TV l ..iGSWt. Aboet (5,500 kia'been ubscribed to th stock of the Alderi Fruit Dry ing Company at JloJIiiravilla t.rv T7ahinjton county has paid her fdlsharaof StateT tox. ;Mr. Sira ooai, hr county treasurer, 'paid the last initallmentiXOlon -the-lth, to the State treasurer at Sa ln." The citizens in tije vicinity of Cirt tiniriUe, Clackamas countyyure still of the impression that they cxn find ore containing silver, and a number have been prospecting in. th foot hail, hci-"; ' The Farmer says : "Farmers over in the vicinity of Bethel and Spring valley ere organizing a wolf scalp club to raise bounty for capture of coyotee who are depredating oa sheep fiochs. Two weeks ago the nv M. Church edifice at Buena Vista was dedicated, and ft protracted- m2eting commenced in the new house, which closed last Sabbath after a1 very in teresting season of revival, during which there v ere twenty-seven nc cessiods to the church. Salem, Feb. 18- Th flouring mill owned by Miller & Hendricks, at "Wheatland, was totally destroyed by fire lii Jgeher with about 1000 "barrels of ourand some wheat. Iiosa, $25,000 ; insured for $10,000. The fire originated in the engine room. The Enterprise says: "The execu tive committee of Clackamas County Board of Immigration met at the sheriffs office, present: John Myers, A. Eolther, John W. Meldrum, and F. O. McCown. On motion," John Myers was elected chairman, and F. Ol McCown, secretary. On motion,a committee of two from each prec'net .vas selected to solicit f unds to aid he county board to publish iiiform .tion, and furnish the executive com mittee with a detailed description of 'he local advantages of Clackamas county. A BEAUTIFUL BRIDE. How Sharp Practice Won the Spoils A Three-Handed ' The Salem Statesman tells the fol lowing interesting story of two bride grooms troubles : A few days since, a young man j hailing from the classic precincts of j the Lacreole, applied to the County j Clerk o Polk County for a liconae j to marry a yotrag lady, which the ac- J commodating clerk issued. The same i day another young man called for a license to marry. The clerk was not in, and his deputy issued the li cense. The two licenses were issued for the same girl. T.e first party hastened to the home of llTs youpg inamorata, and fixed up in gay at tire, they hastened to a ministers residence to have the 4,knofc tied" iu regular orthodox style. fWhile the ceremony was being performed par ty No. 2 came panting into the room his face flushed and hi almost broken heart thumping pecept ibly, ! In answer to the ques ion if there I were any who objected to the bans, No. 2 yelled out he did, at the same time presenting bis license duly is nA and signed br the County Clerk. Here waa a quandary the j man of God couldn't get through bis clerical brain, and he stopped, leaving the party unmarried. No. 1 came to this city the next day to J consult an attorney. He was in a ; world of trouble frustrated in his ! cherished desire of wedding his lady j love the day before, he wanted to appeal to the law perhaps to pl ice J an injunction on his Jival,; No. 2. , TThile No. 1 was taking legal ad vice, No. 2 took the much coveted! Hose, of Dallas, to another dispen ser of connubial ties and was mar ried. When he returned he found that while be had gained his point as to law, bis rival had gained his point in matrinionv; as possession was nine points in law, No. 1 was valcnme to tbe Tjossession of the point of law be had gained. The ; tnsseltorthe girl was