J E INDEPENDENT. HILLSBOBO : : FRIDAY. Freof Postage. Under the new poMal law svUcrU Ur$ in the county will not have to jyar pontage on their county paprr,so send in. your name for the IXDEPEXD XNT. Oettflotift Instruction in Our Common Schools j j Editor or the Independent. In common "with many other christians of all denominations, including Ro manists, I feel a trembling anxiety at the trant of religious influence in j ur common schools. As if it were a matter about which thero were differences of opinion while it was tof no vital importance, Religion has been auictlv ignored. Prayer that used to be counted indispensable to j right performance of daily duty, the j Trading of God's word as containing j tettruction sf the highest practical Utility and bearing upon pchoolduty a well as life's work, and tho em - ploymetit of teachers, as fat as tete.of Christian character, has been j given up in a spirit of compromise j and conciliation that is admirable in ! regard to unessentials, but weak nnd immoral where it sacrifices great and j solemn interests. It is time tha hriBtian people of any name rccou aider this matter and insist, accord-! ine to the good arguments that they wan Dnng to uear, upon t,ne rccog- j nition of God and the need of his j Mil in Rrhool work, unon the use of I . . . xt t of God's word as ot insttuction am nent of teachers who fear God nnd M-..L 1 11, i WWB iet UUU llJ K'ri ui inn niiHUi u , according to his word If we have ! Bot tcicfom and the determined ivu to ! ft noWe insrtnmeut could imade a h gis.atno bod and j i .Wawroom. 105. Front .tre. bv.ftLa,FrtwV,( . 1 upon the employ- eject member, claiming seats in me . ' PIANOS. ' riuniNP. , r . . ; y (, A J . , n as far a possible, i Le-islaturo. But, nay 8 the Bulletin, iue consuuu uma a.m-Humc,.t lovo to tfuidotheir ! the Democrats called on the soiuiery ( '"K 7 . S , cLiw.-Tf r..4 t r,. .t n ,l,mnf.s .mvromnlaint i h mste id ostabluhed sutTraO on ; Ji i ' T?. 107 Frrnt Street. Portland. Ore?n &SS:m do this we must nee our noble free j cUm of Democrats as against Kepub school system without God and an j licans, but is no eatoppel to criti iDBirument of evil, or wo must over- j cism from those who hare the ittde- , ... Uanaa oi reiigicus ucnominaiions as Terr raanv now tninK uesi: nwr n me . . i i m ii .vr.:.n. r nil .larmmi'nnh'nna fir VUWBWmIUO J illi wiuuvii4iiJibivM - - . . trono- nou?h to break uo tho ,t,.nnrr onrkiirrli M. -i.. :i r. c nn,i mi-o if ,h.l it oSht to be. For . take H, that no christian would prefer to break up our present system and commit primary education to the sects, except as a last resort and be- ause that was the only wav to e- ur religious influences in the hool-room. If thero are those no jialou f sectarian instruction that thev would sacrifice the school system to secure U and who, rather than unite with Cther christians to reform tho schools, would unite with theoppos ra of religion to break it up; andjf opponents of religious instruction thinking that sectarian zeal is more farorable to irreligion(as it undoubt edly is) than ft christian union, may unite with sectarians to break ituup, ihen there may bo danger of the over throw and the friends of our system need to advocate not only the pres ence of religion, but to show the great superiority of a religious com mon school system over any system tf parochial schools. We propose to consider heieafter, VwHh your permissiot, both these topics: let. The importance of a religious influence in our schools. 