THE INDEPENDENT. HilUboro, December, IS 1874. Our txchances will plea) d ifjct their paper to llillaboro from till date. President's Meuge The message is long nnd we have only space for a brief enumeration of its principnl points, 'i he Presi dent attributes the depressions in business to the fluctuations of our currency. Capital and labor are both abundaut but the peoplo have no confidence iu the basis of trade and he recommends a return to spe cie payments. He favors free bank ing. He suggests iuca3'ires for tho suppression of marauding on the Mexican border. He calls the atten tion of Congress to the character t f tbeChinese immigration onthisCaast aud promises bis co-operation in re stricting the evils complained of. He He advises adjusting the tariff so as to increase the revenue and decrease ! the number of articles upon which j troubles in Louisiana and Arkansas he says that he has strictly conformed with his duties under the law. lie sympathises with the people of those States, but believes they have erred in protecting marauders, nnd will enforce the laws with vigor to pun ish crime and violence. He has faith in the Indian poace-poli?y. Hfe adheres to the theory of Civil Service reform, but declares that nothing can be Cone without the direct and positive support of Congress. He advocates that meas ures be taken for the revival of ship building iu the United States. This Government is now paying $1,000,- 000 a rear for freights and p.issrge on foreign ships which should go to I the support of American shippers i and shipping. ! The message is a dear concise and plain statement, and will gener- 1 ally be esteemed as a fair and dis- pasionate presentment of the condi- , tion and wants of tlie countrv. ! Ort-gon Wheat ami Flour portations. Kt. The Aitorian of the 10th gives a tabulated statement of Oregon wheat and flour exportation for the fall of j 18i4, from the ports of Portland and . Astoria. From these two ports there j have been shipped, up to the 9th of ; this month, 1,024,000 bushels of j wheat and 32, uol barrels of flour; ; or reducing flour to wheat we have ' a total of 1,1 (0,000 bushels of wheat 1 valued at f'Jio.OOO. i The same paper states that Co ve.j- j eels are on the way to Astoria nnd 31 have already entered that port. At this rate our surplus wheat will soon find a market, '-o let our far mers taie heart. 'Wheat is advan cing in Europe and it will be worth 75 cents by nest harvest or we are mistaken in the niirns of the times. THE PACIFIC UNIVERSITY". Exercises of the Senior Class. The exercises of the Scniorelass f Pacific University for the first term took place last Friday cveniug at the Congregational church. The house was filled with spectators as it always is oa these occasions. The gallory was brilliantly lighted flashing Lack uplendor and beauty on the hall be low flooding thojwhole building with a stream of wondrous song. The Senior class was represented on tliis evening by tho Jlisscs Hat tie Martin, Belle Putmau and Ella Watt. Miss Martin came first as in the order above named and with a man ner that was unconstrained and con fident , with a clear and distinct enun ciation and excellent delivery, read her essay entitled The Real and Imaginary Indian, A subject threadbare long since, ou which it would bo difficult for any one to sny anything new. Neverthe less Miss Martin discussed it fear- cssly nnd vigorously. She briefly sketched the real character of the Indian his generosity to his ene mies when they throw themselves on his hospitality, his spirit of revenge, bis hope for the far off bunting grounds iu the future lifo, Lis de fective conceptions of true art, un cleanjinoss, ferocity, barbarity, sen ftualisin.andhis oppressive treatment of the opposite sex. She said that the Indians on this coast are a low type pud for this reason