THE INDEPENDENT. Hillsboro, December HI, 1874. Wi art not reioimMe for lh virwt of ourvorrMpoudetUt, Th column of the iKnrrssusirr are o-'Mmjm'o jle of thil count 'y for tlie discussion of all queMwnt cotuvrniiuj our local in territi. Mulct your ar(U li $ ihort, gen tlemen and to thejtointand we rom ite you all a hearing. fi - i A ' . Iiooal STottcibi . RELIOIOUH DIRECTORY. . At ths llaptist chun-b, Rev. Mr. Chandler Ketches on lb iwnnil and fourth Huuday each mouth, 4 forest Urov. Pres. Marsh will preach every Sunday evening at lbs Congrrgutioiwl rhureh ml Forest Urove; 'at 111" 3d KiiUmth In !tcb muuth at It . .; nt Dilloy tb 4lh Halilwth in each mouth at 11 4. M.,t (Ircvn villa the 'id at II a. m. Re. J. W Miller will preach on tb lt Sabbath In each month ut Forest Grove, II m. tu.: Utin. 1 1-il . til.: Hud buMwtbin each mouth at Columbia Academy, 1 1 a. m.; Licey h. '2 l-'J p. ui.; llilUbnco in toe eve nine: 3d aUhbatb In each umuth ut I'urrM (irove, at II m. tu.; lirecnville, J 1-3 p. lu.; i4tb Buklinlb in each month ml IlilUlxiro, 1 1 a. m.J Ceulreville, H l-'i p. lu.; Cornelius, ni the veuiiig; nt Oak Jros on Hat. at 31 p. m. before the 'id Bub. in each month. TOST OFFICE HOURS. On Bundays the ofBoa will 1 kept ojK-n from 0 o'clock to II a. ui. Mails close goiug Wnl at u'Wk . M., East at U, M. Ho letters wailed after thul tune. A. VlloVCK, P. M. New Mink- On the 13th of thin month Messrs liny, Seholfield and McLiun of tliies place started for the reported silver initios tu I'laokniuiiH county. The facts as tohl tin lie em to lie tdio'it oh follow: Kome time ngo a man, ami a boy hy the i.., e ut Johny McLiiiu, were out ! i '.ting iu the mountain of Clucks i.. a county when the wau found n nil specimen of silver bearing . art. It was tnken to the asKav office ami found to lie very rich in ilver. The rtie wcut wk and commenced iiroHix tiu, aiul foiunl the lead. They hud been at at work neveral week nud the proi'rU lie i ii jr hi I Johnny Moliitiu left and rnme out here lor hi broth er ou tho 'i h. Other reports have xcacbed u hut ns,t beic truth we can not any but shall wait patiently for the return of the boya. AiK.i r $100 hiM id ready lx-en nub jfrilivd fur the purchnHo of au or gan fur the M. K. Church ut lUii lace It i tha.heai t JUsy and the Iwat oooiiomy for uny eomiuiiuily or individiiid iu.p ip biiii anything to gvt the lNot ' A clii'iip article U al ways the deareeit in the end. If our proiil ipuat have au or:ou ther ahould gfi a K'Hd otici. TUt r neiil one there ii no dult, and thnt are amply able to benr tho ex jK-ime i aWo certain, but tho inaiu iiCHtion in, aro wo williu lo eontri liuto tho money ? i)ui'o Koi.n. lr. A. Y. H.yre bn aold hia outiro atix-k of lru,M to i 'fred Hu v lor, brother of Dr. Naylor -roreat tlrovo. air. Havlor in tend to open a dru-f atoro at Kher TKlan, loinliill Co., whero lie haa liecn living aome time. Dr. Iloyrc thinks of going into tho dry g"od trado here. We hop.i ho will, an wc liolicve he would make a micreM of it. He hae muny frieuda in this county mhovrould putronino him. Asxt AL Ei.eitios. Tho atot'Lhohl r of Ihe WMHuington coUnty Agri cultural Society will hold their an nual election at the Court Houxe in this place on the first Tuesday in January, 1875. A full nttendnnco '- s ' ? 1 as action is desired in rcla ... u it tho early improvement of tho ! i f Orcundand a guncrnl express ion is wanted on all matters pertain ing to the Hociety's affairs. A trrTK from Went Union signed P. 8. gives the following nnmos as the officers of the West Union De bating club which organized lately: President, S. A. Uolcomb; Secretary, Prof. MeCornaok. Tho citizens are nil invited to attend. The club holds iU meetings at tho West Union school house ererj Buturday evening M sis o'clock. Dn. J. V. (livens of this place started toiUoju to attend the lectures at the Medical Collogo for the ensu ing term of six months. Mr. Gir us will make a first class physician, for ho enters into the work in earn est. His many friends bore bavo high hopes of bis success. On the socon I Sabbath liov. J. W. Miller preaches throe sermons, nt Columbia Academy in the forenoon, at Licey school house in the after noon and at