The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 21, 1900, Image 2

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    Eugene City Guard.
L I CABTBBLt,, r...pi.r.
Life li
war either of conquest or
to Cuba and In South Africa the de
moralization wrought by tbe deidly
birbedwlre fence was greater tbao
that of tbe tnoit Improved gun and
powder. Tbe portion of fence-cutter
bat promoted tbe drummer-boy Into
tbe forefront of danger. When Meut.
md '"I bis uieu In a rush up lag Juan
bill, a boy private by bin aide fell, BOf"
tall wounded. Ofd benrd bla faint
cry ami pa Mad In his rush to say,
A prleat can no more tell ull lie kuowa lMK,r teUuw, I can do nothing for you
than a newspaper can tell all It knows
Speaking of tariff", the country would
welcome a protective tariff on thoae
Tilt. lmorted Krencb playa.
Right here at home Chinese find
the looted laundry problem much more
erlous than the oin-door ijuentlon.
Rainbow l. ilng will alwaya bt a
habit In politic and other walka of
lift. They come blgb. but we muat
bar tbem.
A girl In New Orleana married a
lunatic after one day's a"
Which la perhapa one of the craxlcat
thing oo record.
It won t do Spain any g d to Invest
rjOMjtOO pe" In quick firing gnna
nnleaa she Invests a reasonable amouul
In target practice with them.
It la asked why women fall In love
with inferior rum. Hem-rally speaking,
conaldeting the subject. It la atrauge
they ever fall In love at all.
Taul Kruger Is reiwrted to I worth
i :, ,.h.i Hav tlM pBODla who are
aympathlaing with blm ever stopM to
tblnk what they would say about a
man who got that rich In ofnci over
bereJ .
The man who gave aa a reason for
stealing a clock that he was In love
aaaM I mmimgiw Then are
mighty few lu his predicament who
take such precaution to know when It
Is time to suy "Hood ulght."
The advantage of horses over bicycles
In warfare was dcMiotisinitcd at Kim
bartof LedyeoUth ami aUfaklBf.
ul i e If the besieged garrisons had
,en compelled to depend Upon bicycles
for ratlous. they could never have held
It will please Queen Victoria, no
doubt, to learn that the life of a Hrlt
LI. soldier In South Africa wan saved
because a bullet was stopped by a box
of her chocolate wblcl was carry-
lng In his pocket even though the Incl
.lent DOM call the attention to tbe lude
atructlblllty of tbe chocolate.
A man from St. l-oula recently rode
In an electric car In Cape Town with
right other Americans from different
parta of the fulled States. The car
was made In Philadelphia, the rail In
Pittsburg, the motor In LyOBi tbe mo
torman was from San rrnncls.n and
the eoodnetoi from Beaton, In the
friendly eempttlUOII for the trade of
the world this country Is beglunlng to
take Ita share.
In It poatlbta for a Jury la N BJ In
telllg.nt? OM writer has recorded an
gnawer la tho ifflrmatlre, Bui if there
may be overlntelllgent men In the panel
are we not In peril also from an exec
alvely Impartial Judge, unduly truthful
witnesses, too much pure air In the
..irt room breathed by litigant- am
law that their oppoi ts shall win the
ult? It may all M M men an,,
women are really "too good to live;"
but not until then.
A wealthy eltlaeii of California has
obtained, after some years of effort, the
consent of the wardens of a church In
Wiltshire. England, to the removal to
Jm ,, iii iiioiiuiiieulal tablet to
z I, i
l smnea an.l KllnU-th Washington
They are supposed Ul bATO 0000 DM
grout great ginndparenta of lieorge
Washington. The slab Is to la- taken
t Washington the Aslliuit Secro
tary of the Treasury having In
charge the matter of Its transportation
and set up '" tBi Smithsonian lust I
tut Ion.
