The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 21, 1900, Image 6

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    Eugene City Guard
One of the moat noUble exhibit
that will represent iexas at the
Pari exposition this year ia the
Dobie steer, which started on
February 10th acroea the water to
take its place in this ureal ahow.
This steer, which belong to Mr.
J. M. Dobie, proprietor of the Ken-
tucky ranch at Uamirw, Texas,
goe- by the name of Champion,
but is known throughout ths state
as the Dobie steer. It was calved
in 1891 near the Mexican border
and was biught by Mr. Dobie in
1894 in a herd of 1000 cattle. It
measures fifteen hands high, 60
inches, and weighs between 1600
and 1700 pounds. The horns
measure from point to point nine
teet and seven inches, and they
could easily be made to measure
urn feet if taken i T the iteer and
steamed and straightened some
what. When tin- steer M standing
iu a nntural position on level
ground. thl lip of bis borne are
folly six (eel from the gronnd.
While the Dobie steer in one
sense represent Texas, In another
it is no more representative of the
present cattle interests of the state
thai the mammoth and mastodon
are representative of the animals of
this couutrv. The long born, of
which the steer is an example, is as
practically extinct as are the mon
sters of the M: cene period. Time
was when long horns approaching
those of this steer were common
enough, but now one could travel
all over Texas without finding
another animal with a pair of horns
like those. He is the last survivor
of a tribe of monitor horn d cattle,
whose place has been I iken by
heller lil 1 under the opt ration of
the law of the survival of the fittest.
And he govs to the l'aris exposition,
not as a specimen of the nttle now
in Texas, but of th se that fornmrly
roamed in great herds over the
prairies fr iu the Red Hivr to the
Itio (jrande
The liorealis, of Aurora, Marion
county, has a correspondence from
the City of Mexico in a lute issue.
Writing of the better class of Mexican-
be says: "If he b ites you
because you are an Amtrican he
does not show it. The average
Mexican is a degeuera o being.
He hates the Itringoe (Americans),
but more so the Texan Uringoee,
and it is a byword amo igst the
Mcxieins that they could li.k the
Americans if it wasn't for the
Texan (iringo Sometime ToXSO
lirmgn, usually a cowboy, want- to
see the country and s'.ro.l down
this way, and usually ra going
Pack sho its a tow Mexi' aim To
arrest a liringo it uk al ut eight
Hilicemen, and if a Texan Gringo,
a part ol the armv is called out."
1 he Louisville Courier Journal,
Henri Watterson's paper, which
strongly opposed Hryan fir preei
dent in 1396, is as strongly for him
this year. The publisher and
largest owner of the paper, iu
speaking of Dewey's announcement
regarding his hopes in direction of
the presidency, a few days ago,
said: "Mr. Hryan is more than an
able politician. He is an honest
politician. His hold on the demo
cracy of the country is secure. 1
look forward with pleasure to sup
Krting him this fall. Admiral
Dewey, nor any other man, cannot
hope to compete with him for the
democratic nomination."
Representative Champ Clark, of
Missouri, thus states his position
on the trmt question: "it would
be foolish for me to waste time
making an anti-truM speech. The
entire matter may be summed up
in a single sentence. This is not a
new issue. The tint anti-trust
speech was made about four thou
sand years ago by au old gentleman
named Moses, when be wrote upon
the tablets of stone the inspired
words, 'Thou shall not steal.' "
republic. Im, erialism it a policy
of expire Wo have expanded, we
" never liad imperialism. We ex
... Arttll.21 madid when we took Florida
Texas and New Mexico, but we are
not expanding now. We are not
netting land for settlement; are.
getting races for subjugation.
The ten middle-of-the-road
Populists who organized themselves
into a "state convention" at Port
land, Frilay, did not allow the
smallness of their numbers to
deter them from work. They nom
inated candidates for supreme
judge, congressmen and four presi
dential electors, and elected seven
teen delegates to the national con
vention at Cincinnati. These lone
brethren do not seem to have the
least appreciation of the ridiculous
re they cut.