a vigorous! one, and we really feel like condol-: ing No. 1. f "We love women old or young ' simply because they are women. Our mothers spank us; our sweethearts j spoils our joys by flirting with our j rivals; our wives read us a genuine or moderate Caudle lecture,, which we usuallv deserve. Woman has i laushcd at our woqs when we in dulged in the .feae .p.assion rid dled our hearts with eroding arrows, depleted our riockefc-boofc, disturbed our slumber, .spoiled , our , coffee, rumpled our starched liuen Wfeoms hung' to our arm" with' ' her whole precious weight when' our ; corns hurt us most, danced us into perspi ratioh'.aiid caused us to buy lozenges for lipoid; but in'spito of all these things, we love her. AVe set her Up as an idol aud prostrate ourselves before her as before some . divinity. We don't care a , copper : what dry goods' cost she looks so sweet. "NYe will fight for herliFe" a" "Prussian soldier. Let Mr. Huxley say what he will to derogate jfrom the ssex, we shall hang our banner on the outer wall and ry,1 'Hurrah for the wo men." O'lobj. Householders. Send in your names, and if you are unable to pay in advance ice will vend you the Independent and wait on yuu a year. To clubs office we icill vend the Independent"- one year for $10; and for clubs f ten or more ire. will send the Independent one year for 20 00 with an extra number to the yetter up of tlte t lub. E OFFER FOR SAI.K MY niOFETlTY in Forest Grove. consistirjL,' of a hoiiho and 75x1 IS feet of laid in Lot X.. 1 of Ulock No. 3, in Forest Grove, t-'aid w. -erty I will nellMnbjoct to a ninrtgafje of $250 with interest whic h expires Nov. 4, l75.and 270 cash in hand. This property is situa ted in tho heart of the tovm and iau valua ble kite for .. tine dwelling. For further pnrticnlars inquire of STEF1I EX 13L.INK of Fowst Gr'ove, or ii. H. i.rcr, Ilillfbo- o Or. . 1 1 I Important Notice. '"The IXDFFEXUEXTh! the vole rigid of publishing, 'litigant printing for Washington county and contain alt me news of oart County Courts and all, the llonie. news, which no other pa- I per publish?, therefore every mat in I the county -.needs, the IxXULPFXV- j EX1' and should iui niiidiahhi vvb- KCJ'iCXAl' it. . I 'realtors XfAicc. ' -FiTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TIT AT ri the undersigned has filed his tinal ae- count as txeentor 1 tire ami ieia- mentof II. E. Rones. Dee'd in the County Court of t ic Shite of Oregon for "Washin!- ton Comity, and that THURSDAY after the first Moudaj- in January. A.. I. nt 1U o'clock ii. m" has been Bet for the final hear in tf liiiitter. i u37:wl S. A. IIOLCOMB. - Notice of Administrator. ! THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING EITEN j appointed hy the County Court f th' tjtate of Oregon for Y'ashirton cunty Ail : niinistviitor of the rr.tate l G.I. Raj-moncI deceased, all persons Iiuviu. claims nptin.t said e-.tate are hrrt hy notiHeit to present them to thr undersiyiied at th .f lice of Thos. II. Tongue in Uillsloro,'ji.u ingtoii connty, Oregon, with the proper vouchers within six months from the da.te hereof. THOMAS W. SAINE. IIilIsloro, Dec, 3d, 1671. u7;wl wmwm cvtioriEDM. "ew I!cvisi"J rliil:n. Entirely rewritten ly the ablest writers on every subjeet. Uriiittd fiom new typ., and illustrated with Several Ihuuand Enrav in4 and ila;s. T'i.? w-ir: vi ? inalH title of Ti:;: N;r.v . WHA C:.TJ:!.-(t d ill I'" tlu ' eivc.'.l :!i in all p;'lt i oi t'.i - V : nbis l,t d in.d v the I f time s :r. ; !i it w ha.i llll i attai ' 1 d.