Hi) lnboro in tho eve ning. Mr. Miller is an active preach er and is doing a good work. Rev. Mr. Griffin was able to come )o town this week.' His many friends re glJ to ceo him well again A PERFECT FINANCIAL PROBLEM. A Square Deal. ft. W. Carey, General Agent for the Paoifio Mutual Life Ids. Co. of California, hoc placed before us one of the most perfect plans of In surance we have ever seen. It gives a person bis insurance and a bank account at the Hamo outlay that is usually required to maiutain insur ance alone. Your money is not yaid Hut, it is only dMMited and all your insurance costs you is the interest on your money. lti instance, a per son a&ed 4U, on the old plans of in surance, would, if be wished tu pay a single premium for 1,000, pay out f 4')0 while on this plan he would deposit tl'iO subject to his order af any time, and while it rnunius, they coutruct and guarantee to keep his policy iu force. Should bo dio bis heirs receive $1,450. They also agree to pay any, interest earnod in excess of 7 per cent., 7 per cent, be ing required to keop the I'olicy in force, that is $31. :) is tho annua! promiun of a person a;;ed 10. Should ho desire to cease his connection with the Co. he can draw out his de posit and receivo a paid up Policy for the a-nount paid, llus principle extends through tho annual tubles as well as timjU payinouU, so a man insuring on thelO years'puymcntphm will bo ponuitttd to draw out his 'principal, or tho full amount paid. Ofcournohi-i iin'iiatiso hat only cost him tho interest on his money. The l'acifio Mutual U daserving of I of success. It is tho only legitimate Life Insurance Co. ou this coast. All its funds are invested hero where interest U high and wheie it will de velop our resources. Money in worth from 4 to C per cent, iu the Kaitrrn Stales, ou this at leat ripureeut. Nmv see tho differ ence botoen tho interest accumula tions on a dollar nt the and on a dollar here: Ono dollar paid iu od vnnco for 50 year with compound interest nt fi per cent., amount to $;)7.7t, at VI per cent, it amount to S'J.CifcS. Now where will you in- sure, in Lnstern lo. swnere mo enriiinns are 4, 5, or C per cent, or in a hoiim company wuoro 1. per cent. obtained. No man c.m aiX ird U be without insurance on tho terms o To red here We bespeak for the I'.iciffo Mutual of California, uVmuJaut uuccua, and it certainly deserves it f-.r offoriu to tho public a "s.i tiro deal" i f.ifo Insurance. Tlii Cjmi.iny of fcrs tin si'iia sjcarity that t!ie Esl- eru Insurnnco Comjiaiiies do lioin, governed by aimilar Statu l iws. Want It ltwTirir.3. Finnoy, Wil eox, Iiiihlin (l.. Tec in to thin we did them an injustico in a forme issue, in a sympathizing remark w made in regard to tho state of their minds, notwithstanding tin large number of buxom wido.rj in tho town. AVe assert ngaiu that tbey are not happy. Finney threatens to post a notice on hi gate, "No will ows admitted bore." Lughhn stnrts next week on a visit to Tillamook on account of tho pressure, while Wilcox avers thnt bo w ill have nono of them, unless they ran sing sweet lyhard hearted wretches! We turn them over to the lender mercica of the ladies and miy tho Lord have mercy ou their souls. Olkmcoe. Another row occurted recently at Gloncoo in which some pistol shots were heard. Tho matter was hushed up for fear that tho In- DKPINDKNT WOllld get hold ol it. Hillsboro ofhV'inl and lawyer aro turning their attention to that place for a fee. The minister after church nt Col umbia Acadomy Inst Sabbath nmdo a general request to the gentlemen prosent to loavo their dogs at homo. Tho congregation at that place has been disturbed a groat deal first and Inst by mangy curs fighting and snarling in church. A. Himmax's new storo in tha Grove is the hndomost and most tastefully arranged utore in Wash ington county. His good cannot be excelled in quality and asto price no one can undersell him. If you don't believe it cull and sec foryour self. Missus. T. R. Cornelius and Dix on bad a misunderstanding lately in regard to a contract between (hem. They hired their attorney' who met nt Cornelius loft week for a trial of th caso, but finally compromised the matter without going iu-toCoui t. Subscribe for ths IsrrptxPBST Programme for Christmas Eve. Tho following is a programme of the exercises of tho M. K. Sabbutb School of this place for Cnristinas Eve ' , Music, "Blessed be He that cometh." 