A Coonty Ticket Nominated This
The Co-operative Plan
Many Advantages.
g ,. (TWO UW-WtS.-
-r lb'"r
"35 St iV35
Tru. Mil SSMINf L.ulll
mJZSm Urtt" ",,n ,h"1 "
ral,: vir e. Msfcasr i Ufttasssr
A flatter of Consciences
I'ulk t "untv Ob
full sipoki or psociioiaos
Grafton r she asked at last, witt
Mrs. c;rnfton-Mrs. (Jraftun." t,er.
posted, shaking his head. "She it o,.
n patient of mine."
Nut now, but somehow I feel u a
win must l' Hie na I am looking fu,
. He re any wuy VOU cu nDll J
w bather you had a patltBt um
Grafton 20 years ago? Ok, It l, lttJ
Important that I stioulil know!"
concluded earnestly.
"I will consult my Looks of t.b
time," lie said kindly und arose.
As he walked across to th ck
Wbare he kept these fecords of hlsau,
ly struggles the woman's eyes follow
tlUIl with cngor Intentness. 8uddto).
she got up aud ran to his side.
"Ah, I know It Is you: The mommt
I you walked away I knew beyond i
Phis from the Albany Democrat
sizes up the so-called middle-of-the-rosd
Populist party about
There were just ten delegates
pressnt at the iniddle-o '-tbe-road
popo -republican convention at
Portland, nearly the entire party
in the state. They were: J. K.
Bears, Dr. Kmbree, J. M. Dennis,
8. H. Holt, J. J. Howser, H. J.
Wilson, Dr. Hill, L. Henry, J. C.
Luoe and 0. H. Bailey.
An Eastern Oregon elevator
company agent states that weevil
never bothers grain that is ware
housed in buildings that stand free
of the ground with good ventilation
underneath. Infected warehouses
may be rid of the pest by raising
them and setting on posts instead
of a solid foundation.
I t.e ProhlbltionM" t I. eount
met at the court lioiie In Hi- county
wnrt mm mi mo o'elis-k Ksturdsv . r. .in-... In " BOW
1 1 Veil wie oi'
Th. iranl.u was nblaz- with May
rvn: "Sir. - . ... iiiy bios-
si no hi r in. 'i !-
(1 I i.vtn. he cu dud- ik uee. -ni ,, . ,,,. llt tho
..,, muk t.. uilie- lioitb "I Dallas, : . ,', , .tmiirht i.ath that led from . , . .
t, was in town Thursday, ai d expressed; gate ,ooklHl somber and melan- Rga)n ln tne room whefi aj JS
bun-elf K'e.Hy I" favor i.i .., -boly. ... Idled and saw you leave i,w to yj f.
iblt eiiy. mt. a gnarled appie ireu ,..-,- my uusnand: on, you limit nasa
,...u.,.u U : ... .1... ..1,.., MIIIIIT.TS 1 L "II-- . .-- m a . Vntl IP Al l .itr.l .n
. ...nil KX, f. Kn.WII III- f I Veil llie iiu.M,r-. hu.l-u""" . ... ,u WTe I
iiii.iiiiiik, it, .r rijoms and even weui m ibi, "
of nominating a ticket f r Hie June praciiwi iesi. unm , .,treme provoeatlou from the wind.
slectlon. - ' " ";:"UfWtU71 1 Iftoosi some of Its blossom laden
The convention was called la ..rder vers "I K pnOOdSOTWI era . . ,ii.,w,,.Il R. ramshackle slats.
byDr J.H. Dale aud opened mpru-er a..d find. ready . ale for hi pr-dut. Jm wno wliked up the
bvF K Hllllugton. iheyrarar. undal'JDew.f r poiicirt- ,trullllt ,,,!, through the sunshine.
Dr' Dale was cbo-en temp..iry He says that tlo-.e is k.h.I isiopey Id I mj uot restrain a sigh "f pleasure at
chairman and f. E. BUIIogtofl ItHV Will Of milk to creameries ai
porary secretary. P'l e prevalllug.
