The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 14, 1900, Image 1

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Kl'iiKXK, OKK(iiN, SATrUDAY, AIM. II. It, 11)00.
NO 38
t the Month
All Dress Patterns
Bought hero from 15.00 and up
will be cut and fit free of charge.
We have employed an exper
ienced cutter. Call and see.
Valley h Opportooit)
Secure One!
n b war u m tfc' -f a ,1 w v
I a-.. -at At A a SB. I A
i r i 1 1 - m v i.iinnii
r-. ri (" O i i i
PBtLL tJHUO., rUDiisncra
Irc Silly Falsehoods.
Itetrinti r: "lint we notice the demo-
,crat forgot in forget they were p. " . -- ,1
tawu .Seventh anil r.igiiiii svreew el-vnn i ti f n - i 'I in- roiihv nosei, viz: y
(Wr, Hklnwftrth.HIII, Wlibrra.Mllltr, m
............irantAK. If L I'UI I I H hi I S C.
,. 1..11 wi- ... ...
tzoo The above la a falsehood ami nearly
tOO everyone of ex-Populist ( J llrl rup'a
-A. no . ... . .
wtin ill fur m inuti In iiil li.l lies Ihftf
I u ... : i'l ;
.HUI....UI.I.I., " Kl IA I. ""J11"'' mi""" i" - rum, .-in i"c
I . li, i i i i
L. .11 a I... ..-. ,. alula
1. U'.W .... I ' 1 ....
ii nil''.1 1
Vrntuni the iitttue mi nxiures in
Immc.I V V Henderson, I m
... t it. - !!..
i .L. -V IA
tM r use vmric a Hueci.tuv.
HtAl.tR IN
WltchM. Chiiiim.
ima nimntii v nn
'11V X I OT'TliM'nV
haatlaa tm 41. Tll.L.
lltsUam. 12 to 2, 1 to it p m.
v-uaui :ni u Miiiiin hi i nriRmaii
EcatKi, OaiooN.
u w . ..iieikitiun ami iu
Monty to loan on rati estate.
IT' . i .
'"Ml A U VtuOdCCICk.
Register in liiu tl i it iiilarly and
without a blush, li does the opposl
tion no harm mil o; ly inspires the
Levi tieer htm heen u populist of
long standing, being present al the
organisation of t he :irty in Lane
county. He is a well to-do fanner and
Is an excellent citizen. In 1894 be WM
a candidate lor commissioner on the
populitt ticket, the vole -. t I i lt : J T
Calllsoo, rep, 1848; W P Cheshire,
dem, 1888; I tear, pop, 1169.
bneiitl Withers was also present at
the organization of the populist party,
and is Itlll n populitt, as all know. He
made his llrst nice in 1891, when liis
party was in a hoptli ss minority ia
Lane county, and carried every
precinct, i he vote on sheriff resultin?:
Johnson, rep, 185"; Pay, dem, 1896;
Withers, pop, 1U-12. Two years ago, al
every person is awure, he whs nnnv
inaled as a populist oy I he union e in
ventiou, and waselecicd. MrK iji-'er,
will you pulilirh thee faota.
And again, Mr Bklp won h bv nen
a Palmer democrat, but lias -ei U the
error of li in way unil reformed,
The office of coron t, if everyoue ir
aware, is one with no emoluments, and
li-nce Is not soutfht ufli r
Fohmek Euoknk PahTIM Bo'te
City, Idaho Statesman, April 8l "Mrs.
1 Joan V. West has comiueiiceil divorce
: procfeinga aKalnst Kdward A. West,
i The complaint stales that the couple!
I were married at Kuitene Oienon, June
128,1893. Mrs. West alleires that her
husband has been guilty of adultery
with Dixie Lawrence and Jean lUy,
both abandoned women."
The following ieller from Dr Ksrl (i Kntn, of Dayton, Ohio,
Is self-explanatory. Mr KOTO Waa In Kugena about two mouth
ago looking Into the matter, Hiid remained here about 12 days,
Impacting sites, aud studying; the soil renardinif its adaptation to
rUtjar in et raisitiK:
Dayton, ()., April 6, H 00.
