The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 31, 1900, Image 7

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r,. no in demand.
have them.
Good ones.
of thoiu.
Prices very reason -n
Ic at
iTri'ttPAv J si
giapphnlMBt 111 Kugei e Photo
I n
Ill(rr(iii!i vVrks pays Urn I bjhitt
i now tlr In.' Iteen Will 111 the
Hotel BOftOioffl.
it- Yoakum, well known lire,
... m t s ii.ii.
nim. -hi ucreM or now 10 .oik
ForPam -SSO MM pxcelir-i.t f-rm
i. i iwinirn i if Jam m V a v
tit . .T
Mnd builders n aierial
a klahav Ihll NU lliHIl I 1 in1 r 1 v
Li it i h' sir. too
Bird cage. , ,
f I, llHn'OIT"
twn n't" tuanit trees aun one
KlH willow Ht the Uvri:'. resi-
h... i w.i nil iii) for wood.
thmya want your sift onmotly
Balsas pair of iltiuH itee Di Lowe
, nuckey's
Tbelt' iliii'i! Iu photo: The lit-
lamp. Eugene I'liolo Co.
iNHd btod buggies to trade for
I nr posts, Ht K I. Chambers'.
Tike your furs to the Barker (lun
. .. i.i.t til. .hi. ii 4i uMi i ri ir
P!erruki will l listened to at the
si ir it r i t 1 lt i . 1 Li iroin ci. on in co
liUgi tickets.
iT.. ..... In .... In I . .r I I I
purchase genuine (N. B. The
tits, a J. H, l.urkev Don has a
hock oi ine Mime ni iciimiiiig
nl ware tod firm machinery
ra i mii-ainn oi .ulnar.. worm iiihi
1 ... I . I .1... I
routin m inre i ue mi 'ire nun
.k. ... .n ..i... ii.....
ii,.' i ' ii' ; I :i i ii. '"nil.
;'SDV i. i i i i -i ; 1 1 I line has r.-en
about the name harmony ami
iniong the repun! cans In
nwi n' 1 1 1 1 1 rii.. T"H" ii iv 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1
nil i. 4i nil I
berVmi' Mont lily came o us this
nog other things a new front cover,
original. The literary po lion ot
nuMiiue is up to its u-ua! Iilgh
I ' It II. .11 ... IJurrlut.iir..
plates, in company with Mr. Oliver
u'.oueni narnsDiirgs nicrctmnis,
olbew, making a trip to Ul Cape
gin tlienpring.
ihink I wnulil gnorazv wit h pain
It lint fur ''.. Puln
"u. writes Mr W. H. Sta;ileton.
mine, ra "l nave he. n a 1 ctri
i rbeurnai lim fur several Venn and
'tried rcmcdloi without number.
ln Balm is the best medicine I
got hold of." One application
"me pain, for sale oy w. u.
fCrwoent bicycle la the strongest
I built. F L Chamber has them
5 ind 135.
. B. Hitter, W.Caton, N. Y.,
"I bad dyiMpela over twenty
J md tried doctors and medicines
Mil beuetlt. i was to
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and it help-
'rom the start. I believe it nbe
Dlw all forms ol Indigestion."
.-U.IJUU eai. Vli cent s
turner tin,,, u
?01iterHtwl PI nar la .,. ...t i
f' -'vwuere, to be bad at only
- ' l I;.
"it to let the people Wo suffer
"eunmtlam and sclntle i know
"ibrlaln'i puin uim -..n.,,i
"'t number of other ni-dlcines
""ctor hud failed. It It .he best
-iiinve ever kn.iu .. ..f 1 A
Alnlmrai i ... mi
"M "llr. ll nf rl, I .... ...l
-i " uuiai mm uy til in
une application r. It. ves the
le..v W li DeLano.
fui1 cream en ie ner lb 1.1a
b 'lders p., , 0c
. ' "! ...25c
' '' hWlna tobacco Ma
' -ir ini. A-
I w C
Tfi bean (to Oloe otlt).31C
' '"'I'll II. i nor kt nc.