The curious grammatical error nl
most Incoherciicy of the famous MOD
roe doctrine hits ofttO DMO cniiimented
main. OBOttblni BSai a parallel to It
appear In the recently Defoliated
treaty between this country and tlreat
Mrltaln for the eOMtFUdloB and control
f the Isthmian canal. The text of
that treaty provides that ratification!
of It shall be exchanged "within six
months of the date hereof, or earlier If
possible!" And the treaty was written
and carefully revised and re revised by
one uf the most accomplished literary
men Of the age. It Is perhaps hecause
the flip la o obvious thai It passed
Prof. Sunnier of Vale made a foolish
speech uu the marriage question, lie
ld that nlii.-i) pr cent ol nil mar
Iim were failures. Still mine fool
Ish speeches are made by those annoy
r.l by Prof. Sumner. What l the use
of getting e-Clted BWIt lb! marriage
,4i. mi It Is true that about ninety
lT cent of tbOM who are married are
Uiore or less uuliappy. Of those who
re unmarried perhaps tilucl) eight per
cent are unhappy. Marriage h noth
lng lo BO with It. It Is Jut a question
f tiuuiau life. Unman life logins as a
general rule with brilliant hopes, which
ciuelly dwindle away. We aim to get
what others cannot get lo have what
others cannot have. Of course, not
rrery man cm excel every other man.
In stale of etvUtaaUon lu w hich so
called "success" consists In enjoying
amid plenty the contemplation of your
Bjatfobors' wanll tba great majority
must te failure. Kxcept for the man
who Is trying to do his own duty lu
his own Una, life I pretty apt to he
Masatts factOTJ toward the end Ninety
per cent at least are unhappy, tnarrlisl
or single, hjscama nluety per (Ml are
miserably Imperfect.
A doion or more years ago a farmer
twisted bit of Iron alsint a wire fence,
and nutlets! that his cattle avoided It.
Thus originated the use of the barlxd
wire lasjfa, w Inch bai cut the great
free prairies Into raocbes. It baa lacwr
Bbxl and cut from water countless uuiu
bora of tbe wild animals (hat once
roamed tbe prairies, and Is now classed
a war mater Lai by tbe nations, both
I ,i .1 nt .',,11 vim hack for that, was
the brave reply. "I am done for: but
take my steel ti!pers. There may be
s-iother fence beyond that bill, and I
won t be there lo t-M It for you." Tbe
liny lived to bear the shout of victory,
hut the gallant leader, with the boy's
nippers In bis hand and the boy' devo
tion last In hi heart, lay dead not many
yards away.
It la on record Hint Mary'a little lamb,
w hen It followed b-r to school, "made
the children laugh und play." and con
sequently had to ! turned out by the
teacher. Hut It Is also on record that
lu BoatOfl there are several schools
which have regularly maintained such
pets as cats, guinea pigs nnd rabbits,
and have allowed these animals to play
ftmty alsiut the school rooms, without
any disconcerting or time wasting ef
fect, it is even aaaarlafl that toa pr
met of tba dapomlral ami loving little
, n ature had I N to tlclal effect on the
Hi hool. They taught the little city
children how animals famllar lo coun
try people look, and also, by arousing
their affection. Inclined the henrta of
rniitfh children to BUmaait and tender
neiw. There was Just enough recrea
f i. ,ii iii the prasancc of tba an Una la to
do i hlhlren good, without distract
lng them unduly. The iinltnala were,
In the midst of the slums of the city, a
connecting link lM-tween the children
and Qod'l baantlfnl uatural world. It
may not la- practicable to provide nil
schools with anlmiil ixqa, and In the
country It mny ba quite auperliuoua to
do so; but the proposition In Hostou,
whh h has the backing of a very dlhtin
gulsbetl innti. the Itev. Ir. Kdward
Kverett Hale. Is nl least an Interesting
one. '
Tbe greatest evil of divorce Is tho
one of which little Is said - the catas
tropin- la tta children from the disrup
tion of tbe family. Au Instance from
current New York life will Illustrate
letter than a thousand generalities: In
divorce suit that created a great deal
of talk not long ago the court gave the
father custody of the children, lie has
....i ii,n ,,, In charue of one of his te
male relatives. Tbe younger child Is
ii little girl Just old enough to write In
large (.crawling hand ami 10 read
words of one syllable ir tbe type is
large and her mind not too tired A
few days ago. alsiut midnight, the
nursery goTonwaa alaaad the child.
SI,.- was not In her Utile DBO, not in
her room, not In the house and the
front disir was unaccountably opM
The governess ran Into the street ami
lo , orner, vv hi re she presently aw
nn.b r a itTMl lamp far down the block
a small ligure marching sturdily away
from "home" through tbe lonely,
bogy" haunted darkness. The gov
erness called, the child looked hack and
then ran on uulll one of her shoes came
off. This enabled the goveruesH quick
ly to overtake her. She bad on her
bat, a coat button ad all awry over her
night gown. She had not stopped to
Ml on her Stocking! 01 to button her
boon, "h, let me go on:" she sob
batfi "Why. where do you want to go,
you naughty little girl';" said the gov
erness. "1 waited till you were asleep,"
replied the child, "and then 1 Started
out to Bad my mamma." And they
had thought thai the child had forgot
ten bacawaa the had told her never
to speak of her mother and she had
said nothing alsiut her for more than
six months. There Is much brave talk
BbOBl "supreme duty to one's own In
dividuality" and alsiut "the biapraaal
hie conflict Of hostile temperaments."
