;the independent. . Hillsboro, November 13, 1874. Obrexchanges will please di rect their papers to tlillaboro fo&'ttftU bate. Abotft Supporting a Newspaper. Local Ed. Independent: In this day and age of the world it is the duty of ev ery man to lend a helping hand in the support of his county newspaper. tThat 'business man does not? Who can mibsuribe and pay lor a county newspaper and not get the worth of his money in a single issue? If a friend was to write you a letter in some isolated district in the county and give you one-fourth the news that your local tpfftfcr docs, you would not only say "it is a pleasure to read a letter from John" but yon would be anxious to receive another and you womlB. value each letter the value of the subscription price of .youroounty paper. Stow tbo local editor can be looked "on OS' tmesA. "He writes to us all atfh week; tries to make lus letters interesting. He does not devote "himself to tbc place from which h o 'writes but tries to dbronicle every 9A. a a m m item oi interest tnui transpires in "tne county, and -much interesting nd saleable knowledge of incidents from all parts ctf the State and -'steed exf ithe United States. To "be msre an editor cannot please Tsrybody, for evernirtta docs not see nor think alike. Ho can only narrate facts, and impart impartial Tiews on different topics and though o som6 they may seem superfluous to others they are plaiuly expressed Tiews. If your friend writes vou a long letter and chronicles his views upon all subjects of import many of them will not coincide with yours VI At 1" . men ngnin mo euuor naf; more leitn which to contend than most any other business men. He is cursed more and praised least. If ko writes on wttcle that coincides with your views, you will say "it is bis duty to do that," bwt il th arti cle does not suit yo, yoa will speak hard of him for it. It ought to be the other way look over his faults and praise him when ho deserves it. What is the value of a country pa per? No one can value it too highly. It is the duty of every man in a county to subscribe for his home pa per, and to pay for it, subscribe for it first, and then for somo metropo litan paper. The man that does not take and read newspapers is behind the times. The intelligent man W ll subs r'.bo for, read, and value highly, newspapers. And among them the first on our list should be our county paper. We ought to pe ruse carefully the advertisements,for in them we often find something worth twice the price of the paper. We ought to try and help our paper long. Let us send all local news that may transpire in Our precinct to the editor. The Editor of our county paper Offers to send it to any one in the county, and wait a year for the pay. Who could ask a more liberal offer? Now, dear friends, let .us all sub scribe, induce oar neighbor to sub scribe, and keep the ball rolling. Profjyeriiij and long life to the Ix dbpkxdknt and its Editor is the earn est wish of Yours truly, A GRANGER. Columbia Academy, Nov. 8, 1874. We note as an item of news that will be interesting to all of our read ers, that the man who found a typo graphical error in a local paper re cently was discovered out in the ru ral districts the other day trying to get a perpendicular view of the rain bow. Wo say thisj to get even on a number of mistakes and crooked sentences swnicn appeared in our last issue. But we will now inform our readers that in editing this pa per we do not expect to distinguish ourself for fine writing. Our read ers have enough of that in books. What they need is the county news, and thisu what we intend to fur nish tbem in return for tbeir cash. T:t1 vta i . hi card in lost weeks' Oregonian calls Dolpb a monopolist. Be soft on the monopolist quesrion now eaarUflly weeing that the Watkinds family have such a good thing on &e curtains and old Bourbon. Subscribe for the Isfmetexdent. DEMOCRATIC ELECTIONS! Massachusetts elects a Democratic Governor, three Democratic, three Independent )tnfl . five Republican Congressmen. Eutler and Ayer are defeated. Pennsylvania has gono Democrat ic by 13,000 to 15,000 majority. Alabama goes 'Democratic by 15;- 000 majority. The IllinoisTicgfslature will stand; Senate 25 Republicans; 23 Demo ciats; 3 Independents. House G7 