0. pw Mill M 'IU
. 11 1 1 1 It .
8 uannei peryaid 5c
r it
-...nn a n r .
eln. " wa in jnocs
" aout half prico.
Will Extend Campaign Rortb
From Bloerafontein.
Special to loo Ul'tu.
UWDOII, March Lit. The war de
Hirtibtat has been Informed that
Lord KoherU big army will leave
Bloen fonltla April 2, extending the
oainpHvn north from that point. The
lUlrOtloa mi current rumor states, i
o push tt.e oooqatal as rapid! -
ible, ai..l tlutt u would have Ihimiii
before this, but for heavy rains wlilch
tendered the movement of troops un
certain and slow.
General Oatacre and his force has
not reached BI.M-mloi.tein, but Is
expected at any time.
I'he Loftdoo Times claims to have
information that within the past few
mouths over 16.000 soldiers have landed
in South Africa, for the purpose of as
sisting the Boers. Thla information
ems credible, for It Is Iruown that in
many countries, Boer sympatbi.era
have lieeu active In promoting organ
Izitions which tended to their relief
and support.
SpsMal to tht Ocaxd.
Yokohama, March 29. Russia I as
mule a demand upon the Japanese
government for parmiMiOB to laud
troops at Ma.atiplio, Cores. The
matter causes much reeling In Japan
ese oillclal circlet-, on uccouut of other
covert acts of Russia, and the demand,
if pressed, may lead to complications
which will result In open hostilities.
The Greatest Orator in America
Addresses the People.
aiatHr and salim.
Spvctat It tat liutrd.
Ai iianv, r . arclt 28,-Hon. V.
J. Bryan arrived here this forenoon at
H:S0 o'clock, tome three hours latr.
The tralu wax packed with passengers
f oin Harrisburg and way statlont. In
front nf many i f the form houses were
President Campbell, oi Mon
mouth, Mentioned for
Pleasures. ..
Xiecitl to tht (iuard.
Albany, Or., March 28.-Today the
name of P. L. Campbell, president f
the State Normal College at Mon
mouth, baa been mentioned by many
as a suitable candidate for congress in
the First Judicial district on the reform
Mi l u .... . I
-muru "in i cuu.ireii, clieeriug1 ticket. Moat peo;.e think it would be
""'I I' ' '""li'li'l'ile as he -id aloiiir il.- ,lh. i in .1.. it i,. .m
an hour. In accept such a nomination lie will have
A Detailed Account of
the Brutal Murders.
Residence of Mrs. Anna Bock
Burned This Horning.
A disastrous Ore occurred In th-
eastern part of the city this murium:.
1 he residence of Mrs. Anna Buck, on
riiirtceulh stnet, uetween Kerry aud
Patterson, BAUghl the uliout 7:30
.'clock and . i.iiined to the ground.
piano and organ and most of the
furniture, except two bedroom sets,
whs saved, but everything else, in
eluding nil clothing, went up in the
tiuuies. The Are originated from the
flue between the ceiling of the flrnt
tory and lloor of the seeon 1, and but
for the fact that the pump would uot
work the blaze would iiave been
extinguished with alight loss.
An alarm wastenl in tothe Eleventh
street hoee house and the flremen
turned out at once. The nearest
hydrant was at the comer of Eleyeuth
and Patterson, and after the firemen
had laid 1000 feet of bote they could
not reach the Are, and sent after
another hoe cart, which arrived too
late to do any good.
The building, which belonged to the
VV R Taylor estate, was Insured for f 800
and contents $200, In the Spring!!-.1.
R. Williams agent. Mrs. Buck can
illy afTord to withstand the loss which
this fire occasions. Some students
boarding In the hnu-e also lost cloth
ing, bonks etc.
Wireless Telegraphy
The recent wonderful accomplish
ments in wireless telegraphy brlug to
mind forcibly the value of electricity.
t Is probable that much work will be
saved by u cans of ibis subtle fluid
l'here is co limit to Its possibilities.
