.-THE INDEPENDENT. r HILLSBORO : : THURSDAY. ( NO 1 ICE. No certificate , of p ubli cation will be given until the fees are paid. WE SHALL MAKE NO DE VIATION FROM THIS RULE in future. - Notice to Cobbkspoxdests. 1. Please -write on one side of the paper only. : 2. (live Hull naine, Post-Office, county, and State, inot necessarily for publi -ation, but a guar antee of good faith and to enable ns to an (wv by mail, when, for any ' reason, that course seems desirable. 3. Do not expect anonymous communications to be noticed. I NoncE.-Simple announcements of births, Jnarriages and deaths will be inserted with out charge. Obitmvty notices will be charged for at the rate of 10 cents per line. V We assume no responsibility for views ex pressed by correspondents Iiooal News . RELIGIOUS DIRECTORY. REV. J. F. ELLTS will preach every Sunday in the Congregational church at Forest Grove, at 11 a. m. y DR. O. II. ATKINSON of Portland will preach at the M. E. Church in this place ev ery 5th Sunday in the month, at 11 a. m. Rev. G W Richarosoy of the Christian fchurch preaches the 2d Sabbath and the Satuiday before in each month, at Harris Bridge at 11 a. ni. r Rev. D. Eos of the United Brethren thurch preaches at Hillsboro in the Christian church every 3d Sabbath in each mouth at 11 a. m. . ' T, ' REV. CHAS. SHEPHARD will preach on the 1st Sabbath in each month at Columbia 'Acadeny; 11 A. M.; Oak Grove; 2 1-2 P.M. 2nd Sabbath in each month fit Hillsboro 11 A. At.; Licey S. H. 2; 12 P. M.; Hillsbo ro 7 1 2 r M. 3rd Sabbath in each month at the Baptist Church 11 A. M.; Reedville, 2 1-2 P. M.; Hillsboro 7 1-2 p. M. 4th llillsbor.j 11 A. M.; Center-vill-j 2 1-2 P. M.; Hillsboro 7 1-2 P. M. Prayer meeting every Thursday night 7 1 2 at Hillsboro. Children's meeting at 2 P.M. Saturday. SECRET ORDERS. vii. Montezuma Lodire No. 50, I. S6fH. O. F.-Meets every Wednts lljft&r day evening, at Masonic Hall, in niQsboro. ' ' Brethren in good standing are invited to attend. By order N. G. 33 --tf . , Hillsboro rol?e. Vo.17. 1. O. . T. meets at its Hall in Hillsboro every Satur day evening at 7 o'clock. All members of Jhe order in good tanding are cordially inv ited to attend. By order W. C. T. r ' ml-tf 10CAL BREVITIES. "nam Cish'a" letter came too late. Three Hillsboro boyswent in swimming last Sunday. K,Mr. R. D. Wiley has just hung out a mealy painted sign. '.The Dairy Creek bridge is progressing to completion rapidly. Mr. Cave of this place has been sick of erysipelas for several days.. wf?'. D Merryraan of Astoria has Veen visit ing Hillsboro for a few days past. Mr. Vauter.a nephew of T.D.Huniphreys, arrived here lr.st vrcek frpm Illinois. ,, Some relations of Auni Mary Woods ar rived at this place lart v cek from Kansas. ?Treidenrich keeps cheap goods and is sell ing mare of them than any man in town. Mr. M. Moore has just moved into his new dwelling in the southern part of town. Cornelius will have a neck-tie party on New Year's eve, so "Ham Cash" informs 0 ir paper failed ic cm in time was the cans of the delay of the Independent last week, ,,The Hillsboro folks have been journeying Jo Portland more extensively than usual for the past fortnight. Call at the Postoffiee and get some nice toys and story-books for Christmas presents for your children. R. D. Milone gave a social party nt his house in this place last Friday evening. The young folks express themselves ell pleased. Looli out for your favoriie Cochin, chan ticleer. "pard."AnEnglishjudgs has decided that a man may shoot a noisy rooster on the cpot. Freidenrich & Kahn are busy invoicing their stock of goods. Their sales for the past year have been quite large, and we are informed, are still increasing. We will speak in one paragraph for all of our correspondents that there is more mud in the roads to the sqr ire yard und of a be tter article than has been seen before for a year. 1 . Ecn'tbe too hard on your only turkey, neighbor. He is a stranger in a strange country and every man's hand is against him. We will say in justice to him that if his nose is red he does not fancy "red-eye." The sidewalk between the M. E. Church and the new harness shop is completed and we must say, it is a great improvement, as well as convenience. This improvement n largely due to the exertions of Chas. Laughhn. ''What can I do to make you love me toore?" asked a Beaverdam youth the other day of his girl