The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 17, 1900, Image 7

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    IV n
.r.. now in demtnd.
ft have thorn.
Good oiios.
Lots of thorn,
prices vory rca-o:i-
March 17
ip photos at tbe Eugeue llioto
. 0..r r 1, - i, . V - I lie III.- I M
krlr""" r-rf-
tnt MM.
0fV tl(Mr ha- len I!" " lb'
..i L'nmiio i :!1 re
'ol Sale -220 seres excellent farm
iiudt. Inquire Of John Van
. l '..I. ii Pi I IT
II, vv'P
K 1, Chambers
1iiijou watit your eyes correctly
udtoft p'ruf glasses see I)r Lowe
lot Luckey's.
rotlttntdiliiK iu photon: Tbe lit Plintn
lamn E.UKDUS ni w.
. . i . t... . . .. I., r
tfOOd liantl nuggies w" e lur
. .,i..t,i HI h lil IIHIIIIHTH
Tuiir fur to (be Barker Gun
orUM'lKel ""' highest price for
Hie Hi!e i "i "'v Hoard bag
I .i, ..r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
iru . .
T uot oeces-ary to go to Portland
L- - -.. uii i I .in I NT I) I'll L
pin Jiw ki iiuiud V' i nn
PII CUl glass 'Hill slerilllg Sliver
. Ill . ... .. II.' ..I' l.l ill IUU u
lock of the MUM at templing
ill nrvHcli at t he Stafford school
.... ,
L t , .. .Ju i .. ..I.. ..
:J0pm, and Sunday at 11 a in and
Pior Yang school house Sunday nt
nn turn. .
t uiniw hi'- turn 1:11111 nun iiiuei
told prices, ess f l. uiiMnMn :
t t-'ou anil- nl dollars worth that
Ktigui 1 lore ine siivance unn
uu n 11 t ii nf'i 1 can y j 1
iCnnimi-sioner Scott Is remnv-
ibtfimr-. criiKlied rK'k from Wil-
--.I .... i- 1 ill - r 11 t niii ill
ifh (!f.r . U f ii Itilu
WgPhilpot, Albany, KnyHt "De-
tl . I' I. HI V H ' I Il il nit- n iirt
ltbD nny pills 1 ever took." The
w w
liriliriMd utitl I i triiv Bit.l
nan vii ii . .n hup it n 1 1 . .
in H I 11. ........ 1 ...
QfKlVer ininint-i!larHi.r v..j..nlnr
HpN'lutu lie gone about a month.
DI n itl. u n. 1 11 m l ui In 1 i I f
DftDaratiiiriM muilu fur ruiiplti.iliiip
-"- ""'''".
Bube, Mendola, Va ays,
B mo ou 111 ui 11 Kiniti nn
. IV.I,. I.,. I n... Mi... .... . ....
ai.'ib v uiri viif uiinr ir-
tl me, few bottles cured me." It
- -. vt " cat, 11.1 am rajr n vu I '
jr. garden tools at laat year's
IF N I f 1. . . I
w - mm vunuiucilt
11- s. ..... . .
".tvo 111 j'l iiiii i'hii n irrvi
mipr " a . 1
Ri m , Minn 1 ) ( t 1 1 II 1 f 1 1
Ikh county, but this mountainous
F nil t,f 1 . a v.. . ...
1 fiwvciuuiflll IHUU. l LTt'lil
fcr Roatf, luostlv AniroraH. of
air u nJM III till V litTt.
'R"t limn sheen. Grafts irreen
rTMlhiiii.,1 TkT . 1 a
ivhuu. .noMiow io epeaK 01.
(Dlv nf Ml .i . ,
Atr doptorg failed to cure me o
nimm if. 1 . 1 1 ... . n ..
. :, 1 useu uue .Minute ( oukii
.11,1 .1 1 . . . ... .
'' mree oolites or It cured me.
"l"o the best remedy on earth for
r- muuuKu. 11 curen my grann-
""ii or the worst cane-." writes
Wii, LomntAn. i'ii it 1. the
V I U F. . . ...
' remedy that elves
mfciimi.. .... . . .
-'mc 1 . I lit.- n.lln N
crniii. am) n, .,1 and lunir
U1M . . .