Republicans-; C4 Democrats; 22 Independents. Missouri Returns from 98 coun ties give Hardin (Dem.), for Gover nor, 125,745: Gentry (Ind.), 80,400. Florida goes Republican by a small majority. New York elects Tildcn (Dem.)for Governor by 40,000 majority. Wisconsin gives over 0,000 Repub lican majority. New Jersey elects a Democratic Governor by 17,000 majority. Michigan elects four Republican and two Democratic Congressmen and a Democratic Legislature- South Carolina has probably g one Republican. Deleware and Mississippi elects democratic Governors and Con gressional delegations. Louisiana Democrats elect uve out of six Congressmen. Confirressional delegations from Kerifrnc'ky, TeriHCs&ee, Alabama, Maryland, Texas, Arkansas and Georgia are all Democratic Minnesota goes Republican. Virginia Democrats elect six out of nine Congressmen. Rhode Island gono Republican by decreased majority. Washington Territory goesRepub. from &Jb to 000 majority. TELEGRAPH iC! Eastern States. Chicago, Nov. 5. A Washington special says the President in conver sation to-ilav admitted his chagrin at the resVilt oi the elections, and there is as good authority for the state ment by ono of his immediate asso ciates,that ho will at tho proper time indicate his preference for 13. 15. Washburno as his successor. In his Message to Congress next month he will, according to the same aiithori-1 ty, take Sttch ground against the Credit Mobilier fraud corriiptionists of the Republican party,- fts to direct attention to Washburno as ono of tho pure and incorruptible men of the party, on whose record no tar nish is to be found. New Okleaxs, Nov. 8. Tho Com mittee of Seventy yesterday tele graphed to the President, protesting tigainst the occupation of tho Ktate by Federal troops and requesting their withdrawal, In viev of tho fact that a large number of negroes voted with the Conservatives at the late election, and peace and harmo ny are restored. Foreign States. "London, Nov. 5. Tho Interna tional Congress of Catholics will soon convene in London for the purpose of reaffirming temporal and spiritual power and infallibility of the Pope. The order for the Congress comes from the Vatican. Santaxder, Nov. 4. The Carliuts commenced the bombardment of Irun this morning. Tho Carlists ore still bombarding Irun, but without much effect. It is reported that Russia will soon form ally recognize the Republican Gov ernment of Spain. Paris, Nov. 9. Carlists here deny the truth of the assertion of the Spanish Government that the seigc of Irun has been- raised, and pro ess to have information that the be seiners are cannonading the town to-night, and thatDon Carlos visited tjie outposts yesterday. A Republi can battalion has landed at Fonta rabia and a decisive action is expect ed to night. California. Emigraxt Gap, Nov. 5.- Snowinjr fast Seven inches has three hours. fallen in There is one homelv statement that will be true as kmg as men live "The foo!s are not all dead J. L. THOMAS y M1CIMIST, g QLACKStimi. A T Hay's old stand. Agricultural imple neatness and des -Cements repaired with neatness nnd patch by nn experienced workman. IHuck- . - - anu thing of nil kinds; horse-shoeing done with dtspatch.All kinds of work clone at my shop. A few cash customers wanted daily. We are always on - hand to wait on customers J. L. Til OMAS, Main t ., Hillsboro "KTOtico. LL TflOSE INDEBTED TO THE UN- dersi.qned will do him qnito a favor by call ing by the 1st of October and settling up their accounts. STEVE HARRIS. S. HUGHES. V0TABY PUBLIC AND "COLLECTOR. S EGAL FAFERS J"itAtJST, XOK JL nowledgemerils takcu. W'iil attend pumiptly p ro. to all business entrirh d to his iiiO ly oextist axd jewel 7:j: solicits The patronage of the k-Crove. 