Eageoe City Gaard. 1 L OKITIU rH. EUOENE OTY Of BOON. EVENTS OF THE DAY t ii I i.i-i I CallMtlva f 1 1.... Fee turn Tvf Mr.,i.,i,...i I - la a C'emd-ne4 i ...... The plague at Han Kranclsoo haa been stamped out. Revolutionist of Colombia are press ing the government lorees. Many naval offieri ask lor retirement, bat most u( tin -in are doomed to dlaap pulntmeut. Colonel i'lumer U on hall ration, mi I the relief ol Meefking Lf further off than ever. The llehrinii lea patrol la now to resumed, iiwIiik to the fallup -I laiuud ary negotiations. The Massachusetts Daughters of Vet eran have Indorsed the trailing ar butua m the national flower. Hon. John M. Ktone, for lo year governor of Mississippi, died at Holly Hprlngs, after a short Illness. The Merchant National Hank, of Hut laud, Vt., hai leen wrecked by tU cashier. The defaulter U in Jail. l.nl Kaliibury has apologised to the United State for the opening of el i -ii-1. 1 Macrom' uiall at Durlain. He volution In the province of Kntre Hlos, Argentine, haa beeu completely quelled by the government trp. The IVa-r have adopted a new meth od. Their force are broken Into unall baud and seriously haras the lirltiah. Tlie total llrltlah Inane up Ui data, exclusive of the invalid aent home, an 10,418 In killed, wounded ami mbtsing. At a meeting of lloer sympathisers at llradford, Kngland, dead rata ami other unsavory missies were hurled at the e-akers. Knd of China U at hand. 1'artltioii among civilised natloni la likely to be roomplUhed liefuro the inauguration ol the new century. The United Irian-American anuleitM met in New York city and ) i reso lution condemning the proposed vlait uf Queen S'iotoria to Ireland. Ktate Mine Inectnr Oweni, of in hla annual report, place tha roal output of Washlng-ton durtug IBUB at more than 2.0tK),(Mi0 ton, -'". ' tou In excess of IHUH. He eatimatea the output for 1100 at l,MO,000 tou. Ariaona ii to have an otrich Irurt. All bird at I'aaadena, Kan Antonio, l Augele and other point in tha United State, will lie moved to I'hoe nix. A. Y. I'oarMiii, a New York capl tallt will have absolute control of tha ostrich feather ludoatry of thl MM try. Ira K. lirlde, oue of the oldcat and beat-known auction pool sellers and bookmaker In the country, died In De troit, aged t5. Mr. Kride wan one of the firm of llrble A I Itch, that haa handled big piad selling privilege ou the principal Weeteru lace track for yeara. lloer are letlring (Mm Kroonatad. I ."i I Hubert haa uot yet advanced from llloemfuutelu. The Puerto Mean appropriation bill wa aigueil by 1'rtMiileut McKluley. Itear-Admlral A. II. MctVirmlck re tired a mmmaudaut of the Waahtugton navy yard. The Norwegian achoouer r'rltou haa bM wrecked at Dunkirk, Irelaud, and 10 of her crew drowned. llob KtUimiuon and Kid McCoy have been matched to tight July 4, '.'5 loiinda at catch welghta. Two murderer at Kmpnriu, Va., were lynched after the militia that had protected them were withdrawn. Fifty thouHuud iHboier ou the Island ol Puerto Moo are without work, aud whole famllloa have died from atarva tlou. The Philippine couiuilaatou will he taken to Manila on the tratiaport Han 00tk, aud will aall from Sau Krauclsco on April IB. tine man wa killed and five Injured by a oave-tn at Whitehall, on the llltl uiorti Ohio railroad, 10 mile south of t'ltuburg, The Alaaka mall Venice la meeting with great inoceai. Mail waa recently transmitted from Circle City to Wash ington in DO day. Work haa begun nn New York city' underground railway, which will In volve the eipeudtture of l.ltl.onti.tiiii), ami will give employment to 10,000 men. Wharton t .olden. In hi teatimony at the trial ol Secretary of State Caleb I'ower. of Kentucky, atd, "John POW" er told me thev had two negroes to kill Coebel." K.heu S. lloyoe, of Tacoma, waa fouud guilty of murder in the tint de gree. He brutHlly hot hla wile Feb ruary 10, while ahu wa acting a caah iui in a reatauiant. The United Sute government will establish postal service to Nome City. Chicago sends 40, (WO imnrter of dressed "Kugltah beef" to Kuglaud every week. The augar truat protlt are about W, 000,000 a year In apite ol fluctuation, iu the value of It -lock A New York grand Jury will inveatl gate gambling houses, laid i ... Tarn mauy $3,000.0110 a year lor police pro tection. A propnaltlon ha been made to equip V7 citie with a pneumatic tule mall service for fH.o'JS.OOO. All the .0,000 employe of the National Tube truat will reoetve an increaae of 10 per ceut in wage, be ginning April 1 next. Thellllnoii Hlver Valley Association will petition oougrva to name a federal commission to uperle the deep waterway protect. Maaaaohuaetta haa !! street railway cotauealea, control lag 1,402 mile. Laat year the increase ia oill.