The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 21, 1900, Image 3

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ttr disorder of the
tuntnlne organs nave
d enormous sale be-
s0 or ' '
. Anlno for the women
I this country.
H all ailing or Buffer-
" 1 M f
. woman oouiu au muuu
understand how ab-
l,,utolyru mretno
tettntents aoom a. jam
Cham's Vegetable
pound, tneir auwwer
: would ondm
Mrs. Pinkhant counsels
wen free of oharge.
tr address Is Lynn,
Tli. aaftf ufa-ia aha
P' Is praotloal and
ICS'" (
ey to oV site Is a wo
hkM I -. i.illv.
1 A11aa art,, ni.
lit M OD IV iist iu.ij a-. - "
mdtnher liun'mim a awauaau
C,," bat it 1 always well to label
saaaris wnen maoa u ue p
.1 ..h-lilrell.
Ilntii who overheard tliis re-
Ljktru'te l away U) ftuunay awauui
CflMtb; thereafter, and in some
L tbJ abject f attendance at
Etch mine V " the class that day.
r pup t go," volunteered
hrle oue.
nrurniM me uacnw ui"-
"Ob, tv. He h a neawiuu, uu
a," Chioago l ost.
, . I I is, n powdtT fur the feet.
vm ,:iin(ii i . -woiirn, MiiiiruiiK, nrrv
M.anil lliataillljl takes tne slitiK ut
anntf um numon. n a n ot ilieutte. Alien a row
mkr light ur new shoes feel easy,
icfruiu cut for In growl II Nulla.
Mr. railing and hoi. tired, aching
' bar over Uti.nOO testimonials.
Snld by all druggists and
dtam. Hv mail fur 25c. in stamps.
Itavlaer VUV.K. Aiiiln-ss, Aliens.
sjw, Li Roy, N. Y.
A Probabla Ki-ault.
kit What will Iw the result o(
i Khuhiis I'.litore and preachers
ni idaceK?
'1 hi- i.ennle will DUt mimo-
ptn the oontlibntiOB plates and pay
taiptious iu susuiitler buttons.
lutora Aiiiericau.
Pangi-roua rin.-.
iKfntuckv thev shoot men for the
rtion of the ollice of governor.
. -,i - in.' I iiin- l lerulil, ol
Icitr, thev shmit men (or street car
tilth which retail at three cents
Bailm-I'im e ll'a .Ink.-.
the officer dI the Mafekiug garrison
pit mess an. I what a mess! up, liids," remarked Colonel
Ini'l'oirell, taking his second help-
ul mule steak. "Wo might be
I off."
Ilndtwi? I can't imagine it."
fM the dyspeptic major.
I'Vll, just uinaj our diet if the au-
i... introduced here."
r'i Weekly.
Itaoumnd briokl made by ma-
(take 13.. "i miuutcB, instead of two
iad lour mlnutM when made by
1 1 rale, must criminals have lagre
pttellent Combination.
'Pleasant method and beneficial
we wen known remedy.
' F IIl- ,, f .l I... !,.,
r,'M'. lio STROV Co.. illustrate
"wut obtaining the liquid laxa-
laxative and presenting
'He form moat refreshing to the
a( 'i f ui uip hVKica. ii
L,, Perfc-t Mr.njrthening laxa
t'nsinif tin. svst.'in effertuallv.
r'f ei' headaohM and feve'ra
FJtpr.m,.t i v and enabling one
r7e habitual constipation per
rJ,L 1; Perfaet freedom from
kVT !l"n"h' quality and aub
kl L',!.S..fl',inff..on tne ki'lntf.VB'
Phtlas- ih ,l""ul weakening
1't - iuokc ii me lueai
'.Process of
lbni'iHS ""'v "re Pleasant to the
'"'''ivinal qualities of the
aT- SSI .. ,ii, i i
I ana.. " irom nt'Dua ano
h in . . ,,u,"ts- ly method
Lf 'AI.iphrkia FlS BTBtn
inrt , ,,,.8'et lts heneflcia;
fcVriL , "" imitations, pleas
Pn tb V'1 "Bme of tneCompanj
u"i ui every package
JKNIA Fir. cvDiro rr
w iv a ivvl w
M rRAwciaco. ca i.
r -i LirucmBi .saa aa. ...
I (tlrftd.
4 tt drugguit.
A tpaclal EDuinrtlun of Uoueatlc
Animal. Not Found on I'armi
or Kaugea.
In the coming census a special enu
meration mil be made of the numWr
and value of livestock not fouu I . ti
farms and ranges. The preparation
in the census ottice of this supplement
ary schedule, calls to mind the oorm
ous importance of the Uftatoek uit. i
ests of the country
Statistics of lie,t... k heretofore have
been very incomplete, because no
enumeration is made in cities ami vil
lages. We obtain teliable estimate ol
the stock on farms ami ratine, bat the
horses aud other animals in street-car,
express, livery and other city t ibl. s
go uncounted. This defect lias made
trustworthy OaloalatlOU about the
sources of future supply and the pr .li
able increase of cattle aud sheep, whol
ly impossible.