-'h ;1.,d th 1: ta t :se i: erf rv br.-meli ( M'U v.r.', ' :ivt, li;ive iudil?2l tie-edil 'f I p' to submit it t an tx.ut an I fioioi: j.i.d ibli.d -.Is n v:i ei!t;:!i! ion, aim Tmk Amki t' issue a new edition ICAS (':( !.( ! :i. ;V l.:.-.t K-n V ii'.-. th p V it he i . S l I t!e. ir fr;;'1 f 't M; 11 t th: i'..t".! tinenient of ' Givat wars and con j pen it'oli.' h-l"e j;-fiued, mvoiv- Ii iit", 'i ; . euii.-ir nioim vt. of u r o vu country, which 1 . iti. i.f n ..n-d 1 v. ts h.- wo-; .7.1 v n -- m!v d. l::i'! lap?ilv becV U'.lv .1, :.:sd a u' w ei.;;ri of e. iiiierciai i'd industrial uetivitv Lr.s Oeeli coni- u Uceil. I.,-sr :;(rcs.ii(iim to our greoi-raphieai ;iii.v nave ix oii main- nv me iittu iau- 'iMc rxTil.reisoi .Hica. T!ie "Teat political revolutions oi the lait b-caile, wllli th" natural result of the lapse of tii:.e, have brought into ublic view xi nmltitiub- of new men, whose naniea are in every one's niontli, and of whose liv.-s ev ry one i-i euviouH to know the particular. Great buttles have been fought and import Mit sieves ir.:iint-'ined. of winch the details tre an yet pres rved only m the newspa-tt-TA or in the transient publications of the , i , i r i ..l.i ....... 41,, it. IStV. OUt WIIM H IMI::i li l.'r.v lact' in penaaiient and unthentic hstory. In TvepariniT the present edition for the press, it nan accordingly oeen me nuu i the editors to brin lwn the infoiuiRtion to the latest possible d.tes. and to furnish dn nceuratn account of the most recent dis- ovciie. in science, of evry fresh rotluc- tion in !io lature. and ol tin; laiesi men tions in the practical arts, as well as to tjive finccinct and original record of the prog- ss f.f political and histoviccd events. The v.ovk has been be-un after ln and careful preliminary labor, and v.Ith the mo ht an le n-n r.rvt e for cain irg on to a (iuccessful tcrminauon. None of the original stereotype pjatcs have beet n usd, but every page has len lrinted on new tvpe, forming in fact ft new Cvcloiuedia, with tho same plan and com pass as its predecessor, but with ft far great er pecuniary expenditure, and with such fiMnrnv. iii. nts iii its co'.oifositioii as have been sn'p;c:itcd by longer experience and n- Iarrr. d knowledge. The illustrations which are introduced or the frst time in the present edition have been added not for the KJike of rictorial tf- ct. but to cive greater luciditv and force to the explanations in the text. They embrace all branches of science find of natural hi.sto- und depict the most famous and remark- aide features of scenery, architecture, and art, as well as the various processes of me chanics and manufactures. Although in tended forinstruction rather thanemlKlhsh ment, no pains have 1kcii spared to insure their artistic excellence; the cost of their execution is enormous, and it is believed they will find a welcome reception as an ad mirable feature of the Cyclopawlia, and worthy of its high clutracter. This work is sold to Subscribers only, payable on delivery of each volume. It will be computed in sixteen lare octavo vol umes, each containing nlnrnt f?00 pages, fully illustrated with several fhons.and-Wood Engravings, and with numerous colored Lithographie Maps. Price and blule of Funding. In extra Ch th, r vl - . .00 In LibrarX Lentlnr, per vol 0.00 7a Jl'ttf turtry Jojtoco, ptr vol 7.00 In Jtaif Jtasin, extra jM, rot., . . 8.00 Jn Full Morrow, mdifjue, gill edges, . . per to.,-- - , 10,00 In Full Jtussia, prr vol 10.00 Four volumes now ready. Sncceeding volumes, until completion, ax ill be issued nn iii two months. 