Hilt It slinks away into Niiametaceu
nabea baton tba appealing voice of a
forlorn little child looking for her lost
BRITISH IN AFRICA. Ld. Aft.r t)l, J Jjjitj
1 got up and walked by, aU(j tb""
! nothing but dead blgblandcriTi
r iiuLi iaN(:f ..... -ll.ll ""Sili
fNQLISHSPHtHtur inrt iue yiavc.
Abon. Ev.ctblng that Is Worth Ha"
J autloua. to Th.o,-Oth.r fcoro
".Nu.lon.Ar. Finding Their rW
..ion. Auxtbiubut Prafltabla.
. vears aso It a
brltlsb statesujeu
su A select coiuu
. .. ,.. ii.H early 'Uus
House of v,ommou. - -
reported that the "
sreat cousl or Airicu v -
, : were worth, and recommended the
Here's u Vuntrnrr to PrOVOBt Over
time Beta B t en III the Mn.l.
The overshoe fastener dealgBOd by
JobB fi McCarthy, of Saltshurg, Pa., l!
Intaraatlng, at least, on the acora of
novelly. Its necessity Is apt to appeal
very forcibly to those who hnve had
A. I'.ffrctlYenen. of Weupon. Incrensew,
l utulltle. In Battl! Apparently He-crriiM-Cotnpuri.nn
of I'Mnuultle. In
Kouic of the World', (ire. teat Conflicts.
The South African war has demon
strated some things about up-to-date
lighting machines. One Important fact
brought out Is that, for creating ex
tensive cemeteries and making bloody
history, the old-fashioned lighters, with
their old fashioned short-range weap
ons, still hold the championship. Dy
namite bOBbfl ami lyddltu shells, bullet
slftlug machines and long-range smoke
less powder guns have not fea.ed the
world s record for carnage au lota. The
civilized nations stand aghast at the
fall of a few score of others In a single
light as though It were an unheard of
thing and that science had rendered
warfare too frightfully gory for It to
lie tolerated among buiuau beings.
Probably the almost bloodless victories
of our navy ul Manila Hay ami Santiago
have i.-l H'oph to look for enormous
gains ou a minimum of luvestineiiL
These were marvelous exception!. War
means lighllug, and lighting lu a war
worthy of the name means killing ou
both sides.
The effectiveness of the long range
weapons used lu the South African war
and the mortality which Is looked upon
by the laymen as soinellilug excessive
attract the notice of military men who
have had actual experience in war.
Under the regime of magazine rifles the
battle usually begins at l,.Vj or t.tkMi
yards, and may close down to l.lts) or artillery tire was still more deadly dur
1,000 yards. At the hitler range tbe lire I lng the civil war. It must be taken for
Is supposed to lie very effective. Artll-I granted that such was the case wheii
lery is, of course, ojfactl?! to break up ever solid bodies of troops marched up
olid lines of Infantry, hut It Is I mis is- to the cannon's mouth. In I'lckett'a
slide to make artillery tire effective 1 charge, when the assaulting column
aunlnst troons w ho are covered behind ! closed In on the Federal works, the
a heleht for Instance, or bv the lav of I Federal batteries stationed there III
vision lost 2,020 killed and wounded out
Of 44PM paper strength: that equals 42
per cent. Caldwell's brigade numbered
1.US7 on paer. and lost U."i2 killed and
wouuded-that Is to say, per cent.
In a forlorn boe attack upon log
breastworks at Petersburg In lHtU the
First Maine heavy artillery carried KI2
men In line and lost H.12 killed and
wounded In n rush that kept them un
der lire not to exceed seven minutes.