.- i a ;t3 -Mr Hn.wn I. of lbs
Mr. K.O. Miller, field seeretary. was I ue larni. r. .hnuld take tlM luattir,
ik.,, ..r..,..! l.v il... nhamiiaii. Mr. hut d a' iii.ce, and a ereaniery
Miller spoke very encouragingly lobs OSOdlMtsd ibe . .e perativj
n,w.rnlnrtl.aDrohibilion outliM.K ill olan. He ha In vesl igal. d the coal "t,
getting John O, Woolley for
i-tuiu uwi it"'""" S i
ha haantv of the scene. Young and
strong and healthy, life to him was
pax I and delightful, though at that
very moment he might le hurrying
luto the presence of death.
A pail young woman 006060 me ooor
in n-snouse to bl- KnocK, aim
n, r.irio of irm-ting ushenil him luto
Heurgeil the Import OOOS of a i IBIlalie l-r mi- vi.-.ui.j,, . llhl. (hily hall un.l ueui neioie iniu ay
UfllnM Hurl. lare -uin of Uioi--V m c Ihc stairs lo thi UOOT ainne
I! e
Hie necessary
I,. Km 'll,U la done l.v securing nouned to put in
New new- machinery . Ill plan is in iiww r""
, . l a. iv wllli h caiiilal -lock of
Sateui Journal: Hev. Sheldon
of Topeka Capital fame has now
decided to conduct a church as
Christ wonld do. That is the
smartest thing he ever undertook,
however: Christ never conducted a
Bolton Hall, a well-known New
York lawyer, has figured up that a
citizen of (ireater New York lives
under over fifty thousand laws,
national aud state. This does uot
include health, police, educational
and other regulations passed by
the various oily boards.
subscribers to
naia-r. a!ock c tup my.
Moor spoke Of the work in OrtS- from $1.M to .5U), divided loto
well .h re-of say J each, Hon lei ach
Tttm i t. r f subaoni.llon was ' Nriu. r lulerc.led sul scrlbs fiirse WSIIJ
olaced In the hands of Dr. Dile aud a share as be Wishes to take, and SgKS
few assistants. All MbpOrlptlODI to I' to furnlh llie milk of a certain number
submitted to him. ofoowsto llie creamery. Trs Dexl
The regular work of the -..uviullou step would I ti. employ cninj ef.-nt
was then lak. u up. ruau ki take charge of the cream, ry
On motion the following c luimltiee and .uperiuteud it opafatlnu. The
on uomliiations was appolu . d: O. O. ine e from the business, le-a the cost
Haa-ett, ol t reswell. M. U V an Tyne, of op. rating expenses, would be dis-
li.i.bnell .of tril.uted among the farn ei- In pay
ment for the milk furnished."
recess wasi The (ii'AKP believes tuti the c
11 .initiating oneraiive creameiy Is the successful
of Eugene, aud
On motion, a
granted to ivc
Hi ory
oouimltlee lime to bnug In t report. 1 one, and that working on tins,
The committee on nomin .lions read an eltort -lmuld be made t Ntabltsb
their report, which waas follows: such a plant In Eugei.e. Out of 700
Jnlnt sUnator ltv J.t'. lvic.ardaou. cicameries In Wlsc.t sin ovet Ooil are
of Kugeue.
ItsptessnUllTss fl nirt II. Honno,
H. M. Krymeyer, I'resweli, and J-dnu
ltamford, of Junction.
! co-operative. Their success i sufllcletit
pnsif of bu-iin -s -ucce-.
A canvass, SDSfgSttO wotk by a few
pn mineiit farmers, together wltb
( ounty Judge J. A.
OoininlsaJonir flsn Loo,
t'lerk S. H. Mo,, of t'r.
Hhetlft-ti. f. Miller,
Treasurei W. K. Patt
A-,. -..-r H. J
boms mu si i so eiact.
Special to thaUuard.
London, April 14. The Hoer peace
commissioners left this aftermxin fori
The report that Chancellor Voo
liuelow, ol thederiuau empire would
meet them there Is not credited.
