Washington independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 1874-18??, December 25, 1874, Image 3

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We ae not resyonsiblefor the views
tf our correspondent. The twinning
of the Independent are open to the pco
plewf this Manly for the discussion of
all tfiicrfions concerning our local in
''crests. Make your articles short, gen
He men and to the point m and ice prom
ise you all a hearing.
At the Baptist church. Rev. Mr. Chandler
prtachen on the Bccond unci fourth Sunday
ni each month, 1 Forest Grove.
Pres. Marsh-win preach every Sunday
ening at the Cougregvtional church nt
Forest Grove ;at Ilillsboro the 3d Sabbath
in each month at 11 a. m.; at Dilley the 4th
Sabbath in each month at 11 a. M.,at Green
ville the 2d at 11 a. m.
Iter. J. W Miller will preach on the 1st
Sabbath in each month at Forest Grove, 1 1
m. m.; Gaston, 2 1-2 p. m.; 2nd Sabbath in
each month at Columbia Academy, 11 n. m.;
Lieey h. 2 1-2 p. m.; Hillsboro in the eve
ning; 3d Sabbath in each month at Forest
Grove, at 11 ft. m.; Greenville, 2 1-2 p. ni.;
4th Sabbath in each month at HillslKro, 11
a. ni,; Centrcville, 2 1-2 p. ni.; Cornelius,
ni the evening; at Oak Grove on Sut. nt
j p. in. before the 2d Sab. in each mouth.
On Sundays the office will be kept open
from D o'clock to 12 a. m. Mails close going
West at 9$ o'clock A. M., East at 12, M.
No letters mailed after that time.
A. Y.Rotcb, I. M.
A Bold Bukglauy. Last Thurs
day ni"ht Juile Arcliibold's store
in thfs placo. was entered by bur
glars and about $200 m clothing
pocket knives and other articles
were stolen.; The , tkeives effected
an entrance at the west window of
tho main building by taking out a
pane, reaching the catch and so
raising the sash. They went out
through a window in a back room
on the east side of the house fearing
to iro out directlv into the streets.
They had tried to get in at this win
dow but found the panes fastened
with putty and left it. A man found
some clothing that ihey had dropped
in getting er the fence which lead
to the discovery of the robbery. It
is thought by some that there is n
luid of organized theives in this
county. Several burgalaries in the
county lately would tend to confirm
this opinion. W.. D. Hosier's store
at the Grove, Mr. Spencer's store at
Cornelius, a grocery at Cilencoe and
Mr. Archibold's store at this place
have all been burglarized recently.
These fellows ought to le ferreted
out and punished. A burglar is nt
heart a murderer and we expect
soon to hear that lives have been lest
as well as goods.
Os Tuesday evening an obstupor
ous individual, whose name we with
hold for the present out of respect for
his relatives and family, was arrested
by the Sheriff at the instance of Jake
held to answer in ihe sum of $100
for using profane and obscene lan
guage on the streets and was lodged
in the County jail, lnit was bailed
out. Next morning the matter was
compromised tho complainant not !
appearing and the defendant paying j
the coasts. It scenis that fhis j
man went into Mr. Anderson's
house while intoxicated, when Mr.
Anderson was sent for and on arriv
ing proceeded to put the fellow out,
trying to persrade him in the first
place and not succeeding, used force,
and did strike the man in the face
several times, ejecting him from the
Dr. D. Li.Davis. We were shown
r,t tn- n f 1 v f t-n m tbia rrpntlnnin.il
U U-ilLi AV. v,v y p. "--
r t ii .. l . T"V
to y : .uusuy oi mis coumv. ur.
Tfivi is rnfikin'Tarraiiirements tobllV
Hit. Lusby's land on Grand River in
Missouri. The Doctor has iallen
heir to an estate of some $8,000
from his mother in South Carolina
And is in circumstances. He rinds
farming more profitable than l tin
ning tho Re-gressionist.
' The New Mixes. Messrs. I Inl
and Scholfield returned last week
from the so-called .silver mines in
Clackamas Co. They brought some
rock with them which they took from
4he ledge nxd they propose to send
,to vProfs. Condon and Collier of Pa
cific University to test. The mines
are located about 15 miles northeast
-pf Oregon City on the foothills of
tip Cascade range.