I - I .ri. I ,.1, - i, 111. 1 1 111 1 iT Ii 11 1
mwiys iiKe It. Motlier-
1 1. 1
The European Republic Asks Her Colonies
As to Available Soldiers.
Special to the Guard.
I aims, March lo. Word comes from an unimpeach
able source that the French government has asked each of
her colonies aa to the nuraher of troops available for im-
.uu.u,roniw 11 uegins 10 iook as it rranco were pre
paruii: for war.
England has creatlv
waters in anticipation of a concerted French and Russian
I'll Al'iirvi tnt in 1.1 t A r mm.
...w.tuicut mi crippie tier in me tar east. Kussian acqui
sition of territory from the north and west of China and
r rencn aggrandizement on the south may be opportuno
vwiuugu ugiaiiu naving ner nanus lull in south Africa.
Special to the Guard.
Washington, March 15. The application of Bristow &
Eakin for DGrmisrtion to cnnduM a national hank of Ha.
' - - witviiMt IV V V
tage Grove, Lane county, Oregon, has been approved by the
v.u.11 jjuuwu. 01 ine ireasur'.
Special to the Guard.
Shanghai. China Marr-h IS. Th hnatilo
J - - . . saw m a v ' ' , i I i V 1 ' 4 i Val
A.1 1 . m a
ine empress aowager towards reiorm and progress in t-tate
and commercial affairs is thought to render an open door
policy for China under her regimo impossible.
Rebellion and anarchv an nvnentfld and nrnnlioaiod ku
foroign diplomats who have the best opportunities to give
an unbiased opinion of possible events that may follow
government hostility to open door agitation.
Special to tho Guard.
MANILA. March 15. Florest, Aguinaldo's secretary of
war has surrendered to General Mc Arthur. He says fur
ther Filipino resistance to American authority is useless.
The Helena Mine. Bohemia. Is
Out of Court.
Hn''lal to the ( if a KD.
Uoskuuku, Or., March 15. Judge
Hamilton this iit'tTiinon dissolved the
njuuctlon against the Helena mine,
Bohemia district, owued by Jennings
Hros. and Uniueaii.
Tongue Wants a High Tariff.
Washington, March 14. Repre
sentative Tongue is ratber In hope that
the senate may amend tbe Puerto
Hisan bill by putting the rate of tarltt
back to tbe original figure of '25 per
oent and aayg that if It were go gent to
the bouse be would gladly support it.
He becomes more strongly convinced
every day tbat imposing this tariff Is
he proper and only course to pursue.
J. B. Nesinith Critically 111.
& Co, Comer
"-I HViirtU In . lint I u
" ' - new iron it. inn. nrl
-u tnttnhiiooo
"lfii I allan nrunt
"oodcr,.-,, ,. .. it.
' i - them
ha k m . .
-'iu ii!n. . in r g();itt
tar, h per
b tlkn A .
r-B .iiuourg wabloe, powder
Dallas, March 14. J. B. Nesinith,
oldest sou of Henator J. W. Nesmitb,
is now lying critically ill at bis borne
in Dixie, this county. Tbe disease is a
brain atlectien. Tbe latest news from
the sick man seems to give more hope
of Ids recovery.
Teachers Institute.
The teachers' Institute that was to
he held March 17, has been postponed
to Thursday, March 24. All teachers
are urged to at end at tbat time.
W. M. Miller,
Hchool Superintendent.
Left the City. "Hilda Hobsoii,
of llvery-ig fame, quitted Corvallls on
Saturday night," says the Coryallls
limes. "During the afternoon she
had a preliminary hearing berore
Justice Ho-gate, but the evidence was
not deemed sufflcleut to warrant the
deteutton of the prisoner to the gruud
jury. The lgin horse and buggy bad
simply been taken to Harrlsburg, and
there left for the Corvallls owner to
recover it as best he could. This was
not larceny enough to insure a couvic
tiou in the court, and ou motion of the
deputy district attorney the case was
dropped. Ttw wonnin was penniless,
and her discharge was i-lven $6 or
ii, nontribuled by local sympathizers.
