The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 24, 1900, Image 8

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    Eugene City Guard.
Thlt pity, "From House to Uouae,'
must L a moving drama.
Chicago baa a lUtW ptMfl baby.
Tbla yuungiter bai a weigh of bla own.
A man may get 001 of paying Ml
nulling ' ,,u' dlvori iuWtr
c-uiiuot be put off.
The world I now able to aecur a
very fair Idea a lo Juat what suaed
the brevity of Hit- JagMMg ruld.
If Ibe drama of ""lay really "bolda
the mirror up to nature." what a shock
ing thing ualnre BWl sometime be!
IMo not Judge another too baatlly. A
man auddm ttUB on bla ear may
l. due to aotn.bodya having put a flea
lu It ,
TIk r- la a eoflM BfMt and now n baby
HlfHp trnat bM bM formed. The
eetoPM BOMM to pwsue us from the
cradle to the grave.
More Investigation that Investigates
and more publicity that publishes
would greatly to DM moral growth
of tbi' Billed States.
BO matter bow well to do In world
ly way ha may be,
towi unotin-r to pay " p"" 1,1 for
I, in la lb pOtfK kind of cltlieu.
A man died In lb dentist1! chair the
..tii.-r 'Jay while bavliig thirteen teeth
ptot Ban i more fud workiug
muterlal for iii rlllloua people.
There were Jill iHM'i of sunstroke In
BMMfl Ay re lu oue day receully. BB
i,f them Mug fatal, That uiual be a
l-wr lowu for people wbo are lu lb
Ota) bualueaa.
Another groom bua vanished ou bla
nwMlH "Jr. ll"'r" '" uolu"J 1
U fear, imj mil. b ou such uu uccasluu
n. stage Bright Bid Ibey are all more or
lea aulijert lo It
There la a great to do whether ao
rlely leader, atifTruglat or luh la of any
mi in tin- comm unity, II doMB'l mat
tot mm h M long na Ihe greul maaa of
VWy day woinanklud la.
Mai O'ltell says American are not
uu beautiful, bai they an ail lutein-
griit looking of course he docan t
eanl Ikaaa vouag men who wear mou-
in le and suck the aida of their slicks
aa being Amerh aiia.
A New York w m recently wore
1400,000 worn "f Jewel al the open,
i ifortiMtatoi bawarar. bat ix waa
0 aJtWtod (bat le IBM half of lb
I . U lii the thriller could aee her aa
Mil) aa the atage.
The world awalla with hrealhleaa In
tereat Ihe "lllilab" uf the auhjeel of Ihe
KaJoM arho put tola the aanda of the
aehoul rhlldreu of Ihe empire a text
hook herein It la dearly explained
that the Iwclitlclh OMWiy beglua Jan.
1. IUU1.
A New Yolk DUU who was Jilted by
lila girl, who i-boae uuolher for her bua
I, mi. I hint BO time lu taking the young
Molilalia Mini her for Ida wife. Ilia dual
MOaltlaO of alcp hither Hint futlicr III
lltw Will give I a 1 1 a a llllprecedcuted la
illltlea for horrible revenge.
A inlrnilie ao amull Ihllt. aa we are
told, two bundled and llfly mlllloua of
iiieiu would required to oovat a
quart iin h of inrfica) u declared to
in- ibt primary eantt of the plague, it
la nut one of Btturt'l nun vela llial
irbaj a almoal taSaltoalBaJly minute
may aOHOa tenor i wide ipraad and
prottrallai than the alarm craattd by
l artlniiiake DOB! BlllOBtl
I'm. f I la ennlBO lie one of the
BMMl laiportaill iUeatloua before the
public i in- adoitoraUoo of tomi li n
gi ii. i ii l uini tin. idBltatatloBa are ao
traqoaotly tojottooa to btaltb and
aanittlniaa dmigerolialy polaououa, Unit
It hna lie. nine nei enaary to provide
PMM ltrlBtDl nttoMl uud Htate leg
lain) Ion and lo Impnae more aevere peu
Hltlea lhau lire now provided.
The chatflni rtporl i made thai In
Ihe huge cltlta of Ihe l lilted Stalea the
aula bar alcaaai of idimiueaa m-furring
in youai cbUdraB ia rttadlty dlntlnlab
Int; I hi" la due pnrlly lo lOOreaalOJ
baawtodca oa the pim of the Radical
pro ff Ion, partly tu the adraoet of
xaulliitloii tu lioine and a h nl uud
in ii) to liirreaard and mine humane
kBOWladaw umong the people generally
lu other OfOrda, It la a raattll of the ud
vaaot of 'ii iiiitttum.