Mr. Milne of the Hillsboro flour
ing mills informs us that it has been
ordered by the O. C. II. R. Co. that
f i wght will be taken on at Hillsboro
and put off at the same placo here
af r. Mr. Milne shipped two tons
of Hour for Portland Tuesday morn
morning, the first freight shipped
under tho order,
. . Tn: Sunday Schools nt the Grovo
do not intend to lwve any Christmas
Board of Directors met at Court
House, Dec. 17th, A. Luelling Pros
dent. Present A. Luelling, Pat
terson, Imbrie, Cornelius and Jack
son. Jj. Patterson was ejected Sec.
pro tern.
In the matter of S. Carter con
tinued. Adjourned till 1 o'clock.
Afternoon Session.
On motion W. R. Jackson was
appointed as a committee on repair
ing fence and draining grounds and
plowing track.
On motion the Secretary was au
thorized to draw warren t in favcr of
H. YVehring when requested by the
President. The Secrctaiy was also
authorized to draw warrants in favor
of St th Luelling, W. L. AVhite and
E. A. Pierce for balance due on pie
miums. The President was author
ized to correct all mistakes in the
books. YV. R. Jackson was author
ized to rent the plow and fix the
trick on the most favorable terms.
The Society allowed A.. Finney the
1st and d premiums on plows en
tered. The Secretary was anthorlzed to
draw a certificate of premium award
ed to the Wheeler & Wilson S. M.
Company; also a premium to W. L.
White for penmanship.
On motion of R. Imbrie it was or
dered that S. Scoggin have his way
and that he put the track in order
for the fair ot 1875 for $30 and that
W. R. Jackson wa'c!i him.
The Committee of voung ladies
appointed by tho M. E. Church in
this place to solicit subscriptions for
purchasing an organ have been mak
ing their rounds while the 3ouug
men men who do not have the ''col
lateral" and do not naturally have
the face to deny them, have been
watching their movements all week,
dodging around corners, running
down alleys rnd bolting their doors
t keep oat of their way. But some
of these young bachelors do not get
out of the way for the above reasons
at all they are too bashful is what
ails thrm. We know of one young
man for instance who saw these
young ladies after him who gallant
ly went out to the bain and milked
the cow, something he had not done
before for years, on account of pure
Beats Tun Chkt Justices. -A good
one is told on Stave Scoggin and t' e
Sheriff of Yamhill. This is the way
we heard it: The Sheriff of Yamlr'M
attached some property in his coun
ty on an execution. Hearing of it
Scoggin went up and filed his claim
to the property attached. During n
conversation between them in rela
tion to the projierty Scggin insinu
ated that some one would have some
costs to pay, at which the Sheriff,be
fore"whom the trial of the light of
possession was to be had, offered to
bet Scoggin$25 that judgment would
be given against him. Stave, though
a man of acknowledged nerve in such
matters had to weaken. The aver
age CI icf Justices of tho various pre
cincts can now be happy.
- - - - -
Ji-stice's Coit.t. Justice Cave
tried the case of Wills vs. Punch for
settlement ot some business trans
actions between the parties Tuesday
and after dnly investigating their
conflicting accounts adjudged plain
tiff entitled to a balance of $27, and
Punch got punched for costs.
Mr. Tvsox, formerly of Yamhill,
received a certificate from Supt.
Gault last week and will leach
school at Middletoti. Mr. Tyson
said to be an excellent teacher.
The old flagstaff which
has been
lyin: in the Court House yard for
some tine was sawed up and con
verted into wood last week and re
moved. The debating clubat West Union
read a paper every week at their
meetings, with Herbert McCornack
as editor.
There is a revival meeting going
on at Greenville under the auspices
of the United Biethern. Much in
terest is manifested.
W. D. V
ittexger and family
started to Astoria, Mon lay on a visit
and will bo gone a week. W. D.
proposes to have a good time.
Thanks to J. Hoover Jr. for . lato
files of W. T. papers.
It snowed a little Thursday afte
uoonand melted as it fell.
