. THE INDEPENDENT. Hillsboro, Deccmber.il 1 1874. Oujfczcbsuigea will pfcaso di ci their papers to Hillsboro from this date. Host that Will Pay. As a specimen of -what may he done with bogs, the Record says Mr. Oppenbeimer, of Colville, two years ago purchased a good Berkshire boar pig of S. G. Reed, for the pur pose of improving his stock of hogs. He recently killed 20 graded hogs, 18 months old, and their average weight, dressed, was 36G pounds,two of them weighing respectfully 470 and 478 pounds. "Who can doubt, then, that it will pay to improve our breed of hogs ? It is a great mis take to suppose that hogs can only be fattened with wheat. Every far mer should have a boiler conveni ently fixed to cook hog feed, and then he could utilize all his root crops, boil potatoes,- squashes, ap ples, etc., add a little chopped wheat to strengthen the diet, and so insure hogs well and cheaply fattened. There is no better opening for our farmers in Oregon, except per haps sheep raising, than breeding and raising an improved stock of hogs. Many farmers say it will not pay to feed wheat to hogs. "We fd mit it if they feed their wheat into these long-legged, long-snouted, long-haired, grass-bellied hogs that are so wild that you can't get with in a hundred yaids of them unless they are shut up or are so poor th it they have to lean against the fence to get their eyes open, but for blooded and improved breeds of hogs like those of Mr. Reed and Naylor of this county it will pay and p: y well. Pork is now selling at six cents per pound in the Portland market and in our own county, and lard sells iu this county atfifteerjand twenty cents per pound. "Why, it would pay to raise hogs for their fat at these prices. Another thing to be considered in the raising of hogs is that hogs and sheep can be raised together the two best paying kinds of stock that the farmer can raise now. In fact hog raising; must necessarily super cede both cattle and sheep on ac count of want of grazing, land for these kinds of stock. We hope our farmers will consider this subject gnd giro us the benefit of their de liberations. War ofRacis. The Negroes and whiter are fight ing at Vicksburg, La. Full particu lars next week. LETTER FROM GLENCOE. Resident Indians move Their Families on Account of Drunken Whites! Glencoe, Deo. 4, 1874. Ed. Independent: Wishing to keep you informed about local mat ters here I write vou a short letter. Considerable excitement prevails among the people of the neighbor hood about the recent manifestations of rowdyism among the whisky ele ment at Glencoo. The conduct of this class has been growing worse and worse all the time, but recently they have scandalized the more re spectable portion of the - community Even the Indians who have long lived in our midst, not liking to have their children subjected to the ma lign influences which the whisky men. were, drawing around them, have left and found more peaceful homesin Rider Dick's neighborhood. They declared that they could not stand the drunkenness and rowdy ism of the-white people of Glencoe, and that they would not rear their children under the influence of so much whisky. Yours,. JOSH. COUNTY COURT. Probate Abchibold, J. In the matter of the estate of T. O. Naylor; final, settlement first Thursday in January set for fina hearing. In the matter of the estate of Geo. W. Davir; same as above. In the matter of the estate of Ran som Baker; same as above. In' the matter of the guardianship of W. N. Griffith and Naucy E.Grif fith; final settlement and guardian released. In the matter of the guardianship of estate and persons of Coulson and Sarah Coulson minors; report filed by guardian of the collection of $500, who had loaned on interest $400. Amount paid out on business of guardianship allowed and report ap proved. In the estate of G. M. Raymond admitted. Thos. W. Saino appointed Admin issrator. In Law Archibold, J. Klosterman vs. Grifiith; default S. Hughes, Adm'r.vs. S. W. Dale; default. Commissioners Court. Archibold, J. Ijaxdess and Purdin, Com. Order's drawn in favor Shuck pau per, $30, Noland $15. The Oregon Iron Works filed a bill for $277.20. 