The agricultural department make
estimates of the live stock ol the coun
try, but theae are also confined to stock
on the farms tyid ranges. Moreover
their count is made at a time of the
year January at which there are but
few young animals on hand. The cen
sus enumeration will refer to Juno 1,
and iu consequence will include nm-t
of the young born in 1900, The ani
mals will be classilied by ages, and the
result of the June enumeration will la
as representative a picture of the stock
of the country us can be secured.
The OelS King.
Tho (iold King Mining & Milling
Company, of Seattle, is a newly incor
porated organization which the incor
porators and stockholders are conlideiit
of bringing to the front during the
coming season. These pnqiertics are
located iu the very heart of the Index
mining district, adjoining the Copper
Vault, upon which the important
strike was made a short time since.
Active work is soon to be commenced
upon these properties with the idea of
bringing them to a producing basis us
rapidly as possible.
Montr Christ Mining.
Perhaps tho greatest revival in min
ing and milling which Western Wash
ington has expcriccncd in many years
it aoon to be inaugurated in the justly
famous Monte Crista mining district.
I'.y June 15 trains will be running to
Monte Cristo aud the many valuable
properties which were forced to sus
pend operation after truuHiortation was
shut off by reason of the washout of the
K. & M. 0. railroad will again resume
active work with un increased force of
latiaa Ifaklag L'p.
Considerable activity ia manitest in
mining circles at Index, Wash. Sup
plies are coining in daily for the various
miniug properties; new development
are in piogiess, while workings that
were closed on account of the approach
of winter last ye ar aro starting up
again, or preparing to start. Many a
cabin, throughout the various camps,
that has presented a deserted anil lone
some aps arance for four mouths jtast
now exhibits signs of life; smoke is
issuing from the pii' in the roof; a dog
sits at one entrance; some one is chop
ping wood nearby or repairing or en
larging the log structure. A new tent
shows on some hitherto untenanted hill
side, while a curl of blue smoke aris
ing from the viciuitv betrays the pres
ence of a camp tire. Tiny specks of
light can be distinguished again in the
hills on either hand as ono travels over
the Skykomish valley trail by night;
the tide of travel is increasing, while
pack animals are again in demand; iu
fact, everything tells of the return of
spring iu this growing copper camp.
'nrlliwrat N'otra.
Many new orchards are being set in
the Kittitas valley this spring.
A French draft horse, valued at
$2,000, died last week at Tule lake,
Or., of colic.
It, 0. Kobinson, a Wheeler county,
Or., stockman, has sold 50 -'-yeai-old
steers at f'.'S per head.
W. R, Mascall, a Grant county
sheepman, is reported to have suffered
the loss of 500 head from potkOB,
Wheat is already heading in the Walla
Walla valley, with every promise for
the biggest crop ever harvested there.
Seveial papers of the state not only
urge voters to register, but ask their
subscribers to "see thut your neighbors
do likewise."
San Juan county, Wash., bus paid all
its expenses and has a balauce of
$4l)r.tl0 in the treasury as a contingent
Wenatchee valley has been visited by
heavy frosts the past few nights, great
ly to the disappointment of the gar
deners. The infant child ol Mr. and Mrs.
Ullery, of Wenatchee, Wash., was
fataliy hurt by being stepped on by a
horse a few days ago.
Medford, Or., Isiasts the establish
ment of a cigar factory. It employs
young women, and expects them to
turn out 20,000 cigars weekly.
The project of supplying electric
power and light at Cheney from Spok
ane Falls, 16 miles away, is under con
sideration by the proprietors of the
water power.
The cost to Spokane county of pun
ishing George Webster for the m order
of Mm. Aspland was ,1M.80. Thli
included f 4UH for three years' board in
the county jail, and vm;.uo for e8
cution expenses.
Herbert Shaw, of the government Bab
hatcherv at Baker lake. Wash , lavi
the hatchery has already turned out
12,000,000 sovkeye salmon fry. and
about 6,01)0,000 will be liberated before
the season is over. Alsjut fin.oou steel
head trout will also be hatched.
It is Mportod that there is an organ
ized movement back of the steady im
migration to Washington from British
Columbia of Japanese paur laborers.
For volation of the jumper alien law ,
21 in all have been arrested. The latt
fnor of those were taken off the steamer
Oeorge K. Starr.
Jacob Wormian, of McMinuville.
Or., Ian steamboats between OnfOO
City and Corvallis from lloT to I8W1
aiming them being the Oregon. F.Ik.
