Ml m j Eugene City Gaard. I L OAMrBIlt EUGENE CITY r r..pilUr. OREGON. EVENTS OF THE BAY An Ii.iar.atli. CalUrtlun ! lumi Fran the Two Hiiilhri i'rutat IB I nil. 1 liar, I KuriU. LATER NEWS. Webster Davis addressed an immense pro-Uoer audience in Washington Tha (dipper Stain mine. In Jopblnt county, Oregon, wa sold for f 0,000. Cuban nave confidence in (ieueral Come and entreat him not to leave the .land. The Kdward T. -nilth boi lac tor at New York, wan destroyed by fire; loss, :'50,000. K.s-'lovernor i'attiann. of Pennsyl vania. Is wanted for vice president un the Democratic ticket. lloer claim to have captured 11 guns at llloemfontoin waterworks, in-toad of aven, aa Unit re ported. liuilding tradesmen ludlanapoll have returned to work, their employer conceding to their demand. General in the Philippines are call ing for inorr- tro"i. 'Iffy cannot hold the relssl down with the present force. The Itoeri have aum-eded in cutting off General nrahaut two or three thouaaud troop (mm all other llritish force. The 65th anniversary ol the birth of King Leopold, of llelglum, wan appro priately celebrated throughout tha kingdom. The llritish North American and Welt Indie squadron la to I increased by one liattleahip, two cruisers and several torpedo The body ol an unknown young man wan found in the Willamette river ueal Oregon City, with his head entangled In a tlah uet. It li a case of deliberate suicide. li. 11. riteher, ianker of Oakland, Cal., committed suicide by blowing hii braini out. l'ltctii-r waa truiitee of au eaUte valued at tM0,000. lilt tniHt waa being iuveatigatud in court. The Culted State" aupreme court de cided the eaee of Grundling va. the city of Chicago, Involving the validity of the anti-cigarette ordinance of thai city. I ll" ordinance attacked aa unconstitutional. The opinion of Ju- tice Peekhain held the ordinauce not to be unconatitutioual. In his addles ut the memorial er vlcea held lu uiemory d the late Dr laao M. Wise, at Uaiiih temple, Dr. I. niil 0. Illrach maile au apMial to the Jewish people of Chicago to raise fAOO, (MX), which ia the amount yet rciulrno to lilt the debt oil the Jewiali Uuior College, In Ciuctnuiiti. Hy ao doing, Dr. Hirseh aald, the gTeat work which wai beguu by I h Wtae, and carneil forward by him under dilllculllea, could be fully accomplished. K.mily Coghlan. the act re, died al Htemford, Conn., aged Mil year. Half the village of Proctorv tile, Ohio, was by lire A (ierman aclciitUt haa invented a miiiiKiund which inelta lion iu live lloer lu NaUl are becoming active lid an engagement with lluller la tut iiiiuent. The (Ierman Hag baa lieeu lalsedover the Samoau Island ol I polu, Mmioiio, Apolima and Saru. Caiitaiu John ('oilman, the famous, advocate ( free ships and free trade, le dead at llnatou, aged Ml). The -I nine ol Maud Adams will uot I admitted to the I'aria UpOtitOB be cause it in a peraolial eihibit. At Pittsburg. Pa., a big eight ton department atom wiim dostroved by lire, causing a loaa ol over a l wo, Olio Another brother ol President Steyn, ol Orange Free State, waa captured at Karee Siding, and ia now at llloetu loiitein. The squadron o( the I'nited statot navy, recently formed in Climes water, t to have ita headiiuaitera at llotig Koug. Korty ptniple hut their Uvea at Austin. Tctas, due to au overflow ol the t ol trado river. l'roH-rty destroyed o mmU $1,000,000. i"he American I'late Mirror Com puny waa c haltered at I Inrrlsl.urg, I 'a . will a caultal ol ioO.OOO.tniO. Thia . mil. is coniuoeed of well-known plate- ulan men. antt la lisiked main aa tht iiegiuiillik' ol a ileterinined move on thf pint ol the American plate glass men to wrest the trade in tbla country foi plate mirror Irom foreign uianu facturcrt. Senator Tillman, from the com unite on in I ne and milling, repotted th hill iirmidtmr lor the utllia.itlou ol a part ol the proceeds ol the aalea ol pub lie lauila lu aupport ol achimla loi mm in: iu the nubile laud alalea. It lire vulee for the appropriation of $10,000 auuuallv lor the present in eacli cas anil tlie gradual lucrease of the amouut to I tireat Pritaiu' naval . -Minuet mount to IM.000,000. HufTalo Hill aay a 10,000 UoCtnOM fmui Salt Lake will louud a cit le Wyoming. Stauamer I'ralrle. with American el hibita lor the I'aria evpoaltlou. bar rriveil at Havre. It noau ti 400.000 a vear to main tain the kU royal palacea of Kmperoi William Ihioucliout tne i.eimar empire. Dr. W. I). MoKim. ol New York, (afora killiug of ninlirined crlminalt idkote and Imbecile to Improve aoclety Tht iteel tteamer Orlando M. I'ot for Um Kotkefeller Heel wa launches ,.t ih,. tilola- vanla lu t 'levelatid, O. It U 4tfU feet long and Will carry tf.lHK ton of iron ore uet. J. (J. Schurman. recently ol tht ii.iiiimiii,. 1 1 . 