2nd. The superiority of religion common schools over parochial eshools. M. The LtOiiiHiana Troubles. The report of the Congressional Oub-Committec on the recent extra ordinary transactions in the Louisi- T f . :1 ...l.l.M. mum, u " , .1 ix. t. i i : t ii.,. 1 .1 . W uoie pcevun ux iU 11- lare and tne uovo rnor were without precedent and in violation of law, 8tate and national. The Bulletin quotes Madison's opinion in proof of the right of the Gorernment to suppress domestic iolence in a St.ite. This point is generally conceded since tho fjrebel lion, at least no Republican doubts the authority of the Government to to eupprcss insurrection or domestic iolence in a State, and to guarantee to each State a republican form of gorernment; but there are some Re publicans yet who have the opinion thai the Government h is no authori- ttU.i4o -State, fT'-rpf in n-'cordanec xcith lh constitution of the United Staff arid the laics made' in purxuany thereof. There are two ' fctatntea ; which 'pre-; ttcribe the mode in which the Gov ernment ma j interfere in the affairs of a State and they both provide that in case of insurrection in any State against the government there of, it shall be lawful for the Presi dent of the United States, on appli cation of the Legislature of such i tu.l- il - - 1 Al... ainw, or ox me wwmwe, vucn iuk Leginlafuro .'anuot ba conveueil, to call upon tho militia of other States or tho regular irmy and navy of tho United States to suppress the iu&ur rection. Now in tho case Louisiana there vis no insurrection and there had been no disturbance hince the cmutc on the 1 1th of September near: ly three months previous, and neith- er the Governor nor the Legislature j 1 -.il... T ' 1. ..4 ... : 1 7 I ciiueu on iuo x xesmeut, tui juu, unu notwithstanding thero was no iusur- rectiou or violence, United States I soldiers were ordered by the Execu- tivo of the State to eject members j claiming teats, w huh was done iu j j violation of .tho laws of Louisiana 1 and tho Government. But, says, the ; .Bulletin, the five persons ejected. were not legally elected memoeis oi j tho Legislature. Cut that is noth- j iig to the point. Tho question is,: Where is the warrant in the consii- tution which authoriaosUnitod SUUes j of a State Legislature? But, says s j a j tho Bulletin, there was danger of ii i . it cuinsiua -uuu wuuusutu. . had been so there was no law by which tho National Government uipt u vwri v - against the (,overnmenlr ot ho, that action only ctoppes the c I1U' t tlt.rin, I ii nlitv r artisan ti:iS. ! !.rt :., u-i,., ;u w j iu iiueanvu ; ldies fas t l. TT..:i 1 C .,.1 auiiioi-uiug timcu ouut-i in T .fniislft.ii:i tt do the bidding of a i w 1 , y . - ,1 A rt Bvu-iLccwiaiurc or a .oeuioi mm w i(-oA(t wllO ftr the leL'allV fleeted ! monilmrvi at n. Sh'it' Tffislaturo .eon- i venea according to La? The mterleroneo oi me uiuiiui j j with tho Legislature was in direct; conflict with the constitution and j j laws of Louisiana and of the United j States, and Congress will hae failed j ulitarv! j to do its dutv until it shall denounce