'rk warranted. Office tor Walnut and Fine Streets. n.'JO.ly B00T&SH0EH0USE, CEO. A. PEASE, rUOPRIETOr. The Largest Stock on the Coast, r. W. Corner of Jrirst and Morrison streets PORTLAND OREGON. n!2 ly WOODCOCK & GALLET, "Wholesale and Retail Dealers in GROCERIES & PROVISIONS Cor. FIRST and YAMHILL Sir ctts. Port land. Oregon C ALIFORNIA FRUITS RECEIVED direct per steamers. Cuuntry orders filled. Cash paid fcr Country Produce. niz-iy LEG AIi ADVERTISEMENTS. SHERIFFS SA A ;. VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF KXECU- idii ami order of rsuo i-.rr-t out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wiis linton County, on the 2'2d day of October 1S74. in favor of L. 1. t rover ft 1., I'oj'.rd of Seliool Commission, for the. Side of School lands, and against S-. II. K1I- ioU t-t al., mi l to me directed ur.d deliver d commanding nic to make sale of the follow- m axcrilvd tract f land to wit'. The south east quarter of the lonalion land claim of Charles un.l L titia McKav in Stations one m.l tw.lvc(I) A (V2 T. 1. N. R. 3, V situated in Washinirton County Or'on. Therefore ly virtij' of s.-iid Execution and order of sale I have Ii-vin! rjn: raid tract of land, and on SATURDAY the 5th lav of Decern 1 or 1S74 nt the hour of One o'clo k r. M. of said day in front of the Court House door in Hillsljoro County and State afore said I vills-ll the above descri1 d tract of land at Public Auction to tne hi;h st bid der therefor part in U. S. coite nhd art currency to satisfy said execution Amount- iK to !?1, tX OS together with cost and ac cruing costn. CUAS. T. tOZIEU, Slu riirof Washington CtHihtv Oqn. HillslorO, Octv 2'Jth 1S71; h:i2:v4 fihcrifTn Sale. n VIRTUK OF A WRIT OF F.XECU- JH.Pt ion nnd order of sale issued out of the Cireuit Uoiiit of the State of Oregon for Washington county on tho 22d dav ot Octo- U r, lS74in favor of II. M. R al Flff.a gainst in. .Woran Deft, for the sum of $:W..n) V. fc. coin with interest theron from the 2"th day of Jiiy,ls74 nt the rate oi ten per cent, per annum -hnd 2. attorney fee, and ?Il.oo costs and to me directed command ing me to mnke sale of the followini le scrilied tracts of land to-wit: Tlie East half of theSouth East quarter ofSectoini:$,T.2,N. .. 3, W and the south-west quarter of tho north-west quarter of flection IS. T. 2, X R 2, W, containing 120 acres, in Washington coo nty Oregon. Tnerefore by virtue of said execntiott Imd rder for tulle I have lcvietl upon said tract of land, nnd on SATURDAY, the 5th dav of D. . emln r, 1S74 t the hour of 10 oYltx-k a. m., in front of the Court lloiise door in said county if Washington. I will sell said tract of land lit public auction to highest bidder for U. S. coin in hand to satisfy said execution and accruing Costs. CHAK . T. TOZIER, Sheriff of Washington County, Oregon. Hillsboro Oct. 20th, 1874. ;12 iw4 Jli't'fHlor' Xolice. npiIE UNDERSIGNED IIAVIXO BEEN jl niiimeii in iuL- LtMimv v ijuri oi me State of Oregon for Washington county Ex ecutor of the hist will and testament of .Iohn C. Dobbins DecM all persons having claims against Haid estate are hereby ' notified to present them with the proper voucher to me at my residence one mile West of Glon coe, Washington County, Oregon within 8ix months from the date hereof. ULYSSES JACKSON. HillshoTO, Nov. ;th IS74. Notice of Administrator NOTICE IS HEREBY" GIVEN THAT the umtersignenetl has taken out let ters of Administration ctt the estate of George I. Jensm , late of Washington county' Qn., deceased. All persons having claims?1 against sunt estate are hereby noti fied to present them with the proper vouch er within nix moErthsfrom date hereofto the m?ersigned at fny- residence three miles sevth of Cornclitis JOSEnilNE BENSON. Ort.2;-W7. n31:lw NEW ADVERTISEMET&. HED DRUG STORE, . - MA1X STREET, 11ILLSB0U0. Keeps constantly on hand PA1XTS, OILS, GLASS. DRUGS JIKMCIXES and CHEMICALS ... A LARGE AS.SOETMENT OH . . . IPatont Medicines TOILET ARTICLES, so a rs, sroxoEs, peiifcmeu y fc. ifv. A'c. Also a well selected stock of CIG A US ami TOIJ ACCOS. Puro WINES ami LIQUORS, for Medicinal purposes only. Glass cut to any slza desired J'rtscrijjtbiits ran u hj counudtd atnl all medlclntH tcarranlid gtuitint C USTOMKHS WISHING AN thing in my line will find any and all arti cles usually found in first class Drug Stores, and for sale LOW for cash. HEW MARKET. 