He has Fifteen Children !-ls Worth
$50,000 and Will not Give His
Dusis Darling a Dollar Who Is
He? Where Is He? One at
Time Now, and Don't Shake Your
Gory Locks at Us.
Duniway informed an admiring
audience at Astoria last fall that
when she was out in this county
a woman enme to her and asked her
for several numbers of the New
Xothicezt, hoping a she said that
her husband might take a liking to
the paper and so give her enough
money to subscribe for it. This un
fortunate weaker vessel said that her
husband was worth $50,000 and that
she had borne him fifteen children
already, and ten of them were still
living, and that the aforesaid law
making, purse-holding lord would
not let her have a dollar without she
begged him for it. The great briny,
lachrymal chops chased each other
down the pale cheeks of this darling
mother of seventeen children as she
asked D. for thm numbers of the
Xeir. Xorth wester and consequently
D. incontienently (fell on her neck
and wept, and promised the mother
of the twentv-seven children that
she should have them we mean that
she should have the papers.
Now then who is this Washington
county monster-man who is the
owner of them 50,000 cash spondu
lix dollars and the tyrant lord of this
sorrowing, non-voting, ieiuaic wo
man with the thirty seven children?
Come to the center! Who is he?
Where is he? and what is he? One
at a time now, and don't shake jour
gory locks at us. Can it be possible
that it is any one of the large tax
payers in this county mentioned by
us two weeks ago? We call on Sher
iff, C. T. Tozier, of Wasington coun
ty to arrest this man in the name of
common humanity and womanitv
and put him in juil handcuffed and j
manacled where he can't see that
non-voting wife, them fifty-seven
children nor the Xr X'tncex.'er
anymore forever. So mote it be and
so be it evermore.
W. H. Paukf.r has been teaching
a writing school at Columbia Acade
my which, so far as we can learn, has
given entire satisfaction. The stu
dents who have attended his school
have progressed rapidly and are
gaining a correct knowledge of the
principles of penmanship. Mr.
Parker I as his hands full certainly.
He has been teaching the District
schcol and also his writing school
beside attending to his home duties.
But he has an active mird and a
good physical constitution to Flip
port it and so he is able to do this
extra work.
We learn from a letter from Col
umbia Academy that when our Dep
uty Sheriff, H. B. Morgan, was out
at Centerville collecting taxes that
he was invited into the Academy and
asked to address the school, which
he did in a neat and interesting
speech. The writer of the letter ev
idently made a mistake having cut
the paper in two where this item left
off and so robbing us, as we fear, of
several interesting items. Xo name
was signed, but we knew the hand
writing and so we publish what the
malevolent scissors spared us.
Persons desiriug to make New
Year's presents to their friends, wifes
or sweethearts will find it to their
advantage to consult L. C. Ien
richsen No. 101) Tirst St., Portland.
He has the largest and best selected
stock in the State of elegant Dia
monds, "Watches, Jewelry and Sil
verware. If you want anythiug real
nice in that line by all means go to
Henrichsen. Ho warrants all of his
James Exslet of this county gives
notice that his wife has left him and
that he will not be responsible for
debts of her contracting henceforth.
She took the cars for Portland Mon
day morning where she has friends.
CinasTius Eve. Everybody will
go to witneis the Christmas Tree
performance at the M. E. Church
this (Thursday) erening. The com
mittee have decorated the house
nicely, and the exercises will be in
teresting. f
The Forest Grove Debating Club
discussed Darwinism last Monday.
W. D. Lyman and Prof. Lieser af
firmative, Dr. Geiger and Squire
Hughes, negative:
Happy Cbrifttuiaslo all.
Grange Elections.
At a regular meeting of West
UDioa Grange,P. of H.,held at West
Ueion on Friday Dec. 18th 1874,the
following persons were elected as of
ficers for the ensuing year:
David Lenox, M; Robert Imbrie,
O.; Wm. Mausjr, S.; James Smith,
C; George Bb'sh, S.; Swayne Mun
son, Jj.; John Shute, A. S.; R. Free
man, (Jr. K.; Eb'za Shute, L. A. S.;
Maria Mauzy, C; Louisa Fireman,
P.: ;,i ; 'iarzy. F.