1 1 Ha.i mi. aavt the plan of Uta government (or the Filipiuot rv.aimiiieiuled to the iirealdeiit and ao- cepted by him wa ubatantiallv that davlaed by Pedro A. I'atemo, formerl I Aguiualdo'" prim miuuttaW. Bloemfouteiu is badly lu need ut atar. Robert and Bnller will dvnce imuluneooily. The toUl Britiab loutt in the Uoer war are now l!3,00O. A Teia town in the Hiaaled dittrict waa destroyed by a tornado. I IllHMIM teatlng the Columbia river near Antoria found but few Chi DOOftli The I'uertn Klcan bill, aa amended by the aenate, paed the houae by vote of 1U8 to 168. Admiral Dewey denlet the atory of hi withdrawal a candidate for presi dential nomination. H. 0. Krlck will diapoae of all hi holding, something like f lu.UOO.UOO, iu the Carnegie Company. An interniitenal naval demontiation will warn take pah a at Taku Cin, the gulf of l'e Chi Li. Chin. During a light with riotou lalairera In New York, one Italian atnker waa killed and several wounded. At the lieorglH Populist convention, SeuaUir Marion Hutler, of North Caro lina, wa denounced at the "chief of all tialtora." treorge W. Hull, an Arizona million aire, waa arreated iu New York on it charue of perjury iu a divorce caae against hi wile. Competent authorltie estimate that the wastage of horaea monthly by the llritish force in South Africa, must be calculated at not lea than ft, 000. B. C. llergin, an aaaayer in the Uni ted State mint at San Kranciaco, ha been arrested (or steallnir small amount ol gold daily for month past. Capitaliatanf llerlin, tbroogb a Chi cago Urn, have made an offer to pur chase the Kerri wheel. The wheel which weigh 1,100 ton, will be ship ped to llerlin. in Han Fianclaco, 600 pound of plug-cut tolatcco have been seized in various local store by internal leveliue agenta, Uicauae the package were m Hiifliciuntly atamed. Ilurular in Chicago stole diamond, jewelry and silverware valued at $40,- 000 from the home of Orrin w . I'ottei, the multi-millionaire and ex-presi- ilent ol the Illinois Steel Company. The period ol time allowed Spanish reidetit iu the Philippines to elect betber thev ah. ill remain SiHtniali aub- jeols or adopt the nationality of the tei ritoiy in which they rvtideba expired. The navy cannot get euough sailors. be open on VICTORIOUS BOERS British Defeated at the Hands of General Dewet. neRT R0ETH Of BL0KMK0STKIN K ,ii. .1 and WiMiiuleil Nurntiar AOO; Cap lured VOO Hr l.oaa tfal Trintna. Pari expoiitiou will Sunday. rati The llairue iaacn treaties Wele lied by President McKiuley. Commoilore William K. Mayo, died at his home iu Washington, aged 76 years. I icneral Lee ha la-en apailuted command the new deiartment Havana aud Pinurd de Kio. Nicaragua has luuded trtaip Columbian tenlt:,ry. The uature the movement 1 not underatiaHl. A i l-vear-olil child wna scalded death bv falliuif into u tub of hot miter and lye, near Ashland, Or. Indians Htlemiited to rescue the murderers of Mr. and Mr. Ilert HortOB, but were driven oil by Skagway troops. Tim 1'iiiied states LMivcriimclit denies the rcairt that it has joined with other powers ill threatening to laud troop iu China. A vote on the resolution relative to the seating of M. S. tuay aa senator from Pennsylvania, will lie takeu ou April :'4. Thomas 11. Tongue was renominated lor congressman fioin the Second dis trict ou the tlrst ballot at Mu.Mluu vllle, Or. Texas aud l.ouslaua, to guard against bulauiic nlanue. mav establish a ouar- antitie agaiiiHt Chiuaineu coming from t aliforuia. Au Inventor of thorite has announced hi wtUtagMM to sell the goieriiineiit the right to uiauufacturv the explosive for $160,000. The ltritlh bark Iranian, which ailed from New York, NovttnbW Mi for Yokohama, has Uh'U wrecked ou the Jajumese coast. The ltulldiiig 'Irade Asaembly, of Houston, Texas, ha ordered a general strike iu sympathy with the carpenters, causing 1,500 men to walk out. Two negro murderers were executed at sumiiierville, Texas. When sen tenced Isnh asked for a deck of oatds, and declined the offer ol a Bible. A minister of Italian!. Cal., near Santa llartiara, committed suicide by blowing the top ol bla head off with u sbolguu. Teuiairary tusauity va the cause. Former Coiik:reniau Charlea A. low iic of Dulmth, Minn, has an noun, ed himiadf a a caildldate for the vlce-prerddcntial nomination on the DwDotantta ticket. The ivutract for carrying the Aus tralian and Knglltah clorcd mail across the Pacltic ha katMB awardixl by the l'utte.1 State gOVtHUMBfJ to the OcWuate steamship Compauy (or 10 eait at a rate of ti per mile. At a meeting ol the IV Peers com pany Cecil Khodea said auuual profits ol diamond mine iu KlniN rley' are 110,000,000. Public seutlmelit in Fug land iuiists uiH'ii absolute suprvniacy of tireat Brit ain in the Ho. r state alter the war t end. A private cablegram