'i.he amount was cut down to $229.57 and an order was drawn therefor. Total of all orders drawn for the term $883.9G. A large portion of these are expenses incurred in Cir cuit Court. In the matter of petition for change of load presented by N. C. Richardson; viewers appointed. Order allowing lumber to cover bridge on Gale's creek at McLeod's mill. HARRIED. In Washington county, Dec. 3, by Rev. Wm. McCoy, at the residence of the bride's parents, William F. Enis and Miss Aman da E. Fouts. In Washington coun y, Nor. 29, by Rev. H. Lyman, Mr. Wmiani B. Wilson and Miss Martha Crow, both of said county. Business Directory OF I ESTEY A. F. SMITH It Co. Importers and general dealers ORGANS . in UKtiANS & riANOS. I General Agents for the Es ARI 0 Itet Organs and Aeion Pianos jWarerooms 105 Front stree PIANOS. I PORTLAND. "THE WHITE HOUSE." Has the largest assortment of First Class Dry Goods, Millinery, Fancy Goods, Hosiery &, In Portland. No. 87 First Street, LEWIS & STRAUS. L. G. UHJRIGE1SIEU ! No. 109 Frist Street, Portland, HAS THE LARGEST ASSORT mentof Jewelry and Silver ware in the State. By Manufactur ing a large part of his Stock in hisMan ufactory, attached to the Store he can and will sell at prices LOWER tnanaay Establishment in Portlrnd. REM THIS 0--0CE ! THEN READ IT AGAIN I-AGAIN! TnE MOST SENSIBLE THING TO buy for a Holiday Present,-is an ELEGANT BOOK OR PARLOR GAME! For Home Amusement. We are now offer ing the most EXTENSIVE STOCK ix this LINE Ever brought to Oregon. rF Orders by Mail carefully filled. J. K. GILL & CO., BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, 73 37133 Street, PORTLAND. A FARM WANTED BY AX EMKiR AST, WHO WILL PAY in time Notes, secured on Ileal Estate, drawing 10 per cent, per annum. For par ticulars, apply to C. M. CARTEK. Portland, Ogn. Oregon Seed Depot! HACHENEY& STEMME, First and Taylor Sis., Portland. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED OUR new stock of FIELD, FLOWER AND GARDEN SEEDS For 1875. FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, constantly on hand. Send for Catalogue. THE LARGEST JEWELRY STORE IN PORTLAND. Dealer In Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry and Silverware. No. 103 Front Street. SoleAgent fortheCel ebratcd Diamond Spectacles Agent for American .Vatch Co. National Watch Co. lloward Watch Co. and Chas. E. Jacot Watches. Seth Thomas Clocks. Watches and Jewelry repaired and Warranted. All orders sent by Express promptly at tended to. Good sold at one price only. No plated Jewelry of any description sold at this Establishment. IDPORTAHT NOTICE! CHAS. HIKSTELi & CO. Ko77 Front Street. FOrtland.f Oo?xa., WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL attention to their new and complete stock of HOOKS, STATIONERY, and Holiday Goods, Consisting In part of TOYS, MUSIC BOXES, PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS POCKET CULTERY, SCISSORS, UIET andTOY BOOKS, and an endless yarletr of Yankee Xotion. which we offer at th Lowest Kates, at Wholesale and Re- HARDWAEE, IRON, STEEL Hubs. Spokes, Rims, Oak. Ash & 3SC Lob.orY NORTHRUP & THOMPSON. Portland Oregon. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dcors Sash and Blinds, also German, French and American WINDOW GLASS Crystal sheet, Enameled, Stained and Cnt Glass, Glazing done to order at S&n Fran cisco Prices. and satisfaction cmflrontol 56 Front street Portland - - - Oregon TREES, PLANTS, SHRUBS, Field, Flower & Garden Seeds At Hanson's Seed Depot, Central Market, Portland or at his Nursery East Portlan 1 . Tiru - a. 1 -r -i . V . . . uhi beeas x uo noi grow,! import iromtne most reliable seedsmen in the East. Cata logues free. Orders solicited. lAddress. H. HANSON. Portland. McKINNEY & HOPKINS BOOT & SHOEMAKERS. Hillsboro, - - - - Oregon. All kinds of custom work made from the best FrenchStocfc.i Ladies, Misses asd children shoes. VxF Repairing neatly Executed work warranted. All run LIC NOTICE. ALL PEttSONg INDEBTED TO THE late firm of A. C. Archibold fc Co. are hereby notified that all accounts and notes due the late firm of A. C. Archibold & Co. has been turned over to W. D. Hare, and that the undersigned has placed the same in the hand3 of T. H. Tongue, Esq. for settle ment. WILLIAM D. HARE. n-J6:t3 NOTICE. My wife Florintine E. Johnson having left my bed and board withort just cause or provocation, I hereby forewarn ill persons that I will not be responsible for debts of her contracting. MELKI JOHNSON, 35:t3 ielsroro men srnooL. THIS INSTITUTION OF LEARNING is now under the Directorship of School Dist. Xo. 7, with a competent corps of teachers. Pupils will be received at any time. For particu lars inquire of the Principal at the school room. D. M. C. GAULT, Principal. n35:tf THOS. D. HUMPHREYS. NOTARY PURLIC and CONVEYANCER LEGAL papers drawn and collections made. Business entrusted to his care at tended to promptly. OFFICE New Court noupe. n3:g Montezuma Lod'-'e No. 50, I. 4B'0 ' -Meets every Wednts-'-5jTvS day evening, at Ma?onic Hall, in Hillsboro. Brethren in good standing are iuvited to attend. By order N. G. 35 -tf . A. Y BOYGE'S (At the Port Office) Where jou can bay all kinds of DRUGS and MEDICINES very CHEAP. . . . . A I j S O . . . . FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMER YandSTA TIONER Y . I AM PREPARED TO DO U kinds ofDEXTAL. work at