At a regular meeting of Hillsboro
Graige, P. of H. held at their Hall
on the Sd Saturday in Dec. 1874, the
follow ig officers were elected for
the ensuing year:
Thomas D. Humphreys, M. ; Ben
jamin Scholfield, O.; James W. Gib
son, S.; C. H. Adams, C; JameuH
Sewell,S.; C. B. Morgan, L.; E. H.
Warren, A. S.; Henry Wooley, G.
K. : Sarah Scholfield.C; M. A. Hum
phreys. F.; Jennie Ainsle, P.
Wapato. A correspondent at
Wapato sends us the following items
from that part of the county: Job
McLeod, ion of widow McLeod of
Wapato lake is very low of typhoid
fever. Henry. McLeod, his brother.
is just recovering from the same dis
The late r?ius have stopped team
ing, but when the weather permits
you caii;ce teams plowing on near
ly every farm. A good deal of grain
was sown here last fall and the far
mers are all prepa' ng to put in a
heavy spring crop, so when harvest
comes again Wapato will not be be
hind. Stock of all kinds looks well
for the time of year, and so no one
hasjyet begun regular feeding, as
there is plenty of grass for outside
Ti'K roads(? ? ?) in tho. neighbor
hood of. the Grove are in the. most
In tle.'t condition they have leen in
sii'ce the ale face has sailed his ca
noe on the raging Tua'ai'a. Most
of them (canals, roads or whatever
you please to call them,) are still
navi'jaMe lv
wagons and small sail-
AV'eatuek Hei-out Ileportcd
the Inijepenpext. .
Dec. 18, 7 a. m.2S3.. ... rain.
z Heavy
" 20,
m i7
28? ..
ot . .
3 . .
3 J ."
jgy Khowery.
.Fog-y, snow.
The t erm of the Disti let school at
this place taught by D. M. C. Gaul:
closed this week; having beou con
ducted with honor to the teachers
and the pleasure of the sc'iolars.Mr.
Gault will we understand, start a
piivatc school in the Dist Jet school
ho'jse after holidays.
Mu. Wm. Watson of Kcsdville
has shown us some Swecdish tuvnips
which raised he ths year and they
ar3 of the largest sze produced in
this State, and are sweet and juicy.
Our farmeis ought to raise hundreds
of bushels of the'.e tuinif s to feed
their stock in the winter.
Jj(ct, the youngest daughter of
President Marsh is slowly recovering
f-oin the fearful typhoid. Two of
hist ! en, Anna and Leonard, the
youngest, have ded lately a double
cup of grief to the bet eaved frinily.
There have been raised during the
past season in the vicinitv of lieav
erton from 12,000 to lS.COO bushels
of onions vvhich only await an ad
vance in price when they will be
shipped to market.
Messrs. Welch Dcshilds aro en
gaged in making hoop poles at Eea
verton station. These gentlemen
have a contract for 50,000.
Miss Humphreys commenced
teaching at the McKay school house
in District No. 18, on the 14th in
stant. ' ' t .
TiiEitE was a spelling tchool at the
Purdin school house last Thursday
evening and the young folks had
good time.
BEAVEirrox. Our Beaverton cor
respondent, Mr. It. B.Wilraot, sends
us the following interesting news
L. C. Walker teaches holiday
week and only stops for Christinas
and New Yen -'s.
The Good Templars and Champi
ons of the Grove are still flourishing-
. .
The roads in Hillsboro and neigh
borhood are badly cut up and dread
fully muddy.
A hoop-polo factory has been
staited in the ware house in Hill
boro. Tux general health at the Grove is
Almost all' the new bide walks in
the G roTe arc completed. '
Willianl Eatourelto ha a fin k's
acat'on v his school-.
Jr. . SAYLOR, rilOl'JUKTOll.
Our stock consists in part of
School Hookfi, suitable for I lie Academy or Public School,
All articles warranted Prescript ioi: '"mjwniinltd w ith enre and eorrectiif m.
no33 1
RI'X. .
