The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 21, 1900, Image 7

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. ..f lj.jji.rii l,m-n In
'or it.
and yon lun
Out hi. Oliver
I way v-i extra
Ksmbli-r HI. yeles, 40 hi.. I J,,
Umk, Ml nd 0 0 Malice.
PlMM jr. garden tools at ln-1 aaat'l
prices, at K L CbftuitHTK.
We lo all kinds of biuyeW retiring
ami i"irni,,- b our work.
CC Matlock.
M . B Hmltli, BntltfMl, Mich . ay
"DcWItt'aLloiK Karly Kisers are Ui
very bent pill- I have ever used for coa
tiveneaa, liver and bowel troubles."
Vincent A Co., t'uruer Drug dlore.
The new pipe organ lor tbe M E
nborail la being placed Id poaitloD. F.
hnkl, tbrough wlioae agency It
wan pur . based, haa five or six men
employed to aaelat In setting It up.
Experience la the i . -t teacher, fjw
Acker's English Itemed v m any cane
of coughs, colds or crnun. Hbould It
fall to give Immediate relief mouev re-
1.1 HG
Will I!.- Held III fin
Saturday April 28
A um-' RMttinn will U- held at the rt house lu Kugene, Oregon, Satur
day, April - at UM ..clock lu the niter in on for the purpose of considering
matte's relaiive to the establishment of a -nor I facloiy at this place. The
nUenilsnce of farmers and business men alike is essential to the success of the
uuilertakliig, and is earnestly requested.
This factory nieaus more to this section of the Willamette valley than any
other enterprise wlilch has come to u with a proposition for location, on
account of Its masnhuile. and on account of the large uuiutier of men it will
26 eta and 60 cis. Koraale bv I furnish employment for, directly and indirectly. The success of tin- meeting
kjrQun vVorks pays the highest
B,iey. jr, l now a proressor in
Mt-.k . .. i-r.
Ird cages.
hvben I "U "ant your eye correctly
I a tm ...... In f MU u
hat to a pair oi pasw
ond hand buggies to
W L D. Lano. and the enihu-lasui iiisnilesfed at thl time will be an Index to what uny be
expected f..r future wrk. Let every one who can attend. Hie raising of beets
'I used Kodol Dyspepsia f'ure Inniv 'affords remunerative . innlovmeiit and will prove a steady Income to the
or po-ts. hi t L Chambers'.
fTou mt up-to-date bicycle 0D-
can w
wksvoiir furs to Ihe Barker (iuu
..... ih hlchpsi tirh-e for
lorn"" a"" "
TbeCre-' cnt bicycle la tbe strongest
tWl bull', r U Dtm Dan nas inein
f25D(l 18ft.
u .,. i -zjm acres exueueuv nrai
laDUx. impure
Uoburgi or.
of John Van
family with wonderful results. It
gives immediate relle.', is pleasant to
take and is truly the dyspeptic'- l.-i
frieud," says E Hartgeilnk, Overisel,
Mich. Digests what ynu eat. Cannot
fall to cure. Vincent A Co., I orner
Drug tore.
"Cyclone" Davis, the famous IVxhs
orator, will speak lu Eugene Saturday,
April 21, at 130 o'clock. He is mak
ing a tour of the state and i drawing
large crowds. He is an eloquent ami
forcible speaker, and will deliver an
address that la well worth hearing.
Let everybody come. Court house,
Saturday, April 21, at 1:30 o'clock.
Rev. W. E. Bltaer, W.Caton, N. Y
writes, "I had dyspepsia over twenty
years, and tried doctors and medicines
without benefit. 1 was persuaded to
use Kodol Dyspepsia (Cure aud it help
ed me from the start. I believe it ti be
a pmacea for all forms of iDdigestioD."
