Washington independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 1874-18??, April 06, 1876, Image 4

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The lion. A. II. Stephens is slowly
Harriet IIosmek, the sculptress, is
forty-four and unmarried.
The Queen has given the Royal Alfred
Asvlum for Aget Seamen $500.
The subscriptions toward the statue of
Lamartinc have reached over $ b,uuu.
Father Mathew, the temperance
apostle, is to have a statue in St. Louis.
Frederick Dokhass was lately re
fused accommodation in an Indianapolis
Carl Schurz is announced to deliver
the Fourth of Julv oration at Council
Bluff, Iowa.
Mil. Beech er
quarters at the
has eu:irt'd his usual
Twin Mountain House
for next summer.
Mus. Amelia Lewis
is Iectunnsr in
England on Food Reform
ijueation in general.
and the tood
Rev. Dr. Horace Busnx ell of Hart
ford, Conn., died in that city on the 17th
of February aged 73 years
Prof. E. E. White of Columbus,
Ohio, has been elected President of Par-
due University in Indiana.
" Lord Lyttox, the new Governor Gen
eral of India, has gone to Naples, whence
he will embark lor Calcutta.
Oeskral Butler's son Paul, a gradu
ate of Harvard, is one of the prominent
beaux ot Washington this winter.
C'haxo, the Chinese iant, has been re
reived into the Baptist Church at Shang
hai. His height is 7 teet 8 inches
The Boston Traveller says it would be
Blaine and Bnstovv or Bnstow and Blaine
if the choice were left to Massachusetts
Mrs. Baucocr fainted on receiving the
of her husband's acquittal. Her
health has for some
time past been vj-iy
Gamuetta, in his speech at Lyons,
promised that the Republican Deputies
would treat President MacMahon above
all party attacks.
The contest between Uretton and Over
holtz for the Mayoralty of St. Louis has
been decided by the Supreme Court in
favor of the latter.
Belle Boyd, the Union spy, is living a
retired and quiet life in St. Louis. She
has married since the war and is the
mother of a family.
Dr. Holland's novel of "Sevcnoaks"
luis reached its twenty-fifth thousand.
Its .dramatization by Dr. Holland and
Miss Gilder has been completed.
Louis J. Jennings, late editor of he
New York Times, has sold out his inter
est of nine shares for $100,000, the pur
chaser being George Jones, publisher.
A Wendell Phillips Club has been
formed in Boston, the object of the or
ganization being moral, intellectual, and
political advancement, and social inter
course. Captain Willard Glazier proposes
to rule trom Boston to San rraucisco on
horseback, lecturing as he goes. He will
start on the 1st of 'May, and expects that
the trip will last six months.
The Nation sees no way out of the
Plymouth trouble but by a resort to the
ordeal of tire and water. Mr. Shearman
will furnish the water, of course; and
perhaps old Harry will take a contract for
the tire.
The late Reverdy Johnson leaves twelve
children, about fifty grandchildren, and
several great-grandchildren, nearly all of
whom were present at the anniversary of
his golden wedding on November
U',, 1809.
Levi P. I.cvkey has resigned as Private
Secretary to the President, as the latter
desired to continue his son, Ulysses, in
his office. Mr. Luckey has accepted a
responsible position iu the Interior De
partment. The pen with which President Grant
signed the Centennial bill was made from
the quill of an American eagle shot in the
vicinity of Mount Hope, Oregon. The
pen anil the eagle will be exhibited at the
A Berlin letter says: '-A colossal
statue of Bismarck will be sent to the
Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia.
A copy is to be erected at Kissengen, on
the spot where Cullman attempted the
Chancellor's life."
It is stated that Don Carlos owes five
million francs in England. He has in
herited forty million francs from the Duke
of Medina. His friends state that he
goes to England in order to personally
come to terms with his creditors. He
Will then reside in Hungary.
J kxkr vl Clstar is in favor of Gen
eral Sherman for President. "He is a
trump," he exclaims, "any way you take
him. Very intelligent views of men and
ailairs, and unquestionably a great Gen
eral. He would run like a steer."
The building once occupied as a law
office by Andrew Jackson at Salisbury,
N. C, is still standing. A Virginia gen
tleman'has purchased it recently, and he
will have it repaired and removed to the
Centennial grounds at Philadelphia.
Bryant's Excuse. William Cullen
Bryant could not go to a Williams Col
lege dinner, so ho poetically wrote: "Old
age shrinks from cold as from a reminder
of the graveyard, and loves warm corners
and nestles in snug nooks out of the
Washington's Bible, a fine copy of
Bishop Wilson's edition, 1785. in three
volumes, with autograph of Washington
on the title page of volume first, is ex
posed for sale in a bookseller's window
in Philadelphia, and may be bought for
The marriage of Professor Tyndall to
Mis Louisa Claude Hamilton took place
recently at Westminster Abbey. The
ceremony was performed by Dean Stan
ley. Thomas Carlyle, Professor Huxley,
Dr. Hooker, and Sir F. Pollock were
Dr. Haykord, of Laramie, who drew
up the woman sutFrage law for the Wy
oming Legislature, says there are not
twenty-five people in the Territory who
would now vote for its repeal. Fights at
thepolls,street brawls and bar-room rows
never occur.
Philip PiiiLMPs'the Singing Pilgrim,"
who is making an evangelistic tour of
the world, opened a series of services of
song in Calcutta, Dec. 1. He is attracting
large audiences. He has been in Aus
tralia and New Zealand, having started
from San Francisco, and is now ou his
way to New York.
Victor Hugo expressed his admiration
for Lamartine by subscribing $G0 toward
a statue to him, and accompanied the
subscription with the following note:
"France saw in 1820 a great poet appear,
and in 1818 a citizen. This poet, this
citizen, this great man was Lamartine.
I subscribe for his statue."
Noah "Webster.
letter to young men.