from Port ol Spain, Ncncsuela, sayt the Uritiah con sul at Fail Mar. uamed l.ious. ha been assMsslliatel. The -iis rinicndent of lndiau edu. . tion suggests that attendance be made compulsory. Sir William Van Home aud the l ank of Montreal are planuiug to buy up the OnbU railroad. The government o! New .ealaud pro vide work for all appltcaut at the rate of two dollar a day. hrii A. D Shaw, national .oin mander of the ft. A. K., anuouiuv lilmieK a a candidate (or congress to succeed the late Charlea A. t'hicktjriug Irom the Tweuly-lourlh coiigreMiouai dutncl o( New York, London, April IS, A dispatch to the Daily Mall from F.raudfort dated suudav, says: "Yeaterdav General Dewet inflicted tin- third defeat on the llritish within j a week at Merkutsfontein, killing and irutUMlBfl tOO, He captured 000 with1 II waj(oiis, losing livelioers killed and SIM wounded." The liaily Mail pnblishe the follow ing, dated April 10 fnim Loureuco Manpiee: "The Netherland Hallway Company l,,f, (,, have received a telegram rep. rung a lloer victory near Kroon stad. the loer capturing 000 Uritiah." Commenting upon this, the Daily Mail remark: "Ultra il a tain about five and one-half mile southeast of Knsiuatad, hut if tin- re port bt true, this can hardly bt the place." The Daily News ha tit following from Pretoiia, dated Monday, by way ol Delagoa bay: 'It i ollicially announced that a battle has been fought south of Hraud- ford, in which tluo llritish troop were killed and wounded and hOO taken prlaonafta l.rd Huberts I declared to be mul ing great difficulty, owing to the scar city ol wuter." BOYS' PRO-BOER RALLY. Mraaagf. nt Urrrl In Carried lay a llialrlrl Mraaeliaer In I ranoaal I'rvaldmil. Philadelphia, April 13. One ol the greatest demonstrations of sympathy, both iu the numlsir of participant aud in enthusiasm displayed, ever shown, in this city for any foreign nation took place tonight, when the Academy of Music wa jammed with people for the purpose ol taking part iu the Philadel phia schiad bojra' pro-Boar rally. The primary object of the gathering was to send a message of greeting to President Kruger, signed by 18,000 pupils of the school ol thi city. So great was Iba crush, mottly ol tbe younger geneni tion, that many thousands were unable to get m ar the door, and the mass of struggling people wa entertained by Utc while the meeting inside was iu progress. After the speech making wa over, James F. Smith, a 14-year-old me aeuger laiy, wa called to the stage by mean of the regulation call Imix, aud wa given the inc--ac signed by the school boys, with instruction to pio ceed to Pretoria and to hand it pcr-oii-ally to President Kruger. Tuesday the messenger will sail on the steamship St. Isiuis, and before the vessel reaches Southampton he will be taken off by a French tender aud landed at Havre, France, ill order to avoid BugUah terri tory. The message to President Kruger 1 as follows: "We, the undersigned students ol the public school ol Philadelphia, the city w here our own forefather enlisted ill their splendid ami successful strug gle against F.uglish oppression, desire to express to you and to the lighting n ol the South African republic their gn at admiration lor the galnM and courage that ha checked l-.ugllsh invasion of the Transvaal, and the un dersigned extend their most earnest w ishes that in the end the South Afri can republic will triumph over England ill a war in which the lloer cause is noble, the llritish cause unjust." Delegations of school laiy (roui New York and boston attended the incetiug. Miiuck lionii With a ( lull, Chicago, April II, A nonunion plas terer, working iu the basement of the Marshall Field building, Clark and Adams streets, was assaulted and ser iously injured by a union picket to day. Nearly -00 uniou men were dis charged by the contractors on this building yesterday ami their place tilled by nonunion men. Today, a union pi. ket gained entrance to the building by eluding Iba polioa, and af ter knocking the nonunion plasterer down with a club, aaoapad. The in jured man wa anoonaoioni when found, and hi skull may bo fractured. The 4'J union ineu employed in the building st i ii. k. this afternoon. AHiaaa Ullllaaatn Arrested. New York, April II, GaOfga W. Hull, ol Arizona, who is said to !. a millionaire and ex-speaker of the An touia legislature, was arrested ill this cit v today at the reiiuest ol the attoi OBJ general ol Khod Island. Accord ing to statements made in the police court when he was arraigned, lie is wanted in Khod Island to answer to a charge of HTjurv, all-'ged to have I ecu committed bv bun m Suit btrotighl be fore the appallata division ol tha an- pmat court ol thai state for divorce (nun Ins Wife, Hull was remanded without bail. The Civck Indians are