j the act as unlawful and uncomditu- r tional. Such v precedent i dan- gerous and should bo pronounced 1 " attains t at this time as a safeguard for our liberties in future. Iu these troubles in the South it is easy to see now that the reconstruc tion policy of the Government was a 1 miserable failure from first to last. I Thevervurovisions that were thought best adapted to bring about peaco and prosperity in the South have proven to be tho worst causes of discontent and. anarc'iy. Suffrage which wa3 given to the negro as a measure for his protection and eleva tion, and to insure the peace and loyalty of the disaffected Stated, has only served sub-jeclively to endang- ei his life and liberty, nud increase his moral debasement, whilo object ively his voters likely to become a means for the promotion of seditions and rebellious to tho detriment and danger of the nation. The negro governments are a fail ure. And it is no great wonder that tho peoplo of the South, where subjected to the misrule of carpet baggers and negroes, rather than lose all they possess, have, risen against their oppressors. It is no wonder that tho whites, who possess the property auu the capital of the coantpyouia be restive tvith the imiormt n.n A 1 1 r-nmpi 1 neTns i o as thcir law.makew and rulers. There is not such another instauce iu the history of civilization audit is impos sible that it can continue without a revolution. Rev. J. W. Millkr saj's ho was misrepresented by "X." in his "crit icism." on his (M.'k) sermon, that appeared in the Independent two weeks ago.- Tho two mites which tho good Samaritan (Christ) gave to the host (the ministry) represented the Law and the Gospel. Then he stated tho properties and use of the law, and that the crosr)el was to teach repentance and faith as condi- j uol sajU ft vorij aJout tlo vsnr of the ministry. par or I - ... K4lmri .i. !, f d'o.'-rivl T r.'lll ( i 11 S( ' 4 . , !.. L- ti.I a nliii'li uiui r iwoni-t nl 1: ilili'n.T I'rinjii li l.iiili.i'n.iiia f,.p nil 4a AHII1E. CWiiften jt tho Ixokpxxoxxt. J Gone! what! no cry in the night? No patter of feet as of Tore? No glances thoughtful or bright? No cure and no danger more? Gone! where? In the darlcne51? wh-r'! To nn infinite homele ahyis? Isther any mortal ihir Face us with a picture like this? As affection' tendrils cling Still-closer around the flock That remains, doe nature brin,; No uppeeranee th-it do( not mock? As reason i higher than sen. Ah words are lcs deep than thought. As natnro and art have each the cxtwnt Of the power that to them is brought; So the parted oul go on. Of child or maiden or sag?. Developing all of itsrff, bent boon Of God's eternal a;re. ToTir.nr Gkove. 1S7. uSusicion'aiid "L.lUe." Prof. J. YV. Marsh a private ; j attention I letter rays: I be you to turn your to feiiowjn,, UOrds, . Si'tpiciun and j Likc inucL!ai,U8ed in Oregon. Su.