-age la the stata waa Si. LA1ER NEWS. Tbe Boert ar mining iuu to the front. Latest advice report two new casss jf p. ague at Honolulu. Five men were killed by an etplo Ion In a paper will at Brit, Pa. President McKluley ha again re futed to interfere iu tbe Kentucky squabble. Kelationa between l(iila and Tur key are badly attained aud war prejatr at n in ar In progrea. Several men ware seiruusiy hart at Laramie, Wy., bv an eiploalon at the Union Pacific oil home. W. H. Colton, charged with com plicity in the murder of Qoebel, la aald to have turned atate'a evidence. Hour are blowing up the roal mine In Natal, The Dundee colliery, with Iti machinery, ha been dcatroyed. Harvey L (ioodall, lor 80 year the iubllher and proprietor nl tin- Drover' Journal, died In Chicago of heart lull are. The navy department will Inveatl gate the valno ol Crab inland, south naat of I'uerto RiOO. aa a coaling rta tiou. i.i in nil Jouliert, the intrepid leader of the Tranvaul (urcea, I dead. He had been aufTeriug from atomach com plaint. The coaating nleatnei Clenelge found ered during a gale off tlie (ilppalaud coaat. Auatralla. Cut of a htp' com iuy of 88, only three Mere aavud. Hear-Admiral ileujamiu F. Day ha lawn retired. Captain Terry, com manding the Waahinutou navy yard, will be pp. united hi the vacancy. Prof. Mau, the profound student of Pompcllan antiiiitle, prove concln ively that Poapall wua a well-paved city 44 yuara belore the birth of Christ. Int'hlcago. AlU-rt hbdge, 17 yearn old, avenged the tnanltn cunt Dpofl hla mother by William llobwin, a Imurder, by dealing llobaon a latal bluw over the In .el with a Imrrcl atave. Tlie commeciial treatiea committee of the Italian . Iiamlier ul deputle haa dim tinned and approved in principle the reciprocity arrangement, under the third aectlon of the Dingier act, recent ly ilgned in Wushiugtou by Karon I imi. Itallau amliaaeador pthe I'nile l SUtea, mil Mr. Kaaaoti, aieclal pleul poteuttary for the United BMm, A ntorv of iiifferinu and dentil from ntarvatlon oome from Sau Nichidaa i -Inn I, ..IT the Citlifuruia coaat. A party of three Cliluumen had been on the laland lor nil mnntha guthoiing aud curing abalonea. Three mouth ago an unknown aloop I San Pedro, Cal., rulliil at tlie laland. During the abaeuce of the Chinamen, the viattor atole everything eatable Imm the camp ami put to nea. One of the Chiueav died iiNi.it a mouth ago, mid the other two, when reei ued, were hHi weak to move. The Diinth Antlllea have lieen wild to the United State. Dr. F.dward K. Fall, au old pioneer of Walla Walla, in dead, aged V. tlenoral llotha deniea that Tranavaal women Were wouiidul In the Tugela trum-hi. Tbe trnimirt Sheridan arrival at San KranclBCo, (nun Manila, with SO aick aoldier ami 1 1 luwtiio. At a cabinet council it waa decided to otiloinlly luaiiguritte the Paria expo eltiou ou Saturday, April 14. Seattle, Wanh., in overllowing with crlmiual. Twenty additional poltot ini'ii were called lor Mllhin a week. Cape Colony Dutch declare that Kng Imid will make a in intake If nhe de prive the South African republic of their independence. A large number of miner and pro pectora (mm Utah and Colorado have mi 1 1 ed at Maker City, Or., ready to go out Into the lulls iidjiicelit. The Kunnlaii aiuiidron ia at Che inul, ill the Yellow nea. It In believed thla preaage a ileinaud (or a cotice niou of laud iu Korea. Japan I.i uu tvany. The war department bun recognised Honolulu aa mi open pott. The trans port Hancock, which aalla with the Philippine coiiiiutaaioii ou April 10, will atop there. A severe tight ban taken place I tweeii "lloxern" Kiel Imperial trvnip at Yeu Chin, Chi 1,1. Flach force num bered I. A00 men and there wcicranual-in- ou both i.i. b'eprneutatlve WUaM( of Idaho, and Cuahiuau and Jouea, of Wanhliig ton, are urging a governmental appro priation n( $i.i.i'.'.' to build a portage railroad at The Dalle, Or. From Philadelphia a cargo contain ing 1 1 ,000,000 worth of farm imple ments waa ahlppcd to Kilns In. It wan the largiv t shipment of the kind .ever made from the United Stutea. Cuatomi Collector .lacknou, acting tin. In laatructlutu of the necretary of the tnvanury, will no longer allow hornea, mule or jackiuwcn Irom foreign iort to he entered at San Frun. is, All audi auiiuala imported into the Dllttd Slate by nay tvf the raoiflo coaat. can gain IflMtltttMi only throngli the mrtu( San Diego and Port Tow it send, at which placen veterinary tpjar amine ollhialn have Iveu atatloutsl. Sauta Clara oouuty'a tCuKvl tolvacw crip will Ik the lrgtnt ou record. iien WiMlOw nayn Cuba's future de-l-eutla upitl agricultural prosperity. Iu the KUtiidike egga are uow aelliug for fl'JOacaae aud beef at fl.AO a pouiitl. Capt. Silaa V. Terry, late In com mand of the Iowa, ha been aantgticd lo eucceed Admiral MoConnlck aa Comiuaudaut of the Waahiugtou navy yard. In New York city IM retail drug glata have formevl all aaaoclativtu hi winpete with department atore. The Pauitma Caual Compauy liovtn to anil it right to the United State or to an American syndicate. Mayor Van Wyck, of New Y'ork. haa laaued a dlcluin hi reporter m which he positively refuaen tv lm interviewed for publication hereafter. There an Id Yale men lo the present . . iigies Five of thee are auuahim. K. O. Wolcott, W. M . Stewart. T. C. Piatt. 