I wish every young man in the land
would read carefully the "Memoir of the
tVuthor pre faxed to Y ebater s L nabndged
Dictionary. Do the young men do any
of us ever stop to think what a wonder-
lul mau ISoah Webster was, and how
much good he accomplished, not only
for his own country, but for all who speak
and w ute the English language? Twenty
years did he give for the accomplishment
of this great work, which required the
most constant ami persevering effort.
He turned untoward circumstances and
disappointments to account; for he lived
in a time unprecedented lor hardness,
and unpromising as far as literary work
was concerned, only to those who pos
sessed the calmest determination and
most unflinching energy. He was im
pressed into the service of the American
revolution in the midst of his collecre
course at Yale, but he graduated at the
age of twenty, 1778. He had not the
means to pursue the study of law, his
chosen profession. His portion from his
father, received at this time, was eight
dollars Continental currency,worth about
four in silver. The country was in a de
plorable state for business of any kind
most especially for the pursuit he had,
chosen. He taught a school in Westford,
Conn., and at the same time pursued the
study of the law without an instructor,
and in two years was admitted to the
practice. In 1872 he taught a classical
school in Goshen, New York, and now
his habit of finding something to do, if
not in the field of his choice, is seen; tor
he commenced a compilation of school
books, the first of the kind published in
the United States. The profits of his
Spelling Book, "at a premium for copy
right ot less than a cent a copy," sup
ported hi family during the twenty years
he was compiling his American Diction
ary. The unsettled state of the times
and country at that period often made
his pen necessary, which was always
wielded for the right, a peace sword for
the nation. He wrote promptly and vig
orously; neglected no domestic duties;
.nd those ot town, county, state and
country, all received a good share ot his
time and labor. No lesser duty was
omitted at plea of a greater. He was as
faithful in the least as the greatest, and
time only adds to his usefulness and
merit; for the centuries multiply his stu
dents and his means of doinj: good. Do
not be appalled, young men, at the mag
uitude of a great undertaking. The pyra
mids stand as monuments of physical
power and mechanism, one of the seven
wonders of the world, but that is all; no
mental or moral good results therefrom;
Dut .Noah ebster has enlarged the bounds
of science in all directions, and while
the world stands this pebble he has
thrown into tho wave will multiply and
widen its circles to the utmost limit of
time. Study the lesson of his life, young
men, and commit yours to great endeav
ors. F. in the Interior.
Badly Frightened. Nearly a cen
tury ago, when daring robbers were as
plentiful in the badly lighted streets of
London and Paris as "sneak thieves" are
in our own brilliantly lighted thorough
fares at the present time, a gentleman
was suddenly stopped, one night, while
passing over Point Neuf, Paris, with a
lantern, by a rough looking man, who
said, presenting a paper, "Read this."
Somewhat startled, the owner of the lan
tern glanced at the dirty scrawl presented
to his notice, and read the following: "If
you speak one word, I shall stab you.
Give me all your valuables, and then run
for your life." Not being a man of much
pluck, the affrighted gentleman gave up
his watch and money, and ran off. He
soon gave the alarm, however, and the
highwayman, taken by surprise, was im
mediately arrested. When accused of
the crime of robbery, he pleaded not
guilty, and presented a plausible defence.
Said he, "I can neither read nor write.
I picked up the pajer just at the moment
I met this gentleman with the lantern.
Thinking it might be of some value, I
politely asked him to read it for me. lie
complied with my request, and presently
handed me his watch and purse, and then
ran off. I supposed the paper to be of
great value to him, and that he thus lib
erally rewarded me for .finding it. He
gave me no time to return thanks, which,
out of politeness, I was ready to jHjrform."
The gentleman, being a little more cred
ulous than victims of the present day,
accepted the plea and withdrew the com
plaint. England Aroused. The London cor
respondent of the Toronto Globe says,
under the title of "Edward the Seventh,"
a booklet was published yesterday by
the authors of "The Coming K ,"
"Don Juan," and "The Siliad." At every
low class bookshop iu London, and in all
the principal streets, by itinerant vendors,
this shilling's worth is on sale.
John Poole, in one of his best plays,
"Dot," adapted from Dickens' "Cricket
on the Hearth," says, in the character of
the poor old toy-maker, "It's as near na
ture as we can come for sixpence," when
he puts spots of black paint on a white
This brochure is as near treason as the
authors dare come for a shilling. It is a
vulgar attack on the Queen and other
members of the royal family. There is
no disguise in the illustrations, and in the
letter-press such "concealments" as Prifice
Guelpho, Guelphington Palace, Klepto,
Pitz Kam, Kamdux, and so on, for the
Prince of Wales, Kensington Palace, Lord
Derby, Mr. Fitz George, the Duke of
Cambridge, require no great skill to de
cipher. As Richelieu says, "These schemes
are glass, the very sun shines through
them." But the treasonable shilling's
worth has, in forty-eight hours, sold 120,
000 copies.
John B was on trial for felonious
assault with intent to kill. It was in
evidence that the prisoner had struck the
injured man on the head with an iron
bar, and so fractured the skull that a
portion of the brain actually escaped;
yet the man recovered. The only hope
of saving the prisoner from conviction
was to weaken the evidence of Dr. S ,
who attended the wounded man, by
making him contradict himself. This
was undertaken by D , who waa more
remarkable for his impertinence to wit
nesses than for legal ability.
"Now, doctor," said D , "did I un
derstand you to say in your direct testi
mony that Watt's skull was so badly
fractured that the brains actually es
caped from the wound f"
"That was my evidence."
"And do you pretend to say that a mai
could lose a portion of his brains and
still liver'
"Oh, yes," replied the doctor. "I
have known men to live and practice law
without any brains at all."
Street beggars in Par Li earn $2 a day.