(Inward and s-urprise, the fare being
f.HO. Last week he made his tir-t it.,,
over the route in 35 years.
r .. ...... ir Brlnga an liuuroi.,1
KaUII Ulalrlbutlon.
BraditTeet'i -ay a Favorable features
continue in the majority in the general
trade situation. The hopes for the ad
vent for seasonable spring weather
have been realized, aud uearlv all mar
ket report an improved distribution at
retail This, as explained heretofore,
U really the key of the general mer
chandise situation. The industrial sit
uation is a rather spotted one. April
1, instead of May 1, seems to have been
fixed upon aa a date for presenting new
demands as to wages and hours.
Wheat crop advices are on the w holt
favorable except from the Central
Weft. Sympathy is shown with com,
which in turn has been influence,! by
the steady advance iu hog products aud
by the known smalluess of reaerves iu
cribs and in store.
Cotton goods are seasonably quiet at
first hands, but a fair jobbing bDatHM
is doing, aud retail distribution is en
couiagmg. Wool is ou the whole
weaker, but reports from the woolen
goods branch are quite favorable.
Cancellations reported are the smallest
there is record of. Lumber has shown
some weakuess, a widely separated
market this week pointing to not alto
gether satisfactory outlook in the build
ing trades, whether because of heavy
ailvauces in prices or ul unsettled la
bor conditions.
Wheat (including Hour) shipments
for the week aggregate 3,KtU,'.iii3 bush
els, against 1,962,849 last week.
BttliMM failures in the Dni ted
States fur the week number 182, us
compared with 17N last week. For the
first quarter of the year, failures Ufl
fever in number than in iv, mil
liabilities are 7 per cent smaller.
Ill Markata.
Onions, new, fMio2.75 per sack
Lettuce, hot house, 46c per do.
l'otatoes, new, $1718.
Leets, per sack, 75(tf85c.
Turnips, per sack, 60c.
Carrots, per sack, 75c.
l'arsnips, per sack, 758fic.
Cauliflower, 75ciafl jier dozen.
Cabbage, native and California,
f 1.00(4 1.25 per 100 pounds.
Apples, fl.25ojl.60 per box.
l'runes, 60c per box.
Butter Creamery, 26c per pound;
dairy, 17(322c; ranch, 17c per pound.
Fggs 16316c.
Cheese Native, 16c.
Poultry lots 14c; dressed, 1416c;
ipring, $5.
Hay 1'uget.Sound timothy, 112.00;
choice F.astern Washington timothy,
Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $23;
feed meal, $2i!.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton,
Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.25;
blended straights, $3.00; California,
$3.26; buckwheat flour, $6.00; gra
ham, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat
flour, $3.00; rye flour, $3.80(44.00.
Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $13.00;
horts, per ton, $14.00.
Feed Chopped feed, $19.00 per ton;
middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal,
per ton, $30.00.
Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef
steers, 7,l(ii8c; cows, 7c; mutton 8c;
pork, 8c; trimmed, 9c; veal, 8)? (4
llama Large, 18c; imall, 13 14;
breakfast bacon, 12 lac; dry salt sides,
lard Luck Htettir W be aa In
eight of a Forteeo,
While the detectives Were sitting
round the office, waiting for the ser-
eant to Issue assignment and uiake
I elulls, oue of the meu, an old sleuth,
I I hose hair has grown white sbadow-
ag criminals, suddenly gave a loud
ueeze that made the tu audesceut
glit vibrate.
"Great stars," exclaimed oue of the
ounger brood, "you are tbe moat
oclferous sueezer I ever heard "
"Yes. and let tne tell you something,
oy." replied tbe old UetectUe. "that
Ueeze of mine ouce cost me $10,000."
The expression of Incredulity iqKin
he faces of his hearer CtUMd the old
elective to tell the Story of tbe costly
"Itaybl some of you remember," he
nld, "alsiut the police Iu Atlanta being
lotltted back Iu the tOt of two bank
ohher heading tbla way. They bad j
obtied a bank Iu the Last, and the re
Mirt was they were coming in Atlanta,
o meet and divide the sjhiIIs. Inning
PaTatad after the robbery tu mold
Dip! don, I was detailed to work on
be case, nnd It wruut many days lie
ore 1 hud spotted a suspicious stranger
topping at a boarding bouse in the
Ity. 1 kept a close watch mi hint and
. few days later another ruipldotll
baracter turned up and went to tbe
nine hoime to hoard. I knew the men
vere only impacted, and that to secure
vldellce upon which to convict them 1
would have to see them together
vlicn they divided the money or hear
hem discuss their plans wben they
bOttght themselves unnoticed."
The story was gelling Interesting, for
he "boys" In the detective ollice knew
hat uo matter bow uOCfa the old sleuth
ooled other people he never went back
in the "profesh."
