THE INDEPENDENT. HILLSBORO THURSDAY. We assume no responsibility for vit"W3 ex pressed by correspondents. Xiooal iKToxTC s LCCAL EREVITIES. . Weather fair ami. foul. A new dish-washer at S. H. Humphreys. N. E. GooJU's letter will appear neit week. W. D. Pittenger went to Astoria on a vis it last week. Mr. Hughes a Portland attorney, came to town Tuesday. W. D. Pitte nger has built an addition to his barn . Several new ditches have been dug in this place lately fox draining purposes. P. Jackson will build a dwelling house in Ilillsboro this summer. Mr. Smith, J. E. Chenette's apprentice, went ho're this week homesick or lovesick, which. Darling? There was a pleasant social party at Mrs. Brown's place Tuesday niyht. The Teachers' Institute convened at the Grove Tuesday full particulars next week. Miss Rjsalie Tozier and MissZilpha Warren presided at the organ at Dr. Watts lectures last Sunday with grace and ease. Miss Flora Vite returned to Hillsboro last week on a visit. She has been attending school at Salem this winter. . . , ... , .... , , , , the hill fit tVllL'H lihue im I. a ..!.- i cently when the coyotes turned and ran the dog home. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. Fokest Gisove, March 22st 1S7G. Editok Independent; The Teachers In stitute met here to day, organized vith Prof. Robb in the chair and proceeded to Imsi- iiess. The first subject discussed was math-; ematicH by Prof. Guult. It w::s discussed 1 in an able manner but with somewhat nov- tl views. The next was by Trof. Maish on the sub- i jectof grammar. His remarks were vt'ry brief but right to the point. He held that grammar should be taught orally until the nge of ten years. There was quite a lively discussion on the subject. The next was nn essay on Rotany by Miss II. Collier. It was an admirable essay and did yreal credit to its author. AFTEC.NOON. Prof. Condon spoke cn the subject of geol ogy. He spoke of its relation to common schools by saying that all our geographies have much to say of the physical condition of the earth. He spoke of the relation of the science to the history' of limn. His re marks were exceedingly interesting. Following this was Mrs. Soilhr on the subject of reading, which was exemplified j by an able essay and examples given by her pupils. Miss Spaulding of Portland road an essay on "what constitutes a pm l recitation." It was a most admirable address, full of beau ty and instruction. At night we had a speech of welcome by llev. Ellis, responded to by a gentleman from East Portl ind(uame forgot t-n.) Then a very good composition by Miss Goodcll. After which we were entertained by a lecture from Mr. Pearce of Portland. It was one of the most able and interesting lectures to which I ever listen d. Of course all these things were iuter pe?sed with music. Altogether it has been a grand entertain ment; Obskkvkk. New Ads. See summons to A. L. Ware und Ware Lis wife. Notice the ad of ' Famous Library of Fic tion." S. Hughes new nd will appear next week. See A. Y. Royee's new ad. We have long needed a fjnml dentist in Ilillsboro who would devote his whole attention to the bus iness and Dr. Royco proposes to fill the place. His office will be found nest door to the PostothVe in Led ford's old barber shop, which Mr. Doyce has enlarged and refitted liieely for his use. Republican Primaries. Notice is hereby given that the Washing ton Coa ity Republican Primaries will be held in their several precincts at their usu al places of voting on Wednesday April I!), at 1) o'clock a. m for the purpose of cleet delegates to the C unity Convention t b held at Ilillsboro on Wednesday pril 2i. nt 1 o'clock p. in. for the purpose tf diet ing four delegates to the Republican State Convention to he held in Portland on Wednesday May 3d, at 11 o'clock a. m. and making nominations for the various State and County offices. W. McCLEOD, Chairman . Call! Notice is hciby given that there will be a meetingof the Independent County Committee for Washington 3oi)nty, Oregon, held at the Court flouse in Ilillsboro on "Wednesday March 28thr 187C, at 1 p. w. for the transaction of such busiuess as may properly come before it. A. LULELL1NO, Chairman. Fruit Trees and Shrubs, Don't forget to go to J, R. Porter's nur sery and get your frnit trees nnd shrrdis. It is nut too late yet. lie has the best va rieties nnd lives right among you and de serves your patronage. Re-set your orch ards now and don't put it of! for another year. Lecture. Dr. Watts of Yamhill county lectured at the M. E. Church in this place last Sun-':.