She was at once driven to Albany,
where she declared she was golug to
Eugene." She hasn't shown up nere,
Horses for Bale. Young horses
broke and uubroke for sale cheap for
cash or on tim". Apply at residence
two and one-half miles northeast or
Eugene. G. M. Bomiett.
t here is n bettor medicine for tbe
bibles than Chamberlain's Cough
Ueiii.'dy. Its pleasant taste and prompt
and effectual I'urm make it a favorite
.....i. ...... i .... .1 ... t am ll children. It
Willi UlOturin
quickly iun their couirhs aud colds
preventing pneumonia or other serious
con sequence. It o cures croup and
has In en used 111 tens of thousanas oi
cases without a single failure so far as
we have been able to learn. It not only
cures croup, but when given as tbe
eroupy cough appears, will prevent the
attack. J n capes of whooping cough it
Unnaflaa the tOOCb mucus, malting it
H-ier to BS pec-orate, and lessens the
iiu gave rlty and frwiuetii-y of the r'
OiysUM of coughing, thus deprivmr
a t,, i disease of all dangerous consi
1 ueiicis. Far sale by W. L. DeLaoo.
J. W. Arnold, of Cottage Grove,
Succumbed brom Heart
Honcburg ReTlew, March 14.
J. W . Arnold, a cigar-maker, of Cot
tage Grove, who came up last evening
on business aud was stopping at the
Denning House, was taken seriously
ill after his arrival here. About 9
o'clock Dr. DuGas was called and
found tbe patient in a dying condition
from heart trouble, and Dr. Twitohell
was also summoned. Every possible
effort was made by tbe physicians, but
by 10 o'clock the man was dead.
Undertaker J. D. Coobran came up
from Cottage Grove and prepared tbe
body for shipment, it being taken to
tbat plar on today's train. Mr.
Arnold Is said to have been an ex
oellent citizen, and bis wife and three
children are bereaved by hs sudden
death. He was about 40 years of age.
Chicago Drainage Canal.
The engineers who designed tbe
Chicago drainage oanal and carried It
to completion at a coat of $33,000, -000
did not reckon on tbe flood prob
lem. A Chicago telegram of March 14
Tbe most serious flood In years is
raging In the Illinois river, tbe Dea
plaines river is almost ready to leave
Its banks; hundreds of farms down tbe
valley are Inundated, and a number of
oanal offlaials lu Chicago were deluged
today with telegrams of Mm plaint tbat
tbe trouble Is due to the drainage
canal. The sudden thawing of vast
quantities of snow baa filled all tbe
tributaries of tbe Illinois and Des
plalnea rivers. At Riverside last nlgbt
the water an within a few Inohes ol
the top of tbe spillway, and was rising
steadily. Within 24 hours tbe stream
has risen 10 feet above normal, and
rushed In a torrent toward the drain
age canal.
Gold! Gold! Gold!
The latest El Dorado Is reported to
be ou Nome City beach, Alaska.
Thousands of people are hastening
there, many of whom will return
broken In health. Of what avail la
gold when health is gone? Guard your
health with the best of all medicines
Hostelter's Stomach Bitters, and you
will always have true wealth. The
Bitters are for people who have abused
their stomachs, or are naturally weak.
It will regulate tbe bowels, stir up tbe
liver, invigorate the kidneys, and abso
lutely cure Indigestion, constipation,
inalaria, chills and fever. It Is a
natural tonic, absolutely free from
dangerous narcotics. It should Imj
taken at tbe present season, to protect
the system from sudden colds and
malarial attacks. It's a good medicine
to keep on hand.
Editor's Awful Flight.
p M Hlggins, editor, Seneca (Ills)
I Neat, was afflicted for yean with
pils that no doctor or remedy helped
until be tried Bucklen's Arnica (salve.
He writes two boxes wholly cured
mm. It's the surest pile cure on earth
tnd Hie best salve In tbe world. Cure
ruaranteed. Only 2S oenta. Bold by
i uau, druggist, Eugene, Oregon.
Will Baker Seriooil) Crushed III
Mine Tunnel.
'1 he following acc-m.l of an Mvldt I
lO the Iron Mountain nunc, Califor
nia, is taken from a pa r published at
Keswick, California. The young nan,
who was with couipn y C, al Manila,
writes to bis motile I Mrs Mallaa
Baker, ttipt his iujunes are not aa had
as portrayed by tile UaWipapsri
Another accident, which will pmbt
bly prnv fatal, oevurrrd at the I. on
.Mountain mine Monday evening.