"So I arranged with tbe landlady of
he iKiard hoiise," continued the old da
ectlve, "to lock tne me up the closet
ipeulng luto the room which my birds
K-cupled. 1 was afraid not to have the
loset locked, because the fellows might
lave pried around mid opened the
loset to be sure they were glone, I
vua to stay In the lucked closet until
he men held their meeting, ami as
KMMI as they left the landlady was to
lUrry Into the room mid release inc. j
rhe rest would haie been plan sailing.
Veil, the fellows met. and I was In the
loset all right 1 heard them talk
ibout bow they hail worked the rob
ery and discuss the division of the
noney, Then m most critical moment i
felt that 1 was going to sneeze. I did 1
ITerytblng In my power lii keep the!
ItWeM down, but the dust In the closet
md got In Its work ami 1 gave one of
ny regulation sneezes, greatly intensl
led because 1 had attempted to sup
iress It. The Jig was up. I heard two
lieu fleeing down the steps. I knocked
in the door and the landlady let me
nit after what I thought was an Inter
nlnable wait. The men escaped from
he city, and so far us I know were
lever caught. There was n reward of
110,000 for them." Atlanta Oonatl talon.
I-.. in. mi Mark!.
Wheat Walla Walla. 64 55c;
Valley, 64c; Hluestem, 67o per bushel.
Flour Hest grade., $3.00; graham,
2.50; superfine, $2.10 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 86 (4 36c; choice
gray, 34o per bushel.
BarUy Feed barley, $14 14.60;
brewing, $17.00(417.50 per ton.
Millstyffs Bran, $18 per ton; mid
dlings,'$10; shorta, $16; chop, $14 per
Hay Timothy, $9(410; clover, $7(4
T.50; Oregon wild hay, $6(47 per ton.
Uuttor F'ancy creamery, 40 (4 4 6c;
seconds, 40c; dairy, liu.a.i. '.-.
tore, 254 32tc.
Fggs 1 1 lo per dozen.
Cheese Oregon full cream, 13c;
Young America, 14c; new cheese 10c
per pouud.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3,609
4.60 per dozen; hens, $5.00; springs,
$2.50(43.50; geese, $6.50(48.00 forold;
$4.60(46.60; ducks, $6.60(48.00 per
dozen; turkeys, live, 10(4 Ho per
Potatoes 40 50c per sack; sweets,
1(42 'ac per pound.
Vegetables Fleets, $1; turnips, 76c;
per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab
bage, 1,'ac per pound; parsnip, 76;
onions, $2.60(43.00; carrots, 60o.
Hops 3 (4 8c per pouud
Wool Valley, 16(4 18o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 10(4 15c; mohair, 27(4
80c per pouud.
Muttou (iross, best sheep, wethers
and ewes, 4 '4c; dressed mutton, 7(4
7'c pr pound; lambs, $2.60 each.
j0t!li Gross, choice heavy, $5.00;
light and feeders, $4.60; dressed,
$5.00(16.50 per 100 pounds.
Beef 1 iross, top steers, $4.00(34.50;
cows, $3.5O(J4.0O; dressed beef, 6(4
7 34o per pound.
Veal Largo, QHQ'lic; small. 8(4
8'jc per pound,
Tallow 5 (4 5. 4c; No. 3 and grease,
3(44c per pound.
... t Marhat.
Wool Spring Nevada, 13(416c per
pound; F:asteru Oregon, 12(4 16c; Val
ley, 20i322c; Northern, 10(4 He.
Hops 1899 crop, ll(418o per
Butter Fancy creamery 17o;
do seconds, 1616Hc; fancy dairy,
16c; do seconds, 13(310 P" pound.
F.ggs Store, 14c; fancy ranch,
Millstuffs Middlings, $17.00 9
20.00; bran, $12.50(413.50.
jgTWheat $6.50(39.50; wheat and
oat $6 00(39.00; best barley $5.00(3
j Ol alfalfa, $5.00(36.50 per ton;
etraw, 25(3 40c per bale.
potatoes FUrly Hose, 60(4 75c; Ore
gon Burbanks, 60c4$1.00; river Bur
banks, 40(4 70c; balina Burbanks,
so 1.10 per ack.
Citrus Fruit Oranges, 1 alencla,
$2.75i33 75; Mexican limes, $4410.'3
5 00; California lemon 76c(g$1.60;
do choice $1.7538.00 per box.
Tropical Fruits Banana, $1 609
2 50 per bunch; pineapple, nom
inal; Persian datee, ljf.c per
Tlcllm of Slratrgj.
Wife (icorge, are you goiug to the'
club touinht?
Husband Ye, my love. 1 really
don't care to go. but it it an important
meeting, and it would hardly do for
me to ainciit myself.