-mj morning and evening, on temperance. He illustrated his subject by charts. His lectures were quite interesting, especially the morning lecture. In hk. evening lec ture the Doctor got into tleep water on the ioul, spirit and body. A Ghost! Cornelius, March 21st, '7C. Editor Independent: The other evening "Hill'' went out and milked the cow and took the pail of milk in to the kitchen as usual and set it cn the table in front of a lamp -which was burning, and left it there. The pail was a blight tin one and quite slim at the bottom, and the kero sene lamp sitting behind it cast a strange glare over the room, across which, like some tall, weird horror fell the shadow of that bucket. Well, the girls came home from the Golden Kule late and went into the potior, and then one of them opened tho door to go into the kitchen and her eyes caught 1 ho full size of the "goblin damned," and she shrieked and slammed the door, and thev both screamed like forty wild-cats. Then came rushing from the bed-room the head of the family without any socks on, brandishing a chair gallantly, gym ing like a a giraffe. Down stairs rolled "Bill" with banners llv ing, and his lejs looking like two in a moony nilit. In rushed the rest of the family. Then the head of tha family opened the door cautiously, backed by the doughty Bill and a sickly smile broke out over their faces. Bill shinned it upstairs to his room locked the door red as a lobster shins bleeding swearing softly to himself. Fox. Forest Grove Items. llev.j Ellis delivered his lecture, "Catching a Tartar," at the Cong. (jjj last Er'dav evening. Large Xobi dv crowd. Spledid lecture. l" sieup. pcouus pit-seni. Proceeds to be ajipliril to fixing up the church. i A - 1 tl fc , -. - L. Ben Catching chibits a model for sawing staves, ll ts applied for pat ent. The mosquitoes are killing sheep at the (J rove and tho wolf club will hold a special meeting to offer a bounty for sculps. Delegates to the Institute arriving. A new store opening to-day. Sam Wilkes has sold his place to an immigrant for :?2,'X. Dave Har per has sold his place also to an im migrant for 7os), and h is taken a homestead on Gale's Creek, better than the one he sold. Mr. Watson and family have just arrived from Missouri. Mrs. "Wat son is a daughter oF Mr. Ira L. Pur din. Thev have settled on a farm near Greenville, given them by Mr. Ptn din. Steve Harris has made him -elf a nice cropiet ground o." feet spiaro, leveled v. ith a spirit-level and sown in white clover. When finished it will be the tin est in the country. Toots. Dilley Stems: We have no wolf club bore. We don't li:ivu any wolves and don't want any. The wolves so far h ive confined their depredations to the district noith ot the Grove. Ross Welch lnjuoht 12 Lewd of ows at St. Helens recently for$3'J0. Geo. Johns is going to plant two acres in poppy seed of the French White variety for making opium. The meeting toeonsider the ques tion of building a steam flouring mill :tt this place will meet here on the 1st of April. Ti ose interested in such a mill would do well to be on hand. liusiness dull-roads muddy. x. y. z. "Mousie" Answered. Plesant Hill, Mar. 2lst, 1870. Ei-iTon Indi:px:M)F.