The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 21, 1900, Image 5

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Wants a Route to tbe Pacific
It hax been authoritatively published
that the Burlington A Quiticy railroad
would build a line to the Pacific
thin year.
While in Portland this week tbe
editor of the Ohabd reoelved Informa
tion (torn a first class ic'iitleman that
that railroad already had a purty of
urveyors ai work in the MoKenzle
pass in the Cascade mountains 'ooklng
after a suitab e route. Such a line of
road would mean more than we could
estimate to Eugene, Lane county aud
the state of Oregon.
nr.i. v:ii i,....., ' J-
Contract Monday.
Last Thursday tbe contract to finish '
tbe grading of the Mohawk railroad
wan re-let to Contractor Mason, of
Portland. Mr. Maaou lias just fluNhed
a contract ou tbe Columhl'i A Southern
and will at once move hia supplies
Court House items
Chattel mortgage f 100 oo
Mortgage release 250 00
Mortgage i cleans 175 00
tola A Williams and J K Williams
to Lulu U MHier, laud In to 10 II 1 w-$1.
A n fisk, guardian estate or Lizzie
H Msk to F L Chambers, 80 aorrs in
t 17 s r 1 e; $2,5.
D P Hall to Henry Moore, lot 6,
block 1, Bbelton'i addition to Eugene;
Elta'a ft I: 1.. ..wl, deoeaaed;
June 6, 1WJ0, set for final at ttlement.
Inventory and appraisement, $826.
Cash and property on hand, $825.
Estate of W O Rtearns; sale con
firmed, EttaleofK J Custls, deceased ; will
protiated. All her property Is be
queathed to her children.
Fuzzle claim, Bohemia, by M F
Wyait, locator.
F W Ostium flies his notarial com
Frank E Hklnuer and Martha E
Butte Mooney, 21, and Ada M
Dowens, 17. Ouardlan of the young
lady riled his written consent.
Up to date Sheriff Withers has
collected approximately $22,000 taxes.
What a Sugar Beet Factory
Does for Farmers.
I and rtetlvc ! tha factory I a
1 we lias man aiu fei ucio Ut lbs part .
of Colorado, This in aw-uiniug the
funnel hlr ail bis work and pays .'t
pel day for it man aud two-home team, I
and $1.50 for a man ami 75 cent lor ai
tmj Delivery In nutaty la est i mated i
tit tl pf Ion, but this item of course
vari with the di-tamv. and whether'
hipped by rail or delivered by wagon.
Kail freight ranges from 36 cent to
$160 per ton, according to distance.
The average yield is 16 tons per acre,
which at $4.60 per ton give a return 0
ixAMPii from 167.60. Deducting the gross cost of $2:
Tbe Orange Judd Firmer .ulli)ifd '-" la 11 tu-t profit f $42.50 per acre.
at Chicago, New York unci HpringuVbl, ''en the work Is done by the farmti
Mass, one of the most iluentlal "' ''is family aud with his own
agricultural papers In the United tams, he dews not feel tbe coat, because
States, baa tbe roll owing Interesting 1$ h been done with a very small
item In Its Issue of April 14 regardlug outlay of money.
tbe raising of sugar beets and the Iu addition to this, the pulp or beet
beuetll or a factory to a community, refuse reuialultig afii r the sugar has
At this time, a Kugene and I, am- extracted Is a valuable cattle food,
county are becoming interested In a h,,,llMK "l t,IH vry " price of 50 cents
proposal to establish such an Industry lr ton. This enables the farmer to
here, It will prove a much. appreciate.! I greatly Increase hia stook, and besides
source of information. making a profit on the animals, keep
The great Importance of a beet sugar UP "" fertility of bis laud through the
factory In developing agricultural manure obtained.
prosperity isjstrikingly shown by the General agricultural prosperity Is
results of the Colorado Sugar Man-j'1"1 dearly shown In the price of
ufaciurlng Co'a operations at Grand ! ',,a' " 1 '- are prosperous and
Junctlou. This coiiioauy has $4(0,000
Invested In this factory, machinery,
etc, and $80,000 in farm lauds. It
controls by ownership or lease HOOO
acre, ut which 1000 will be devoted to
beets in 1900. In addition to this area,
3600 acres of beets will be grown for
the factory by outside farmers.