Isaalsl to the uuasd.
BOSJTOM, April 14 President Cole, I
who wrecked the Olobs bsuk, causing
a loss of several millions of dollars lo j
the stockholders pleads guilty lo the
oil-ippri prlallon of Hie bank funds.
Heuteuce will le pronounced on Cole ;
ai a later date.
Sp'tal lo th Oua'il.
London, April 14 Tns Br
tsoutiarded the British trenches very
heavily at Warrenton, Friday but
without effect.
Special to thsOuanl.
Cuu'auo, April 14 The democratic
organisations of this city promise 10
welcome Admiral Dewey luto the
Hryan democratic fold.
It Is assumed Dewey will support
the ticket whether given the nomina
tion or not.
In South Junction. JunotlouClty
Times: "Trie Eugene papers are mia
takeu when they ipjote J. K. Hill, the' uomlnso for oommlssloner, as
from Hichardsou precluct. Tlie new
bouudarles as apportioned ty the
couuty court, makes htm a voter In
South Juuctlou precinct."
H i.-linell, of I u-itie-e men, a called meeting to
I solicit stock to the sntsrprtse, and the
I Cottage thing ;s done. In this way (he cream
ery Is not a one-man power, or
well. ineepableot Iwiug changiHt or improved
f Cottage in suit aiising needs and coiidilinns.
1 Should one superintendent prove
rsou, of un-uitai.l - or unsatl factory It would
be easy In secure another and at the
-.ine lime atld to llie efficiency of the
establishment. An effort should be
made to establish a crenmery iu
Eugene this sprlug. It Is i.sdly
ScIiikiI Superintend, ul J. hi Haud
saker, of Eugene.
Surveyor Blank.
Corouer-Dr. J S. Dilc
Justice of th- Psoas for Ortstvtll
precinct, J. MoUord, Sr; 'oos table,
W. E. Parson.
County Bzeontlvs Comml tee S. H.
llOfSS, of Cre.well; ti. O. Itsaet of
Cre-well; D' J. S. Dal.-, of Ivj.ene.
U p . II adopted UnaolOJHM .
Ii was moved and coned that the
executive committee be authorized to
till any vacancy that might occur on
the couuty ticket.
We, the repre-M ntatives of ihc Prohi
bition narlv of l.tne eountv. Oreuou. ' the amount.
Itemized City Attorney Account
Eiiitok Ol'AKD: Tliere is one Item
In the recorder' report, published
yesterday, that is misleading, viz:
Attorney's fees $754 50
It Is thought bv some that Mr
' Stevens, the present city attorney,
received the whole of this sum, while
in fact he received lea than one-third
Following are the
lo convention as-embl. d. bc.ieviug the Hems tor legal services:
Ihiuor traffic to h morally, politically Annual salary of City Attorney
and financially I ic greatest evil rest- Stt-veus f 100 00
lug upon OW Country, aud realizing .City Attorney Stevens for extra
the absolute Imiamslhility of securing legal services 130 50
the removal of this crime-breeding Sklpworth and Dorris, balance
poverty-creating and soul-destroy lug of fee in 8th and Blrlr St suit 150 00
business, except through n political Sklpworth and Dorrla, balance
par'y created lor, ami , ltd ft d to this ; of fee In the case of J E Davis
end; therefore, I et al vsClly of Eugeneet al. .. 362 50
IlKOliTT. Tint while there are i Mrs l.onshtny, typewritten brief 5 50
many other reforms t. arding winch
we hold firm couviciious, and upon
which we, a a parly, couid unani
mous y agne, we believe il to he the
pari of wisdom to concentrate . or
efforts upon ttie one ismic w Inch clearly
outweighs iu imHirlauce all other
Issues comblued the prohlbiliou of the
Total $754 50
Please publish the alsive a-.d tihlLe
Kospectfully yours,
h. f. Dokhis, Bsoordtr.