63 C O O P E II h U EA C II roi'ED EES TECTrULLY INFORM the public that they have opnud a men market on Front Street Hillsboro, where alt kinds of nicnand v getablt s kept on han (Jit v iz ii call. COOl'Ell Jc BEACH. oct22:ail J. 1. THOMAS. MAf'JUMS T d- IS LA CKSMl Til, FOR SALE. On "EJcuEjy TZToirxxxjE THE ENTIRE LOT OF MACHINERY IN THE FOEESTGEOVE FLAK ING MILLS .CONSISTIXO or.... One ten Hoi sc Power Ensine&Boiler, 1 Planrrj and Matcher, 24 inch Surface r, 1 Raw Tablo 3 Mortising Machi e, J Frce Pump. 1 Turning Lathe withToois, SO feet Shafting& PuUie, 500 feet Belting ALSO, r0,Ot)() FEKH asortc!Moiildiiic DESKV btASl), AND TAIJLE i,i:c;s NEWEL 'OSTS. STAIU UALUSTEKS. AT 25 per cent Below Customary Eats. Macliinry is now and of nnd of first cliiTu make. Will Sell IN LOTS TO MTIT, ON VEUY LII1ERAL TERM.?. Aildrcn, A. tt. JOIINSON.ForoBt GroTC. FE1EST GC10UE. IllEit I FEED ST1BM1 KKPT ET on Corner of Tine and Itirch. iflood liorscs and buggies ready at al x"J"Thorrs ft-- fiOOD SADDLE-HORSES AL- OT? ways ready. JTorscs boarded at reasonablo rates. IV Hclc connects with tbc cars nt Cor clius twice a day. jnlyIG:tf LLPETSONS JvNOWfNG Ttol fielves indebted to the uudfTRiKKcd bv notn or mcount nrc rcquesteKtV6uie nna sett the B.ime on or bfcre the 1st of OcfVl-iv W. it. BAYLOR. M. D J eep3tf 1 liKADLEV. VtAKSH & CO. MY GOOB! 1874 FALL 1874 GRAND ' OPraiG mmmm dispmyi Bradley, March &Co Have pleasure in announcing the receipt EX "JCW L. STEPHENS JAX'' Of the most Complete and Extensive Stock of . DRY GOODS Ever exhibited in this city. The atten tion of the Public is Earnestly called to thelnducements we are offering theUur chascrs tlis season wlich far exceeds our former unprecedented Attractions SILKS! SILKS! We would call especial attention to our Magnificent Stock of Silks selefctci expressly for this Season's trade. RICH BUCK GROS '-GR1LXS. Quality No. I $1 50 qualltj o. 2 ' $1 "3 quality Xo. 3 $2 00 quality Xo. 60 quality S2 ! tyiaHl) Xo. 6 $3 00 OitalitJ No. 7 S3 30 qiialilr Xo. S f 00 "Caeucmire rerfeclion" extra qualiiy $5 00 IRESS GOODS! "00 piccen Screes 25c pr yd. 300 pr Salin do Chine 0c 20 pH Heavy Empress '0e 2G0 pes Freneli MerlnoS; 75c 3-'0 pc All Wool "31 acMa- honClil' 600pes Fancy Striped lress l.'oodii.37;;c (This Line in well worth 50c.) Shawls, Skirts, Underwear, Hosiy, (lores, Haodkerehiers, t'uibrells, Trimmings, Ac, c.. Jllflnkets, Sheeting, Red Spreads, Taole Linens, Linen Napkins, Flannels, SliirtingChccks, Rngrpy Bohes A.c, Ac, Those in search of real and unusually attractive bargains will be amply re paid by an early visit N. B.-the attntion of our City Friend(T) is called to these shipments. Bradley, March & Co Wholesftle and iie(ail Dealer in DIP GOODS, GROCERIES, &d. And General Importers of AJtfftUCAN, KNCKISII . FOR. KIGT GOODSv Cash Advances on every I)eMripU6rt of PRODIUK. A-.J ITJll mm store J. B. Matthews, Proprietor. Tea gria,ii ami Ixst Trlty ot GuM Merchandise is kept in the Rue Ilivo Ktoro of any placo in tho County. This Htora has nlwnyi been noted for its roriety and ft alimyn thall bt not only notod fur tha itu of its Tsricty, but fur tho Quality of Its Goods xxd rnn CHKAPAESS OF ITS Pit It K I nell for CASH, onoqoently I hy ko losses to mako up off of good tutoiars. OXE MAXS' JIOXEY IS AS GOOD S' JIOXEY IS AS GOi) iS AXOTIIEliS I AS All will ffiro like ih jWcr, which ahAll always bo THE VERY LOWEST Uioy mm be (Tordod for 371 o jc Oaoh. s Nsr Goods sro constanlly arritinii and Xtie Goods, Good Goods, CHEAP GOODS; WILL S a L L . I will alwnyskeop nil tlxaHtandsrd Rrsnds of Good 4 nnd, by n strict integrity of pur xKe to deal nit I would bt dvult by, I unw nviteyon to inySturn, whieh I nww christen tho Bee LHIive Store. Remtmb-r tho place. J X. Csir.l p Old Stand, For"t Grovo. J. II. MATTIIOVB. Forest Grore, Or. Not. 4th 137J JjU NEW STOREUUSlCMuXCO! Ih the new building, corner of Osk ii Klin Arvnius, opposite the Cougrd gutioiinl clturch, Fornt (iiot, C)regon, A. H IN MAN has unpnckml a Inrci and woll-sclocUd stock DIIY GOOIiS, CLOTIUXG, II ATS i faxcy AiirtcrAls, ite; e ALSO Family Groceries and FrorUlons WIIOLKSALB AMD SKTAlt., II Ann WARE, CHOCK EE V r e. In fact; eTerytlifH; to bo foitnd In a flrsi cUsii Yiiriely Slcie; My Roods were selected eiprencly for IMS' market end I eh all elweyn keep op m tali AHHortmcnt rnnkiug FASHIONAULE CLOTHING a prominent feature in my etore. My Roodrf are nil Pet, my aleroom largt and lighttd, and my PIltCESLOWttn tha LOWES U To niy former eu'slonjero and all in thiK Ticinity the invitation in to 'Vojne ande." We like to show goodti whether youpurchaso' or not. Highest Marltet FrTce paid" fox Butter ' and gs A.IIINMAN.' ForcatGror Or, Not. 7, 1873' tx :ly"