- piciou boultl nt ver be used a, a; verb V(. wyfW others, or we look xQn them wUh 4fM,cl-t. , .. fcilolllll .rcr i)ti Uhei a n col1jnnction. A pcou nets like an ; uouest wftn 01.f actH ,w un hon- est man bhould. JAl-e is an adrerh, j when it means iu like manner or in j in like decree; an adject ice, wheu it j denotes of like kind or quality. We are not on the "cIor line" hut we do advocate tho ititellifencc line. i ... ii- . ,,f i:0 j ..0. , - tinction ox color. Ami ii wnen me rebellion ended the Government bad j hanged &11 those wlio iolated their oaths to support the constitution of ! ' the United Statess, it would have ; taught hrcessiomsts what tie con ! titutional provision against treason Uur reconstrucuon pourv ' wan a virtual surrender of tho victft- , T' WOU' Tho Government, in the ".""f ? n . with BORN. At Forest tlrove, Jin. 31, 187 . to the itv of Dr. W. II. Siylor, ; l.tulitt-r. At l'oitt Crm-e, IM. !. I'm."., Mr. V. A. Savior, wife of Dr. NV. 11. Savior, aeil 31 yt urn a:nl tlays. Near ITilMMiro, IVb. fith, 17", of iufinm- j tttion of tho lunt, Mrs. Elizabeth Ann : HiriiphrovK. w ife of Then. J. Humphrey ' d 33 years, 9 mouth ami '29 chiyM. NEW AlVEItTISEMKTS. A IX YE TAXPAYERS OF WASHINO J ton County, Orecron, wh liav iiot paid their taxes for 1H71, com ye to th Court limine nnd settle. Baid taxes uavb m tiy. PAir and that soon, don't ank wo to wait any longer, neither let me have to call on von forfthem and th&rehy incur costs. lint gather up your loose coin, j'our County order. "jivnc lax" nnd and accounts nanibt nte, and come to tho center, and let u settle tho matter. Wo will nil feel better. The time i up, and I have to hegiu to worry vou. CI I AS. T. TOZIER. Sheriff nnd Tax Colletor uf i.m:t2 Washington County, Oregon. A CHANCE FOR EVERYBODY. WE RESPECTFULLY CALL THE attention of th? peoplo to the fact that we have concluded, to sell our goods, for the next sixty days, AT COST; in orde to nmko room, for a new stock by spring All those who want good bargains, had bet ter tfive us a eVil. KAIIN & FREIDENRICH, jll-nl2 New Store, HUlab oro 17. H. SAYLOR S Druand Book StorE Mo Lo clnos Stationery LOU SALE CHEAP FOR CASH FOREST GROVE, Washington Connty Orffron. 43nly .1 T 1 1.1 1 . - Ar . i . . nc fx ') (i 1 L T O am m ' , - 1 1 ... . 1 1 T . . , . . I A. H IN MAN Has the largest stock of good in tb Grove, Consisting of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, FA XC Y ARTICLES, de. Familj Groceries and Provisions HARDWARE, CROCKERY PRICES LOWastJu LOWEST A. II I. MAN. Forfct Gior (. "ot.7 lf7J 10nv:l j Farm For Sale. i - QA ACRES ' OF OQOD LAND OalVr ubout two miles from Hillsboro. There is about thirty-fir acrea of good titt i bur on the farm. tho rent is prairie aud brush land, and very rich. The place U well wat ered and there Are Rood buildings and an , orchard on it. Apply to T. It. CORNEL I U.S. or n!2uu3 A. C. GID13S, IVrtlnnd. FOR SAjLE. IT7.II i TJin EVTIRK LOT OF MACHINERY i IN THE FOREST GROVE TL VN j ISO MILLS j . . . .roNsibTiso or. . . . One ten Horie Power Engine &Eoi It r, 1 Planer and Matcher. 24 inch Surface r, i 1 Saw Table ! 1 Mortising Machi e i " - l Force Pump. 1 Turning Lathe withTools, i 50 feet Shafting& PuUlen, ' 500 feet Belting ALSO, 50,000 FEEE attsortedltloulditts IESKt STAND. AND TABLE LEtiS NEWEL 'OSTS. STAIR IJALUSTERS. ; AT 25 per cent Below Customary Rat's- i Mnchinary in new nnJ f . and of first -1:hs niftke. Will Sell IN LOTS TO .SUIT. ON VERY LIBERAL TERM5. AdilrrsB, A. L. JOHNSON.Foreat Orov. ESTKY ! A V. SMITH Co. nT,r,ic J'TiTTvvn OEGANS- in ORGANS & I LVNOS. UEVJ DRUG STORE, MAIS S TIMET, inns no no. Ko-i! t oinitrtHtly on hnnl - I'AIX'JS, OILS, GLASS. DKUiS MEDIC 1SES and CHEMICALS i