At fiettysburg, during a crisis, the First
Minnesota wus called upon to charge a
moving line of Confederates and cap
ture Its colors, In order to stagger tbe
assailants, who were marching upon
Padaral batteries. The Confederates
held their tire until the daring Yankees
were close up. and 215 of the Mlnne
sotans out of SOS were struck down
Upon a few square yards of earth, Just
at the point of contact. In the second
battle of Hull Run. 1SI2, Huryee's iou
aves stood up In front of a battery
which was lielng mobbed by Confeder
ate troops and left lilt dead companions
stretched In regular rows around wheel
ruts and trail prints on the spot w here
the guns had stood. Tbe regiment num
bered 7u at the beginning of the fight
Tbe heaviest losers at tbe battle of
(iettysburg were two opposing regi
ments the Twenty-fourth Michigan
and the Twenty sixth North Carolina.
They fought lu the lirst day's battle al
most man for man In the dueling con
test which took place In Mcpherson's
woods. At the end of the day nothing
remained of either regiment ex.vpt
their Hags nnd two pitiful squadl of
battle-grimed soldiers. The Ml.hlgans
lost 31)7 out of 400, ami the North Curo
llnas 088 out of 830,
The casualties sustained by these
droops were almost entirely from inns
ketry tiro. Instances might be cited to
show that, under certain clrcnmstancca,
bore muskets and bayonets from Fon
tenoy In 174.1 to Waterloo lu IMS. The
average of casualties for this period of
smoothbore musket nnd bayonet fight
ing was about 2u it cent.
I.osr l)ecre..e.
The following llftecD battles of the
muzzlo-loadlng. bayonet period repre
sent the martial nations of tbe world:
L Eilsu, 1S07. Loss, 21! per cent.
2. Hunker Hill, 177.",. Lo, 24 per cent.
3. Stone Hirer iMurfreesboroJ, 1602.
Loss, 23Lj per cent.
Marengo. INK). Loss, 23 per cent.
Ohlckamanga, Ib03. Loss, 21 per
Antietsm, 1WI2. Lots, HI per cent.
Leipak, 1S13. Loss, 21 per cent,
tiettysburg, ISlU. Loss, 20 per cent.
It. Sbiloh, 1NI2. Loss, 20 per cent.
10. Lundy's Lune. 1814. Loss, 11 per
Mars la Tour, ISiO. Lost, 10 pr
Wsterloo, ISH. Loss, 14 per cent.
W'oerth. ISTo. Loss, 14 per cent.
Solferino, 1 S.".0. Lou, 12 per cent.
Sadowa, I Si ill. Loss. 12 per cent.
The loss In killed and wounded at
the battle of F.llail Is placed at 40,000
by conservative estimates. In the fig
tires of tiettysburg given In the table,
which are official, tbe total Is little
short of ItO.IHS). The first battle be
longs to the smoothbore and the second
to the rllle barrel era, and the figures
show that as weapons Improve casual
ties grow less In percentages. The aver
age was 98 per cent. In the days of the
musket and pike, 20 per cent, with the
smoothbore and bayonet, about a simi
lar loss with the rllle barrel nnd bayo
net and In the Franco-Prussian war.
fought w ith the breechloadlng rllle. the
casualties fell below 18 per cant
A t'SSri t. IWKNTto.
some experience In tramping soggy,
sticky, muddy streets ami woods. An
elastic cord or band, with suitable fast
elilng plates at each end to prevent
one's overshoes from being pulled off In
the mud or deep snow. Is Ihe Inventor's
claim. One end of this cord Is attached
to the top of the ov ershoe and the other
to the upier of the shoe proper.
BBBttaa Hshbil with , II, i.e.
Hoys In Nebraska, a ferretless coun
try, carry with them when hunting
coll of hose alsuit an Inch lu diameter,
which they pay out llown a rabbit hole
until the bottom is reached, aaawblM
drawing the mouth of a sack over the
hole. A Cbearfu shout down the hose
brings the rabbit out at his heat pa.-e
plump Into the sack. The hose evi
dently does the business as qu . My as
the ferret, with no vexatious delays.
Itapld Tune to MM Orient.
From London to Homlmy lu eleven
days Is the remarkable program laid
out by the Peninsular and Oriental
Steamship Company. The Journey will
lie made by the Hrlndlsl route, and lu
volvc. faster time than Is usual on
Italian railways. The chief Item Is tbe
voyage from Sues to Hombay. which 1
made at tbe rste of seventeen knots
an hour.
When a mail gets luto a eck of trou
ble he Is quite eoutcul to bide bis light
under a bushel.
All men are made of dust -but soius
dust is about two third sand.
the land or by rock nnd trees.
