Eugene City Guard. I. L OAHPBBLL, EUGENE OTY OREGON. EVENTS OF THE BAY An lnK 1 oil., il.." of llama Feel th Two Hilsphers Fripl4 Is C'MdtBd furui. Republican shictod their entire ticket at Cincinnati. Democrat made several striking gain In Michigan. Plumber of Cleveland are on a strike lor higher wage. Wlllam '. Bryan ipke to a crowd ol '8,000 people at Seattle. Eire at Newport, Ark., destroyed property to the amount of $500,000. Koberta' communication with Kim berley baa been cut off by the RotM. No I'uerto Klran f Hill ill I Ml will be granted until government etab lLhed. Two small boy. of Astoria, Or., were drowned in the Columbia while out In a small boat. Boers captured seven guns and 850 men In an engagement 17 mile Irorn llloemfontein. 1'alnter and carpentera of St. liul re on a strike, pending adjustment of their demand lor hlghi Uerilri, small-pox and bubonlo plague are prevalent nt Manila, estab lishing a death rate of over 40 per 1,000. Webster Da via, suststaut secretary of the interior, ban resigned to go on the lecture platform rn the interest ol the lloer. (iovernor Kooaevelt, of New York lias algned the bill repealing the Morton boxing law. It will go into effuot September 1. There la a general desire among all claaaea in the I'hllippiuea for a speedy establishment of tome lorm of perman ent government. Joe l'eto, an Inllan, under aentence of death for munler at Carson, Nev., baa eaoaped from custody, lie was to have been hanged May 4. Diauionda, jewelry and money to the value of $16,000 waa stolen from a Philadelphia residence, and euspioion reata on the coachman, who la missing. A British ateam launch waa captured bv plratea near the Check lleung hhan diatrict, the pilot of the boat munleretl and the lauuch and lighter, which it had iu tow, looted. In a aevere engagement near Bolivar, Yenetuela, General llernautlex waa de feated by (ieiieral I'eualoaa, command ing the government troopa. The revo lotlonlsts ioat HI I. ill.-1 llecause he was suspected of being a py of a rival company, 'Imy Kook, Chinese Hshermau at I'olnt San I'edro, Cal., waa tied by live member of the vailoti companiea to a beacon stake on a barren nx-k iu Kiehardsou's bay, ami Ibere left for two day a without food or water. When dUeovemd he waa almost in a dying condition. His would he murdervra have not yet been captured. An underground railroad la to be constructed in llerlln, at a coat of $.&, 000,000. The government Is taking vigorous measure to suppress outlawry In the Philippine. Until the tariff question la settled, bualneaa in Puerto lllco will remain at a ataudatill. The donble turreta of the uew battle ship Kearaarge have beeu tested and proven a auoceaa. Kx-Unltod States Senator Glbsou, of Maryland, died o( heart disease at Waahlngtou, 1). 0. General Iaiuls Hot ha has been ap pointed to aucceed General Joubert In oomuiaud ol the lloer army. The fiith annual lsat race betwteu Cambridge and Ox fortl resulted iu an eaay victory fur Cambridge. Senator Mcllride introduced a bill creating a Crater Itake Natioual ark, I Crater lake, Sou I hern Oregou. Seattle printer have raised the price of Job work 80 to !i0 per cent, caused by the increaaed cost of stock and high rental. Hussla 1 active. Military prepara tious iu several direction are beiug pushed with vigor. War with Japan la uot pmliahla. Johu llayshp, of Kansas City, ha i ii lound guilty ol murder iu the soo- ond degree aud scuteuced to 1)0 years in the peuiUiutiary. Kohert Bradley, ailas Harclay, ha beeu arrested In San Kraucisoo, (or counterfeiting silver dollar. Au en tire outfit was captured. Several persons perished by being burned by the ignitinu ol petroleum tanks, caused by a collision between two trains, at Yldtkokus, Caucasus. All the coal mines in Indiana bava uapcuded opeiations, due to the failure of the operators to sign a wage contract lor the year. About 11,000 wen are idle a a result, Gov. Smith, d Yermont, owns a pri vate locomotive. It is tilted with lux urious acooiuiuodatious (or eight paa aeugen. There is a scheme to construct a di rect railroad from New York to Chi cago, Mixing 300 n. iles aud making the distance in It) hour. A chairman id the Istanl of direc tor o( the New York Central Kallroad, t'haiiucc) liepexx I uiw s the sung salary of $40,000 auuuallv. More than $0I000I000 worth ol lim it! waa dxtmycd in the recent (oret Are in tha tate o( Washington. The foreign commerce ol the port of Itoeton last year aggregated $lv0.4HS, O00, aturpaxaaiug all ireiioua recont. It 1 understtx.d that the north half of the Colvllle Indian reservation, m Washington, will be throwu . ; hi fur sajtlletueut about May 1. The