Washington independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 1874-18??, December 25, 1874, Image 4

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London, Desember 8. The Mark
iMne Express says: The weather is
wintry. Many of the Russian ports
are closed till Spring. There is a
small fluctuation in wheat, which is
firm, with the rise of a shilling. It
is thought that the lowest rates
have been passed. The weather is
favorable for the new crop.
New York, Dec. 10. Professor
Harkness, United States Naval Ob
server, sends the following telegram
regarding the observations of the
transit of Venus:
Hobakt Towx, Tasmania, Dec.9.
Although the weather was bad,
the observations at the time of the
transit were particularly successful.
"We succeeded in taking 113 photo
graphs of Venus during the passage
over the disc of the sun.
A dispatch from Prof. David son, at
Nagasaki, also reports favorable ob
servations. The astronomers were
very fortunate. Just as Venus left
the sun, clouds gathered tnd threat
ened rain.
Londox, December 10 Telegrams
in regard to the transit of Venus say
the observations failed in Ormak,
Orenburg, Astrachan, Kertch, and
Fiflis, but were entirely successful
at Yokohama.
Teheran, December 10. The ob
servations of the trans-1 of Venus
here were very successful.
"Washington, December 11. In
response to urgent requests from
New Orleans that the President
place troops in the State House, he
is represented as saying he would not
act from the apprehension of danger,
but if violence occurred he would
take measures to suppress iK
St. Petersburg, Dec. 8. A vio
lent storm here last night caused
great damage. The tide rose nine
feet above highwater mark, partially
inundating the lower portions of the
eity, and driving many poor families
from their houses. Over a thous
and persons have been sheltered by
the police, and public kitchens have
leen openod to feed the sufferers.
"London, Dec. 10. The storm yes
terday was veiy dis: strous to ship
ping. A dozen vessels are ashore
at "Whiteby; one reported sunk with
all on board. Mails from France
were several hours behind time.
Heivv damage to works in the har
bors at Jersey. Two hundred yurils
of pier was swept away, and blocks
of concrete weighing several tons
displaced and broken. The stcrm
was verv severe on the Continent.
Telegraph lines between Switzerland
and P iris are down and communica
tion interrupted.
Vicksbcrg, Dec. 9. The excite
ment is subsiding and business gen
erally resumed. Armed bodies of
negroes are reported at arions pla
ces out of town. The whites still
guard the approaches to the city.
The recently stolen records fur
nish evidence ot forgery and embez
zlement by Sheriff Peter Crosby,
Chancery Clerk Wash. Davenport
Vid other negro officials, who are all
under indictment except Crosby.
The stolen records were found this
evening in or under Davenport's
house. Davenport is a fugitive.
City of Mexico, December 9.
Congress has decreed for the sup-
pression of the order of the Sisters
of Charity.
London, December 8. A heavy
gale prevails on the coast. Already
much damage has been reported to
property afloat and ashore. Nine
vessels are ashore' at Hartlepool, sev
eral at Leabam, and a large vessel'
vessel from Quebec for Shields has
been totally wrecked. Fifteen of
the crew drowned.
Washington, December 15. The
sub-Judiciary Committee Butler,
Poland and White reported to the
full committe to-day in favor of
amending the Civil Rights bill : to
omit the colored school provision,
and require merely ihat equally good
educational facilities be provided for
both races; that the penalty of $5,
000 fine be omitted, and that the
punishment for violation of this pro
vision of the bill consist in liabili
tes for $500 damages, at the suit of
any individual who is denied equal
ity of accommodations, etc. There
was a general discussion on the sub
ject, but no definite action taken,
there being a wide difference of
Memphis, Dec. 10. Reports of the
burniug of farm houses by negroes
in the vicinity of Vicksburg, tele
graphed from here Tuesday to sev
eral Noithern papers, are purely
New Orleans December 10 A
Jackson, Miss., special says the
proclamation of Gov. Ames, con
vening the Legislature, is almost
unanimously condemned. F. W.
Cartoso, than whom no man has
done more to create' this trouble de
clares that a conflict of race is now
upon us and that negro women are
ready to commence with ax and
knife to slaughter white women and
children. One remarkable fact
should be noted : only country ne
groes have been drawn into demon
stration. City negroes are too smart
to be duped by leaders. The num
ber of blacks killed in Monday's
fight is probably 150; 48 were buried
in one field yesterday.
