THE INDEPENDENT. NOTICE. No certificate of publi cation will be given until the fees are paid. WE SUA L L MA KE NO DE VIATION FROM THIS It CLE in future. Thursday, April 6, 17G. Volume 4. Weigh Tour Naila. Swindling seems to he contagious in our day. The developments of corruption at Washington among Government officials is only the head of a sore that has its roots through out the country. But we do not propose to lecture now on morals in the stench of the Babcock and Belknap developments. It is iu the air, and every one can smell it, and talking is useless. We wish to talk where it will do the most good for our subscribers. A good many of our citizens pro- 'Black Hills or Bust.' This number begins the fourth year of the publication of the Inde pendent. Less than two years and a half ago we bought it of Frank Myers when it had an actual circu lation of about 100 subscribers, half pose to build new houses this year of which were three and six month's and our merchants will have to sup- Bubscribers, and now it has a gen- ply them with nails, and both par- eral circulation in the county. Then ties should look sharp to see that they it urns n rlisrace to iournalism, and get good weight. We have no doubt a distrust to the community; now it that our country merchants will be is respected and supported. We honest in the matter, but they are li gave $1,000 for the office, on credit able to be fooled by the wholesale ahih price fcr aearca, but we dealers in I'ortland. ne lowowing knew that we could raise it from the instanco will point the moral and dead Then it was the dirty tool of aim of this item : nnv set of political tricksters and Last winter a gentleman, who lives and scoundrels, now independent of in Hillsboro and who keeps his eyes fvpA critic of tilltonen. was iu Portland. The On"- neither Partisan nor neutral, but jlnmme had recently .'..7ifciJ' We wield a free lance San Francisco x arrived ir m with a large cargo of in political journalism, free to choose assorted merchandise and was.uu- iu. oni firriit HiA fops of the larlin!? at me wnan. auu our m- VlltJ " O I o csi-i . -vt;n l-mt nr mnrft n.s n formant noticed a half dozen men OlUtU yJl Anv , I tmrtisan. We have done with party breaking open kegs of nails just m tiff J 1 1 -.1 rrtr hrousruiirom me aiorenanieu vessel, The course of the Independent as ana ne stood ana watouea meir oper . . i t f I 1 : 4 ! ... 1st. ,.nn nrlml 4llfir , fWivn nfllier in til lIlierUMU Ml illiuua JUl buiuu umc ovu nu.ii. x x i i , . it . i i a hp TndeDendent party two years ago were uoing. iiv uuwivcu mat lucj nnrl last fall, has been a subject tor would break open live Kegs oi nan criticism by Democrats and Ue ubli- of a hundred pounds each and take We will admit that for the out enough to nearly nil an empty time we assumed the partisan role, keg, and then put in the heads and but we chose it as the only club fasten them up making six kegs of wherewith to beat out partisan brains nails out of five! Keep your eves e-Li .n;n. i Tint Hipse ciit- skinned farmers and country nier- nirin. u i n uj v - A man bv the name of John Car rington writes to the Halt Lake Tri bune not in very glowing terras of the Black Hills mines. He writes from Custer, the centre of the mines and saj-s: I have seen the prospects from several pans of dirt, gravel and led- rock, estimated by those who washed them a3 averaging from ten to twen- ty-nve cents to the pan, while in re ality they would not exceed one and a hall to two cents. In tlie course of four days I did not see nor hear of the color of a ffold dust transac tion changing hands from the mi ner to the storekeeper. There weie, I believe, in the neighloroood of 3, 5U0 men when I left. I counted on the road between Custer and Chey enne 070 persons from all parts of the States, with a few families among their number, and several instances ot men on foot, picking their blank ets on their backs, and some with out