Applied to material objects, it causes
them to move as with life, while
without it the human body cannot be
strong aud healthy. The best means
nf niling the body with vitality Is by
the use of Hosteller's Btoniach
Bitters. Lack of life in the atom eh
causes Indigestion, dyspepsia, constipa
tion, biliousness and malarts. Any of
these symptoms means the Bil.ers Is
needed at onoe. Just now, when the
seasons are so variable, and a regular
dose will keep the bowels active and
Bids for Wood.
Keuled bids will be received at my
ofttce until April lotb, I00,for40 cords
white oak grub wood 1 feet long not
less than 8 Inches in diameter at small
end, nor more that b Inches at large
eud; 60 cords white oak grub 4 feet
long, not less thau Inches at imal
end and 4 inches at large end, aud
40 cords old growth red or yellow fir
wood, 4 feet long, to be delivered at the
School Houses in Eugene as dire, t.-d
by the Board, 00 or before August 1
1900. Right reserved to reject any and
all bids. A gond and sufllclent Isind
will be required for the lalthlul ier
formance of the contracts.
Dated March 27, PKK).
Gr. K. ( haw, f lerk
School Dist. No 4 Lane Co, Or.
Wm. Orr, Newark, O., says: "We
never feel safe without One Minute
Cough Cure In the house. It saved
my II1 t'e boy's life when he had the
pneumonia. We think it is the best
medicine made." It cures crughs,
and all lumi diseases. Pleasant to take,
harmless and gives Immediate results
Vlnoent 4 Co., Corner Drug Store.
ai .tu miles or moie
4 il t
.xiuan.v a large crowd was present at
the depot. Colonel Bryan and guests
were driven to a hotel, where breakfatt
was taken. After breakfast Colonel
nryau pasc.i mining the people In a
mom democrat Ic way, shaking bauds
With old friends and Mug Introduced
K new ones. He makes friends
rapidly by his plain ways. He has
aged conslderunly tiuce his visit here
two or three years go. He assures a
OOAKO remrter that he will be in
Eugene on April 5 at II a in. The
spesklnglnre was outdoors, near the
court house he was enthusiastically
welcomed by from B.OOo to 10,000
Mr. Bryan was Introduced by Hon.
J. K. Weather ford, aud spoke for two
hours and live minutes. He devoted
the time to trusts, the financial ques
tion, imperialism and other questions
which the peop e will not let down
As a speaker and n ready mid convinc
ing talker .Mr. Bryau has improved
mucn since His Malt to Oregon three
years ago, while he has lost none of
that sincerity which gives hit words
such weight with the masses.
Mr. Bryan left on a special train for
Salem at 1:30 this afternoon accom
panied by memliers of tl e state com
mittee who are escorting him on the
trip through the state, aud a special
reception committee from Salem, sent
lit re to meet bin I. L. CampMI,
editor of the GUABO, Is the Lane
county member of the committee
accompanying Mr. Bryan.
excellent chances nf election. BEAR BRYAN.
Special to the (iuard, March 2N. -Salem has the
biggest crowd, gathered in one place,
in her history.
Ten thousand people heard Bryan's
speech. He spoke nearly two hours
aud held the great crowd almost to a
man. His speech was greeted with
tremendous applau-e.
List of Letters.
Kemalnluf In tbo poitofllce tt Kugene, Or
Eugene, Match 20, 1900.
Heller, Flora Mercer, H J
Oawold, Albert Strong, Mrs A
Simpson, Russell Shapler, W S
Thompson, O K
A charge of ono cent will be made oa all let
ters glTea out, I'eraoni when otlllug for
letter, will pletttiutt when adTertlied.
H. F. McCornack, P. M.
Planet jr. garden tools at last year's
prices, at F L Chambers.
Lewis Ackerman, c-l , Ind.,
says, "DeWitt's Little Early Risers
always bring certain relief, cure my
headache and uever gripe." They
genera ly cleanse and Invigorate the
bowels ami liver.