'Specimen pages of the Americas CrcLOP.T-r.iA. showing type, illustrations, etc., will le sent gratis, on application. rinsr-CLASs Canvassing Agents wanted Address the Fublishers, D. APPLETOXif- CO., 549 a- SM Broadway. N. Y. mm of SHERMAN A: HYDE'S C,OLUMX,( PIANOS! t UGIG. O Sherman & Hyde COR.r:KEARNY Sc' SUTTER STREETS, San Francisco. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IS HESX MUSIC, MUSICAL INSTRU MENTS an d MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. . Ml CRM AN &.I1YDK. lueiti Coast Ants. THE UNRIVALED . WEBER PIANO. I5y the Superiority of itTorj. combining Gvat Powe r, Itichiic ss.Swet tness and Fine Si'ijjin (Jnalitv. an well a Great l'niity of Intonation ur.d Harusoniousness throughout the entire scale, it is fast driving almost nil otlier Piano from the Concert Room, aud fully explain how WEIU-K how an in crease of per cent., and yt cannot p tI V thedemaud. AG ENTS V. ' !T TT.Tt. in . very county Stat.-, for thr Celebrated la TTtv n fr T"'' -f T- Ziezzr-:o of I:uk UUraXUi-y ah: uxrjvAUzn. Sherman & Hyde's PfAflC, Is the only I'lllST STRUMEXT fiold for CLASS IK- S4QO The Square Pianos arc octave.ftnd em braces all Modern Improvements, such as Elegant Iiosewood Case, beautiful M.ould ings. Full iron Frame. Carved Legs and Lvre, Over-strung Pass. Agraffe Treble tc. Li ngth, 0 feet 10 inches; Width 3 fee. 8 inches, and If FOR TEA YEARS. Vo keep constantly on hand a cood assort went of HollaTDlo olio 3TP 7i Octave, Agraffe Treble MADE FllOM TIIE BEST SEASONED MATERIAL. AND FULLY WARRANTED. rnicEs as low as tianos can BE OBTAINED ELSF.YVIIEM;. PIANOS AND ORGANS SOLD ONE SY EESIRED. (. , j SEK . s iix-:roi:i: prn CHASIXi. nnnnno UljlUHMW mmmu To the Unfortunate New Remedies! Sew Remedies DR. GIBBON'S;. DISPENSARY, ,! 03 Kcarey: MV: Corner Commercifl ht SAN FRANCISCO. Established in IS" 1. for tho treatm nt of Sexunl and Stininnl Diseftsc, nuch i t fb norrhea. Gleet, Stricture, Sihilli in 11 U forms, Stminul Weakness, In;poter.e . t". Skin disease (of years standing) i;iel Ul cerated LeA, successfully treated. DR. GUIDON has tho plefu-o of an noucipg thiit he ba returned fro.n viKitiuj; tlie principal Hospitals of Europe, and has renumed practice nt hisDispensary,C-J3Kear-ney street, corner of Commercial, Han Fran ciKcorwhere hi old patients and those re quiring hi serrieo may find him. The Doctor ha spared neither time nor money in seeking out new re.medies.und has returned with increased facilities for the al leviation of human snftt rinp. Nfjiiiiuil V. aKiies. Seminal enii5si(n, tho consepiece of self abuse. This Holitary vice, or depraved ncx n:l iii.tnl.'fnee. is tiraetieed bv the VOUth of both sexes to almost unlimited extent, pro dueius.with unerring certainty the following traiuof morbid symptoms, unless combated by scientific medical measures, viz: Sullow countenance, dark spots under the eyes.pain in the frewl, ringing in the ears, noise like rustling of leaves uinl rattling of chai iots.un Iwint tlm loins, weakness of the limb!