blankets at all. It is "Black Hills or Bust,'raiid many are busted before getting there. In the Hills they will find many actually in want. I was told on the road by many that they had sold their homesteads, had sacrificed them, to get ready cash to take them to the Hills, through the great reports they had heard concerning the richness of the country where there was room for 50,000 men and ground for all, that would average rive dollars per day to the day to the hand, and said to be equal "to California or Australia. From observation and inquiry, and from tho most reliable sources I could find while there, I say that the first pay prospect has yet to be produced in the reputed Black Hills country. Soil Iu- TELEGRAPHIC STJMJIARY. Galveston, March. 28 A special to the Galveston AVtc., dated Browns ville, Tex., March 27 says, the gov ernment troops had two fights this morning on with Xaiargo and one with Arota gaining both fights. There were :?00 of them engaged in the fight; Gen. Xaiargo had 210, The Productive Povrer of ths creased by Cultivation. ics cannot justly complain, for par tisanship with them is political com mon sense. At that time it was a nuestion which set of public plund erers should ride into power, and to us. "under which kin" Independent?" and we re tiponded, "under no king but the people!" And though not now an r..Anoniiont. nnrtisan. we are for Auuc'v"'' x the people still. We helpod them save $100,000 at the last session of the Legislature and we will let that stand as our defense for our course. To conclude, we have demonstra ted that a live local paper can live and flourish in Washington county right under the shadow of the Tort land press. We feel that wo have honestly earned the support of the people of this county and we do not expect to lose it while we own the Independent. chants or you will get only 80Ibs. of nails when you think you are get ting 100 pounds. School Statbtics. Striking at the Boot. A bill has passed the National House of Representatives, which, if passed by the Senate, makes it a criminal act for Federal officials and persons employed by tho govern ment, and candidates for office to give, or receive or solicit money for political purposes, punishable by a fine of from $1,000 to 5,000 and im prisonment from one to three years. This bill is tho first step toward reform in the Civil Service, and btrikes a blow at the root of the great est evilcorruption in officenow O. Uonrl and rotting the heart ot the government. It will put a stop to the assessment of sala ries of officers and employes for po litical purposes, the first-step to all the corruptions that have disgraced the nation, reaching their culmina tion in the present administration: "Goose Cooked." Superintendent Gault's annual re port to the Supt. of Public Instruc tion shows that there are 1," IS boys 1,105 girls; total 2,453 persons be tween the ages of 4 and 20. Num ber of school children atten ding no school, 077. Number of appli cants for teachers' certificates, OH. Number of teachers employed hold ing 1st grade certificates, 5. Num ber holding 2nd grade, 55. Num ber of school houses, log, H; frame, 38. Average No. of months taught in each of tho 43 districts, Am't. of money received by tho school districts of the county from all sourc es, $13,530 71. Amt. paid on teach ers wages, $8,D5( 82. Total amt. paid during the year for school pur poses, including teachers, building, furnishing, incidentals, etc., $11, 515 15. Amount apportioned Mar. 20th, 1877, $5,273 05. difficult to ascertain tho crops, or the average It is very amount of vifld of verv distant times past, but A the average yield of wheat per acre in the eleventh century was estima ted by the highest authority of that day, the author of "Meta," at only six" bushels. So 300 years later, in 1300, 57 acres on a farm at Hawsted yielded only .'JUG bushels, and on an average of three years, little more than that. The