"I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure In my
family with wonderful results. It
gives Immediate relief, Is pleasant to
lake aud Is truly the dyspeptic's best
friend," says E Hartgerink, Overisel,
Mich. Digests what you eat. Cannot
fall to sure. Vincent fc Co, Corner
Drug Store.
Court House Notes.
Satisfaction of mortgage $ 175 00
Waller J Bums tiles power of attor
uey for the Balfour Outhrle Invest
meiit Co i Ban Franolsoo.
J F Curtis and wife to Alma
Handsaker, SO acres In tp 15 a r 6
J B Mosby and wife to A L and E J
Woodard. undivided Internal in 160
acres in tp21 n:iw; $75.
U W House to J B Mosby, 160 acres
in tp 21 s r 3 w; Quitclaim.
O fc C R Co to Edd Jeuke, mi acres
in tp23sr 1 w; $300.
U 8 to T M Rouse, 160 acres In tp 21
s r 3 w; patent.
State of Oregon to A C Woodard, 400
acres In tp 22s r3 w; $.500.
L M and Oeo M Miller to Minerva
Van Tyne, lot S, block 13, Falrmount
SC ArmitagetoClias W Letson, 16
acres In tp 17 s r S w; $1000.
W L Beckuer and Charles Tolbert to
J W Alt w. il. J A Hamilton aud W
Hamilton, the "Great Western" and
"(.real Eastern" mining claim, Blue
River; $500. Quit claim.
John Thorn bury to W P Cheshire,
17(i acres In sections its and 19, tp 17 s r
1 e; $25C0.
Buck Horn claim, Bohemia; byThos
M Wiuiford, locator.
White Queen claim, Bohemia dis
trict; by Joseph E ami Ida S Wiui
ford, locators
Maytlower claim, Bohemia district;
by S Emma Wlnlford, locator.
First Chance claim, Bohemia; by H
H Hawley, locator.
War Kagle, Bohemia; by B Muni,
Red Rock claim, Bohemia; by B
Hurd, locator.
"Big Dick" claim, Bohemia district;
John Graber, locator.
"Bonanza Chief" claim, Blue River
district; B B Merrick , jr, locator,
ft. a I i
McKarlati'l's third addition to Cot
tage Grove.
Owen Bristol and Mary Stevens.
Their Bodies Covered With Sea
weed and Rock,
Murderers in Jail.
G. W. Oliver received a letter this
miming from H. N. Sessions. In the
employ of the Alaska Mteamshlp Com
pany at Skagway, which stated that
the Indiana who murdered Mr. and
Mrs. Horton are In Jail. He further
said that auy money wbioh Mr. and
Mrs. Horton might have bad with
them was evidently taken by the
Indians and spent, hence cannot be
recovered. Mr. Sessions says be Is
attending to all matters necessary
there, and auy suggestions of the
relatives here will be carried oat.
Nominee in
1896 of Silver Republicans,
and Democratic Parties
for President, will Speak in
Way, April 5th,
Speaking to commence at
11 o'clock in the forenoon.
By the courtesy of (ienrge M. Mllier.
of Skagway, Alaska, Die GUARD Is
enabled to present very full paillculsla
of the murder of Berl Horton and
bis wife by Alaskan Indiaus. The
Skagway Dally Budget of March 16,
has this account ofthe ead tragedy:
"Last night the steamer Alert
steamed in from the Mlaslou w ith the
final evidence of one of the most hrnul
crimes ever committed in any country
Marshal Tanner left in the morning
accompanied by a detail of regular
Commissioner Selilbrede, W. A. Beld
R. S. Sluueger, F. M. Seaslotis, T. A.
Fit, J. T. Dillon, M. J. Marovhx, A.
J . Slag lit ami It. M. Woorldge; Davo
W I Hard ami J is-, Indian Interpreters
and Jim Hanson, the Indian who
ooufessed to the murder of Bert Hor
ton and his young wife. Their purpiste
was to recover the body of the tuur
dered pair.