The I'nlveialt) of I'lileiigo lina reeon
gldatad Ua ti ul deleruilualloii to
adapi a aytttn al raforaad iptlUny
and n HI adhere lo the BMtbOd now lu
rtfOa Thla la w lae. Now. If the uul
aoraitj win oajeaoiaga the itady f
Ma-lllng lii priMry and gruuiinnr
koihjuu, efta lo ibt talaat parbnpt. of
making a fad of It, the rlalug genera
ito Mill probably have no trouble
'tt. 111 "doul.le l a." Ita "le'a" and lt
"iat letter The Kngiltk language la
lib apelidlng a good drill of lime ou.
' if tu aiuditii oamta out of tebool
a 'oo i tforklay boowltdgt or It,
( 'ti.4udi'd, he van gi-l along lu
p rlird wotuto of Knaaoa
eoiue roiii lin ed that tun
'nry wlullon of the "oer
ui" mui muit Ibioofb
a ayttouiatlc iralntoi
W in put her theory
iryloa '" aatabllab t
rill, with an mi
red lltuuaan.l dol
pitli a .vim MN IB
gf :al4. a. bf ad
work, dull
id aervi. e.
' r Ionia
f arbtob
t pe
- II
' and prlvat famllita may bttre thtlr
waablug don there, lb plan na al
ready be n tried elewbr with aom
promt of aucceta The dignity of do
mettlc aervlc mar, perbtpa. b ttb
llbd. it that of nuralug baa been,
and a more Intelligent, i-ompetent and
aelf rape ting elaaa of young women
way tbua b aWaatod to bouaework.
But tber ar ulao dangera to b eon
aldred. If the "lady of the boue" ht
not taken domeatle "elertlvea" In her
own college edueatlou. how will abt
f. el about offering auggeailoua to the
vuledlc-lorlun of ibe claaa In pie cul
ture, or giving ordera lo one who baa
takec honor for advamed work In
baked applea? Will abe dure to main
toll her (craoiiul prefereurea agalnal
the auuai authority of Ibe miifhu pro
fr.aor '.r Hie chair of comparative
diab waanllig? And If ahe doea, will
the auggeatloii be received lu an inula
bla ami utiaittntd aplrlt. with no de
limit ghim-c at the framed diploma
bringing OTal the alnk? The problem
of douieatlc aervlee la Biact more thun
a mere niiitler of MlaOBlbHt lmortaiil
though that I t fouudutloii. Art In
ouieleltea and einllience lu la-nua will
ix- MatoM aitbool cordial food win nmi
i n operation la-twiN-u tnlatreaa :illd
mnld 1 be new college. If It la to attain
a real am-' tit, w III tired a well BQVlpPad
i hair of applied brUtlnully.
On fjcl lmprealve!y detnnnatrated
In Ihe prOtOH of Die loath African wu:
I Mint the tatlfa tkaraotot of warfare
a a apeeiacle bai uuderout t radical
tbaaat wiiiiin rtctal raara. Hi -
have lot! much in pletnnaqiaiaal and
glamour. Kven ao recently a lu the
ITraaao-Praaalaa eaollel of UN ami
In the Kuaao-Ttirkiali war of 1-77 bat
ilea were allll I 'role aubjeeta fur the
painter. With MOM BOdlBcatiOBa, they
wer ijulte t rOiaaataC and Inaplrlng aa
tboae of the earlleat reconliaj wura,
when artnlea BdrtfiTtd dud In ateel
armor and DMA fought bund to baud.
A battle In the I'nimo I'nualaii war
una a trc'iiefiduil apeeiacle of aerrled
mnaaea uf cluae ranked men. brilliant
uulform. toaalng pliimea mid banner
and oflran loading with aaban in ibt
air and directing daabtog charge. The
day for thla kind of Haifa re hu p:iaaed,
and the whole aapei t of war. ua a dra
uiatlc exhibition, bua changed. The en
gngeuienta In South Afrlru la-tr no re
aemblance to tboae of paat hlalory. The
acent la unrelieved by n alngle duali of
color. The Huldlera uini ortliera alike
wear a coatume of a dun aluide, which
bletida Matty tola llBMat any buck
ground. Not even a ahoiilder atrnp la
worn, and "iin-a ban baao dlKardtd.
Troopa tre OMMBl never played Into
action, and B0 btrolc .Iruunnrr bo)w
lead the line of dMiea. OfBcttl tnd
men alike carry rllb-a, BBd there I B0
oilier waving. The thrilling h)0la
of a frontal BtMBlt, Ibt
force marching rhythmically ahoiilder
to ihOtttdati la entirely out of Ibe illea
Hull. In fuel, war Ml baM robbed of
moat of H martial glory. Il I a tnutler
of bualueaa of manual labor lu making
ireuchca, of keeping the luborera fed,
of buvlng a good hoapllul aerv Ire mid of
taking a few rlaka ua DOttlbbV The
man who ItOBda Bp to lie ibOl at may
Im heroic, bill he d I t help Will hut-
lie; he lan'l ttghHug on modern Hue.