leaving Indian territory and moving to Iowa, Minne sota and the Dakotas. SITUATION IN PUERTO RICO. I. ita.ul..H"l " ils a .... o - Lattauluf Ponca, Puerto Rico, April 14. Atno time sine tbe hurricane of August 0 last, haa tbe condition of tha poor of Puerto Kloo been a bad a It i todav. About aft par cent of the Island may be placed in tha peon class, which is made up ol a mixture of all race. In the other 6 per cent are included the well-to-do, educated people, such aa mer chants, planters and professional men and tctr families. This batter class is able to pas through uch times as sre now prevail ing without actual 4ivical u(Teriug, but their business affairs are at a stand still, ami have been lor a lonii time, aud thi deprives the majority of the Urge laboring claa- ol a men of live lihood. Thi large lasly of laboring paopia furnihes tha very cheap aud .ft.-, tive labor which I needed lor agriculture and other work, but at all times they have bu n iu an under fed and iiorly nourished ooadittOli Their hardships have been greatly added to by the s. r it y of fruit since the hurricane, and it it conseoueutly increased in price. alt liah, rice and beans have been iinja rted free of duty since the hurricane, but little of the benefit derived from tins ha gone to paooa, and now, whan there is a pros jiect of 15 per cent of the Diugley tariff beiug placed on these articles, the price has been greatly advanced. Merchants hesitate to imia.rt lugre stocks because ol the prospect of free trade, and tb-i present scarcity of fruit is also a cau-e for the advance in prices. Hice has gone up Irom 6 to 0 OMttVOt a poond to 8 and 0, beaus from 6 to IS, and, at one time, a few days ago, to 15 Cent- a. os pound, while salt lish has ad vanced from i! to about 10 cental.-. No one who understands the situa tion hen-will deny that much of the former good feeling between Puerto Hiean and American ha been loit. Hesldea, Americans are fewer in num ber iu Puerto Hico teday than at any time since shortly after the trsips tlrst landed, and thote dertiug have left a long list ol defunct companies, liank rupt business, wrecked schemes and anxious creditor, who, in some caws, hold choice collections of worthless notes and checks. Not only are Amer i. alls leav nig the island, but large num bers of Puerto Kicaus have gone to v... i, .in. lu to Miuhi Domiuico and to Cuba. Three days ago more than 300 natives sailed lor Cuba to obtain em ployment there, aud at least 1.000 Mtiiad Irom tbia port a teat during the last three months. Much livestock is also ladlivt shi pad to Cuba. The gleatest loss to Puert. Ri00 In this raapaot is in the large .ar goes ol magnificent cattle, which it w ill take years to replace. AGAINST THE CANAL. Mala llerllar to Conalder llir Nica ragua, inn. Washington, April 14. An effort was made In the senate today by Mor gnu (Dem. Ala.) to displace the pre-eiit untliiishe.1 business, the Spisiuer Phil ippine bill, by the substitution in its stead of the Nicaragua canal bill. While Morgan's motiou failed, b to HI!, the Philippine measure had a nar row MOtpi from laiiug displaced by the Alaskan civil code bill, ou motiou of Carter (I ep. Mont.), the motiou Wing defeated m a roll call, to 24. The feature c the day's proceedings was an exhaustive discussion of the (auay case by llunows (Hep. Mich. ). aland llruuallnrlra. Washington April 14 The house todai-, after a spirited debate, adopted the resolution reported from the insular all irs committee to authorise the sec retary of the treasury to designate de Nototiai in Puerto Hico, Cutw and the I'hilippiues lor the dajMail of govern maul funds. Hy the terms ol the reso lution, it applies to Cuba only so long i the island shall la) occupied by the I'nited States. Au amendment to In clude the Philippines in tins provision as to Cuba, offered, as was stated, to emphasize the desire of the opisition not v retniu the islands, was defeated by a partv vote. A senate bill which will permit the dependent mothers ol soldier or sailor ol the Spanish war, even though thev married Confederate soldiers, to receive the Iwuelit ol the general la'iisiou law, was passed. The remainder ol the day was de voted to debate upon a resolution from tl ointuittee on the election of presi dent, vice-president ami representatives in on less for a constitutional amend ment empowering the legislatures of states to decide whether the United States senators shall Is. elected by the legislature or directly bv the people. A snlistitute resolution was offered by the minority of the committee, which differed from the majority reso lutions in giving the states no option, but crowding that in all states the peo ple should vote directly lor Vuitcd Mates senators. ARE ORDERED OUT Telegraphers of Two South, ern Railways Strike. ntOUBLIOOMMIVCID LAW 'AM II Gr.a. Out f lb" K..ul r OB. Iali of llir timipauUa lu ou aldar (irlauct. Atlanta. On., April I4.