-t. I saw an ar ticle in your paper of March Olh, a notice of the exhibition at Pleasant Hill. "Mousie" passed quite a com pliment on that occision. Now if 'Mousie" never was at an exhibition before lio is. excusable, if 'Mousij" has, I think that he had imbibed j rome of the contents of that bottle j himself. It is very natural for tome folks, when drunk themselves to think everybody else drunk and they alone are sober. Nou if this should catch the eye of "Mousie," please let us hear from him if he is sober yet. Raxie. Hillsboro waif Club. Last Friday a wolf club by tho above name was organized at this place by electing A. Luelling presi dent, P. Jackson Treasurer and T. H. Tongue, secretary, and having the following boundaries: McKay creek on the west, north lino of Township 1 north, Uinga 2 west; on the east by Rock creek; aud on the south by Tualatin River and Dairy creek. The club have euough mon ey subscribe! to pay tor every wolf killed between now and the 1st of May next. FROM YAMHILL COUNTY. Local and Political News from North Yamhill. March 20th, 1870. Ed. Indi pendent : Everything in this part is vey cpuiet, except that many people are becoming rpuite boisterous in their denunciation of the weather clerk on account of the very unusual extension of tho wet season. However, the warm and moie favorable turn of the weather for a few days past has produced .1 corresponding change on the coun tenances of many of the dissatisfied, thej' having become suddenly po sessed with a faint hope that we may i vet have a short season of seed time and summer. Much of the dissatis faction about wet weather, the disa greeable winter, etc., is imaginary rather than real. True we have had, I presume, an unusual amount of rain fall, but the winter has been a very open and mild one. A few days ago I inquired of a neighbor vjo is an old settler and quite large ly interested in stock raising, wheth er the winter has been favorable or unfavorable for the farmer and stock raiser. His reply was, "very favor able indeed." And very fortunate it is for Yamhill county, as there has been a general scarcity of feed fcr outside stock, many not even having S'itlL-ient to feed teams through seed ing time, and yet there will be very little stock lost of poverty: in fact I am not aware that there will be any worth notice and beyond ques tion, much less than for many years past. Perhaps it will be wondered at by many of your readers, that farmer- should bo generally short of feed in such a fine farming country as thi--, vet it is jut so. I will not - "A .1 I now wriie oi ine reasons wny it is so, nor suggest any remedy for the recurrence of the same in the future. I will, however, say that it is no fault of the s;il or the climate. Among those who expect to viit the Centennial from this vicinity are Hon. Lee Laugh in, li. II. Laugh-1 Jin. Wm. li.ul, 1 H ii.suoith, G. Rowland and Chas. Muipliv. The' lust named, has sold his farm ad joining the village of North Yamhill, to his former partner, Mr. Hans worth, and will stmt in a few weeks accompanied by his wife on a tour of tiael for his health. C. A. Smiih a Spiritualist lecturer and travelling Phyx-ian, gave a leo ture ut the North Yamhill Aacademv ' a few eveniiiL's ao. Ifj told of many things perfor .ied ly the snir its through himself as melium. At the close- of the lecture h foiinetl a citcle of iersi;ns seleiel from the aud'eiice. hbd nfter a season of pa tient ane rpiiet wuili: ly tlnse coniKsiiie the circle ; nd by the re mainincf audi nce, the momitony of the jei Tortmmce was lroLi 11, enly tt learn that no one present had e-Np.eriencetl any symptoms, except some complained of fcelini' vc-rv ! t red of the performance. Mr. N. promisses another visit within a few weeks. He is also canvassing for av.ilu iblt iinprovein ent on the head er or rain harvester, on which he has a patent. The improvement is quite a commendable one and can be applied to any header whether new old. Arrangements have been made with Kq. Dunn of tin's place, to canvass Washington Countv for the pateut, who will I presume soon be circulating umong the farmers of your county with it. It has lieen made public that the Good Templar I..odre in this place his b; en in commotion of late, ow in,! to an attempt to expel a num ber of youii men who had been proven to bo intoxicated a short time ao, while at. a dance iu the neivdiboihood. The expelling party failed to get the required vote to ex pel them, but succee Ted in voting h )uiiishtnent less severe than that of i total expulsion, whereupon the cul pable members, with a number of their friends, became vrv imli" mint, ami withdrew from the order evidently thinking to break the lodge up. The better ami more so ber minded portion