QatV Sickles said recently that he
never had much faith In the effective
ness of long range w eapons, for once
you teach troops that they can send a
bullet a mile, II takes away their lu
trepldlly. Napoleon 111. demoralized
his army by causing the soldiers to
lunik mai ine .our, wioKf oieeeinoa.iiug
some Instances used double charges of
canister at ten paces: that means that
the assailants who had the courage to
march up to the muzzles were
from the ground by Iron hall. At Die
battle of Franklin. T'enn., the slaughter
of the Confederate columns upon the
ground where the heaviest lighting took
place was frightful in the extreme.
rhasaepot and the mltrallleUM would allien or. tne execution ai innt ngot wai
defeat Ihe enemy. It took nil the elan I due to cannon tire. The Confederal!
out Of them and made them mere nut- army was about 10,000 ItroUg ami be
chlnes. The tiermans. who, by the Kan the attack on the Federal fortified
wav. also had their breechloadlng, long. I position at the close of I November day,
ram:., rifle, the Madia (OA. rushed In probably as late as 4 SO p. in., so that
close Quarter!, and that result was dis
astrous to the French.
Civil War Futilities.
Gen. Nelson A. Miles said, apropoa of
the subject of modern Improved weap
ons and projectiles lu relation to battle
field casualties, "l osses diminish In
proportion as man killing devices pro
rt ss " This Is a fact, as shown by tlg
! tires, ami Is well known to close stu
dents of warfare. Take, for Instance,
the Federal attack uimn the Confeder
ate stone wall at Fredericksburg In
1M12. The experience of the Seventh
New Vork iSteubeni regiment lu that
charge Is typical. The Seventh went
lu after other brigades had Nvn re
pulsed In front of the stone wall so that
It .11.1 not receive the fierce outburst of
Confederate tire, but In twenty minutes.
, or at the outside thirty minutes, out of
I twenty live officers In the regiment ten
acre kin. si ami eight woumie.i. ami out
0' I.' men Jib were killed and wound
ad All of these casualties came f-oru
bullet! trad from the stone wall. Th s
lo i! it: officers killed was never exceed
ed ml once In the w hole civil war a-vl
that was In the case of tbe Sev. utb
New Hampshire at the storming nf
Fori Wagner. Hi that affair dven of
f.cis of tbls regiment were killed out
In the attack upon the stone wall the
Seventh Itcglmeut fought with Han
rocks division. This division was
brought in as a supHrtlng column to
tba Initial attack. It consisted of elgh
tis n regiments, end there were n netevn
regimental commanders shot down and
d lablad m one hour. Others were hit.
but kept the field. In the brigade of
Col. CabJweaV to which the Seveuth
Iteg ui.nt belonged, there were llti offi
cers pre at sixty two of whom were
killed oi denuded i.,. i Hancock'! di-
tbere was not two hours of daylight
for lighting. Only one corps of the
Confederate! actually closed lu on the
Federal works, and Its strength was
probably not over 16,000 men. In the
battle there were 0,000 Confederate!
! killed and wounded, among them thlr
tivn general officers. The officii s who
I fell were found close to the federal
breastworks. In some cases In the ditch,
where they had been shot from their
horses while attempting to ride over
the works at the beads of their col
umns. The scenes witnessed it the
battle of Franklin have seldom been
equaled during the century.
Since the Franco Prussian war there
has not Ihhui s Conflict between armies
equally equipped until the present In
the battles between Hussla and Turkey
the Turks had Inferior weapons. Hclng
fanatical flghters. like the dervishes lu
the .Sudan, they were slaughtered by
the breechloaders and dyuamite shells
l of the foe.
To go hack still farther for example!
Of the execution of weapons In war
fare. It Is Interesting to look at tbe rec
ords of battles In the seventeenth cen
tury. In seven great battles of that
era. when the masses carried muskets
sud pikes, the average of casualties waa
0 per cent., so that each mau stood but
about Ihree chances In tour of es
oaie. The casualties In the bloodiest
battle run as high as H per cent In
this class belongs the battle of l.utxen.
which proves! a victory for tbe Sweles,
but their leader. Oustsvus Adolphus.
was killed, and one of his regiments lay
upon the ground In the order In which
the men had stood while Agbtlng. lo
the middle of tbe eighteenth century
tbe bayonet attached to tbe musket su
perseded tbe pike. There were twenty,
three great battle fought with smooth-
German Kmper r at Work.