-The threat suing trouble of the telegrapher and other station employes of the Southern railway and Alabama reat .-. uth.-rn an. i I u'ur u, h li'h has been pending for several months, cam- to a hea l here r,.j,rWut the province ...i i i. I', well, of the v, ,i,,,i Kiaii.'-i. Hunan J . , H..J .. ,., i.....i .ml k watitf- '.lo.'i -ooKieu, tug, with au aggregate population ol CHINESE PallQN -0.rful Vlr.rer. I'"'"1 U ,h uratt Dowager. Shanghai, April 16.-A full account aa. been received here of the meeting JD March 5 at Peking btwen tb n , res. dowager and th. grand oounclF rotett were read (rom tha vlcerojs ,ud governor, of nine of tha la prov ,uc. against the policy of the empress lowager. These official, are the great--at provincial authorities in China. Ihev declared unitedly that, if the em pre' dowager persUte In persecuting the reformers and continuing her .eigu A terror policy, the Chinese under (ham will rebel against the Manohu. The vi. en.v at Nanking say. he has 40 000 Huuauese troops who are aux ll)Ua to tight the Mauchus. and he fears ne canuot control them. The vice- . .. 1 i al.i. ruM.urliih e st. U rovs WHO Ulll" aal , ol M.iig--, Htanan. Che- DMd tNlnat Clark. Washington, April 11. The senate committee on privilege and election today daoaidad by a ananimoM vote tc recommend an option resolution de- olart&f that lion, w. A. Clark, ol Moa- tana, it nut eutitle.1 to MM hi sea as senator from Montana Hie do is lou was na. hcd alter a two hour' Mt ting, at which all members ol the com aittaa were praMOl except one. Tb 1 ilranniea arai Battatnf Oaflfary, and ha wired hit votain oppoaitfOn loOlait. n at at la trati1 a Mill. Oolombla City, Ind., April UV Tbe Boar mill of K. luttle A- Comiainy was wn tad iv aaevploaion today, Henry Ion. hreman. aud Ok C. Young, teauitter, were kille.1. Several other wet.- pMiufully injurevl. The mill wa not niiiiiiug at the time, and i be lieved uatural gas caused the eiploaion. Walla Walla's uew city directory show i I, Ml uidiv idual name of resi dents of the city aud an enure popula tion of l,0ti 1 Ins bos doubled population during 10 years, aud over 1,000 .luring the last two vear. Order ol Haiiway Telegraphers, on the telegraphers to ijuit work. The trouble commenced lust fall, when the telegraphers of each division appointed a committee to go before the division superinten ItBt all I a-k a set tlement of certain grievance. Hear ings, they say. were relumrd them, and au appeal was made f m-ral Super intendent Harrett, at WaahlBg B, and later to Vlce-I're-ident and QtMfaJ Manager Cannon. The officer- ol the order state that no satisfaction wa re ceived from these officers, and the grievances were finally takeu to Presi dent BparaT, whose secretary said the president was ti ill to consider tbe matter at this time. President Powell say the commit teemen selected to r.-pre-ent the men have been dismissed to the number of more than 20, and that dozens of mem bcis of the tinier of way Telegraph er have been dischamed because of their inember-hip. He says the last eoiuinuni. ati..u to the official, ol the c n.p.iny contained an offer to arbitrate the differences. Itailroad official say the strike ha caused them no incon venience and has not interfered with traffic. In a statement which 1'iosi dent Powell ha issued he says: "The strike was inaugurated for the following purjawes: "To secure a reinstatement of its members who were discharged by the Southern railway; for the right to be heard through committees in the ad justment ol individual grievances; lor a set of rules aud rates of pay to gov ern train dispatchers, telegraphers, agent aud other station employes in their employment, discipline, etc.; 11 couaecutive hour' work per day, where oue or two telegraphers are employed, including one hour (or dinner; 10 con ecutive hours, including meal now, iu all relay dispatchers' oilices aud office where more thuu two dispatchers are employed; eight consecutive hour lor train dispatchers; iay for overtime; tc abolish the practice of compelling ageuts to load cotton and the perfonu auce of other manual labor; a minimum wage scale of $45 and $.".0 per month for operator and $llo for diat. bui) fair aud equitable rules regarding pro motion." FIGHTING IN NATAL. lloer Attarkt on the Hrlllah l.ina. Stubbornly KrtltleU. London, April 14. A spe ml dis patch from bland 's I.aagte, dated yes terday, ays: "Pightiug was renewed beyond Hand's Laagte thia afternoon. The liners steadily advauced Usin the llrit ish positions. There was a coutiuuou. ritle Are au.l the Botu big gnu were iu action. The llritish replied effec tively, aud