of the lodge are congratulating themselves that they have got rid of an clement that has heretofore made much trouble, and say the lodge can now be carried along with much more interest aud harmony of action. Not very much as yet doing in politics here. We hear of a great many aspirants for certain offices, in both parties. While the present in cumbents are anxious to retain tho offices for another term, there are innumerable others pressing their claims, for the patronage of the peo ple. For the most part though, so far as I know, they are broken down aud bankrupted business men, who could hardly have a consistent claim other than that of incompetency to carry on private business to success, except that I should name perhaps their strict adherence to party and party power. This, as you are aware, is alwavs everywhere counted on as one of the strongest recommenda tions that any individual can be po sessed of who aspires to a public of fice. There will probably ba no at tempt made by the Independent to bring out a ticket. Independents will for the present, remain content, with the hope that tho knowledge the old parties have of a strong in dependent sentiment among the peo ple, will induce each party to put in the field a better set of men than has been the cusfomgenerally. At least it is expected that they will not, as usual, ask the people to vote for and elect to offi-jrc men who have as a rule no particular merit other than that of being strict party adherents and successful party wire pullers. As yet there has been nothing said about our legislature. I am not aware that there are any who as ire to that high position. Having more of honor than money in it, there will perhaps not be so many to urge their clums for election. I pre sume that within the more than two months intervening before election, men will be brought forward that are fair representatives of their res- pective parties, ami for this time at ..'ill lfc. rf'.ill 'l'lbld tl fiSltlf j oi;,v altcnmtive; of making choice among them. D. C. S. PORTLAND LETTFR. St Patrick's Day -A wet Celebration but a Kcn Orator Portland, Mar. 17, 1870. En. Isii:rr.Mr.NT: Portland pre sents at the present a dull appear ance ami ji jrenerai com ni.iini is . i - . heard of hard times and business men wear a stolid countenance not withstanding many of the wholesale .. i i sily t n:-c l in boxing men are bus anl sliiiiinjj consij:mients of jooils ... . to cliherent puts oftlio country ..v!, f . I..H- tl.of ittnuuii'iti v lilt fi iliur-t tliti lJ.ftk iwiiiimM v , ... , . . . nt on a stutitlMuI but is iuouj'' on- war.l to better times. St. Patrick h uav notwitusfantliii" the rain was celel.rate.l l.v the Hi- H7.;, that U i..-,-ti,e first day of th-uex't i the I.--t.u- can fr.u.ish with np, artments . term 01 of the circuit court of the St ate of with cart ful and hkihful nuts, s wh. re unre. beini lii Scietv lirt lv a JU"oce;s!oil I o,,,,,,,, for w-hin.-ton e.mntv which will 'fitted attention and eon staiit cai ive c-v-m:iicl.iu- tlmMi-li the 1.1 j l after the expiration of the ,.erit,l ; ry aurane.-of rapid and permanent cure ?, . n ... . i.ifseiild by tie-ord. r..f court l.n-the Ihe Institute is supplied Willi ft streets with music wild ami fan tit: tie, j iuii.-iiti..i "of thissummt-us (whnh order . LY1IJ3-ITI I'PARTIIENT- thence to the Sisters of Charity near j w 's a.le by the Hon. 1'.. 1. sh atinck Ju.l-e : v.hrn- -tit nts will receive the treatment so 1 .,f . 1. 1 ..1 , 1 . a. . 1. 1 1 .... . i . r.-i. t it 1. 1 s ;t: 1 . , 1 1 ,,r 1.. ....1 wat'ic i ini'-i iiei tw conic the procession. The pupils of the School met them at the front eu t.Miioe to "reel them with vocal mu- sic, to which the hand replied. They then marched to the O10 Fino 11.11. The or ifion by Prof. While was delivctv.1 in :i very t::--tti if il m:u ner though el..pieut, tle.ilin out wit and Joic as well as stinoiu; sar easui, Iaiivliu the Irishman's patriot ism iu all other countries save his own. Tne procession bronchi hundreds of spectators to the streets while many followed on the side-walks. Tl eru in.iv he seen manv men on the str-ets of this tow 11 out employ- meut preferring to wait