Makihn WiLKlNri, Ksij , Kugene, Or.
1)KAR Hik: I herewllh reconuiicnd your locality as well
adapted for the cultivation of the suitr beet and the erectim of a
suitar factory.
The sugar company, which Holis Cohen, esq, represents, aks
a suliMTIitlon of AM 10 acres of land to lie cultivated, surrnuinliim
Eugene; the faetory s te frie of charge, ami a boniiM to the extent
of $10o,U0). The erection of such .'a.iory alone coat $7i il 000, and
ilaannuil IransHctioii amounts to about fUCO.MK.i, when- marly
$3IKI u,'.j or more will be distrltiuteil ilirna to your larmers, and
nearly Jlno.inn. will eo direct to laboring men In theolty, say
iiotblng of ihe amount of other transactions done through such
The erection of a beet sugar faetnry means an opening and nil
establishing ol a home market for your Mnoaodlng larmiiig
community, and a foreruuuer of various other agricultural indus
tries, by which the farmer will realize large returns, Hint the
merchants directly profited thereby.
Should you and your dt be sufficiently Intaraated to eecure
lb4 plant, kindly notify I) Holis Cohen, e-i, and ill t lie same
time, I would ask ( ie favored with your decision, so as to put
me lii a position to help you IS mueh as I can, as I am person
ally very much pleaseil with your city, and should like In looatc
in jroui millet .
a wailing your furtlier communications in tins natter, I big
lo remain Vmim verv truly,
i Mi. Karl ;. Kobn,
l o secute this iilalit would be more advantage to Lane cdUnty
than the Biuataw railroad, for whloh (imi.imki was raised several
years ago. Ltidrande raised a bonus of $2M),(MiU lorasugm factory
there, smaller than this mie es eoutemplaten, mid weie , ,. of
their privilege. Since the factory has bien erected and placi d in
operation the people of (hat rectlon unhesitatingly stale that It il
the largest and best thiug t come to that entire portion of
This factory In cont. Miiplatlon will undoubtedly be elected
some place In the Willamette valley, ami it is llttteriug to Kugeue
to know this plaee is preferred to all others. This is an oppor
tunity where Lane county has a c lonic to stand out pre-eminent
and progressive In advance of the entire valley, and it should not
be neglected. Every business man in Kugeue should urge that
the old Hoard of Trade be revived, and work with similar hoards
at Collage drove, Junclsou, Florence aud other county towns to
build up Lane county, secure this factory and mike wealth
producers out of the thoti-auds of aeres of rich lands which now
I ' J 1111 111 l'lll HUH 111 1. II. I ..... - . I I
n, a
Euueno, Oregon.
rnniiiiTu mm
i mniii i nuRH
w " i a i in ii
tUkllthd In 1882.
-i vncuun.
Bank inn hucinocc in all knansliat
'I ugiim in an ui anuiiud
m laiurauio loruii.
0. Bovvv via .
Mr- , a i i 1 1 i .
U tr,,,. ' nwiuri
U BY, Arst Cashier.
the Nomination
First Ballot.
S . "ial In the iluard.
