r v. 4 - VOL. II. A HILLtBORO, WAfcH NGTON COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1075. NO. 40. 44 0 -V I I THE INDEPEK3EJT. muuoo AT Ollxbere Oregon Editer and Proprietor. nKBUI OF SUBSCRIPTION: Om yar, Ciz arit&a, Tkraa month,.., CistgU opiea. . I . , ,..$2 ... 1 50 50 00 10 BATES OF ADVERTISING: 1 q. 3 4. col 3 50 4 50 5 00 9 00 ir 00 30 00 Y,Co 6 00 8 50 12 00 20 00 30 00 50 00 leol 10 00 15 00 20 00 30 00 50 00 90 00 1 50 3 00 9 00 2JW 3 00 leora. l 50 IVM. 4 50 6 00 M. 00 10 00 1 TSAB. lfr OOd 15 00 u'fcy!fmcES,25 cents per line for the first insertion, and 20centsa line for each aboiBnt insertion. No notice less than OoitaJiry notices, 10 cents per line. Summon. 8herifTi Sales, and nil other local notices. $2 00 per square, 1st inser tion; oaensdlitiontl insertion, $1 00. " Traaaiant advertisements. $2 00 1st in ortion; oacli additioual insertion, $1 00. AOCSTAT PORTLAND, OTJEGON L. Sahvsls. AGENT AT SAN FRANCISCO L.T.Fisn a. rooms 20 A Sl.Merchant'sExehunge California street. AGENTS AT NEW YORK CITY S. M. F rrniifoti.1, A Co., 37 Park Rw. cor. Boatman t.-GEO. P. Eoweia & Co., t II Park Row. AT ST. LOUIS Itnwjxixt CnsmiA!, Cor. Third and Chestnut Sts. CvaitESPONDENTS. All commnni rttions intended for insertion in Thk 1difKX dbst mnst be- anthentirated ly fx name and address of the writer - t necessarily for publication, Imt as a guaranty of good faith. ' ' C7FICE In Hillhoro in the old Court 2Ojso fcnilding on the Public Square. PTtcSfTSIONAIi CARDS. joiiv vrrn, i., Physician and Surgeon. X21IXSB0R0, ... OREU . XBpial atUntio gUtn l- DKFOi: MI TIES; ei cnnoxic ulceus. I 07FICE Main street Ilillsboro. Oregon. F. A. B A I LEY, 31. D. Thjticlan, Surgeon and 'Accoucheur ini LSEOBO, - - - - - OREGON OFFICE at the Drug Store. BKSIDENCE Three Drag Store. Blocks South of nl:yl WILSON BOWLBY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, FOREST GROVE, .... CREISOX. I JCFICE-J-At his Residence, West of TOnWn4 Planing Mills. n49: j XT. II. SAYLOR, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. T0ItE3T GROVE. - - - - OREGON OFFICE At the Drnsr Store. It ESIDENCE Corner Second Block south f ftao Dns Store. m22:ly Om H DtTBHAM , H. Y. Thompson- District Attorney. Durham & Thompson, J T T OltNE YS-AT-L A W No. PORTLAND, 109 First Street, OREHOX. . A. BAXjI. KALKIGH STOTT. BALL &. STOTT, A XT ORNEYS.AT-LAW, PATENTS OBTAINED. No. 6 Deknm'a Block, PORTLAND, CREGON. n8 ly ffOftX CXtlXX. - KVLLTS Catlln . Killin, 'A TTORNEYS AND K CO UNSEL O R AT LAW. Dalram'a Building, First Street, ' 7 PORTLAND, OREGON. THOXXAS H. TONGUE. Attorney -at-Law,' HiEfboro, Washington County, Oregon. JAHES WITHYCOHBE, VEtERINAB r S UBGEOX, HILLSBOBO, - - 1 OREGON. be at the Oregon Li very atabea, Comer of , Morrison and lint burets, Portland, every Friday. KHIOJIANDA FOR BUTTER MAKERS. 'I I have been making butter for the last three months, and experiment- ing. I scald the milk and nkini about once in 24 hours. I should judge the milk-room temperature to be 60 , as it connects with the kitchen, and when I am not cooking I leave the door open, which makes the room quite warm. When I churn I scald the churn and put in the cream while the churn is warm, and leave it near tie stove for per haps an hour. The butter comes in from seven or eight to 30 minutes. After drawing off the buttermilk I work out what is left in the butter with mj hands until the butter seems waxj and hardly any moisture can bo perceived on the bowl beneath the butter; but, in spite of this, on the second day after the churning I frequently find white streaks in the butter. Is this occasioned by salt, or is it buttermilk? I generally put an ounce of salt to a pound of but ter, and work it all in after the but termilk is excluded. Should I do this, or reserve a part and add it J when I wrork over the butter the sec- ! ond time? What kind of calt do j yoa consider best for dairy, use? I send my butter in 10 pounds firkins to a firm in Boston, but am not sure that I prepare them properly. I have tried soakinpr them several hours in scalding brinp, and am now trying soda-water. How thould they be treated? I find a difficult v iugt t- ting the layers packed closely and smoothly. Do j cu put salt in the bottom of each firkin aud between the layers as