The weather for the past week has been
exceedingly variable, heavy storms of enow
and rain have visited the coast, rendering
out-door business impossible, and confining
the trade of both city and country within very
narrow limits. While this is considered a
present disadvantage, the great benefits de
rived are of puch great geueral character to
the whole country in all respects, that we
can well afford the present inconvenience.
We are led to these it-marks by the reports
daily received from all portions of ttie coun
try of cheering crop prospects for the coming
summer; nor are these promises confined to
the crops alone, but are extended equally to
alt mining enterprises, both gold and nilver,
it being generally predicted that all our
native products this year will be largel in
excess of that of any former year.
Dealers in onr native wines report an in
creased and growing demand throughout
the Eastern cities for California wines, thus
showing that our pure article, home made,
Is beginning to be appreciated; the result
is that we shall soon find a market for all our
vine products at profitable rates, and displace
in a great measure the uuulterated foreign
wares. The silver question still remains an
unsolved problem; the present rate of dis
count being 4(l per cent, on half and trade
dollars. We have no improvement to note in
charters. Tonnage is plentiful forall present
requirements and rates are nominally JL''2(S, t'i
5s for wood and iron ships rcsectivcly,
with about 2,000 tons disengaged, and with
a large fleet enroute to this coast there is little
prospect of an improvement.
Advices from Europe give some prospect oi
an advance soon in the price of wheat, al
though rates are the same, as quoted iu our
last issue. The market here is dull and de
pressed, with few transactions worthy of
record, aud offerings very light, choice par
cels ouly being in request for millers' use at
the extreme of our quotations. flour
is firm, with a continued fair demand
for exjiort as well as for home con
sumption. Barley continues steady and un
changed in price, w ith light demand forexMrt
East by rail, as well as for home consumption.
Oats are in f.iir demand, at full rates, with
continued free receipts from Oregon, by sea.
Kye is in light stock the demand is active
and fair prices are obtained. Buckw heat Is
scarce and hiirh the demand being greater
than tiie supply. Corn is in light demand
at reduced rates. Beans are in large stoc k,
and prices rule low, w ith a fair export demand
Potatoes are in active demand at advanced
prices, the recnipts being short of the de
maud; choice are quite scarce and high, while
inferior qualities are plentv, making a wide
margin iu prices. The fall clip of wool has
been cleaned up; a few lots of the spring
clip have been received from the Southern
counties; low rates are predicted for the
season, owing to the bad w eather. Receipts
of fresh roll butter have been quite light, say
about eoual to daily consumption; prices
have undergone no change. New California
cheese is iu fair receipt and prices case off.
WHEAT. Offerings are light and the
market very quiet at unchanged prices
for all erades. Present quotations are
as follows: Fair to choice export grades,
$1 fc0(gH S79; choice lots for milling range
from 1 Wiafl " The latest Liverpool quo
tatious are tor average, Ds lUdlus; Club, 10s
2d (S 10a d-
FLO UK. There continues a moderately ac
tive demand for export and an active de
mand for home consumption, with fair trans
actions for export within the past week;
prices for the finest grades continue
firm and unchanged. Common brands are
steady at rates long current. We quote coun
try brands of superfine as selling within the
range of $4 ii f 75; standard brands
H i.Mfo iw; extra supcrnne,
Extra family is jobbing at Iti 00-.j?t' 25, the
latter an extreme price.
BAHLEY. The demand for export is very
light: the home demand continues active
prices are without change, though ruling
low for all descriptions. C'oaot feed is now-
quotable within the range of 1 1 'Mui$l '
Bay Brewing is held at tl 27C4l &i Ciiav
alier, fair to choice, fl 'i"tr,:ll 4U V ecutal.
OATS. Receipts from all quarters- con
tinue large. Feed is in light demand at tZ 10
$2 20. Choice qualities for milling pur-tosc
are ouotable at ! Mdt'-i " ler cental
KYE. Receipts are very light with a good
demand. The range of prices for the week
have been tl t0l 1 the latter an ex
treme rate for extra choice.
CORN. The present range In prices shows
a wide margin, which is owing to variations m
qualities. The market is well supplied. Sales
are made within the range of l lc4l 25
for good to choice iii order
BRAN and MIDDLINGS. The mill prices
arc now fl 50 for bran, and 27 50 V ton
for middlings. The demand is good.
HAY. Choice wheat is in good demand
now eelling at (17 OOtfflH 5 per ton. The
range of prices for all other kinds is from
14 OO per ton upwards.
STRAW. A good article is salable at G0
oTc V bale.
CEMENT. Eastern Kosendale is quotable
2 75a:$ 00 jobbing at 3 25(5- "; Port
land, (4 75i5 00 jobbing at (5 25i5 50
ft '''
LIME. Santa Cruz, in large lots, (2 00
retailing at (2 25 W bbi.
PLASTER. The product rf the Goldei
Gate Mills is furnished to the trade at :i UUig
:$ 25 V bbl.
BEAN'S. The supply is large; general qual
ltv good; demand good and prices firm at our
quotations, lmis irom nan are quoiauie as
follows: Bayos. S2:i3ic; White, SotUWc; Pea
IJs'2,V; Pink and Red, 2,142,1c; large
Butter, 2c; small do, 2c lb. Castor
beans are in request. The mills here are
navlng 4c for all clean lots
SEEDS. There is a gix)d demand for
all the varieties, and prices are firm at our
nuotations. We quote: Flax, V K, 3GC-c
Mustard, white, lK&2c; Mustard, Brown, 2(
3c: Canary. 20bl22c: Alfalfa, 1 1 (A lilt c.
1IOPS. There are but few sales to record
and but a very small portion of the crop has
been sold. Prices are exceedingly low and the
demand very light, the present range U ing
lOfrf 1 7e as extremes. Holders are looking to
the Eastern states and to England for a mar
kct. with a fair prospect of a foreign demand
with an improvement in rates
HONEY. We have moderate free supplies
of comb. Strained is in lair supply at low
orices. The home demand is fair. We
quote: white comb at l(322c; dark, do.,
15217c: strained is steady witliiu the range
of "iI2Kc for dark, and 10g!2c for light
BEESWAX. Receipts are light with a fair
demand. We note sales at 27(ir:J0c, the lat
ter a iobbing price for choice.