0. M Depe and 0. P. Wet- n... in BOERS ON THE RAID A Party Trying to Cut Bloem fontein Railway Line. OLIVIKK'8 COLUMN HAH K8CAPKD Hla Lea; Wagua Train Jaa Kubarta tha Mllf, and Kulrd lb Muuat ... ' liondon, March 2W. The lloer are having a little good luck and are (how lug aume boldneu again, a a raiding party, eattmated at 400, U bellevirl by the lirltiah force at Werreuton to have croated the Klmlnsrley-llloemfonteiu wagon mad Monday ami to have headed for Jacobadal, with the intention uf cutting the railway 10 utile weet. Commandant Olivier appeuri to have gotten bi 8.0(H) men ami .'Ii mile of wagon into rugged country, where he can make an eaay rear gurad defeuae. 'barn s Williams, the military i xnrt. -.y. "If thin column get thrnngh ahtantlally, Oimmandant Olivier will have earned out the great feat of the war, aeelng that he ran every chance of la-lug ground between the upper nillUhiue of lrd Hubert' army and the nether n. ill-tone of the broken llauto frontier. He will have done it within 60 mile or o of Lord Koberte' main atrength. Certainly it looked for a week a though Lord ItolnTta had Olivier iu the hollow of hi hand. If Olivier gete through to Kroountad with even 8,000 men it will lie an important addition to the Ika-r force gathering there. Ill eacape i attributable In pert to the worn out condition of tbe liritiib cavalry horaei. "Lord Huberts' tratiaport appear to have been badly dinlocated by the Ion at Kelt river, before Cronje' rarremler, of the wagon train, and in addition U thi the army with which he pur'" to advance towurd Pretoria ia nearly double that of the earlier rapid move ment." V. I,., hi.. I Hla Oullt. Camden, N. J., March 2.. The trial for oxineptracy of William H. Hay and Howard Sloan, Philadelphia newapa per men, which ha been In progren here ilnoe laat Friday, waa brought to a doe today, with the uiot neuaational teatimony preaentel (luce the cane waa called. Three witueaea nwore that K li Shaw, of thl city, who wa twice tried aud acquitted of the murder uf hit mother aud grandmother, had practi- cully admitted hi guilt, aud one of the witneaaei, a woman, attempted to strike couumd for the pmaecution for alleged anpcraloun regarding her char acter. The trial wan the reault of the publication in a Philadelphia uewn tper laat September of an alleged con fenaton by III Shaw that he hud killed hi mother aud grandmother, of which charge he had liocu acquitted tome time previoualy. Ngrt rlit.l l.yiirhed. Balair, M.I . March iv. Loui liar nn, the negro who wa arrested yester day, cbarg.-d with oriminal uanuult upou Mine Auuie Mclllvaiu, wa taken (pun Jail lant night and lyucheil by a mob of 'JO men. A funilude of allots were exchanged between thu sheriff ami hi deputies aud the mob, resulting in the wcumllug of two men. The limb hustled Munis hi a neighbor ing dimryard, and, i lacing a noone ar. .nn I hi neck. Hung the other eud of the rope over the limb ol a tree. A he wa hoiated from the ground the limb .n.ipp.il and llama fell hi the ground. He waa lifted up again and hanged a aecnnd tune. Several allot were llred into thu Imdy. The 1. ...... eud ol tbe mpo wan tied hi a gatepoat and tbe corpse wa left hanging until thl morning, Morn War Clomla. London, March L'U. The Standard give double leaded prominence to the following diapatch (mm odonna: I bete call la no longer any doubt an to the objei t of the warlike provuratioim now being completed in South Kunia. Nearly M0, 000 tnmp have already laen mobilued for active nervioe. The Mack sea Muadrou, with trannpirta, I hold In liiatant readinena. The teiiaion iu the lelatioiia hctwecu St. Petersburg au.l tbe niiblime mrte baOOtOM every day more acute. The Hiaition in lookad up.ui with the gravent apprehenion. If the Othiman government, aupairted by tiennany, nboiibl prove ntuhhnrnly intra, tlble with regartl to Ituania' DOB' oesniouary demand in Aaia Minor, aerloua complication miint Inevitably ensue. The Kiiaalan garrinona in the Cain annus aud along the Armenian frontier have baM iu. reate.1 four fold aud etpiipiH.d for active aervioe. A Ntlvpr V .i.e... Intent. Washington, Muioh '.'