Some of these Lee's are grown at a
considerable di-tance and shipped in
have a reasonable expectation of con
It uing so, the price of land rises;
when they are losing money It falls.
What is the result at Urand Junction?
Before this factory was established
laud was held at $30 per acre; now a
fair valuation for sugar beet land Is $00
per acre. For all the farming laud
here, the estimated Increase in value
caused by the building of this factory.
Will Locate in Lane County at
a 0000 ciass or citiicns.
"The start of the biggest enterprise
Lane county has ever seen is made,"
said K 0 Smith to a reporter Utll
morning, referring to the sale of his
large farm west of this city to a Danish
Mr Smith arrived home from Port
land on the early train this morning,
having been successful In negntlatiug
the rale of I2H0 acres of Hue farm inn
laud to a company or colonist Ofgajitl
atlon of the Danish church. Tbe
papers have been made out aud the
advance payments Issued.
Between the llrst aud middle of May
the colonists will begin to arrive,
will select 40-aore tracts and at once
begin to build their homes Others
are auxious to come, as fast as land
can be secured aud other arrangements
made. Mr Hmltb states that other
tracts adjoining his have been spoken
for, and there is every probability that
the Danish colouy will occupy from
6,100 to 10,000 acres of laud In tbe
0 unity In the next few sears.
These people are rated among the
finest small farmers In the world.
01 LaM county, ' bail which Hut is
none more varied on the entire coast,
Mill lie pinH 1 1 1 d hilly devel d,
making a laud rich with industry and
bo llfjBpaajsBei
res 1 fcV.
w . M ft I rw .n Ti I aw, f
e Q -J -
Through the courtesy of Frank J. Hard, secretary of the Mine Owner's Club, Portland,
and superintendent of the Oregon-Colorado Mining Company, the Gitakd i able to present to
Its readere tbe acoompanying map ol the Bohemia mining district, showing tha Dumber aud
form of the locations made. Mr. Hard Is a Colorado mining man of recognized standing woo
bas iu tbe past year cast his fortunes with Bohemia ami is using all leglmate meaiiH to adver
tise the camp. Ae a result of hi- prominence in mining affairs tbe recent write-up of the district
together with this map which appeared In the Oregonian of March 20 was u-prodticed In the
Dally Mining Record, of Col rula, the only mining dally In the world. Owing to the great
similarity of geological formation of the Cripple Creek and iion-mlu mining dlntrlcls, Colorado
mining nipt) of large capital arte beoomlne Intereated In Hohemta aud tho coming season will
witness the greatest activity In the history of the camp.
bere, including 100 teams,
tooomplete the work in
days, beginning Monday.
Special to the Guard.
Portland, April 14. The grading
contract on tbe Mohawk railroad has
been let to Archie Mason, of this city,
who will commence on the work at
once. Mr Maaon shipped a carload of
flour yeaterday from Albany to hia
Mohawk supply camp. His outdt
i arrive at Springfield today or 1
Monday, Shipment of material for
the steel bridge across the McKenzie is
expected any day. Work on the steel
bridge at Springfield will not com
mence until the branch between
Springfield and Wendling is nearly
HeeXf.ectBTue rolls were turned over to htm
60 working Marchl5 T )ia, tK t0 be coiected,
Jim, by U Bchrag.