POTATOES. Present receipts are light
the demand is active for choice which com
mand advanced prices. Inferior qualities are
in fair supply. Our quotations are as follow s
Good to choice. (2 00Ct(2 25; all others
(1 (H)(,ll 50 V 100 lbs.
ONIONS. Receipts are large and prices
weak at our quotations; a large proportion
of those received being ol poor quality
Choice Silverskins now command (I 50(1$
il t2. on the wharf.
HIDES. Prices remain steady for all
kinds and the market is very dull at our quota
tions. Following are cash rates paid in this
market: Drv. 15e. for usual selections: Wet
Salted are Quotable at Gut 7c. The New York
r,rl. at date triven at20220Kc gold, for dry
TALLOW. The market is quiet and dull,
nit h a Rtrony tendency to lower rates. The
nt miln nl ttrices are k27c for common to choice
POULTRY. The market demand at date is
irood: our daily receipts are moderately light
and high prices rule. We give the present
range as follows: Hens and Roosters, '.0U(t?
1050 doz; liroiiers, wniuwwp
1;.mp. :$00a:t50 V pair: Ducks, do.
o oociorwi xi doz.: Turkeys. 22t24c for
live and 2425c for dressed.
CATTLE. Choice beef is scarce and high.
Hogs are lirm at the late advance. The fol
lowing are the wholesale rates: Beef, G&lOc,
according to quality; Calves. NglOc; Mutton,
Ui7c; Hogs are very scarce and high,
the present price on foot.ftc; Hogs dressed,
9ailc; the fatter price for choice small ones.
DAIRY PRODUCTS. Receipts of fresh roll
butter have been quite light for the past week,
though about equal to daily requirements;
low prices continue to rule the market.
The range is now 20(325u?27K. the lat.
ter an extreme price for the best qualties,
by the box. The stock of Eastern is excessive
and in lightdemand ;quality generally inferior.
New California Cheese comes in more freely,
and a downward tendency Is noted in prices,
now selling at 1415e. Fresh California eggs
are In moderate supply, quotable at alc
f) doz. The market- is well supplied with
Eastern, quotable at 20&23c, In order.
GREEN FRUITS. Mexican Oranges, at (o0
($35 J M; Los Angeles, f 30(3(30 V M; Lime s,
(10(2(12 V M; Sicily Lemons, box,(l2 003
(13 00; Bananas, V bh, (2 50; Kne-apples.
doz, (6 00; Apples, green, box, (2 00
t3m- P-r tl 75a3 00 V box: cranner.
T-W ' " -
riea. (13 00((14 00 V
(8 00 $ 100.
bbL Cocoanuts, (7 00
Competition is tho Life of Trade.
Notwithstanding that San Francisco can
boast of a very liberal supply of Carriage Re
positories and Manufactories, there seems to
le room for stiU more, as evidenced by the
fact that another very formidable competi
tion for the jH.puUr patronage and favor Iihs
recently apeared. We refer to Gallagher's
Cariiage Repository. Mr. Bernard Galla
gher has for many years engaged in the
manufacture of W.'i'gi"n-, Trucks, lras, etc.,
at 222 Mission t. "About a year since he
fretted ou the above premises a line briek
structure at a coM of (25,HM. The building
is 45x137 feet, three stories high, and is now
used as a KopoMtorv of the justly celebrated
-Manuiar-tnres of James Cunningham v rons.
Mr. Gallagher is sole agent for these car
nages upon this eoa-t. which he proposes to
sell at lower rates than any house in San
trancisco w ill sell the same class of work.
All work sold by him will k warranted for
one year, and to be just what it is repre
sented to le. The reputation of the James
Cunninghum & Sons carriages needs no en
dorsement from us. The rapidly increasing
demand for them is their le!-t recommenda
tion. Mr. Gallagher has now en route and to
soon arrive ninety-tive tirt-clas "jobs" of the
latest and most improved styles, consisting
of Buggies, Phaetons, ISarouches, Uockaways,
Brets, ictorines. Coupes, etc., etc., which he
will sell at prices to defy competition. To
those of our readers contemplating the pur
chase of anything in the carriage line, we
would say, emphatically, give Mr. Gallagher a
call, look sit his stock, 'learn his prices, and
you will agree with us that hi boast that he
will sell a better article for less money than
any house upon the coat is not a vain one.
The fact that he owns the premises, and
consequently does not pay an exorbitant
rent, that his manufacturing business ujiou
the same premises is paying him handsomely.
are among the reasons why he can atlord to
undersell the market. We cordially recom
mend him to our readers and refer them to
his advertisement, which will be found
another column.
Removal of James G-. Steele & Co
For years past few business establishments
in this city have been more favorably known
or oeiier paironizcu man mai oi .lames i.
Steele Co.. chemists and aitothecarics
rom me first this firm 1ms conducted oper.
atious on the principle that dispensing the
best quality of drugs and keeping the purest
periumeries and other article belonging to
the business, are the strongest recommeiida
tions to the favor of the pulilic. As a natural
consequence the patrons of the house have
continued to increase in numbers and now
form an army of strength. In order to meet
more fully the demands of the trade and the
general convenience, James G. Steele : Co.
have removed their entire sto'ek and fixtures
from their old stand to the new, elegant and
commodious store. No. :ili Kcarnv street
east side, between Pine and Hush, San Fran
cisco, i'hysieians and others at a distance
ordering goods from this popular firm, can
depend upon having their orders tilled with
the same regard to quality and price as
though obtained in person, for everyone con
netted with the establishment understands
the importance of honesty and faithl'ulnc
in preparing medicines. S. F. t hrini le.