. Little pro grta wa made by the aenate today with the Puerto Mean tariff ami gov eminent bill. It wan under discunnion (or tuvarlv three hour, but the greater part of the time waa consumed In tbe consideration ol a (roe coinage amend ment offered by Morgan. The Alaskan civil code bill wa connidored during the iitnriitng hour. Au amendment offered by Carter, netting aside permit hitherto granted by the nocrotary of war for the mining of gold under the ecu on the Alaakali coaat, precipitated a lively debate. New Nhl Building riant. Sau Fralicai.v, March 'JH. The Call ay that the ownera of the Rtldoa Iron Work have practically completed a deal whereby they have aooured con trol of the Pacific liolliug Mill, the plant of which cover 8-J acre and in eludes 1.700 feet of water front ou the bay. It It -tate.l that a dry dock, caivable of reoeivmg the largest Mttal allo.it, will he built, and that the Kls don ir.-n Compauy will expend alsiut 11,000(000 iu constructing a complete -hip' ui' ding ivatablinhment. The company will appear aa an ac tive rival of the Union Iron Work iu bidding for the conatructiou of war ve nds aud other . rait of the largeat ite. II. tluuld'a II. if New York. March 8U The Wah lugton dlnpat. h stating that Mia Helen QoiM wa practically paying the ex nuc of mu or 10 chaplain in the army in the Philippine waa nhown to her laat night Site aald the work re ferred to had t ecu doue uot by her, but by the Young Men' Christian Aaaocla lion, and thai b bad only helped a little In It. OATHERINQ IN FORCE. n Coacantrallag Net 'row BloauiranUla. London. March 81. The Boeri are -oacentrating in force about 15 nalei north of BloemfooMin, in tbe rear of Glen, and Lord Robert ii lending for ward troopa to engage tbein. The seventh infantry dlviilon and part of i.eueral French' cavalry have beeu -lit up to Join the Fourteenth brigade, aud tbe two cavalry regiment that are holding Glen and ita environ. It doea not team poiaible that the Boer will give lerioui battle in tbe fairly open country north of Glen, btill their evi dent strength In. I Irate more than a corpa of obeervati' ii. In small affair the lloer are daring ly aggreaiive in all part of the field of war. The Jobaiiuenberg mounted po lice, esteemed by the lloer hi be their in-nt mounted ttuuinando, 1 raiding the country near I'.loeiiifoiiteiii, harass ing the farmern who have given up their arm hi the Britten and carrying off cattle. There ii a Doer report from Natal that a Kunaian soldier of fortune, Col onel Oanotzki, with 100 horsemen, ia operating close to the lirltiah outpont on the western Imrder. The lloer n have reoccupied Campbell and are in strength near 'Doing and llarkly Went. They shelled the British camp at Warrenhiii, Wednesday, but n, nved out of range that night. Yester day two Hritmh guns enfiladed the lloer trenches, quieting their Mausers. lird Metheuu ami the forces that had beeu .. . ruling in the Darkly dintrict have been recalled to Kimlierley by Lord Huberts. Di-patche from Maseru assert that the Doom who returned from Uidv brand from Chuolan have taken up shiug positions ami sent picket fur iu every direction to watch llasutolaiid, in tbe e,iectatiou that part of Qa&Wal Duller' army will invade the Free Mate ou that side. Onin I'aul'a lloaet. liondon, March 81. The P.loemfon bBincorrenpondent of the Morning Pont, telegraphing Wednesday says: " Pratt' lent Kruger latant of his inteutiou hi retake Illoomfoutein within a week, ui. I it appears probable that the itoern ire approaching iu force southward." Vice In ....II. .... New York, March 31. The investi gation into the charges that vice flour ished opejoly in this city under police protection reached a enational climiix hiday, wheu the grand Jury returned throe in ii tin. -nt- against Police Cap tain Andrew J. Thomas, iu command if the teuderloin precinct. For nearly two weeks the grand jury, of which George 11. P'i ma ii.. the publisher, is foreman, ha beeu considering condi tion iu the tenderloin precinct. Spe cifically, i a; tain Thomas is charged with failing to close resorts in the ten derloin, such as the Tivoli, Bohemia, Haymarkut, Arcadia, Pekiu, etc., agaim t which a public crusade ban be.