Tho Klnil You Have nought, ami which hM beta In use for over .10 your, hM bonus tho lifMtaTC of .mill IniH In ,11 miulo under IiIm mt- Jtyf-jP annul supervision slujn Its HMMMft CUCA. All.iw no 0110 to ili-cH-vr you li Ma. AH OMBMfMH ImMnHmm ""'l Kiwist-kiite uw Wn.t K perfeireist. Hint t-sfrY; w-K-h mid inikwigir tho lieietlli of 'ImHSiiH lend' CUWdlM!ii KwiM-nh-nro li(fiisiist 1:v m i mih isC. What is CASTORIA lBastor.ii. In a su-bstltuto for C'n.ilor Oil, Purcirorle, BfM uinl Soothing- Hynips. H Ik Harmless and I'lciiwiiit. It contain neither Opium, Morwliiiio nor oilier Narcotic substance. 1( iijfe I it if im run tee. It destroy Worm and ulltty FcverUbnes. It eiire Dluri lion and Wind Colic. It relievo Teething- Troubles, cures Constipation Mild Flatulency. It nsliullut the Food, Wfl IMW tho Stomach mill Bow els, giving- healthy and naturul sleep. Tho Children's 1'iuiaccu Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Ovor 30 Years. LANE COUNTY CITIZENS TICKET. The county convention that met in Eugene, Saturday, and placed a Citiaens ticket in nomination not only did its work well, hut did it harmoniously and without the leant contention or strife. The convention to a man sank former political prejudices and preferences, and selected the bent men for the nominations. And, in doing this, the three elements that form the Citizens arly were given fair recognition, although there was no apportionment or understanding as to whom the offices should fall. The delegateH were animated by the desire to put out the strongest tioket possible, and they selected their men with that one object in view. The convention left no sore spots or heartburning. The ticket it nomiuated will receive the vol of all citiiona who believe that reform methods should be earrie I mil in state and and county affairs, that all money should not be made depend ni on gold, and that legislation diould be enacted to curb the ra pacious robbery and extortion nf McKinley's pel trusts. GERMAN AMERICANS Likely to Cast a Solid Vote Against McKinlcy. (Wuhlnitoii .,...-t.i HW Yurk WorH.) President McKinley's advisers ire worried over a meeting in Chi--go attended by representatives of the leading German-American newspapers of 10 states, where ictive steps wero taken to oppose the reelection of the President by men who in 180C were strongly for him. German-American editors were in attendance from Michigan, Wis consin, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Minnesota, Nobraska, Missouri and Illinois. The sent ment expressed was unanimous against the present administration. Only thrae issues, a:oordiug to one Informant, were discussed In an ordeal , Men nil women n pt,rh with inrttsrrthattlt ftar, for nutti k mm mnpsrt with the horreii i hlld-blrth. The thought i 1 the null ritnu and dangfl in ntnie lor her, mhi the rafaxlaat utitlui nf all iIcmmiiii ml . ,. f the coming wi and c 'ta uvrr ht a - oi itloom that , annul he anaarn on rv - of women I vr found list the uaeol Mnrnra'a I'alKNli durtli,: utrKimn Mother's Friend Becoming a Mother cy roba coannemeot of all pain and danger, and iii.ur aafetr to aaotltrr and l, lid Thla ateiitinc liniment i odaead to all annum at the lime of their mat critical ordeal N,4 ouK duaa MoTHica's Patasn carry wunin .,1,1, through the paid of rhlld Mnh. but tla uae wenilv nrtpurea the 3strai for the iiinilna i-vani, prevents "montiiiii ' and her itlsvutuluita of thla tiriiod. Sold hy all ilnigaUta at $i.,o tier l"til Sud foi fiee booklet to Tua