOOK STOVES. VAULOIl STOVES, OFFICE STOVES Tin Ware and Stovt I'ijx-s constantly on hand or made to order. Filling and re airig donf, IV'ikr Pi laid, tlr., etc, J. HELLER, Hillsboro, Oregon. tnarlmnj END 23 toO. P. BowelU Co.j New YoTk 7 for Pamphlet of 100 pages, containing lists of 3'KK) newspaper, and estimates bow. ing co&t of advtitisiuj. AFTER A QUAKTEIt OF A CENTURY THE DR. J. C YOUNG MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE still offers to tho afllictcd ubuoluto euro iu all cases of SEMINAL WEAKNESS. The preservation of health and life, la de pendent upon tho proper condition of the procreative functions and any weakness or can so of weakness of tho generative organ or their uses is a direct attack upon tha general health aa well as a sure destruction if not properly cured of tlie organs that are the pride of one sex and the blessing of the other, Is Youth is laid lint foundation of much of the misery of after years by the illdlllgonce of the SIOUT I'KSTIU.TTIVK or iuuitm vtukiixf life a enrm' und Hjueading wcuLncM and ruin immiig Mankind, for it is a well known fart that lUf Indulgent' in military vlre, even in the slightest degres, ylant wd.l of ireaL-mitH in the. piistnn that rote to a harvest disease, Hui ruie and uham in after ynr. Young Man f you experience uny weakness ymi should not delay, for a day may iniperiTyonr health if r.ot your life. In all forms of Wcaknes uud Premature Decay a Cure is (Suaranteed by the Doctor to the Young, Middle-aged or Old, w ithout Exposuro or I limb ranee from Business, The Ilemedies are purely vege table and of a nature that haves no taint behind. Oi.stuvic the symptom and hasten to cheek the course of the complaint, if you eierienee any of them -tilihti ilixeli,trtien, tH'hl dim-hit fit at ftln r timin, tri inUtiinj, anje My, forgrlfidlm-, 1:011 f 11,,,,, Jiniii iii hack, limit or hotli, fon h,,ilii,,s, iitdifntion, tlmiili ty, an rnion to fy, lnsn of ,n.rr, void ol control, varhihle li'ii)i, r,attni I. ,,f ;, okiii to hiliousufsH, tl jmnil.i in nriiit , in; iiil, if horn ets, etc., TERRIBLE POISIONS. Among the iiMmt subtle and virulent of Itoisona iu the human blood is that arising roni Vcneral Taint often breaking out, a(. ter years of aj-pim nt cure, in hideous sores upon various parts of the body. Its gleat danger lies in the fact that, it is given to' tlm innocent partner or to li unborn child without showing in tho pet son originally contracting it. THE USE OF MERCURY only aidsin this tcrril'Jc deception by dry. ing it upon the surfaeo and dii ving it back into the blood, A1.1. Vknkkkak J'okjon is a nnoon rosios and can- uk roMNr.virATKn in tub ni-oon and the only cei-'uinfy of pi even tion of transmission i'iu (hi, positive cure of the reform treatment practiced id the Dr. J. C. Young Medical Institute, eoinpn hen sive, sci niilie and thorough, having re reived endorsements us Hie best of all mod. ern practice. Beemt cases cured in a few days and t-hronin cases with reinarkablo rapidity. nr lots if the vx(,.c ,,f tha Taild ill til'! hlfod live .( '( ffliliirl, TO FEMALES. There ari lio class if eotuplnfuN that so enlist tlie sympathies of the im-dica! mind or so command its gravest thought and study ns thos.) i.tlli. t women. Tin Doctor fb r years of patient h' vcstlgatioii and treatment enable ,J to n , sum them rapid and tlioioU-h cures in all tin, eoni plailits Incident to the se. Tun V KA K CAM Hol-K loll HTIiKXUTlI .4 uj.; sri i Ki.JN. pnu KKI.I KK AM CT HK, Tho.c who roju'ro pej-s,Ki-,l Hipcrvisfiin the Doctor can fiiiui li v itli npj ailments with careful and skiljful . ,, i(. i4j,-(.. inittcd attention and mn -t,itit can- givo t v ery assurance of rapid and p rmam lit cures The Institute Is supplied uith a t LY1NQ-IN I'liPARTMfcNT. where piti.ntS Will e.!e4iaie tl.atJJK.J4t uo csseijf jtil in such cast s. CI'RED AT HOME. Cnrresumtli uc". The great ditliculty many sick find i the trouble of visiting th-) city, often incurring an eipense far exceeding tl e cost of treatment. This expense can bo avoided by writing loth,. I to, (tor, giving in your own way, the symptoms of your troubles or complaint, 'Cures guaranteed the same us by personal visit. All commin.ii i.tioiis sfricily confi.ji ulial, ull let ters eillur returned or d slloyee). I V The J ),!, i;t 1 1,t re!;', , n,on In all cam rti't'iiiui CoM-nKrj-: ami, He fhiMC cnhtlil, uce ht hiiii, nil ymt ,e ho sil't f or are in Hfct. lie trill .entity relieve anil citcwm. 'ddresM benj. f. josselyn. m. d. II S.i- .iiin ii to Street Pox 7;J."2 dec.'lyl San lYanrisco Cal lODinr PV POTASS. The best P.auti!'u r.f the Complexion now use. Cures Pimphs, Poll. JUoUlies. in Rheumatism und Mercurial Pains. Hold by all Druguists. I'se Low's Concentrated Flavoring Ex tract U V Ice Cjeaill, Cakes, c, MASONIC SAVINGS AND LOAN BANK, No. ! POST STFKT, Masoni- Tyxvi.r., - - San 1'i;n-!sco Itccclve 'I cti:i 11:1 1 Oidinaty Dji". f'V" Term Deposit 4, Not I.ess than Six Months. Ordinary Deposits can be drawn at slmit notice, Last Dividend: Term Denoits, II' J jer cent, Ordin.11yDcj101.it4; 7' i per cent. Cer lificati a of Deposit 1 ,u d, Payable in New York and Pitucipid Cities in the I'liitf vf St ttes and Catmdas, also; London, I'kli and all the principal Cities of i'.uiopc, II. T. OliAKS. Sec, V. II, C l.VKIl Pres. ii 1 C JSCS 1 BARNES' tCROLL tftW. FOOT OH STEAM POWER. Warranted to Cut 3 Incli Stuff I Foot por Minuto. ten tor Circular. PRICE, S30 OO. OS30RN tX ALEXANDER, 621 MARKET STREET, cpp. PALACE H0TCL- fMin Krurlro Th3 Croat Mechanics' Tool Ctcru cf tho pacific coast. 7 MS "