actual productive power of Great Britain in the article of wheat alone increased dining the half century from ISOlio 18til to the extent of supporting an additional population of 7,000,000, an increase which can be ascribed with confi dence mainly to improved cultiva- where l .... i i r.r A i.rttn the governments troops. Tho whole party got badly whipped. Naiargo lost about 20 killed, Arota about 12, and the government about 20. They borught in about 15 prisoners. Sr. Lol-is, March 28. After a long rain all yesterday, the heaviest snow storm of the season set in at 10 o'clock last night. Lp to tlie pres ent time, 11 A, M., some thirty in ches of snow has fallen. The streets are in a horrible slushy state. Street railroad and other travel is much impeded. Toledo, O., March 28. The worst snow storm of the season with a furi ous northwesterly gale, commenced early this morning, and at 1 P. M. still prevails without signs of abate ment. Six inches of snow has al ready fallen and is badly drifted. Tiie thermometer shows 33 degrees. Boston, March 28. It is now thought the destruction caused by the freshets in Worcester county will amount to $5,000,000, while there is reason to believe that thirty lives have been lost and two in Clinton and one in Webster. Advices received from India re port that tho steamship lr from Sheehr had been wrecked in the Ara bian sea. She had on board 500 pil grims, chietly Persians, bound to Bushiere. Three men, supposed to bo the only survivors, reached llode-ida. Home supplies are small, viz: Wheat 41,410 quarters; bailey 30,079 quar ters, and oats 3,205 quarters. The average price of Kulish wheat is forty-three shillings four penco. The Lafayette Coit ru r savs: Some of the farmers in Yamhill county are losing part of their fall sown wheat. Iii some places the plaut has a jel cast. This is on'' the case where tho grain was sown early, and is thoMght to be caused bv bugs cat- NEW ADVEHTISKMNTS. v tup rinrrrTToiTUT of the IL Shite of Oregon fur Wimhintfon County, T K CorneliiM v. N W. Akiii ami 11. M. Askinn. ToS.W. Ahkin hii.J il. M. Vl iu the alK-ve-uumt J Dt fts. W ln-r ii. ;,n the Uthtbtv 'f I'e' . A . I . 1 7i. II. m . K. 1 . Slmttuck, Jil.h,'e of the iilxtve-imliK fl oillt. jn.-i.le nn oxl. r directing that M-rviee of the MiiimioiM in thi cause h h i upon you y t.uUic:tti(ii f tin' muni- iu th Washington Indm-kv!)IAT. Now, tlx n fT , In th- luuue .f the St;ite of Oregon, oil lire hen hy liotl- 1 to ul-liir M"'l answer wm cvuiiimiin LAND FOR SALE! li the l oots On ihn I'rench'i .:... tr !.. r. in tll .1 inntist von, ly tie 1. lc ........,.,.n .-..Mil if I .Vn' if llll tlllll of KU1I ( .Oil IT lHXtlOl X limn; jini, rai. tv ij ntlltiL, rvm- i ... At the larmers lost their irraiu in tin same way. new adyektisi:ments. The Paris correspondent of the Tint' says the l'apal brief addressed to the Archbishop of Toledo de nounces tho liberty worship in Spain as loading the State with a great crime, and paving tho way to the persecution of Catholics. Woucester, March 29. About S o'clock to-night tho alarm was given through the valley that the dam of the Lyndebrook reservoir, which KrmnlieM the citv with water, was tion. So in every country where,.. ,t mil. N TIIE CIKCriT COI'liT OV THE State of Or4-iii, for the county of Wash ington, .1. It. 1 ho! j-is (il iuitill vh. Jarau 1. Thoni.ts tiff, n l.uit. To Sarah K. Th'nian 1 fi ml int : In th" name of tliP State of Or eon, you are h -n hy r ij'iin il to api ar Hii'l .".UiWi-r tlie coninlaiiit tiled aaiii.-t vou in th- nlxjve ntitli-l unit within tni lavs frm the date of th" K'-rvieo f this U!U liiMim upon you, if h rv d within this coiu ty; or if served in any oth r county of this Siate. then within ta'entv davx froui the I date of the H'-rvii f thin HUainioiiri upon you: mid if you fail so to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take H deeree iiiiiiist yon, for ji disso'utioii of the mar riage contract and for such further relief as to the c.Uirt 111. IV heeitt hist. ' T. It. II AND LEY. nprfiwn Attorney for I'iaiutiiT. ICRIftmii.lL VlREIIfll'Slv. S- HUGHES, FOREST GROVE, OGN, iKU.r:ii is VII A MT' 10 Y MOLIXK, rj;xri:i: im.wcur. roA..V.S CAS'I N77 77-. nwi (;.!:in:x' iry rf.ou s. AM.Vif- V.VllK' U'A'.OXS; j:ka ri:ns, u wi;i:s a- th hksii ;: .