well as on tLe top? . I enclose a small portion of something that was given me purporting to be an English preparation for coloring butier andcheesa. I don't dare to use it, for I don't know what it is or j in a quartz or more of hot water, what propoition to use. Did you ! pulsing into the water as much pot ever see it? I color now with carrot ! ash as annatto. It will take some juice. Crn von recommend anv- ! thing bettci? Pardon my long list of questions; but my heart is in the work, and I want to do every thing just right. Mrs. S. F. 15., Kockville, Mass. Answer by Prof. L. B. Arnold. Your mctLod up to the time of er. tracting the buttermilk is well enough. Unless there is tome ob jection to the water that must be used it would be better, after draw ing off the buttermilk, to put cold tvatcr into the churn. This will have the duble advantage of harden ing tnebutterand freeing it of but termilk without working an injury to the grain. If the mode of churning has been such as to gather the but ter in large lumps, it will re quire fur; her manipulating to sepa rate all the buttermilk. This will best bo effected in a butter-bowl by pressing it with a ladle in cold water or brine. Thin is much better thau to work it out with the hands. There are objections to putting the hands into butter at any time on account of imparting their warmth and perspiration to tho butter. If the hands are plunged in water as hot as can be borne for a short time and then into cold water, and rub bed for a while, it is possible to pre vent them for a short time from im parting any perspiration or heut; but it is not possible to manipulate butter as well with the hands as with a ladle. The hands make the poor est kind of a butter ladle. In work ing butter with them the mechanical effect is quite d life rent from that of dressing with a ladle. They occa sion much more fiiction to accom plish the same result, and in a short time, even if they have been well . prepared to start with (which they ax i 1 1 i mi usua lv are not), the blood will soon a i i , j flow back into them so that heat and perspiration will be given off. Some people pack butter with their hands, but it can be done much better with a ladle. There is hardly one case in a hundred where the hands are applied directly to butter that an un tidy effect is not produced . The streaks ot lighter color in the butter after standing 24 hours are portions of uusaltrd butter. A little salt deepens the color of butter in a short time. If the salt is not even ly mixed the unsaltid parts will re- tain their former color while the salted parts orrcw deeper, and this makes streaks. The salt would strike through after a time and make the color uniform, but .a second working makes it even at once. It is not material whether the salt is nil worked in at once, or a small part left for the second working. The best variety of salt iu use for butter are the Ashton and the F. F. (factory filled) dairy salt made at Ononda ga. One is as good as the other. The chief difference between the two when both are genuine, is that the Ashton dissolves quicker than the F. F. does. One is liable to ' get de ceived in buying either. Salt is sold for Ashton which is not Ashton, and i the Onondaga salt is not always well made. In selecting salt for dairv use care should be taken to see that it is clean and has not imbibed any scent from the contact of fish in the grocery in which it is kept. The preparation of the little fir kius is very good. It will bo better, however, to soak them in cold brine first. After getting out all the J sap and flavor of the wood that can J be with cold brine, fill them with ! boiling hot brine as it can be made, ' and let it remain in them till i rea lv for use. Taen empty, and rub sides and bo 'torn with fine salt while moist, and they arc ready for use. No salt is needed between , the layers, aud there will be no dif-la- ficulty in packing snuglv, if the j die is used instead of the hands. The sample of coloring mntter is an English preparation of annatto. It is a rar.c'i better material to color butter with than carrot juice. To prepare it for pse, dissolve an ounce time for it to dissolve perfectly stir red. When all is dissolved, boil and strain; then set .way to cool and