HE EUGENE WEEKLY GUARD. KmBLIIIIKII KOK TiK BIMRimTiM OK DBlOCkiTIC NtlHIFLEI. Ill Til Vh U BUniIT LIWKb BT THKIIrMT UP tll'll Balls 33 IBVIVTVJJ EUGENK, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1900. no :;j Tr: j ni Beautiful line All the shades, JONES ON DEWEY mkinley discharged. utOTHiRiwmctti Tffl SM1TS0N CASE. MOHAWK RAILROAD. Hunks the Admiral a Vice Presidential Possibility. arl Modes, Reds, Grays, new Tans, Blues, Greens, Browns Tagals Attacked Americans Cagayan -Were Repulsed. at Slates. Prices from 75cto $1.75 UPTON BROS Y EUGENE GUARD. t mmu.", ruo sncrs e nt Willamette wtreet, l- TfDth nut KiKhth NtrveU ... l.iri.,.an twitj vV $2.00 1.00 80 i - i 1 1 1 . ' 1 1 m.i N K MAIIKI.KV awa. EkDI. OKKiiOM. BITSOX. DEMIST. turn hp Dm no nxauraa m maul W V II.m:.I i. I km iitSitboir naiil office. Jbrktp work a specialty. SUGAR BEET FACTORY. What It Means to Lane County. That 14,000,(00 pounds of sugar will be produced in Lane county cajh year. That 1,000 men will merit in growing beets. flnil employ- That 880 me the factory. i will tie employee iu OOMEZ ON CUBAN SITUATION. special to tlitj uuaru. Havana, April 17. General Oniui z says the Cuban patriots did not tight to fc'et out of tl.e Spanish yoke tn be i 1 i under the American heel. He says be ha faith iu ihe integrity and honor of the Aiueican people, and believes they will regard their promises made about Cuba. PHILIPPINE FIGHTING. Special to the ucasd. Manila, April 17 Twelve hundred TmjjhIh attack) it General Cafe's head qtiaiters at Cagayan on the tit li I nit. They were dispersed Willi an insur gent losa of SN. The American los-s wan 15. JONES OX DEWEY. Special to the Ucasd. Washington, April 17. Senator JODCfl, chairman of the national democratic committee, does not think Admiral Dewey may be reckoned as a pre-identlal possibility. He Is of the opinion, though, that it might happen that he would be named for the vice-presidency. Chain, Jew mwil uuiMfa wimnttnl. IX M II to 11 am; IS to 2, 1 to '.I p m. Il l I II L .... Bfiii -un. v . "wa aimvil H V III intuitu EccLvr, Orkoom. uV, TV ... . . ....... jxi liilT, u ""mna ni iimnere iu "ofty tu oa u reai mute. - v n (KXIcock. That 3,000.000 brick will tie burned for the building. That 150 cords of wood will be used each 24 limn- in the 12 150 horse power boilers required Iu the factory. That Lane .runty will be the moat progressive and prosperouseub-dlvlslon of Oregon. Sylvester-Jennings. I'ii: y Guard, April 16 Mr. Claude Sylvester and Miss Helen Jeuuiugs were married a 5 o'clock yesterday afteruoou at the home of the bride's father, Hon. A. C. Jeuuings, on West Fifth Street, by Rev. Morton L. Rose, of the First Christian church. I he ceremony was performed iu the presence of the immt diate relatives and a few intiuiate friends, and was as quiet an It wan liupreesive. The youug couple baa many friends who will extend to tbeni best wishes iu which the Guard sincerely joins. Mr. Sylvester is press man of the Guakd, and a capable man. They will continue to reside iu i hi- city. BHumut, m. a AND BTJBGKON, Hno, Oregon Government Gould Not Make Out a Binding Over Case. SEVENal WITNESSES EXAMINED. Special iu the Guard. A l. ban v, April 17 2:15 pru Horace G. McKTnley, the well-known timber laud cruiser and In at ir, had Ins trial iu this city yesterday and tislay on the charge of subnruatlon ol peijury iu securing the aftldavits of settlers to false statements. A number of witnesses wcie present from ltoseburg and other places. The government failed to subs untlate lis charges, aud McKinley was discharged by Commissioner Moutayne, before whom the examination was held. EUGENE BRICK YARD Has Been Purchased By J. Martin. M. J M Martin has purchased the brick yard west of this city from J H UM, and has already begun making brick for the building of the approaching season. nils plant, in us present condition has a capacity of aisiut 700,000 brick during the season, and the Indications are that every brick which can be burned will be needed for the building! now going up or in contemplation. Jealous Wife Shoots. A dispatch to the Portland papers from Halem gives an account of a shooting aflray Sunday morning, wherein Joe liasey was tired on by his wife. It says in part: "This couple has had a rather lively experience the past few years. Tne UGFwr Savings Bank Eugene, Oregon. M P I I T" vSJU.UUU ' 2,500 NS.INO RlieiMr... ...... -"OV3RABLE TERMS An Open Letter. EUQENE, Or., April 14, 19l0. Editok Guard Dear Sir: I am in formed that my name Is placed on the