- I' V irr lX MILLS; JlAL'VI.STlX'l ,nISOr ALL KIXIS. . i r. siini.r 4f. iii:avv haiidwauk; FAKMKIJ S A- dlK JIANU' S TOOLS; A IT'LL AND t OMrLI.TL STOCK OF IIAIIXKSS X. S.l)l)hi:KV; DOOllS, SASH, MoridINS; TAINTS. OILS. FKFSIILS, VAliXISH; TT)ov olass; IT'TTV, LIMi:, l'LASTFl!, AVIIITINC. and CF.MKXT; - ALL at tie LOWEST MARKET RATES. m:;otf in" the', vpiiation of tlie puhlieiition i,i thin Hiuiimoin, vliieh caid teiiu will coinmetieu at Ililll'Oi-o. Washington County, Oregon, on M'mduv the tl A iv of May, 7''. And vou are further iiotili-d. tliat if you fail o to answer, the l'lainfitf will apply to the Court for the relief therein demanded, yi F.r iud-uieiit against 1). ft.. N- W. Ask inn for the suni of three hundred dollar in F. S. coin ith iutei'ht thereon since jtay sin, no, loruie w .. .t.. ,.f r ii,' r cent i r iiimuui ; eo-ts mid dtsl.urseiuents of this tuut, and Twei:ty-tivc Dollars attorney fees for this unit; f..rthe foreclosure of a -eit iin nioit l' i k'ivcii hv Def. n lints to Flaintill' on the Uoth tav of M iv, A. D. ls7l,upoii .i portion of Lot No. '., Dioek No. I;, in the town of Cornelius, Wuhiic;toii county, Oregon, to Kccure haid deht; for the sale of Kaid land mid for h.ich other relief us the Court may itdju I to he cijuitahh'. inos. ii. TONiti:. Ativ. for I'Jtf. rwuii: i'ndf. nMfiNT.i) has rou ralu JL Kcvi ial ariiiH and n I.iro anioiuit of thut clax, unimproTed land, lying in Washing ton County, Oregon, IniinirfiutH find otfirm dcKiring to iurclinnfl would do wi 11 to glr mo a cull. r Tin: cmctTT cofbt of tjif. Slate of Oreon for the County of Wa.sli- Win. L. Hal.sey plallitlll VS. A ' V.'are and Ware his wife, defendants. Jo A. L. Ware and Wale his wife, the above named defendant. Jit the name of the State of Oregon on and each of you, are hctvhy no. titi d and iv.p.ired ton; pear in theahove hi lit 1 d Court and ansVMi' the complaint of the phiiutlll' tl-:d in the iilxiVi; entitled KUIt within ten d ;ys from the date of the Hervice of this Munitions upon you, if w rvol in Wa diinr'ton County, met if served in any oth. r county in this'State. then within twen tv d ivs fro tu stleh .ieri-e, and if Served t.y putili'-atioii you are lMtiie d and leipun d to ,,pp. ar i;!.! answer t-ai.i colepl.iltit oil or hefore the ltl M.uid.iy ot May, to v.n; .May JJd, ls7;, tli it l-in-, tlie liitdiyot the in xt t.Ili'l of of th ' cilvil.t co. ot ot ihe State of itr. ,-f,i. fi.r Wu-iiiti''ton county. 0ii h will tho iirnihutivftnouiTof the 1-10 acres and stores (nQ million gal . , ' ' - - - - . L l - - reaseil. Jventliei soil haslaro-f lv mere Atlantic States of the Union, where the svstein of cultivating the soil without maintaining its fertility Ions of water. Wokckstkk, rarcli SO. At G&Q P. M. the reservoir dam gave way The i . . fi' . . i . . . . . by a t)nter treat mfut prt vailed for i witli a great crau. xu hjuuu many years, are not an f scejuion, j walls crumhieu, iciiing on ioo,iow, siuce the condition of aiiciltnre is n();) f,.,ii.jn.4 f)f water stored behind it. s prepared to do all kinds of Dental work. He h is u tine Dental Chair, alsothe noted i:ili-r Spray; Which renders tooth-pulling coinparativ ly'ya! "If AH lt'o7.- 'tn:iut-l. OlTICJ:a dioiniir' the l'ostoflh-e in Ilills- horo. No.v is the time, to i-omfoi talilo cuiiy HeelltM holut X on MllS. TIIOS. I). IIUMI'IfltrAtf. Hu.i.snoiio, ,Iune2;th, 1H71. jlyl-tf OrUUGOKT Furniture CVIan'f Co, he 1c Id after the expiration oi tlie p. llo.l pri M iih. d hy the ord r ot viid cuit for the i..n 'of this Mitiiiiions (which order was mad - l.v tie II n. I'.. D. Shattuek .)ny of Kaid e .lil t atchainhi rs. March 1 Ith, to wit: t-i weeks from th- tirst pehlieatioii ft., r. .. if v .11 fail .so to avix ar and an swer, the p!ail:ti!l' will apply to ihe court f.