"The ludlan Hanson was cool aud
Indlfiereut throughout, conducting the
party to the spot where the bodies
were covered with snow and Ice, with
almost unerring precision, and they
were uncovered with but little trouble.
The remain-' were fouud beueath six
feel of snow and ice In a llttla rift
made by the actiou of the tide, where,
after the crime, the red devils had lahl
the uufortuuate couple, wrapping their
bodies In blankets, covering them with
canas and seaweed, and weighting
the whole down with rocks.
Horton was laid facedown with his
bead resting on his wife's shoulder,
who hud beeu laid ou her back. The
bodies though not fro.en were but
slightly decomposed. Hortou's body
showed evidence of Immediate death
as Hanson pointed out the spot where
they both stood at the tune of the
deed, and tbe murderer wtt but :
feet from his victim.
Mrs. Hortou was shot at a distance
of about 150 feet by Kitchlku, a id the
bullet falling III its work, the fiends
finished their hellish work by stabbing
her In the right side of the neck, aud,
afterward by cutting her throat.
'As stated yetterday, the in. linn
party came across Mr and Mm Horton
camping out In October, aud yesterday
It was learned that the approximate
date was the 14th of that mouth.
Then It was the deed was committed
without any cause, except that two of
the natives were missing, and ihe
lives of tbe uususpectlng oouple were
sacrificed according to the heatheulsh
oastom of a life for a life.
'The bodies were taken to the
morgue and will be prepared for burial.
'The confessed murderer Is stoical
and Indifferent, and uo doubt now that
he Is converted will make a typical
angel when he goes to heaven by the
hemp route.
"From Information gatheted by
Judge Sehihrede yesterday at tbe scene
of the crime, tbe Budget gives the
following sketch of the b. ach and
positions of the partlclpanta In the
Dlafrtm and Ktf.
Cor In- rid ami nil anneal ar nr tut
"iglii "ii gis.l l.i . , , a, trim U
si km .lis- irniW a lino 2RB4CRNT.
Maai li ii- but auas la.i OtaawBl
i laywbsn It is . , e. . c . a
as l in dal in.- iu i i- rtarltr tn any oa
latKMrkti Cartful lnMat and .killtd
soasiraallaa oii lit saaai Is skaaawtt
u lis mi .-. All iO . onwin ttis-k.
a;Ci ami
FL Chambers
Tliis is a fit.' simile
of i !ie famoua VIVE
i i magaiine, plait'
holder and luilli at
tachtnent. For sale
UM jta.- - ' laiiMrT J gaaamjWaaM
Come in
and see . ,
The New
Spring Dress
Hemstitched Silks,
Silk Poplins
Just received them.
J, V. Kaufiman.
Mixed Trainload Prom Corvallll. End of Portal Grove Liquor Case.
Cokvaixis, March 28. It waa a Fohkmt Oki.vk, March 28. The city
picturesque train that went out of here council, at a special meeting held last
this in. iriniig with excursionists to tee night, unanimously voted that they
Bryan at Albany. Tbe railroad com-1 would permit no further proceeding-. In
pany had calculated that tw o coaches the drugstore llipior prosecution, which
would be u tiii i. ni lo accommodate lias Just la-en heard ou appeal in the
the crowd. After these coaches had , Circuit Court and resulted In a bung
been added to the train, and afterjury. A peculiarity of tbe oaae waa
every spoi that would accommodate a i that, though It was beguu In Forest whs occupied, a large hum- Grove's name and eipeiisee were run
ia?r of people, all provided with tickets, 1 up against tbe oily, tbe municipal
still stood on ihe platform. Recourse authorlilce were not consulted In lis
was i ben had to Istxcars, and as the
train finally pulled out, a'ter half an
hour'e delay, It comprised three
coaches, a baggage-car and two latxcart.
Not only were the platforms, aisles
aud seats packed with people, but
passengers occupied places on top ol
the Isaxcars, ou the wood, on the ten
der, aud on the cowcatcher. Tbe tralu
left this station with 449 people on
An Editor's Life Saved By Cham
hcrlain's Cou(li Remedy.