who' lives on the, Plains. "Buy me a ring, throw your shoulders back Tfhenyou walk and stop eating onions," was her reply. Elder Norton preached a good sermon at the Licey school house last Sunday, and " and will preach at the same place every 4th Sabbath in each month henceforth. He yrill preach at Centerville this coming Sab bath at 11 a. m. Prominent citizens at the Grove say that ihe people of Hillsboro are more anxious about having the Dairy creek bridge built than the Grove people are. Thep say that they do not need to come here only to pay their taxes and' they do not like very much to make a trip for that purpose. Hence the reason the. Grove "pungles" so extensively when the Sheriff makes his annual visit to collect revenue, A Last Monday Mr. A. H. Garrison who lives near this place reached Mc Minnville just twelve minutes : too late for the hack that runs to St. Joe, and not finding any horse in the livery stable started out a foot, carrying two coats which weighed eleven pounds, determined to make St. Joe in time to get on the cars for Hillsboro, and he made the distance, 2 miles, in just 37 minutes or ten minutes to the mile. Real Estate Transctions. B.Boshen and wife toA B Potterl 20 acres in sec 14, T I S, R 1 W; $1,20?. R Welch and wife to F S Mc Leod part of block No 41 in the town, of Forest Grove; $75.. . .... U. S. to A. Ennis and wife 320 acres in sec-32 T 2 N, R 3 W; patent. ' J Mary Ennis to C. W. Purdin 120 acres "iVr 2 N, R 3 W; $700. -' C T Harrison to John Harrison 160 acres in sees 3 nrd 4, T 1 N, B 3 W;eCC0. U. S. to Christian Emrick 319 acres in sees 3, 4, 9 and 10 in T 1 S, R 3 W; dona tion certificate. Basil Ennis ta Mr. Haskell 1G0 acres in sec 27, TIN, R 1 W; $1,200. M. R Brown to A L Johnson over a half acre in the town of Forest Grove; $500. S H Marsh toA L Johnson a lot in Forest Grove; $250. D S Bugbee to Joel Hamilton, 100 acres; $2,200 . - JehnatLan Will3 to A T Smith 40 acres in sec 17. T 1 3, R3 W;$200. B Walker and wife to A T Smith lot 4 in bloci 1 of Walker's addition to Forest Grove ;$ 1,000. D Enos to J D Shearer 24 acres in T I N, R4 V;$100. ; J N Grabel and wife to CH R Steeples in sec 17, T 1 S, R 2 IF; $700. J A Shepherd and wife to James Martin 77.31 acres of laud in T 1 N.R4 W; $850. Amanda Barnes to Chas. Yanson and oth ers 2G acres in sec 1, T 1 S, R 1 U';$390. Side-AValk to the Station. A sidewalk to the station is the absorbing topic in Hills boro., A meeting was h Id Tuesday eve ning at Tthieh a committee of five were ap pointed to .report the best way for a side walk, but the corormttf e have not j'et made their report. 1 Ley inform us however that the distance is over 1500 , feetv The cost is estimated at $287 59. Two ways are proposed for the sidewalk. One begins with the termination of Dr. Bailey's side walk on the street running north and south and following h's fence to the south line, thence west to the next street and thence to the station. The other way be gins at W. D. Pitt3ner's re sidenee rim ing south to the station. The distance is the same either way. We hope that the citizens will contribute liberally to this en terprise for we need a sidewalk to the sta tion more now than any other town im provement. Dr. Bailey offers to build the sidewa'k the whole ertert of his property. Let every one do a iittle and ti e irrprce ment will soon be made. New comers do not like to wade through the mud and among stumps to visit our town. Let us meet them with a plank road which will be to our advantage as well as their own. Chhistmas Tree. The M. E. Sunday School of this place have decided to have a Christmas Tree, on Christmas Eve, and Lave appointed the following committes: To Select Tree Messrs. L. lV.crsc-9, sa Eagleton and II. Morgan; to drcoroto tree T. 1t. Tongue, I. L. Campbell, R. D. Ma lone; to receivi ;rfseuts Mrs. Patterson, Wiley, Latupkinsand Miss Mary Brown. The committee to receive -resents, for the tree, will be present on Friday from jO o'clock a. m. till 5 o'clock p. in. The eve ning will be enlivened by music, short ad dresses, Ac. Everybody is cordially invit:d to attend. Exercises will begin promptly at 6 o'clock p. m. Rcnsawat. I. Patterson and nartly Morgan were "iauling the prospeeitvo Christmas tree into town the ether day with a mule team and for a joke they started the team on a brisk run and laj down in the wagon A lady near the M- E. Church see ing the team running, rusacd out into the middle of the street waving a pocket-handkerchief but them mooles went right on. Finally after several persons had tried to head them off Dick Malone caught them where the mud was alont a foot deep, when Patterson rose up and said "What are you stopping my team for?" Malone says he has nothing to say. Black Sheep.