prices to suit these hard TIMES- no34:tf Mr. Farmer, Granger, and all the rest o the livinpj KEJOICE REJOICE Over the good news which in fact every body is anxious to hear. AVhy of course, come right to Hillsboro, and look for the new store, Kellogpr's place and see the cheap woods that are sold there. It is enough to make any body smile. The Goods were carefully selected and of preat variety. rash paid for 7ides, ool, i urs andal kinds of produce. KAIIN & FKIEDJNKICH j ll-nl2 THIS SPACE FOR lOHTER WD. nOXTER HAS SO MANY customers at his store all the time that he has uo time to write an adverise mcnt. That is what we call busine ss. 33ts M FOREST GROVE LODQE, Uo. 136, -JVTTEETS AT ITS HALL EVERY SAT 1VJL urday evening, at 6 o'clock. All members of the Order in good standing are cordially invited to attend. POOF. G. P. rJEUELL, (Of Portland) The popular Teacher of the Organ & Piano Forte ' W ILL visit HILLSBORO every FRIDAY evening and remain over SATUR DAY. All who wish to avail themselves of his SUPERIOR instruction on the Organ or Piano Forte, will meet him on Saturday in Hillsboro. The publicbinging Class meets on FRIDAY evening. n34-tf S. C. Skid more, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY. AND DCAXEB IN Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, and Fancy Toilet Articles. (3 Farmers and rhvsi cians from the country will find our stock of medicines complete, warranted genume.and the best of quality. PORTLAND, OREGON. . no24:mG. (QOOD STOCK FOR SALE: The undersigned has some very nice firilts of the Essex breed six months old, which I nill sell for $6 OO each if sold soon. Al 60 a good high grade Durham bull calf, which I will sell for a reasonable price or exchange for other stock on fair terms . For particulars address or cull on I A LUELLING. n33;m3 Hillsboro. Oregon. D ENTIS T AND JE W EL ER wtOLICITS THE PATRONAGE OF TOE Drove. Work warranted. Office cor Walnut and Pine Streets. n39.1y LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Ercctttor's Ntticr. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned has been appointed by the Hon. County Court of the State of Or gon for Washington County.adminstrator of the estate ofDavidT. Lenox deceased latejof Umatilla county, Oregon. All persons hav ing claims said estate are hereby notified to present them with proper vouchers within six months from the date of this notice to the undersigned at the office of Thomas D. Humphreys, Hillsboro Washington county, Oregon, or nt my residence six miles north east of Hillsboro. DAVID LENOX. Nov. 14th 1871. Executor's Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned has filed his final ac count as Executor of the la.st will and testa ment of II. B. Bones, Dec'd in the County Court of tae State of Oregon for Washing ton County, and that THURSDAY after the first Monday in January, A. D. 1875, at 10 o'clock a. in. has been set for the final hear ing of said matter. n37rwi S. A. HOLCOMB. Notice of Administrator. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN appointed by the County Court of the State of Or-gon for Washington county Ad ministrator of the estate of (J. M, Raymond deceased, all iersons haviug claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them to the undersigned at the of fice of Thos. II. Tongue in Hillloro, Wash ington county, Oregon, with the proper vouchers within six months from the date hereof. THOMAS W. SAINE. Hillsboro, Dec, 3d, 1871. n37;w4 Notice of Final Sett!emen ". NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT he has filed in the County Couit of the State of Oregon for Washington County his final settlement account as administrator of the estate of T. G. Nayloi, deceased. All persons interested fn said estate are hereby notified that Thursday, the 7th day of Jan uary, A. D. 1875, nasbeen appointed by said court for the final hearing and Settlement of said estate. JOHN E. GLEASON, Administrator. n37;w4. Notice of Final Settlement. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned has filed in the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon for Wash ington Count', his final account as Admin istrater of the estate of George W. Davis deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that Thursday January 7th. 1875, has been appointed by said Court, for the final sttlement of said estate. JOSEPH DAVIS, Administrator. n37.