Will Sev Heavy f.nd DgM rx
Gocds without Chanere c IMr
Manufacture of 'this New
Mi?Mn3 C3msn:nccd 1373
Especially adaptedfor manufacturlEgHoavy Cloth! everyMachmo recommend
itself. WO 1RAVEIIW0 AGENTS. Weedles for all kinds of Sewing Machine!
75c:nts per Docn.
si:r) for new prick list and circulars.
S. W Morrison anTh'nl Street Por! lard Crtercn,
L i A M B E G K & SON,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
toys,6ames, dclls. boxing-gloves, foot-calls. fencing foils.
Printfn? Prr mes, StramlKnts TcIoTnpn.llh'ilroad ,
Wo also have n Lnrge Stx k of
Ami other kind, which
e v iJl dost'out nt K
C'luus lllUlkC-lf.
No. 107 Front Street. Portland. Oregon
New Stvlen nnd new priee.
enre S.;win machinex nt III'
CAMI. nnd t tersonH wliod
per month until the Mnehine i paid frr. One
me jniuir, umi wo nave now ooin a huc nun na'.'K itea nmcMue. I.verv Maehiuou
warranted for ten yearn and no ehar will bemado for repairing or kcepfng'Maehiiiea in
ii order dnring that time, livery Flort i.ee Miu hine in Oregon kept in order frea of
eh irge. lall anil rec them, or send for circular with cut and and pi ice list. Muchine
deliveretl in any part of tho State or in Washington T rriforv, fit my om u rink
J. B L00MIS, Arreat. Third St., Portland, Oregon.
Tii il it i mwm
he next term begins on
temtter 'Jd.
Wr dnei
Tuition in College mid li
Acad ic
per year
In tho common hranchen per year. . . .'J
Her. R. H. MAUSir, D. p., Tiesidout,
and Frofensor of Intellectual and Moral
Rev. JlOliACE LYMAN, A. M., Froff m
or of llheorie nd Ilistorv.
Cm. II. COLLIKU. A. M., Frofessor of the
Natnrnl Sciences.
J. MAKSH, A. M. rrofessor t Letin
and Oret'K.
J. D. llOUn, A. M., Frineip.il of tne
Misb Si A II Y A.ROFINSON, Freceptie r.
Rev. THOMAS CONDON, A.M., Lectui'
er on Cleology.
5Iis O. A. HASKELL. Teacher
vrnmentiil and Vocal Music.
of In-
'10 DO
won h
WillSew Heavy and Light
Goods without Chango of
Sold first year Over
I , TYunpMsWolldng
- luceil l'riceH, to make rooms for old Kant
I hive now for nule tho new htyh n vau latent Improved Flor
HDrCKnriiU'KS, withcxtm iulufimnti to thoftC-ttnyinr
1 wire, we kHI on tLe installment plan- fclO down mid, nmlglO
of our new i;tylet feeds the work uwv from
O 0 BO'
War Claim Agency
W. H. AIKEN, Attorney-at-Inw nnd Com
mander of tho (hand Army of the Republic
in California nnd Nevada, will give prompt
attention to the collection of Additional
Travel Fay, now due California nnd Neviuty
Volunteer diKcharxed more than thr htm
drcd milt from home. AoldH-rH cn dnvend
on fair dealing. Information given free of
charge. When writing melon tnmp for
reply and htute compuiiv and regiment Mr)
whether yon have h discharge. CongrcM
han extended the time for filing claim for
ndddional Uounty uuderAct of July 28 18C0
to January I87.r,, so all such claim miut bo
ma.le before that time. Original Ronntr of
tflOOlms Ui-u allowed fill. volunteer who
enlnded 1m fori July 22d,J801 for flireereftr
if not paid the Kame.whcrt discharged. Land
arrantn cun lte olitiiued for nerrice ren
den d Vh tore 18.15 but not for wi vice in
th lato war. Fusion M It war and
war of 112 obtained aiwl irrcrcH d when aU
!owed for IcHNthan disability warrant, but
no pensionM are allowed to Mexiean nu
Florida war Kohlieru. Ktat of Texas ha
granted renhion to surviving veterans of
Texn Rerolntion, New Orlcac and Mobile
Fiize Money ia now due and being paid, 17.
II. Aik n also attend to General Jaw 'and
aud Collection Rusinrc.