uaai.ri, ItauuLaTua Co, Atlanta, Oaurfta. NEW LINE OF OAK EXTENSION TABLES AND CHINA CLOSETS AT DAY &. HENDERSON. HEftlLTi. AND VITALITY aaawaa an aaaai aa mm nun vwiiirvu x.xf Tho (treat remedy for nervous pmatration and all tllasases of tho encratlea ornauaof sittixr sat, sui'h aa Nurvoua I'r .tratlon, Falling or Loal Manhood, lmin,inry, Nuthlly Kmlaalooa. Youthful Krrora, Mental Worry, aicoaatre visa of T,lac, o m 1 ll'luill. aill.h Ic.ktl to rli.umllUin an,t lii.aiulv With awara If Tf R IKIIA order wa (itaranlen to cura or refund the money. SoM at V I 0O per boa. I Lit uoino. o DOIM ai.oo. uh. inoiTs iii.tik al wi., io.iua, otn. For Sale By Linn Drug Co. trusts, imperialism and money. UpoL the first two there was no disagreement. was the reported MOMMM that although the German-Americans were strongly anti-silver aa a class, they woold concede a point to the advocates of the white metai and support the nominee of the Kansas City convention on the more recent issues antitrust and snti-imperialism. It ms araued that no German AmeMCM caul! amoral to aoprove am aalMinitafrviM aleeWed to be wrptgged heifaeieseay t- tr.ets, arntl s wixwHei wit4i iwlitwisam aaaai iimt)eiiafifwa. GesawaW-A.arerarciwiS' claim t;,nt it wsrs fhe at vweir raoe in wrwoi e ecVrXr .Ik Kinley. TELL THE TRL'TIl At the fusion ratification meeting Saturday night, Mr. Veatch of Cot tage Grove said the fusioniels would have to sacrifice party and prinoiple to win the campaign, to which we are all agreed. Register "Impressions." The people of Lane county who for many years have known Mr. Vreatch as a level headed, conscien tious man will not believe that he made any luch statement. The Register man's "impressions" to often verge on the iine of untruth fulnesft. He still fails to remember thai One aboveall has said: "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." Try to tell the truth! The Iowa republican house nf representative ha paused a reso lution that is not pA'ant reading for Mr. McK'oley and his sugar trust friends in whose iuterest tariff was put upon 1'orto Kico sugar ezpins to the Ciitr-d Slates. The Iowaans resolved: The people of Ioa are unalter ably opposed In the) eHUblisbment of any tariff duties leteeii the United States mid any territory acquired as a reeult nf the Si ninli American war, itud the people of which accepted the sovereignty of this government without resistance intl voluntarily parsed under the jurisdiction of itt legislation and Itws. Dewey is getting worse itm worse. It was tutil enough when he put himxelf into a presidential dicebox lor any old party to ehuke out. Hut he has capped the climax, we tiiink, with the statement that he is a Democrat and an admirer of Cleveland. His wife was mitde the scapegoat lr his presidential am bilious; it would be interesting to know who loaded up the Admiral with the itlea that he could serve a political Koii and mammon at the same time. Charley llaker is in lve with gold and the gold s amlard now Some may insinuate that it is office that causes his Hops. We remem ber a few years how Chsrley failed to get the coytied nomination for senator on the Republican tioket, then next week walked into ihe l'eoples I'arty convention and ac cepted the nomination. That was a bit of political agility that could not be surpassed by an India rubber gymnast. SEND HQ MONEY t ataaai aaaa a ,a.. r .iai ... . . . . at . .. 