Win. J. hryan We must dis
tinguish between imperialism and
expansion. Expansion means the
extension of the limits of Um
DiBD.-Kuth, the little child of Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Danlap d-d today of
Jacksonville Times: "J B lthlnehart,
formerly of Medford, Is now located at
I.os Angeles, Ca!lf, where In- family
will Join him Iu a short tune."
Junctlou City Bulletin April IS: We
are Informed that it Is a mistake about
Sllva Wood's baby catching the small
pox or Filipino Itch from the bed
clothes of the late Wm Cook, who was
killed Iu battle at Malabon. Mrs Cook
writes us that his clothes w re brought
home last summer when the volunteers
returned aud have been In Eugene
ever si uce last Oetober, so there was
no possibility of catching any
from that sourest
Brownsville Tlmea: Bobert Cooley,
manufacture and sale of Intoxicating of Cottage O rove, Is the new secretary
luiuor for leverage purposes. at the Eagle Woolen Mills.
Kksoi.vkd, That In the a. coii.p'.ish- , B. NJmltb, Butternut, Mich., says,
ment of thl oue cleaily defined pur- "DeWltt's Little Early Bisers are the
pott, we Invito to pa"y Mowship all very tatt pills I have ever u.ed for c m
tnOM who on this issue with us agree, tiveness, liver and bowel troubles."
In the full belief thai the arty thus Vincent A Co., Corner Drug Store,
created will be end'w. 1 with the
.i... QOOMO L Ullfrev. ludse of Lake
and ability to take up and spldy Lake county, formerly a r.eldent ! TnTusH eelrv Jr'n ulU'U
settieall'siH-ial. tlnancia!. SOoTo , Jl, Lane county visiting SZE . .! ,rrltorl.l..uc- i.. .that relative and fneud in EUK-He. He ,,e .--u Kl . ' . BC.eUt
- i - ... . - aiicu ii r,, n. ,, .. IM.
Ua.y S in ml- ed bllnils hot th., i ,
luiyivKniotl was
vague and transitory and was gone be
fore he could attach any meaning to It.
"Tou were not looking for no, then?"
n asaeu. "ir you will n il
"Hfl Is very lit, my Is.r uuie uoy.
she said as she opened the door of a
bed chamber. "Very, very ill, I fear."
The doctor Stopped luU) tIlL" r"olu
Be stopped for an Instant until lie
could accustom himself to the u- uoroJ
dimness. The woman caiitflit bis arm.
"Uerv," she Whispered and drew
him toward the bod.
The young man took the child's tiny
wrist between his lingers. Then bo
leaned over ami laid his ear ugttlust
the child's heart.
"You think"- she asked breathlessly.
"I think." he replied, looking lit her
pitifully, "that your little lsjy"
"But we will do what we can."
Then he Issued some hasty directions,
aud the two la-gau to work silently
over the little creature, who lay motion
less and Impassive uuder their hands.
After an hour the doctor ceased.
"Mrs. (irafton, you must scud for
your husband."
"He Is no better V shu nsked, u look
of agony creeping Into her great dark
"No liettcr," ho answered. "But lie
does not suffer. Take comfort from
She covered her face with her hands
for au liiBtant and then said iu u dull,
quiet tone:
"1 am a strauger In EllNville aud
have no friend or acquaintance here.
When Mr. siraftou went away this
morning, the baby did not sc. m so very
111, but he said he would ask you to
call. 1 have no oue to send for him
"Where Is he?" asked the doctor.
"He has an office on Front street.
He Is trying to establish an insurance
agency here."
"I will go for him," said the doctor
and turned away.
I .ate that afternoon the tiny spark of
life that dickered ln the child's breast
wont out. Afterward there were weeks
of Illness In the old stone house, and
when the garden liad discarded Its
blossoms and become n very bower of
green Marion (irafton, a shadowy crea
ture, with ihe saddest of dark eyes,
walked dowu tho straight path beside
her husband, and the gate of the old
garden closed upon them forever.