Patent Mcdioinos ' 1 i j TOILET ARTICLES, I SOAPS. Sl'O.XGES, PEll'CMEBr , t(c. dc. V. AUo a wt ll selected utoi k of CIC; AKS and TOBACCOS. Pure WINES and LTQUOItS, for Medicinal purposes only. Glass cut to any f le desired. Prtxcription cartfully compounded and all nteJici.te icarrattUd 'jemtine 1ITSTOMKHS WISHING ANY thinp in my lino -will find any and all nrti- Cic usually luiimi m uri ciu img owic, and for Male LOW for cash. THIS S7AGE FOR HOIITER W . UOXTER HAS BO If AWY customers at his store all the time that hi ban no time to writ an ftdrri- ; " ' . ... - - ' - Q i i t il.JLV-U.XL Xi.V4-V w JJL-iJLT JU.JLVKXVjU.JHi Jiil MJ JL JL llJUJ NEW STYLKS EASY JO Will SewHeavy and Light Goods without Change c TENSION LIGHT RUiURiliUC HOME S. M. j Manufacture of th!sN:w NUc.ine Commenced 1873 80,000. Especial!) adapted frr manufacturingHeavy(loth every Machine recommend! itself. NO TRAVELING AGENTS- 75 cents psr Docn. SKNI) FOH NEW PRICK S. W. Morrison an ILMABEffK&SOn, ntv!:l iii:i)in2. "Wholesalt- :d Retail Dealer in TOYS FAHCt ODD3, 2TC.f J II AVIXG RECEIVED A LARGE AND E Hi Stvls of ;TOYS,GAMESf OOLLS. BOXING-GLOVES. FOOT-CALLS. FENCING FOILS, MAKliS, KKA1ES, hl.L rrenw. Stennilio its. Tc!i-i pV, Ih!ir::ds TnrmpM .lVallirg . MUSIC BOXES, MUSICAL DOTTLES, EANCV BASKETS, BIRD CAULS. FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE Ne Styl fc n new nir'-. I Jiin? n- for s,-ili new kIvIi-h ninl lntot iiaproTd FJr rncr sJwi:i-4 luacUim-s :t RI'.IU'CKD l' IIU'ES v !t!-xtr.i iitluvMiirntN to thou pTiag CA6II. unl to pfi'KoiiH wliod.Mio, ll mil1 iustaJi'ifiit il;in- $10 lown nnd, nd$ll n r mouth r.ntil t'ic llai hir.; is n'u i r, )n- ( tr.:r mv ntvh'n tvn ihc n'ork nwny frn tl t-pcrntor. r tlut wo h.ivi? :i.v h.tth a si.l nl h-i.!j ivi mrvxp. l'viry Mhini w xvr:ntfl ftr ten year ;m i n rh ir.r will V n t: for r-iHii'in? rr krrpi'-.g'&IaeLitict i'a ii or.hr !nri th.it tunr. Jin ry l'lori iMV .Icchiin- in Oru'n kfit in onlrr fr f c nr.", I nil ;mil f t t;i' mi. h-n :or ir 1 fit livM.l in jmy jait f th- Jlutc r in W.is' : J. E.L03III3, Asat. l'hird St., . I .... U V 1 War Claim Agency No-24 MONTGOMETvY KANntANriSC, CM.. : n : ! YV. II. AtKEN. Attonu y-at-h".v .'Mid -: -j nianuVr of tlie CJii.nd Ariiij of tin- ii ; in California nnd Nrvml-i. "will t,'!v r-;iij t i nlteiition to tho cojhrtion of VMiiio'i tl I Irnvel I'uv. now due CaliJornu mm .-,i v;o:i ! V(.lniit orR diiu'liAi'zed wiorc th.in thiv linn- dred wiles from home 'ol hern can h n 1 ! on fair d:ihn. Inforunition utn tr- e 01 chnri;'. V. 'hen vntiny; nu h-s-f tanin for reply and htatc company nnd r-j;inier.t an whether you liave a disehnre. Con;r m has extended th time for nlii.i: elaiivs for ililitionul P.ounty uiuh rAet f July 'H.lSi', to Januarv iH'io, so all sut h claims must o ter-( l)tfu,c lh,ir hut not for servici h in ftie jaja Wlr J' nsiollH lor late war ami ar of 1812 obtained and incrensed whf 11 al lowed for IcHSthun disability warrantK, but no enBiona nre allowed to Mexican e.ii'l Florida war wddierw. State of Texan ban granted Tension to snrvivin Vetera iw of Texas Revolution, New Orhuns and Mobile Prize Money i niNr du an I lvin' paid, W II. Aik nnfn',1 attend to (ienrral ln'v nnd and Collection Busine. n20 :(,m PACIFIC UHlVERSiTY 1 FACULTY Iter. S. H. MARSH, V. !.. Prehid. -nt. nd