Mc Minn villi., Apiil 10-The
TongM forces secured control ol the
republican congressional convention
ai t lie outset today by placing A I
Mac rum In rB temporary chairman,
From the l! rat It was conceded that
tbe opposition did not have enouh
strength lo defeat tongue ty
Count) Connnlttco Convention
Notet-Rntification Heeling,
iiU N i Y OOatMlRBI,
Ha i ley J M (learlurt
Hlautoii -C A Applewhite
H'ue Itiver W T I amptiell
West Collage Drove KM N'eatcli
Kasl Cottage drove J W Haker
Creswell J K Noland
Chesher (ieo Hale
Camp Creek J W Shumate
( oyole T J McCullocli
Klmira Jno A Jeans
Kairniouut -J 1' ltamsey
Kail Creek-J S Matleaon
Klorein-e C B HarwiMiit
i iii-hen V H Mathews
tfate Creek J K Kenuerly
III. nteiia L P Tallman
Hermann C I' Heors
Hazel Dell-C K McClaoe
Heceta 0 S Stout-Meld
Irving J M Kitchen
North Junction C P Houston
South Junction A A Foster
Jasper H W Jonea
Lake Creek Chan A Polterf
Lane Win Campbell
Long Tom J K TumboW
Lost Valley-K P Williams
llabsl w Adams
Mapleton-H H Pish
Middle Fork T J Hlakely
Mound- (ieo Holland
.Mohawk J A Spores
MoKsoals John Sims
Pleaaanl Hill W li Haughmau
Rlchardaon J F Kirk
Saginaw UCO Sears
Springlleld-Albert Walker
Spencer Kiws Huston
Thurslon Chas day
WalUtnJ H Day
Wallace John S uitherlaiid
Willamette Quo Smith
Zumwalt J Neusbaum
N Eugene No 1 J J Walton
N uugene No 1 Ribt M Day
B Eugene No 1 John lliggins
H Eugene Mo I -A O Mathews
Siuslaw Jeny Atklusou
Bohemia- James Hunt.
The ronrentlon was composed of
our best citiz.'i s and were courteous
and attentive. No bickerings r
Boers Again Control
Free State.
Part of
1 shtii in iingaaid
London, April 10, The reHirt to
'be war ilspailmeill .tales tbul Hie
Doer fbrces from diflsrsnl directions
are converging towards Brabant and
To Ik- Held in Salem Next
The following clieular han
Issued regarding the betivtlof music:
S. c mil annual .May festival of tin
WilUmattee Valley ( boral Union, all!
be held in Salem, Oregon, May 9, 10
a. id II, HUM).
Tbrao grand eoNarts, two owtorii.,
(Haydn's "CrMtlmi" and Moudei
SObu's "Si Paul,"! with aoloiiui.
chorus of 180 voha, orcheiilra of 26
ples . gSal ival 10111I1U tor, Francesco
seb y Ha lem, Assist am wod Motor,
W. (liilunl .Nanh, Kugeue Couc-srt
mastir, lmy L. Uo.nir, Haleni.
ChlTUSaS from Salem, Kugena, Albany
and Dallas combined. The Hlddeu
Strh g Quarlet, Portland. 80I0-
LOMDON, April 10.-Heavy llrlng lists: Soprano, Mrs. Itose tiioch-
was bsard this mornlDg near Lady-1 Eauer, Portland; contralto, lira, Btal
smllh. iiidicallina hot-kirn ish. The -mn-neiey, naiem; tenor, J. w.
oannonadlng ftcta the artillery foroee I
betan in the vicinity of Standi Laager,
unil continues active. Tile HiH'rs have
located 12 miles east of Helhulle, and
again hold the Free State east of Hie
railroad The burghers f. el much en
couraged over siii'cesa in recent skir
mlrhes aud the pn ent inoblllzmlon
prntmbly meaua several strong battles
wlthiu a ahoit time.
The i.bselii of smoking was
Call Extkndkh. The Congrcga
tional churcli of Euneue has extended ulMfJg (MCWt all, t W8S ceariy dem
a unanimous cull lor pusior n w
m... 11 vv .. u ,. . . I.., , I Cal. Mr
WAllaaa left this aft moon for his In which Mr Tongue received 92 voles, , H.r.,miy U,Dd
home and in about ten days will iinlify ! or 10 more than he nerded to secure:
the church Ol his decision m ie tie place ou the ticket
matter. It Is hoped
will accept as he is a
literary culture.
(he genth man
man of much
Drs. Paine &
liatly (iuard. prll 10
Quite BIOS. John V iberts, who
bus been unite ill, bud an opi tiuiai
performed yastsrdsy by
Kuykendiill and F. 1
removal of a prosus Bb-'1
resting easily today, but his Condition
Is considered seriou-.
.Mrs. P, L. Chambers.
D,lly(iaard, April 9
Mrs. Ida H ( hamti rs, wife of F. L.
1 haiiila-ri and daughter of Mr. and
Mm, T. O. Hendricks, died this morn
fng at 1:30 o'clock, after an illness
xtendiug over a periial of six yiars.