The victim of the accident is a vnnnu
man about 22 years old, named Will
Baker, formerly of Eugeue, Oregon,
who has been employed n the nine
about six DMBUMi
While emerging from the mine be
was caught between the car and a
projecting 1 1 uilier aud severely crushed.
His two hlpa weie broken and his
ribs were crushed In Ii Is the opinion
of tbe company's physicians that he
oannot recover.
After the victim aud a companlou
bad eulered tbe tunuel with the oar. a
siull, or upright timber, gave in to
the strain from above aud swayed out
badly. No room wa left for tbe pass
age of a car-tender between the car
andtbestull. It was there that tbe
young mau was caught and so badly
Court House Items
Iteal estate mortgage fl.OOO 00
Chattel morigage 100 CO
Moitgage release 200 00
Morigage release 800 00
REAL estate transactions.
Da Mail Boot! and wife to W G Kll-
lenbeck, lot , block 4, Kick's addition
to Glenada; $140.
Laue cocniy to the Eugeue Loan A
Savings Bank, 2jx34 feet ou public
square; $J54.I3. To correct a deed
madeUct 10, 1899.
Cella A. Hunt and husband to
Kalph B Hunt, 00120 feet in Eugeue;
Thomas Vamluyu and wife to John
Vanduyn, 20 acres lu tp IB sr3 W;
B A Sommerville and wife to M I.
Soiiiuierville, lot 1 and north j of lot 3.
block 6, Shaw's addition to Eugene;
Lane county to V Sanders, 24x34
feet on public Hjuarc, Eugene, in rear
of VV T Campbell's block; $205. Snec
lal warranty ded.
Mary E Bailey and husband to E B
Prentice, lot 1, block 1, Edward's ad
dition to Eugene; $200.
Fred T .Mills to Jasper Stone, one-
third interest iu the Tudor and lied
Cross ralniug claims, Bohemia; $200.
Fred T Mills to Amos Sloue, one-
third interest in the Tudor aud lted
Cross claims, Bohemia; $200.
Isaaiah Hacker, assignee of David
Morse, Jr., lo Florence Lumber Co, lots
lu Florence, $250.
George Crist to Elmer Jordan, Iota G,
7, 8, 9 ann 10, block 2, Elmlra; $250.
J J Jones to Kaohael A Jones, 4 acres
In tp 10 s r 5 w ; $260.
Guardianship of M Jane Snvern
(Ashcraft); final settlement approved.
Estate of Wm Babins, deceased.
Probable value of estate, $500, James
li Stuart appointed administrator and
nidney Vaugban, Joseph Cole aud a
B Far rer selected as appraisers. G R
Chrlsman, surety lu $1000 bonds.
Estate of Bobett Clow deceased; pe
tition to sell personal property.
(i ran ted. Order also setting over to
the widow, Caroline Clow, household
furniture and 16 cords of wood exempt
from execution by law.
Estate of J H Taylor, deceit sc. I,
money on band, $1,201. Administra
tor ordered to turn over same to Mary
E Moxley, sole heir of esla'e. Admin
istrator discharged.
Estate ',of Jam' i Huddlesion,
deceased: May 7, 1BCJ, set for final
First National Bank of Eugene vi
Geo M, Lizzie M Miller and Wm
Smith; motion to strike aside judg
ment against lizzie M Miller.
First National Bank vs Geo M and
L M Miller and Wm Smltb; redemp.
lion of propel ty; motion.
Frederick L,a Uue, lour notches In
side of logs; to be used on Siuslaw
river and tributaries.
B W Porter and K HoberUon, on
Slnslaw river and tributaries.
License granted A B Anderson and
Lena J Root.
J A Herbert and Dora S Pierce.
J W Masten redeemed certificate No.
160, 1897 taxes.
The public farewell lend.'red to Kcv.
ami Mrs. Raymond c Brooki last
evening at the DOOM of Judge and Mrs.