"What time do you expect to return
"I'.y 1 1 o'clock at the latest."
"Well, on your way just stop for me
at the Woman's twentieth Century
club, on Keener street; I'll be sure to
wait for you." Kichmond Dispatch.
Tli. Srrrrla at MaCatV Rataalad.
The imnine teleeoop winch is nm in
Bfooeasoft oMtruetton - r !. u-.l to bring
be moon union a mile's eyeslgtll of tbia
world, ami 10 rrvral the arcrrta of all plan
els. It may CaUS tia ureal a change In the
world' though) aa Boatettet'i Itomaoh
Bitters doe in the pnydral condition of
mi, tits from dripepata, constipation,
liver or kidney iroUOlea, The miters
atrriiglhru the entire ayatem. aud A 10 pre
vents malaria, fever aud ague Try It.
The calainaiider tree of Ceylon, al
lied to the ebony family, and represent
ed by only im ipodmeM, it credited
with 'no very rarest wood. Tho tree
is cat .'fully protected,
St, Lo us woman was asked how
she managed her husband: "Feed him
weil ami tru.t 10 luck." was her answer.
Let us help tbe falleii, still, though
they navel paj v-, and let us lend,
without exacting th usury of grati
The Rio Grand rVaatarn Railway'
"The (ireat Salt l-ako lioute." has re
sumed its fast train aerrioeo to the Fast,
making the run from Portland to Chi
cago in three days and a half. No lay
in er is necessary, aud only oue change
1 1 1 cars 11 made. Those who desire it
have tbe privilege, however, Of a day
light stopover either at Salt Lake City
or Denver. Three daily express trains
are run, leaving Ogdcu, I 'tab. at 7:16
a. in., aud 1:10 and fp m, The morn
ing traiu carries a through standard
sleeper to Chioago, ria the Burlington
lioute, and the night train one via the
Chicago, Roek Island A Paoiflc Hail
way. The tourist sleepers and chair
cars run daily as formerly through
Horn Portland to Denver. Twice a
week tourist excursion cars are run
through from Portland Ui ltoaton. All
traiu carry dining cars, making the
trip across the continent, via "The
( Ireat Salt Fake lioute," most desira
ble. The Rio Grande vVeatara Railway
is the only road running thiough Salt
I.ake City, and w lth its connections
the Denver iNi Rio Grande and the Col
orado Midland takes the passenger
through the famous liocky mountain
N em ry of Colorado.
1 or rates ami all other information,
addresa J. D. MANSFIELD,
(eiieral Agent.
L'53 Washington St.,
Portland, Oregon.
(icn. Miles kecM up his good horse
lnaiiship by constant practice. Wher
ever he may be or whatever the weath
er, u uioruiug neral iiasse but he
takes a brisk ride.
in. aaaettloa.
Minister Well, Johnnie, what do1
you propose to make of yourself when
you grow up to bo a man?
Johnnie (thoughtfully) Well, I
don't know sure, but 1 have been think
ing lately that I should like to be a
dog-catcher. Sumerulle Journal.
art-r'a Ink.
UihmI ink is a necoaeity for good writing.
Carter's It Hie Iwal. Coals no mors than
poor ink.
If men were as anxious to be worthy
of siBitiou as they are to gain it, the
world would have more great meu.
HOW'S. Till.
. 0 offer One Hiitnlreil IinllaraRawarU fnr any
eaar of Calanli thai cau uot be curat tiy II.. I
1 al irrli ' Uf
r J. CQBItgY ft CO Prop. Tiiled.i, O.
W e lb miili-r-isueil. Ian. known r. J. I'tieney
for tlie ial . ti-ara. and tielleve film erU'i'ltj
In alib in all buatu aa Irauaaf tlou and An-
an. .1' 10 rarrr "ul auy oblly-lKUa uadt
hi i .cir Drui
Warr A Tar ax,
Wbolcaaic linia-l.ti.Toldo, '.
Waiois... ' is s an .ti M a' vis,
V uitle.alo 1 1 . lata. Tnlnto. ti.
nall'il'starrlii ura I.I tea Bt mall) . acilog
i'lrrt'.ly on the lilood and tn onus aurfaeea ul
Ilia ajrat ru. I'rl e Tie per bo U. fiv.d by si.
dtti. Ula. Teailmoiil I. Irrr.
Uallalaiu.i) r . It r U)l ltl.
Although a great portion of the ttuf
from panonal taste ami hen'ditarv in
stincts, the late duke of Westminster
was never iu the ordinary sense ,1 sport
ing pear.