Deceased was born lo Kugeue, June 22,
1800, and was therefore aged 33 years,
mouths and 1H days, ttbe lived In tills
city during her entire lifetime, re
ceived her education from the public
schools and the 1'niversity of Oregon,
graduating from the latter institution
in lSSj; was mair ed July 21, 1801, ami
leaves a husband and little daughter to
mourn the loss of a wife and mother.
During the long Illness Mrs. Chambers
was an inspiration to her loved ones
w lio did everything possible to lessen
her suffering and alleviate pain. Sir'
retained her faculties unimpaired in
the lest, bidding relatives and iriemis
goodbye, and peacefully passed to the
land of promise aud hope. She was an
active worker In the Christian churcli,
until her illntss made II lmisssible lo
lo Hi In work, but
even then directed many onanunil
Chairman K. M. Wilkin- niHile one
Of the fl nee t officers that ever presided
over a convention in Lane county.
Secretaries Patterson and Wooley
made efficient olllcerB.
The nominating speeches were short
but eloquent.
Oov. Whiteaker held the seal ef
houor in the convention aud was lu
terested in the proceedings. He wll
heat lily support Its action.
Salem; tenor, J.
Kelcher, Portland; baritone. Irsltnt M.
(i leu, Kugeue. Reduced railroad rates.
Course tickets 81.60; single admission
76 ecu's.
Mure Falsehoods.
The Register says the Ut'AHii
charged (20ti for publishing (lie last
delinquent tax list. Dale II fals as
aald . well knows. The records
at Ihe 0OO ri house will prove that the
amount received was 1198.76, no more
nor no less. The price fur the work
was exactlv the MUHS per rqUSM as
cliarged by the lieglster Under Sherlll
Join s.ui's ailiiiiiilsirallou and is a
reasonable price only, as any nupifja
diced newspaperman will slate.
If Kx-Popuh-t (lllstrap Minls SOBUI
extracts from the Hroad-Ae we will
republish a column or tun sum. even
ing, that will he quite eiitertaluiug.
1 1 link County Republicans,
PaUMIMLXB, Or., April 9.- NMfS
publican county ciiuveutiou made the
following nomlunlliina Sal unlay:
aamna, n j i.ister; Bin a, An our psny at Hoqulam recently sawed tbe
Uodgesj treasurer, PI Nloho's; as long si log . ver iswed at Oray'i Har-
sessor, Kd Lsughllu; surveyor, J. din uor. I( measured 110 feet long, aud
Newaome; scln .1 MnerlnlandtDt, two 11 Icki 18x24 were obtained. Tbe
William lb cil; i, l)i J 11 Ko-eii-i
lion. K. K. Skipwort h to Speak in
Junction April 17.
Him. K. It. Hklpworth, Cltlsem'
nominee for representative, w ill address
the people of Junction and vicinity
I tiesiUy evening, April 17, 1900, at
30 o'clock, on the political Issues of
the day.
All are Invited.
Uistrict Kpworth League.
Ihe district convention of the
Bp Worth League closed at A I unity
Monday evening. Officers for tbe
ensuing year were elected as foltowi:
J W Mao alee, of Lebanon, president.
Mr Warfleld, of Kugeue, Qrat vice
Mrs H C Davis, or Eugene, secmd
vice president.
Jos lUlitou, of Albany, secretary.
Mrs. Slock well.of Creswell, treasurer:
Cottage Urove waa selected as the
place of meeting next year.
(.ood Sticks of Timber.
The Northwestern Lumber Corn-
nets and Christian deeds from her
0OU9b of pain, unaelflsblv considering!
the needs and wants of the unfortu
Hugh M. Walker.
Eugene, Oregon.
cli Capital - $50,000
,,L ItSllUai -
. uaistai TRANS-
PjSjSI on aw. ... .... .
"'WWl An a a . a
'Soli. .. . 'iiii i enincmiea oi
. ' . aU t-arlnrt
our Prompt atu-nUon .
l--iitarranu bomhl.