1 . W HW .'U rii t v.. mlii. It I y .u,r t.rl Ti nltl t ,,l if i sj la Htfkl. ail.M ( IHtlltli MiwftMsn.siMUf MNaWMeniist mk '.Ji"f;i.l1S ''I SpsctslOllfr Price H5.80 ., l d.iaat ehaiav. Maektna aaWaal 11 WWM.aaittl tr.l,k, .ill ...i.Taa.f. ecl..wa,ii. vl it tNSfl WON ill TIKI i . , .ur.l..mi .i.l . nl return y,.ur 111 ,i, Vol . ,u.m .iii 4,r.r..i j n..u. a... a. ia. ia,au, an aa, ait va aaaaia. Calataaa.. ttut 1 1 . to. . i i ii naii r ai mhi. . i. , iliwi i-oiicerii. tteneral l,e Wnllaoe. orthodox Kepiihliuan, has placet! himself on the side ff the "traitors." In a recent interview he t-aid: "When the presideut recommended free trade with l'orto Kico that was William McKitiley siieaking from hin heart; when be urged congress men to eat their utterances and vote for a duty on the induftries of the islam), iroing and coming, that whs Mark H.QM, the great Ohio luspeotu" lbaaeraie.1 bIm e.e a evU he aa BEWARE OF IMITATIONS'Mi aaawa t . i.m.aaav ..a, wrHM.atoM T14I- RIlRnitTilf aei,K, taraei.aiM, I nC DUnUIjT ...I i i, i,,,M ,,, ,,,k, ,, -.-rr t m a-a aaUM anaixa a,', a. aim tin aaaaaavwna m aaaa m..i, k, ayalTi aiak. i. u. i,. faBV" atalerlal aaai mm ? i 1 U aflmuav TXl J)mmm - 1 ll - Uf Mlt I aaWI taaaaaaaV HRHf. ln k aa I n f WaaaafaV aa-aaa . laaaaT ' - mVaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV a I mm ml I , V IW w I WSSM 'aaaaW aaatm - raaant. V.1.. " rf iti I 1 1 V M m aata HawUaflttaaVrlIlltaVam i V. TaaW w ii r mt. vnv a. v f I 1W Ear I y - . a 1 1 I UN I Ii Bl aTaaaWM II VI I t w tww t fcsir mm H A SOLID QL!...TCH SAWED OAK f'OlBisi m..w T1 1 .'' ''"w tliusnttm n tw ni4a.-a.lllf 'MV J Al.d itS r rl. . a )).' (tMW. M I e- flM mBSu ?. B.llna1 .1- . (MUut UrVM nu"t k ath ta .fM lf I I" la U aaeai ava at a.aLi. .laai . hill IwPirth tat.l uhI brJ in vlm for Ml sU at lli frwM, ilf !, ns Isti, . tuvkj amvr pullft, ivu n four lr. 'tlMtUttl rW l.rfw H. Arwa thnscrttit aT ltraUitir ttiiutl l, ttilauilaO t , 1 nmUm htftor ttnrxxpJ Uom I I' ir'tvls: til faarrirr luir ll' ,-iviai. i mi rrwasaa.i.. .J Wa.UfaJIv' NMaft alJarWkl. Utal aaarast trie I inm-4 C H o , "i XfL t T - laluIlN BHilMUl t i . u I a. -J - --i - - - ..... w-w.aa.aj wwaiaaiii m I aff (B Vt T aMCftln. aaaa it aa. ri....t tta.i a .... . . . . . ' W wawrss. BEARS. WOF6: -K ft ' 'wpj Chicago, III. Tat ravaa.a.ate mftm rueaa qatrtlr, parmanaatle a ar ,ua ata.M.. Yt.aa Maaiorr, Ua of Hralu IVwa, II-. ..b., Vt.Lo(a..M, l.i tiuiiij, Niahllr Kail. Ml hi.,..1 i,,il Bartl, e." aaaa .. I ,-t. . a . .li-.-.. ...-., a, i ,. . ,.au,.. I,...,.., Irr. ataae.tti.iM,,,. atwl nu. aaaawwaaj .lu a , atitM..,, . a,,, b. X . .. -I aaW. m laria. wu.i Writ. u. nr. kaaalral aaat..i r ' . n wr, . , ir.(i.n,a . ani aaiir,-'.- .. 'iwiea, .!. mm, Ja a,.i.r laiiia a... i .. ... . . Mai a - 1r , , - Orr..b7llM'-x .. Ll i I . mi . , I'.lll lilt J. K' LJk.Mi. Oruaaiaaa. I you hsve i you know 1 it. Tou k now all sbour the heavy reetinx in the , stoniscti. the i nsusei, sick head- 1 ache, and seneral 1 weakness. You can't hsve it a week without , your brOOd heint impure. your nervis exhausted, and 'your liver sluggish. a makes the blood pure, strength- ens the digestion, and tones up V) the nerves. And Aver'a PHIIa will ivuas me auifigisq itvcr ana curs ( yuur vonsnpanon. II M 1 laSUs. AB Sraotaa. " I''., ...e.,.... t.r.lkl. I . W " , i.,,-ui. i ir i. i ,ur naraaiariiia. t t,oa i thnw Untlra, and now frel Ilka a nrw aaaa wum antia. an tut triiuw oraa turaa to try Uua aKHlk-lna." i it ...... Jan. SO, MS. ' Hrowahrwa. Va. t'l.lUl .S.I.M.. tmrtfm U .11 .. V .. .'it raaat.a ta. W.i mn. . 3Z. ... 