next Yermont legislature will be naked to appropiiate money for a tatue of Justin S. Mvirrill, to be placed In the statuary ball of the capitol at Waahlngtou. LATER NfcWS. Th .".epubllcans electeJ 1. out of 86 aldermen in Chicago. The Nicaragua canal comrnlaslon has returned to New York. Admiral Dewey ba announced blm-si-li a a candidate for president. i it-ureal French ha given up bl chase after the retreating Boer. Boston is agitating the queatlon of prohibition of ringing church bell. The United States building at the Paris eipoeltion will be cloeed on Hun days. Cjueen Victoria lauded at Dublin Ireland, her lirst visit to the Ulaud la 3U year. A temperance movement ha been inaugurated in Mexico, owing to the increase of drunkenness. Admiral Dewey's collection ol curio ami trophies, at hi request, will I placed in Ibt Smithsonian Institute. lurkih Uwer at the Paris exposition o hot roots' the view of Iho Coiled state liulldlnu and Commissioner Peck has pmtested againat it. The ajMiiderbilt and Morgan now have plan almost perfected which will give them absolute control of the coal supply of America. Forty-lour young men of Thurston, Or, have petitioned the military hoard for the organization of a company ol the National Guard at that place. The Prince of Wales was ahot at In Brussels, while on his way to Copen hagen to attend the celebration of King Christian's birthday. He was not hurt. The mammoth auditorium in which the Democratic National convention was to have been held on July 4, was burned to the grouud, entailing a loss of $;i:.o,ooo. At Itogunsport, In!, 160 masked men blew un two bridge and burned two til I house on the Uigansport anil Burlington pike at midnight. Ihe mud 1 the only pike in the county, and protests have beeu directed against high toll and the alleged bad condition of the pike. Michael J. Daily, the Brooklyn con tractor who obtained from the Spanish city govermeiit of Havana a $12,000, out) contract for sewering and paving, ha received a letter from Governor- ieiieral Wood, inlormiug him that his plans (or the construction of sower aud the ving ol the city ol Havana are disapproved and rejected. The newly orgauized American Match Machine Company, a New Jer sey cor Miration, la about to enter Into competition with the Diamond Match Company, known as the match trust. The new company disss not Intend to couflue it attention to the trade ot the United State, hut will make a vigor oua light (or Kuropean trade, through the sale n( rights. W. J. Bryan addressed 10,000 people at Tacoma, Waah. War tax will uot be reduced at this session of congress. The Puerto Kican bill pnscil the senate by a vote of 40 to HI. The public debt decreased $(1,000,000 duriiig the month ol March. A bill was passed to throw open Idaho and Oklahoma Indian lands. The journeymen plumbers ol Indian apolis have struck, demanding au in crease In pay. The legislative council of Trinidad has ratified the reciprocity treaty with the United Statea. Aguinaldo Is In Singapore. Singa pore pa pet - mention the lact and pub lish short Interviews with him. The plasterers ol Mttmcaisdi have beeu locked out, pending the settle ment of their dispute as to hour. Pearl harlstr, in the Hawaiian Islands, will be improved aud (ortitied aud made available (or uuval purpoaes. Mexico' army convict will be abolished by the new secretary of war. Volunteer service is to be encouraged The nun i ne hospital service has sent an urgcut request to emigres for au appropriation of $600,000 to light plague iu various seaport towns. The casualtlea in the Philippine war since January I, have DOMI Ameri cans, 88 killed. 1 GS wounded; insur geuta, 1,411 killed; 1,453 captured. Great preparations for war are going on iu Kussta. All messages in regard to movement of troou are censored ami all olllcer are denied leaves of absence. The Illinois Brick Company, of Chi cago, the brick combine of that city, has filed with the secretary ol state a certificate of Increase of capital stock Iron $10,000 to $9, 000,000. The party of scientists under Pro lessor A. Agassii, who left Sau Fran cisco several months ago on an e x pod 1 -tlou to the South Seas, has returned. This scientific expedition went first to the Poiuotos, exploring the northern part of those islands, a region uever be fore examined by scientist. After lehttiug the xessel at Tahiti, the re mainder ol the Society islands, as well as the Citok, Saxage and the islands of the Tonga group went explored. Mter refitting at Suva, the K I lice, 1, 1 Inert and Marshall tslauds were ex plored aud the Island ol Guam was xisiU'd. A national ooiigres of 11 others I to bd held at