TELEGRAPHIC! 7wdox, Deo. 2. IVcnty-one lives were lost in the gale of Satur day and Sunday on the Scottish coast. New Yorl, Dee. 2. The exaraina oation of Rer. John T. Olemleo ning before the Jersey City Presby tery was concluded to-day, result ing in a verdict of acquittal eu all the counts. Losoos, Dec. 3 A telegram from Carlista source saysGen. des Pnjols, commanding a large body of Govern ment troopa in Valencia,, ras been totally defeated by Carlista and ob liged to retreat to Morclla. Loss, 630 killed and wounded; 430 pris oner. Washington, Dec. 2. The annual renort of the Resrister of the Treas ury says the total tonnage of the country shows an apparent increase f 1M.C26 tons; 5.G33 tons in regis tered tonnage, and 98,991 tons in enroled and licensed tonnage. TTashisotos, Dec. 2. There are now pending in the Supveme Court of the United States three cases known as Granger cases. These suits were brought to test the right of the State Legislatures to enect restrictive legislation with respect to railroad monopolies. The cape which comes up from Minnesota is consid ered the one of most importance and will, it is expected, be argued early in February. Wm. M. fcvarts and E. "W. Stoughton, of New York rep resents the railroads in these cases. Bcenos Avbes, Dec. 4. It is offi cially announced that Gen. Mitre has been defeated. Finding him self closely pursued by Gcvernment forces, he proposed terms of capitu lation which were rejected. He fi nally surrendered unconditionally with his army. Peace has been re stored in the province of Baenos Ayres. Government troops are in pursuit of Drendonda.wbose advance guard ha i been defeated. The Statesman says: It appears that Superintendent WatVinds can run the Penitentiary cheaper than it has been run heretofore, and he has boon cutting down expenses with a vengeance. He has abolished the of fice of Visiting Physician, and vill hire a physician whenever medical services are needed, saving the State some $300 or G00 a year. They no longer require a boss teamster, and thus reduce expenses $780 per an num. A number of guards have re ceived their walking 'papers, whose salaries aggregated $5,400. The wages of the remaining guards Lave Wen reduced one-third. Tka labor of about 60 convicts has been let on contract, at about 50 cents per day, and as many more remain undisposed f. Parties are, however, figuring n the tannery and other enterprises and it is expected that the balance of the convict labor will soon be 1 t to responsible parties. Mr. George Collins has leased the new bri -kyard for one year; he to buy the sand on hand at the price paid for it by the State, and to pay for the dirt nsed 25 cents per 1,000 brick. And thus ti e work goes bravely on, while oth er changes will be made from time to time,looking toward a still further reduction of public expenses. There were 111 prisoners in the Oregon Penitentiary Dec. 4, 1875. Forty separate and distinct build ings have been erected in the town of Astoria and twelve si Upper As toria, so far this year. The aggregate cost of these buildings, which in cludes the new docks and two can neries, amount to $103,000. The Rcvorl says: A private letter from Klamath Agency states that snow Lad fallen over there five inch es deep, but that it had mostly melted off at the date of writing.The annuity goods were coming in and the teamsters reported that they had very hard time in the mountains. Tho question of big logs is mooted. The dorian says: On the 27th of November the Knappton Mills received ft raft of 312 logs from the camp of Thomas H. Foss which scaled and computed by Spaulding's scale 550,500 feet, an average of 1, 7C4feetto the log. In this raft were 05 logs measuring over, 2,000 feet each, averaging 2,233 feet. Also three logs measuring over 4,000 feet, averaging 4,332. Those logs, many of them, were cut and every one handled from the stump in the woods from the 15th of October to the 20th of November, with) a crew of eight men and four yoke of cattle, and some five or six days were lost by bad weather. Our exportable wheat snridue.this year, will exceed that of last year by twenty million bushels. HOUSE AND LOT FOR 03 E3 &5 IOFFEB FOR SALE MY TROrEKTY in Forest Grove, consisting o' bouse i r-.