- EC. JnlnJ',v-t'J wish to warn all your reader against harboring or trusting a man who united with the Bap tist Church at Portland two nunths since under a pretext c f , changed views having been a member of the M. E. Church here some yean ago. On the plea of studying for the ministry he has borrowed money from our members, while he has cunningly cheated the several hotels. He is a thorough confidence man, about five feet eight, very black hair and eye brows, a wily black eye, and passed as Henry G. Franklin with us, as Gecrge H. Smith at some other places. - . D. J. Pierce, f actor Baptist Church. Election of Ctficers. The LoJge of Good Templars at Columbia Academy is in a prosperous condition; there have been eight initiations this quarter. The follow ing is her liat of officers for the present quarter: W C T, E. E. Fauning; W V T, Miss Elma Freeman; C, Geo. Ilellaire; S, Olive L. Meek; A S, I. Bales; M, William Cooper; D M. Miss Maria Brooks. F S, N. A Freeman; T, Mollie Brooks; I G, C.Meek; O G, George Fanning. The Lodge has a very nice set of officers' regalia was fur nished by G. S., J. Smith, costing forty dollars. Wanted Information. In Hillsboro coffee was selling k short time ago for V- lbs. to the dollar, who put it down to 4 lbs. for the same money? Crackers sold at 10 cts. per lb., who put theiu down to ? It's, fof 25 cts? Oysters sold at &7J cts. a can, who ptt them down to 25 cts. ? Sugar sold at 7 lbs. to the dollar, who put the same quality down to 8 lbs. for the same money? Can dles sold at 6 for 25 cts., who now sells 7 candles for a quarter? JMss Brovn at the Postoffiee. Election. Last Saturday Hillsboro Grange elected the following officers for the ensuing term: W M, Hi B, Morgan; O E. H. Warren: L, Thos. D. Humphreys; C, Zma Wood; S, Jas. W. Gibson; A S, P. M. Jackson; Treas., W. Simmons; Sec, J. W. Sewell; G K, Henry Wooley; C, Mrs Adams; P, Mrs. Benj. Schofield; F, Miss Williams; L A S, Mrs. Henry Wooley A. F. and A. M. The following are the omcers electee: at the last regular meeting of Tua'ity Lodge, No. 6, A. F. A. M., for the ensuing year: W. M., C. T. Tozier; S. W., G. N. Hale; J. W., R. Waggoner; Sec, A. ljuelling; Areas., w. JJ. Fittenger; S. D., T. H. Tongue; J. D., H. Wehring; m "V w V 1 : iyier, vnas. jjaugnnn. Cornelius News: I said in my last that Rev. Mr. Elliott would be absent this winter and that Rev. Win. E. Smith would fill hL . place. Since that Mr. Elliott has returned r.nd assumed his work, having, adjusted his business .t La Grande sooner than he. anticipated. " Our church numbers atcrt f fty members and we have religions services every Sab bath. Oar J irec.ors have been fortunate in se curing the services of good assistants for bur school. Miss Emma Smith, the pres ent assistant, gives perfect satisfaction as also did Miss Laura Spencer and James Montgomery. Seventy-live scholars are in attendance. Qur good people will meet at . the Acade my to-morrow (Monday) evening to make arrangements for a Christmas Tree. I hear it whispered around that a concert will be given on New Year's day, fcr the benefit of the Sunday School. The Farmers' Club used up the suinmer fallcw question lastS.iturd.iy and I believe the next question is, whether farming as a busi ness is more profitable than other pursuits. Grandpa Wilkes of our town was a soldier in the war of 1812, and can show scars, and is a pensioner. Rev. Wm. E. Smith, now a resident of this place, preached Stephen A. Douglass' funeral. Our beaverdam farmers have lost all their carrots.and it ir, a serious blow on them. Our readers were very much disappointed when the Independent failed to put in its appearance on last Thursday evening, Fri day's mail made all pacific. The health of our citizens thus far this season is very good. If the signs do not fail there will be one or two irother-in-laws hereabouts --re long. "Al " Ennis is starting a grocery store where coffee can be bought by the dollar's worth" and "sich." The Golden Rule had an addition of nine members at its last