settle. "When cold, decant and bot ilo for use. It is used by mixing a little of the liquid with the cream just before churning. The amount must be found by trial. It will re quire but little. A tablespoonfuf would color a large churning. The objection to carrot juice is that organic matter carried into the the ter in the juice soon decays and jure3 the butter. A'. Tribune. Kow to Raise Plums. There is a secret about plura-rais- in e have discovered it m trav eling over the country. We never visited a large plum orchard in our life that we did not find plenty of fruit. And we never visited any place with eight or ten trees, and found a good crop of this fruit. Now, these facts set us to thinking; and the result of our thoughts is this: that it is very easy to have all the plums you want to eat and sell. The secret connected with plum-raising is to plant plenty of trees, so as to give fruit to the curculio and to yourself also. If you plant fifty or a hundred trees, you will have fruii enough for everybody. Every such orchard that we ever visited had plenty of ripe fruit. Some even complained that the curculio did not thin out the fruit enough that the trees were ovei loaded. So we say to our readers, if you plant plums at all, plant fifty or one hundred trees then you will be sure to have all the fruit you want, and it is one of the most profitable crops raised. I Annual of Phrenology and Physiogn- ! J" orr omyfor 1875. T : IQ benbner & for January. E. C . . v. Stedmanhas a" Sons from a Drama.' a nn Accept a verse or so: The winds may be sobbing or sighing. Their touch may be ferrent and cold. The night bell may toll or be ringing I care not, with thee in my hold! This poet talks like a steamboat. He seems to be very much in love with the girl; and as he would, no doubt, hate to lose her, we would advise him, now that he has her, stored away in the hold, to batten down the hatches and keep her there. Louis rill Couricr-rJotirnal. COU- Los Angeles, Feb. 7, 1875. Editok Bulletin : Since my last I have looked at the country pretty thoroughly in a business point of view. I now feel that I can stand by the opinion I have formed. I think it my duty to many personal friends and a duty I owe to Oregon's fair fame among her own people (she baa none abroad,) to say frankly that Oregon (for Oregonians at least) ex cels the tar-famed, 8emi-tropical,neVr Italy of America Southern Califor nia. I might not be willing to serve Oregon's Immigration Aid Associa tion as a writer of glittering false hoods to induce population from abroad to come in and assist in building up and developing the State ;but I am ready to serve the in terests of theState and of my friends there by trying to show that Orego nians ought to be satisfied aud con tented where they aro. I know there is a grov. ing senti- meut in many parts of Oregon in fa vor of this region. It may be caused by the rains in tho Willamette Val ley and extreme cold weather in Eastern Oregon in Winter. This country being exactly the opposite of that in this respect, it is strongly suggested to all dissatisfied Orego nians by every cold snap ox "mist," and one way of abusing that country is to praise this. In this . manner the climate of Oregon is made the advocate of Lower Casiforuia. This weakness is no where better under stood than here, and z:ro is on the tongue of every real estate broker aud immigrant fleecer in the'eoun try. It is amusing to hear how smoothly they can sound the changes on such words as "semi-tropical,' orange groves," "olive orchards, " wine presses," they never call them fw tilleric, though the favorite "strong water" they turn out is torch-light benzine of the lowest grade. The immigrant aid societies in this State show a commendable zeal in their efforts to capture all who come to the Coast and induce more to come. In this respect Oregon is behind; and many who start for that place are captured before they reach there. Tho pamphlets, books and circulars, showing up the bright side of this country, are scattered without stint on the trains leaving Omaha and in the hotels at San Francisco. Colo nies are formed on paper, and "Lom poc" is cited, in their circulars, 'in proof of the great success of the col ony plan of settling. "Centinela," "Artesia," "New