Tl.os. H. Tongue hii twice repre
sented this district In congress and
t.-.J.. ,,n Ilia... U'llU'll T11HV
IIOIIIB piWIVn I'l, WWH.H.I " ...a...
enable him lo do efficient work for
Oregon sholl'd be lie successful in the Dally Guard, April 10
nnmlna. alaaiion Hi attitude on the lltiuh M. Walker died at the family
tin laiiill hill will militate r...ld. nee al RnrlnaflalH tbis iiioriiinu t
-I ver, for the itronalv (ursliist hlru on theoampaign.) tfteran illtiessot aevaral montba, agt
us is 78 yearns inontM and s days. Di
ii city Herald: "Jacob Wortman,
sclent ol the Urst .aii"nai nanh
National Ban
Of Eugene.
Paid up Cash Capital 860,000
Eugene, Oregon
ol MoMlnuvillo, was visiting imn wm
i , loway and Captain .1 T .p.ersoti
during the pr weea Mf vVorteian
is the piuneer steamboat -mau of the
upper Willamette, bavins commenced
t run boats on the river from the falls
L ("orvallls and Kugeue, in IK8 UWl
, intituled on the river until l-'i'i. Mr
Wortman'i Mrs! boat was the OlSflOO,
vrbieb run from Oregon City to
( orvallls and Eugene. This boat wa
wrecked in 1W4 below Salem. The
The c itirt room Saturday evening
was tilled with an enthusiastic audi
ence, drawn together to ratify the
nominations made by the Citizens'
Hon. L. Hilyeu was selected ai
chairman. He presided lu a very able
Hon. It. M. Veatch, of Cottage
Urove, was called tor, He anise aud
nude a short address. He was itniug
ly in favor of the cltizuaa' movement
as it surely meant reform In county
and slat I iffaln. He laid the present
rate of taxation was outrageous and
.honld not be tolerated. It was driv
ing away capital aud Immigrants dally
We must ruu thia county as obeaply
as Linn, when In fact, Itlicoitlng us
more than twite as much. He was
proud of the ticket nominated.
Hon. H. lt. Klncald, nominee for
con nly Judge, said he would make
every ellort to reduce taxes down to
the miuituum If he was elected. He
was heartily In accord with the move
ment. Hon. E. It. BklpWOrth, nominee for
the legislature, said he would canvass
the county in favor of the ticket.
When in the legislature he would only
vole for reform measures.
....I.... IU.II..H aaaaial I.. U-UU nffl.lrl i f
.1 I. I'.' II U lull nun. nu " iai
d I aa t ..,,.1..,. I, I,., l,.al,aU.I
lilt' llHeilieilV Wl... ., ..O I OS- .....paaa.
to Inaugurate. p.vury man in ws
ticket must be elected. County tuxes
should and would he reduced one-half
after tbe present ticket took charge of
nil ilrs.
Hon. Ja. F. Amis said that he whs
heartily in favor ol the movement. He
(wrg; commissioner, Abe ell.
Delegates to state convent Ion, C M
Cartwrighl, H W Allen, John Combe,
J H Oray and J N VVilllaiumin.
Nkat "ANK. (leo 11 rger is the
rcoipieut of a unique cane oouslstiiig of
handsome hard wisid with stiver and
ornaments. The head of the cane Is
the peculiar feature, carrying a
dry buttery concealed lu it which upon
touching a hidden spring, a siroug
light is geuerstcil and llisbes from the
lens which is ill the end of I lm cane.
It was a present from Portland friends.
Dallr Guard, Aiill 10
Funkkal i hi h t -. I .. funera
of the late Mrs. F. L. Cliambers
occurred at 2 .'In this afternoon from the
family residence to the Masonic
cemetery. The services were In charge
of ltev. M. L. Itose. A large hiimlHtr
of friends were In attendance and
Moral ollerlngs were numerous and
loir was 74 inches at tbs butt end.