IVs Moines, la., May tlM, The department ol agriculture will plaut li)t,iHH) rubber trees iu the Ha waiian island. At Lfadjf latustlowuv's concert In LoBdOkV Mine. Patti Is said to bate worn dumoud worth over $1,000,000 Gen. John J I'.lwell, a hero of th civil war. died at Cleteland, O. Hit military sen li e c tended (10111 IStll to iMltl. Commander Bichanl Waluwrlghl has assumed hi uew duties as superin tendent of the naval academy at An apolis. Md. tjuoou Victoria ha more living de scendant than any other monarch iu Furope. she has sexen surviving chil dren, ;t.' graudcluldreu and ill) graudc hildreu. Kev. F.dwin A Schell ha sued Uev. Joseph F. Berry and Kev. II. 0, Jen nings, of Chicago, and Kev. Charles Parkhurit, of Itoaton, for $26,000 for forcing him from th Fpwurtb leagu secretary hip. TARIFF BILL PASSED Received a Majority of Nine in the Senate. THE OREGON MKMHKKS DIVIDED Final Vol on lbs Hill Was Vonj t Thirty-One lit Closing Nueeches. Waihington, April 6. Thl wa a notable day In the senate. It brought to a close the sharpest and most pro inned debate usni any measure since those discussed during the memorial "war congress" two year ago. At 4 o'clock this afternoon the vote were lgun upou the Puerto Kican tariff and cixil government bill and pending amendments, and, less than a hour later the measure, about which there a been o much contention in and out of con gress, was paased by a majority of nine, the Una! vote llng 40 to II, Only committee amendment were adopted . It ha lawn evident lor some time that the bill would command a majority in the aeuate, but, notwithstanding the lact, the internet In the meaaure, both of senators and the public, ha uot Mag ged an instant. Today the gallerie were crowded, and hundred of people Ailed the corri dor, unable even to aecure standing rtHtrn in the gallerie. From 11 o'clock, when the senate convened, un til the hour when the voting began, the advocate and opponanta of the bill brilliantly and eloquently maintained their conviction, aud the auditor were kept in a state of constant excitement. The particularly notable speeches of the day were delivered by Mason (Kep. 111.), in opposition to the measure, and by Foraker ( Hep. O. ), who replied to a brief h of Wellington (Kep. Md.). It wa the 1 1I1 10 senator' de lire to clear up any miaundertaandiug or uiiinlormatiou concerning the bill. Ma- n't speech was argumentative, elo quent and amusing by turn, and, a it covered the entire range ol the coun try' duties aud ressinsibilitie to w hat the Illinois senator sarcastically termed "our in -nli I. ir possessions," It was very interesting to hi hearer. BATES IN MINDANAO. Psarorul Orruiatlon of Fl Nurllieru Cllls. Manila. April 6. General John C. Bates has peacefully occupied Surigao, Cagayau, lligan aud Misainis, iu the Islands of Miudanao. A number of ritbui and canuon were captured. The presence of the gun Isiats Yorktuwn, Manila and Pauay prevented resistance at Cagayan. Insurgent at rocitie in Cagayau and Carnalities provinces coutiuue. Sutn lard, Chiuameu and natives have been murdered. Losses In 11,0 riillltillloS. Wablngtou, April 6. General Otis has cabled to the war department, prob ably with a view ol correcting errou ou impression that exiita iu this country as to the state ol the insurrec tion in the Philippines, a summary ol the nae of tlevelopineut ol the cam paign aiuce the first of the calendar year. His ligures go far toward offset ting the belief that exist in some quar ters thut since the addition ol guerrilla methods of wurlare, the insurgent have iutlicted more substantial losses upon the American armiei iu compari son with the puuishmeut which they have themselves received. A significant sentence in the report differentiates insurgents and ladrutVM, showing that litis has taken cognizance o( the fact that a considerable number ol bos tiles are not soldiers under the rules of war and may not expect the same treatment. The remrt, which is dated Manila, April 6, is as follows: "Since Jaliuaiy I, l'J4 skirmishes in the Philippines have laeli reported, mostly light affairs. Our casualties were 10 olllcers and TH enlisted men killed, 18 OfBoOrl (Utd I'll men wound ed. Ins t . nt- and lad roues loss iu killed ami It'll on the field. I,4S6 cap tured (mostly wounded), 1,468; small arm secured, !l,06lj pieces of artillery , 168) large captures ol other liisurgeut property. "A number of important insurgent ntlicer are surrendering aud the -11 na tion I gradually becoming more pa cific. OTIS." IllnlS III Pa HM Hi. e San Juan de Puerto Klco, April 6. A crowd ol about 600 pel sons gathered yesterday at a pier under construction