ami take the chances here t'. get work ratiier than go to the country where work may be had at all times. The streets arc lined with book agents, tinkers ami peddlers of all kinds, working at their business under dis couraging appearances, and in many instances treated witn insulting con tempt. Every man to his culling, is tfieir motto whether there is work to do or not. J. X. Miixku. Mountain Dale Itoms: Ki'tTon IxnK.rr.xm nt: It has been some tune since you heard from here so I send you a few items. We have had heavy snow storm for the past week. If it hud laid cm it would have been f inches deep but it melted as fast, as it fell, A man by the name of Vanblari eum started for the Nehalem horse- back the other day ami had to re- turn an account, of the depth of the snow.' Next day he started n foot back ami we have not heard from him since. He reported the snow to be 4 fe,-t deep which is the deep est ever known since white men began to travel accross to the Neha lem. A little daughter of John Corneli us has been dangerously sick of the croup for several days. Henry Reedier has moved home on his place on this creek. He has been liviug with Flem Dobbins this winter. I). O. Quick has been engaged ! for two or three weeks running logs down the creek while there is plenty of water. He has had 8 or 10 hands employed for several weeks. When his sawyer turns loose on the logs then then the lumber will fly. Our private school, taught by Miss M. Goodell, closed last eek. She gives good satisfaction wherever she teaches. Stbiogli-b. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Agent's Outfit Free! Large Commissions and Cash Premiums FOtt RELLINU A IMM OF F.UI0I5 FICTION COMriUSINO THE TfcX Jewels of Imaginative Literature: Pilgrim's Progress, Vi:ar of Wukclu-lJ, Uobinson Crusoe, Paul anJ Virginia, (Jullivtr's Travels, Klizahctb, Vatht-k. Picciohi, L'niline. Tales from Arubi n Nights, CompUte in OXK VOLUMU of owr l.oOO pa-s, beautifully illiMiutcd with 31 full pa KnravinjH. It the W ii;i.IS SrOKl HOOK, nnl all want to r-al it. Awnt's On lit frvt to all who mean business ss ami will faithfully canvass. J. B. FORD & CO., 3:i: Kearn y St., San Fra nv I , Cal, A. Y- Boyca, h prepared to do all kindsof Dental work, llj has a tine l) litaU'h air, uljthe noted It Iter Sjn iiy! Which renders tootii-nulliux comparatively Or TlCE adjoining tho l'ostoi!i;e in Ilills boro. luJJaiJ Administrator Notice. tw'otice is ni:i:i:i!V ;ivi:n tiivt Xl tie; undi'r-i 'ued ha Ih-cii aowoiuted. bv the Mo n. Countv Court of the State of r.--on for Washington Count v. ad:uiui.-tr.-- from neral 1 unit olt. n breaking out. uf ter ot the estate ot John A. MclVf of haid j l " "f "ln lit cure, in hideous Koreu County, deceased. All persons having claims j "l"'" various parts of the body. Its peat le'anist sai l.-htate are hi r. bv Iioli!iei to pre- I danger lies in the fact that it is yiven to the sent the same iro:. ilv v. iiiied to the under- hiued, at his icstd ,-in-e in South Tualatin Precinct in said County w ithin six mouths from the date hereof. All persons ind btcd to said estrfle are hereby notiiieil to make pavun nt to the mid rsi jte d immediately. i.vvii ca.mi'i;i:ll. Ail-nr. of the estate of J !r.i A. M 1'ee. lliilsb .ro, March Mth H7o. ufSJ-l N THE CIKCL1T COL'KT OF TJIK klA ... h... ...... . . i'. ..4 P... . am. ni.iif ui wit "nn nitLcuin t :,.,,.. .. ,' h ...... ..i.,,.,.! i. Ware and Ware his wile, defendants, lo A. Ij. Ware and Ware his wite. the above named defendants. In the name o thcStatft ot' Oregon you and each of you. are hereby no- ! till l a!id r llire I to a ipear ill thealiove en- , tl, clllt ,, ;llw,V the coa.plauitof the j plamtilf tiled in the b ve totaled mui j wUliin ten days from the l ite of tiu HL-riee (tf tilis f.(1;lolls noon you. if in i ;til!l 'toil (,mtf :iTi,i if st lAi il ilk ;i!iV - . - other county in Ums State, then within 4wen- ... ,i ,V4 W.P..:.... .. ,,i if .. v...i .v I - - - publication you are noti.i. d and icpnivd to ; i . ,1... .1.1. i,.,i .,. v., to wit- M v! so aj'jtear ai:l answer sael coniplauit on r t, uii- .11 r.iii. t .. p.t 1.11 .'1 ( then of, and if you fail so to app.