meeting. Over forty members no. It is quite popular here. We saw the sun a few moments, one day last week. Cats are as plenty here as bed bugs in a log house, and they make more noise at night than all the bells in Christendom could tm.ke if thy were placed on wild bulls. Oats and twenty dollar pieces are "skeerce" IerealKuts, Sccicleb Cornelius Items. It is dangerous to cross the sireets now, in thi.4 place. Your correspondent under took the dangerous fiat the other day, and barely escajfd alive. ITe was lassoed and by the aid of Col. Cornelius warehouse "block aud tackle" extricated. "Scribbler', in a recent issue of the Ixde tende!t mourns the fict tiut the "new comers" are monopolizing the girls of Cor nelius. Don't d spond "Scribbler." You are young yet, and- -besides, he wore a rid neck-tie and you didn't. Hoodlums r re getting tnublesotne, here. While Mr. Leathers, prcpiiitoi of the St. Joseph, was attending lodge the other night, I they converted the bar-room of the hotel in to a temporary pandemonium, over turned chairs, and deluged the lloor with tobacco juice. Justice De Letts will prove a damper to their hoollum'stic proclivities, yet. Dr. W. II. Parker our genial pedagogue, deliver. d a lecture to a pacLi d houee .-f the gender masculine last Monday night ; subject "The Science of Health. ' Rev. Mr, Burliugame of Center ille, prerci ' d tr e?: client discourse last Sunday in this place, which contained many practi cal truths. Some in reference to division among church members, should not be ig nored by those tj whom they lest apply. A rumor is current hero, that W. II. Par ker will start on a lecturing tour in the inter est of the I. O. G. R. Mr. Parker is wt 11 qualified for the duty. QriDlT,.rc. Sabbath Ins'riicti.Mi at the (rove. Dec. 20, 1875. Mr. Editor: The Independent has of ten spoken to the public of educational fa cilities afforded in this county. Might it not specially mention an influence which is exerted along side of and with lcifV Uni versity? I mean the Sabbat L instruction. in both the churches. No femiorary iesi- dent who has beard the preaching of Rev. Messrs. Lllis and Elliott could lightly con sider it. On last Sabbath the former gen tleman eleborated. in a masterly way, the benefits which flow from enthusiasm; His text was: "Be fervent in spirit." In the evening the discourse was a scries of valua- ble lessons drawn from the nure life of Vice President Wilson. This is just such sensi ble prejicb.tyg as citizens and students value and act rpon. Forest Grove is indeed. hiyh'yufaicred. in School and Church privi leges. . Veritas. New Books, Pr f. J. W.- Marsh, Libra rian of Pacific LmiU'icirj. sen us the. following: P. U. Library has jasl receivee Matzner's "Eng. Grammar," in three vols, Christlieb's "Modern Doubt and Christian Belief." The first will prove a standard work, preferable for most purposes to Brown or Latham. Tha second is a very fair and profound discussion of its subject from a philosophical stand point. Last week A. H. Garrison went to work in his field and hung his coat on the partition fence between his farm and Mr. Keffer's,. and one of Mr. Kcffer's colts pulled down the coat and tore it up in more pieces than you could shake a stick af in- a week, And now Mr. Garrison proposes to sue Mr, Keffer for dunages. Garrison has presented himself with a brar-new coat. Shot His Horse. Last Friday while Walter Pomeroy was leading his horse and traveling through the bruh near the Union school house his coat in some way caught and pulled up the hammer of his gun and discharged it the ball entering his horse's breast and killing it instantly. DnowNED.-'-John McLin, step-son of Mr. B. ScholfielcL well-known here, was drowned last week. in the Luckiamute. Johnny was well liked and has a 6core of friends here who deplore his untimely death. The par ents and relatives of the deceased have the sympathies of the whole neighborhood. Farm in ?t m Items. December, 19,1873. There are two bridges on what is known as the River road from hero by Ing ram's to Hillsboro which have no railing and should be fixed before the county will have to pay damages for some accident that is likely to hricr to anv hrse or tean passing over said bridges. I understand that at a dance bej'ond Bull Run on the mountain two yonng men closed up the affair by trying to close tip each ether's eyes. It was a delightful