by the K. II. Jeuks Company, of New York, intimidated the uatixe carpM' furs and forced 36 o( them to quit work. The present rate ol WafM is f I -1 (or 10 hours labor. The leaders ol the movement demanded an eight hour tlar. At uoou today a mob of iter 10,000 people assembled and at tacked the St. Thoiuaa laborer. There were 1 SO policemen on duty but they made uo attempt to disperse the crowd and a company of infantry waa called nut to preserve order. The pier is now protected by soldiers. A riitmtiora' atrlke. Cleveland, April 4 Three hundred journey men plumbers and III laborer struck iu this city Unlay (or higher wage. Auilrallan Drought III Son. Mellsuirue, April 6. Good rains have (alien in most o( the districts ot Victoria and New South Wales, aud the Outlook for wheat is uow generally more favorablu lhau it ha beeu for year past. Dubuque, la. April 6. Judge Shir, of the federal court, ha reudared an Bptatoa holding that arson includes the biirniug of a itore bull. ling as well as a lions,.. Th j, int was uxer U"fiiw de idetl by a federal court. Itunla's War 1 y . nova. Berlin, April 6 The W, niche el lung, a scuii-onVtal orgai, puhliaheo alarming report regarxling the wst operation. bl. Ii Uussia la making 01 land and sea. The Zeltuug announces that the cxar will go to Moscow tomor row to It 1 -i ..sent at the military coun cil. All d . it,-lies relating to the mo billaatlou of troop are carefully ceu orod before they are given to the press, t Mb, crs who have applied for a leave of absence hate leu replied to that all such leave will St denied for to pre sent. AMBUSHED BY OUTLAWS. Thrilling Esrlsnc. of Into . ta Icu OflUsr. PhoenH. Aril- April T.i-Tbi fol lowing detail of th ambushing of Oft) er Scarborough, of Dealing. N. M , and Blrchfleld. by outlwa in the Chlrucosa mountain, bate bto re ceived here. The outlawi discovered that they wore being followed mid laid a trap for the officer, wbo walked into It. Al soon a they came within rifle range, the party of three bandit opened fire. The first volley wounded -. nrborough and Blrchfleld, one shot striking Srar borongb in the leg badly shattering the bone; another tra k Biff hiield m UN lf. arm. Both uoii were disabled. The wounded oflotHI boU the outlaw at Isxy, although hard pressed, several time! A contmu. 11 Sring ws kept up until dark. In the meantn Id managed to build a rude rot I M which be placed lOattoOJOOgBi nA a ksio a darkne prex.nt. In- moxemeut (rum la-lug OOtHI I ' the bandits, he lipped away. 10001 1 s borne aud went for assistance. Keturmtig at daybreak be found iMVboroogfa still alive ann holding the fort, bal raffofiaj intens, pain from bis wool 1 md exsiore, it having raineil an. 1 ill through the night. The party arriv-d at sau Simon at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon with and he was sent to his home in Deining. His wound will probably prote fatal. A large sisse has started in pursuit of the outlaw a. who have evidently gone further back in the mountains, where it will la) almost impossible to dislodge tbeiu. NEWS FROM HAWAII. Two frail, 1 .... I'aaes Krportcil Marrh lift. Honoloi 1, March SO, via San Fran cico, April 7. Two cases ol plague were reported March '.'6. One wa a Japanese lishermaii, the other a white mall named John Hurley. Since that date no cai hate apeared. Word has reached here that the dis abled steamer Cleveland reached Hilo afely March M, The distance of 400 mile was made under sail in 10 days. Three hundred or more steerage pas sengers will probably sail (nun here 1.11 the next steamer for San Francisco, Dr. Carmichnel has decided that, in view of the recognition now given the prophylactic a a preventative remedy, effective for from 30 to 40 days, he will give 1 ci nuts for steerage passage to peraou who take the prophylactic and are in gsid health, have their baggage disinfected and are otherwise under aanitary condition. A riot occurred at Paohaua planta tion March 17. A captain of police aud four otlictm arrested eight Japanese for gambling. Alanit 200 Japanese, aruid with cane knives ami club, ur rounded the ollicers and forced them to release their prisoner. A disastrous cane tire swept over 630 arce on the Hawaiian Commercial A Sugar Company's plantation March 110. roiitliltiatlolt of Jolitiors. San Francisco, April 7 The case of the St. I., in- petitioners was taken up today la'lore the interstate commerce commission, and considerable evidence wa introduced in support of their ap plication (or a smaller differential in freight rates between the Middle West and the Pacific coast. Hardware un 1 hunts (nun l'etaluma, Sau Jose aud Oakland were