-r I i ; ft:Tr- LIL l ; :hu: R. Portei's Little Qua. We learn by private information that the Independents of Multnomah tried to effect a fusion with the Dem ocrats of that county and put out a pople'a ticket, but the Democrats re fused. That cooks the Democratic goose in Multnomah county this year. Ilnxsnouo, April 2, 1870. Fditor iNDirENKEST: You know Bob Porter has been the dispenser of public pap for the Republican party in this county for several years. Well, he ha.s delegated that power in Hillsboro to your old friend, "Spigot.' "Spigot" voted the In dependent ticket two vears ago and howled against rings, cliques, mo nopolies and Mitchhipple, so he makes a good squirt-gun for Porter. But now he says that those who howl about rings are political tricksters true for "Spigot," is nt it? Ubet: He has offered several prominent In dependents important offices al ready. But he don't want any of fice himself. Yet he says that if he were in the next Legislature he would do certain things! AU: "Spigot, "you ought to die and go to Heaven, for you are too virtuous for this sinful generation. "Wide Awkae. rapidly improving in the oldest of them where this system was earliest begun, and the general average of crops, with the exception of the po tato, is increasing from year to year as a more proper culture is introduced and persevered in, the farmer led to improve his practieo by tho pressure of an increasing population and con stantly rising prices. In New Eng land, for instance, the general aver age yield of Indian corn pfr acre has risen to about -55 bushels, while crops of -"() and CO bushels per acre aro not uncommon, find HO and 100 are sometimes obtained by careful tillage. Aiilrfoni' Am'-riran !',)'' rlipr!ii, rfi'tseilnlium, artiel, ltA'j-rirnllurr." STATE AND TERRITORIAL flood seed wheat is worth $1 a Oo in." "Buck." Buck Myers was in town Satur day. He proposes to get out a straight Democratic ticket and just naturally smash the Independents and Republicans into a cocked hat. "Buck' will probably bo a candi date before the Democratic State Convention for Congress. The Tl.s Shore contains an article written by D. M. C. Gault descri bing the above named lake situated on the summit of the Cascade moun tains on the boundary line of Jackson and Lake counties. Mr. Gault read this article at the , first meeting of the Hillsboro Literary club in this place. The public debt statement shows: National debt, $2,197,21G,740; total cash in treasury, 112,000,000; de crease of debt for March, 4,240 ,8Gfi; decrease since June 30, 1875, ?17 They Squeal. There is a good deal of complaint among Republicans of ashington county on account of what many consider an unfair apportionment of delegates to the county conven tion from the different precincts. From what information we have on the subject we are inclined to think the basis of apportionment is not one that will give the Republicans of all the precincts an equal repre sentation in tho convention. Orego nian. We thought that apportionment would make tho Oregon inn crowd squeal. We hope that crowd will get their bellies full of this fun now. It is none of our funeral this time. It is the Oregonian' bull that is get ting gored. This Durham animal can't take a trick. It is an up-n7 business fighting short horns against the Holladay long horns in this county. But go in on your muscle, gentlemen, for vou've got to bushel in Yamhill count'. Did you ever know Jeremiah Smith of Montana? If you never did you nev er will. He was found hangim: tto a limb the; other day, and a placard on his back read: "lie stole bosses." Eleven hundred head of beef cattle have been shipped from Hood's stock and stable yards, at the Dalles, by J. M. Baxter and Jackson k Hu