It digests what you eat. Vincent 4
Co., Corner Drug Htore.
farmer, so let all come prepared to slate how much Und will be pledged to be
sown with sugar beets. ir a ttisi-ii Ion Is shown to .to tins then active worn
can l i ciMin to Moure boat COtiOsaakHM necessary to asure the erection of the
I n -lory It will he the l"' atesl day the lllsiueltc valley haa witneasol when
it Is known for a ivrixinty that the factory will be Mill lu this city. It nieaus
smaller farms and larger revenue It i.e.n au lucrease of tlie latsiring popu
lation. It rueau a greaicr prosperity consequent upon a large ai d industrious
population. It m.ans il.e development ol resources which have lung lain
ilorraani. It m.ans an awakening to the possibilities In store for us.
In almost every neighborhood there
's some one whose life has been saved
......... I .... I.. . i. ' . 'Iinla... mid
vj i o v.'.. , - ..i'. . nuu
TbeOli. r suel PwtoKu"lll, i Diarrhoea Remedy, or who ha ts en
JTcharabiw. lourad of ebronle dlarrhia-a by the use
I of that medicine. Huch persons make
Tto uot necessary to go to I'r'" , a 0int of telling of it whenever oppor-
JnSEM-ut gUas and sterling sliver tunity oilers, hoping that It may be
sale by W. L,
krallies II- J. S. ljUCKey now iihs n l-l nil-".
...,.l. ,r t ... LUI. fl RT PI11IIIIM17
HlUtb o. ' v- ' - - - " " o
kf hardware and fnrni machinery
Itbeold prices, gee r u iiaiiiiara;
hmthoii-Rndsor dollars worm linn
bought belore tne advance anu
cnsell cneaper man aiiywmy.
alt School Kuperlntendent J. H.
Aortna i Will be in attendance at tbe
Cltuteat Junction next (Saturday,
attend the Institute In this
ly.My r Q lite a revival In school
atten in i cing felt In this couuty,
U it will lie fostered.
saving other lives.
French Tansy Waters, me world's
famous remedy for Irregular and pain
ful periods of ladles; are never failing
and safe. Married ladies' friend
French Tansy Wafers are the only re
liable female remedy In the world; Im
puted from Paris; take nothing else,
but insist on genuine: In red wrappers
with crown trade np.rk. La France
Drug Company, Importers, 306 Turk St,
Sau Francisco. For sale by all drug
gists, or sent in plain wrapper direct
on receipt of ML
Special to the Guard.
LoyDQJt, April ID. Renewed f.ars
are expressed at the war department
that the Botfl are blowing up the
Johannesburg mines. Nothing ofja
defluite nature baa ben received, but
tbe trend f belief Is in that direction.
Millions umiu millions of dollars worth
of property wll bedesiroyed by this
act, and the industry for which Eug-
land has been so solicitous, will have
been crippled sadly, If not destroyed.
I'wo Hermans were senten.'ed to one
I year each at Cape Town for having In
their .possession a quantity ol rllles,
which they were fying to conceal,
leading to suspicion of connection
with the Ho. r army.
A Monster Devil Fisn
Destroying its victim, is a type of con
stipation. The power of this mur
derous malady Is felt on organs and
nerves and muscles and brain. There's
no health till it's overcome. Hut i)r
King's New Life Pills are a safe and
.vrt .us cure. Rest In the world for
stomach, liver, kidneys and laiwels.
Only 25 cents, at DeLann's drug store.
Spray pumps.
Spray material.
F L Chambers.
Ricycle tires $4.00 a pair.
C V MatijOck.
Special to theUuard.
Wammnoton, April 111 Secretary
of Stale May has issued a premptory
note, to Turkey demanding prompt
action on American claims, which
have long been neglected. This note
Is in tbe nature of an ultimatum, and
If it Is not complied with complica
tions may arise, by which the Culled
State- will make seizures to back up
tbe demand.
Copeniiaokn, April 19. Albert
Edward, Prince of Wales, left for
England today, reluming home after
his sojourn here.
A Frightful Blunder
Will often caue a horrible burn, scald,
cut or bruise. Ruckleii's Arnica sal.'e,
the best lu the world, will kill the
pain and promptly In al It. Cures old
sores, fever sores, ulcers, bulls, felons,
corns, all skin eruptions. Hest pile
cure on earth. Only ' cents a box.