-ar and an- j j swer, the plaint itf will apply to tic court for ; .-- ..... ..... .... .... .I..... ... lir.-t puoii. atiou i tilt: lejiei it.nrii in i lie ei I . II l tia h l , wiiiill 1 . .1 . . . . .1 . .1 Is in sub, t nice that the plallit.t! s tllh to tile , , a 11 , 1 . 1 . . follow ill'' lesel'll't (1 laud' b quieted, to Wit , :. . . , '., 1 1 I't-itiniu ' at a point wuere r b.tsj line . ' , . ,., tae west bound uv hue of th,-origin- , , . . 11 . -r , 1 al ilouatjo 1 land claim tt I . t J. 1 in-Iier and t . , ... . . . ., , 1. .. ). f . .. .. ,7 1 :.. ..1: , - - , ... 1 ,, iuii; iiienee easi 11 -! " ciiauis, i;enei hollth -1 -"l-l'i'l e'a itus, t!e:,ce W- : t 17 oj eliains.i.u I tie u a noith .M ",-leo t h's, to the pi ae of beiimiii', containing t'nl acres; also the fo'lo, mo ., ei ibt d parcel f lan 1, to wit: f.'om:uei,c;ii:.' at tie- leuth-West corner of st ctioii 11, T. 1 S., II. U'., then.-e ! 1st 1 I I rod-., thence south US' .' rod-i, tin nee west 112 rods, thence north -S'a rods to the place of be'inniu 1, c iiitaiiiing -" acres moi c r less; both mid parcels of land bt in iu Washington County, re;;o!t ; that tin- plain- tliFs posse-sioil tlit-reof be esf.tbi jshed ; that the lost det-d in the complaint described le establlshetl; il 'felld lilts be th C.t t-d t X -t cute to the plaintiff a Conveyance of all Ktld lauds; and for other and fu th -r relit f. DOLI'H. r.UONAl ;ii. IXH.1'11 .V SIMON'. m23w7 Aittoriit vs for 1'laintilT, rictioo. Tho Annual Me tin of the Stockholders of the W. C. A. Society will be In Id lit the Court House, at 1 1 1 sbero, on Saturday, the (th day of May. Is7'.. at I o'clock p. m. for the cleetinii of nine lliieel. r. and for Mich other business as may properly come before the met tine;. Ilv order of the Board. w. i). rrrn.xnr.ri. marOm2 Seev. Apple trees 3 year old. per hundred. Tear and Plum trees cheap r than the cheapest. T- D. IIL'MIMIIIF.YS. Ilillsboro. Oregon. Book Agents Want'd E. J. II A I.I' A; s:, PtiMfshors, 17 .Murray St. N. V., Are now issuing to subscribers only, tiii: tiiistm: kditio.v. The only I'u'Iy Illustrated Ivliton f WJiVEHLY my IIS Of American make ever off red to the PUBLIC H Of the text of Sir Walter Seott it is, of course, unnecessary to speak. Of the style of manufacture the volume now ready will Kpeak for themst lven wherever Keen. "Thev have." s tys the NVw York Eceiiin-t V'st, "the best of all yotl tju alities in a printed iKwk clear, lare t-. Withoiit beine; espensive, t leoatil and serviceable." "An ee etlinelv beautiful edition, a (eiii of typ r ihieal b.-auty, "s ays the New York Wi'.rbl. Forty- ight volutne-J, nvfrains t'0 paes ench. ami containiie-; nearly tw tll.Mlsind ll!ti'r.ltln, will ccnnl t- tin series Two volumes issued monthly. Nineteen volumes now ready. rr.ICE, in Cloth, pilt extra, ier volume, .... SI oO " Half Turkey Morocco, Rilt top, . 2 '-" AriKrss CHARLES K DABN EY, Gen'l Ae:'t. Care E. Hale .V Son, 1 7 Murray St., . V. Publishers desiring to secure a set of this beautiful edition can make satisfactory ad vertising arrangement by addressing the General Agent as ab ive, or Messrs. GEO. P. HOWELL & CO. AFTLIt A QUARTER OF A DR. J. C. YOUNG MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE still oftVrs to the ufllicteJ ub.olute cure in ail cast s of SEMINAL WEAKNESS. The )r sanation of health Mini life ia d? l ik1 nt uion the proper conditiiin of the rcH-r-:-a(ive funitioiiM uml ny wt akneKKor uu of weakneMrf of the. t?ein rative organs or their usew in a ln t attack njxni the funeral health as well tin a tUlo h htruetion if not riM ily enrol of the nraint that nil- the priile of one x and the Mexsiu of the other. I Voi rn is lail tlie foundation of lunch of the misery of after year by tho indulgence of the MOST IKM lil CTl VK OF Hum ni'if.I i'f lift n curse and jieadinu weakness and I um uinont? tnaiikind, for it in a well known fact that t'if itnlnl(rnce in i y ;,; e. n in tli. slightest .li L'toe. I ll'nt f irr,,l, i.i h, the tstskm Hint " " l "J rruU und hu"! ji otter i'-'irs YouirjBIan f you experi'n'e any weakness you fclionld not delay, for a day may imperil your health if tot your life. In all