The modern ao'.dh-r hua ahaolutely no
chance al the kind of lighting Which
coMlata in oftrcomtBg oppotlttob by
exerclalng hla own atretigth. A dltlB'
tereatiil bullet from a wholly Impartial
and M prejudiced lOldlCT u tulle away
tut)' drop Ulm while be la wetting hla
llpa with Ilia MBlttB. Hla butluttl la
to take the fvweal poialblu rleka. to
work hia ririe with toackootool praali
Ion and put up with any burdalilpa lucl
denial to the Job. The modern anliller.
lu fuel, la no longer U arulptor'a model;
lie I an MMMl taborllg man. and dur
ing working BOnri bt look! the part.
Their I'livaUnl loloiinaiil la BtMf
Hunt Truly ti. ... 1 1 i. ..i.i. .
Although the American I willing tu
rancada to the Japancat Iba poaaaatlna
of a meutiii Mpaclly "I I. If til
iiiite, aquallni thai or the majority oi
white Facta, he la upt to form a NIDI
what alighting oplBlOO of him ua view
id from a phyilcol lliodpolot Tin'
poclmcni met with lu thia country d
not tend to coorcj a favonbia Intprai
bM of their BlbltUC power. After
howeier, rending uu account of tb
pbyalcul lueaalireliienta of aouie of tllv
most prouiluetit JapaUCM wrestlcia. n
more reapeilful nilllude regiirdlng tin
lllliacillar dOt elopmelit of these III t i
in. ii will probably be laketi. The JIJl
Khlmpu has rereiilly pulilNhcd a tnlili
giving the BMBBOmnaOto of all of lliv
forrmitst laputoM Bfhlart Kram t ui
table It la gnthcris.1 I tin I Ihe moat bulky
of these modern gladiator weigh nt
the age of intra iiImuiI "aai pOOMU
belglit. tile and n half feet; girth of
chest, liny eight IBCBM) lung capacity.
4 cubic crntiiuelcra; upper arm
eighteen iu. Ml
Anothet one Wtlfbl over ISO pounds
height. al feet tle liabMi glrtll of
cheat, forty eight In. lira; lung capacity
ii.iajo coble caattuttara; upper unu. u
teen Inchea. I'he atnalleal of these tight
lug men weighs more than 'Jin DOUndl
tncnsilies lu height the feet arill
iBCbaBi while lu 0B MpOClly he II
n-sla them nil. Tliere are few wreat
lera or puglllata In thla or any counlty
who atlnlu to these dimensions, ami
those who ban si in MOM "f the Nt
eMitielitl of Jnpanesi wrestling are
willing t. back them when tutted
ig .ii.-i the pick of the KOMDMB ot IXDCrl, a It la Mid thai
they ate aa aklllful ua they are power
ful. llcisnd.
lotnlona A BO tan I lte oid.
The county COUOCll al London, u Uu
lOjceaaaor of tbi alctrapolltao board oi
work, la coatodlaa of a onuhar of raJ
lUllde dorumelita I. Hiring upon the lo al
blltr of the metiopolla. Imiudni iu
the MtiaCtbM are many Volume ol
liiiuule of Ihe gsjllilitlaalouer of sew cr
dating I'M. i. to tiw rebja or Rnnry tu ,
togetlier With iirrs and deeds ratal
lug lo lmK.irtaut bullilinga audi a
NorthumN'i laud llottte. which f.-mu,
ly Maod at t'barlug CTBM TMM lutur
Mttog docBBttnti Mra bllborto 1 u
luaccealble lo the putillc. but the imiiu
! eti oa now daaMad to pobHah a oatoa
j tbM of lltt'W In volume.
It I but uaiuial Itiat a breach of
promise caae ahoiild be heard In a
Ivw unu are ao bOBI trying to
void wuik that Ibey hate no lluie H
a brvatl fot Ibelr (auillle
f-51) CONNRCT the Atlontlc with
ml iba httdltarraaaaa by a ahip ranui
lapahle uf floating a uiodero Pin
of war ia the dream uf the r rem b nu-
Hon. It la prupoaed to take advantage
of the pOMMl waterway in Ihe Interior
of I'minr, and by ih-rprniug and aupple
nieiitlng tin m by others, ht Ibem lu the
'mi rnry to wliaf would aeem the nat
ural Atlantic terminus, aay a corre-
ipoadMl or the Nrw York 1'rea. it I
propoai 1 t.. Mflad Bordaaaj iu favor
uf whut will In- nracticallj a new pert
Arcarhon, with ita grent natural basin,
radi itsrir idaally to the kind of furtih-
raiion that would he deiiiauded by a ru-
linl that Mould, hy the fu't uf ita exiat-
eli''r, inine tu In- Hr- rriitrul itru'i-gn
feature uf the cnuntry. Arcarbun, when
tin' .'ii 11 a I l tiuishcd, will l.r the Hrest of
tO-day, 11 hundred fimea nniguilied. Ilor
deaui, that euilld lievrr tie made to giie
Ihe m. rssury ease and aecurity tu a wnr
llet, will remain ibe great commvrrul
pnrt l ia.