E. O. I'ott. r and Mrs. vVlonteWasb-
huriic was mod expreanive of the
esteem with which these 10 spular
people lire bcld by their Eugene
friends. I he large parlors wero con
stanth rilled with the friends who
came to wish them wall In their new
home lu California, for which place
they left on the2:0s train Unlay. Mrs.
F. W. Osburu and Mrs. W. L.DeUno
aartsted lu reo Ivlug the guests, ami
the n t'reshineiit tables were presided
over by Mrs. A. W. Llveruiore and
Miss Lizzie QrlfflO. i luring the eveu
lug the Chancel Quartette, of which
Mrs. Brooks was a member, sang a
number, Professor Irving M. Glen con
tributed a solo, and Mr. Arthur Frazer
a planoselection.
Miss Kate St. Joliu, daughter or Mr.
and Mrs. L. W. St John, aud Mr.
Alfred Brabham were married at the
M. E. church lu tills city last night In
the presence of a large i.iimhei of invited
guests. Rev W. B. Holllugsbead, the
officiating clergyman, the groom and
the best man, bis brother, Mr. Rich
ard Brabham, met the fair young
bride at the altar, where she marched
leaning on tbe arm of her father, pre
ceded by the ushers and Miss Nellie
Hampton, tbe bridesmaid. Miss LlD
nle Wylle presided at the organ. The
marriage service uniting the lives of
these young people was most Impress
ive. Mr. and Mrs. Hrabham will
reside on a farm owned by the groom
near Springfield. They have many
friends who will wish them well In
this uew role assumed
At B. Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs,
T. B. Anderson, of Fairmmint, was
united in marriage yesterday to Miss
Lena Root, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Austin Root, of Mohawk, the cere
mony occurring at the home of the
groom's parents. The young couple
will live at Saginaw.
ivourbeadacbe? Pilnbn
your eves ? Bad tsste in your mouth ?
It's your liverl Ayera Pills are
livsr Dills. They cure constipation,
headache. dvfDCPsia. and all liver
complsints. ' 2l . All drucgistj.
Waal lour uiiuM or aoril a bamuuiui
bran or rick alack T Tkan ui.
Diinmunusiro nvc 'or tn
uuorvmunrim juil whis
A Thousand Tongues
Could not express the rupture of Annie
E Springer, of Howard street, Phila
delphia, Pa, when she found that ttr
King's New Discovery for Consump
tion had Oomplefely cured her of a
hacking cougli tbat for many years
had made life a burden. All other
remedies ami doctors could give her no
help, hut shesaysof this royal cure, " It
soon removed the pain in my chest
and I can now sleep soundly, some
thing 1 can scarcely remember doing
before. I feel like sounding its praises
throughout 1 1 in universe." Mo will
everyone who tries Dr King's New
Discovery for any trouble of the throat,
chest or lungs. Price, 60o aud $1.00.
Trial bottles free at Linn's drug store.
Every bottle guaranteed.
Hops. Oregoniau: "The Imp mar
ket is steady ou choice grades, and
weak ou poor grades, there being a
large surplus of the latter. A few sales
have lieeu inades since last week at.
prices lunging from 2 ceuts per pound
up to 7 cents, with but very few choice
hop- available in this market. In
California stocks have b?en pretty
well sold out, some reports statlug that
less than 260 bales remain, with two
thirds of these poor quality. Iu New
York there are reported to be about
'"no bales lu the hands of the growers.
The Watervllle (N. V.) Tlmesof March
ii, has the following: 'There seems to
be more activity In the hop market
during the past week, but perhaps It Is
a last exertion, a sort of dying effort,
with but 121 bales left iu the towu at
thla wrltlug, tbe purchasing ability of
the buyer Is oertalnly limited. Last
week Charles Curtis sold 70 bales at 7
cents, which was repotted Friday, and
since then Thomas Price sold 22 bales
at 9 cuts, C. M. Wlckwire 17 at 8
cents and Henry Shoemaker 63 at 9
cert-.' "
No Cure, No Pay.
That is II .' way all ilrugyiiiti sell QrOVSS
Tastolsas (.'hill Tunic fur CIiIUh, Malaria and
hilliu.lHIiFM. It is as pleasant to takrjtv
l.i- li Syrup. uOcent
Six residents of Koscburg left
Wednesday morning for tho Klondike
gold fields.