'aa. Da. J S OIK U.W.U. Ma.a GOOD WATER FROM TREES. vt ii. w i.l, i. Wllr laMSaaMSW Wo4a aaaa Ta With Aaaar. Ill many aeetlona of the forest lands f i lie aoufh during the OVy seasooa a U may walk for mllea without find Inc a atreaui of water or a prlng by which fo quench bis thirst. If, bow ever, be Is ta experienced hunter and woodsman, be will not bae to drink water from tbe stagnant pools In order to keep life In bis body. (jueer aa It may seem, an experienced man can bunt for days through such dry tracts and yet experience no In ronvenlence on account of tbe lack of water. Nature has prorlded a means which Is only kiwwn to tbe Initiated. Kvery old huntsman carries with blm when going on a long hunt a small au ger, by wblcb be can secure a refresh Ing. Vnk anl water to cook with at soar mament. A eottonwood tree or a willow Is tbe weH which the wily huntsman tape. I.fe ex-amlnes ea"b tree until be finds one that baa whs a woodsman calls a vein." It Is simply an atenuaed protuberance. liy boring Into this "vein" a stream of clear water will flow out. It Is not sap, but clear, pore water. Tbe huntsmen sy that tbe water la better than tbe average to be bad from ordinary wells. There Is no sweetish taste abont It but It bas a strong flavor of sulphur and Is slight ly carbonated. Tbe reason for this phenomenon can not easily be explained, but that a sup ply of water can be contained In a tree la not so surprising. Tbe fact of Its flowing la tbe wonderful feature, show ing that Is must be under pressure or. In other words, that there Is more at the aniirea of tbe supply. When It Is considered that the trees furnish the water In the dry sesson and that tbe ground Is literally baked. It Is tbe more remarkable, especially when the roots of tbe trees do not extend to any great depth Into Che ground. Memphis Scim itar. NEW YORK'8 EA8T SIDE. On Krall, r llrraalona II ArlwTa llarlf I n Hired I l.rri The east side achieves gentility on great occasions, albeit somewhat un shaven and allpsbod between whiles. From Its own standpoint It does not spare expense. What It cannot buy It hires. Tbe possibilities of renting tbe set pieces and habiliments of fashion bmvs been thoroughly exploited east of the llowery. There Is none of that pride of exclusive possession that ob tains along thoroughfares farther west ward. The swarming population shares Its Joys and sorrows and garments with Impartial band. Many of the brldea whose brief tlnery startles their old companions on tbe wedding nlgbt hire their gowns and veils. Tbe most gorgeous anil costly crea tions are obtainable for $5 an evening. Tbe paraphernalia of mourning may be rented for a single occasion. Ball dresses warranted to captivate are for hlro In Division street. Chowder par ties are equipped throughout for a day on the sound. There are doaena of establishments that drive a flourishing business loan ing drees suits for a consideration. A rigid social etiquette prescribes that tbe truck driver and small shopkeeper shall on such formal occasions as balls and receptions don tbe clawhammer, and tbe downright east elder would rather be out of tbe world than out of faahlon aa be understands It Tbe young men who purchase secondhand the dress suits of business men whom they accost In Broadway and Wall street are the scouts of these luring establishments. Ilevamped and press ed anew, a dress suit will earn Its sec ond cost In two or three evenings. Tbe garb of tbe floor committee at a typical ball of a social club Is evidence enough that the tailors of