Cure guaranteed. Sold hy DeLeno,
Mrs. Harriet Evans, Hinsdale, III ,
writes, "I never fall to relieve mv
children from croup at once by using
One Minute Cough Cure. I would not
fee) sife without it " (Quickly cures
coughs, colds, grlpe aud all throat
aud lung dlseaaea. Vincent A Co.,
Corner Drug Htore.
A Splendid i iic-l i ol I'liK Lone
Count v Stream.
We tale the following from the
Oitfoa Lumberman, publlabad in
Portland, (or April:
' I he Siuslaw river is one of t lit- best
driving streams on the Paclllc coast.
Logtoao he floated for a distant" of 40
miles, with practically no expense after
th.-y are t ut in the water. The tlm
ber tributary to the Sluslaw river it
almost lluiitlats in iiuautity and of
good quality. Cntil last winter there
haa t .-en no logging above tido water,
and what little logging lias lieen done
has Li-en on a small scale aud mostly
hand logging outfits. The following
are the logging linns: M D Johnson,
Wilbams A Steyeus, Mound; Heury
Hlnkson, Alma; Lyons Ilros., Walton.
I'M. loggers Ion nt.ovc tide water.
There are In the neighborhood of 30
camps, all told, In operation on the
Sluslaw, aud several more are contem
plated this spring. Loge are con
tracted for by the mills until January
t next at $3.7r per M. Hoomage
charges are 60 cents. Oue dollar per M
la being paid In some cases for
stumpage. The Sluslaw mills load
from oue to two schooners weekly,
with cargo capacity of 200,000 to
400,000 feet. Oue drawback to Sluslaw
has been the poor condition of the bar.
The government last month com
menced work on a system of Jetties for
which $30,000 baa been appropriated,
which, it la expected, will materially
better the condition . f the entrance.
With better shipping faclllHea there Is
little doubt the timber Industry of
Sluslaw will show rapid strides."
Lane County Will Have a
Large Crop.
Pailr (.uaril, April 19
We have Interviewed several Lane
county orchardlsts tia'.ay , and all are
of the opinion, from present indica
tions, that Lane county will have a
large crop of all kinds of fruit.
Norris Humphrey, one of our largest
growers, said t.alav: "The frost haa
left the Italian prune trees willi a full
crop on Hiem; the Silver and French
are ton full All other fruits are also
lu fine condition."
This Is most excellent news.
K. p..rt- are printed saying: In
M.irl'in 7.1 per cent of the crop o'
Italians are killed and that they have
been badly hurt In Clackamas, Heuton,
Linn, Polk and Yamhill counties
Electricity ;ind Life.
It has ... demonstrated that an
animal killed by electricity may be
brought to life. An ordinary current
does not priKltice instant death, aud If
It were possible to have in readiness
suitable apparatus, consclousi ess could
la' restored by the infusion of detlbrln
uted blood. In a like manner, Hoe
tetter's Stomach Hitters, the well
known tonic, Infuses life into debilitat
ed bodies, by revitalizing and purify
ing tbe blood. Tins wonderful
medicine pcimealis anil distiibutes
nutritive material to every part of tbe
body. If its iiiallty or circulation is
deranged, tremble follows. Constipa
tion, dyspepsia, liver and kidney
disorders all spring from a weak
condition of the digestive orgins,
which allects the blond, and through
it the entire body. The Hitters cures
all such disorders and is an excellent
spring tonlo.
A Nkw Constaiilk, -Ueo. C. Flee
mau resigned yesterday as constable of
the Kugene district und the commis
sioners court apt it.d I. L. Hlmpson
to fill '.he vacanty.
Hon. E. K. Skipworth Will Ad
dress Spencer nnd Cottage
Grove People.
Hon E R Skipworth will address the
cltl.ens of Spencer precinct, at Central
school house, Thursday, April '20, at
1:30 o'clock lu the afternoon.
On Saturday evening April 28, at
: :n o'.-io.-k he will speak at the re
organization of the Rryan t'luh at
Cottage Orove.
Everybody Invited to these meet
ings. At Junction Cl'y, Saturday, May 5,
at i p m.
Divinity School appointments for
(Sunday, April 22:
E. F, Reaudreau Natron, Mt
Vernon, Falrmount.