-n waged for uoarly a month. The indicted man wa convicted practically on bin own testimony. Captain Thomas wan not arrested touight. He will ap pear before Recorder Goff tomorrow. Initial! Crop. Calcutta, March 81. In tbe course of hi remarks uddmaniug the cuuncil ou the budget yesterday, the viceroy, Imrtl Ctirzon, snitl the loss to the wheat crop caused by the drought during the present year was Jts.000,000 hi 1'10, 00(1,000, the loss on the cotton crop was 87,000,000, while the oil and seed crop, usually covering IS, 000, 000 acres, was uouexisteut outside of Bengal anil the northwest provinces. The loss to cultivator in Bombay alone iu food coins wa iMS.000,000, aud in cotton, 4,000,000. Iu conclusion, the vice roy said it wa impossible for auygor erument h anticipate the consequences of a visitation of nature ou so gigantic ami ruiuous a scale. VOTED FOR tariff i;:; ifrOMff "OM KIMBKRLEY. Motion to Strike It From Puerto Rico Bill Defeated. Turkey Nttuta Out Amerlran Turk. Constantinople. March HI. The porta ha informed the United States legation that in future thu importation of Amen, in pork will bo prohibited, giving as a reason for the prohibition that the moat in injurious hi the public health. Llovd 0, tiriacom, United states charge d'affairs, protested ener getically, demanding the annul Intent of thu measure. Kiunltlmi Travel Opens. Now York, March 81. Travel to the Pari exposition ha begun. The French Hue steamer La Ton nunc, when she sailed for Havre today, had the largest number of passengers ou Inuml that she ban carried on any oast ward trip in two years, there lieing BOO iu the cabin and L'Oi) iu the stoerago. The application for passage lor 35 i'r sou bad hi be relu-ed. titvallgall..ii l ' i..t. ...... I New York, March 31. The grand jury has abandoned ita investigation into the alleged wrecking of the Third Avenue Kailo a. I Company. This fact wan announced today by Assistant Dis trict Attorney Ungcr, who said that ho bad advised that body to discontinue the inquiry because there is nothiug lo sliow the violation of any criminal law. Kviantau Troopa In Cora. Indon, March , The Kveuing News publishes a dispatch from Kobe, Jaian, announcing that Kuasia ban de manded leave to land troop near Mcs WnpO, Coroa. and, the dispatch says, wants no outside interference it. ...... iii.p. ... .1 Pekiug. March 31. About 10,0000 Tieu-T'nin coolie are leaving lor Now Cbwaiig to build the Manchuria rail road. The situatiou bore is cpuiet. Tbe "Boxer," who have beeu cauniug trouble in the north, have been dis persed by the troott. New Y'ork, March 31. Fire at New Brunswick, N. J., last night did 1100. 000 damage to the Consolidated Fruit Jar Factory. Thrve hundred hands are i.i . a out of employment. rraaee'a Altitude. Paris, March 31. The foreign office authoritiea make the following state ment regarding France's attitude to ward the American acquisition of th. Haninh Weet Indies: "F'rance will place no obstacle whatever In the way of the Hauieh-American negotiations, v hi the .Mutrary, in view of her cordial relatiou with both the United States and Denmark, she Is willing to waive her right over Sauta Cms. aa France value her friendship with these two icuutries far mors highly than any claims she may have to the Danish Waal iudiea." (IDICATH PASSAfiF. OF M EASIER tUverldg Announced Hla Int.ntloo lo Support the Mill fnm Trade Cannot B Secured. Washington. March 31. A direct vote was taken by the aenate today on the proposition hi strike from the Puerto BiOO measure the provision lay ing 16 per cent of the Diugley law duties ou I'uerto Kican product. The propuaitiou waa defeated by a vote of Hi to 33. While the vote is regarded h- presaging the passage nf the pending measure, it l- not regarded as indicat ing the linal vote on the bill. The feature of the debate wan the speech of Bavaridge. While be adrooatad reci procity between the United tatu and Puerto Kico he announced that if all efforts to secure free trade should fail, he would snpi.rt the ponding bill. The bill wan under discussion through out the session, several important amsndmemtl being agreed to. The conference report on the diplo matic and consular appropriation bill wan agreed to. A concurrent resolution offered by ;'ulbersoii (Dein. Tex. i directing the cretarv of xvar and the secretary ol the navy to keep "seasonably advised the families of wounded soldiers and sailors of thu condition of the men" was agreed to. Army Hill I'aased. After four days of shinny debnte the house today passed the army appropri ation bill. As patted, the bill is ouly -lightly modflad from the form in which it came from the committee. One of tbe last amendments adopted niH'UH soldiers' homes to the officers mi l men of the vulunteer and regular armies incapacitated by service during Of since the Spanish war. The chief incident Ol the day was a defense of the war department agaiunt the charge of reckless extravagance in the fitting up of the transport Sumner, made by Driggs yesterday, Parker, of New Jersey, produced the itemized expenses furnished by the war department to show there bad ban no extravagance. Without opposing the house continued Boreing's title to his neat. His neat was contested by White, anothel Ken tucky Kepublican, and tbe report of the committee that investigated the case was unanimously iu favor of the sitting mem her. FLAW