London, December 17. A special
from Santander to the Times, says
the storm which has been raging in
the bay of Biscay for several df ys
continues unabated. More boats are
missing. No foreign mails have
been received for eight days.
Chicago, December 18. Governor
Osborne, of Kansas, telegraphs to
the Trtifize of this city th'at he esti
mates the number of people inWest
ern Kansas who will require assist
ance drring the "Winter at twenty
thousand. Many of these are now
in a state of actual want. The arti
cles most needed are food, axd cloth
ing for women and children. The
prospect for th9 wheat crcp is good,
and the Winter so far is remarkably
mild and favorable. Donations may
be sent to Lieutenant Governor Sto
ber, chairman of the Ce ntral relief
Committee, Topeka.
New York, December 18. The
dollar contribution for the relief of
the Kansas and Nebraska sufferers
has reached $2,229. Money is now
coming in at the rate ot $400 or $500
per day.
ww Arrrp rnT? RiT.P MY PROPERTY
II in Forest Grove, consisting of ft house
l T .- 1 u Innil in TiTtt No. 1 Of
Block No. 3, in Forest Grove, fc aid prop
erty I will sell sub ject to a mortgage of S25U
w ith interest which expires Nov. 4, 187o,and
$250 cash in hand. This property is situa
ted in the heart of the. town and is ft valua
ble site for a fine dwelling.
For further particulars inquire of diLI U.
EN BLANK of Forest Grove,
II. If. lil ttw
Hillsboro Or.
Wheat $1 45 $1 55 100 lbs.
Flour Extra, $4 75 5 75 $? bl.
Oats $1 40&1 65 100 lbs.
Onions $1 (gjl 05 1 100 lbs.
Wheat 1 35 100 lbs.
Oats 41c (43c bushel.
Flour Firm; standard brands,
$5 50 p bbl.
Green Aiples.-37 50c bush.
Onions $1 100 lbs.
Butter 37$ 50c lb;
Eggs 27c $ doz.
Poultry Grown chickens, $2 00
3 50 V doze .
Forest Grove Retail Market
Wheat, bushel.. ...... 3
Flour, barrel 4 50
Corn Meal, lb 4 ( 5
Potatoes, bushel 37 '(ti 50
Eggs, fresh doz V&Qt, 30
Butter, good f resh role Th ... 30
Chickens, x doz 2(H(S 2 50
Bacon, sides t) 15(4 16
Cheese. '0 lb 20( 25
Triw1 Plnmo V IK 1 ,,! If.
, Xried Apples, f lb 4. 5
I Syrup, Keg, (retail) 4 50
Coffee, (retail) lb 27
Tea, Japan (retail) lb 5(j! 75
Tea, Green, (retail) lb 1 25
Salmon, best x barrel 5 50
Sugar, by the keg & lb UK$ 12
Lard, & lb 1W. 20
Mutton, V ! lb K" 1
Beef, f i lb 4 8
Pork, r & 8
Veal, ft 10
Fish (fresh) lb H
Fish, (salt) t lb 1(h 8
Dressed Hogs ((? 7
"White Beans 4( 5
Sew KeYised.Edltlon.
Entirely rewritten bv the ablest writers on
every subject. -Printed from new tvi, ami
illustrated with Several Thousand r.ugrav
iugs and Maps.
The work originally pubis lied under the
title of The New American Cyclopedia
was completed in 18(13, since which time
the wide circulation which it has attained
in all parts of the United States, and the
signal developments which have taken place
in every branch of science, literature, and
art, have induced the editors and publishers
to submit it to an exact and thorough revis
ion, and to issue a new edition entitled
The American CYCxor.:iiA.
Within the last ten vears the progress of
discovery in every department of knowl
edge has made a new work of reference an
imperative want.
The movement of political affairs nas Kept
pace with the discoveries of science, and
their fruitful application to the industrial
and useful arts and the convenience and re
finement of poeial life. (Jreat wars and con
sequent revolutions have occured, involv
ing national changes of peculiar moment.
The civil war of our own country, which
was at its height when the last volume of
the old work appeared, has happily lxen
ended, and a new course of commercial
and industrial activity has been com
Large accessions to our geographical
knowledge have leen made by the indefati
gable explorers of Africa.
The creat political revolutions ol tlie last
decade, with the natural result of. the lapse
of time, have brought into public view a
multitude of new men, whose names are in
every one's month, and of whose lives every
one is curious to know the particulars.