-i tu f.i of ltiml in Lit No. 1 of mm , Block So. 3, in Forest Grove, taid pro - ertv I will sell sut)ecl 10 a months ;;-" wit"h interest which expire Nov. 4, D)..,aud .ir.rv A : 1 Thin imilH'tlV IS SltlUl- ted in the heart of the town aud la a vulua- ble kite for a fine dwelling. . v. further narticnlars mquireof a 11.1 11- EN BLANK of Forost Grove, or 11. If. l-i - i Hillsbo o Or. FiKST-f LAS'. iv:ic'(inKF. sold ox a nkw rr.AX.3i23 io50 SVK!. EXTRA ATTACHMENTS for kimlHiif work.FKF.E. Ziieiit jcimincf ur commence' inlH'i RUNNING Home sEwn j Mb. A.J. Pitch, State Agent for 1. of II. .lifts made special arrangement to supply mem ber with th-we machines. NO COUSIN ATIN' . no E'iru: The Ilorue Murhius Co the MACHINE only one that refused to join me sewing macmue ring. Price of all kind of Sewing MachineXecdle reduced to 60 cent per dozen, ljrice List, Circnlar,anil full particulars sent to an v address on applica tion. GEO. W. T RAVER, LATEST SIMPLEST BEST Orneral .hi'ut HomeS. M.,S. W. cor. Morr son (c 3d st. Portland, Or. PORTLAND stato 27Vl:ii j uirgesi .Manufactory uonn of San Francisco. CAADl Af till assortment of SngarToys, ICnrnncopia, H axCandle,etc, Manufactor)! alisky i hegele, I no. 107, Mrst street. DEUTHSCHE AP0THEKE. WELL ASSORTED Foreign GERMAN anr'DomestieDrugs.Cheuiiculs aud Medicine, at the New Drn g Store of WILLIAM Corner First and Oak st, Port land. Orders from the country attended to with rare and dis patch. '. O. Box No. 21H. Apothecary. lr ) B P1LXI.NOTN Professor of Dif case oftheeye indEar inMedicul Department L'niveity of the Willamette. Office. Cor. First and Wash OCULIST ington sts.Makes a specialt y of of Disease of theEye Eur.Nose andThroat.Cross-eyea straight encd. Artificial eves inserted. AUSIT. Spectale prescribed for imper fect vision. VEW. . . . WINNER or ms T1S09T SK V I ii .! At III .V ES ;VL'se the Straight Needle. Makes Lockstitch, RunsLigbt, tnd will do eitherLight orllea- HighstPriz vvWork without change or ad AT TBS VIENNA Exposition OVER ALL justment, being an Improve ment over all IIigh.Pric.edMa- chine. Bnv no Machine nntil you have examinedtha WILSON The nrice is 10 to 20 less then other. JieedW for all Machine CHEAP. Send for Circular and Price List. Competitors AVAIL, Gen 1 Aft, Te.iv. and' IT. WAK.KKUOH. splint putlory HnrgicnU Dental lustrum en Manufactory! a first street, LEATHER U. A .STHOWnitlDGE Attn I Direct importer and dealer in phok Leather At Shoo Findings, riNUIDbS. No.141 r UU.NT hTKKKT. i Ttrw a wrv I A VUV At iu.i.1 i w II....L. a, a.. It.. ITniltl . IfCII. ll'U-L'l I'D No. 1(lft rinaHiitT Alto Special attention given to Be- Irtj.r4nr, Wtt4M fllnnlra mri JZWELRT. Jewelry. Order by Mail or ex- I fires promptly attended to DOOTGOlfofllOUGE oko. a. ui, nomuToa Tho Larcrett stock on the Coast 8. W. Ucrner of First and Morrison street BusinessF Directory 27 OH-TXj-AJXX. PORTLAND OREGON. Ml ly " BAN FRANCISCO 1IARKET Wheat 1 45 $1 55 V 100 . Fuh'b Extra in demand for ex port at f5 2.r(Tft 755 V bbl. Oats $1 40CJU 65 V 100 It.s. Onions i 552 87 i V n'9- PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat 1 45 V 100 fl.s. Oats 41c 43c tybtwhel. FLora Firm; standard brands, f3 50 V bbl. Barley $1 40fTHl 50 V cental. Oki:en Arri.E8.-37J 50e V bush. Onions $1 tff fl 75 V llH) Bis. Bi tter Extra dairy 25 30eV Faius 2ic (' uoz. Foixtrv Grown chickens, f3 CO 50 V &oze Wool 2230o lb. Forest Grove Retail Market COBBKCTID WBIBXT. Wheat, bushel B3 .... Flour, f barrel 4 50 Corn Meal, (' 5 Potatoes, f bushel 87 1 ;(t 50 E. fresh do 2i 30 Uuttor, rimh! fresh role t . . . 