forms of Weak ties and l'reinatui-c leeay a Cure is (Suaranteed by the I)eetoi- to the Voting, M iildle-aeil or Old, without I'.XpoMire or Jlllel' t-alice from Dusiness. The K' ineilieh nj-e plllely VC(e table and of a n at urn th it haves no taint behind. OlisKI.Vh the (.Vlnptolns and hasten to check the course of the complaint, if you xp'rh nee any of them nhjitli itist hnnifg, sU'jIit ilisfli'ir'jt , ut t'tlirr Hints, trtmbliii'f, iui ''','. "r'jttfn!!ins, c oi fusil oi, ti'in in buck; limbs tr buil if, J'i'li li'uli ifs, intiili sti'tlt, timidi' tif, HCrls'nm ti sihii t y, lussfif fiiiirtr, Wdnt Hi cin,triJ,vn i'ib,'c ti in jit r, nt tuck s uf nick'nfsn akhi f biHunm-t'ss, tb p'isits 'tit iiriun, irrtijulur boic TEHRIBLE POISIONS. Anions the most subtle and virulent of ' l "'isons in the huiiian blood that urihine: iniMiectit partie r or ti the unborn chihl without showing in the peixm oiiinally coutractin-.' it. TII2U3E 0? MERCURY onlyahlsin this tei ribht deeeplion by dry in it upon tin surface and h i vin it back It to the blood. At I. VfAKIlKAL PosION H A El.tol l'OsIO AMI CAN ll'i COMM t.'XM'Al KD IS Tin. m.toi and tlietmly ct r'ainty of pieven tiou of transmission is in the positive cured of the rifnrm tn-nl im nt praetict il at the Ir, J. Voniiu; Me dical Institute, coiuj relit n ! sue, Hcieiititie iiiei tlioroiili, I avinj" re et ived n.orseneits as the lest of all liiod- t Til pra tiee. JI cent c.isen eill'tdill II few : days anl chronic cases with r inaikable j rapidity. Our t.f the finm-ucc of the Intel tit fif Ijtit'xl ire urn r t'liliin. TO FEMALES. There are no cl is tf eompl aintH that bo enlist tic- sympathies of the medical mind or tio command its era vest thought find Mucy as JUat C.Klict women. I , M till li INIIM-Ili II i'Sl 1.1 I 01 and treat!ii lit is enabled to assure Ihelil . . l ,11 .,i : ! r:il"'' i'd thoiou.-h run s i pi tints m.-nh nt to the sex. in all the com- TflK W KAK CAN ; "",K "u nihtuu and tub sci-FKiuvti ron j ' Those who require persnnl supervision esseniial in mu m cast s Ci RED AT HOME. C-irrr'p'iii'b-in"'. The veat dilUulty ninny . : .t. : . t... ... ...t.i.. ..: ::.... 1 1 - ..:.r i.jfieiviiiniisijie lioui'ieni omuiil; mi 1 i 10, i . oft n 1 iit-.ii 1 in;' an expense far exceedm'' " ..... f i tl cost of ti 1 nl nn nt . this expense can . . , ,, ... . ., i be avoided bv W I Hill'.: to the Poator, (.'IVIll . Iniviairown way, the viuetoins of your .. " , . , ... 1 .troubles t.r complaint, i 11 res enarantef d ., , . . t . : n the m:i;c as bv ! rn n vi-it. All couiiiiiinieatioiis Ktncllv co1 Till b lit, all let ters t ilh r r turned or th stroyt d. j I j ' The Jii i t r cm rrli'-'l ujnm fa nil ftifts ri ijii'i in t 'ovi iiii:v .; ,M Si cuKt V. 7.V : j .; i7i b ae' oi hin, n't to" f tin WijYrT fT , art i,t itl-tits. lit' irill fiintji'i relieve, ami cure "'. Address BEKJ. F. J03SELYN. M- D- CH Sacramento Street box 7.T." dec.1v I San lYincisco Cal IODIDE POTASS. The best Thantiiierof tht Complexion now in use. Cure lituphs, boils, lSlotchc. Uheumatisni and 1I rcuiial l'ains. Sold by nil Iriop!Kts. I'se Low's Concentrated Flavoring T.x tract fcr Ice Cjenm, Cakes, r, SAVINGS AND LOAN BANK. No. ; post s i i:i:t, Masonic Ti mti r., - - San Francisco I.ecebc 'let in ninl Ordinal y D 'J"lt. "VTerni In posits. Not I.cks than Six Months. Ordinary lt posits can he drawn at short notice. Last Piviih nd: Term I isits, i jrr cent, Ordinary lb-posits; 7' 't -v ceiit.t t-r-titieatt s of lb posit IsKUi d. Payable in New York and Principal Cities in the United St ttt s and Canada, rilso; LtnluU, Pulis and nil tie- principal Cities t.f F.urojc, II. T. tiiiAVKs, Sec. W. II. Ct i.vKn Tre. wr .-3 6 C HZ 5 5 V it ws 9. 