'i, Music by the school, "The shin ning Hills of gloTy." 3, Prayer. 4, Musia by class of girls, "Stand on tho Rock.'" 5, Opening address by Rev. J. W Miller. 6, Music by children, "I'm but a youthful pilgrim." 7, Address by Hon. F. A. Bailey. 8, Munio by girls, '-Merry, Merry Christmas." 9, Original Poem by II. B. Luce. 10, Music, "The Christmas Tree." 11, Distribution of presents from the Chrittmast Tree, Musio at inter vals. 12, Musio by the school, "Bles3ed are the People" A ploasant time is anticipated and all, old and young, both lurge and small aro cordially invited to partic ipate, f - Tut Market question seems to be attracting the attention of our peo ple somewhat at present. Tho ques tion of its Nuccess is a question of monigcment. The company having the stock certainly ought to be nblo to kill and sell a cheap as thoso tails havinj to buy their meats. That it will eventually succeed if wisely mauaged there is no doubt. Wo do not know who tho company have for a Superintendent, but the company fchould see to it that they huvo a close, practical business man ager and tht.t every edge bo made to cut, or tho Company will sustain heavy losses. Mr.ssn W. Wilev, of Hillsboro, and MeCormiek, of (llcneo, while lig 'ing a well for Mr. J. Anderson n this place place this week came erv near liavmg n nenons accident. McConuick was down in tho well and Mr. Wilev was working the windlass and was drawing up a bucket o. dirt and the bottom of the bucket fell out when Wiley yelled and MeCormiek just had timo to throw back his head and dodn the full weight of tho descending dirt. They have used up fivo buckets al ready on tlmt will nn-1 propose to send to (llcncoe for a new supply, a larn consignment having just ar rived at that port per steadier Ajfvx, for tho iilcncoo banker. Tn CoLi.wvrr-.w. The Sheriff has completed hi visits of the pre cincts lor tho purposo of collecting tuxes and tlio following i a list of taxes collected in the several Pre cincts inWushington county .Oregon, tor tlio vear 1S7 I : i. e lar Crofk Pre cinct, ?m:M; liitp.US.a:t; Beav er dain.$:Hl.'i.l5;South Tilalatin.$J'J. 11; Wapato, Forest Cnove, 1.144.18; Cornelius, f:l.:U; Dor.- Crenk, 35. 2-J; Ccnteivillo, zero; liillsboro, to date, f 1,025,8.,. Mn. Cauet, Ooneral Agent for tho Pacific Mutual Life Iusut'Anco Com iianv is now canvassing this countr in tho interest of this company. Ho has already secured several policies in tins county, ino Lompniiy coubl not have chosen a m in b.'tttr quali fied for their agent here. J. 1$. Matthsw, t the O ove till has a heavy run i f custom. Ho lins been compelled to hire an extra snlcsiuuu to help wait on Lis custom ers. He is actually hcllin? vrv low now and you cannot do bettor than to buy f Lim. W. D. IIoxTcn at the Grove is do ing n flourishing business. His store is just crammed with winter good which he is selling to tlio farmers and everyliody who wants cheap goods, fine goods and good goods. A beautifully illustrated comic pa per will be sout .free of charge to any one sending their fddress to Geo. A. Peaso Co., Pacific Boot and Shoe House, Portland. Mn. John Dixon near Gaston died atoly. Ho was twenty-six years of ngo and was well respected. His mother is dangerously sick owning it is said to the death of her Bon. Mns. Fred Chatfiold of Gaston died lately from exposure after con finement, leaving a family of small children motherless. The Misonio fraternity verv liber ally rewarded Rot. J. W. Miller for his services at tho funeral of G. M. Raymond doconsod at Forest Grove. Tmir.K rrcttr little bovs who hnd boon pi ayuig "seven-up" on n Mige barrel recently iu this place barkedr at tno heels of our com p. last week. but barking pups don't bite. Last Sabbath Rev. J. W. Miller of the M. E. Church organized a so ciety of six or eight members at Oak Grove below Quirk's mill. tV For the verv beat riintoaranh. ao to Br.vllor k Unlnlmn n O.tllery with an ELKVATJlMil M u'jtairy S.