Professor of Intellectual nnd Mornl I'hiloKOphv mr n , ltev. HORACE LY51AX, A. M., Trofcss- or of Uheoric nnd History. O. U. COLLIER. A. 31., I'rofesHor oi the Natural Sciences. J. W. MARSH, A. M. ProfoRjor of Lntiu and GrerK. ... J. D. ItORB, A. M., rrincijml of tne Academy. Mim MARY A.TtOTtlXSOX, Preceptren. Rkv. THOMAS CONDON, A, M., Lt( tur er on Geology. Miss 0. A. HASKELL. Teacher of In- tirumcntal and Vocal Mnsic. nW:tf " " To Working: Men. Thu I.ndpdxt i owned 67 a li boring man and is lh working s?r(iV friend, opposed to laziness, drunken- ness, outlawry, vested and corporate right when oppressive, and opposed to whatever tries to uurp the -A. nt' heen nllowed all voluuteers who ! "ObJlAKEll,S. I fore July 22(1, lSCl for tim e years lldfrhnm,- - - -OrCfonA I the nanie-wht n disi'har:.' d. EiUid I All hind of euutom work nittd I f m ALWAYS m 'heady 20 DO 'G ) I) iron k A WillSsw Heavy and LI jbt Good without Chan jo of Sold first year Over Needles for all kind of Sewing Machiaei LIST AND CIRCULARS. t hird Street Portland OreeSr ASSORTMENT OFT1IE LATEST CiJIS, RJl'S HAHUNS, j.r iritii nil : n i mid pric llt. MacbtB ut 1: 'tV; 1 ;irv, Pt rrthnd, Cicgn. L ut 1: Ti'iilinty, rt ivy own risk, S Eeccutor' Xtu'. I ".tiittilln ronnty, ()r-Rcn. ,AII pront in ; tJ.iiinH Haiti rstnte nro hereby notified r v.t thf-m v.ith proper voucher withia nix inn:it!)4 from Ojo d.ito of thi notic h- ni)'l ruiiir.I at tlio ofitc of Thuni D. Ilf.mj-Iiii'.M. HillKhoro WnsMnpto rovatv, r '.''U. or nt uty n.sidi-urp nil iuil nriii 4 .kml of I Hllhoro, IUVII) LKNOX. Nov. Mil, 17I. S- G. Skidmore. DRUGGIST AND APOTHECAHT. m ii:ai.er im , I )ni'.r. If i-tliriiirs. f 'limirAlc. and FnT Ti.ih t Ai tiili s. rjr rnnurr nd Phy! -i.m f j o?:i tho countrv will find nnr txk ml , i h iIk-iucs roiiiiiicte wnrrnntcd giiuiafanc th.' Ix Kt f quality, POPiTLANO, - ORE005. Ladi K, Mikkcn Asd childrn hoeA. 1 ?' Repairing neatly Kxecntad. work wnrranted. ah J.OOD STOCK FOR SAI-K: The undersifnw'd ha some vrv Kill of the Ehkcx breed ix month old", wbieli 1 -a ill sell for 8i 00 each if sold soon. 11 h( a f,-ood hh;h fjrade Durham bull ealf, which I will sell for a reasonable price er exchancje for other stock on fair teruat particular;! address or cull on . A LCELLINO. n33:n)3 HillsWo. Oregoa. 'llll lAIIDKO IIK.'II rjpmsiNsrrrrnoN of learni.xg JL is now under the IHrectoi ship of School Dist. S; Tv , wi(l u ronipettnt corps of teAfhort. PniU 1 will be received at Any time. For prti j 1 "i'' f the I'rtneipal kt th mthi I ' j j nH :tf I). M, C, GAULT, lrinipU'r- pnop. G. P. TJIEUELL,, (Of Portland) The popular Teacher of the Organ Piano Forte' VVILL visit HILLK110R0 er FRIDAY tivenins and remain ovtr KAT-OIl-DAY. All who wish to avail thrmiitlWtf" af j hi SUPERIOR instmction on tho Orgtn : or 7'iano Forte, will meet him on I Saturday in ildUboro. The publioSlnging CIahm meetuon FRIDAT TO BUYERS OF HOLIDAY PRESENTS JUST RECEIVEdTa FINE IMrORTA- tion of Genuine 1'rrrumery and Fan cy (load, put np in mich a manner 4 le ' nmlie a most oecejitahlo Holiday I'rctenl fdr any Lndy. AVM. PFUNPEB; nortk- . .r Fimt nnd Oak atraeta. -TAMlmyl ' njrn.Pnwrliitinni MriifiillTiiniaHjHitiJ.J r ?" V full M-aort inert f VuAtxAmm-. rk J wkxA. That is wht i cll husin th yKOplr. Sn1rr'd f'c H. ' ;,wd."