30 Chicken, ft di ao( 1 50 Racon,. aide f B 6l(.tt 61 Cheese, f B 2"C 25 Drie.1 Plum. r W Dried Apple, If t 4c 8 Svrnp.'fl Keg, (retail) 50 Coffee, (retail) V 27 J J. . . . Tea, Japan (retail) f t. ..... . &o(at 75 Tea, Green, (retail) t 1 2" Salmon, best r '. barrel 5 50 Sugar, bv the keg f fc ,0l 11, V IX 20 Mutton. V H' 1 Reef. f '(!" 8 Pork, r lt 0(4 II Veal. V lb 10 Fish (fresh) f Fish, (salt) V 7rf 8 Dressed Hoi: .... Old. 7 White Beans 4(1 5 APPLETONS t)IClfl flTLOPIEOM. New ReTisetl.Edttlon. Entirely rewritten by the ablest writer on eyry subject. Printed from new type, and illustrated with Several Thousand Eugruv iu aud Map. The worlc originally pubis bed under the title of Thb Xrw Amkrican Crciop.r.otA was ennioleted in JW:I, siuee which time the wide circulation whith it ha attained in all parts of the United State, and the sipnal developments which have taken place in every branch of science, literature, and nrt, haveinduced the editors and publisher to submit it to an exatt anl ttioronyn revis ion, and to issne a new edition entitled Thk Amkbican CtcLoriDiA. Within tho last ten years the progress of discoverv in everv department of knowl edge has made a new work of reference an imperative want. The movement of political nffairsha kept pace with the discoveries of science, and their fruitful application to the industrial and useful arts Mini the convenience and re finement of tociallife. Great wars audcon. seipient revolution have ocenred, involv ing national change of peculiar moment. The civil war of our own country, which was at it height when the last volume of the old work appeared, ha happily been ended, nnd a new coiirsu of commercial and industrial activity La been com menced. Large accession to onr geographical knowledge have tieen made by the indefati gable expbirersof Africa. The creat riolitical revolution of the lost decade, with the natural result of the lapse of time, have brought into public view multitude of new men, whose name are in every one' mouth, and of whose live every One IS cunous iu mmw me imiirmun, Great battles have been fonght and import ant siege mainl'tined, of which the detail ore as yet preserved only in the iiewspa ner or in the transient publication of the day, but whiih ought now to take their place in permanent and authentic hstory. In preparing the present edition for the press, it lias accordingly been the aim of the editor to bring clown me inionnaiion to the latest possible dates, and to furnish du accurate account of the most recent dis- oveiU. in science, of every fresh produc tion in liceiatnre. and of the Intent inven tion in the practical art, a well a to give succinct and original recorn oi me prog ress of political and historical event. The work has been begun after long and careful preliminary labor, and with the mo tl ample rtsonrccaior carrying on io a successf ul termination. None of the original stereotype plate have beeen nsed, but everjr page boa been printed on new type, forming in fact a new Cyclojwilia, witli the same plan and com pas as it predecessor, but with far great er peenniary expenditure, and with anch improvement in It composition aa nave been suggested by longer experience and en larged knowledge. The illustrations which are Introduced for the first time in the present edition have been added not for the sake of pictorial ef fect, but to give greater lucidity and force to the explanation in the text. 1 bey emnraca all branches of science and of natural histo ry, and depict the most famon and remark able feature of scenery, architecture, and art. a well a the various processe of me chanic and manufacture. Although in tended fo nnstruction rather than embellish ment, no pain have been spared to insure their artistio excellence; the cost of their execution I enormons, and it U believed they will find a welcome reception a an ad mirable feature of the Cyclopedia, and wortny oi it nign rnaracier. Thi work I sold to Subscriber only, Kayable on delivery of each volume. It will e completed in sixteen large octavo vol umes, each containing about (MX) page, fullv illustrated with several thousand Wood Engraving, and with numerous colored Lithographic Map. I'rvn and Nlile or J hurl in a. In trim Cloth, fr vol ... .8.00 In Library Lmtlirr, per vol., 6.00 In Half THrkty Morrnm, ptr v4 ... 