-wjt- 8ia fnmaero, Seed Wbeat ferKgypt. Many writers Lave noticed tin su periority of the wheut raised ou the l'acifio coast and the enhanced price it commands in foreign couutries. And these newspaper commeuts have not passed nubteded. For the gov ernment of Egypt has ordered dur ing this year a large quantity of our best wheat for seed for that country. That this wheat will be shipped a if loised ' in California there it no doubt, but we venture the assertion that it will be wheat produced on Oregon soil. - Ms. James Withycombe .Veterinary Surgeon removed s fleshy coating of four or five years standing that grew over the eye ball of a horse be longing to Mr. ilackcldony in thii county. It was considered incurable but the horse sees now apparently as well as ever. Seo Mr. Withy comle's card in this issue. A good horse doctor is much need in our county and we hope that men who have sick horses will hereafter quit quacks and quack medicines and employ a man who understand the diMiases and treatment oi horses. I'i order to have a p:eieription (tt-e'ully compounded it becomes necessary to send it to a reliable Druggist. As such a ono wo take pleasure in recommending Mr. Wm. 1'f under the German chemist Cor. First and Oik streets, Portland. He also has a full stock of genuine Per fumery and Parisian Fancy Goods which will bo sent by mail carefully sealed postage paid on receipt of price correspondence tolicited. The best information we can get from vtr'.ous portions of the county indicate that all the old cases of sickness are fast convclcscing and no new ouo:i n:e reported. Of eoiunc our Doctors will get n rest, and it is to be hoped they may have an end less respite from professional busi ness. Fever of the Typhoid char acter hnvo been more numerous this fulll than at any other time for yearJ. Thk question debated by the For est Grove Delating club last Mon day tvetirg wts, llcaoltnl, Thnt 1 inilutncts the conduct of men mere than a Kouse of justice. Priu- cipals.A. L. Johnson and A. Brown, Colleairuos. II." U.' Lieser and S. Hughes. McCnsvnrtho Grove's enterpris ing and industrious f-addler has ben doing a good busiuess this full and makes decidedly tho best and cheap est Huddles, harness, etc. in this countr. Ho made a splendid set of harness this full for Mrs. Nov lor worth yiQ. Call on him farmer for good bargains. L. C. Walkco informs that the dog that killed 32 head of sheep for M. Purdin some time viuce, this week attacked a flock of sheep be longing to Ben Cornelius and bad killed one and wounded another when Mr. Tennyson stopped the fun by lodging two loads of buckshot in his cvrjn a. WnATHEn Report Reported for tho IxDKPENDKST. Dec. 11. 7 a. m 3fi " i'i 30 13 an " 14 3.10 " 15 " ,.33 a In 34 s ' 17 27 The Agent of the celebrated ltos kopf (Grangor) Watjh is offering special inducements for the Holi days to buyers of Jewelry, Silver -waro or watches. If you need any thing in that line send to John B. Miller 93 First street, Portland . Pnor. Pi.iMMsn will read at the Congregational church at the Grove this evening, the proceed to be ap plied to the purchase of the new or gan. The Grove will turn out of course. T..r.itF. were some 14 or 15 names proposed for membership last Tues day at the regular meeting of the I. O. G. R., recently organ ized at this place. Piif.suient Marsh had to postpone bis lecture at the Museum at Port laud this week owning to sickness iu bis family. Rkv. E. Wulkor butchered and sold last week to Geo. Johns of the Forest Grove meat market to bogs which together weighed 709 lbs. Wu.liard Latoi'hetts is teaching school at McLeod's mill and at the snmo time pursues scientific studies at tho Grove. J R. Cardwol), dentict, has remov ed Lis office to Dek urn's building cor First and Washington streets. -Rev Geo. Chandler is improving. He can ail up, is conscious aud has sensation but cannot speak. XEW TO FOREST GROVE DRUG AND EOCKSTO RE W. 11. SAYLOU, rilOVltlLTOR. DEALER IX D U0S MEDICINES, PEEETJMERY.PAINTS, OILS, 0 IAES, ECCK8 &c, GLASS CUT TO Our nock conautain part of FAINT BEV'SIIES, CLOTHES BRUSHES, TOOTHBRUSHES. COMBS OF ALL SIZES RAW OILS, LARD OIL, SW EET OIL, BOILD School Books, suitable for the AU articles warranted Prescriptions compounded with care and corrertneas. no33 