New York are a cosmopolitan group. New York Mall and Express. Thiiodl in the . . Tka Human nieda. A facetious man who rejoices in the name of Bird conceived tbe Idea of calling a convention of all the people lu Philadelphia wbo belong to bis tribe. Of course It was a Joke, but a glance through tbe pages of tbe di rectory convinced blm that auch a gathering would be a big one. lie dis covered that there were Just an even 100 plain Birds, but the variety of those wbo specified their kinds waa appalling. The list, as far as be went, was aa follows: Doves, 15: Eaglea. 8; Pinches. 21; Fowls. 3: Uawka, 30: Java. 0; Larks, 0; Jeacocks, 20; Pigeons, 1; Parrots, 40; Partridges, 30; Sparrow hawks, 7; Sparrows, 7; Wrens, 10; Robins, 10; Nightingales, 0; Pllckers, 5; Thrushes, 4; Canaries, 3; Qeese, 2, and Turkey, 1. There were two Oolp peys, and Philip Ducks upheld the dignity of bis branch of the family. Philadelphia Record. Urn. er a l.reat I hlm.rr. The tall chimney of tbe Qrant smelt er Is sn object of Interest to every vis itor of Denver. It Is by far the tallest smokestack In the L'ulted States and has but two rivals lu the world. The following facts will glv the reader an adequate idea of tbe Immenalty of thla chimney: It la 3S2 feet 4 Incbea In height There are l.43.000 bricks In this Immense shaft Its weight above the foundation Is I2.37u.a00 pounds. Ita pressure at tbe base Is 100 pounds to the square Inch, and tbe total wind pressure against It In a Kale would be 800,200 pounds. The diameter at the base Is 33 feet and at tbe top 20 feet Denver Post. Santas Nalshbor night. "Was ibst your dog that was howl ing all night?" "I guess It was." "Why In thunder don't you feed hlmr "Heavens, man. It's Indigestion that makes him howl!"-Cleveland Plain Dealer. Trv a . ACKSCN SQUARE 5c Cigar AT All Popular Rrands Of Cigars for sale. Julius Boldstnith's I poo Hndel Barker Standard Bicycle Price $35.00 Ku-Kluck Bicycles $2.oo. Patee Crest Bicycles $27,00. I These are the best values in tbe country none of them made by thfl tl,M. ah kindi ni tire and bicycle fixture. nndsoort. Isftirnn '.'Hi MUMM, iA.M,..M,,vuun, "(1 b"" "6 B"" nvc 1 ;n chit P?,ntr, $ UiZtfii Ytm. SS9tmV9Jl-... li.wVi VUUi ttv- uv m I lllll , 1 I I I k 1 ' ' 1 I fHII Mai W "aur ittw-i sjj 1 1 -i ',m,:m. 1 am aknlfe maker and worked furanumbcrof years in the XewYorkl N -t mrnt I' rril "Vi?;. C ' s- V. first thing I knew I commenced to blcedi UtT Ill'V.u aac ".. I tl , ., :.i- ..! LkkhI would come up troa W'lfi' t..--'"Jk'' . :.;lied the blood spurted out. ltwaab Ta-.i;.. . oi-o ad. a d t rch S " . .. . .. 11 i , iier.i.d 11 raataa uarl nj at' ...i ....I t. m,i. 1 I"" ia t ai-r,.i ,r -... tw . ami e:rfe eliai. amli' ' I.. 1. , II. io. l-ryulieell ..... I ,, . I.' - TMt it " ) . . ... f .a , ... I people Kil 1 me 1 linn msi OUaM mv jicnco with lbs l.ord and lirt pare tod.o. lw I WOUld nnt live till prin. My borne ,7u. .11..1 ..1 ... itM,-. ..... . !ili n 1 iloinc an v vixxl. .-.l?i""7eA.".fi"-' I but iu! ed me to get to New StaltMCaVLrwTt'iat.l l-' Yik City lor exit ininat inn. nnllv saa '" J',',7..'J,i;:.:'."..., Tht-v fl nally took me to a mea-':; .) aeVajea . . ..J .Vi. ICSj I M " af-f-efW physicians made what they iV"".V : . - . There were - .., ..,l...,, l,.,Lin , n aaaa aaal ffraa aa laaaaaw, . m awiaiaw n.utitei w..... lEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc. i, Chicago. Ill . , jKatataw.e-.wll ...