alter two hours' lighting the Poor were checked." Kland's Laagte and Wepener still monopolize attention. At Isith places a aerie ol indecisive actions are oc curring. The Hist report ol the light ing April 10 at Klaud's Laagte avert that the advance on the Itritixh camp waa made with the lost of onlv three mule and two horses, while the ltrit- th lossefl sa the same reisirt. must I have been heavv. The bomburdmeut lasted all day. Nothing has been learned regarding the rumor of Colonel Uudeii-PoweU't death, nor is there an thing tending to show how long the general advance to ward Pretoria will bt delayed, lu the absence of exciting developments, pub lic inteiest centers more uiiu the per sonality of the new commanders, and in the supi-.-ttioii as to who the next, general will be to be scut home. The announcement of the reocciipa Hon of Stiiithlleld by the burghers, just received, is no news, as the small llrit ish force at that place withdrew thence after tbe lleddersburg affair. It now appears that i Icneral llrabaut himself is at Aliwal North, aud that Duly a portion of bis column is at Wepener. BY POPl'Uk Vim House Favors a Change in Mode of Electing Senator,. CONSTITUTIONAL AMKNbjJE,. Batolulloa to Thai a Vula ul -40 effect At luSIS k. t la-T.ll ' Tactics Damouneat, WaffS Train Wrecked, Redding, Cal., April 14. In the wreck of a Southern Piioitic work train. tive mile baton Cottonwood, tonight, three railroad employes were killed and three injured, two probably totally, The work train waa backing (rum Hooker to ( 'ottouwood, aud the caboose, followed b tive flat cars, left the tra. k. Tha Oars rolled over the calaswe, crush ing it into the ground aud killing three of its tive occupants. British Reverea at Aahantrr. c. ri. tpril 1 11. Cncorroborated re jsTts are in circulation hero and at Cape Cast CAttl that the governor ol Kumasai i in the enemy's hands Tbe gicatcst fear it felt for Ca i oast castle, if i reverse has been sustained, and it the Isabel lioO conlinues. It is und. rstiMil that Sierra lon has asked (or a guulvat but the troops then- an not In tuffl. icut uuiuber to leave the colony. The IUII s,.rd. llclli'font, 1'., April 14. Three men were killed tmlav on the Pelleiont A' Etnowahoa railtMad, three miles east ol Bnowahoa, Hie rails spread umler an engine. I fa engine aud a doseu car were thrown over au eiulnkiueut . The dead a e Harry retnplc, lireinan; Calv iu Temple, 1 r.ikeiuau; Al lleainer. hoatler. won, in near New York raise sn '. s. ..- 1,I00 worth ol goldfish auuuallv. Niuety ier cent of American women immi lest than foil a year for cloUing. l.eit to Qepr ITalaa, New York, April 14. When John llolstead, a well-known tea merchant, died last May, he bequeathed sum of money to numerous public institutions, and the residue of the estate to Cooer Union, It wa nppoaad that this resi due would amount to 2,i,000. An in ventory of the estate, however, showt that Cooper Union will receive 300, 000. Money-drder Syatein for Nome. Washington, April 14. The it 001 0 department has Hrranged to pro vide a tirst-clas money order svt,;;, (or Cape Nome, Alaska. Japanese ltefuaed a Landing. San Francisco, April 14. Thirty , three o( the LM9 Javanese steerage vas seugers who arrived ou the steamei Itelgiau Kiug. a few davs ago, have j beeu refused a landing by the imrnigra tion ollicials, but have appealed to the j secretary of the treasury, and pcuding ! a replv from Washington, will le held here. The principal reason j,,r their rejection by the officials is the dis. . v ery of evidence that the .laiiauese onnu here as contract lalsirvrs. n. o'11 w.o.- D)wal, Loudon. April 14. As the result l the wreck of a fishing boat on North Cornish coast this ntomiag, three fisliertuen and eight lyeUiatmen were drowued. Tm lifelsiat weut to the rescue of the fishermen, and wa upset attempting to save their live. Columbus, Tex., April 14 The bit Southern Pacitic bridge at thi place wa swept away by the tl.nd last niht. The lose 1 about 100,000, All wairon bridge are gone, and the only outlet i by i ail to the weal. No live were loot. The river ha fallen IS inches 1 HO. 000,000. I ntil this protest had been made, the dowager empress had been having thing qnila bar own way. Though ., hasd.