people here are likoly to draw erroneous coaclu- sioiia of the IuJian race ingoneral. And on tho other hand tlio people of the Eastern States and Europe not being acquainted with the rea Indian linvo formed a poetical ideal of the race. She concluded that the Mork of religion people among the Iixliuus would not bo fruitless, aud that there id nothing of greater im portance to tho world now than the civilization of the Indian. Miss Putuum next took the plat form and iu a modest, dinified and womanly manner discussed Pictures. Children love pictures and wc littloa work their mental struggles over the pictures that they first see. Iu the study of pictures we should pais by the defects and iu imagination per fect them to satisfy our own ideal. So iu studying the faces of people would it not bo better that we do not mar them by harsh criticism but study their beauties and fill up their de fects with the beauty and perfections of our own ideals? By so doing we would gradually have ideals of true human character by whidi to com pare and judge the bad and the good. Thus wo would arrive at more just conceptions iu art of real chaiacter in this world and pefoet character in the next, God himself being the only truly perfect But iu the future world we shall not see ideal but real pictures when the perfi ct forms of faith eb.ill be real ized while our vain imagiuiugs wil be left in the dreamy vales below. Miss Watt read with beeomi"P grace a half descriptive, half scieu title essay on the subject of Mountains. AVe stuml on tho mountains mid are struck witii awe r.t the prospect. It takes hold on our minds so that . - . - lveu "l luo llltu;," 01 mountains we can Sl tliem " imagination. AVe nscend the mountains of earth and niJ we rise higher the view extends arul bca.Jtie3 cspuuj ft;Ki multiply, , , ,. ' , . . . AnJ so M we 'lml' tno """ science the higher we ascend tho circuit of jo jk vision grows wider and we discover new beauties. Then sho spoke of the conforina tion of the mountains and their ge ologic relation to the seas, the high est mountains being focated near the deepest seas nnd the reverse.The Iiocky Mountains were the first to rise above the sea on this part of the continent, then the Cascade ran.-.e aud alter these the Coast range. The mountains catch the moisture and render fertile and wholesome the vallies below. In the mountains are hid the minerals so useful to man. And thev furnish the minds of men with lofty ideals of natuio. On theiu the fierce eagle huildj her nest, the wild chamois leaps from era? to crag, and there lives the fearless hunter whose heart loves freedom. The music as is always the case on these occasions was excellent. Miss j Haskell never does thiugs by halves aud expectation is always on the tip toe when she has control of this de partment nnd is never disappointed. The exercises were an entire buc . nn.l thn rounff ladies of the v -1 - ,j Senior class may well be proud Ti.. ..11 imod essays and all m-j 0 - read them well. SYNOPSIS OF SUPPLEMENTAL RE PORT. A s-nopsis of the supletnen- tal report of D. M. C. Oault, Super intendent of Public Schools for this county for the current year: Last year fifty-one teachers op plied for certificates, i f which num ber six failed to pass the required examination. This year, since tho 1st of March 49 persons have applied five of whom failed to pass an exara animation aud received no certifi cate. Lxccpt in a few instances, the nuestions prepared by the State Board ofEducation, have been used Emhtv per cent, ol correct answers in each branch entitles the nppli cant to a first crrade certificate. It is the desire of the State Board, as well as my own wish, to gradually raise the utandard of qualifications of our teachers. There are two schools in the county which have taught the higher branches, viz. Districts No. 1 and 7. But one private school is reported in opera tion and that is Tualatin Academy and Pacifio University, with a facul ty consisting of, President, three Professors, one Principal of Acad emy and ono Preceptress. The re ceipts from tuition wcra $2,700; ia come from endowment ?0,lW. To tal receipts $8,800. Amouut paid out on salaries! 