belore the aim mis sion today, and their testimony was directed to the allegation that Pacific coast jobber have united in a combin ation to restaiu trade by shutting out Eastern aud Middle West competition, thereby forcing up prices. Several witnesses testilied to tlieir ladief that such a combinatiou existed. Dlaturltanroa In Panama. New York, April 7. A special to the Herald (mm Washington says: "It 1 now admitted that the dlturb anccs in Panama, Colombia, ant seri ous, and the authorities an beginuing to pay attention to them, Mail serv ice ha beeu interiupled inconsequence of the operation of the troops, aud it wa reported today that there had been (Ightiug iu the streets ol Panama. In quiry at the department of state, how ever, (ailed to elicit any information on thl poiut. "A revolution iu Colombia it nt eapecial Importance to the United States, because of the guriiiitocfl made by thl government to preserve free transit between Colon and Panama." New Oabaa lUllroail. New York, April ;. -A stnmg syndi cate ha been formed for the purpote of constructing a railroad extending the length of Cuba, a distance of about K00 mile, a aoou as the DtOMeafy authori ty can be obtained The full amount Ol capital required tot this undertak ing, it is understood, has already been subscribed by the udicate, which is headed by Sir William C. Yan Home. Nsa Perrn'a iiiallpn Situation. Washington, April 7. The ollicers o( the marine hospital sen ice have consented to handle the smallpox situ ation on the Nea Pen-e's settlement iu Idaho. They will co-operate with the agent aud inspector of the Indian bureau, an I will establish detention camps and do whatever else is neceaary to stamp out the disease and prevent ita spread. Hualaeaa Mloeh Uttrtiod. Menominee, Mich., April 7. Fin today destmyetl the Spte buildiug, the largest business block in the city. The lose on the buildiug is 160.000; in surance, fl'.'.OOO. The total loss, in cluding the loenea o( tiini occupying the block, 1 estimated at $:!00.000. New York, April 7. The jury in the . ase of Olga Nethenole aud other, ac cused ul maintaining a nuisance in per forming the play "Sappho," has re turned verdict ol not guilty, Oraeral John Hldwetl lloa.t. Chico, Cal., April 6. General John Bidwell, toe Prohibition candidate for pteaident in lBtiil. died at his home uear thl city of heart failure. Crueral Bidwell wa a pioneer of 1841, and the leunder of Chioo. He wa 80 year of age. a native of Chautauqua County, New Yoik. He left an estate valued at $1,000,000. The Hodman Manufacturing Com pany, ol vYtckford, Rhode Island, doe skin manufacture., have announced 10 per cent wage tncreate to tb 600 employee. SEARING MAFEKING Relief Force Unable to Reach Besieged Town. SANNAS POST AMBUSCADst. B0P.BS BEPLLSED TWO ATTACKS Bob.rt MftMj His ta.alrr Trans port Animals for th for ward March. London. April 7.-A special dipatcb from bafWOO Marques say sharp fight ing o.curn-1 April -, in the ueighlsir hood ol Mad-king. The garrison made iortte, while Colonel I'lumer's cat airy attacked the liner at Kan.atlabaina. Both attacks were repulsed. Twenty of Colonel HI umei's men were lound dead ou the field, aud six others were made prisoner. The federal losae aere small. Gabemnes, Ibchuanalanl, April 7 - olonel Plantar, with a force ol Urit bjfa mounted infantry, started Ofl a dar ing march. March 25, with the object of threatening the lloer lines ol comma nicatiou. Alter rapid night marchee thniugh the Trauxaal territory, they arrived at dawn, March a 7. w ithin 12 mile ol Zecrust. and distinctly heard the bombardment ol Mud-kim;. Having reconnoitered the country with the view ol futunt operation, without sighting a single white man. Colonel I'lumber crossed the railroad ion tfa of Iibalki, which he found In possession of a lloer (on e, and returned. Then, linding the railmad hence dam ageil by General Suyman's main (oroe, be returned to the vicinity of Male king. Humors reached here that a re lief column i appmaching Mafeking from the south. Kefcerte' laaeilflty, London, April 7. DeUched bodie of Boer horse, numbering Inim 500 to 1,000 each, have apeared at several places to the south ami eastward of llloemfontein, threatening the railroad, but communication by wire and rail is not in the least affected. One of thee forces i uear Kast Spring (outein, on the llloemfontein railmad, aud General l iatacre's forces are repoi ted to be about to engage it. Lord Kobert. except to safeguard th railroad, seemingly decline to send column chasing the lloer bands. He is reserving his cavalry and transport animals for the forwanl march. Ex planations at the war office as to why