-l-te l from her purpose to set uii a uew emperor, yet her wrath to wards those who opposed her has shown DO sbntomtnt. It 1 unbounded. Kin l.leli-Shall ha been captured ill the Porttig colonv of Macao, of the south China coast, by Li Hung ('Bang's Ictective. Mr. Kin lied from Shang hai lat month. He is the manager of the national svstem ol telegraphs in China, aud headed the petition signed bv 1 200 notables against setting up a new emperor. Probably he will be de.apitated. An Knglish law linn here has been retained to defend him. The government has trumped up charges of defalcation against Mr. Kin, who is really a very able and euiignt- eued man. Ou March 1 instructions were wiren -loin I'ekiug to Soo Chow, capital ol Kiang-BO, to arrest and put to death the reformer Weug TTug-llo and Shen Pong. These men had been in very inisirtant poiitious in Peking, but were easily captured in Soo Chow. The ohial reformer, bang Yu Wei, haf M. .I to Singaisire. The empress dow ager ha offered 100.000 for his body, dead or alive. It is said that there is an official list, prepared by the Peking govern ment, of the names of 300 reformers who are proscribed. A special list ol over 3.1 names exist of those who are to be killed as soon as they arc cap tured. BUILDING COLLAPSED. Three i'rrannt Killed and Number In jured In a I'ltlahurc Accident. Pittsburg, April 14. Without warn ing aud with a rush and a roar, tin four-story brick bull ling at tbe cornel of Second avenue and Wood street col lapsed today, burying in its ruins a number of people, three of whom were taken out dead, live were badly hurt, and several others slightly injured. The building was occupied by tht Armstrong, McKelvy Lead & Oil Com pany. It was being remodeled by Con tractors Mctiovein aud Lyte, who were converting the lower floor of the cornel store and that next door into one larg( lOOtn. About 48 feet of the middU partition had been removed, and -tee girders, supported by heavy iron posts, w ere iu place, and the finishing touchet were beiug put mi the remodeled work. The firm this moruiug began the trans fer of its stock (nun oue room to tin other, an.! apparently centralized thi heavy weight of the leads and oils about the middle of the structure. The col lapse began by the second floor break ing through, carrying with it the tw floors above, making a breach from tor. to bottom through the center of tht building. The fact that the rear portion of thi building on Second avenue did not col lapse saved many lives. It was in that part of the building that the offlcei were located, in which there were about 10 persons. Those who were in the. rear portion of the building heard tht crash aud ran out of the aide dixir intc Secon i avenue and escaped. The lose ol the Brm will be about $40,000. Msshona tn More Trouble. Cape Town, April 16. The admiral in charge ol the llritish fleet in them waters has refused to permit the llrit ish Btean it Mashona, i 'aptain John ston, to proceed beyond Durban. The agents of the vessel annonuce that tht cargo destined for Delagoa bay will bt landed at Durban. The llritish gunboat Partridge on December R captured the steamer Ma shona, which had sailed from New York, November 3. via St. Vincent, Kovambar tl, for Algoa bay, loaded with flour for the Transvaal. ' The ves sel and the foodstuffs were subsequently released on bond aud the prize court or March 19 rendered a vat diet that portion of the cargo was condemned, but that the steamer was forniallv released. Washington, April lfl Tbe j today, by a vote of 840 to 15. tw! a resolution lor a constitutional VTT meut providing fur the election f 5? tod (state senator bj direct roai a(? ...... ..1. v....un o 1.1, "a IOUav. aaoiauillienin a0j Democrat voted against it. v ,T terms ol the resolution, the aimsia, submitted to the legUlatnr. low: "The souate ol the Tinted fiuta hall be composed of two senator f each state, who shall I elected U 4 root vota ol tbe people thereof . term of six years, and -a. !, nan nave one voie. a plurality (,( the vote cast for candidates d,r tor shall be sufficient to el.-, t. electors in each state shall luvetja qualifications requisite for slaotoag the most numerous branch of the tut legislatures, respectively. "When a vacancy happens v resignation or otherwise, in th,. n - ion of any state in the teatt the same shall be tilled for the nan pired term thereof in the same mttaui a I provided for the election uf tag, tors in paragraph 1; provide.), that thi executive thereof may make trapotSN appointment until the next general or special election, in accordance with the statutes or coustitutiou ul lack state." The remainder ol the day wus devoted to the consideration of private rQ. sion bill. During the course of th debate there were several sharp attarb usm Talbert, of South Cumliua, (ur hit course iu delaying action. BOEHS HEADED OFF. Lord ' -s Klola In India. Bombay, April 14. Plauue nave takeu place at Cownpore rioti whan Itoberlt I'hrckt Their Foraul Movement. London, April 10. Tho fnrwirf movement of the Roers is checked, r. Lord Roberta. This is taken to tneu uot by lighting, but by disposition to head off their advance and bar tbeir way to vulnerable points iu the line of llritish coinmunicatioiiH His dispatch to the war office follow -: "Uloemfoutein, April 