7.00 In Ifnlf Iturin, nlrn oi'f, prr vol.,.. 8.00 in Full Mortoeo. mnlimm, nUl tHm. . . per lo., 10,00 In Full Arii. txrr tmf 10.00 Font volumes now ready. Hncceedino volume, nntil comleUon, will h fawatu once in two month. , "Specimen pages ef the Axsbicas iTcxorntA, nowing type, illnst ration, etc., win oe aeni gratia, on application. Kirst-Ci.ass C'anvaimno Aobnts WAMTSD Address tha Publishers, D. APPLflTON CO., 13 A. V',l Broadway, N.T. ail SHERMAN HYDE'S COLUMN PIANOS! ORGANS! MUSIC. -0- Sherman & Hyde COR. KEARXY & BUTTER STREETS, San Francisco. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HSET WH1C, MUSICAL IN3TRU- MENTS and MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. SUKK.UAX fcllYOK. Pacific Coast Agt uts. THE UNRIVALED WEBER PIANO. Bv the Superiority of itsToue, combining Great Power. Uiehuess.SwictiieH Slid Fine Singing yuulitv, as well a Great Purity of Iutouatiou ar.d Hariiiouiousness throughout the entire scale, it is fast driving almost oil other Pianos from the Concert ltoom, and fully explain how W tllKH shows an in crease of 20S per cent., auil Jet caiitiot sup ply the demand. :o: AGENTS W AX IT.P. in every comity iu the State, for the Celebrated , . . .which ro. . . . Volume & Purity of Tone, Beauty of Cose, Superiority of Wot kmanshir. Elegance of Finish, and Durabilily ARE I'XRIVALEIK Sherman & Hyde's PIAKO, Is tlio only FIRST CLASH IN STRUMENT sold for S4QO The Hanare Tiano are T.t ocfave.and em brace alllModcro Improvements, sndi as Elegant Rosewood Case. Keaiitifnl Mould ings, Kull iron Krume, I rvel J-eg and Lyre, Over-trnng Has. Agraffe Treble etc, Length, 6 feet 10 inches; Width 3 fee. 8 inches, and ire inn uuiimra FOR TEN YEARS. y keep constantly on hand S good assort nient of Xlollolslo oboap 71 OctaveAgraffe Trcblo MADE FltOM THE BEST SEASONED MATEKIAL..AND FULLY WARRANTED. rnicEs as iow as worthless pianos can ' OBTAINED EUP.WHF.RB. PIANOS AND ORGANS SOLO OX BAST lNSTAIXMETS.Mr CIW1HKD, CALL AXD MCE I'M IIEF0KE Pl'R . C'HASISU, SbormancxbZZydio uil;ly Hi' To the Unfortunate! Nrw Itemed lea! New Iteiiiedies )H. (illUlON'H DISPENSARY, Keitrney M. Corner Cctrmrrcial St SAN FRANCISCO. Established ill IS' I. for Iho Iri'iilmenl of Sexual and Seminal IliscaHca, such as Go norrhea, Gleet, Ktriiimv, Svphiilis in all it forms. Seminal Weakness, liiipoteney, etc. Skin disease (of years stainiing) aud Ul cerated 1'Cga, smveSHfully treated. DU. GIIIKON ba tho jlei ait'o of an noueing that be lias retiiiiu'd fro.u visiting the principal 11 wpiluls of Eun pe, and has resumed iructice at liislinpensary,fi'J:iKesr uey street, corner of Commercial, Man Fran cisco.wheru his old patients ami those re quiring bis service may lind him. The Doctor haaspaied neither time nor money in seeking out ii"W renn dies.Kiid has returned with inereawil facilities for the al leviation of huiimu siilleiint,'. Seiaiiinl Wt itkste. Seminal eniVMion, the of self abuse. Thi solitary vice, or depraved sex ual indulgence, is practiced by the youth of both sexes to almost unlimited extent, pro ducing, with linen ingccrtuiiiiv the following trainof morbid syiiiplonia, miles combated by scientific medical measure,, vl: Sallow eounleiiauce.ilal'k spot uinb r tlieeyes.paiu ill the head, nncaiu in Mi" ciii-h. noi.e like rustling of leave mid rattling of ehai'iot,iili easines about the loiui, weuknes of the limb, confiisid vision, blunted intcllivt. Ins ul rouHdeliee, tlilllili nee in spproaebilig strangers, a ills'ike lo form i.ew acipiaiutaii