We acknowledge birth cards of Wm.
Lee Teutsch, from Pendleton. Weight
of boy "J pouuds.
Col. Bryan will bo forty years old the
nineteenth of tills mouth. He will
quite likely celebrate his forty first
birthday In the White House.
M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., says,
" lie Witt's Lltlle Early Risers are the
very best pills I have ever used for cos
tlveness, liver aud bowel troubles."
Vincent & Co., Corner Drug Store.
Junction liulletin: "Baxter howard
would niskn a good run for commis
sioner at home, and also in the west
end of the county. He Is a good man
and well qualified for tho office."
Lewis Aoktrman, Goshen, Ind.,
says, "DeWltt's Little Early Risers
always bring certain relief, cure my
headache and never gripe." They
generally cleanse aud Invigorate the
bowels and liver.
Experience is the best teachr. Use
Acker's English Itemedy in any case
of roughs, colds or croup. Should It
fall to give immediate relief money re
funded. 26 eta and 60 cts. For sale by
w L rjaLaM
Mrs J KMMIer, Newton Harniltaw
Pa, writes, "I think DeWltt's Witch
Hazel Salve the grandest salve mad. ."
It cures plies and heals everything.
All fraudulent Imitations are worth
less. Vincent A Co, Corner Druf
Commissioner!' Court
Petition ol c w W Manama aud 47
other- fot .i Ooantjf road In tp T and n
s r 4 W Prank E Byland, Fred Edward-
and Joteph Thorite appoluted
viewers and c M Oolllei surveyor.
W Sunlcr county road; W F Smlt h
M It TallfarU and T E Edwards ap.
; ' I viewers and C M Collier, sur
veyor. II M Price, work OH road 2 00
Ubai Mi Karlainl, work on road... 2 00
L H Patteisim, bailiff 1 50
I M S Hubble, hauling 76
. F Flak, bridge work 11 00
' Geo Prescott, supervisor district
I No 23 3 on
l E Smith, justice of peace mak
ing jury list S 00
George ( irlttlth. aaelallug lu mak
ing Jury li-t 2 00
E W Cobb, assisting iu making
Jury lit 2 00
Day it Henderson, funeral ex
penses and umbrella racks 26 HO
M It McCauu, deputy assessor... 48 00
S J Wilson, deputy assessor 48 00
I) P Burton, assessor 72 60
William W Post, maklug Jury
list s 00
Jaaiier Smith, making jury list... 8 00
Walter lllachley, making Jury
list 2 00
H C Schley, M I), medical at
tendance on paupers 20 00
L liarlug, road work 16 00
GeoT Hall, pauper supplies 8 10
B F Hussell, keeping of pauiers..l41 60
A J Smith, supervisor road dis
trict No 27 20 00
Prank Had ley, quarantine of-
flrer 46 00
Bowarinao road; coutiuued uutll
next term of court.
John Sutherland appointed justice of
th pence for Wallace precinct.
A M Taylor, deputy sheriff. 20 75
John Higgins, deputy slieilfT. 10 65
It F Huston, supervisor road dis
trict No 08 10 00
J li Belknap, supervisor road
district No N ."i 00
P II Lynch, M D, medical ser
vices 20 oo
K B Mills, supervisor mad dis
trict No 101 10 00
G C Flceinau, constable fees II 90 t lark, Justice lees 8 46
F W A ( rain, witness State vs 1
McDonnell 1 fto
J P Dougherty, witness State vs
P McDonnell 1 60
C G BpatT, witness State vs P
McDonnell 1 60
John llsker, witness Statu vs P
McDonnell l f,U
J H Miller, constable fees 6 19
J T Williams, Juror 1 00
J P Williams, juror 1 00
It 11 Howard, Juror 1 00
Wm Drlsklll, Juror 1 00
T A Mllllorn, Juror 100
M F Casteel, juror 1 00
J H Miller, constable fees 2 10
N L Lee, M I), medical examin
ation and witness 6 00
J T Cuills, witness 1 60
Frank Curtis, services lu McDon
nell case 1 60
Lee W Clark, Justice fees 4 10
J H Miller, constable fees 11 86
I tee W Clark, Justice of the peace
acting as coroner 12 20
CA Wlutermeier, tyiiewrlilug... 14 65
i 'has Nellseu, wltnets State vs
Enoch Nott 1 60
0 E Hurlbert, witness Stale vs
Enoch Noll 1 60
Alex Kaiser, witness State vs
Enoch Nott 1 60
J T Williams, wltuesa Btata vs
En oh Nott 1 60
J M Pollock, witness State vs
Enoch Nott 1 60
II 0 Moore, witness State vs
Aruel 6 SO
Silas Varuell, witness State vs
Amel 7 90
()s ar Parsons, wltuesa State vs
Aruel 7 30
Henry Baxter, witness State vs
Aruel 4 60
Wash Adams, witness State vs
Aruel 6 SO
W k Good, witness State vs
Aruel 0 30
Johu Windham, witness State
vs Arnel 6 10
W L Cheslier, witness State va
Aruel 1 00
B H Mulkey, deputy sheriff 0 26
W W Wi i. urs, sheriff, food of
prisoners 82 99
Robbed the Grave.