I I cuno mo .....t llu ftVtMM t.. Ii.j
the factory by rail. 75 miles being tbe "ZZZ?' J . . - I
Mi. 1 ram vi iiiqiu a i--.r.i
extreme limit of such shipments. Thoee
that are grown within aeven miles,
however, are hauled on wagons. Tbe
factory s capacity is 400 torn of beets
per day, and between 00,000 and 70, -000
tons are needed to meet its require
ments for a sugar "campaign" or
season. Of tills quantity Iha company
Died. Junction City Times: "In
Prook oonntv. Oreeoo. April 4, 1900. of
congestion of the left lung, DBHInton, raises about 15 ( 00 Urns, and the bal-
I f. 1.1 t SySI ...... I...
aged 00 years, 6 months and 25 days
Wool Growers. A meeting of the
wool growers of Cottage Grot a and
vicinity Is called to meet iu cottage
Grove, Saturday, the 28th day of A prll,
tor tbe purpose of organizing a wool
gwwara' association.
'Uncle Ben,' as he will be remembered
by many, was formerly a resident of
this neigh' Thood. He Is a cousin of
WesHin'o.i and a brother-in-law of
Wm H Itiorn, a resident of Crook
BOOnty He was an Oregon pioneer
and had many old-time friends iu this
ance, say w,u J ions, is grown ny
farmers. The price paid is $4 50 per
increase of $1,000,000 through the suc
cessful operation of this factory. The
importance of the beet sugar Industry
to tbe farmer cannot be more strikingly
shown than in studying the result at
Grand Junction.
I i.e.. are familiar with tiling lands,
and every art which makes ground
productive. They are among the best
dairymen, and their little creameries,
producing butter and Dutch choae
will be elements of interest. They will
raise poultry of all kinds, and make a
profit on it.
To the business community, the
addition of 200 or 300 families whhln
Word fmiu Rowland last evening
was that William Coo i ran was
gradually falling l'b prospect of
living only a short time. Albany
I 'einncrat, April 13.
Tha dying man Is a brother of the
late K BV. bran. Rowland postoflice
1- located about six miles north of the
Linn-Lare boundary line.
Fruit Growers Mebtinu. A meet-
In., of tbe fruit growers of Lane county 1 a small radius of the city will make a
was held at the court house this aflr-1 marked change, for these farmers are
ton at the factory, making h total j noon. About the only thing considered Industrious and have money. They
payment to farmers of $225,000 nnu-1 was the matter of going Into the state will erect a little church In the colony,
ally. In growing beets on it own I asmx-laium, or forming a county assocl- Mr Smith has guaranteed to them
land, the company employs 800 atlon A mall numlr were present.
laborers, and 130 are employed In I hi
Dow.nkI). Albany Democrat: "Kdl
ter Moorehead, of Junction, was
downed for the nomlnatlou of joint 1
factory during the busy aaaaMi
Altogether the concern pay $8 ),0)O for
labor. This makes a total disburse
ment to farmers and laborers of $300,
000 each year. Anyone familiar with
with the conditions that prevail In tbe
farml ig sections can realize what it
means to 1 xpi ml $300,000 ev. ry year
In a limited Nrming and village com
munity. I means prosperity with a
big P.
Tbe entire coat of plowing, seeding,
cultivating, thiuning, hoeing, harvest-
assslstance In building It, which will
gladly be given by our ieople.
Tbe Kooth-Kelly Lumber Company
Is making an eflort lo secure 60 or 100
Danes to work In the logging camps,
senator in the face of the Instruction to
the Lane county delegation. This waa
a ptrt of the game betweeu the Corbett
and M 1: e factions."
Horn 1'L'RCH ASKri. Moral, Lacb
mond & Co, through E C Hmlth,
agent, has purchased 200 bales of bops
of R it Hayea for 6 cent per pound.
and this will serve to bring to
county others rf toll people.
Tbe magnitude of ihls enterprise can
scarcely be estimated. It means that
our sparsely settled country dlatriots
will become thickly populated with
Indudrlou-i people who will make the
large farms and ranches bloom like a
garaen, It means that tbe reeouroes
Had Killed a Sheep Near Chil
dren s Path An Bxcitlnf
(VrraoK Orovic, Or , April IS.
Quite a seiiMBtloti was created here by
Fella CnrriO and Dave Mushy bringing
In a large panther, which msasured
about 10 feet. The "varmint" bad
killed a sheep on Kd Jones' farm saVM
milea from here, near a trail on hhh
children pased to and from aODOul.