IN THE MITTIMUS. Derision In llrever'n Case May Krlnase it mv Illinois t'oiMlcts. Chicago, March 81. Upon the de cision of Judge Dunne in regard to th( contention of the attorney of ex-Banket K. 8. Dreyer, now under a penitentiary sentence for embezzlement of $316,000 of the tun. I- of the West Park board, who is trying to secure his release on a writ of habeas corpus, may depend the liberty of every convict scut to Juliet from Cook county since ISUn. Dreyer's attorney claims that the mittimus in their client's cause, which provided he should bo confined until released by the state hoard of pardons, was in error in that the parole law of 1HU5 provided that the state hoard nf pardons had nu authority to release, but ouly to recom mend such action to the governor, and constituted an error sufficient to vvur rant bin release. Dreyer's attorney also raised the technical poiut that Drover bail been twice placed in jeop ardy by the dismissal of the jury in a former tiiul before a decision had boon reached. When Attorney Mayor fin ished his argument today, Judge Dunne asked the state's attorney if the tnittimi wero printed forms. Upon re ceiving the reply that all prisoners were sent to Juliet U'Kin this form of mittimus, the court rejoined: "If Mr. Mayer's contention is true there will not ho many man from Oook county loft in Joliot." The state will argue against the point tomorrow. Laagtry's riy shut out. Pittsburg, March 31. Mrs. Lano. try, who is booked to appear in this city next Monday week, will not be permitted to produce, her play, "The Degenerates." This was decided to day by Mayor William J. Diehl, who has received protests from the Proshv teriau Ministers' Association ami num erous citizens against the produotiou of the play, ou the ground that it was im moraL Strainer Old Doinlalaa Hurtling. New Y'ork, March 31. The steamer old Dominion, owned by the Joy Steamship Company, plying between New York aim Boston, caught tire about 3 o'clock this morning at bur pier, in Kast river. It is expected that the loss will be heavy. All the pas sengers had left the boat, aud all the crow woro saved. Elijah Mease laateaasd to Hang. Dexter, Mo., March 81. Elijah Mooio, aged 19, who murdered the Kev. Jesse Moore, his father, iu this count v, November 1 last, was sentenced to hang May lti. He showed no emo tion when San ten 0e was passed. iiatiie I-., i .... .. Oattaws sad i ... IVnver. March 31. A special to the Rocky Mountain News from Gallop, N. M.. says a bloody battle between a sheriff's pom and gang of desperadoes occurred near Navajo Spring-, tin west of l.allup, yesterday afternoon, in which two of the posse, (ins tiihlsius and Prank Loatiere, were killed, l ive of the outlaws wore captured, two liad ly wounded. Three escaped, and are being followed. The gang had Leon ntealing cattle iu various parti q1 -Jj, country. S.w LM Angl,. ( hlra,o Kerol-e. Chicago. March 31. Pro,,, Lo, iBgsJee, Cal.. to Chicago, a distance i I, Ml mile, iu H hours and 30 min .tes. This U the tverd hung up hy the Atchison, Top, k A sauta Ke to night, when the "Peaeoek Special" pulled into the Chicago depot at 10 30 o'clock. Train- have In-cii run faster for ehort distance, hut never befors ha a train been bn.noht u. . eru coast to thia city in time approacn ing that made by the special. All rec ords for tbe run were beaten by nearlr dsjht hour. Martfablpe ol thm Slag of it., uinaaad loss. London, April l.-The Standard s eorreapoDdent at Klmberley. writing of hardships of the siege, says: For many days the novelty ol eat ma horseflesh formed n agreeable break In the war talk. Starving pso pie, however, take kindly to any arti cle of food. Personally, althoogh 1 have alwsys found a piece of succulent horseflesh excellent eating. I am not taking any of It In Klmberley. Not Mb are the wretched animals reduced to skin and bone, but there Is a prevail ing epidemic of influenza and cough among them, which forces metoaband on it u-e. It is, however, dally served out to the soldiers as well as the peo ple, though there are cases of anthrax in the hospitals and an outbreak ol trurvy in manv of the redoubts. There also has broken out a peculiar form ol throat trouble, which may owe its origin to this article of food. At tf:30 M. all conversation ceases, and rum ors ship, for. by proclamation, all lights ezcept electric or acetylene gat must !e extinguished. "There are many cane of extreme suffering, which, although doe to the siege, have reached a climax from con atitutioual circumstances. There are ladle in Kimlierley tonight strapped to their lads aud wearing atrsightjack ets, mad from sheer nervousness aud fright. "It is the red tape which makes the strain heavier than it otherwise would be. After we had lieeu for weeks shut up in Kimlierley not at the beat the moat cheerful place in the universe our hearts became specifically fixed on our portion of the British army the relief column. Hy accident, we teamed that it had reached Modder river, after a sharp engagement at Belmont. Kageily we awaited news from Lord Methuen. Men and women scanued the horizon nights to seek the first flash from his searchlight. All night long our three searchlights sent their loug streams of fiery light past the rugged fastness of Scholtzes' Nek, and the Ironies of Snvfontein to the two rivers, on whose bauks our preservers were encamped. 