Still Leading.
Morse, the enterprising proprietor of tin
"Palace of Art," 417 Montgomery St., S. F.
is still determined to be in ad vat nee of all
competitors. He has recently secured the
services of a first-class operator from the
east, Mr. W ells, formerly iu the employ of
feucu artists as tvjroncv and Bogardus, an
artist fully competent to compete success
fully with any upon this coast. With this
addition to his present corps, together with
new and beautiful scenery for background,
new and stylish furniture, as well as all of
the improvements and appliances of modern
art, he expects to make his already opii
lar Palace one of the places of interest in
San Francisco that no visitor w ill fail to see.
If you have a discharge front the nose, of
fensive or otherwise, partial Ios.h of the feline
of Miicll, tate, or hearing, ee watery or
weak, feel dull and stupid or debilitated, pain
or pressure in the head, take cold easily, you
may rest assured that you have the Catarrh.
Thousands annual! v, without manifesting
half of the uhove fvmptnuis, terminate in
consumption, und cnil in the yrave. Xo dis
ease is o common, more deceptive, or lesa
understood ty physician. K. V. I'ierce, M.
I)., of I5iill.il., N. V, in the proprietor of lr.
Zaire's 4'atarrh Keinedy a perfect pecitie
for Catarrh, ' C old iu the Head," or Catarrhal
IIavixo lice n troubled with a verv 1;id
cough for over ix month, and tried various
preparation! without ohtainiii"; any relief,
wart advised !y a friend to try (iarland'a Cel
ebrated Vegetable Couirh I)rois, and am
pleased to say Mfter usiiiij two bottles wa
entirely cured. I take pleasure in recom
niendin.o; tiarlund'a Vegetable Couh Drop
to all iii need of a ooj hm medicine.
Your, trulv,
W. II. Kit e.
4"1 Bryant street, S.m Francisco.
- - - - . .
Cancer can he Ci kei. Dr. Iloxn, of
Philadelphia, announcea his discovery for
the radical cure of Cancer. V Ku Xo
I'nin! Xit fti ustif ' Hemediea w ith full direc
tions sent unyw here. Pamphlet ami particu
lars nciit rif. .Address w ith stamp. Dr. II.
T. llo.vo, Kiii North Hroad st., Philadelphia, Pa.
We he? leave to call the
readers to an article in our
attention of our
last ls-ne upon
the SanFrancisco stcaui Pump, manufactured
by V. C. Wilcox V Co. 'lhe article was
copied trom and should have been credited
to the Jfinhi'f ii"l Srimtifir '.
A I'fumixf.xt and reliable remedy for
Briifht's disease, gravel, diabetes, non-retention
or incontinence, and all diseases of the
kidneys and bladder, is Keaknev's Kxtku t
Hi'cur. Take no other. Sold by druijists
XoPiivsk i an who has watched the t Iiv ts
of H ai.e's Honev or IIoiif.uki vi ami Tar,
in chronic colds, coughs or inlliicnza, will
hesitate to say that it is the finest pulmonic
yet discovered.
rtke'a Toothache. Dropneure In 1 minute-
A raiiicai. f t re for Bright' Disease, grav
el, dropsy, diabetes, jrout, iion-n tent ion or
incontinence ami all allections of the kidnevs
und tdadder, is Keaknev's Fxtkact Hk nr.
Sold by druists everywhere.
The Little Pains, toothache, headache,
earache, cramps, colics corns and bunions,
are relieved by one application of Trapper'
Indian Oil. Price o) Cents.
nrf.i.Kit'N t Kit in.: npkitaci
3.J order hy mail receive prompt attention. et.
1'orwnrileit per Wells, Karno A Co., C. . I. . subject to
approval. AiidreM C. M 1 I.I.Kit, iptieian, 1SJ .Mont
troinery ht.. near Hush, San F rancisco. Cal.
ht.,Mn F rancisco.
V K lit KA l 1 1. YYV IYS itrTMyuiT.
i ohiJ.y Airenm. Adore, M. N. LoVKLU Krle. Pa.
C'lll Cm)" per' da v. Semi '"for t hroino t atalnKue'.
Ijl'' r- .) licrKoai.'a Sox, llimlon. Masa.
wr lay at tioitie.
lerma trr. Aditreaa
Portland, Maine.
rri !soji ..,
iUdg PKIi WEEK.-AC.KXTS W NTKT. Article.
3M ill new. Maple aa flour. C. M. I.iiviir...v,
WFVf a Thm, aire,-!, s. K.
np i'acke
I tiuide
Packet Vetfctahle or Flower NEElia l,,r
::. .rni
J. Tia-MjKI
and Catalogue. FECK. It.
419 A til Suiiaoine at.. San
TOOLS by the
Mechanic' Institute Kair, 1H75
llerry tit.. Iie.t
ween oi arm pma rnnrimii.
A M'N rll Amenta wanted everywhere.
Huinea honorali). and Hrst-clana. Par
ticulars aent free. Addresa
J. W'okth co . M. Lonis. M i.
1i ik! prrri! Fi rrt!!
I.IMMI It I lag; a af Mmtvkas out of this M:i(lial Horn.
Kndlesa aluuseiiieiit for the children. Krnt. ith lull
dire!tion. ti any addreas. u.n receipt .f 5r.
Atimt viiitfd. t. C. A. LOTRIIXiK it CO..
t-l ly at reef. New York.
SO Httriy Mf.. near lluah
WSO Market Street. Corner Stockton. San Franrlaco.
919 and t Prumm Street, San FrancUco
Higlieat market price paid.
l per trillion.
f. W. JACKSON, D Fran
Cisco, Aaent tor ('alitor
m and Nevail
C & P. II. TIKRF-LL & CO.,
ivrokiKh r N v cfa tc k R or
liewe.-ri Sxiit.,!,,,. , itHtrery. sN HCAN'ISi:o.