ihs, a ilipositiou to shun society, loss of memory. hectic flushes, pimples and various eruptions ubout the fa.'e.fnrii d tongue, fu tid breath, coiikIik. consumption, uitilit sweats, moiioiiiaiiia and frciii iilly i 1 1 1 1 1 y . I f relief be not obtained the Miit't i,t hlmul.l apply im mediately cither by I'ciMiut or by letter, and have a euro rlVected ly his new ami ocicntirio motlu of tn iiting this iliiniiw, which never fails of effecting a ipiick ami radical cure.Dr G. will givcOmt lliiulieilliiltarKtii any tn-r-sou who will prove salisfaetorialy t.i bim that he was cured of this complaint by ei ther of the San Knmcisco iincks. t'liretl ut lloi.n1- Persons at a distance may be (TIll'.D AT HOME bv nddrchning a letter lo lr (hI.Ih.ii, stating c.ise, hyinitoiiiM, 1- n.;t It of limn the disease ha ctintinucil. and have medicines proinply forwanli d, free from damage and curiosity, to nnv pint of Hi" (ouiitry, with full and plain d'in-elioj: for if o. Persons writing to the Doctor will please state thu riame ol the paiier tin y saw this advertisement In. I'.y inclosing 1U coin, ill a registered let ter tin on-'h tho I'onII iili.t'or tlaoiurb Wi lls, FarL'O A'1'o..a iiaekii 'e of medicine will be forwarded loany part of the Union. All correspondence wtiietlv eoniuietitial. A.l.less DU. J. F. GllilN.K.Mirmy St San Iraneisco. c liox I,,i7. scp'.'ldy THE 1JEV7 IMPROVED FLORENCE r:dj I'ccct a:v! !j 1. the ugi:te:t fjrjaiw. koctcis- TIE, AN 5 CCCT tA:!lY OrEHATED CEWIKa MACHI'.E I 'I THE kMHKtT. ;.u.ijj Ul.k.i iwi:..uj Ui ill... i K t'iera la a rr,0Sr.:."C'i: IIACalSC within C30 t'jnal rj.ln of 8aa I'raa ciicl lo: vo:i.:L' trt'll, 1 t7:ll x It olth cut taj eipcujj u timuwmr. CArJL HILL, Agcat, IIo. ID Now Slaatgomorv Ctroct, OltANU IKITKI. M IIL'IXO, c:.:i ruAixisco. n2.1:fim i. i. risiu: it. Advertising Agent. Ronms vo. SO and 21, Jfor chant' Ex. elllingP.Culifoniia Street, San Francisco, t2'M('irS ADVKUTIKKMF.NTH AND OSuliseriptions for tin l'orei,t Grove Imle liendetit nnd for paper piitilUlicd in Cali fornia, Oregon and Nevada; Washington, Cbih, Idaho, Mi ritaiia, Colorado and sdjn ceiitTerritorics;Snnrlieli Island, the Jlrit Ish I'ossesKioliK, ill xiean l'oits, Niciirngua, Piinnina, Valparaiso, .lapan and China; New Zealand and tha Australian Colonies, the Atlantic State and Europe. Ha created many a now business; 1l,i enlarged many an old buaines; JIa revived many n dull business! Has rescued many a lont busines; II is saved many a failing business; lias jin-sOTVed man y a large bnsi ne ss ; And insure suecrus in any bitsiness. , Girahd' SrcnKT. Stephen Girard Coed to say, In hi old ae: "1 have always con. aidered advertising liberally and long to lie the great medium of success in bnniness.and the prelude to wealth, And I have made it an invariable rule t advertise in tliodullest time a well a the biiKiest; long experience having tanght mo that mom (Clno spent i well laid out, asbycontinniilly kooUng ruy business before'lhe public it has secured many sale ihall otherwise would have lost." IVThe man who diiln't la liev in adver tising ha goun into pnHfiernliip with the aheriff.and that olllcial doe the advertising. IE s -. . r. Uk n If 2 riiivM-? vm r-ec rORTLAND, OUEGOX, Affonls advantage for the thorongh and practical Knsines Kdiicntion of young and tuddlc-itgcd men. K nd for CJoliege Paper. U7 if dkI'Iianck k wiirrJi INDEPENDENT'S COLCMIf. sense must subscribe it V or tl WASlllSilTOS I ISDKFBSDBNT A journal ilrt oltJ to the titerssts II 'axhinylun County and lh Slalf, V.e lSDErCXDEST wtrsa mlU. jianc lo no parly but Ms jMrJy orrjsooREssirE ideas RKFOR1I; i$ lonkvlted ly Clique, iWlivn or ivnxpoy; hmt in Ihf frail ii mnj nutfk-., AD YOCA '1EUis P BOP LB, SUUSCIIIPTIO.X PRICE, 63 DO A NOTICE Th 1XDEPBXDEBI hat the not right of doing tin LITIGANT PBIETIlia ,' for Wiuhington County ni " IhcreforeinvaluablttoiUifourtihmm job pnisTiNC! done to OBDCy. !