7400.1u this connect ion we would state that the loss to tho school iu this couuty of Prof. A. J. Anderson and Mrs. Savior is deeply deplored. Public school houses iu many Dis tricts are iu bad condition aud ought to be replaced with new ones. "N0 pupil can do good work with repul sive and uucomfortablo surround ings." Tho Superintendent's salary of $180 is much to small for the work required. Without doubt the Su perintendent should be paid a sala ry of $1,200 per annum and bo re quired to give bis whole time to the work, wkile the fees for certificates should go into tho couuty Treasury. This perhaps cannot bo done at pres ent, but action looking iu that di rection should be taken at onco. It is a matter to be very muho xo- gretod that parents aud guardians ullow their vhddreu to be so irregu lar iu their attendance at school. A break iu the igular attendance throws the student behind his cla&i and he is consequently branded as a dolt aud blockhead by his parents who kept him out of school to do sonio small chore. Vast sums of money are spent in sending our students to acudeaiies aud parents justly boast of tho good schools they are patronizing and the p: ogres their children are making when the same thing could be ac complished at the District schools at hulf ti e cost if only the students were kept constantly at their stud ies as in the academies. The uniform system of school I'ooks adopted by tho State, mechanically has been a failure, especially the binding, and are not what was voted for. A compulsory system of education, iu my opinion wouiu 00 impolitic in this State. The amount of money nor on hand by taxation is nearly sullicieni in tie average districts in the county to maintain school six mouths in the year. There is much confusion a to the boundaries of tho districts in tho couuty, and olao the records of the organization of the snnio. I am of tho firm opinion that every District in the county ought to be reorgan ized and the boundaries fixed with a certainty. Some competent person ought to bo appointed to do this work and make a map of the same. OREGON. Salem cast about 433 at her city election on Mondiy. Mertu y"5 3 above zero at Umatil la, November 2titH. frtIWn. suts Printer, will start a daily paper at Albanay in February next. Canned oysteas are being shipped from Yaquiua to Corvalli. aud it is pronounced g successful enterprise. Flavel's new dock at Astoria will have a frontage of 400 feet and will be one of the finest oh the coast. HARRIED. At Forct Crovo. Dec. 7. 1X71. iy Preai- I d'ut Marah at the hotin of Kt plien lilank, Jnmei Allen of Louimrille, Polk Co., ud Miss Emma Blnn of Fwst trove. NEW ADVERTISEMETS. jajies wnnrco-ME, VETERINARY fil'ROEOX, 11ILLSBOBO, - . OREGON. tV Will be t tlie Oregon Li very ititbles. Corner of Morrn-n nnd liriit btrets, Portlnnd, every Friday. C Alt DWELL, 5V.i HAS REMOVED TO ROOM NO. 4,DE KL'M'H IH'ILDINO, corner of First sad WaHliinton ntreets. PORTLAND. TO BUYERS OF HOLIDAY PRESENTS! JUST RECEIVED. A FINE IMPORTA tion of Genuine rerfnincrj and Fan tj liaod. pnt np in Mirh a nmnunr a to mnko a moot aeeeptnoie rionnny 1 reiwm for any Lady. WM. FFCNDEB, north went cor. Firat and Onk atreet, Portland. PriTatePreecriritions carefully compounded. t"J' A full aewirtnitnt of Purisiua Fancy OoodH. FI.E WITCHES, MM AND SILVEIUVARE! tT foil THE HOLIDAY Sl.Jti AT LOWER BATES THAN ANY OTII er houe in Oregon, at J" OHN 33 . Iwllllor'jsi WATCHMAKEIt AMI) JF.WF.I.ER, 03 First street, Portland. TV