He who shall introduce into public
affairs the principles of primitive
Christianity will ravolntioniia the
If Tt0 Tit T i1 11 I n-KUlnr. til-Ail h niOTH1llt Of tb)
bowtila t wrf Oar. fUV r lick, ur WW i Kxi ..ur
t0li iin. gtn.l If wvli nkMkt.ll Hit ttittt t.f
U'lrtit phytic Off ,.111 pOUOB in GgtiiMrn u l'b
lUtHiibrnl (ulrat ggMMl MffMI 4Vff wf kMplugtb
tHIMtfl I'ltfttr ItUtl i ll'ftll It. t. t.Ake)
v umit
I hrre n rrtor dltabltay tvatl
; 1 v. (ruui
II an saj otkar ruuKiilar All
Ult'lll, Out
I St. Jacobs Oil I
hat fnuml II Itie teAtest and
imaieisel to ii ..( any
form ol
Cigar uanntaotuiaii at Tampa.
I'lorida. will establish a factorv, at
which cigar boxes Mill be inanu-
I am urr Plso'l l ure for fonramptlofl
ave,i in,. III three year ajto Mas runs.
Kossiss. Maple Street. Norwich, S.Y.,
Krb IT. llJ0.
Clara Barton Is preparing material
'or au autobiography.
William LeQaang has Qnllhed a nov
1 called "in white Raiment"
"Out of the l'ust," by Kleanor Hooper
OcrjraU, Is published by Btreet &
"Stephen, the Hlack," by Carolina II.
Peniberton, Is a tragic story bused on
the color line."
Longmans, Green k Oo. have recent
y Issued a volume by Walter Merries
Pollock, called "Jane Austen, Her t'oii
leuiM)rarles, ami Herself."
Itider Haggard's "Jess" Is having a
Freeh boom since the breaking out of
the war with the Itoers. says W. I,.
Mden In his London literary letter tu
the Tlnies.
Albert, the Kngllsh novelist,
whose "Key of the Holy House" proved
10 successful, baa written another
itrlklng historical romance called "The
leutleman Penatoner," which is to be
published Immediately by I). Appletou
k Co.
The Century Company Is printing
urge new edition of "Hugh Wynne.''
Tbe steadiness with which Dr. Weir
Mlti hell's romance of the American
-evolution continues to sell after It has
leeii for more than two years mi the
market indicates thut It is likely to
icci me a permanent addition to histo
rical Action.
Suys a writer: "With regard to
Blackmore'i tnaiterploce, 'Lorna
DOOM,' It Is Interesting lo note from
what slight materials he wove a de
dghtful ami realistic romance, which
rends almost like a historical novel.
Some years ago I, was engaged In extra
Illustrating and Interleaving 11 copjf Ol
th'.s most deservedly popular tale and
I wus able to find but little actual hla
buy of the Doom s of Bag worthy. Cu
riously enough. I lighted among soma
Did number of the I.e sure Hour, on
a story entitled 'The Doonat of Ex
moor,' and a commonplace story It was,
which, although It contained many of
the names since made familiar by
Blackmore (It was published some j
rear, before 'Lorna DoODO'h had no re- 1
temblauce to the great romance of Kx- 1
moor In the smallest degree, On what
tradition It was founded I was unable'
to discover. .Mr. BlBCkmora assured
me that he had never beard of or seen
t. and with regard to the history of
that last survival of a bnudlttl In En-1
(tlund, the Doolies, be wrote: 'I do not
know of any written history of tbe
Doolies and do not think that there I
Any such. Occasional notices are. I be
lieve, to la found in some local guide
i.M.ks, although I have not searched
beiu. 1 have MTer seen the tale la
the leisure Hour of which you sjieak.
I have seen somewhere a tale fouuded
jn the murder of the old sijulre of th
Doones. Tbl my Is- the one you re
fer to.' It would letm, therefore, thai
Mr. Hlack mores imagination could
nave nothing more on which to work
ilian uch oral traditions as hi echool
lays at Tiverton doubtless mad alia with." I
Oregon Cnristtaa Badoeeet 0 yea ties.
The Oregon Christian Endeavor con-
vention will be held at Albany, May
'J.'i-'.'i. John O. Wisdley, the great
temperance orator, will addroas the
convention 011 Sunday, the "7th. The
famous TisMit pictures of the "Life uf
Christ" will bo given by stereopticon
Saturday evening. Railroads have
made usual reduced rates.
Committees are actively engaged iu
making all necessary preparations.
Thev expect a splendid convention and
a large Dumber of delegates from all
over the statu.
The total catch of seals by Canadian
sealing vessels during the past season
was ;H,;i4t, as compared with a total
for the preceding year of ''s. .
Never slekfii, Weaken or Orlpa.
a oonstlpalloa cure that pteaaM row paists,
p.. 10. - ,.iir itomaeh, please, year pookeibook
CaacareU ami)- CalaarUe, lriiKglt, im-,
iiiC, .1C.