Hobert is inactive i tiiat there has beeu a lack of horses for remounts, but uow horses are arriviug by train loads hourly. The pressure on the railroad is so great that private parcels aud the ollicers' ucwspaTs have uot been for warded (nun Cape Town for three woeks. The situation iu the Free State remain far (nun clear aud Is unsatis factory to llritish observer. The sickuess among the lloer prison ers at Simoustowu continue to increase. WRECK CAUGHT FIRE. Serious ArrloVnt on Iho fort Worth llottvor ItoMtt. Fort Worth, Tex., April 7. One ol the most serious wrecks in the history of the Fort Worth A Denver City road occurred this morning at a poiut just south of Magenta. Dill miles north of this city. As a result, two men are known to be dead, aud several others injured. The T.ead arc John F. Dane, mail clerk ,ol Denver; Johu J. Kuutl, passentter, residence unknown. The injured are: A. M Scroggin, Inde pendence, la., slightly; Frauk Loine. l it Worth, face cut, uot seriously; James French, injuries uuknowu; Herbert llonebreak, brakeman, El Ileuo, Oi T.i fractured ribs; I n.-i r McNeil, slightly injured; hiremau Dubbs, slightly injured. At the time of the accident the train wa running at lull spued, when it truck a defect in the track, caused by a partial xvashout. The entire train was ditched, the cars being piled in a pnuuiscuoiis heap. To add to the hor rors of the wreck, a lire started in the debris, consuming the entire mass of wrecked cars. Many passengers who mauaged to extricate themselves were badly injured. Mail Clerk John F. Dane, of Denver, was buried la-neath the mass ol wreckage, and was burued to death. It was reported that 1 x pres. Messeuger J. 11. Chapman wa killed, but later n'potts say he is sale. The loss to the railmad company will be heavy, as the entire train was burned. Iron anil Hirrl I'mltta. New York, April 7 The annual re port oi the Sloss lmu A Steel Company, which is now owned by the Slosa Sheflield lmu & Steel Company, shows earnings for the year ended Januarv 80, 11)00. of 1803,667, which, after deduct ing l-'tiu. 753 for interest aud taxes, deperciatitin and renewal lund, leave 1538,914 net profits. Out of this a dividend of 1 per cent was declared In March. I'ractically all of this divi dend goes to the Sloss-Sheftleld Com pany, as the latter now owns all but 30 shares of the 50,000 shares of the capital stock of the Sloss lmu & Steel Company. Mrs. Grant Allen, the widow ol the novelist, is about to open a bookshop In London. Snow Iu (.'lorailii. Denver, April 7 Snow has been falling all over Colorado for the pat .'4 hours. The warm weather makes the snow so soft that it clings to tmes and electrlo wires, breaking them down. Much trouble has been experienced In this city. Telephone, light and trolley wires are down iu various parts of the city; many telegraph and loug-distance telephone lines have been disabled. The street cars are stopped on many lines in this city. Trim of a Druahen Maa. Chicago, April 7 A special to the Heoord from Wagoner, I, T., sax Tom Oalyor. while intoxicated, shot Night Watohman Humphrxs, Dick Kelrber and two men namrd Urown and Scott. Humphry's is not expected 0 live. Gaylor is Mill at large. paniitt Vni.'i. ... aait Corapaar, New York, April 7 The Spanish American Salt Company ha filed arti cle of Inoorporatiou at Trenton, N.J. The common capital stock is stated to be 13,500,000. laolurail taluabl ar anal riaa rroa th British. Brandford, Orange Free Sttte, April -Burghers wbo are returning from tne scene of the Sann. Port ambuscade 1. lo referred to as Karre and Korn spruit) furnish interesting detail I tb, occurrence. It appear, that when the first retreating British wagon en tered the drift theambuscaden shouted Hands up," removed the officers and let the cart through. The process was repeated several times, until the wag on, arrived in a bunch, when the ruse was discovered and a disorderly fight followed. In one cart were two 1 offi cers to whom Commandant Dewet .houted "Hands up." One of them obeved, whereupon the ohter shot his comrade dead, refused to surrender, and was immediately shot. 1M burghers lost three men killed and 1 10 wounded, including a field cornet. Among the wounded was Dutch Mllll tarv Attache Nix. who received a bul letin the chest. Altogether the Boer captured ;isu prisoners throughout the day. The significance of the battle must not be underrated. It was fought by a force of Free Staters, on a Hat plain, and without shelter. The Free Staters are uow desirous of marchngon Bloem foiiten, and the Transvaal officeie are auxous to emulate the successes of their late allies. All the Southern