lit tle knock-down and the claret run freely One of the parties has a bran new mansard roof built over his weather eye, and the oth er fellow's proboscis is all awry comin' thro' the rc. Riverside Lodge No 3LO.G. R., held their election last night and the following officers were chosen for the ensuing f ,rm and duly installed : C It, J. R. rennett; D R.D J. Kindt; Sec, Rachel Davis; WF S, W. MeKernan; W T; Willie Steward; W O G, John Mc Mahon W C, A. N. Davis; P C R; 7ibu Larue. There are a great many in this neighbor hood aud on the mountain who propose to subscribe for the Independent. The fat turkeys aud yellow legged chick ens begin te s y their prayers in this vicini ty. The giod people here generally make it decidedlyj unhealthy for that sort of vict uals during the Holidays. Vt'LCAN. Mountain Side ltoni: December, 14th, 1875. Ihavobeen silent for some time hoping that "D" would give you the particulars from this ueighlnnhood but as she has failed to do so, I will send you a few lines. The reason I did not send my name and ad dress with my last items was that I supposed gentling them with my first letter of items would be sufficient but as that was not satis" factory I will do belter hereafter. Immigrants are coming continually from E astern Oregon and other parts of the State aub some direct from Germany. One Ger man has bought a piece of laud near Coly's mill and report says ho has i i ought $00,000 with him. This perhaps is too good to be true, if so he is just the kind of settler wo need. This man reports 3D more families coming. Should they settle with us it would be quite a help to Cedarville precinct I will send you herewith some Iowa pa pers and hope you may find something in them that will be interesting. I am well pledsed with the improvements on the In dependent and hope it will continue to im prove until it reaches the rank of first-t-kiss, Christm n II in Uome lamp non-explosive, putty toys, motto-candies, nice stationery of best quality and latest tyle, pocket-knives keen as razors and awful ch:-ap, durable Jorocco purses that oih ii cn lKth sides with one clasp handsome and good for both si xes, th l)est oils and medi cines and the oidy drugs in the maiket, at Dr. Bailey's drug store in Hillsboro. Jake Anderson is there and will sell you anything for cash or jawloiie,he does not rare which, provided you allow him to handle the jaw bone himself. ' Bell for Licey's SruooL Hocse. The bell at the old Court housf in this place was sold by the owner L. Patterson, to the Li cey Sehool house this week and was pulled i down and removed by Mr. Ben Scholtield and Mr. Licey on Monday. There geiitle van nt to hear a school bell in their ueighliorhood, and do not propose if they do live in the country to be Ik hind the times. In Forty-eTgId hours a eonh may become dangerous; but within that tin: e any cough can be cuiet: by the use of II i.e's Honey OF HoliEUOL'ND AND Tar. Sold bv all drug- glstS. Pike's Tothache Drops cure in one minute. " W. D. Hoxter of the Grove has just brought on u fresh supply of fancy articles for Christmas presents. Stej in and see his splendid lamps, vases, pcrce'ain ware toys, etc , ' tc. .Joseph ( aston gave us a -friendly call this week. He plowed four acres in three days last week and so is initiated into one of the more sultstantial mysteries of the grange. MARRIED : . At the repidei ce of the bride s father on the 15tl f Dcci-iiiImt. 175. by It. A, Car penter J. 'P.. Mr. John Withycomb to Miss Annnlena, eldest daughter of William Wil hV.ms, late of Penlan Machynllth, North Wales, Englaud all of Washington County. J. R. PORTER'S 25,000 7 FEUIT TREES, SHRUBS and PLANTS. Also a line assortment of ORSA3IENTAL TREES, FLOWERINK SHRUBS, PLANTS, BULBS and SEEDS For sale at J. R PORTER'S NUR SERY 2 iniif s N- E of Forest "rove- novlm3 Wm- Pfunder, APOTHECARY AND CHEMIST, A nken v Nw Market Theatre Block, Cor. of First Jc Ash Streets, Portland, Or. declmG. Notice. OWING TO AN UNFORSEEN CTR cumstance I ill be indefinitely de tained in Hillsboro and any of my friends wishing my services while remaining here will find me at my place of business as usual. JOHN VITE, M. D. n2olf IIIILSRORO IliGIT SCHOOL. The Winter session will commence MON DAY, Dec. Cth, 1S75, for a term of twelve weeks. Tuitien $5 00 D. M. C. GATJLT.. dec2ml Principal. Sheriffs Sal-. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Washington County, in favor of R. Rob rts and against G. W. De bord for the cum of $16 in U. S. coin and 20.50 costs, and to me directed' nud de livered on tho 2lth day of Nov. 1&75, com manding me to satisfy Bai l writ by levy and c.le o! the property of said defendant, and for wa'it of personal property, I have levied upon all the right, title and interest that said Deft, had at any time since the 21th day of November 1872 or now has in and to the following described tracts or parcels of real estate to-wit: Commencing at a point where the Base line road crosses the east boundary line of the town of Cornelius, in Washington County, Oregon; thence South on said lina to the North boundary line of the right of wayjof the O. C. R. Road; thence East along said line of right of way one .hundred aw? fifty feet, thence North to the Banc lire road; thence West cue hundred aud fifty feet to place of beginring. Also have levied on the following tiact: Commencing on the Northern boundary lino of right of way of the O. C. R. R. two hundred and fifty feet East from where said line crosses the East line of the Town of Cornelius; thence North to the Base line road; thence .East to the East line of tho Donation Land Claim of B. Q. Tucker; thence South to the north boundary of the right of way of the O. C. R. R.; thence West along siud right of Wfy to the place of beginning' in T. 1 K., P. '3 W. in Washington County, Oregon. The above tract is subject to a mortgage held by James Imbrie for oue hundred dolWs. Aud on Saturday the 22d day of January, 1x70, at tho hour of One o'clock P. M. at the Court II iH3 door in Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon, I will sell all of the above described premises nt Public Auction tc the highest bidder for cash U. S. coin in baud, to satisfy said execution and accruing costs. C. T. TOZIER, Sheriff d!5wl Washington County Oregon. LAND FOR SALE! rjiiifc UNDERSIGNED HAS FOR SALE JL several Farms and a large amount of first class, unimproved land, lying in Washing ton County, Oregon. Immigrants and others desiring to purchase would do well to pi'v me a call. Now is the tims t? secure comfortable homes on easy terms. TIIOS. D. II U3I PI I UK VS. IIiLLstoiio, June 23th, 1S75. jl yl-tf YOUNG MEN Who miy be be suffering from the effect of youthful follies or indiscretion, will d well to aivail themselves of this, the great est boon ever laid at the altar of sufferiuj hnmanity. IMS. SPIN.NKY will guaraii j tee to forfeit :?") for every ease of semi J nal Weakness, or private disease of any kiii't or chaiacier vnioh he undertake and fails to cure. He would, therefon say to the unfortunate sulierer who max on dar.gerous ground when you longei ! delay in seeking the proper remedy fo I your complaint, l ou may lx in the firm I iirtt stage; remember you are approach .ing to last. If you are dering upon tin last, and are suffering some or all of ib ill effects, remember that if you presist it -procrastination, the time must come whei. 'the most skillful physician can render yon assistance; when L-e dixr of hope wili : be closed against you; when no angel of n.ercy can bring you r !i.f. In no cas hhas the Doctor failed cf success. Then . let nit despair v crk vpnii yo.ir imagina tion, but avail y..ii imagination, but avail jvourself of the beneficial results of hi treatment 1m fore your rase is beyond tin i reach of medical skill, or Itefo'e grim jdeath hurries you to a premnture grave, full course cf treatment !?2.(M). Send f money by Post Olhce crder or Express rwitn lull description ol case. " Call. orAd.lress. Dr A. B SPINNEY- No. 11 Kearney Street, San Prancibcc. LOOK HERE ! ! If you want o n xri li i n ....... in the Grocery line, from a barrel of Sugar down to a Nut Meg; LOOK HERE! NUTS, CANDIES, OYSTERS, CRACKERS, CANNED FRUITS, Or anything kept in a First-Class Gro cery Store. Call at the Post Office and get them cheaper than ever 1 Mean Business. Mary A. Brown. Per Day at home. Terms STIX- sex & co., Portland. Maine. DOCTOR R. PRYCE, Physician and Surgeon. Omor Arz Rrsirrrcr, - . FAitMrwoToy. AFTER A QUARTER OF A CENTURY THE DR. J. C. YOUNG MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE still oilers to the afflicted absolute cure in all cases of 1 .SEMINAL WEAKNESS- The preservation of health and life is de pendent upon tho proper condition of the proereative functions aud ny