MxnnfiwrnrtTii f M. n'. it...... .n.i i-i.n.
dreli'n KINK I'AI K l'.l,S
Orilera wtlieited xn.t promptly fllle.l. All aixea and
qualitiv iniul nt Hit .w-i mrkrt price.
PlfiMn; yHiniiie thf tr.MxIn mikI iir:ec.
Berlin Bazar Patterns.
x.L"-" u'"'' f ,r I'ataWii to MAM. TKKADI.K
M t i I !.. 17 New Miniiifoiiicri St i-runciM'o.
ioit a ooon sirr ok tkki ii-i.i ;h
I ailiiiinietrrcit hiiI ;irrntcI iierN-cflv s
Killing 'I eeth ar reaiHinattle rle. sto.l Tl
sale lor Mil.
lienr Howard.
AI W f;UT' ''I K MAI MINK. 'A!IltIA;K,
. 1MW Mini m rv lcerfi.f ion ,,r IIOI.TM. mImi.
Scl SereHsaml T.i f:..iN Si r.- Hull Knili. Ac.
at tlie loHi-st nttek. Ilwliw an.l Clinlnn tor I'lowa
Mini Akrrieiiilural Mtei, merv. inmle m ialiv OINIM
A-CO I Ml anil I l I'.enlr SI reel. Si n Kruneiweo. I nl.
Struck la Moliit Altnitu Piatt, ritual In aniearanre,
K4l.ll NII.VF.lt lt tml.l.
Preentiii a lartfe variety of lieautil'ul Iraliriia
ill KrlieF.
These MeiliillloiiH are larger than a Silver Trade dol
lar. Iieliiii 1 At inch. In liiaiui ter. luiiiiiMiiiielv imt up
and !! reaili y ut Mitf lit. 1 iik m i v ai.i ki.k S,.i v it
MKs AMI UlUIMlM IVIK iii kli. A coiniilele
etitnt ol inuKiiinceiit uin. fur agents. In velvet lined
MriM-eo ease including' the I'.n.t of .!., re Wash
ington." tirmid l iar.. hi e Iiiti rieilloiinl Kthililtioii.
M. lie. i hil lit, I (Ait ,illrr i. Horticultural Hall.
Maui Itiiililinu. and the ,'raiii' repreneutatiou of Hie
MiriniiK of t lie I (ecla rat Ion nt I imIi m ii.i nee t iesii;iied
ly Ti uiiitmll I. In kfilt sent ly miiil on receipt of ilraft
or Post oillee order for f:t.rl. or Hill shii hy expresa
I .O. I. ll-Hl receipt of r. i , t,.i,0ti. Aiiciitu'
ircul ir ;iii I Price List und one sample sent upon
receipt ! in cts. liniiD'iise prolilN. Sella at sitiht.
Kxleiisive fields for enterprise. Addreas
212 Broadtvay,
New York,
P. 0. Bo 5270.
1i:ov ui.kan n tmimiu.eski iv. i aiim team
and Header. Three spriuur and Four Spring ll af
mil. Itusglea. 4 n nintrn. -le. Also. Su r. W
P. r it vr VVkkki.h. and M4okmkk MoWKKa AM
Kkvciciis. ir send for Price I ;
E. E. AMES. Gen'l Aij't. Sacramento, Cal.
You slioiilil Insure ytur Life in tlit
Itil Life Insurance Co.
1'c. il Second St., Sacramento.
WIOO.OOO A i ro r l Nrrnrlllra leo
Itetl l,li I lie t'lirornl Mlale
Iriartmrnl Ma Nrrarlly for
loli ) -lll.l-i a rtrryn here.
I.KI.ANH (iAM'iiKli.
J. H ru:i;iii.i, - -
lne. every di M ription of Hpproveil Life. Kv
ikivohm.uiiiI .li o t I.I K I'iiiii I r., pitv aide iu
(old i.ri urn id v at the option of the Insurer, at
rates as low us other mutual companies.
It receive a higher r ite of inierest on Ita Ifivi-!-incut
than is reieived by any other IJte Insur
ance omptiiiv iii the country.
Insure Now', lor though yea tn.iv Im" well to-day,
n't ek or net month jou may liecom' uu
iuur.thle. .ik i fi:i:ss & ci:AWFoi:h,
t. -text-v:.i . .;t:x rs.
215 Sinscmc Street, - San Francisco.
'I't'inlc -ltiiJ&.
For Sale by All Grocers.
Cl,ll'OKilA WIIIK Vllli,
Kst.iblished In IVii.
i:civri:LiT cV co
Of all kind. Airetits for llolloway' Kire Kitiu
icuisher. f flay Slrrrl, M. V.
"PSi nd for circular and price list.
McCormick's lowers
and Reapers.
.MTI't VsO
Everybody knows that McCurmick's
Itcapcr-i :inl Mowers have a world-wide
reputation. McCormick' inventions on
these inachiues have lu-en tlic most im
Krtant ever patented in this or any other
country. Sc-Mini; thousand'' of tliem in
the oMer States, in the face of all kind
of opposition, the inventors and makers
(who have an immense factory,) have not
hitherto pushed the machines on this
Western shore, as they now intend to.
Farmers can depend upon every machine
and all its parts when sent out from the
factory f this old established firm.
JLX Company ol Kni-land. the edte and
jre anil mxiy oi hu m
la o thin and tlexlhle aa never Ut require BriliuinK.
and hardly ever acttlnir. It Klldea over the lace uae
piece ur velvet, niakin- ahavinir quite a luury. It la
rreatinir a reat excitement In Kurope auiotie the e.
pert, who pronounce It PKIiKKCTIoN. tZln buffalo
handle. f.t In Ivory: by mail, 10 cent etra. The
trade upplied on litsrral tcrrua by tli ole atfent In
IllU I'liitu.l t alt M
-. stl i lay pi
, Kan Kranciaeo.