All (roods warranted a renreaented Orders by Mail or Etpnma nttended to with the name caro and at a low price a If th bnyer was per in erson to maka tha He- lection. r" Apent for tu Ronktpf (Orangcr) Watch. celebrated dh. j. n. Business Directory OK ESTEY ORGANS. A it I oy PIANOS. A.F. SMITH. Co Imortir urn! general dealer in OlttiAN & PIANOS. Oenerul AijenU fur tho Ea tvy Organ unl Anion Piano jWurvroonia 10 "1 Front tree I PORTLAND. "THE WHITE IIOI SK" Hus the lariat nxsortuit'Ut of Firxt Clua Dry Good. Millinery, Fancy Goods, Hosiery. &, Iu Portland. No. K7 First Street. LEWIS 1 STRAUS L.C.IIENRICIISEII! Ao. 109 Frist Street, Portland, HAS THE LARGEST ASSORT mentof Jewelry nnd MMer ware in the Slate- By Manufactur ing a large part of ht Stock in hisMan ufactory, attacked to the store, he ran ana will sell at prim L0WEK man nay tatatmsbment in Portland- nun mis cmfmj'iei THEN READ IT AOAIN1-AOAIN! THE MOST SKNSIltLE THINO TO buy for u lloliiluy Present, is au ELEGANT BOOK OR PARLOR CAME! For Home Amusement. Wo are now offer, in'' the most EXTENSIVE STOCK 1 this LINE Everbrousrat to Oregon XT' Orders by Mail carefully filled. J. K. GILL & CO., BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. 73 JTMxrst Stroot, PORTLAND. A FARM WANTED BY AN EMliat AM. WHO Wil l. I'll in timu Note, .'iund on lt ul Ettiitc, drawing 10 per n ut. per nnniuii. For par ticulars, apply to C. M. I'AKl Fit. Okii. Oregon Seed Depot! IIACIIEXEY & STEMME, Flint and Taylor Sis., Portland. ll'E HAVE j'fST RECEIVED OUR ?? new stork of FI F.I.I , FI.OWF.K AM) OARDF.N SEEDS For 17'.. Flit I f AMI ORNAMENTAL Tit EES, constantly on limnl. Svinl for Catalogue THE LARGEST .IEWE1.RY STOKE IN PORTLAND. 13. Xj. gBrCOTVJZ. Peul. rln WU:iics, Dminoiuls, Jvu try nml Silvtr""t. No. IOU Front Strict. SoleAifrnt (or the (VI Ijrutril Iiitnion(l Sitcctncl!! As,''it for AtiK'rirnn A'utihCo. National Wntc h In. K. JitCtll J liowarl Watrii I'o. mid t iiaa. WBtrh-. Si th Thoinns Clorki. IV Wutrlics mill Jewelry npnirnl ami Wnrranti il. All order wnt liy Expri' promptly nt t""lnli (l to. Oonit Hold nt our pries unlv. No plated Jrwi lry of any di mriptlou nold at thin Kst;il'lislini lit. IMPORTANT HOTICE! CHAS. Ill & CO. So 77 lrml Street X Ortland, Otsxi mmr nri.n RESPECTFULLY CALL 1 T attention to their new nml coiupUti' ntock of WHIM, STATIOXEIIY, find Holiday Goods, is.iwiutinr In tiart of TOYS. MI'SH' liuXIS, HIlHOOKAIMIir AI.ltr.Wtf pot KF.trri.lKKY, Kf'ISSOll.s, (ilFT mid rov Hooks, mid mi entile vsrlttr of Ynnkee Motion, wliirh we offer st the Lotvet lutes, at n liolrsuie ana ite- tuil. HARnWARE. IRON. STEEL. Hubs. Snokes, Rimi 0-ik. Ash & Ulclcsry Zlanls.i NOUTHP.LP & THOMPSON. Portland Oregon. .T HTTWOTJl. AVUoIeenle nnd lU-lnil lrnlem in IxnTra.Sash nnd DliniU, biho (ii rnmn, troiicn nnd Auk rienn W IXDO W (i li A S S Cryntiil uliect, Ennmeled, Stnined and Cut BlaiM, (tlnzing done tn order at Ann Fun- bimco priccH.und .itinfiw tion guarnntred, OreR-n TREES, PLANTS, SHRUUS, Field, Flower A Onrdon Heed It Ifnnann'a Reed Denot. Centrnl Market. I'uriliind or at his uraer UmI roriiHim. Whnt seeds I do not Krow.I ini)Mirt from 111 rnoxt relinble aeedjiinen in the Mat, tuia- Inrtii.. frAA ( Irdefrt Holirited. Arblreaft. 97 mr . . i-.n.vt 1. . 1 .1 II. Il.n flO' i iiriiiiiio. LI MX I a YOUR ADRF.HH TO THE I1 1 WW Parifie Root 1 Shoe atom, Pojtland. for an illuntrated tntM-r free ul chAr fleo. A. Pernio k Co. PubbBhers. n:tnr4 M..KINNET & HOPK K ltOOTAMIOEMAKKHM. JJUMioro, - - - Oreijnn. All kind of enntom work mndn from the best FronchHIork.incliid- Lmliea, Minnen and children nhoea. Bepiiiring nently Executed work warranted. G OOD STOCK FOH SALF.: Ilie nnderalcmnd haa noma Ter nice irllU of the kawx breed aiimotithaolii.whieh 1 nill aell for Htl OO each if aold aoon. Al ao a Roml hinh prnde Dnrham bull calf, whifh I will aell for a reaaonalile price or etchan;; for other stock on fair term . ror particulnra adilrcnH or call on . ' A I.I ELUNO. n3:);m.1 llillsboro, Oregon, . All J. .L. Bftiloy's NEW DRUG STORE, 31 A IX S THEET, HILLS 11VKO. Ki'-p couKtautljou band PAIS'TS. OILS, (1 LASS. DRUGS JIMICIXKS and CUKMICAI3 . . . 