'Md, Md, Md.' they called out. but no answer came. Onlv the big star could be seen, and the Southern Cross seemed to whisper, 'Patience'. At last, one night, far from the south, came the welcome flash, 'Kb, Kb, Kb,' it said. High up in the conning tower sat Lieutenant Colonel Kekewich and his staff officers with picked men from the signal corps. Anxiously they deciphered the first message from their honored chief. It was this: 'Ascertain number on fore foot of mule omitted in Cape Town return." " TREATMENT OF A GOVERNOR Dlatln(ulahd Nicaragua Oltliea Itolibed aad I ui. .1 In t'oala Itk-a. New Orleans, April I, Carlo Lo cavii. former governor of Bluetields, arrived here last night after an excit ing experinoce in Uusta Kica. He left Nicaiagua a few weeks ago, with Minet C. Keith, being deputized by President Zelaya to place some railroad bonds with New York capitalists. In view of the strained relations between the two countries, he was arrested, his money taken from him, and finally ex iled and placed aboard the ship for New Orleans. He will return to Nica ragua. The incident is likely to create further complication. Locayo was arrested in San Jose, he claims, by the order of tho president of Costa Kica. About 8,000 was taken from hi- person. He was escorted to Port Lima aud placed aboard the 11 is liana, to which his money wa also turned over. It is presumed that Costa Kica feared that ho came there to for meut trouble. Weldon Roberta, Melville Moxley and Joseph Stringham, members of the Nicaragua survey party, were also aboard the ship. They were forced to abaudnn their Biirvey 175 miles south of Colon by the attacks of tho Su sardi Iudiuns. AMERICANS BOUGHT WRECK, -i.a,,i. i, Warahlp Will He Broken I'p for the Metal In It. New York, April 2. (iaston Drake, of Nassau, Bahama islands, with othor Americans, now owns the wreck of the Spauish warship Infanta Maria Teresa, lying in two fathoms of water near Bird l'oint, Cat Island. Drake and his associates purpuso to break up the wreck for the metal in it. Mr. Drake and his associates want to bring the metal into this country duty free. Mr. Drake's lawyers asked the treasury department if this could be done. In reply, counsel for the treasury department wrote: "The Spanish war vessel was not the property of the United States at the time she was originally wrecked, but was the property of the Sjianish gov ernment, and as the United States gov ernment has abandoned tbe vessel on Cat island, ita ownership changed form the United States to private citi zens. Therefore tho wrecked mater ial, upon its importation into the Uni ted States, would be dutiable." Mr. Drake aud his partners believe there would be profit in the importa tion of the old metal from the wreck il admitted free of duty, but not otherwise. rithtlni In North Africa. Paris, April oJMaJ account haa been issued of the victory of the Ireiich troop, over an Arab'armv at Inrahr. which recently occupied 'tho oasis of Insalah, southwest of Algeria Ihe Krench learned of the scheme aud decided to storm the euemv's position, which was successfully carried on March 19 by a column led by Lieuten-ant-Colonel Ku. The town was first bombarded, and then stormed, the Arab wamo.s making their last stand in the mosques. They left 600 killed and a hundred wounded on the Held An additional 45 prisoners were taken! The French losses were nine native ol. diers killed, 18 wounded and two offl. cers wounded. At of an in,. Woodehe,p,r. Jul' Me; iMrd 1-Kred Kev nold, a w.,dchopper al Rfjd fc ' mi e. from here, became insane today and killed ht,vv,. and one eon w , "'ther son serlou.lv, and burned the house to the ground Egg1 U"n P the street8 tlou,: lshingtheax, but was arrtd ,-i i miir Atr .... A lull US lilt Roberts' AcH ,. r . wieannj the Way. BOERS DRIVEN PkOM ta rltlesi CaaualtUs In th. -... , nH thm Trau.vort .r.e- London, April a. The 0ci ,. artov oi ijora nnts-rt. i. ... - . . .. . u,.w ... u.rin. i. Boers after a stiff tight, i0 wi. 7 British lost even oitic-r- ,J men. The lloer have l.,, kouiea a a base for ,, ,..j. " - -.