prohibition ticket as a candidate for joint senator. I wish. Mr Editor, to thauk tho-e well meaning friends of mine for the honor conferred upon me, and while I am iu hearty aocord with the principles of prohibition, I am not a candidate for any office In the gift of the people from that or any other political party. For nearly 40 ye-irs I have been trying to nil to the best of my ability a more sacred onice man that or any other political party can confer upon me, and I cannot adoid at this late hoar to enter the muddy pool of politics. With all due respect, let me say that positively decline the nomination. Yours, J. C. Richardson. PUBLIC SPEAKING Cyclone Davis, Of Texas, the greatest stump speaker in America will address the citizens of Eugene, Oregon, On SATUHDAY, APRIL 21, at 1:30 o,clock in the afternoon. Every body invited. At Cottage Grove. April 21 in the Evening at 7:30 O'clock on ii, ra to., - ""I aw ... ITitic'nil eltle .r Ika 11. CO ntrlua : DtanUld Certltlcatei of "''"I Ivriod. r ' rinnpt attention "-"Hit i ' """1'iaiu wirn iM bouulil iter -aaai, 0. A. PAINE. Vice Present. BROWN. Ami Cathler. EGQUNTY BANK FIRST BenhbergCf . Johnson. Sheriff Opinion of Lower Court Reversed Hi rnhberger vs Johliaon, Sheriff et ii, reversed; opinion of Cnlef Justice Wolvertou. Mi L. Heishlierger. appellaut vs. A. J. Johnson, sheritt of Laue county, J. W. ( rider anil Sears, r ssiudeuts; appeal from Lane county, J.C. Fuller ton, judge. The contention of this suit is as to the ownership ol a cerlaiu saw mill, l-oller and eugiue, and all machinery of said saw mill, ('rider sold the prop erty to Levi P. Hershberger Iu IHttS. In 1897 Crlder brought suit against Levi I'. Hershbeiger, accompanied by attachment proceeding, under which aaid property was seized. Crlder obtained judumeut, the properly In question was sold and was bid iu by ( rider aud Sears. Wheu they went to take possession It was refused by N. L. Hershberger, who claimed to nwu the property by purchase from one John M Williams t'pou application of Crlder and Sears, judge FuUertou caused a wi it to Issue directing SberifT Johnson to put them iu osaeKslon, and before tin- writ was executed this suit was brought enjoining the shedll from proceeding thereunder. At a trial later the Injunction wasdtssolved, hence this appeal. The title of N. L. Herahtarger to the property Is derived Irom Williams through an attachment Issucl from a justice court and Judg ment thereof. The rcsiHindent con tends that ihe property iu question was In the nature of realty and could not lie subjected to Ihe decrees of a justice court ; also that the pretended title was nbtai tied through fraudulent ooHuion. The only point involved Is whether the praperty Is personal or realty. Ihe opinion holds that thetnller, engine, saw mMI, etc , were placed upon leased 1 mil mule express agreement witli the owner of the laud ami that they should not become part of Ihe realty, aud that St least nue of the defendants had notice of tills condition. The opinion holds that such an agreement la ft vtlltlone, and will operate to preserve the original character of the chattels allected thereby. The decrex of the lower court is reversed aud one en tered here making the injunction perpetual. lUli shed n IIS. OREGON. tolhj kuiiPBis in all branches on favorable terms. &KLPrdent i Asst Caahier. National Bank Of Eugene. Paid up Cash Capital 850,000 STEAMER EUGENE SOLD. She Brought Only Fifteen Hun dred Dollars. Special to tr.c'luart! Portland, April 18. -The libeled steamer En ene was sold to M Olson antfT W Nordby, of Portland, this afternoon by U S Marshal Zoetb Houser for $1500, to satisfy attach ments filed by 1 Gray et al She est between f 7,000 and $9,000, and is only about one year oM. BO Surplus S50.0O0 Oregon. Kentucky Governorship. Washinciton, April 16. The su preme couit today set April 30 as the date for hearing the Kentucky gover norship case. Eugene a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS J iKme on reawmabls terms. Sight drafts on Chicago, San Franciaoo and Port- I I I I - r, Bills ol Tcbangs sold on foreign c:nntriea. j Te kCcident at the Bootb-Kelly Heposiu receiver! subject to check of certifi- j ml ye.t .rdy whereby O. K. SnJ&!3m entreated to m wUl rscl Ogden had his left i broken, was prompt attention. caused by a heavy lltnl er falling on It P. E. SffoDoiuJM, The leg was iiroken iquarety near tue DallrOuard, April 17 ( AL3KD BY A HEAVY TIMBER. T O HlltDBICM, Preaidant 8 B KaXia, Vloe 1're.i :. ut L Caahier. H. Pottxb. Aaa't C'aahnu j