Physicians iu Springfield, Mass.,
have agreed not to make contracts with
any society to furnish iiiedol attend
Wnen Baaeekeetan v,. iirightaning
the laterleM ol Their lloniaa.
Now that the baokboM of this re
markable winter is broken, housekeep
ers aro remarking the dingy look of
tho home interior. The education of
new wull coverings is up. I'aier i
dear and short lived; kalsomines are
dirty and sculy; jiaiut is costly. The
use of such a cement as Alabasliue, (or
instance, will solve the problem. This
admirable wall coating is clean, pure
and wholesome. It can be put on with
no trouble by anyone; there 1 choice
of many beautiful Until aud it i loug
The bmic (iialities of sea air are at
tributed by a Trench chemist to a third
of a grain of salt per cubic yard and a
trace ol iodine that hu found by analysis
Ui be present.
Drs. Thebault and Sappetier, two
Parisian physicians, have discovered
an inti-alooboliC serum. A few doses
of it causes an unconquerable disgust
for all ale.. I10I10 stimulant.
Tbere'a HO eaon ben good med
icine la ao much needed aa 111 Spring,
and there's no medicine whiclidoet
ao much good Hi Spring aa Hood's
Sarsapurilla. In fai l. Spring Medi
cine Is noihf name for Hood's Sar
sapurilla. Do not delay taking it.
Don't put it oft nil your health tone
gets too low lo be lifted.
Will give you a g.sul sppltltl, purify
ml surlt b your blood.overcoine thai
tired feeling, give you mental aud
digeative strength and ateady nerves,
lie aura lo aak for HOOD S, and be
Hi ,! .i v I Hood ", the teM
Med iue iiiniiiv can buy. Ul a bot-
.1. TnttlV A II I'Mc-AI
aa n ...I'rt .. ,,n mi i,.-. - - - w
ggggggW rn.ft.Df aaukJiat ei&iMTtea ft
mWem .tmwajfmmm
Plit,nt PfcUUMtt Vuient TsbUQm1 pnOonil,
NieT Hlukvtt. Wtaktfii. Of ii rir llV. :V WrlU
nt tree MktSpW aww! MMUfl un bvgiltb A1dri
!."., t..... . , .ao., . .l.r.l Mft
The American Pint QUUM Workers'
I'llion will establlsJi a co operatlie
factory in the li. liana lias Kelt, to
make prtwiripti n ware.
Mother will lind Mra. Wloslow' Sooth,
big B) rup the b.'-t remedy tu 00 fnr th"T
Children during the teething period.
Boston phvsician asserts that iiuie
i. iit n - of tbe cases of diptboria am
traceable to defective drainage aud im
perfect ventilation.
Tc.lrd and True. Trjr Ihla Spring
There is a transcendent jsiwer iu ex
ample. We relorm others, uucou
sclously, when we walk uprightly.
lf thou daily offend, daily repent, if
twice, thrice, an hundred, au hundred
thousand times, twice, thrice, an hun
dred thotiaaud times n - nt
Arc the best that n bt nude. Nothing
is or 1 an K- luprrior to a Mitchell WAgon,
btCAUJA It Is in. l. If ol the bt
by rxprrirncrd workmen which, cou
pled with 65 years' experience in build
ing WAgons, during which lime the nun
ufAClurcrs luve had but one Aim, And
that to produce the best possible to build,
is a guATAntee ol quAlity. II you buy a Mitchell W.i(,.n, you get the best that can be
nude. AGENTS EVERYWHERE. It none in your vAcinily, we will tell to
you direct. Send for circuUrv
branches mt Spokane, Seattle, Salem, McMlnnvllle,
Medford and La Orande.
Mention Ihla paper.
cities from one gallon to 100,000 gallons per minute.
They is,, f D An II TWO STAMP MILLS,
build the IV f II I fl Cement (travel Mill, and the
Celebrated U"VM" DkAKI Amauiamatob.
Special Machinery for 0APK NOMK. Send (ur Catalogue.
VUni'.U MINT. I'll " " 1 ; " """" "' I -'"'
anuun pnn u vu, , , .1 ,,,.i at..! 1 ,,,,,
.iv mam mam aam mm mm. mm
VfV .of
dical rCvky
VIN Marian.
HaM Stool Hgl
Tr of
35 Yttrj txptrivtu
raiira ami Wlrat v ... a..
anil in. 11 Iriiiiiue, nltli't raillni, ate AH A liter.
Marlilnarjr ami a,i,,llaa.
CAWsriiiN a co.: kniiiniw. hoii.kkm. ma-
chiorrr, aiiidiM. 460 rlralHt., rurllaiKl.Or.