mason, since tho season opened this year, for Portland and Sound mark ets. The largest train that ever left Roseburg came from that place Sat urday last consisting of nineteen cars loaded with 190 tons of wheat besides the passenger, mail, express and baggage car. Each car weighs 17,000 Ihs., making :i2:i,000 and the loading consisted of HSO.OOO making a grand total of 70.1,000 Ihs. exclu sive of the passenger, express, mail and baggage cars and the engine. Tl.n wintpr has been onite severe in the Lake country and the loss in stock lias been pretty heavy, following passago is from a dated tho lGth of March: "The ice blockade is raised. Wo had summer f- 4i, lavs. Snow is all gone where our cattle range. We are only feeding 200 head now have fed K00 nta time. Three more days will take the snow out of this valley Throughout the whole country more initio lmvfi died than during tho h.,i irinrpr. All the Clear Lake sheep are dead except C00, out of 4.G0O." The water rushed down the ravine with a terrible roar, in a solid mass 2d fttt high. , March 31.- -The Hood by the dam did no material damage belo.v South Worcester. Black stone river valley was not harmed. Total Iohs estimated at $200,000. Svs i'msi is. o, March III. There will be another meeting ol the citi zens anti-Chineso committee this evening. The Chinese si companies have issued an address to the Amer ican people, setting forth under the treaty Chinamen came here to make money and return homo with little fortunes of their own; but hero they f.m n I wages so low that it has been impossible to acquire sufficient means to return. They deny that the six companies are encouraging others to come: but on the contrary say ther !irr doinrr all thev can to cneck -"V immigration. The address, at some lciicith, dwells on tho insults and in dignities oflerd to the poor China men in a Christian nation, and closes by suggesting calm deliberation in tlie making of tho new treaty (o prevent intercourse between the Uni ted States and China. Constantinople, March HO. The plague has reached Bagdad, where there are 10 cases daily. The Egyp tian officers authorize the quarantine of arrivals from the Persian Gulf, for To Farmer ;ml Slocli Kaiser-.'wiiJ, stand this ykats ar JL Hot old) the betintiflll I'lV lialf l.leed t'L,YllI Aid. i'n!t.-. i:..iuane. and Adv n ture, rising thl. e l.y l.nip.ror. mid plop. 1 tv of V. Ctialtn. r.' 'orn. lia J'arni, f mil. s north of Cornelius Station, fnuu April 1-d to July 1st. ti:isms. v') to 'iisarct paval 1 after the "tii ofNove:nl. r. Wi l.l.l AM U VMUIHS. Cornelia J'arni, Mar. :'ltli, l"7o. lieiHWi the relief pi ive.l f. r 111 tlie ,-..1115,. ami, Mini ri is ill hlll-.t.ine' that the pl.iilitiU's titleto the following I scril" d lauds pii' ted, to wit; lit -iiiiiin:; at a point win re the liase line cross, a tlie we:4 tioiiudarv line of the origin al donatio t land claim of li. il, Tuek.-r and wjfe in section I, 'I'. I li. VV., and inn- liill' tlielie.' cast 17 oj I'M chain, th. nee south :it 'l- 1"" eh lilis, th. lice wet 17 .VJ 1N chailis.aud lie lie. neltli :t t Ji-joil ill's, to the p!a,-e of Itcj'.i ui.iie.r, eotituiiiinu "( 11U0 the followiuo .lesert'M l parcel., 1 Wit : Colillilflicllio at the lloltll-M. fl .f .1 on 11. I . I S.. Ji. i v. .. tu- nee h.-tiee 'ntll US' - 10.I west rods, th' tic north pi tec of he-ililiin .', eolitallillio U acre more or hs; l'oth l-ai l paid Is of land l.eili ? in Wahiie.'ton t '.unity, r i."n; that the pl.iiu tilVi ! wf sioll thereof he ( f tahlllied ; that the lot deed IU the i-oiujil lll.t ti seril.rd lie Wll CAbb 'J IIi: AT'J'I'A'TIO? riti.