Boer force have now formed junction with the main lo. r arm' . and lorm a large lor 00 of veterans. The burghers, who were prevonsly short of food, now hate plenty. Commandant Dewet sent the British guns, wagons and prisoners to vVinhurg. I'erhaps of greater importance than the victory it the capture of British secret papers, including map and plans of 18D7, 1898 aud ISM. outlining elaborate schemes for the Invasion of the Orange Free State and the . Trans vaal, and giving a plan for reaching Johannesburg from Mafeking along Dr. Jamieson's route, amended so as to avoid mistake. Another gives the plan for a march from llloemfontein to Kroonstad. Advices from Yienters berg, l'rieska and Keuhardt show the colony is full of rebel. The Keuhardt rebels are marching on Calvinia. and others are on their way to Fourteen Streams. A dispatch lmx was found at Sannas Cost containing oaths signed by Free Stater. The signer have been sent for in order that the general may ex plain the invalidity of oaths under compulsion. APPEAL TO THE POWERS. CAPTURED B' Roberts Loses Five Comni. ieaot Infantry. 'resident Htejn'a Npirih to Ihe Kree Mtai Kaad. Pretoria, April, 9. In his speech ,at the opening of the Free State Kaad, President Steyn declared that, in spite if the surrender of Bloemfontein, he had not lost the hope of the triumph of the republican cause. The war, he said, was forced upon the Transvaal, tud notbim; remained for the Orangu Free State but to throw in its lot with its sitser republic, in accordance with the terms of the treaty. The war, he continued, was begun with the object of maintaining the independence secured With the blood of the forefathers of the nation, and had been so successful that it had caused the greatest wonder throughout the world, aud even to the Boers themselves. After paying a tribute to the memory of General Joubert, Steyn said the Brit ish, notwithstanding their overwhelm ing numbers, were violating the Hag ot truce and the Bed Cross, and he was compelled to report the matter to the neutral powers. The president further lemarked that the attempt to create dissension amoug the burghers by issu ing proclamations had failed. Refer ring to the correspondence between the South African presidents and Lord Salisbury, Steyn proceeded: "Not only were those efforts made, but the republics dispatched deputa tions to F.urope tnd America to bring the influence of the neutral powers in order to secure cessation of bloodshed, and I greatly desire that these efforts be crowned with success." GOES TO CONFERENCE. Hawaii.... Terrlturlar inn Tassed hy the House Washington, April 0. The house, after four days of debate, today passed the substitute for the senate bill pro viding for a territorial form of govern ment for Hawaii. The bill now goes to conference. The most interesting feature of the days' proceedings was the attempt of Hill, of Connecticut, to secure the adoption of two amendments, one pro viding for a'resident commissioner in stead of a delegate in congress, and the other declaring that nothing iu the act should lie interpreted as a pledge of statehood. Both wem overwhelmingly defeated. Del soe, of Kentucky, today gave no tice that he would move to refer the credentials of ex-Senator J. C. S. Blackburn, as a senator from that state, to committee on privileges and elec tions. During the greater part of the sessi n the senate had under considera tion the Indian appropriation bill. Sullivan, of Mississippi, delivered a pooch in favor of seating Hon. M. S. Quay, (Inlit Mlnea Laid OtT. Cripple, Creek, Colo., April 9. Two hundred miners have lieen laid off at the Portland mine on account o( the high rates demanded by the smelters for the treatment of gold ores. Two WsgteM Hanged. Baxley, Ga , April 9. King and Lonis Gossby, colored, who killed Dan iel Minis, a tanner, and his voung child near here the night ol March 6 last, were executed here today. Chicago, April 9. A strike of 100 power-house employes of the Chicago Street-Hallway Company tied up 170 miles of electric lines tonight for two hours at the busiest time, and crippled the whole service for the rest of the night. The men who went out objected to a change from an eight to a T.'-hour day. Seoul. Corea, April 9.