Another ndvnntnge of Ihe ranal aa
pb 'I by Ibl efferveacent (Jaul will he
lo furnish work fur yeara tu the prtnch
workiiigiuan. to the calming of the lalor
Ing mind and the aecurity uf the republic,
the caleiilatioua being fur a permanent
fore ..r :iu.iaai laborara.
At the beginning It waa aeen Hint ordi
nary lorka would nut aerve; with them
the pasig would reuuire at lenat aix
daya. One way uf diuiiiiishiiig their
number 11 ia Ntlmatod ttiat WU would
lie BCCMMry- would he the uhl fiisliiuiiiil
plM of keeping the en mil tu the low nlti
tttdM uf the ploltia and then, arriving nt
Ihe I'ol de .Naiirouie. lu pnsa through it
lu a giant cut. It would lie cut Mai
feet deep Tu avoid the aeceeotty of this
nlmnat impnaallile engineering fent, the)
have iumgiiied a prudigiuua uuvelty, the
ship elevator uud the moving lock.
The ship elevator ia a grent Metallic
reaervuir dint uiovea up and down hill uu
a great Dauber uf ruilwuy trurka, uht
uted linn Ii urter the tiiiiuner uf a futiiru-
I lir. There w ill he one at the tup of the
alope, 11 lint her at the bottom. Kaeh will
rerrive 11 ahip. The weight of the lighr
eat will he balanerd by the addition uf
more water. Then, the ispiilibriiuu bring
attained, a comparatively atoderati force
will be lUfflclent to disturb it. Dp will
go on reservoir, and iloarn the other.
Nothing could he aimpler.
When ordinary lorka are M he uaed
the same pnui iple of metallic hasiua bal
ancing each other, aide by aide, ia 10 be
u plotted, fur the aake of eapodttlea,
They are tu bl aurh locks aa the world
ha never aeen. Once through them and
into the Aadl river, il will be plain tow
ing straight to Nnrbotine, which ia almost
on the Medltern an. Here ia another
uaiiirnlly protected port, like Arrarhoti, a
great bisiu, iuiH-netrable by a hostile
Aaalstnnt Hecrelurv of Ihe Interior
Itrumi I. lit- 11 n ti hllormukrr.
Tba carver of Wabatar Pavle, usaiat
nnt eacretary of tin- Interior, whose
visit to South Africa uud to Oom Paul
occaaloaad conalderabie comment, i
in many Mapacta n remarkable one.
He began life as 11 Mhoemaker'a Hon lu
Qaltatln, Mo., and in- father wm bare
ly able to give him Ibe edncatloa which
the town acboola afforded, Young
I nil Is however, pushed on, took a
I'oursr in the poor boya' acbool nt Parh
rllle, whcie he received tba Idea Unit
be waa cut mil Tor the ministry, lie
found Ida way Dually to a religious
emlnary near CblciffO, there, he
auid afterward, he dtacovered that the
111010 lie learned the farther be got
pway from tba idea. So ha went tack
to bla father and act to work at the
cobbler1! (tool in dislike for the
trade did not race pa ihe attention of
hia father, one day be made u bad
job of a pnir of aboca, which cam to
the notice uf Judge .Met loughiaa, of
KaOMi City. "Send him over to my
office," Mid the Judge, "He la certain
ly a poor iboemaker, but he tuny make
a good lawyer," Thai was the begin
ling of Ida climb to the Official Psl
lion, which be left to go to South Af
rica. I'roin the beginning be attracted
the attention of rich ami Influential
men and they stinted him for the law
Kbool nt Ann Arlair, where be com
pleted Ids COUCM
Upon hi return as n full-fledged law
w BMTII DA. vie.
yer. M11J. Warner, one of bla patron,
found a place In the otllcv of the stir
1 .1. 11 of the port lu Kansas City. There
be was thrown Into contact with poll
IK Inns and started uu thla h. nt of ht
career. He had a nomwaad of inn
gunge mid a tluemy w hi. h made tit it)
what they were pleased to call "n won
derftd orator," and be came qnlejlly
into daiaand as atump apeaker. Maj.
Warner bcconllg a candidate for Qov
etnor lu lNi'J. Mr. Havla took to the
field Bid Well up and down the State,
and. through Warner' Ititluence, he
himself so. tired the nomluatlou for
t',. tigress Both went down to defeat,
but Mr Da Vbl had wou fame through
out ihe State which wa lo help him lu
the future.