Years sped away. Tho doctor, who
had never married, still lived on the
same street, and his housekeeper was
fretting and fuming, putty because
there was a lady waiting to see him
and partly and more particularly be
cause his dinner wus growing crisp
and dry In the oven. She weut to the
office door and peeped In ut the ilell
cntc looking little woman who had sat
patiently waiting for the last half hour.
"The doctor's late," she said, "but
pVaps you don't mind waltln. How
far did you say you'd come?"
"From Grlmby." replied the woman.
"Did you say Dr. Eaton was quite a
middle aged man?" she added anx
iously. "I didn't say, ma'am, but 1 s'pose
you'd call him so in pint of nge. Ah,
here he Is now!"
Ktohi the window the lady could sec
a doctor's gig draw up at the curb and
a tall, dark man with grizi.Ud beard
descend from It.
The doctor entered and looked In
quiringly at his visitor with keen, klud
I) eyes. She rose and said a little un
certainly: "I 1 am afraid I have made a mis
take and that you are not the doctor
I'm looking for."
Somehow the face and manner of the
may pieaent themselves.
Oj motion, adjourned.
W M Cat heart of Cottage drove
s n. i ;
relative arid frieuds in
i-enthusiastic over Dr.
nation for congress.
Brownsville Times April 13: A
deputy (Tnltod State marsh il was in
lbs .ity Wcdneeday looking after
WltMSSSiS in the timber lend cae
tnc rhn
name of the man you want to and, per
haps 1 can help you."
"I-don't know his name. 1 -don't
remember it." she said, with a flush
and a little denrecatorv an, it.,
a wsa
Cjfuge Urove, Or, April 1 '. -W'm against Horace McKiul y, which
M Cat heart, aged 6 years, died here come up before C. mmlssloner Mon
last night from stomach trouble He tayneat A bany n. it Money.
came to thl -tat wi h hi parents u I Albany Democrat: One of the ba t0 " sreat """ doctors in Ellis
1853, coining from Indlaua aud cross- blggesi Hat lu the United Stales ' TU1 Dd btTe not fou"J him. I'm
ingiheplalo with an ox team. U runs the Stayton Mail. He ousht to 5SX h mu" bavc g0De y-or be
hitch up with the Cottage Urove
was unmarried
Dr. Katon InnknH - ... ...
Nugget man. He say. 11 a Albany a moment. '7 . ... . r?r
Dally Most, apHl M ,id W. J . Bryan something orer 1100 thought and 1,1, finger, beating a noise!
Hoi's -Krn Page today purchased an hour for two hours, and --aUiiu 1350. 1M tattoo on his knee. The woman
the Noah Bhedes lo; of bops of 86 Not a cent was paid nlat here, at wtclleJ nlci silently, the color comlmr
... . .w - . ... ii- ... , ..a i ... l , . anil Mil.. I . v. . .
(muss aua i us . v nun to oi ,j .-.vein r auywuere sue. 11, auarmeoa uer pule race.
dear little boy. I lived ln an
stone house that stood ln a big gufa
1 was 111 after my baby died, and m
attended me so kindly, so well! Aad
then we went away ana did not rj
your bill. It Is 20 years ago, sod y,.
are changed, hut I know yuu nowl"
Dr. Eaton had turned and wu look.
Ing thoughtfully down Into ber nfg
face. At last ne sam slowly:
"l think I do remember you-je
know I do. Is there anything I tuit
to serve you, Mrs. Grafton?"