1 IMPROVED HOME SHUTTLE, XKW STYLES i EASY TO I; CX. Will 8e Heavy and Light Goods without Change of TENSION. LIGHT RU7JNINC HOME S. M. Manufacture d this New Mishine Commenced 1873 Sold first year Over 80.OOO. Especially adapted for manufacture gHjary Cloths every Machina recommends itself- N 0 TRAVELING AGENTS- Needles for aU kinds of Sewing Machines 75 cents per Dozen- SEND FOR NEW PRICE LIST AND CIRCULARS. oejo. "w. nrxuiSvxiin, 8- W. Morr'ton an WILLIAM B E Q K & SON, ESf.VllLnEl)lSo2. Wholesale and Retail Dealers iu TOYS FANCY gO0Ds,ETC., H AVISO RECEIVED A LARGE AND ELEU AST ASSORTMENT OF THE LATEST Ntvles of TOYS.GAMES. DOLLS. BOXING-GLOVES. FOOT-CALLS. FENCING FOILS, MASKS, SKATES, SLEKiiiS, BOY'S WAGONS, Slio Ily Jloclcors, Priatln I'reiM. Steamboats Telcirra)l;a.ilnilroad-.1 Trninneti,Waliinr SICSIC BOXES, MUSICAL BOTTLES, l AXCY B. SiSTS, BIRD ( AGti. We also bar a Largo Stock of REVERSIBLE It And oilier kinds, wliicb we will close on t at Reduced Tricon, to mat rooms for old Santa (.'luus himself. No-107 Front Street. Portland, Oregon 35m FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE New Rtylea and new price. I have now for usti- t!.e new stvle and Intent improved FlOr ence Rowing machine at REDUCED PRICES, with extra inducements to those paring CA.S'H. and to pernons who desir.', we sell on the installment plan- SIO down and, and 910 per mouth until the Machine ia paid for. One of our new styles feeds the work awny from tfco operator, no that we hare now both a ftido and buck fced'miu-hine. Every Machine is wirriinted for ton years and no charge will b.made for repairing or keeping Machines ia in order during that time. Every Florence Machine in iln gon kept in order free of charge.' Call and see them, or send for cirenlivr without and and price list. Machine' delivered in any part of the State or in Washington Tt-rriiorv, at hit own risk. J. B L003US, Azent 113 Third 6t., Portland, Oregon. ' PACIFIC UNIVERSITY TMLieiC.IBD!V! Tht next term begins on W'cdnes September 2d. Tuition iu College aud higher Acndemie per year $45 la t&s common branches per year. ... $30 FACULTY Rev. 8. H. MARSH. 1. D., Prenf, and Professor of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy Rev. HORACE LYMAN, A. M., Profes or of Rheorie and History. 0. II. COLLIER, A. M., Professor of the Natural eVIenees. J. W. MARSH, A. M. Profeswr of Latin and Orees. 1. D. ROCIl, A. Principal of toe Academy. w . Mtaa MARY A.RORIN80N, Freerptreas. Rrv. THOMAS CONDON, A, M., Lectur er on Uoology. Mow O. A. HASKELL. Tea. struinentnl and Versl Music. her of In-a:tf - DAY. AN TSIZE VABXLSn BRUSHES. KAIL BRUSHES, I STRIPING BRUSHES, AND VARIETIES. XEATSFOOT OIL, CASTOR OIL, CHIXA NUT OIL, ETC Academy of Public School. ALWAYS READY 10 DO GOOD 4 WOU'K. WillSew Heavy and Light Goodi wiihout Change of TENSION. Third Streo; Po t a c son. Alt Y CARRIAGES, War Claim Agency No 34 MONTGOMERY BLOCK. SANFRAJfCISCO, CAL. VV. It. AIKEX, Attorney-at-lnw and Cora, mnnder of the Ornnd Army of the Repnbiie in Cnlifornia nnd Nevada, will gire prompt attention to the collection of Additional Trnvt'l fny, now due California and Nevada Volunteers disehnred more than three hun dred miles from home. Soldiers can depend on fair dealing. Information eivsn free of chnrge. When writing enclose stamp for repiy ami suite comimny and regiment an si whether yon have a discharge. Congress hns extended the time for filing claims for additional Ronnty uuderAct of July 88 1860 . to J:inmiry 1S)5, so all such claims most be mn le before that time. Original Bounty of liH)h:is been allowed all volunteers who enlisted before July Sid.lNtil fot three years if not paid the same, when discharged. Land Warrants can be obtained for services ran. dured before 1855 but Mot for services in the Into war. Pensions for lata war and war of 181i obtained and increased when al lowed for less than disability warrants, but no pensions are allowed to Mexican and Florida war soldiers. Ktnto of Texas has granted Pensions to surviving veterans of Texas Revolution, New Orleans and Mobila Prize Money ia now due and being paid. W. II. Aik n also attends to Uoneral law and and Collection Ilnsineas. n 20:Cm' V.