The cninpalgu over, he went to Col
orado. theuiv lo Chicago, lie returned
lo Kansas City on ihe eve of a mayor
ally campritgti. and, alnce no one else
eared to ruu. Mr Huvla waa eaally pet
Bunded to make the race. Mr. Pans
Wou to tverylxMy'a urprle. tnclud
Ing Ida own He Inaugurated ao ag
graaalvi policy, began lb building of
mi extensive park system, but went out
of office retaining only infOclent popu
larity to Mma bla lucceeeor, "Jimmy"
tu iiii campaign, in which be worked
ns hr bad lor himself, he was charged
with perpetrating "fake" to win votea,
Oni night be appeared before a polit
ical meeting and doctored tbnt an at
tempt bad been made to MaaillBBtl
him aa be wu lenvlng the house.
Wbereopon be exhibited bla hat rid
dled with bullets. The newipaperi tool.
It up Ud ailld be had done It blnuelf.
They aacnred statements from doctors
to prove thai be would hair hccti shot
to dentb. and nil he could do was to
deny the charges. Thla episode further
diminished bis popularity. The repu
tation of Mr. Pails as uu orator had
spread into the national field, and he
WM engaged to stump Mlssonrl for Mr.
alcKlnley, Upon tin- election of the
Prealdenl Mr. Davli had com to tic
called "the administration orator."
Following the election there came 11
period of Inactivity for the orator mull
ly", when, under Secretary nil--., be
was made assistant sr.trtary of the
interior. During all ins career it hai
been admitted on all side that his
claim tu attention Is tils ability to hold
large audiences. He II emotional, tear
fill, but 111 speeches do not trad so
Me. 1 i. , mo m Introduced Into tfceOrtSea
of the Tracheal Couiliiit.
nr. Mendel, of Paris, recently sent to
the French Academy of Medletoo
most iutereetilig cominuuicutluu uu the
object of a now treat men I of dleMeci
of the broBCblal tubes and of the cheat,
says (he BoropMO edition of the New
York Herald. Hitherto these maladies
have been treated by neau of medi
cines nhsorbed by tli itomacb. The
originality or lr. M.-ndel's treattnetii
COUallBi lu the Introduction of the
medlcimenti directly iuto the rvapiru
tory passages.
As the Illustration shows, the physl
clan uses a syringe with a curved tube,
aud Introduces the Milnt Into the orlllce
of the tracheal conduit by which air
enters iuto the cheat The medlcntneti:
uaril descends Ibl conduit without pro
ducing the slightest disagreeable sensa
tion. The patient feels a mild warmth
diffuse Itself lit the chest uud breathes
more freely for some hours.
The medicament! thus Introduced to'i
containing In solutlou vegetable es
to-nocs) are volatile and kill the nil
I crobex. As soon as they are projected
j Into the chest Ihey evaporate, saturate
; the air breathed and till ihe lungs. Thus
is estublishrd an luhalatiou of un ex
I'rcniinritlea of tin TtMuderetormi
thai vuit loath Africa,
A very few dais after in arrival at
Marltxburg tit the end of l7.'i 1 was
standing one afternoon In the shade of
my little house on a lull, anxiously
watching the plctureaque arrival of an
og wagon laden with my boxeg, It was
In the very early summer, and the ei
gen, Ira of settling In lift me no time
to worry about the thunderstorms, of
which, of course, I had often beard. A
more serene and brilliant afternoon
could not lc Imagined, ami It was not
even hot at all events, out of the sun.
My two atnull laiya, as usual, trotted
after me like dogs, and clamored to
assist at the arrival of the wagon; so
1 lifted ttie little one up In my arms
and stood there, with the elder liy
clinging to my skirts. Suddenly, out
of the blue uuclniided sky. out of the
blase of golden sunshine, came a Hash
ami a crash which seemed as If It must
le the crack of doom. No words nt my
command can give any Idea of the In
tolerah blinding glare of the light
which seemed to wrap ns round, or of
the rending sound, as If the unhorse
were torn asunder.
1 suppose 1 flung myself on the
ground. beCBBM I was crouching there,
holding the little tmys lieneath me w ith
some sort of protective Instinct, when
In a second or two of time it had "II
passed, for I beard only a slight and
distant rumble. 1 do uot believe the
sun had . shlulng fur au Instant,
though ita light had teemed to he ex-
tlagalabed by that OtoM it Are. Never
can I forget my amaxemetit. an annuo
incut which even preceded my uoep
thaukfulue at finding we w ere gbao
lutely unhurt, the fearless Utile boys
only Inquiring, "What was that, mum
my T" There had liceu no time for their
rosy rtuvks even to pale. I wonder
what color I was? I looked at the lit
tle storehouse with astouishmeut to
dud It still there, for I bad exiHvted to
see nothing hut a heap of ruins. Nay.