"ies, sue iiusweren nen n
went Sway from here, we were tbj
poor. We could not pay you nor j
for the burial of the baby." Her t;a
drnpiicd, and she clasped and uncbu
ed her hands nervously. "Hutoh,bot
I wanted to! l-'or a time my huitwal
was very fortunate and made t gnu
denl of money. But the debts 1 ipeg
of, while tho thought of them dron
me almost wild, did not seem to trot,
blc him. When I urged tlielr paymm,
he always grew Impatient and mi
they belonged to a time he could a
bear to think of. He thought I va
heartless to remind him of them. la
see," she added hastily, "the loss i
our little boy preyed upon bis nal
and made him depressed and mortg
So at last 1 ceased altogether to ipat
of the matter aud made up my moj
that somehow some time I woaH
pay them myself. I never rcltnqulabsl
my purpose, and ln all the years iflg
whether we prospered or whettiere
straggled for u bure existence, I Hie
touched the sum I lisd put bj u l
nucleus, but udded to It, little by
tie. And now I think I have eDoott
It has taken a long time, uud onlrGs)
knows what a hauutiug horror ha
child s funeral expem-cs. that l leli
be n sacred debt, were still unpaid is)
lay like a blemish on his lnnocot
memory. And now will you tell
how much I am to pay you and Jt
what you can to help me tlnd the
The doctor sat thoughtfully foran
........ ....... ..In,... .1 ntl anil SllhJ
I.O lO, I. I.ll 11V MA. 11-1 ' 1 U uuu
a smile at his visitor a smile of mi
surnass nir sw eetness thai -ue it'll lit-
"Twenty years Is a long time M
member a little bill like mine," b
"It cannot be a little bill."
"You came here from"
"Grlmby," she replied.
"And you have dined?"
i ion von niusr ne ni tu.-ai.
afterward I will help you find Ha"
man to whom you owe the other t
I think I remember who It wa.
...... .....1 r.. Lrnfiim llv ni- 11 0
, OU U .1 1. mi. ....ii. - o
. . a.-J u
JUT. ' illt in 'I UUD lvv .a "
ss .1 sir ,. . .1 In,' w'
.iniiB, put" num. lv
11 WUS V. CU OU IU mv auv
the doctor and Mrs. tirafton
from their Interview with tbe
I LOllUU . , ell JUU L1J "
vou for heloina: me," she saw.
now i'ii use lew ma w
SIT - T nnror l'l I'd tut
iss rt tiiti i liivvi s
toe tli.mfflit attar tho tlfSt '
' t uiriis'ii wm ' "
rest," he said earnestly, "and
. .. . ,. "II ffi
un, no, sne lnicrruincu. - -he
today. Indeed It must. I
..- ,1... ITfWI
ways reiuemner you nun -
arautnae. nui. uoui -
how T fi.i.l 'ilmiil this?"
.... ..... ...nt .T ei
"verv wen. ns u is a m.,..-
science with you." he replied.
In one of tho old lodgers he foow
name Grafton and. uiakluK a qui"
. . .. ..... InilP
cuiauon. announce.! um. iu- .
uess amounted to $13, which sM
. ... .... - i.u that
ii ovi.r in mm Willi u iv
.... j the
ca now important sue uwu
... . . , Atlt
"And now." she saw. u0'"'"'",,,.
little shabbily gloved hand, "gow1"' - t... .,i,l o thank TOD.
.r. ..... . ...... nnvclc All.
& i.i no i j uui vj , .
Eaton, "but I'll tako tue
scribing a sent ln my gig tot"
i,o ., ...i... viait near 0" '
111, I C I, i ll l It ill if -
road." . i
..,ioN 1
Ho spoke as one unaccu.--
uuving ms giiauwi ' . j.
Mrs. Grafton submitted aiiuiv
t o . .Irove WI
ill. uoiin. ow
mil,., in .it. afternoon H
,... , .. ffiil'l I i u.-
as ue urauceu ai uci .,
the doctor saw tbe look of rT
Amn nt nulet contra
or - aasi
uvu uiey unu icnu"
loofTju don't rocatmbtr a Mn. ( and drort awfty.-ao Fnu
kA aaM SIT IH' .."V
II U DtUU, A lUlUV W M w-
h k.H .i..r. OrlfflOJ
avoided It on a prlnd
call and see you If I I
Bhe smiled her assent.
T,o Artnr h..l,1 the Mend?r
v.i. .,,,1 then iei a-
uis lur a nniineiu nn
a smile. He watched ber
ptiiu iu tut" nt'tuufi
1 .......I Ileet.i flitnif H
A HWU i.i'.' an..-. - w.
thing." he said to I
was a matter of conscience
TfeM be got thouirtitfuiiy
W - -a.