Great battles have been fought and imort-
ant sieges maintained, of which the details
are as yet preserved only in the newspa
pers or in the transient publications of the.
day. but whih ought now to take their
place in permanent and authentic nsiory.
In prewiring the present edition for the
press, it has accordingly been the aim of
the editors to bring down the information
to the latest possible tlates. and to furnish
dn accurate account of the most recent dis-
oveiie; in science, of every fresh produc
tion in liteiature. and of the latest inven
tions in the practical arts, as well as to give
succinct ami original recom oi tne prog
ress of political and historical events.
The work has been begun after long and
careful preliminary labor, and with the
mo st ample resources for carrying on to a
successful termination.
Wiiia of the original stereotvne nlates
have leeen used, but every page has been
printed on new type, forming in fact a new
CyclopoHlia, with the same plan end com
pass as its predecessor, but with a far great
er pecuniary expenditure, and with such
improvements in its composition as have
leen suggested by longer experience and en
larged knowledge.
The illustrations which are introduced
for the first time in the present edition have
been added not for the sake of pictorial ef
fect, but to give greater lucidity and force to
the explanations in the text. They embrace
all branches of science and of natural histo
ry, and depict the most famous and remark
able features of scenery, architecture, and
art, as well as the various processes of me
chanics and manufactures. Although in
tended fo rinstmction rather than embellish
ment, no pains have been spared to insure
their artistic excellence; the cost of their
execution is enormous, and it is believed
they will find ft welcome reception as an ad
mirable feature of the Cyclopaedia, and
worthy of its high character.
This work is sold to Subscribers only,
payable on delivery of each volume. It will
be completed in sixteen large octavo vol
umes, each containing alsint 800 pages,
fully illustrated with several thousand Wood
Engravings, and with numerous colored
Lithographic Maps.
Price and Style of Binding.
In extra Cloth, per r., $5.00
In Litjraru Letither, per ro., COO
In Half Turkey Jfurroco, jer vol 7.00
In Half Ttnsin, extra gilt, per ty7., . . 8.00
In Full Murroco, antique, filt edyejf,..
per ro.,' ". 10,00
In Full Russia, per vol 10.00
Four volumes now ready. Succeeding
volume, until completion, will be issued
once in two months.
. "Specimen pages of the America
Ctciopjema, showing type, iRustrfttions,
etc., will be sent gratis, on application.
FiRST-CtAss Canvassing Agents wanted
Address the Publishers,
519 & 551 Broadway, N. Y.
n 2
Sherman & Hyde
San Francisco.
l'acitic Coast Agents.
By the Superiority of its Tone, combining
Great Power, Richness.Swei tn ss and Fine
Singing Quality, as well as Great Purity of
Intonation and Harmonionsness throughout
the entire scale, it is fast driving almost all
other Pianos from the Concert Room, and
fully explains how WEUKit shows nil in
crease of 20'J ier cent., and yet cannot sup
ply the demand.
A GENTS W AN TED. in every county in
the State, for the Ct lebrattd
. . . .WHICH, FOR .
Volume & Purity of Tone,
Beauty of Case,
Superiority f Wo kmanship.
Elegance of Fin3h,
and Durability
a he vxmvmj:i.
Sherman & Hyde's
Is the only FIRST CLASS IN
STRUMENT sold for
The Square Pianos are 7' octave, and em
braces all'Modern Improvements, such -as
Elegant Rosewood Case, Reantiful Mould
ings, Full iron Frame. Carved Legs and
Lvre, Over-strung IJass. Agraffe Treblo etc.
Length, fi feet 10 inches; Width 3 feet 8
inches, and
.Ve keep constantly on hand a good assort
ment of
7i Octave, Agraffe Treble
l H asim;.
u-Jl :ly
To th e U n f o rt u n ate !
j ... .. . ... . .
New Hcfiieclies! Nfv Iteiiicdies
G23 Kearney St.
Corner Commercial St
Established in-1854. for the treatment of
Sexual and Seminal Diseases, such as Go
norrhea, Gleet, Stricture, Syjdiilli in all its
forms. Seminal Weakness, IinjKtency, etc.
Skin diseases (of years standing) and Ul
cerated Legs, successfully treated.
DU. GIliRON has the plei sn -o of an
noucing that he has returned fro:u visiting
the principal Hospitals of Europe, and has
resumed practice at hisI)isjMnsiry,r23Kear
uey street, corner of Commercial, San Fran
cisco,where his old patients and those re
quiring his service may find him.