It aermcd iii ra. ulous that the hdla all
around should atlll be standing. 1 jdy
Uruouir, lu the Coruhlil ilagaaUie.
ceptlonal Intenilty, because the center
I of labalatlOB, Instead of being outside,
Is In the midst of the respiratory or
gan. At the end of a few hours the
: medicament Injected Is absorbed, enters
I the blood, and leaves the system by the
1 lungs. Influencing them for the second
j time.
M. Mendel MQttottM these Injections
dally ror a month at least. The dally
I dose Is ten cubic centimeters. He has
j tried the treatment oi fifty patients, of
I w hom forty five were tuberculous and
! the rest non tuborouluus (bronchitis,
. asthma and pulmouary COOgMttol),
and obtained untnerotis ns well as last
ing successes In the form of the cessa
tion of coughing and expectoration, the
return of appetite, sleep BBd strength,
and aa llCTMM in weight.
What Is especially curious and upsets
many Ideas is the perfect submission of
the throat aud chest to the Injections,
which are by uo means unpleasant, and
never bring on coughing. Another id
vantage Is thai patients are not cog,
polled to take tucdlclues that upset the
stomach. They tualutaln their appetite
and the good working of the dlgeetlvt
Vast PoMihllmea ol Itusalm.
Stioufd ltussia ultimately BOjOMad In
her acbeme for dominating Aala she
will Iweume inlstrvs of some SOU.UUH,-
ouo paopto.
Ibruoah Fifty Million, of PoUonou. count Brouaht
Irum Our PoMltllf I Oov
aronicul litologi'l-
The moot remarkable story that baa
ru, bad Washington from the I blllp
plUea up to dute bu. been brought buck
by Dr. '-Jeurge 9. liesber. who wa aeut
by thl goverumeut not long ugo to
study and reairt ua.u the g.ndogy aud
uiluerul resource, of the ar.bip.dugo.
It Is a tub- of .Uukea. BM gumu....- -
1, u 11, m iisurtat.oU 01 uu ...- a tCtolttol It muy well excite
...... M lilt II
lUterest. I or, alltiougn aer-o.
,fi.u Bgnred m oooniar narrative
1 ...11 hundreds. Pr. Becker
1 1 1 -
...rll..s llios,- be UW US aWUrtlllUg
hj mm of tbooaanda over va.i bwm
j( sea IU lb Uildat ol our new
I was going by strainer, ne says.
from c. bu to Joi. my rooto lying
aaa of 111 . and I BBtllMU on .un way We pa-sed through
lls.ut Hai tulles of auukes. I wuicu...
Ibem oxer the aide of the Vessel, nun
bora teemed to be no too to weir inm-
cm. of nana II 1 impossible to nana
1 guea worth Inning In audi a matter.
,ut by a mplf BWl I Of computation
I bine reckoned that there were about
rpnits to each wMM bum, m
. .. - ,. 1,W,
I have -aid. vie pa-sru i ugu
idles of th. m. and If the s.-hool was
1 brood a It was long one might
00MB the entire DM1 bet of anakea al
i bud often heard of th sea aer
s lits, whli li swarm III rjisii-ru aajam
.wluiuiing on ihe surface when It Is
aim. In the liulf Of tiny are
humrf in siieh numbers that vessel nt
iBcbot commonly thread their cable
;liroiigh Imrrels to prevent the reptiles
'rotu climbing up the io.o uud coining
ibMRL They are true snakes and ex-
tramely reoomona. In fact they are
imong tba moat dangerona of all
nakes, being numbered among the
riiHiuitophidiu. or deadly terpen U, of
Lbut irt of the world. A bite
iy one uf them Is U surely and sw Iftly
fit tu 1 a tbut uf the dreaded cobra.
I tin her re, they tire very tierce and
iggrcashc. and will uttaek hummi be
nigs whenever Ihey get a chance. Fish-
r 11 lu w liters Infested by them are
pxceedlngly afraid of Ibem ami exar
?ie the ntmoal precantlou when
MflMO brings then Into the Urta.
"More than thirty tptelM of the
Hyilrophlaa. 11s this f 11 mil)' of venom
us water snakes Is called, nre known
to si lence. Kvery one of them Is dead
ly. They are found In the oicn seas.
un frequenting the tballovra. Occa-
lonnlly they lire seen In ihe tidal rtv
rs. uud now and then they tire tlirow u
ip on the shore by the current. They
.rem to Ih verv delicate, and seldom
live long In captivity. Those I saw
were three or four feel long, but I uu-
lerstniid that some of them nttaln 11
length of six feet or even more. They
xhlblt considerable variety of fot in.
some nre dtttlngB thed by ve:y long
lin ks mid small linids, while all MM
fan like lulls. Their bialles lire inuch
Itiitteued toward the rear end, so ns to
liable them to steer better. 1 hose I
saw were black mar the huul ami yel
low on the belli, the black uud yellow
.-oinblnlng In a very pretty checker
pattern toward the tail.