Italy," "Riverside" these are some of the new colonies who are sending out printer's ink in abundance, and their power is being felt. The steamers come down loaded with people fleeing from zero; and they are filling this country up much faster with land at $30 to $100 per acre than in Oregon with laud at half tho price. People seem to for get that drouth has ever scourged this region ; and yet they are more common than the extreme cold or wet seasons in Oregon. Just before the late rains here the fears of the people amounted to almost a panic. Sheep that had been held at $3 50 were freely offered ' at $1 a head. Hay that had been offered at $8 sold readily at $25 a ton, and . in week after the rain was resold . at $10. Bran rose from 75 cents to $2 50 per cwt. Everybody feared a: drouth, and the whole bueiness of tho coun- try was shocked, real estate was de pressed, and predictions of a crisis "were heard that seemed like fore- bodimrs of an earthquake. This was treated as a private grief or family quarrel it would not do to publish to the world.. The rain came in time to prevent a general collapse, and now they .disown their . fright. I do not assail the climate. I regard it as the one redeeming quality of the country. , But I would remind those who would come here without a long purse well filled, that climate alone is too thin. I met a family who left Montana and came here in wagons spent $l,!i00 and two months' time OREGON AND CALIFORNIA PARED. to get here in the midst of the rain. They could not rent a house, and camped several days in the city lim its, wet and cold, and little besides a wagon and span of mules to com mence their operations with. An other family came from Colorado en tirely out of money, about the same time, and the lejrets of those poor, strange peop'e as they told their story, was truly pitiful. A saw an old man getting three tickets at the steamer rflce. He said he had soli his farm his' farm in Missouri for $1,500; came here three months since, and could get nothing to do; was no going to Sab Francisco in the steerage, and with less money than would board his family a week. A banker's clerk, who left $200. a month to come here, took a situa tion only a few days ago in a cigar b tan d for board alone. Business men are flocking here on every steamer, with capital and without. Those who have none God help them if they can get nothing to do, they may get credit by praising the ! country. Scarlatina and diphtheria are rag ging in the city and children are dying at a feajrful rate. The city physician informed me that chill i and fever are not uncommon in lovv, moist localities. With this before you, and what I promise in my next, I sny how m my who are comfortably situated in Oregon will sigh to get awiy and cast their lot among stran gers? "Distance lends enchantment to the view." IK. I'. 11. in the Bulletin. A JUST JUDGE. Thrilling Dramatic Scene In an English Court. Just before Christmas thero was a truly dramatic scene in au English court at Chester,which will be mem orable among the incidents of the bench and bar. The usual solemni ties of such tribunals especially in England were laid aside, and the Judge became the saviour of a pris oner, and the thronged cudience in the court room burst out in cnthus ism. Mary Lancaster was married to a "bruto." Her husband lived off her earnings, and she worked her fingers to the bone to support him. He wus in the habit of beating her severely, so, to cement their unbappj- union. One day he came home half drunk, and commenced his domestic amuse ments by kicking a joint of meat which was roasting before the fire into the ciudcrs. He then seized his wife by the hair and dragged her around the room, and beat her be tween whiles. In desperation the woman picked up a steel and threw it at her hus band. The point entered his skull, inflicting injuries from which he died. Mary Lancaster was arrested and it was found that her body was covered with bruises some of them of long standing. It was evident she was habitually brutally abused by the man she had killed. She was tried at tho Chester assizes, and the jury found her"gniUyof manslaugh ter." It only remained for the judge to assess her punishment and con demn her as a convict. The court room was