-wl War Claim Agency No 34 MONTGOMERY BLOCK, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. W. n. AIKEN, Attorney-at-law and Com mander of the Grand Army of the Republic in California and Nevada, will give prompt attention to the collection of Additional Travel Tay, now due California and Nevada Volunteers discharged more than three hun dred miles from home. -Soldiers can depend on fair dealing. Information given free of charge. When writing enclose stamp for reply and state company and regiment and whether you have a discharge. Congress has extended the time for filing claims for additional Bounty underAct of July 28.1866, to January 1875, so all such claims mast be made before that time. Original Bounty of $100 has been allowed all volunteers who enlisted before July 22d,1861 for three years if not paid the same, when discharged. Land Warvcnts can be obtained for services ren dered beforo 1853 but not for services in the late war. Pensions for late war and m ar of 1812 obtained and increased when al lowed for less than disability warrants, but no pensions are allowed to Mexican and Florida war soldiers. State of Texas has granted Pensions to surviving veterans of Texas Revolution, New Orleans and Mobile Prize Money is now due and being paid. W. H. Aik n also attends to General law and and Collection Business . u20:6m NEW ADVERTISEMETS. JE17 DRUG STORE, MAIN STREET, JI1LLSB0R0. Keeps constantly on hand PAINTS, OILS, GLASS. DRUOS MEDICINES and CIIE3IICALS ...X LA BOB ASSOBTMEXT OB. . , Patent IVlodLlolxxoa TOILET ARTICLES, SOAPS, SPONGES, PERFUMERY d.C. d:C. etc. Also a well selected stock of CIGARS and TOBACCOS. Pure WINES and LIQUORS, for Medicinal purposes only. Glass cut to any size desired. Prescript ions care ull y com pou tided and all medicines warranted genuine 1USTOJIEUS WISHING ANY thing in my line will find any and all arti cles usually found in first class Drug Stores, and for sale LOW for cash. JE17 HARRIET. COOP E R Sc li EA C 11 j w OULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM the public that they have opened a mea market on Front Street Hillsboro, where alt kinds of meuts and v tables kept on ban Give us a call. COOPER & REACH. oct22:tul B00T&SU0IEU0USIE, OEO. A. PEASE, rKOFKIKTOB The Largest Stock on the Coast, S. W. Corner of First and Morrison streets PORTLAND OREGON. n42 ly J. h. TIIOMS, o MicnrasT, & BLAGKSDITU. AT Hay's old stand. Agricultural imple ments repaired with neatness and des patch by an experienced workman. Black smithing of all kinds, horse-eLoeing done with despatch.! All kinds of work done at my shop. A few cash customers wanted daily. We are always on band to wait on customers J. L. THOMAS. Main st .Hillsboro t FOR SAL.E. On !E2,oy Torxaaja noa THE ENTIRE LOT OF MACHINERY IN THE FOREST GROVE PLAN ING MILLS .... CONSISTIXO or.... One ten Horse Power Engine&Boiler, 1 Planer and Hatcher, 24 inch Snrfacer, 1 Saw Table 1 Mortising Hachi e, l Force Pump. 1 Turning Lathe withToolf, 50 feet Shafting Pnllie, 500 feetBeltlng ALSO. 50,000 FEEB assort edMouldlng DESK, STAND, AND TABLE L.CGS NEWEL "OSTS, STAIR BALUSTERS. AT 25 per cent Below Customary Rates. Machinery is new and of and of first class make. Will Sell IN LOTS TO SUIT, ON VERY LIBERAL TERM5. Address, A. L. JOHNSON.Forest Grore. 7 BEEHIVE OTOnti J. B. Matthews, Proprietor. The greatest' and best rarietyof Gensra' Merchandise is kept in the Bee H1t Store of any place in the County. This Store has always been noted for its rariety and it mlxtays shall U not only noted tot the extent of its variety, but for the Quality of Its Goods awn rum CHEAPIVESS OP ITS PR IC I sell for CASH, eonsequently I hste no txMSEs to make up off of good customers. ONE MANS' MONEY IS AS GOOD AS ANOTUERS'. All will fare alike in prices, which shall always be THE VERY LOWEST they ean be afforded for For Oaoh t New Goods are constantly arriring aad Arte Goods, Oood Goods, CHEAP GOODI, Will nit, I will always keen all the Standard Brands of Goods and, by a strict inUrrity of nor. pose to deal as I would be dealt by, I now UTiteyou to iny Store, which I new christen the Bee Hive Store. Remember the place. J 2C. Campbell Old Stand, Forest Grove. J. B. MATTHEWS. Forest Grore, Or. Not. 4th 1871 T;1 NEW STORE !JIS WENED! a the new building, corner of Oak sad Elm ATenues, opposite the Congre gational church, Forewt Grove, Oregon, A. HI URIAH has unpacked a largo and well-seleoted sleek of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, FANCY ARTICLES, do. ALSO Family Uroeerlot and rroTblM. WHOLESALE AMD BBTAtL, HARDWARE, CROCKERY:, 4c In fact, everything to be found In m first class Variety Store. My goods were seleeted expressly for this market and I shall always keep p a full assortment making FASHIONABLE CLOTHINO a prominent feature in my store. My goods are all new, my salesroom large and tsell lighted, and my PRICESLOWa th LOWES L, To my former customers and all I n this, vicinity the invitation is to "coma and see." We like to show goods whether youpurchasa. or not. Highest rk rjMii4 ftt Bntttr A. IIINM AN Fcreat Grov Or. Not.7,,W3, a .if