7 - S .3 -' 6 S - 0J' Try the Magic Effects ot ran 'EOPiinGnon ix so ip It washes without rubbing. It I co:n- 1osed prineipiiUy, of the conibina'ion of lorax and Ammonia, so that is ntir ly thx s away with hard lalior. For Kcuioving Orease, Paint, Tar, Xc, it cannot bo sur passed. Oood for the bathroom. A trial will tsinvinee any one of its superior merits Askvour grocer for it. Manufactured by J, FALKINUUKOH Ar Co., Has Fiiancisco. EHEUI1AN &K1UH, MUSIC DEALERS, Cor. KEARNY and SUTTER Btreeta., Sax FjtANCisco. A-ontc fr the Paciilo Coast. NEW ADVERTISEMNTS. fJElV DnUG STORE, MAjy S TllEET, UlLLSBORO. Koepg constantly on hand PATXJS, OILS, GLASS. DRUGS MEDIC IS ES and CHEMICALS ?. , A LAKOE ASiSonXMENT OK. , . X,toxxt Modiciiics T)ILET ARTICLE SOAPS, SPOXGES, PEIirUMEIlY ttv. dc. tie. Also it well selected stock of CIGAKS ami TOIIACCOS. Pure WINES mul LIQUOltS, for McJicinal purposes only. Glass cut to any ilze desired. rrencrijlion$ carefully compounded and all medicine warranted genuln 1USTOMEItS WISHING AXV thin in my line will find any nnd nil Arti cle usually found In first class Drug, Store, und for sale LOW fur cash. Kahn & Freidcnrich, Have Jnt recivrilu Inrtsc ninl eh iuit stock of the very latest styh M of ladies Jlress (ioods.Hats, Shoes, Hosiery .... I . . . i A . 1 .io a une ioi oi ciouiin ami evr ry else to complete a cent's attire, (iro i thill" else to complete a L'fllt'n littirc eerie Crockery, Hardware, Not ions, Tobac co and Cigars, aud many more ii tar too nu nit rous to mention. Price .osuit everybody, KAHN Si FKLIDLXRICH, HillsWo A. HIEMMAkM Has the largest stock of pood In tho Grove, Consisting of DRY GOODS, CLOT1IIXG, IIA7S, vi. ny; r a imcLEs, fc. Family ('rocerlc nnd Provisions, UAllbWAlli:, CUOCKKUV dc., do PRICES LOW an the LOWEST A. IIIN.MAN. Forest firov Or. Nov. 7, 17J 43iy:l JUST OPENED! T A. 1.. 40llSUVS FUIlMTt'IlI. IIOO.M, the best stock of furniture ever olb red to the people of Washington county, Consisting of letlsteads, t hairs, stand mid tables extt nsion and drop h uf, bureaus, center table plain and marble top, safes; wall brackc4 iu black m alnut, ( e rt nice ), mirror, picture, frame nnd moulding; also wall pajx r, window curtains, shade and fixtures; also carpets, tapestry, oil cloth, matting, rus. tff., tt'e.- Also Haljy ciarriae, (xiijieriur nhhs) , Jlasc ball and Halts, Crorpit t set ami fancy article. N. 15. Particular attention given to nn. bolstering. Repairing gilding nnd varnish' ing done to order Call nnd see for your selves Salt Room on Pinc-st. Ret. F.lni and Walnut. A. L. JOHNSON, Forest drove, July 20. 75, Proprietor jlyW-tf YOUNG rjEfJ SWho mftv be be suffering from the effect jof youthful follies or indiscretion, will do Il mv to avail themselves of this, the great fest boon ever laid at the altar of suffering 'humanity. HR. SPiNNP.Y will gnaran tee to forfeit VM for everv ease of semi. Jnal weakness, or private disease, of nuy .kind or character whioh ho undertake and fail to cure, He would, thcrcfortt say to the unfortunate sufttrer who may raed this notice, that von arc trending up mi di'.gcrou ground when you longer dt lay in seeking the proper remedy for your complaint. You may be in the first J first stage; remember you are approach ing to last. If you aiu It-nh ling upon tho last, nnd are snfft ring s une or nil of it ill effect, rt member that if you presist in procrastination, the time must come when the most skillful physician can rentier yon no assistance; when ti e door of hope will be closed against you; win n no nngcl of nn rev can bring yon relief. In no cnsn has the Doctor failed of success. Then h t not despair work upon your Imagina tion, but avail your imagination, but avail yourst If of the Irf-in tlcial icsult of hi treatment Is fore jour ease i beyond tha . reach of medical skill, or liefora grim death hurries you to a prematura grave. Full emirs of trentiiK nt Send money by Post Office order or F.pret. with ull description of ca. iCall. or Address. Dr. A. B RPINNEY. No. 11 Kearney Street, San Francisco. Mrs. Rohers Remedy U Perforinln? Wonderful riirrs. THIS NEW MEDICINE IS PURE y vegetable and is harudes to tin most th Jieate cotistitulioii, Itissomild nnd Ideasaiit to the taste that children cry for it. t has produced some remarkable cure i'l Asthma ami Hrouchitis, und for measles, whooping-cough, c -oup A c, Iti nneipialcd. Prepared only by MRS. L. ROlIKR, Mon mouth. For sale be DR. RVILEY, Hillsboro. nml by II. O. HYDE, Dilley. scplGtf HARDWARE. IRON AND STEEL, Hubs, Spokes, Iti mi. OAK, ASH AND HICKORY PLANK, NOKTimtT & THOMPSON. PORTLAND, ----- OREGON, jun., ft m C. , i . " t