ankle. Dr. D. A. Paine altenuen tne man wbo U now resting esay. woman was a Mrs Hines, and is con siderably older than her husband, who was but a mere boy when he began 'boarding' with her. They had several quarrels, aud site had him arrested fur aasault once, but they always made up again snd finally were married about a yeirago. She has been inordinately jealous of him, and has insisted on keeping her eye on him pretty closely. Ye-t'idsy morning lie waa about logo ip town when the disturbance arose She did not want him to go, and to enforce her wish she pulled a tevolver and began blazing away while he waa sitting down lacing his shoes. He ran around the rooms and nut the nack, his wife firing four shots ut him, only the last one taking efJeOt, though ha imagined he was hit every tlm the gun cracked." The "woman with the gun" formerly re-ided in Eugene, and kept a number ol her acquaintances In this dis interested on several occasions. UNSTAMPED DEEDS. County Cannot Lawfully Affix Stamps to Instruments Received. A matter pertaining to the handling of deeds and other legal Instruments vlhich may come to a county clerk's recorder of conveyances with uo revenue stamp affixed is mentioned In a Waehluglou dispatch, which says that the commissioner of Internal revenue has received a number of inquiries from reiristera of deeds, olerka of courts, and others, asking whether they would be Juslffied In recording deeds, etc, which are seut to them uustampi d. They represent that deeds are otleu received from persons who cannot conveniently procure stamps, asking that they be affixed by the iccorder. The commissioner ana were In the negative, aud In his reply states that the grantee or person who makes or issues the lusliumeut should affix and cancel the stamp. If he omits to do so, he Incurs a penalty of not more than $100. If, however, the omission Is Inadvertent, he may present the instrument to the collector within a year from the date of Issue, pay the stamp tux. aud present the Instrument for post stamping. The commissioner advises that when an unstamped instrument lor record be received, It be returned to be stamped, charging for postage and time occupied In the correspondence made necessary by tbe omission of the stamp. $10,000 Damages and Costs of Suit Awarded. TNI SUPNEME COUNT muss LOWEN COUNT. The decision of the lower court in the Smitsoii case has Is-en affirmed by the Oregon supreme court and by tins decision Jeunie Hmltaoti receives $10,000 from the Houtheru Pacific, together with ihe coata of actlou, for the loss of both legs in a railroad accident nearly two years ago. This oase Is familiar to all Lan county people. On July 20, 1K97, Miss Jeuule Smltaou, who was working I i Ihe hotel al Coburg, took passage on the Woodburu-Nairou brauch of the Sauthern Pacific to Hpriugfleld to visit her parents. The train, which arrived at Bprlngfleld st 0 o'clock at night, stopped before reaohlug the station, and the brakeinaii went with the girl to ihe oar platform to help her alight. I'lie trslii started up wltu a Jerk snd iu thedsrkuees Miss Smitsoii waa thrown under the car wheels which psaaed over both her legs, rendering amputation necessary. The case was taken up for Miss Smltaou by Attorneys Thompson cV Hardy snd H D Norton of this city, Who carried It through the lower court, securing s verdict of $10,000 aud costs for plsinlltt. Attorneys Kenton and Mulr, for the compauy, then appealed the case to the supreme court. The actlou for damages was tiled September 23, 1807 was tried iu the lower court October 30, 1807; the jury brought In the above verdict Novembers, 1807; a motion for a new trial was duuled February 5, 1808; the case was argued iu the supreme court February 18, 1000, by H W Thompson aud A C Woodcock, (who succeeded Attorney Norton) for Miss Smltson, and by Attorneys Feulon aud Mulr for the noutheru Psciflc Company; the decision of the supreme court was tiled today. The company has 20 days iu whioh to file a motion for a reheariug. This case has been stubbornly con contested durlug the time It has been Iu tbe courts, aud the attorneys who have been successful iu the suit are deserving of tlie congratulatioi s they are receiving fur Its termination. Miss Smitsoii, who has been most unfortunate by this sad accident, which rendered her a hliiess cripple for life, will ue enabled to receive some cotnforU heretofore denied her. Dally Quart, April 17 Funeral. Tbe fuuersl ot Ihe Iste Corporal Frank Piyor occurred yester day afternoon, the Interment taking