Dili da- at home. Amenta wanted. " nd
O iZ term free. TKCE CO.. Aufc-uata, Maine.
i 0
'jii i .m rutirm i mYyrvt Mafti i r
Mr. If. A. Mix. re would annomir. to ladies and fffntlemrn win delr thn peraotial adornment of a An
lilt f hair, thai aim haa opened parlors for tla r Mreaalreatiiienl. They are emplmt leal ly wo retl alie mneoao
the aklll to produce a full flowing crop of hair un all aUgea of haldnraa. A few treat melila will convlncf IhH
liiot akeptleal; tliia i mi -ki ralli.n. No mineral urdamaxliiK mihMuiieea tie.. hme In my parlor pirn
totfraph of HI-knowa eilizenn. enlilliitintt I lie coutraat lielore and alter treat ineM.a Inch can l.e keen hy lln
doiriiitf II. No la-ltrr evlilenett can lie lurnialird. when tliey ate eeu, diuiid untr-hea. I'ri -paralalia aelit
to all parta of til. country.
recto-Ren to
Munuf.ii 'uicr and Ifc alcrt In
Window Weights, Cord and Pulleys,
w it nCK-a I M Kir r All..
Have one ot the Urgent and heat atia ka, which we
otter at low price.
1 1 aud I S California at. and 114 and 1 1 Market at.
Has FBaKCiaco, p. o. II. ot -Jul.
1 HKI.T la the only Mll-elnallr Kelt, ever
rfreai-nted tothe public. Il haa all the liest proN-rtlea
nl the poroua Piaster, and also support the allecteil
parta at the aaine time. F'-r
KhrHiiialUiu, l.unihMtT " lillejy
Fpinal and Alidotiilnal hupjHjtt, It I uiisurpaHM-d.
too a ny an I'rm-'kiiais.
A. TVEII, 4eiri All.
MI.1 sarrameuto St.. San raneiaco.
IO Unvla Hlreet. Hmn Franelaeo,
Eureka (ilvcerlue and
Carbolic Sheep Iin; Sheep
Shears; Wool Suck aud T ilie
low pricea.
constantly uu nat.u at
At the home of lhe patient
Without the uaeof lhe
and w ithout pain. Addreaa
Or. A. H. BROWN,
nee trotti tdiv lelana alwo aollcted.
Oswego Starch
zw M.t. uxor pus h'Ft:r it.
IIKI.TI"'!' Slnifle and doulile, of- current l.ea,
cotistaully ou hand.
I.Al Itili-lleavy and Unlit, rut or In aldea, from
.4H upward.
II. liOVKIt. Patentee aud aole M.miif ict iin r.
4.1T Hrannaii atri'et.. Sail Krauciai'o.
' MIHKII4" MT.. M. V.
Fend for llluatrated circular and Price l.lC
Iron and Locomotive Works,
Cot. B tm tKD Howard Htb., Kitriro.
Manufacturer of Steam K.nrinea, Quartx and Klonr
Mill Macliiner), Sleain Hollt ra ( Marine. la-oimHiv
and Stationary). Marine Knirlne Mluli and Low Prei
lire). All klmU or HaTht and heavy t astinu. at low
eat pricea. alii and Tapcta, tth chilled facea
Ituaraiitcfd 10 per rent, more durahle than ordinary
NKW, Awn
r si pkiihui r ai.i.
The only Mattress
Warranted for five veara. Send for Plreular and
Price Lint to Till M AN S. PI. A IIK, So e Attenl
HI Market SI.
Sail Kranclitco, Pal
If yea crer Intend tuying a WIND
KILL, czamins the record of the solid
heel ECLIPSE, tested 8 years ; 3503 In
eperatioa-IKPEOVED Hand or Wind
mill Force Pumps ; Second-hand SIEAM
Machinery ; CHEAP. Write me fsr cir
culars, or call. CHAS. P. HOACJ, 113
Eeale St., San Fran:isco.
Holcomb Bros. & Co.
WAHirAiTOHV. wkw havf.ji, vonn.
rr-Send for Plreular and Price l.lf.
The Orealeat Itemedr of the aca for all
arrintft to Cur. Sold everv.
where. Depot. H'M Market St.. Haa Kran.
We have agent that are tnak.
Inn thru ucMnaaii imim.ik
month. In a terfe't leant I mala
htuatieaa. It la hard Work, tiul
the paina are large. Send your
name, ailftn mtf . li K ik
rto Ran Franclaro. '
ATlTKIt AKiTtl.- per day tuaran'
I f teed to el article for ladle' and children' wear
Indlane"""'"' Talented and f real turrit. Hav.
only to he eihlhlted Ut aell. Adopted and recom
mended by Ladle' lire lleforui Cominitte. of tit.
Polled Statee. Hor nartlenlara, addreaa
Teeth Gaved. i
adminlatered for palnleaa extraction of teeth.
Seta or Artificial Teeth warranted to laat ten yeara,
from S)10 upward, office, l Sutter atreet. SanTrau
ciaco. (Le the elevator). UK. T. MOUKKEW.
w- fi'iiu COLDfu f
S si V. A r r
-He- MHC!l W3
114 and 118 BELE ST.. SAN FRANCISCO.
s t "v x
TIIK niUtlT Hr'iRwriarar Htm Pllll IH TMC.
Kearny St.. itooma js. 4 at A. Man KriWl'".
l unrivaled aa remedy. N'u HnraeHiau ahould
without it. liiind alik for M a or llAi', forspralnn.
ilrnlaei, ithauiiialiiiiii, Mud Fever, haellliiK", etc,
Try It and yon alll use no other.
ir'liKMnVHI to m.1 New Moiiiiroiucry Si., one
lilta a soutli of Palace Hotel, San I- raiiclaco.