Measured In the middle aud averaging
ihe lou, It oontalced 20,'.'1MJ fast board
Last week the mill tawed tin largest
stock evir sawed on Oray'i Harbor;
lliln wii 42 lucliei iquare and 60 fast
mog. The big stock will be shipped to
Tkanhkrkkki. A letter from Mrs
Ada H Millloan slates that the has been
transferred from the Wblterock, Utah,
Indian school to a similar position at
Fort V tuna, California, and that she
cxpeoted to leave for her new Held of
labor Saturday, April 7, Fort Yuma
in s the reputation of being the botteet
place In tin- United States. It is about
Kurt Yuma climate that tbs story te
told of the soldier who after having
been itatioued there several yean
nokened and died. A spiritualist
mniiem loooeeded In locating tbe de
parted iplrlt In bell. When aiked If
there waa anything he wanted tba
reply came: "Nothing but my blanket!."
ces id was one ol the bat known j
pioneers of this state and county,
having come here In 186A and lias
resided in Kugene ami Bpringflald
continuously slnos that time He was.
bora In Turn, see, Jaunuary I, 18sj. I
11 - I u I.. ...a, ...a- a. 1.11,1,..,, I
WmRW.Ikl. M,. II, Ms, low. Alt' WOOld SUPP5rt the ticket from lop to
Walker and Brnca Walk.-r
i tie funeral will I held at noon
t morrow, at Ihe family borne, kfier
which the Int rnttit will ocetir In lb
Kugene Ms -mile cemetery.
Iiallj Guard, April 10
From BLOl Rivkk.-' apt. H. L.
Ilealh, of McMlnnvllle, came dOWO
t Urnta.
. : -T"1-
Vict Pre, maiit.
w sr. BROWS.
Aast Casalsr.
nwaramAJ p.WKIM: BUSINItiS ne at (hat lime waa 30 from Oregon i fron, ,,e niue River mines last ev n
I.Taa aCalVrtlJ ..a 1 1 1. . . . 111 a aa M. , . , . .'. aa. . I
bottom and wanted to see every candi
date elected.
Then Hon. L. Hilyeu made an elo
quent address of a few minutes, calling
on all to rally around the ticket. He
was loudly applauded.
The meeting then adjourned with
cheers fur the ticket.
A. Dere on n-ns..""! ten, a I
drafu nn Chicago, San r rancisoi and I "rt-
laoil, Oriin. ,
Hil's .if etchanKe sold on fi.rugn inntrli-s.
IVpoaiU rSMhrsI anbisct to cheek of certih-
oats of deposit. ,, a
Allcollsctiona sntrwt 1 to na ' I rsceiva
prompt attention.
V" a HaanasBn. - r.. .isois..
Pr- - ' '
S B Kaxin,
Vloe Prsaiiltut.
Aaa't 1 ...
, ii.. iCoivai;is." Mr Wortman re
nt led at JuontlOB City for a num!jerof
Dallr Guard, April 10
.SANK.-J"1"' Lamb ny was exatn
e.i today on aohaigeof insanity.
I he medical board old,. ted blm dli
cbargsd, s- tl -' declsrtd blm s sue
ing and left on this morning a ea ly
train for his home for a ft w dsys. Mr.
Heath reports much work ss being
done lu the Blue River district. His
compsny has built rabim and will
on couiineucti doing pn.-p. . Bg
work In earnest. Cspt. Heatb is
promlaently mentioned as a d mo
ciatlc candidate for congress.
R. ruder states this morniag Hon.
E. it. Bklpworth volel for McKlnley
in 1KS3. Thn "Imprerilon" (lie) of
ex-Popullit (.ilstrap li made out of
whole cloth. Mr. Sklpworth neither
voted for McKlnley nor the McK nle
1 electors, as li a well known fact.
WV call your atteution'to our SPECIAL
sIhm: for men. New style for spring"2.40.
Always sold heretofore for $2.75.
WewftBtyovi to see our 2.40 shoe for
ladies Nice scroll vesting top. flexible) solo,
maDDis-h 1: it. I
Our ghoes for ladies at 1.50 to $2.00,
cannot bo beat.
MisseK and cliildrcn's shoes in red, tan
and black with vestins, top, laco or button.
I ) not fail to a-k for them, The old reliable
Bee our window display.