-An agree ment has been consummated here whereby Russia disavows anv design to obtain a port in the islam) of tguelpart and Core prOOlUM not to ooncede the same to any other Dower. SURROUNDED BY A LA HUE F0fcq Oaneral VHUbols Mareull, , ,1( In tb Hutch Army, Klli,d right With M.thuen . turt," ' London, April 9. Lord jioU, port that five companies ,; fc J troops have been oaptared by u, near Bethanle. The following rJ text of his dispatch to tiiewaro announcing the capture: "Bloemfontein, April i, AnotL. unfortunate occurreucn ,.,"j5 resuiwuK, 1 icr, iu irie r'aptUre of party of infantry laitting o( companiea of the Ron Irish nuJ? and two companies oi th, SlafiVJ ment of mounted infantry, ui.r JIJ dersburg, a little eastward o th anie railway station, withiu lL miles ol this place. They W);rt rounded by a strong foroe ol tb,? my, with four or five gun-. "The detachment held out from an, of April 8 until April 4, at 0 . J then apparently surrendered, for itia refuted that the linn.- . ase. :it',J? time. Immediately after 1 heard a news, during the afternoon of AprilT I ordered Gatacre to proceed br Springfontein, his present hcaHunil1 to Beddersluirg with all insil,u, J? I disiatched the Cameron IhhUniLiH hence to Bethauie. He arrhwlat Kg. dersburg at 10:30 A. M., WithottajJ sition, hut could get 110 uewl0 missing detachment. Then eai k) doubt that the whole party bat htaj made prisoner." The lost companies are probL. 1 part of the force guarding the tl. at Bethanie, 30 miles tooth ol biota, (ontein. The Boers are evidentljora. ating in force near the rHilroul.n) there is a possibility of the linn be interrupted for a brief period ita time. As the captured British nldgj were in a position to defeud Ua selves for nearly '2i hours aodtfj then forced to Burreudtr, the ti,-i.o must have been severe. The Boers were iu force yettrrte five miles from Jagerslontein, mtuiaj AO miles up from Bloem (outein. ft bad a brush with British patrols. Oen. Vlllebnla Mareull K I lied. London, April 9. The war ceived the following dltpatek -, Lord Roberts, dated BlueinloDtt April 9: "Methuen telegraphs from Bod; in the Orange F'ree State, a little negt east of Kiinberley, as follows: "'Surrounded Genera VilltU Mareull Hnd a bodv of Burrs Uxiar.i they could not escape. Villeboii 1 seven Boers were killed, eight wount and 50 are prisoners.' " WORK OF REVOLUTIONISE I American foiiaul Strung t'p b; I Thumbs In IVru. Chicago, April 9. A special vt Record from Washington says: Kdna Gottfried, of Wilkeabarre, consular agent of this emertimratl Truxillo, Peru, iu a worn tafcn which he has filed with the state partment, asserts that iu the um of 1898 at Huaniucho, ,'nl or CO ruvian revolutionists drugged half dressed to the public scmu where they demanded that he prodii 6,000 sols (between $:i,oiiii and ft." and 26 rittes within 15 minutes on nut to chastisement in xtlutt it unm in l'eru the "Hying stocks. Gottfried savs he Dro tested that kf waB unable to complv with thedema and was immediatelv knocked An with a blow from a gun aud ovenin ered. His thumbs were tied tepttaj with thongs and his bauds twisted I of his head. Heavy rifles wereiiw between the inverted elbows sou head and in thatpositiou he was tool un. In a short time the spuni pains rendered him insensible. administration will demand restirenstTJ and an apology. BURMAH FRONTIER FIGHT. Haiti- llelween Chinese Italilera I the llrlllah I'ollre. Vancouver, B. C, April .-"l papers state that Chinese official en towards foreigners is being fl1"! directed airainst British itlieni 1 China. Instigated, it is said, by sian stnurestionH. the . "liiues latelv been esueciiillv troublli the Burmah-Chinese frontier, tM medical olllcer aud an Stilt" miarionnr were murdered. A storv was broucht DJ the M fm Yokohama today series of additional Chinese n"1'' Ida Imnndurv. ClllmiBawalj a battle between 600 Chine military police under District ?l intendent Hertz, ol Hulls'"1' tnHiun mlltrnrv iinlice. With 50 bus, attacked the main body uH-J killing 84 and capturing iimral and hauliers. TM ltB t j .1... Ldled. &i leaner was airioux aies - the Hrilish forces, includuu: 'w cer. were wounded, unit nneseriin Th acnnit nf the battle WW eight"! nn the, Diirmih aide of the m1"!'' Lehigh Laboratory 81 I hi I I'm scietiw1 The 11 U fiOO,! Bethlehem. Pn., Apri cl lahnratorv o( Lehigh i at,, i.., In the cuutr? ' 'II' Ul 111'" I,, if,' - -- burned today, and all its paratus was destroyed, the building and content insurance, $60,000. Tragedy Calif' r. '..I i,,n! 9. B, neieua, . ,mi , Alexander, a burner, slmt " t . . ... i i..., r. k Ban nis wile tonay ami n" . life by cutting his throat wita - it... vl, am'a later. r..uw Kc . Attri! "".j of appeals today handed (lows i ion In the governorship -" 1 ' ,J the Democrats. The opw " judges, four rtemocrats " .f publicans, une neptu " -- The opinion holds that J the leigslature in seamv ' - final, and that the court" y I to review it; that Tayh-r authority in adjourning th' to and tiiat two house of the legislator regular, can bo impeacneo-