-I, hl be laawvaaaawHaawawawBawBawaaaaaaaawBawawaaai Hon; f 15(1. - If and wife to J B VoODg If fM Q I urea lutp 18 s r 1 lYUUCllvD! - ...If.. Im Court House Items Real estate mortgage 176 if) Chattel mortgsite MO" Chattel mortgage ln 00 C'Sltel mnrlKBge Io0 00 K-bI estate uiorigagi- f IOT 88 I ; i e-alate iniirlgNge 60 (Ml Baal e-late inmlusge 100 00 rial lefact Inn of BIOI Igaxe 60 10 Real t-atate niiirl(!Hge U00.HI Maal ealate iiioitgage lJ.0n UbattaJ mortgage I,21(i.lii Chattel mortgage, John S Bays to Columbia Impleiuent Co.. 80(0 ' RaUIi K8TATK TKANHAtTliiNS Bophta A and B K BeuedLt t'i M rs Kvans. lots 1, l,t, 4 and 6, tilin-k 87, Cbicsgo addition ;f 150 (' W Young anil wile, 40 ac Auiftit Wsi'khinllb and wife In Alouzo H Wilkinson, 165 17 acrei In tp Id a r 6 e; also 107 19 acres n tp 18 I r5 w; 11500. OAC to VmG (Jasslln. 8.570 13 in tp 21 a r 1 c; $30.0i 86 The deed contained $30 50 lu U H revenue stamps. II J Deadmond to W H H v-e anil t' O Peterson, 70 acres In tp 17 e r 3 Wj 8060, E E (.'ummlus to Hstlie UomOjiuS, 108 acre lu tp 16 s r 4 w; $500. II J Desd'jinnd ami wile to W J Rtiyse and C O Peternon, 70 ncres i tp 7s r 3 w; f05U I leo A Dnrrls lo Ueo Fisher, interest In Wegner mining claim, lllu Hivei, 850 Quitclaim. Nancy C Conrad in A H Hlnkaoo, 160 acres In ip 18 s r 8 w; $400. J W Holds and wile to H A ttud dlestoit 11 41 acres in ip I? a r 3; $1. Quit claim. M V Duraut to Auhur Llttdtoy, 100 acres In Ip 18 a r 1 w; $25. 1KOBATB. mm ir ClOSe lo listen, rtiter wkile the profeaaor looked ut me solemnly and tK-chired: 'n of your ItinRs la nliout done and the Other is nflcitctl. Tin re may be a slim cham e tr life if ou quit working in thai L -,,!,. fai tut i ' I urnl I nek b me, I. t ! do Im rove I me day I saw nn advertisement of free sasjaj Ackers Knglish Ri medv lot - - mpium, i -1 1 pi von away oy our doumc gists, Walker B iton. I k1'1 " "' the.", bottlt I, and it relieved me. Tk k.ucrlit ninr,, i f the r.-.-ulnrsizc. a id mv I OProvomont was continuoui.tliat slow. My doctors wi re astonished r.nd so wi I I, After dark I hated tot heeattse I was afraid it mit'ht In- ImwhI. ai. i ! A'antOd to know for sure. nof, ar no r, for a! las' I am a solid manay.u.i Although one lungisgooe.i other is a wund iai Ilar, and answera as wen aa two innga, so tar ail see. I want evert one to know tho facts and tliat is wny 1 tell them I (Signed) A. H. BistnoN, A. k.rV Knlish Itemflv It oM bv all 1'tiffelntt titular a poalttv i-i:rutai th r v",.i ni rv will be relskdedta case ol fantire, e.. jae. aad $i a batttih Volte,! Statt n-i I Canada. In Kncland, n id . IS, vl.. and 4a. 4d. HkoatSaria firufcn ymtrtxniic. II. . BOOKSR m ' Ifuprutort, Mv I net For sala by W. L. Del. Lgene, Cr This is it fao siniilt- nf the famoua VIVE with magazine, plate holders and lull at tachment. For salo hy LlfiN DRUG CO. n 1 SEMP ONE Dfllil Estate of M Wallls, deceasetl. iSeml auuual aeOOODt tiled, lieoeipis, $ paitl out, $225. Eslalf of Llszle KUk; gUHrtllan atlthoriaed to sell real estate. Also sales eon tinned to a.nount of $:HX). E-tate of W Miller, deceasetl; tiup plemeutal report tiled. Estate Of Willtird Hardy, deceasetl; W T Cornelius, Levi Vaugltu and (leu Nichols. A H Klsk, guardian of the estate of Lizzie 8 Kisk, to the Booth-Kelly LuuiU-r Compauy, iuterest lu 1210 acres; $175. Batata of H C Oweu, deceased. The appraisers reported; Real properly, $10,100. This la In excess of the mortgaged ludetitrduess. Tbe appraisers wete ('has Hadlev, (Jen II ml ley, John Schrimpf. tluardlauahip of minor heirs of John A Hughes, deceased. Oath of gusrdi an filed. Hond $200. 