These marine luakei have long hern
regarded 11s ciirloslilrs bv niituriill-ts.
it is probable that they use thtlr dead-
ly venom to kill the llshes on which
they prey. Their bodies nre tilled al
most entirely by their lungs, which are
if great size, lu order that they may be
mbled to itay ndor water for g long
time. Their eyes are modified for see
ng In the water, mid so when taken
tut of their natural element they seem
dlndcd and strike llerrely nt every
thing. Their flings, like those of the
obrn. arc alwajs erect." Cincinnati
Hldlculnu. I'llghl in Which u Persistent
Kussbin Officer Was Placed
Let all subalterns take warning hy
ihe rnlMd venture w hich befell a young
Roaaton llentenanl who loved a young
WOtnan, tba daughter of a dyer, not In
Mnalbta to the assiduous court which
the young otllcer paid her. Hut (he
Father prnpoocd for a aon-ln-law mi
if his own class, fOrbada his daughter
inning anything to do with the young
man ami warned him orT the premises.
But the brave and passionate Midler
took no heed of prohibition) though
hud he lieeti uware of the rod the dyer
hud lu pickle for him he might have
hesitated. The guy young mllltalre
nine, then, to visit his IWeetheUt,
when the dyer, who was lying In am
bush, rushed on him. seized him by the
dioulders ami pitched bltu headlong
nto a dyeing vat.
The Wretched fellow got out as best
he e.uiid, but covered from bead to foot
IB a coating of deepeal crimson. He
ran to B well to wash, but the lac was
sound and declined 10 part. The lieu
tenant went home, spent hours in M0P
Ing himself, brushing himself and get
lug himself scrubbed up by his orderly.
Hut nil to no purpose. Toe carmine
ltd not pale. In despair be swallowed
tils pride mid took counsel of the author
vf his condition, "I can advise 00 rem
Mly." said the dyer; "Hint hxc was b
rented by me, and 1 flutter myself is
mmovaow. Be then went totbachem,
st. Although the officer hits not recov
ered bis original color, he is progtvis
ng. He bus armdy patted rrotu crim
son to violet and from violet to green.
So. like the statue of l.ieblg, it is hoped,
ifter ringing the changes of the rmh
bow. he will revert to his natural com
plexion. With that fickleness and in
gratitude which the fair
ex, his well beloved, far from svtnpa
thlilng with her lover In his misfor
tune, only laughs at lilni.-Aru.y and
Navy Journal.
aava bli iournul. "I set
rierniMUl 1 HlnnrM,,! n.., elt
- - r - h in in- ,
port -I'aguell, and tbeu rod. '!'
overtook a terloui mau wiiij 1
Immediately fell Into conversation J
presently gave me to know Mj S
oplulont were, therefore 1 said oui.
Iim In enntraillot ll . . "
But tbli did not content bin.
was 1 oil.- uui'mii 10 kli.. u 1.. . .
- w ' neiljfcr .
held the doctrine of the ,1.., 1
he did. Hut I told him over Md 0,
we had better keep the practb al IMa
lest we abould tie angry at oBe anotu"
Aud ao we did for twu mllei till kj
caught me unawares, uud draajM i"
Into a dlapute before I kn-w jjJ
waa. He then grew wanner iM
warmer; told me tbut I was rotten
heart, and supposed I was one f j0.
Weley'a follower. I told him, No. 1
am John Wesley himself.'
Tpon which he WOOld gladly tar
run uwuy outright. Hut Mug ti
nrfHIBted of the two. I kept Clototohh
able, uud MMfiTWld to tbow hltn 0!
baori till we OMM Iuto th- Klrii,t
Whut a picture this l! The man whs
did not wish to be convert, , 1. siralnltj
to snake nil ine n esieyaii irguiiiHtiti'
II.. ll',..l.. Im ll,,. IuHmi ,
till II ,-,-. " - IS I.,1 lUIMIUII-ll,
he cannot do It, so they ... a mitvr hga
KortMmpion lugetner.
At a dltin r In BottJngdean lutely a
Boya! AcndamlctaB stiitni t.- tw ib-
pany the curious fact that sugar and
nmac nre the only two wordl Id En
glish where HU Is pronotili.ed 11 gfl
There was lunch Interest h q n yj,
dl too very, when Rodyird KlplUnj u
beard from the other cud ot the tahW:
"Hut, lire you quite aure."
The late Harold Fred. ri. oom HI
next to Cecil ninnies at dinner Just
after the hitter became fa mou, tut
was not Introduced. Rhodes . ,
lent and kept his ruddy fine tunW
down toward Ids plate. "Who." aaid
Frederic, "I that fool that 1 ut
next to nt dinner'" Tableau tuorul
cation of oue of the shrew dest uf Luj.
doll correspondent.
a member of one of tba great io
don political clubs once lost hla um
brella, and put up u notice In the bill
requesting the "nobleman" who M
taken It to return It when be haddoM
w ith It. The committee. In due ciiurar.
desired to be Informed w hy he bid
ascribed Us possession to a TI.
member blandly referred them to u
rule, which wild that the club u
couiMised of "noblemen ami genUe
men." ami lidded that no grtitlemu
would have taken bis umbrella.