JOHN POOI.K. Potlad, Oioo.
can civ you tb best bargalni Igj ganeral
n.a. Inn,. n , engiiKs, boilers. tanka, pumps,
plow, belt and wlndnrtlla. Tb new
steel I X L windmill, aold by him, t unequalled
liw Double Cylinder Firm Loco-
motiiis md Tnsiing Machinery
Writn fur Catalnaju.
.140 m. vanillin at., I'onri.ANii, ou.
MeatiOS t ta t m aaT.
MACHINERY, all kinds
IS I )S First ilratt f 0SILAND OS.
?ITlMt l'1la pmiaM nomtJN undramar In hlnf
Tf hi. 'Ilfla iirofliim
Tblt f .Mil. a wvll ft nilml. HI
li st ut rtriii)inkt
I ra ftr t urrd h; Or. Boftftf i k (t n PlUt Pfernaily
Htnpt Hi hlntt fttid liinarlinf. Altrti tumorm.
Jftr ftl (.ruKtriau or
mm ftboui four ctvaft.
This neej, tew I last aesra vllt raeehe- 1
tl.i lsoet.ra fttavlaa jlltlli
IM, 1st Ulaaeeol. gfli.n per
Bltt r til It OA1II
fii 1 1 .. btja. pi a4f, ftt4 aoj I
aa mm taat 1
M Was ar ae-e. Oraaleat grala 1
ant ha f f ' I lb I Side "fib t arsl I
Haiti I 1 . HI llllMl.s,
tla4 HI litis, la N V . ierNll I
H mWm fto. A TON
0l' tU. greea tee4 Ur sattla,
hsea sla. Miltiy, ele , attta.
a taa. Wa sail tin. isaiai af taa I
Ha pa e-1 eee4 la tha S
Orsataii araa an rarih Or. - 1 1
a t,.a.ra.
Ralier aarraata It I
Mil Ml I I ins (mi. I Mi
grata la la tka sausi ta J af pa-
lata aa aaMh aa4 LaJir all I
W aaka aaiftvlll mmm jaa lUm.
I aiaall (tn uf FiilLUd AABaI
7 ram Ha4ala wtH.
VRttETAULK prrvn
Large I. afteluaat list ta U fl.
1 1 agr'aniea. la MOW. 14 pkga aaf I
I Ileal eagaiakles ia:palil, fl 00. I
f roH I" HI A H N
afl IhU f.i l. . aa aiall grsal Baa4 I
Caiaiof ee 10 alga farae aaael aaltiaa. I
la la lea aiaaa ta aoataaa wri
Blftsi errt
-M 1 1 a
Jar at druajsjUU or avut ly mil Trafttla fraa. Writ
Ull. UU0Ahf. j'Ollftua ra.
LLLW la I u lift, JM
BnWM Uaaraaiaael
lgammm aC ' f 1
I'aa hiar 04 fur uiinalural
lrrltftllio0 or ui- .-tan n
auiaiaro ni u ' u nir 111 in a ajaaa,
BU I'oalagUa raililaa. ftli'l Dt't ftltflU-
-iCmimcmCo, t at fmmammm,
or 1.1 In alaiu wrartvr.
bf aitiraaa, i" is i f'.r
I Oil. N 1 iM.Ulra, 9.T&.
" t r aant on r-.j .-et
Ixinlre. Mam anrl uf a loaf that SlSSM ont
lb lAipUrlU Ona that raall) dii a IU la and
Ui era la
rioore's Revealed Remedy
Bftar A
ta Uta Y -r. r ii. in.- wlilrh will cur sarh n l avarr
oavaa. s 1 ' kman It baa avar railr.l to cura, no
uiaUar hoe a. .. ur 1 bom lonsi aUn-ling? HmhIU
ff .mi it uaa aill aaalan j-.u It la aaf.
pranla 4rli-tiira, and ran b tahan artttioui lnajaat
laser an, I fr I III' I. 0J Vi
gaaaaaai aaasaagaAttaia m a, ) lT ll (imanriaU. or aanlpr-p. h eg praam.
( utxtlAr gaailad raaaaak
with m Ira u n Teas aur-
58. 1
era r
llram li lltleta
I an nt atlvrrll-M-d
Free an vice
aiiiitiinl Iam. Waehlngton. D, C
lili ace. i K'vriaiui, natron
iglaa. u C . llier will rr-
r l l tie AN II FOR
IL Wrl't I NA 'HAN
r ICFOli aSaaklnalan. U C. Iln-y
H i-rlraiinlrk rri.lli a. H. Mh N. II. Volt staff
Jul. Corp. Froaaculliif . .aunt alnr 17S.
n. r. n. v.
Ha. 10 - I WOO.
Ami dura II thiiroiif lily
at four druffiil B.
I'lraaanl lo take l 00
WHEN writing- to adaartla
ui.utluu thla taer.
..ii...jt--to Saaaaaaaaaaal