The correspondence addressed to the
emperOT Is enormous, but the bulk or
It, chiefly petitions. Is opened and dealt
with lu the civil cabinet, only the let
ters of princely personages and others
of Which the handwriting Is recognized
lielng oN'nsl by bin personally, say
ti.ssl Words. These hnve to be replied
lo either by himself or by secretaries,
according to marginal notes made by
him. and then the cuttings from vari
ous new spui ers, pasted lu folios, are
laid before him.
Knelt of the chief ministers of state
and heads of departments of the army
god navy has one or two tlxed days of
the week on which he Is nsvlved by
the emperor ami at these Interviews
ail business connected with the depart
meut is tranaaetad and his orders tak
an on all matters requiring such. Va
rlotis Interviews are also accorded In
the forenoon to officers and others who
have report! to make and thus (he day
is tilled up till luncheon, a meal the
emperor alw ays takes with the empress
and his elder children, the younger
ones Joining the circle afterward. I'su
ally there are one or two guests and
quite a small suite In attendance at
the midday meal, which Is light and
very simple.
The afternoon Is taken up with more
work and then the emperor, frequently
accompanied by the empress, rides,
drivel or plays tennis for a couple of
hours, returning In time for more work
lieforc dinner, which Is at 7 In summer
ami 8 lu winter. Work again follow!
dinner and precede! an early retire
ment to bed. Such Is the nor.nal pro
gram of the emperor's day; but, as
may be Itnag'.ntsl, It Is frequently
broken In Upon by military duties and
mapoetiOIMi by representations, espe
cially lu winter, when numerous re
ceptions, balls, festivals, concerts and
state dinners take place, and by polit
ical business.
gradual abandonment ot ue ,;
tveu lu tbe iO u"'lc "- " ,
men who argued earnestly In I JVOf of
UM abandonment of the w bole of KM b
Africa, with ihe exception o.
t , 1 lluiie. Hut
htuliuu at me v-ape
a cbauge came Oft tne iuu
llr.tlsh dream when, lu the early 80.
Ibey saw all the nation of Europe pre
pare to take part in a passionate scrum
ble for the dark coutlueut That w hlcb
,bey despised and wished to throw
uvvavlu ti e 'bus became In the OOs tho
coveted objects of imperial umbltlou.
Now. wh.u tbe century i cioiu-. ua
pick ol the coutlueut is colored Untisb
Brttlab Africa can be variously de
scribed - geographically, politically.
Bthnologlcally und religiously. Hut tne
simplest definition Is this: All Africa,
that Is comfortably habitable by white
. a under the Brltlsb Hug or under
Hrltlsb protection. And ugnlu. every
thing lu Africa that pays dividends lies
wllhlu the sphere pegged out for John
Hull by bis adventurous sous. l't'r'
ever lu Africa you Und laud In which
wblte-skluued cbildreu cuu be bred and
reured. you w III tiud It lies w ithlu tbe
Hrltish zone. Aud wherever there 'a in
Africa auy paying property, that also
will be found to be within the suuie
sphere of lulluetice. All of Africa thut
la habitable aud all of Africa that pays
Its way, that Is Hrltlsb Africa.
The other nation have scrammeu iu.
ibu Hull's leavings. Fiance, for in
stance, has annexed the Suhurtt. in
i,..r West Afrlcun colony of hcnegni ev
ery fifth European is a French official.
Germany bus annexed 880.000 square
miles of desert In the southwest mm
400,000 of semi-tropical lunn in me
cast: but they hnve more officials man
colonists, more subsidies tuau u,..-
deuds. Portugal has quite an empire or
malarial mashes ou both coasts. l'i-
glum has the Congo Free State, a mag
nificent empire In the heart of troplcul
Afrlcu which ueeds 80,000 a year sub-
from Belgium to keep it rrotn
... . - B
bankruptcy, nnd which, noivvnusuum-
lug tbe subsidy, has run up a ueoi oi
over 8,000,000. Italy, the last to joiu
lu the scramble, has nearly come to
Brief over her African ndvetiture. Afrl-
. . .u. .!..!. I. l.l f
ca stunds soiety on me -
the account of every European nation
but one, and even lu the case of Hrlt
nln the entries to tbe bad are neither
few nor small.