The Doctor has spared neither time nor
money in seeking out new reinedies.and has
returned with increased facilities for the al
leviation of human suffering.
Seminal VVcnkiicsn.
Seminal emission, the eonscquece of self
abuse. This solitary vice, or depraved sex
ual indulgence, is practiced by the 3'outh of
Itoth sexes to almost unlimited extent, pro
ducing, with nneningcertaiuty the following
train of morbid symptoms, unless combated
by scientific medical measures, viz: Sallow
countenance, dark spots under the eyes, pain
in the head, ringing in the ears, noise like
rustling of leaves and rattling of chaiiots.un
easiness about the loins, weakness of
the limbs, confused vision, blunted iutellect,
loss of confidence, diffidence in approaching
strangers, a dUHke to form new acquaintance-,
a dih"H.sit;on to shun society, loss of
memory. hectic flushes, pimples and various
eruptions a!su. the face.funed tongue,fetid
breath, coughs, consumption, night swcMts,
monomania and frequently insanity. If relief
le not obtained the sufferer should apply im
mediately either by person or by letter, and
have a cure efiVcted by his new and scientific
mode of treating this disease, which never
fails of effecting a quick and radical cure.Dr
G. will giveOne KundredDollarsto any icr
h n who will prove satisfactorialy to him
that he was cured ol this complaint by ei
ther of the San Francisco quacks.
Cured at Home.
Persons at a distance may be CURED AT
HOME by addressing a letter to Dr. Gibbon,
stating case, symptoms, length of time the
disease has continued, and have medicines
promply forwarded, free from damage and
curiosit-, to any part of the country, with
full and plain directions for use.
Persons writing to the Doctor will please
state the name of the paper they saw this
advertisement in.
Hv inclosing SI') coin, in a registered let
ter through the PostOffice.or through Wells,
Fargo A;Coa package of medicine will be
forwarded to any part of the Union.
All correspondence strictly confidential.
Add. ss DR. J. P. GIUHON', Kearney St..
San Francisco. Postoltteo Hox ,1).7.
CIcTj Feed and Eic'x Toe J.
tie, ro R!CST ea:iiv opchateo
cewing machine; in the market.
toy: h Order aid Eeady for Wcri,
r.it'jia caj tbtmaai railci of 8aa Fr&o
clsco tot r o.-kio well, I u:ll x it with,
cat zzj cipcaso to tba owner
No. 13 New Jlontgomerj Street,
1. l. FISH K It.
Advertising Agent.
Iiooin No. 20 and 21 Mcrc!itintfft Ei-
cli a California Street, San Francisco,
Subscriptions for the Forest tirove Intfo
pendent and for papers published in Cali
fornia, Oregon ami Nevndi; Washington,
Utah, Idaho, Montana, Colorado and sdja
cent Territories ;Sanuwich Islands, the Brit
ish Possessions, Mexican Poi ts, Nicaragua.
Panama, Valparaiso, Japan and China; New
Zealand and the Australian Colonies, the
Atlantic States and Europe.
Has created many a new business;
Has enlarged many an old business;
Has revived many a dull business;
Has rescued many a lost business;
Has saved man' a failing business;
Has preserved many a large busine ss ;
And insures success in any Imsiness.
Girard's Secret.- Stephen Girard used
to say.in his old age: 'l have always con
sidered advertising lils nilly and long to bo
the great medium of success in business, and
the prelude to wealth. And I have made it
an invariable rule t. advertise in the dullest
times as well as the busiest; long experience
having taught me that money thus spent i
well laid out. as by continually keeping mr
business before the public it has seenred
many sales thatlotherwisewould have lost'
IfTbc man who didn't believe in adver
tising has gone into partnership with the
fcheriff.and that official docs the advertising,
Affords advantages for tho thorough and
practical Dusiness Education of young and
paddle-aged men. Send for College Paper.
for the
WAsmsams independent
A journal devoted to the interest of
Washington County and of tho
Tne INDEPENDENT owt nlle.
giancc to no party but the party
of PnoailESSlYE IDEAS and
HEFOHM; i controlled by no
Clique , Faction or Monopoly; but
in the fearh'K and vutpoken -
OQ OO Tear
has the sole right of doing tht
for Washington County and it
therefore inraluaUeto all of ourcitueri
JOB Pltf tfTlNCI DONE 1 0
OK 1)13 V.