The pastor of a colored lamgrrp-
tton was warming up to the eiimaxaf
his sermon, mid his auditors were Ml
Ing more and more excited. "1 wahM
yer, o my congregiishuu:" exelalmd
the axborter, "l arahna yer agalaetel
sin iv trap ahootto'! 1 arahM pi
against de sin uv whisky drinkhf, u'
de siu Ot chicken raisin', an' I wahm
yer. my breildcrn, against de sin
melon steulln'!" A devout wurshlprt
lu the rear of the church Jutnpial to oil
feet and snapped bis lingers exclttdh;
"Wbnffo does yer, my brudder ra'r up
uu' simp yo' lingers when I speaks ur
melon Ktenlln":" naked the piatttot
"Kaae yo' je' 'mlndi ma whai 1 bt
mall overcoat," replied the deVOOl t
hlpet us be subsided Into his seat.
A professor of Invertebrate xiailop.
wishing to procure some trhbluuui
port for purposes uf experiment, ivml
to Ills butcher and nsked bin If I
ever got any nwaaly pork. "Bom
times." the butcher cautiously aiiawrf.
ed, "but 1 alwayt throw it awtf
"Well," said the professor, "the m
ti you have any, 1 wish you'd
ma up some." meaning, of COUTH, Bj
his laboratory. The butcher. itlthouU
omewhal taken aback, said that lw
would Three weeks passed, when tbi
professor, growing Impatient. assH
visited the store. "Haven't you founj
any measly pork yet':" "Why. y
said the bo toner, "l sent op two pan
a w eek ago." A sickly grin broke oil
the professor's face. " line did .
send It?" "Why, to your hoM d
course," siild the butcher.
senator Pomoroy used to tell of t
local preacher to Kansas who W
forred himself upon the Stllinp
Lincoln's nomination ami deniiBM
recognition of the party for 1 Ii -lees
during the campaign. He mldai
Ui.llbl tike lo lie sent -IS III 1 : 1 st IT Pie"'
i,,..i..,i.,,. ,.. i.n,.i,i ,,i- 1,'ennca, IM
when told It was Impossible iimlsted
lllioti being; mitioluted consul at l.h"'
pool. Finally, being assured of Bt
ImpoMlblllty of getting wtal
thoiiL'ht was nboiit his due, M'"'
"SCMtor, can't goo think of Mmi P''
that would suit mef ' I - ' ,
Pomoroy, "I've thought of n plact n
would suit you and a that yon
suit, nmi Unit there Is a ! ttiili ty
getting for you. It's nn Iml an
Some iKMide amouut to o little that
other people refuse to gossip about
the in.
Almost every oue. In bh ambitions,
overworks the word "If."
' ey. "An Indian agenc)
thntv" ouei-le.l ibe nreacbcr
you are to look lifter the welfare X
red brothers, gad see thai Hair
plies are properly and bom ally drl'j
ere.l In tb. oi. ' Whut is ' worn"
in,,, lusi.a itiiinl : i ili'"s:1
un. i,.. 'i ..ti.i SeniteJ
...... , 1,11111111,, ,, i
iVruulsltes? What I" .
"Well, you see, my friend, 'he r
erntnent contracts for so u bam
beef cuttle averaging al" ' "' m'"
hundMut iuns,ti Kn 111 ,! -llvenag.
than Mttla IKH nre to . ntin""
arhiU l,.,l .1.1, ',,, Intn l
and If a yearling should '
1 1
In now- and then von arc tun to
tin) much fuss about It. and there J uj I Idas
II llllll ..OUI S'Mlinil' l
over" "I'll lake It." said tin r' v,'r(1
.1 tliVU
T M' ue--
gentleman; "I've nlread.v
,111.1 It MUI
ikiai, . i ' i.i i . irhi total
ii r v v.-(ll is U im in ' '
than beef for Indiana, anywiij ''
Pursuing the Artument.
Karnest Of heart and IOU as he was
John Wesley was not Without a qnial
bnuior. bailng It, rise, perhup. bis
store of Common MM, Tula It was
which eonietlmes came to hla aid when
vm his ttoqnenca did not suffice to
accomplish bis chosen WOrk.
"On ibursduy. the gutb May (ITdl) "
The horse gaacd thought! u ly
the fence at the whirring ' '"""'
"You are luckier tbau yon ita"
you Inseiisnte cougloiner ,u
. . . v., II
wlnels. sull MB BQUine, 4
not tortured with un oi i '
rein." Omaha World Beral I
t- , m i... ,,. m .att u"
r.uruiies ui luc vig"is,v -
light uf Ik