-, 'Hi ins ,i. ., i I ...... i . ., liiii. mi.' ... i ii ... ni I L' i.i. , I. " f I HQ adjacent to Bloem fontem fur .'. t .tf , ,t 1.. I """"B MVMVJ 1U lOrC.Dkf Area .1.... i ..... i i - urn i k o niuu'iN ,UM tiiftiP aslsi TU 0-s.- . . i'n!li((Tn.)l(l ftiHT. it- I . e.i i M'Ul n,mnr IllltlllirV Hll'l A 11.1,1-. Lord Roberta' ptomhp to will protmtily coiuUt of .Uch riinvMmffntaV in ul,i, -. srwswesrasaa-1 " I -mi wui .lWMsiwi ny h )rtiooo IIIIIIT M'lsas. tiSM ill I I Ullk trHU-iiiri, mu uiniii ;irihv -unin,.. iii' I a n t j a" i- jiii- . - ii'mtiw rniijii JJjj 111 IJ1U IlllllOr flUHTfl t (ltH.ra.., iiit ir UiiLfoim Kin r.iM.i.i.rt... . II 1IT I I r IlllHll'Il II1I IfTv nli., an ... -.. -s umiersiishi id tsj tnii r, .,,( ,, ...i . i I , .r. I M...I . . vv ..-f ti, Km. e It-t -s- ""o -"oi rvutierti to uuve .vieinuen s tran-i.irt (ieiieral French lost ;f ikiii w te re le ol K llllier e. mu k. ... , ... . . i .. ., . i ..... (, in mui'i.i . mil jc, uufl lUIDertl M OIUI Irunuisirt ,.l(l.. ... in . Drift, and it is estimate. that ht lost 4,000 other animals since th vvartl moveinent la-can I .1 mirr Ii ii... , i,. ....... i ... . tn , . rhniii Oi a liure .-iiiinlrv ,,. tk. ,lli,.,rs li.rs.., nr. . ti . I. in i iri it v.lt oc- lorn ..ri.nr .s.. along a single Hue of railwiv, .. ..... ,1... la ... ....... and with iiiniile rolling; stock. The Canadian mounted riflta part of the force that occopisl k.lt ,...l.lu. Tl. ...l.l.l.u .... . I... . I . ,, , A nil, i ' '' . ' 1 ' . vn . -u I. l - 111 V,D ouy is almost suppressed. suit. Atrrlr.l. Chicago, April I, A aettleaej the strike ui tne macnine shop cl OSJXII wan ieui in ii i" ,,i . n jbi a L1..L I. . I.. .... , 1 -...!... I ... ....... - .L. . airiKC, iiun-.i w iuvnive iju.ijog ! , 1- 1. 1- . . J will iv niciiui. ...,i is Ml . I i . ..I , k III I I II, II- ,1,1111,1,, . ,11111 HI 1 l.k. I,.. V I 1 1 1 V. 1 1 . J . I I II I e I si ill, K a .P., nil. I I Jlliaue. r v o tttii his. in.. in cut w strike waa in force, a settlement reached Thursilay afteruoun. h these live cities tile men iur.- I. tii uenrlr iM.ri.liri Hrbitratliin nf Ik sues in thu controversy. Coal-Mine Met. t, .. ,i nri - , na n- miners si cne noraiio mineaui u , ,i.l . W Ii i r., I1,..,! Miniiii, t'liinnsm tauked the few men whu tun the mines tonight. Over 100 were tired, resulting in the wonndinu of three Dcrsous. The u-it milled niniii and arrested 44 and women who participated u ui;.... Aiisi ... . . . . in u.- property of the compauy. II II 1st I I , I I f. ... I I r 1 1 .... , .no. .,.., I in tlie iiil Dominiok OftTftHailgb, DtKemb luofi iiiu wifst umi two children l . . J a i- ti. iiar i Aart urui i' i.uiwf i'wr. nn ii -- the coDuomned man yeitenUj ti, ,.ii I', T.I.. huil ru.triii'u t If Kinoe onrly Uurt eveuin aud Wl ti. nn luairju iiuenv hwhsw IIUIDV tuuiurfuii w win iaa der. Prlrr on a I.rformrr'i Mi r. r i A .,il 0 fi .Mia I Utlli. int ..I'aa. t.-. . i i... i. .. . .in, ..r - HO III UlaU IIIO IUUWIaWa if nu lasttaa i.i l l Hi' UlttTU l.tMilltr ntNKl M sfUVWi r- plucc1 conipicuouflly iu (. ninaw" ditv RUDounce that tlio retorta 1 I, . - I . I .. .li.-s M uauiy wanien, oeiui . . - . . i la rurj I liinnse Ltuvernmeiit . t ' ""H"" IIOUOIU1U, 11'' IIIs m loins, . - 1 . .UI. . , i , ,- all llOU OI COIIIlllk! HI II"" - .1ale unit will ost or isuice uiv..-- here. He left China tl' B"5 ... i u.. asta iin yoar, aim alter raving sua-- queue, he started for AmeriOSs A Su KriH'ls.' Klra- liiin Vranoiseo. Attril - .Fir niirht destnived the oseiniw ... . . , , e i...;lJin,i: nn s. a four-storv uric nu..-- fuctorv o the I ulllornia at- psny, a three-story Irame imrt of which was occupied bj torn lirain & Fuel Companyi a eral smsll houses, burnitsj families. The bolldlngi w" v.. n u Biitn mi ! the n U.-.I .1. V.. IS. C-Jlll . s- loss is 'estimated at f.'OO.OOO- ':t. iii.iit whs burned bv an eieve i i , were wire, aun iwu ipevMawi by falliug over obstructions- War Talk at leaastef. Lain, nn. A on I . i" - correspondent of tne iv . . ... ... , n.VT o...... i'.-... ........to r, i . ii-'. ns. .11 Itiniiii. uuartors here. lne wuoi .u, Hin , ,.i 1 1 1" ...ui lit.eil is- . 1...I it'll ,1 .. . 1 . - f...... file 1 icre"- .iniir aiiiviiiK iiinn , . garrison will soon be a pn' tnmm Thar, is much 1 amoutf the staffs of both serv. . i .. nrkri - an tne talk tsoi onog.ua senses by forcible meafurc- Van Itnmr'a C uban I ''"" Km Ynrlr March 11. 'r Van Home, chainnan ol m " i i ..i .i i,..,, Paflino. amt returned from Cuba, wnere u to make extensive inveetnuu- . . .. esf man uti.i ivrnar linns-r i . . day that the reports of ni- nf ..ii tk Cilmn milroadj inner. u s ,. ,.r,i lei . UOOgD .. . . . ?" . . i ..nt ID P that he hail alreaay enterprises on the island. TV. i v... lian l'aner Mk,r elation has adopted a sca.e prlceeol paper from 10 to 15 I