During the early part of Ootober,
1891), I contracted a bad cold which
eettled on my lungs aud was neglected
until I feared that consumption bad
appeared In an incipient slate. I was
constantly coughing and trying lo
expel something which I onuld not. I
became alarmed and after glvlug the
local doctor a trial bought a bottle of
Chainlierlaln's Cough Remedy and the
result was Immediate improvement,
and after I had used three bottles my
ungs were restored to their healthy
state. R. H. Edwarim, Publisher or
The Hevlew, Wyant, III. H'or rale by
W. Li DeLano.
hairman Committee of Arrangements,
Where the bodies were found
rltt, iluO feet from the tent stakes.
B Where Hanson stood wheu
sbot Horton, a distance of l'J feel.
0 Where Kitchlku etood when he
fired at Mrs Horton, who was In tiout
of the tent.
D Where Horton sat when sin t by
E Where Mrs Horton stood when
shot by Kitchlku, and afterward was
butchered In a bruial fashion.
Look at your MUM. Is it coated?
Then you have a bad taste in your
mouth every morning. Your appe
tite it poor, and food distresses you.
You have frequent headaches and
are often dizzy. Your stomach is
weak and your bowels are consti
pated. There's a reliable cure :
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money
If It falls to core. E. W. drove's s'gna
ture la on each box. 26c.
Don't take a cathartic dose and
then stop. Better take a laxative
dote each night, just enough to
cause one good free movement the
day following. You feel better the
very nextday. Your appetite returnt,
your dyspepsia is cured, your head
aches pa wy . your tongue clears
up, your liver acts well. lie. am JnaUt.
" I bate taken Artr't PI lit for M reari,
and I consider Ihtui the beat nuult. Oat
j. ill il's-s ma mora jrsid than hall a uot
mi. tier uteu.
it anv other kind
Mrt. N. E. T a i ii" r
March 30, UM.
Arrluglou, Kant.
management. It waa promised that
the case would be withdrawn, and tha
city will pay tbe bills, except tbo
attorney's fees, which were guaranteed
by tbe committee. The expense for
witnesses on the appasj aggregated
over $100.
How's This
We ..iter one Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case or Catarrh that
cannot be cured by Mali's Catarrh
F J Cii kney A Co., Frops, Toledo, O.
We, the underslgued, have known V
J Cheney for tbe last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly bonorable in al
business tiausaotlont, and financially
able to oarry out any obligation mada
by their firm.
WEHTtXTRUAX, wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
Waldino, Kinnan A Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter
nally, acting directly upon tbo blood
and mucous surfaces of tbe system.
1'rlce, 75 oents per oottle. Hold by all
druggists. Testimonials free.
Hall's family pills are the bast.
Divinity Hohool appointments for
April 1:
E F Beaudreau, Camas Swale and
W T Matlock, N. Yamhill.
M K Horn, Kim Ira.
W A Biking, Bethel.
Harry Be n ton, Hebron,
.f F Handsaker, Brown achtsil
li n e and L kOOBttaf,
M s O Humbert, Central.
J L b'ultou, Springfield.
C it Moore, Loraue.
V K Iloven, Kern Ridge.
' ill i n OUT.
Dull headache, paint Id various parte
of the body, sinking at the pit of the
stomach, I.mih of appHe, feverishness.
Pimples or sore. iM all positive
evldeii f Impurt Mood. No matter
how It U'caoie so, it must la purified
in older tnofctalu health. AekerV
Blood Kllxlr has tt sr railed to cure
Scrofulnusor Hyplnlm r poisons, or any
other blood disease . It ta certainly a
wonderful remedy hhJ we sell every
bottle on posiuvea guarantee. For
ale by W 1. DaljBM,
SAbitLKMi-Piettou A Hales have
built up a reputation lu saddles that la
far beyond local contiues. They are
manufacturing and shipping saddles as
far east as Nebraska, Arisoua, Wyom
ing, Montana, Idaho, Oklahomo ami
other Middle and Kisiertt states. Their
woik is famid over a large territory.