crowded, and every man and woman there was the prisoner's friend. - The judge commenced by ass ert ing that there were facts and depos itions even worse than those named at the .trial. Then addressing tho woman, he said: "All the real right in this case was on your side, all the real wrong on your husband's, and God forbid that 1 should punish you. 1 will be no party to it. I will not even make this judgment complete. I will not even allow it to bo said by i anybody that you are a convicted felon, for a conviction is not complete until a sentence is passed, and I mean to pass no sentence at all." Then there was a' loud applause in that court room which the court crier forgot to"quell. It was an out burst of spmpathy above the rules of court decorum. The prisoner was then discharged on her own recog nizance, to come up for ' judgment when called for, but the judge said iu conclusion; "Nobody iu the world w ill ever call upon you. God forbid they ever should." So that trial ended with a conviction before a julge too humane and just to pro nounce a sentence under the law. And tho woman went forth with the multitude of her friends. The judge could sleep that night. OREGON. There are in Independence warehouses, which hold in the six ag- gregate 400,000 bushels of grain James Coon, living near Peoria, had 700 sheep in Ochoco when the cold weather set in he has 110 left. John Waymire has sold his flour ing mill at Dallas for 7,000, and the purchasers propose to go to work and make a first-class mill out of it. o Two large sawmills at Independ ence are kept running all the time, turning out about 6,000 feet per day, and still the demand is greater 'than tho supply. Ou tho 10th inst. , the mercury at Baker City indicated a temperature of 47 above zero,ihe warmest for a long time. The average for tho week ending the 0th was 27.1 dc grees; average for corresponding week last year, 22.8 degrees. According to the census just tak en for Oregon Ci iy school district, embracing the corporate limits, the population is 1,003; last;yearit was 960, au increase of 34; number of legal voters, 230; number of children of school age, 413; girls, 213; boys, 194; increase of 47 over last year A largo foundry was built last spring at Gervais and carried on un til sometime in the fall. Lately it has been bought out by a company of gentlemen from the East, who are all practical foundry men. They in tend making the casting of iron tea kettles a speciality, and, as there aro none of these manufactured on tho coast now, it will no doubt be a suc cess. So says tho Albany Democrat. The Pioneer Oil Company of Sa. lem, have contracted for 1,200 aeres of flax in Douglas county, 8,000 in the Willamette Valley. 3,000 acres east of the Cascades, in all about 12,. 000 acres, and expect the yield will range from 100,000 to 120,000 bush els in the aggregate, 40,000 of which will be manufactured at tho Pioneer Mill, and the rest shipped to Cali fornia, as they have a contract to supply the mill there with seed. A letter to the Secretary of Stato at Salem, from Wisconsin, says: "Can you give me any information in regard to farming or other kinds of business in Oregon? It neems away out of the world to think of going there, but to tell the truth, the thermomi ter or mercury has been congealed l for the ' past six weeks in this county." Ithe letter was written Feb. 9th. ' On that day tho mercury hero was 36 degree s above zero difference at least 81 degrees. j t On the head waters of Butte crek, in Clackamas and Marion counties, is found coal' which, upon' the nu- tnonty or rror. uondon, is in every way equal to the Bellingham Bay or Nanai mo coals, and "ban easily bo mined. Inexhaustible ' 'quarriei of freestone, pronounced by San Fran cisco experts to excel ' for durability andfiuifch any stone on the cbast.line the bank of the stream. I n the 'bed of the stream, says the Statesman?, is found a rpecies both of white" and blue marble almost equal td 'the marble of Vermont. "5 Mrl 'Ffank Cooper has put up 1 mncluneiy 'and engaged Mr. William' Bisty, who lias spent thirty years in the marblo works of the- Green' Mountain State, and proposes this summer to J cut this tnaible into pieces stri table for mantels and tombstone. ''T .' A Printer's dislikePi. t r i