Harry Kenton Thurston
M. F. Horn Irving.
O. H O. Humbert -Harrlshurg.
Nkw Btork. W. L Cop
per noil, lately from Illinois, hasopencd
up a Jewelry store In the building
occupied by the Kugene Real Estate A
Investment ton, phiin Hlsad apMara
in this issue. Mr. Coppernoll cornea
well recommended, and expects to
reside here permanently. Ifcondltlons
are favorable, Mr. Coppernoll will
move bis family to Fugene this fall.
Cniiiniissiuiim' Court,
ay 1 -j
Appropriation .( fk county road
exlendiii'r Iron. Rlld ..ear tile farm Itf
J A Bbbsft in sec m tp i: r 2 w,
Lane county and extending In an
aaaierl di reel Ion from aht point, end
of the c ipsiiuctloo and ieplr of a
road for 1. 1 1 inly. In lw of the
county mad sppro, rtated b the H P
R If. Raporl adopt, d.
Sanders r .s.l; ordered sl ill ished as
L'ssper Rickard road ; order, d estab
lished ss vieweO.
Fay Logan, witness fees 1 60
J A Clearwater, rebate on taxea 1 00
Harvey Hown, deputy -herill... 60 00
J C Parker, deputy SbjSTtiT. 3 SO
James Stewart, deputy sheriff... 6 00
Oainey .Mathews, deputy b.-rllt 17 M)
W W Withers, sherlil,expreMage
mid stamps 86
I.ic W ( lark, justice fees 6 66
Oeo Norris, witness fees 1 60
J H Miller, constable feea.. 6 00
btk) V Clark, Justice fees 4 SO
A F. W heeler, real esta'e trans
fers lor present owuar.hlp Hat 60 Ou
0 W On-uli, bridge work 7 26
A Xight of Terror.
"Awful anxleiy was felt for the
w idow of the brave Oeiieial Huruham,
of Machms, Me, when Ihe do, tors said
she could not live till morning," writes
Mrs S H Lincoln, who attended her
that fearful night. "All thought the
must soon d'e from pneumonia, but
she begged for Dr King's New Dis
covery siying that It had more than
onee saved her life, and had cured her
of consumption. Alter three small
doses, she slept eaally all night, and
Us further use completely cured her."
1 bis marvelous medicine ituaranleed
to cure all throat, diet and lung
diseases. Duly 60c aud $1.(10 Trial
bottle free at W L DeLauo'e drugstore.
The Hutlalo Pitts
loses or breaks teeth.
F L Chambers'.
Harrow never
Sc.. them at
MiUI Uivae MlMH. tialawy cor
respondence In A Ibauy Hetald: J B
Cross, who Is chief eugluier at tbe
Lucky Roy stamp mill at the Bine
River mini-, cane- down last week for
a short visit. He glvea glowing
accounts and says among other Im
provements to he made Is a saw mill.
I umber DOW cost about HQ per
thousand, delivered at the mlnea."
Rohn -About three miles north of
F.ugeue, April HI. 1000, to the wire of
Auael Miller, a 10 pound aon.
Mrs. Calv.u Zimmerman, Mlleaburg,
Pa., says: "Aa a speedy cure for
coughs, colds, croup, and sore tbroat
One Minute Cough Cure la unequalled.
It Is pleasant fr children to take. I
heartily reoommeud It to mothers."
It la tbe only narmleaa remedy that
produces Immedlaae reeulls. It cure
hrouahltls, pneumoula, grippe and
throat and lung dlaeaaea. It will pre
vent consumption Vincent A Co.,
Corner Drug Htore.
300 Crescent
iii Eugene, and all aro
awJ AJ because the wheel is built
of honett material and honest workmanship, hence
it ataods hard usage without repair hillti.
Decide on a CRESCENT aud you will alwayB
ho in shape to go when your friend calls, and
what is better NO BREAK DOWNS when on
a trip.
f '. ..... 1
Increasing saies
Show Their Worth . . .
E: in 1895 only 12
I 1 806 26
1897 43
. nna I AO
I ova 3
. ann I 7 O 9
No better recommend
can be found.
1-3 of a Carload
Wheel Built.
.See them.