-iiM of JlJbbhllOllO a. r m; land, t col lier o list I l I th. nee JS' ' rods to the Maohshed; d'-felld tilts l.e .leeieeil to c? to the jila' a cotivt v.inee ot all KiiM ; and for otle r mid furth'T rdi. f. 1MLJ Jl. 1UIONM ill. JMIWU .V SIMON. Atttoitii for i'l.untii!. cut. laud:- 1,1- W A!i"tulraloi .oiitc. norici: is iiKitr.r.v uivj; XI tic iite'e Tsioil'-d h,.S In. 11 appointed. the lloil. Coiintv olilt ot tlie state ot V. KrvcKHHni: to KMJLLOVi :NhTEIN A Co. am. Ul'JKlJtllN tV SlflNDJddt, Manufacturers and Jnipoiteii, W liolrmda and Ji. taii jieai. iH hi Furniturc.Beddinrr. Carpets. Paper-Haiifjingt, Ud-Clothn, I4irror. etc. etc- . Warcrooms: Cor. Yamhill & First Sts. Steam Factory Cor. Madison & Front Ms., Portland, Oregon. Arrr.xTioxoFTiiK and vicin ity to the fact that Wt- luivc our Mlililiier i.t'oeU of fiii iiiture, nihil enrpt'trt, oil-oloth nd v. aH-jiiiper which wf olVer ut yriitlv rediicrd priei H. 'J o the (Iran. n wn wouhl Buy luty iuiiiiture of (hi liotiNi' mad.i from onr ( )r v.' ui ash. maple and nl.l. r. Wo do nut li. ep Pine and Jiedwoo.l furniture innd in California, And if you wunt u lirHt rntn Spring l d, Wool, Hair, or l'ulu limtt"i.M( . v. ryttiin ut 1 1 1 i . htaMi-him nt in clean le w and fi. h, not a pound of cronddiund material lined, 'J he Oregon I uinituio Mrtn ilfaetnvili.L Coliijiiny is iiuinap'd lV Iii..'H lh' have Miellt the In nt pill t of tli-lr livei4 iii liuil.lin.o tin the furniture luiHiiirHH in Or Hon and we claim to know the M'hiiIh of thtt 1 urnit ure trade. See and priro uur o.i.Ih. Ve warrant Katisfiictinn. Orcfjon Furniture Manti'f Co. de.-l'lv t'oitl.ind, Oregon ri;tji:ssioNAii cahdh. r fi-ht The letter "jyrzt tico s iirr.r.r.Y (;viTn"t!.t in i-.nce .f an ord. r of ihe County Court of the State of Oregon tor v asnuv-'t"" ouin. made in the matter of the state .,f , l. Kie' ards. .11, decease d. and to me as adiuiliis tiator thereof directed, I will hell at puMie I ,.n. f 011 to t he lili'heht HI'1.1. T, al Hie i 01111 house d-M.r, in 1 liils.oro. v asiuinon 1 ...111 tv,, on Saturday, the 'J'.itli day of April, A. D. 17.. at tli.-lio'ii of one o'clock "p. 111.. all the ii:ht. title, interest and estate ..f John 1. ui, at the time of Ins death, or sine. 11 crue.l to his estate, in and to that tract of land, l.ein and situate iu Wa-diiii'ton Count v. r i;ii, and 1m inn the X. K. '4 of the N.'W. of h.. ;, Town. 1, south ratine 1 wcrd, eoiitainiiiii 1 acr., upon the follow in TKitMs r kai.k: One half the purchase j,r ice I. S. coin ill hand, and one half to le paid in V. S. coin w ithm six months from the day of .de. w ith interest at the rate of pip. r eent per an num, and t In: secured l.y mortal "y on th'; premises. IJ.i.i - :it :; ' .... urchaser. 111..MH i.iu.i.r, Admr. oftst.of J. I). Jli. hard.son, marrow I l.v t rO';.n III- of the Count V, dceea - hin 'ton County, administra te t .lohn A. .Mel'. e of said ,e.l, AU persons h i inu claims against ai t.H.ite are In rel.y lmtllied to pre. s lit th" properly veiiii. d to tin' under signed, ut his residence in South Tualatin I'reeinet in s ii 1 County w itl.i 11 si months from the date her, of. All persons iud. lit. .1 to said estat" nl'e h. r I'V liotiti' d to lliale oaviii' iit to ih" mi l 'i'si.;in d imm, ly. 1 p.W IU CAMl'iU Id.. Admr. of the . state of .lohn A. Mel', e. Jlidslioro, Match I Ct h l7n. mUdwT B's ! A. BAIIJ'.V, !. 1). Ph eiclan, Gurgeon nd Accouc'ieur. HixtsEono. ' - ' Oregon OI ITCK-at IlicPrue: Stor. JU.SID;N(T; - Thr. o l'.Io. l.n South of I rti; Store. nl :y 1 WJr.SON HOW Ml Y, 31. J'iijMf;md Siu-jreoti, 1. The World Dos not Contain a Medicine that will enre r distressing and dangerous Coivh or Cold as rapidly and certainly as Tf ai.e'i noNKT of HoREiiorxn asd Tar. 1'ike'n ToothacLe Drops cure in one ! fmarterg ana U0lir 3:1.513 sacks 15 days. Jacksov, April 1. The Mississippi Republican convention semis four teen out of sixteen tlelcgates to the Cincinnati convention for Oliver 1. Morton for President, nnd adopted resolutions endorsing his course. The colored convention declare him to bo the unanimous choico of the voters of Mississippi. London, Mar. 31. The corn trade relapsed into the languor which characterized it during the first two months of the year. The recent nd vance in the value of wheat, flour and barley was scarcely supported in the leading exchanges yesterday. At Manchester there was a decline of one shilling per quarter foreign wheat; but the English fully main tained tho previous prices. Last week's crrain arrivals from abroad showed a slight increase on the pre ceding week. The imports of wheat were 181,072 quarters: of maize 170,- dee'd. Apph1 trees 3 years old, : ear and J'lum trees th cluapist. j " per hundred, up. r than the T" D. IIITMI'HKJ'AS. Ilillslioro, Oregon. 