Purely Veuetalile-lor I apepala, I nditiestloii, I on
atipulloli of the lioa cla. I linuliiln.il ion ol Ilie Millii )
and all diseases of the liver mid hoaeU.
II, It I I.I.I A MM A I 'll.. rriiirlrlr,
t New Moiitomery St., Sim -ruui'iai o.
I Nan Khkcii ii, I'tL, Fell. VIMh, lsi'i.
, MKasita. WllxiaM A Co:
.rntlentrn U I with the vriuili'al
ileaaure that I endorse your Vkkiu Hi kn a Hi i I kk.
' I have never In the whole coiir-e ol my 1 1 1 found
1 such instunl and periiiauenl relief aa I hiive loiiud
j from t l.e use o your most iiivalunhie cuiiipoiind. I
have heeii snhi cli d to eosi i cm- nml a torpid liver
for live years, ot Inch I am now entirely cured, utter
I iisiiis only t o lioitle of jour if km In km I am
certain that II w a Vniuv Hi nvi tual enn d me of
the palpltalloti ol lhe heart. I alii, it litlemin, liuisl
happy to atiif c tlml lhrouih the use id our It I I I Mi
I am to-dny a Well man. I-or nil wIshliiK In he con
lliced ol tiie ahote. I will itr you my residence:
U-ide,do,rt ,..S..,i K,a,ic..co jN
Popular History
United States.
From the First Discovery of the West
ern Hemisphere by the Nortlunen,
tothe End of the First Cen
tury of the Union of
the States.
Preceded by a Sketch, of the Pre
Historic Period and the Aro
of the Mound Uuildera.
itv -
Sydney Howard Gfay.
I." V 1. 1.
11,1,1'MT It A T I'-. I W I T II
oria-iiial desiuii hy the leadliiK Aiiicnrili und
foreign hi list. ''o lie comiile'ed Iu lour volume,
lat'tie iM lavn, of alioul '' pHxeacach, l he tlrrl ol
nine ill Im- puhllshed early In Ix.ii, and lhe nlher
three volumea ai;l follow us rapidly h t ho iininl
tiule and iiiiorlanct ol the oi k III pei iull.
P.vlra ( loth
l.rMllirr, . m f ' li I t.! r
HalfTurkry i w.-i ai.
"KhII TurUry .Hurut'cu.,
irr vnl.
. t JVO
. t
. IO bW
No want In our literature lia liceti o w idely felt
and wi universally acknowledged a Hint of a couiple
and coiii.4 1 Uu lory of the l ulled state, adiilded to
opularjeruau through ita attractive iKirnil im', and
kM'cepled a an authority t liriui li il full mill i riirutu
presentation of all lhe tucu In niiriur. ci nu iiutioii,
I.-It Will be Complete.
lle:tuiilnT llh avummary of the fctetahllhed hy
rcha-oiyil recardinT the earlle! history of the
continent and ltuptocd pi e historic inhahitiiiila, It
a ill ciirr) the reconl lliriiiinh the first century id lhe
liideH iiiieiice of the Itcpuhlic, and to the year I M.i.
In theae important particular il ililleta from and la
aiijierlor lo any History ol lliu I'nlled stale now puh-
IL-It Will be Popular,
Without iletrm thin III lhe least from the dlKliit) of
the aora aa a history.
III. -It Will be an Authority as a
Work of Reference.
Aa fur polhle every fact Mated ahull lie traced
hack to the nrlrl iihI autlioi it,e, and every Uatu will
Ik- carefully verified.
IV. It Wlllbe Profusely Illustrated
No work ever produced In thU country lia enllated
In lla Illustration au lai'K a iiiimhrr of arlist uf audi
dlvcrae ahlllly.
trl he work wllllte aold encluslvely hy mlwcrlp
iloii.and delivered lo tihacrllier I inly, lia per uuoied
price. In allcaethe volume will he ciii il and the
ame In every pitrticMlar aa thv aiiiple puwea ahuw ll
iu the Sieclmcn Hook.
S( IU UN Kit, AHMSTUOVU PH., I'uhllher.
Lick Houso Block,
,S AX F It X X C l S V O, VA1..
lieneral Arnl for lli 1'nrlfle I'ni-at.
-tf.OlIK lltOV WOltKM. I'. MI'NTI Nil
I TON, o. I 4 m,j 14", Khkmhn i s i Httk-r, San
Kranciaco, manufacturer of slilnaie, Llh and I'll ki t
Marhine. Porlahle and Stationary Steam KnKlnea, and
Saw Mill Machinery of all kind. Send for 1 4rcular.
Long Iiangt Breech Locullnj
Practice Pistol & Targets.
Carriea a .' Inch ball with accii.
racy fifty leet, without powder or a w
tierciiaalon. Uraaa liarni, hair tiiKer. I or aula
by deal era Ily mail, Ire for ft tenia, with per.
rnaiietit ammiinltioti for tari-nt Jiracttca indoora.
aud for aportin! out of doora,
. A. GHIIAM, CT I.H rty Street. New York-.
P. N. P. C.
No. 80.
Hoffmann's Patent Liauid Fertilizer,
an Aiixin.K roil KKinu.uiva
and nroteftlnR Heed a anil t'lauia iroin vne raTauea
... i M .... WA,nii.iii1iurD ailian aiiliiiaia m urn u
atructlve to veitetahle life Al rr lwtliiir th tjernil
aatlna: quality of aeeda. Tha ' Verllllaer
will be furnlafied at the price of & renla per aal.
IM, either lo rana of two and a half and Bv. taTlona
reaisnctlvely, or in liarrela. A lllieral dlaeouiit will ha
made on larve order. llrectlonaent with tha artlclu.
HOFFMANN tiKKKNK. careof Huck. UmbertA
Urecne, 144 N atoina at., oitar New Mouloinery,b. K