14. The en emy's movements south have beta checked. Wepener is still mil llfllni. but the little garrison is holding out well. Troop are being moved to their assistance. The health o( the troopi u good, and the climate perfection." The Poor in Natal appear iucspsbli of developing au aggiesNive movement at Klaud's Laagte. Lord McthueD ii at Zwiirtkopfoutein, V miles east of Iloshof, and is sending small, swift columns through tho adjacent cuiinrtj. l id Chesham, commanding one of these, encountered a small cotuinaiido aobut 10 miles southeast of Zwartkop fonteln. He found most of the (situ occupied by women and children only. An editorial note iu the Daily Mill avers that Mafekiug 1 in a very tad way, and that the hope of telief ii far off, as no force is advancing from tbe south. The Uoer peace envoys have docu ments the Koine correspondent of the Daily New says showing that uryrnt advices to the Transvaal to wage war were originally made by Herman;-. This correspondent also asserts tlut Count von Hulow, the (ieramn foreign minister, who was said to have font ou a visit to a sick brother, reallv went to Milan for the express purpose of coa ferring with the delegates. J, A. Porter Ketlajnt, Washington, April 16. Ownaj to the continued ill health of John Addi son Porter, secretary to the president, he has tendered hiB resignation, and the president has accepted it, to wkt effect May 1 next, tleorge B, Oorstl' you, of New York, the present assistant secretary to the president, has been appointed to succeed hint. Mr. Cortel you was born iu New York city, July :, iMi'.'. His grandfather. 1'etiT inr telyou, for 40 years a member ol the tvpe-foundiug firm of (ieorge Hruce 4 Co., and his father, Peter l orti lvvn. Jr., were prominent figures 111 Ne York business and social circles a gen eration ago. Wa Not a liner Leader. Pretoria, April IB. United States Consul Hay, iu an interview , says th report that Captain Raiohmann, tl" United State military attache, partio' pated in the fight near Sauna's Pott i' absolutely false. Captain Reichm! it is said, was occupied most ol ths time attending upon the wounded Dutch military attache, Lieutenant Mix, who has since died. CoMttl Hay has no dmibt that Raiohmann has American uw the seere,. ii,,n .,nnk.. 1 , been cou fused with the s--s . .j i-,-u uesirov en , ,. c,t. ar- and 10 persons have been killed. i'n, , tenant Loosberg, of the Froa .tan ar rioters kil ed tive constables and threw 'Hi7. who took a very active in their bodies into the burning cmn 1 lne n8ht cum 1. Order is now restored, but all businesi is napenaea ana the populace is ui- Chicago. April 16.-The IIU r.,.., .(..... 1 ...,,,iuaiii atltamMt It'll. ItK.IS 111. VII llllt,i..ra am I. I... , . ...,.. ..... rlwt 1 ltT ,. ." , " -,v !""- lllg nisi Ulglll. IOOK Hie Sim. inig the , ity. guarding the mills and ' .1 m k.. o aailva aaaaflalntl of I'l'1 i1" ...'..,., au vajaaaj . v. . .. . fa. t iries. Chicago Tailors Will right. Chicago, April 16. A secret meet ing Ol the Merchant Tailors .V Drapers' r.cnauge was Held last night. When tevenue tax. Vanderblll Inheritance Tin New York, April 14. The apifUsM division of the supreme court ladaj i,.,,,,i...i .!,,,. ., ,i....wioi, iii the matter the meeting broke nplt was announced f ,he appraisal ol the estate ol the 1st that the menilier. ol the exchange wen William K. V.uderbilt. An rder ol deolaring " w etsx offama ao receding in any particnlai from the stand taken in the tight with tha lourneyinen Tailors' Union in theii demand (or the back shop syttem. The tire of geuiu is frequently ex tinguished by having cold water poured uu It. Chicago Daily News. to Death. .1!?romo' April 16,-Henrv llliam. the burglar who hot anil killed J. K. Varcoe, a sterekeeper, on November a. will be etecuted here to day He was engaged in bnrglarizing Mr. Varooa'l store when he committed the murder. He i. a young man nd on that account some svmpathv wai worked up in hit behalf, but there wai nothing calling upon the government tc interfere in th caw. The czarina ha taken np the type writer and ownt a machin. Surrogate Fitzgerald, ..:.. i Uui ,k.. aim iuuii -uojei i w kuv law was affirmed. This was a fOM" 15,000,000 held in trust for the N'n Df the late Cornelius Vanderbilt. One pound ol cork will man ol ordinary size in the watnt- Itamaga for m.-a. i. r Proatlt Denvnr rTil 1 A A special to News from Colorado Bpringl V..11,.. Il. ,. 1... ...... .nr.. stroutf the Ciinnle Creek nilU'"U'p' taltM ... noun ili)0 damages breach of promle, was tin- e venial lien a verdict for 150,000. ths says: m r Tti Texa i-. Houston, Tezaa, April 1--Th', )rdo river flood ha now Wharton, and half the U-wn it uoaw water. So far there ha 1 Mualty, a negro refuge w" lrownad in trying ao reach le W0,