3 Tin: iiMTir t'H;ur or Tin: State of Oreeon for asliintoii i omuy: Kh.aheth .1. I'.uihtnk vs. .1 ttues J.linr liaiik. To .lames T. ItnihinU, the aliove naiiied 1 . fen I u.t., on th..- 14th davoflM... A. I. lT's ll.n.r.. J. Slnttuck. .lud'e of th- id.ov. -named Court, m id.; an order dir. . tin,' that -rviee of the summons in this cause he had upon y..n ly puMici tion -f Ih.: th" Wash in. it. s Inok- ........ iv. 1. t r sis vt'i ks. Nov. tiu r. fore, in the name of the Slate ..f Oregon, voii ar.'lieirliy notified to appearand answer the eoiupl.iint of riaintill'her. in tiled against you y the tirst day of the term ot said Court "next followin ; th" expiration of the publication of this summons, which said term will commence at llillshoro, Washing ton Count v, Or. on Monday the U2d davof May. A. I. 171!. And y..u nr. fur ther iiotiticdthat if you failsoto ainw. r, the l'laiutill' will apply'to the Court for th" re lief in sail otiipl.itiit h mande.i, town, for the dissolution of the marrie contract now i-xistine; h. tv.c. n yon and the l'lll'., for the care, cutodv and control of I'red. !ur l.ank and M.d.el J. Hurhank. minor chil dren of I'll.. and Deft.; for judgment auust vou for the costs nnd disbursements of this suit; and for sueh otlier relief as the Court niayt:djud,eoNi.;pnah!i:.)Nori, f-Mwrt Attorney for IMfT. nKi:sT (iiiovi:, OlTTCK-.At l.h lleKld.noo, Wft of JoIiiisou'h riuiiini,' Millrt. ill'.);. J T. II. II.WDMiV, ATTOJISEY AM) COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Ol TICj: -In thf Court Jluuse, Hillsboro, i Ore: .ron. myj:Mf ex. iv 1. 1.. BAI.KIUII BTOTT. HALL iV. SPOTT, A r T C 11 X i: Y S - A T - L A W, PA TKXTS 0 li TA 1 XED. No. Ct Dekum'H J'.lo. k, roinr.AND, ohfsom. t f IOOK HERE If you wanLanything in the Grocery line, from a barrel of Sugar down to a Nut Meg ? LOOK HERE! NUTS, CANDir.S, OYSTKRS, CKACKKHS, CANNED 1TUTTS, Or anything kept in a First-lass Gro cery Store. Call at the Post Office and get them cheaper than ever. I .Mean II ui ! Term CASII. W. D. Pittenger. Wthmmm SHERMAN & HYDE, MUSIC DIALERS, Cor. KUAItNV ami SUJTEK Street.., San I'ltwrisco. Agents fcr tha Pacific Coast. THE TEW STORE. .i. in l l i : il iMto i ill i :to II. 77 x ir.t .:. JIAI.'H WA HE, rooh' ,s 'v vi:s, VALLoli SToVKfi, oi- ijij: ,sTtrs J Tin Ware and Htovf J'iiteH l oiistaiitlv on hand or made to order, l'ittiit'i owl re- txiV.'f liif, 'itr I'll laiit, rtt, f t' j. jir.Lid:n, Hillsboro, Oregon. iniirlmn:! HARDWARE. IR0F4 AND STEEL, Hubs, Spokes, Rims, OAK, ASH AND HICKORY PLANK, Nomura t & Thompson. PORTLAND, ----- OltlXiON jnn., 0 in G. ions oatmv. n-i.i Call in (. KIM In, IT'OHNEVS AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. lickum'K IntlldinR, First Rtreet, roitTLAND, OJIEOON. THOMAS II. TONGUE. Alt oriic V - a t - L a w , Hillsboro, Wasliiiik'ton County, Oreyon. tiios. i). iiit3iihhi:ys. XOTAli V rVllLIC wd CONVEYANCER 1AZC$1, pnjx rn drawn nnd collection mad... JtusitioHM entrUMtod to hin cure aU ended to promptly. OITTCK Si w Court Jfouso n3 :.T dol'toii ii. iMivcn, r h y i c i a n and On-K K AMI IlKKIDKNCK, Surgeon; HlI,IORo JAMES WITHYC0MBE, Vetcrin iirv S urKcon, HTLLHUORO, . - - OKKOON, JV IntimiRfV Kept for llorw u. f!5 per month Mill 1x5 tho i liurgH for nny ordinary eiiKe. Hpihtf Cor Wm. Pfunder, APOTHECARY AND CHEMIST, AnKonjr New Market Tlicntrfl Itlock, r. of First fr AhU Ktrct-U, I'urtland, pr, dcclmO. DG9,28C. now. minute. 1 1