Hrltlsb Africa may be described In
another way. Wherever you nnu a goon
hnrbor In Africa or a navigable river
or a great Inland lnke there you may be
sure the Hrltlsb ting Is not Tar off. i lie
Congo Is tbe only great African river
which does not enter the sea under
Hrltlsb protection. The Congo was
opened up. boomed and made accessible
by Mr. Stanley, a Hrltlsb explorer, ami
its waters are as free to the tlags or an
nations as If they were Hrltlsb. The
only harbor In southern Africa that is
worth having which Is not itrittsii is
I Magna Hay. and John Hull to this day
ruefully recalls the fact that he only
lost thnt by allowing It to be sent to
arbitration before a tribunal which
took more account of musty little deeds
of a remote past than the necessities
of the living present The only harbor
on the southwest const, the natural
port of German southwest Africa. Is
Wnlllsch Hay, where a Hrltlsb sentry
stands on guard under the shade of the
union Jack. Wherever navigable water
Is, there the descendant of the old
vikings recognizes his fatherland even
In the heart of Africa. Of the great
lakes which He In a long strltig from
the Zambesi to the Nile, there Is not
one on whose shores there Is not a Hrlt
lsb possession. Keen the smaller lakes,
such as Lake Tchad, seem to attract the
sea rovers of the Northland. W. T.
Stead. In the Independent
He'. Quite Different frin IB, J
Murkbum'a Pum,
He wa au mtaillgant-loolriaa
well dressed, cleuu lb! eu, j '
to be quite ut home amid tba ai.
aurrouudlugs of tbe buiel lo
reporter met blm. The clerk Im
tbe reporter be was a promOa,
uols former, aud tnlghi be u guoj0
to Interview. '
"Do I," he said when he had w
for a talk, "look like I bad tii
uess of ages In my face;"
Tbe reporter did uut reply,
be thought the mau was guiugoa,
bis remarks.
"I ask you, do IV" be repeats
The reporter bnatMed to aun
that as fur as be could lee be dij 4
"Lo I seem to be bearing ou lajj
the burden of tbe World f
"You carry It very lightly If Jot(
amlled the reporter.
"Would you say that I wai ij
rapture oud despair, a tlilna;
grieves not and thut nerer houiir
"Not unless l was a llur,
the reporter.
"Would you think that anybody
loosened and let down my Jawr
The reporter merely shiHik giit
"Aud has anybody ilauted back
brow, that you cau notice r tlni
went on.
"Not in the least."
"Or has anybody's breath bloti
tbe light within my bralu?"
"Never n blow," said tbe rppottg
"Do I strike you as stolid laal
ned. a brother to the ,, f
"Auythlug but that," adinlttN ib
porter. "Hut why are you askiaf
ull these questions:
"I'll tell you. 1 raited on myfu.
Illinois Inst year 10,000 buna,!
wheat, 12,000 bushels of oaU. a
bushels of corn ami 1,000 head oft
to say nothing of other stuff audi
an.l I'm Just buck from a EwJ
trip. Now, what 1 want to kuuiJ
.viarKuaiii ku.-w wmu ue was qh
about when be w rote Thl Mu
tbe Hoe.' "
A Very lrtrting Incident.
A clergyman was called upon to per
form a marriage ceremony for a couple
lu middle life.
"Have you e,er been married he
fore?" asked the elergytuau of the
"No, sir."
"Have yOU T to the bride.
"Well. yes. I have," replied the bride
laconically; "but It was twenty years
ago. and he was killed In an accident
when we'd ban married only a reek,
no It really ain't w orth mentioning."
Sau Francisco Wave.
A eaea as a mau gits so old he has
no more trouble with heart affairs, hi
liver begin to make bliu gr.eX.
Twelve Hour, of Auonj thut
Like Vrum.
The following are extracts from a let
ter from a sergeaut In tbe Seuforth
II U!. landers, sajs tbe London Tele
graph: "The Black Watch In front made nn
attempt to charge the position, but we
had to retire and simply run for It the
enemy blazing at us all the way and
cropping our fellows like skittles from
their splendid positious.