weakness or cause of weakness of the generative organs or their uses is a direct attack upon the gtneral health as well as a sure destruction if not properly cured of the organs that are the pride of one sex and the blessing of the ether. In Yoctu is laid tho foundation of much of the misery of after year by the indulgence of the most DsTnccTtv? of habits urn Li iff life a curse and spreading weakness and ruin amona mankind, for ' is a well known fact that the indubjenee In svlitary vice, even in the slightest degree, jltntn need of tcwiwus in the system that iruus to a harvest of disease, narrow and ultame in after yearn. Young Man f you c-xpeiience any weakness you shou'd not delay, for a day may imperil your health if r.ot your life. In all forms of Weakness aud Premature Decay a Cure is Ouranteed by the Doctor to the Young, Middle-aged or Old, without Exposure or Jlinderance from ltusiness. The Remedies are purely vege table and of a naturo that .leaves t o taiut behind. Ousehvk the symptoms and hasten to check the course of the complaint, if you experience any of them nbhtty dijtarf a, slUht disc.hariji fi at t-ther times, tremblinj, anx iety, foryetfulluesH, confusion, jxjin in back, limbs or binly, forebfalii.ijs, bi;e;.fion, timidi ty, aversion to toci'Ay, loss of jioirer, traiit oi control, variable tetujjer.attai'ks of sick ness ak in to biliousness, deposits in urine, irreyular boa;, ils, ttc, ttc. TERRIBLE P0ISI0NS. Among the most subtle and virulent of IKiisons in the human blood is that arising from Veneral Taiut often breaking out, af ter years of apparent cure, in hideous sores Ion various parts of the body. Its great danger lies in the fact that it is given to the in locent partner or to the unborn child without showing in . the person originally contracting it. ' v1 THE rSF CF MERCURY only aids in this terrible deception by dry ing it upon tho surface and driving it buck into the blood. All Vexerkal Posion is a BLOOD rosiON AND CAN COMMUNICATED IN the blood and the only certainty of pieven tion of transmission is in the positive cures of the re form treatment practiced at the Dr. J. C. Young Medical Institute, comprehen sive, scientific and thorough, having re ceived endorsements as the best of all mod ern practice. Recent cases cured in a few days and chronic cases with remarkable rapidity. Our tts of the presence of the Taint in the blootl are never failbnj. TO FFMALES- There are no class of complaints that so enlist the sympathies of the medical mind or so command its gravest thought and study as those that afflict women. Tho Doctor after years of patient investigation and treatment is enabled to assure them rapid and thorough cures in all the com plaints incident to the sex. The weae can IIOI'E FOB STKKXOTIl AND THE KUFFEItfNO FOB " LIEF AND CURE. Those who require personal supervision th Doctor can furnish with appartmcnts with careful and skillful nurses where unre mitted attention aud con stunt care give ev ery assmuuee of rapid and permanent cures The Institute is supplied with a LYING-IN DEPARTMENT. where patients v ill receive the treatment eo essential in such cases. CURED AT HOME. Correspondence, The great difficulty many sick find is the trouble of visiting thi city, often incurring an expenso far exceeding ; tl e cost of treatment. This exjK-nse can be avoided by writing to the Doctor, giving in your own way, the symptoms of your ; troubles or complaint. Cures guaranteed i the same as by personal visit. All ' communications strictly confidential, all let- tern either returned or destroyed. I Iff The Jtoi'tor ean be relied vpon in all easis rejii'rimj Confidence and Secrecy. J If ; pose, ronfidence in him, all you tf ho tniffir or are in distress, lie trill speedily relieve and ' cure you. Addrean iSEAJ. t . JUSSELYJN. JO.' D GIH Sacramento Street Rox 735J dec3yl San Francisco Cul PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ..P. Am 1IAIIXY) M. VI3. Phy liclan, Surgeon and Arroucheur. HIILSBOR0. - - - OREGON OFFICE at the Drug Store. RESIDENCE Three Rlocks South' of Drugstore. nlryl WILSON UOUXIIY, 31. D. Phjiclan and Surgeon, FOREST (JltOVr, .... GREUOX. OFFICE At his Residence, West of Johnson's Planing Mills. nl'Jily T. II. IIANDLKV, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR , AT LAW, OFFICE -In the Court House, Hillsboro, Oregon. myl3-tf C. A. BALL. RALEIGH STOTT. BALL & STOTT, A T T O R N E Y S - A T - L A W, rATRXTS OBTAINED. Kb. G Dekum's Rloek, PORTLAND, OREGON. n8 ly I3US CATLrV. . KIXI Catltn & Killin, I TTORNEYS A ND CO UNSELOU AT LAW. Dekum's Building, First Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. THOMAS H. TONGUE. Attorney .at -Law, tlilLsboro, Washington County, Oregon. TUOS. D. IIUJ1PHREYS. XO TAJiVr UJILIC and COX VEYAXCElt LEGAL paper drnwn and collections made. Business entrusted td his caro at ended to promptly. OFFICE VftwConxt House c3u1 JAMES WITHYC0MBE, Veterinary Surgeon, HILLSBORO, .... OREGON. CPInnnnary Kept for Horses. $15 per month will bo the charge for any ordinary cts. apr&tf NEW ADVERTISEMNTS. ST JEV7 DRUG STORE, MAIN STREET. HILLSBORO. Keeps constantly on hand PAINTS, OILS, GLASS. DRUGS MEDICINES and CHEMICALS . . .A LARGE ASSORTMENT OE. . , '. FatcntMcdLlolncs TOILET ARTICLE SOAPS, SPONGES, PERFUMERY lie. dv. tf( Also a well selected stock of 4J CIUARH ami TOI1ACCOS. Fure WINES and LIQUORS, for Medicinal purposes only. Glass cut to any size . desired Prescrijitions carefully cemperunded and all medicines warranted yeuulne USTOMERS WISHING ANY thin in my lino will find any and all arti cles usually found in liit class Drug Stores, and for sale LOW for cab. Kahn & Freidenrich. Have jut rerlve! a large anil elegant stock of the very latent Styles of Ladies Dress Goods, Hats, Shoes, Hosiery etc. Also a tine lot of clothing and every thing else to complete a gent's tdtiro. Gro ceries Crockery, Hardware, Notions.Tobac co and Cigars, and many more ictars too nu merous to mention. Prices ,o suit everybody. KAHN A FREIDENRICH, Hillsboro A. H IN MAN Has the largest stock of goods In the Grove, Consisting of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, F. 1 NC Y A U TIC LES, etc. Family Groceries nnd Fret Mens, RAJIDWAUE, CJIOCKEUY de., etc. PRICES LOW an the LOWEST A. 1IIN3IAN, Forest Grov Or. Nov. 7, 1S73 43ny :1 I. L. BMITIf. i:V. liUXTON. SMITH & BUXTON Ma ii it fact rem ami Dealer IN FUHKTITUXI Keep constantly on hnnd and make to order ull kinds of FURNITURE. FORE.ST GROV OREGON. JUST OPENED ! AT A. t.. 40IINSOVS FI'RNITITRE ROOM, the bent xtockof furniture ever offered to the people of Washington county: - - -. - r. - . tables extension and drop leaf, bureaus, center tables plain and marble top, nafes; wall brackets in black walnut, (very nice), mirrors, pictures, frames nud mouldings; also wall paper, window curtains, .hades and fixtures; ulso carpets, tapestry, oil' cloth, matting, ruggs, 4(c, dr.- Also Baby carriages, (superior styles), Baseballs and -Batts, Croquet sets aiid fancy articles. it it.: i i . i ; : . J til 111 II 111, II It'll 111 n i J LI I F- r-lobiterrug. Repairing; gilding and varnish- ing Vioi.e to older Call and see for your selves. Sales Room on Pine-st. Bet. Elm and Walnut. A. L. JOHNSON, Forest Grove, July 20, 75, Proprietor jlyW-tf Grove Meat Market. Grocery and Vegetable Store. Ri) wiLI'VJmvi"e fc1?"1 M TT the Forest Grove meat market and vegetable fcloro uskn for a . continuance of Grove patronage, Yakima Reef, fat and juiey.groeeries and vegetables, ine cnenvesi aim uesi mine luariccnor saio jiyif. A3 rz F7ohrrT ISemed v in lYrformlmr Wonderful Ciiron. fTIHIS NEW MEDICINE IS PURE JL ly vegetable and is harmless to the most delicate constil jtiou. It isso mild and I.leasant to the taste that children cry for it. t has produced some remarkable cures in Asthma and RrnDchjti; nnd for measles, n hooping-cough, roup tve. It is uneqnaled. Prepared only by MRS. L. ROHER, Mon-, mouth. ' ' For sale be DP RAILEY, Hillsboro, and by II. O. PYDE, IHlley. seplCtf Notice of Final Settlement. JOriCE IS HERERY GIVEN THAT il . the undersigned has this day filed in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Washington County, his final account as Administrator of the estato of R. P. Raker, deceased, und that Thursday tho 13th day of January, 17(5. nt the hour of 10 o'clock a. M of said day has been appointed by the Court for the hearing of said account. ISAAC CHRISMAN, " decOwl Administrator. Estray Notice. STRAYED FROM MY PLACE t-- li miles north of Rcedsvillo a sorrel filly with a white strip in the forehead and oue white hind foot and a vear and A half old. Any person who will nend m word of her wherealwuts or briug her to mo at my farm will bo liberally rewarded.. HANS RASMUSEN. Refdrille, Not. 23, 1975. n25w4