plsoe In the soldier boys lot In the I O O F cemetery. Tbe ruilltsry com psnles of the oily slteuded and added to the Impreeslveuesa of a soldier's funeral, doing all within their power to perform the Isst sots over tbe remslns to loved comrade. Dr T B Ford con ducted tbe services st tbe resldeuoe snd also offiolsted as chaplalu at the cemetery. Dally Guard, April 17 ( n t in n Election. The Episoopsl cburoh elected officers last night aa follows: H J Hawthorne, senior warden; Dr Prentice, C E Loomls, H a' Thompson. Frank Page, Ed Blossom snd John Dsvles, vestrymen; I).... Craw, Ireasuier; H W Thompill, clerk. Contractor Mason Is Pushing the Work Rapidly. BNID0E WIT! Hi L EXPECTED Dim Bpstlal to the Guard, fi-KiNiiHKi.il. April 17. -Archie Mason, of Portland the new contractor Iu charge of the grading f ti e Muhawk branch ot the Houtheru Paoiflc, has commenced active work. Four osr loads of borate, scrapers, etc , arrived Saturday night and were at once seut to the front. Three more carloads of horses and material arrived and were seut to Ihe front last night. The load has an apiieaianoe of activity more evideut than al any previous time sluce Ihe work began, aud the grading will he pushed with all possible speed. The material for the railroad bridge across the McKeuxle la expected to arrive at any lime. The first shipment, consisting of nine carloads of steel baa lelt Ihe Sacramento shops aud Is oa tbe mad. The bridge cou-plete will aiuouut to about 20 carloads. TEACHERS EXAMINATION. List of Successful Applicants Be fore Supt. Win. Miller. Following Is a list of those applicants who successfully passed the regular April examination for teacheis certifi cate in Laue county, as compiled by County School Superintendent Wm. Miller and his asslstauts, L. L. Hurwood aud Miss Augusts Patter sou: First Grade Jessie Withers, Ins Howu, Avon Lamb, Mary Bowu, Pearl Darelius, llerlha lirabbam, Abble W Humphrey, Llllle J Taylor, M lielle Mil lira 1 1 Seooud Orade Arthur C Hates, Manley Gilbert, Etta Ii Roweimau, Btla Gross, Ina Piluey, llerths Ser- geu. Third Orade Ethel ti Hrewsier. Edith Haggard, Delphene Mown, A Grace Humphrey, Fannie Moffitt, Elsie Parks, Dorllla Homers, Mary A Wethcrhee, Josephine Lemon. District Attornby. Koseburg RtvltWI "Hon. H. H. Hazard, of Coos, is the union nominee for di trlot attorney for Cooa, Curry, D .uglsa, Lane, Benton snd L'nuoln counties. The choice of Mr Hsusrd for tbls poaltlou is s wise one. He stands In the 1 1 "nt rsukaof bla profession, bis honesty snd ability being unques tioned. He bsa many warm friends In this county, as well as elsewhere, who will see 'bst be csrrlea bis full parly vote, wblob means s goor. round majority." Grain Hksown. Hon. T. G. Hen driQl s Is having 26 sores of wbsat rSS'ivru on bis farm just south of Eugsue. He first had It sown with dsmp wbest that wss harvested Isst lull. This waa a failure, as only about ..in- four ih of the grain sprouted. We have beard of ssversl fanners that have been compelled to pursue a similar course. An old miller ssys thai after grain of any kind beats once tbe germ Is killed. LACE CURTAINS Can Register in the Evening;. The office of tbe county clerk of Laue oouuty will be open escb Mondsy evening from 7 to 9 o'clock Etta Time. Tuesdays Albany Democrat: The degree team of the A 0 .U W lodge, or tills city, under the management of C C Hogue, with Captain M I) Phillips aa drill master, witli their goat, parapberuslls, and other things for a night of amusement, went to Harrlsburg yesterday, where last night they aasiBted In Initiating into that order sbout twenty new applicants. The Junction City team was also present and took part In the work and enjoyed the festivities of the occasion. The Albany team under Captain Philips Is In splendid condition aud is preparing to take part in the contest at the meeting of the grand lodge next month, al whicli time there is a hundred dollar prlte .,ili ie. to the best degree tesm, snd the boys are after that prize. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. The New Ruffled. The New Brussell Net. The New Irish Point. NEW LACES. Allovers. Aplaca. Dai: j'luard, April 17 No Quarantine. Tbe quarantine stthe residence of W. L. Duulsp was called off today. At tbe present time there la no qusrsntlne of sny nslure In Eugene, this town being free from from the present time uutll May 16. to ( infectious disesae for the Aral time Ii allow working men to register uuaer WVersl months. tbe v otlng Isw, New Spring Lino of Hanan A Sons Shoes. F. E. DUNN.