-, confused vision. blunted intellect, j loss of confidence, ditUd lice in approaching , strangers, a dis'ike to form i.ew aeipiaintan- i ces, a di iHjsitiou to Khun society, loss of ! luemory.hectie Hushes, pimples and various eruptions about the face, furred tongue.fintid j breatli, coughs, consumption, night sweats, monomania and frequently insanity. If relief j lu not obtained the sufferer should HMdyiui- i mediately either by iieison or by letter, and I have a cur effected lv his new and scientillo ! mode of treating this disease, which never i fails of effecting a quick and radical cnre.Dr , C. will civeOne HnudmlDollarsto any T,( V- son who will prove satisfactorily to him that he was cured of this complaint by ci ther of the San Francisco quacks. j Ciirof! Ht Hoiiie. Persons nt a distance may be CURED AT HOME br addressing a letter fo Dr. Gibbon, I stating case, symptom., length of timo the j disease has continued, and have medicines , prompt forwarded, free from damage and j curiosity, to any part of tho country, with i full and" plain directions for use. j Person writing to the Doctor will p!easa . statfth name of tho paper they kuw this j advertisement in. t Dv inclosing $10 coin, in r. registered h t- j ter tlirough the PostOfilcc.or throughWells, ( Fargo A Co,, a package id medicine will be ! forwarded to my art of th Lui ;'. i All eorrewpondt iu-e strict 1 r e. r.liwent'.a!. Add'-ss Dir. J. 1". GTi;i50.Kivvy St.. San Irancisj o. i i t-t- llice THE USW I5IPE0VZD a o ms li:!:T:t r.L"JMr:c, rocTCir.: PLE, Au.) K0ST EASILY OPIHATCD CZWomG t'ACHiNE IN THE MARKET. If t isr Is a TLOEENCS ULCZIZ.Z wltlila cao t'.:azsasi n:!oJ cf C:i l'raa decs tot ror!;'i; vel!, I will Cx it with ezt zzj etprao to tho cvrnir ga::u-l hill, At, No. ID ITow iloatonicr Street, C.rUND HOTEL LriLDINO, CA rSAECWCO. n2.1:Ci.i L. l. V I S II 13 n. Advertising Agent, Koouis No 20 nnd ill Jlcrchanf Ex change, California Street, San Francinco, SOLICITS ADVERTISEMENTS AND Subscriptions for thcFoieht (Jioye Inilft pendent and fr papers published in Cali fornia, Oregon a ncl Nevada; Washington, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Colorado and adja cent Territories ;Simwich Islands, the lhit ish FossesKions, Mexican Foit. Niearagua. Panama, Valpsiraiso, Japan and China; New Zealand and the Australian Colonic, the Atlantic States and Europo. Han created many a new buMness; Has enlarged many an old business; Has revived many a dull business! Has rescued many ft lost business; Ha saved manv ft failing businc ss; Has preserved many a large bnsi ne s ; Andmsurcs succesin any business. Cibakd's Secret. Stephen Oirard tsed to his old age: "I have always con sidered advertising liberally and long to bo the creat medium of success in busincHH.ftnd the prelude to wealth, And I have wad it an invariable rule U advertise in tbedullest times as well as the busiest; lonR experience havin" tan"ht me thnt money thus spent U wellid out. as by continually keeping my business before the public it has "nred manv sales thatl otherwise would have lost. r-The man who didn't believe in adver tisinir has cone into partnership with the 6heriff.and that official dot theadTcrtiaing. J 0 y (?-ft&irec FORTLAND, OREGON, Affords advantaj;- for tlie thorough and practical JJusincss Educntiou of youug and utddle-Hced ineti. Send frr Coll.-t.'. 'i TT. jv DkFRANCE AWIIITK. -4 .-OJJC-S. v? rcA rrd r-c'c res'. f r ' f r t t r t 4 - .1 'iddha'lliU n si'iwiuni: ! sviisuiuiij; a for the WAsinxG rox jxdkvkxd kxt A journal devoted h the . intcece, MaJunuton County and of the State, ixrn:rr:x;)f:xr w aii f t h't i fie'u tat the twW of rnoGiirssivv. iFFOHM; iv euntr'dU d ly w n or :: nly; but 4K :;r.- tit rro 02 OO cx Tear XOTCE The t hat the sole right f doing thi l for Wathington County and ii i , , therefore in valuableto all ef aurcihtens JO PRINTING lONB TQ Oil I)E 11