1N8ANK (MMMITMENT. Alice J Crawford was examined litis forenoon on a charge at i'lsantty before Judge Totter and Medical Examiners Drs I W Prentice and I) A Paine, anil ordered committed to the asylum; The lady is 52 years of age and has b id frequent attacks for 27 years. She 1 threatens suicide and Is unconscious for two and three hours ai a tints. Tbsjcauseof Insanity Is epilepsy. Hhe waa taken to the asylum by Sheriff Withers, assisted by E J Crawford, her husband Ml NINO LOCATION. Hillside, Blue, F A Peplot locator. Black Hawk mining claim, Blue River, 8 Brew aker et al, locators. , KKiilSTRATION. Reglatratlona now number about 3,850, and voters are ttlll enrolling their names at a lively rate. Two years ago 3.SS5 votes were cist fir senator and 3.S25 for sheriff. tbil i..u. .tale li,'tlier l.iumana 1. 1 III Is' Hit i LR. nlp,,,.,.l..r AWlrar V HIGH GRADE 19001 ACME JEWEL BICYCLE."J sanitialloa. YuU CmU PXkl .ftlia if .,n.i,l aaaa Mat, urrriNaptjt,ihrlOSTWMM iiu rtrr mw ur aaraii m , " . . j 1 . fa ll 11 I l ll 40.00, if J 0U hCll It At w10.(Ml pn l JH ,.i flllB CDEPIAI M CLI.. laaasaatltaa 11 IN) Hi'Ilt With I'flW. sW" ..l,.a.. It, Sail rrsfilall . ... a.lnwt.r.lliaiir.1 If I f..Mbtrft ii I'ViMt'i" Im low ten "in "",rM( Mint. ii l'L'-(jJi' at J.O. tll.lMl, f;.0, fs.OOaad '.), WK the new I !'H0 Cirr Itoallya foaiplele at 11.1-. t.t fl AT $13.70 MM IstrthraTrrtatrat hara;ala ever tiffpff .! ut ' l v prlt-e. Itli cuvcrvil ly .t BISW wifiij nigh, islrilur eieriiblug. halt;, ,11a Hi Men Ilm.. . I. tl MQIBMn waswaaiee- a 111. 1 Tun hut .nn.ii h ... L Lrrvcii it nittnxMi. -7. aialot-ar, wme uaTail lllaav jou at l Ml W-e.vv SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO., "ic ,-rn.l. s., .!l,' IVtluh. H.i.,11,- llnr. T. eTttaa mi vor QAM M SKI SS0O.00 1 11 IK V I 't aclllas iai. blotlc at 20.00. AUUrujl, IU.,1 I. IM. P.p.r or In r ki.l.i.ur , EASTMAN KODAKS, J?REMO CAMERAS, ' All the latest magazine CAtueras. E. SCHWARSCHILD, Dyspepsia Cure. Diflests what you eat. Jttmiflcltaiydlgwtatheft)odMidaiai "at tire hi strengthening and recon itniftinBtlie exhausted digestive o tsna, ii Is the latest d I soovered dlflaiV ant ;ind tonic. No other preparation Can approach 't in eitlciency. It in ritantly relieves and permanerjtlvcure Dyapepela, Indlgeatlon, Heartburn' F Intulence, 8our StuMach, Nausea ckHeadiiche.Gastra:s-ia.Cramp,and 1.l'-l!:,'r:,LMlll V'f 1 tdlnailOB VilCEHT & CO.. Coirr Drug Store. -x 5 cr 7Sa r : am r.a III till!" aai ta ej ... f lb 1 A i: I This Circular Plush C t :wyire,t.irv LfT v r.OR 0 MAMMOOr apotea cj , Nljrht Emissions ar t i -av- UVyy ' 1 . ftbuae, or i rom fend tpdii n iwi rt t. Br;ii(ji the pale chcekaand , ' , ' ; i - ( f vouth. ; ynal'OOoperbox; Obexes Z " l'J iiten!.iiar:ui. -c .j euro o Uio mouey. t TRVIfA MEDICAL CO. 0ttaii & jack,.-, st Chicago, iu Foe at; WI. IVUtio lr-i irbt Salt, laal t throuah'it r iburmtolv twa.11,11; aa Ulii r .-nufi tl ati.t illr rliani..!. t... SEARS. ROEBUCK 1 war. -t sVOaV tin Hr i' it. ! el Tar, ll :Hic LO $2,45 BOyLJU inn " at. ti - PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM cwaawa a--1 a.aur.w c. baa fiwuaal a !ai ,nl ar- wtli. '"r Fal'i to ..,-atcrc Oray Can. n.f i waa. a Imr taa a - r Ol M Ml Ml il ' !v5 " -aft 1 ' - ' re aatsa ;0UR S2.45 WATCH lw, .t.m wln,l an-1 s I i ilnolhih. ' l.-i.i." aa4 I. a rrl Ira4la .aira, ni i.rai ad M.o. w,.,.i ararra Ian. . Iw W.i,.,. fra r aaal. "I SS.II aai .a. .rii, LrfrN watal . S : -ItRS. ROEBUCK CO. ataUaCa. aia tkafaaaa j ' m