"There was nothing for It but to lie
down and pretend to be dead, and this
1 did about S:30 a. in., till, I suppose,
0 p. m.. the sun pouring down ou me all
the time, ami uot a drink of water all
day, and dare not stir band or foot,
and expecting every minute to be my
last 1 could bear nothing but the
cries, moans and prayers of the wound
ed all around me. but 1 daren't so much
as look up to see who they were. Shota
and shells were going over me all day
rroiu me enemy aud our side, and
plenty ol them striking within a yard
oi mei mean millets, uot shells-uud
yet they never bit me.
i ociieve some or the fellows lost
their heads and walked right up to the
enemy's place, singing till they dropped
mem. une youngster lying close to me
said he would make a dart for It about
3 p. m. I tried my Is-st to pcrsunde him
not to, out ue would go. A counle nf
seconds later 1 could Lear them pitting
at him. ami then his groans for about
a minute, aud then he was iiuleu
"About this time the sun began to get
fearfully hot, and 1 began to feel It In
the legs, which were uow very painful
and swollen, because 1 was parched
with thirst Most of the wounded
round me had ceased groaning by this
time. As It began to get dark 1 man
aged to wriggle my body through the
shrub farther back, and after I bad
been at It some time, on looking up
fouud myself right In front of another
Intrenchment of the enetuy. Thee sent
a few round at me, but they otruck
The mule btitlertlles Have tbe l
privilege of a pocket, but t
of a butterfly Is wonderfully i
Is really nn extension of tbe i
wing folded back on the upper Sal
It Is exquisitely colored anJ i
like the upper side, so that III
bard to detect, and tm one li.njel
covered how It Is opened. altbon
dotibtedly, the butterfly caa IJ
open while be Is Hying.
The recent trials nf Indian He
the Potomac, of the armor am
the Husshiu battleship lletviui.l
lng In this country, seemed to I
that iirtnorplnte of the Krnje I
made In America has HieadunaJ
the endless contest between rat
armor. Five-Inch projectiles l
striking velocity of more thai I
feet per second failed to iienetrMl
than two Inches In a tl ve-lnca
and the projectiles were wow
pieces, while the plate w us nut am
In a Hrussels street trarenedl
electric tram car line, it lias xi
tlced that the trees on oneii
way begin to lose their folianj
In August the leaves turnint '
and dropping off. Hut la Odffl
same trees begin to bud ?t4
sometimes even blossom. M--!
the trees on the opoarM d
street are unaffected, losing wn
ih bite In the nuiuniu and 6B
only In the spring. The cau
anomaly Is supposed to be leakiapj
tile currents, which stlmuwi
growth of the trees affected.
At the recent scientific wnf
Munich, Prof. Chun exhibited I
suits of the German dei'p-"J
Hon. Some of thclish founding
of about 10.000 feet reseDDHBJJ
tho fossil species In the wJ
Mesozolc era. when the earth!!
nhere was dense with carbon
tlsb. In nuinv cases, had spec!
of collecting light. Some
enormous eyes, occupyUtf
whole side of the head, and I
annnllsal with telescopic orp!
r,-i,i timlr lleht oiithelM
a manner similar lo that of Hi
The National Museum toll
hns nnnie Into noSsesllOD. 01
kit f.,n mi Thomtl bllL
MI..I . Inlv 10. I
occurred about S o'clock H
, n noticed 8 "IM
Hhm ..,.1 n has ai'lK'H1!
trneli of the dcsceii.liuf WfJ
r.,i.rr timt thev heard rulI!
rushing noise. The
,.i .int,,niir seventy
WQIMUVU oil.'"""
but It was ihnttefN
n i. Unrest piece
, " I a bl'
V i.,i itself elabtett iw
1 o,l was D ,'l''1 U1'
T. wi.frlabl-.aii.lW"
a. . i Hi,
(Usseminaieii ,(
,.i.... l- ..lass. BOB
tne rorm oi uw
determined lUtDUldl I,
ii.uniie inakei 1 "'
. ZZt This is to ! l"
OIK ".'," ... ,,-tl
K IM. ""V -. .
. Jki .-..r.,.! ,
wnen insew" .1
iritl 1
In two ways.
lu their habits and
should be ou the r0O
si I'l
iisi'lvd I
so much lu barn
srouudiugs that I
,lot an,1 irntlicr tb
Ol - I uu..
so as to escape
lng still and 10 TheV
COIL As to tne
be icadj l
can strike, a gr
manner of the
vat deal
nid "l
SI. -
the onjeci i.u - - .ltaa
. nnke can g.'l"1",
"""" - ---- . i ..if or
object distant -
the cre , . lrdlu
tl,.. word, lud ,. ,
extended nt full 'tga
hirmle. ins,,--,
.. ..iii.,.i or avoiuco-
easily m
Tlmenerer n.a vi
f a boT w uu
tblnls of
siu can tutul
, s,l ICS