1 HIIO AMHOKTM INT OS . . . PAtont Modlolnos TOILET ARTICLES, soaps, sposavs, iff. fr. tfv. AJno will f Uotoil tock of t Hi t US and TOIIAC'COS. Ture WIXES and LIQl'ORS, for Medicinal purposes only. Ola- cat to any sUs desired. J'n.tcrii'tions eartfully fi;x'"i''f uml of Hitdicinrs tnimoifrd orauiiM II STOMKKS WISHING AM tiling in my line will flnil ny nnil nil rti rlt'H usually fouiul ill Hrat ean lrU Storra, nil for kaiii LOW for cuh. HEW MARKET. c o o p : ; & a f.a c u Ut l.l) KEsrF.CTFl I.LY IXFOB.M the put'lio tliat tliov linve oprnrJ ft lni ui.nkrt on Front Slrert Hillloro, mhroult kiiuNof 1111 at nilT gfluUi krpt ou bn tilie nta rail. cooi EK i in: veil. ott.J ml J. LM0.HB, ) S .11 UTII.MSr, BUCKSK1TII. T Ilnw'n old ktunrt. AKricnltnrnl lniil- iVmentH r. i nhtd HI ie ""'.'.."'.fc. L:HMn of .11 V....U. horo.;:r o .imleh lAU hiiio A ft.w cnh eni.toin.Tn wanted dully. Wf ruliiyKoi tonuou rnioiiier 4. 1.. 1 J1U31 An, umn iiiob.wiw Wm f1cC READY FOKHST GROVE OK KG ON. mf ANI'FACTl'REll AND DEALER IN 1TX all kind.-, of SADDLE3, BRIDLES, WHITS & Lash r?" IUTmni!proniiitIr attendrd to. IIIILSIMO men srnooii. I , r l""1' I 18 INSTITITTION OF LEARNING undtr the Directorship ef School Dint. No. 7, with a competent corp of tearhera. Fnpil will be r3i eived at any time. For pnrticn- lark inquire of the I'ruicipnl at tli ai liool room. D. M. C. OAULT, Principal. Il3.,;tf PROF. n. P. NEWELL, (01 Portland) The popular Teacher of the Organ Piano Forte 7fILL visit III L1.H1K )1U eerr FRIDAY cTenliiB and remain ore? SATUR DAY. All who winh to arnil thcmselvea of hi.Sl7'A'iKiiitrnctionon the Orgnn or 7'iano l orto, will meet him on Saturday in Jillnlmro. Th pnbliehinging Clan meet on FRIDAY ercuiuii. S. G. Skldmore, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY. Dnicr. M1lcine, Chemlcala, and Fane Toilet Article. tT" Farmer and I'b.T cianafmra the country will find ir tM k of medicine complete, w rranteci genuine, and the bent of quality. PORTLAND, OREOON Ho3l:mO, SEW STOREIJISf OFEKEDF In th nw building, ornr f 0k Elm Avenue. otiHwiU th Cm gstional cburoh, forml Urov, Orta, A. HINMAN bM wnjwrk! lars anil wll-lto ttt el DRY GOODS, CLOTU1SG, II ATS; FA SCY ARTICLES, dt. IIM Family Ureteric. aa4 rrTUUa (IOIIMLI IID aiTAIL, II AUD ft' A HE, CltOCKKXr:, 4. In fuel. Terything to b fonad la a lrl rlu Variety Htore. iff coo.l were eleatel etnrut for Ifeia market and I thai! alway keep ap a tad anortinenl makini; FASHIONAIILK CLOTIIINO a prominent feature ia my it ore. II y (o4 arn all mie, tny aaiearuoin (ary and lijhltil, and my PRICESLOKq th LOWES I. To my former enatnmera and all In fhl rieinity the invitation ! to "rami andeee." We like to show yoo.! wbether yonpnrrhaa or not. Highest Karket Price paid foi Batter and Eggs A. III.1MAM. Not. T, 1S7S Foreat Grov Or. 1t THIS SPACE FOR iiua i tn w. D. IIOXTER nAH SO MAN cnatomer at hi ator !all lh ta that men he hn no time to write aa advene. That U what w call btutn . Mt FOR SALE. On XDcumy Ton THE ENTIRE LOT OF MACniNEBT IN THE FOREST OROVK PLAN ING MILLS . . . .enmiiTixo or. . . . One tea Horaa Power Enine41oller, l Planer ana matcher, 24 inch Bnrfacer, 1 Saw Tablr 1 Xortiiinf Macbi a, 1 Prce Pnmp. 1 Turning Lath wlthToofc, 00 feet Shafting PalU. 600 feet Belting ALSO. 50,000 FEEK asMriedMcuUllaff. DESK, STAND, AND TARLB LEGS NEWEL PO&TH. STAIB RALUSTEBS. , AT 25 per cent Below Cnitoatarr Xatea. TXXl. Machinery ia new a4 nd of Unit claa Biak.. Will Cell IN LOTS TO MIIT, ON VEBY LIBERAL TKBM.. AddreiM, A. L, JOUNSON.ForwlOreT