The sheep was seen by 1 he children,
partly eaten up. The panther ran
when he heard the chlblr milug,
but as soon as they passed, p carried
the sheep 200 yards.
The best dogs were soon acmhled
aud In five minutes the beast
treed. He was shot twice through
the body, and, as lie felt, a
dog grabbed him by tbe throat.
The panther held the dog ny Its paws,
but was too sick to hurt tbe dog, and
was stiot In the head. In all, about l'i
shots were fired. Some young huuters
leut their assistance by runulng Iu tbe
opposite direction.
Crater Lake.
Few Oregon people are aware of tbe
fact that a wonder nf Ihe world exists
In the heart of the Cascade rsuge of
mountains In Southern Oregon.
Imagine a vast pit alx milea in
diameter, with almost perpendicular
shies 4000 t.. 0000 feet In height, and
you have Crater lake.
For centuries this lake was knewn to
the Indians under the name of l.lao
Rook. It was viewed with fear aa an
abode of evil spirits, and was the
source of many legenda. Crater lake
was first seen by white men in 1S63.
l'revlous to that Its exlatance waa
unknown, except to the Indian trlbea
near It. It was first explored In 1872
by a party of four, Captain Applegate
being oue of the number, Hinoe then
il has been several times visited by
dill'erent parties of geologists tha
depth of the lake has Ixcu ascertained
in many places, and tlie island and Ita
orater have been explored.
All these various explorations have
demonstrated that many thousand
years ago an enormous volcano stood
where Crater lake is, aud with a height
possibly equal to that of Mt Shasta,
14,030 feet, and that the vast accumula
tion of molten material within it
escaped at a level thousauds of feet
below the summit, leaving the
mountain hollow, and the summit,
having so mu eii of its support removed,
fell in and disappeared In tbe molten
reservoir below. In the lapse of agea
the aiibterranean tires die. I out, and
the great pit, from 4000 to 6'W0 feet
below tbe surrounding walls, was
partially filled by water. The laland,
which is about 800 feet high, aud bas a
crater 80 feet deep, la claimed by some
to represent the summit of tha sunken
volcano. Suob Is one theory, and
there are strong reasons for believing
il is tbe true one. Crater lake Is about
six ml lea aoroaa it; hence tbe enormous
amount of molten material within it
when the voloano waa living.
A Harmonious Union.
1 tic Bryan people are very ohsw
together this year politically. The
Portland Telegram, tba evening
edition of tbe Oregonian, even could
not And a discordant note. Here is
the opening report of convention
proceedings In Friday's Telegram:
As predicted yeaterday, the demo
orals and populists of Oregon have
joined forcea and Ibev appear to be
as happy together aa twin sisters at a
plonio. There may Imsome friction on
the Inside, but the fooesnf tbe delegates
do not Indicate it,
The convention thla ruorulug In
dorsed Bryan with a about, and
reaffirmed tue Chicago platform. They
alao reefHrmed the Oregon state plat
toroj of 1898 to aatisfy the "popullstlo
lich-gates go to Kanaaa with with
handcuffs 00, and will there vote for
the silver speaker to a finish.
Portland Convention.
The populists and democrata nom
inated Senator Wm Hmlth, of Baker
oounty, a regent of the University of
Oregon, for congressman In the aeoond
Only 10 delegates attended the
middle-of-the-road atale populist con
vention. Lane was unrepresented.
A E Iteamee waa nominated for pros
ecuting attorney.
Malm Timber Ma lb. Junction City
Times April 14: G. C. Mlllelt has sold
his balm timber to the Oregon City
paper mills and they have sixteen men
with horses and ox teams outtlugand
hauling loga to the river. Bualneae Is
pretty lively over there. Mr. Mlllelt
will receive fifty cents per thousand
for the timber and will realize quite a
sum from unproductive proaeny.
Heretofore balm bas only been consid
ered fit for wood aud not very good
wood at that.