A 'l ulling Incident, of which Mr.
John Oliver, of Philadelphia, was the
subject, Is uarrated of him follows!
"I was In a most dreadful condition.
My sklu w almost yellow, eyes
sunken, tongue coated, pain oouilu
ually lu back and sides, no appetite
gradually growing weaker day by day.
Three physicians had given me up.
Fortunately, a friend advised trying
Electric Hitters; and lo my great joy
and surprise, the first bottle made a
deei led Improvement. I continued
tbelr use for tlnee weeks, and am now
a well man, I know they saved my
life and rilled the gr.ive of another
victim." No one should full to try
lie in. Only BOo, guaranteed, at Eluu's
di ug store
Bids Opened.
The cuiiiuissloners' oiirt today
opined Lids for the -'.V .Ml foot strip
In the rear of W T. Campbell's WIL
Iani"ite street property. They were as
foil wai
T II Hendricks $201
1 . . deis 206
Wptrtjf was awarded to i he
I -' bidder, and he took a deed fl r
lh. -.uue.
N ' i i whs received for the strip lu j
h re i .f Fi-her A W . kins bun der
Says Her Navy is not Meant to
Menace Russia-Free State
Government Moved.
Stxi'lal to Hit (H'tao.
Eon isin March l". Sicretary Hal
four today made a plum statement In
parliament regarding the view the
British government Utkss regarding
mediation or IDtsrVsntlnil,
In ii -p. ' on foreign affairs lbs
oolonlal secretary SSSertsd that the
British government Mould tot accept
ititervsiitloii from any power.
Special to the (iuard.
Bloemfo.ntein, March 15. The
capital of the Orange Free State repub
lic has he. u transferred to Kroon
The move was made necessary by
the fact that British forces were almost
In striking distance of the capital city.
dpt-rlal to the
Yokahama, March 15. Merguls
Ito, minister of foreign affairs for Japan
says his country wants no war with
Itussla, ami will not provoke it.
The building of her navy (he Mar
guis claims Is for protection of state,
not territorial aggrandizement.
An Editor's Life Saved By Cham
Berlain's Cough Remedy.
During the early part of October,
I ''" I contracted a bad cold which
settled ou my lungs and was neglected
until I feared that consumption had
aparcd in an incipient stute. I was
constantly coughing and trying to
expel something which I could uot. I
beoame alarmed mid after giving the
local doctor a trial bought a bottle of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and the
result was Immediate Improvement,
and after I had used three bottles my
lungs were restored to their healthy
state. R. S. Eiiwariib, Publisher of
The Review, Wyant, III. For sale hy
VV. L. DeLano.
List of Letters.
Remaining In th poatofllce at Euione, Or
Eugene, March 14, 1900.
Alexander, Awold Dooalsou, Chaa
Everett, Rev Stur- Gray, Arthur
Lewis, J H
Long, Mrs E M
Hcnmltt, R H
Seism, Eury
Simmons, Wstt
Sroufe, Sheridan
Sweet, James R
A ohante of one oent will be made on all let.
ten gives out, I'ertoni when oalllug for
letter! will ulcue itate when ailvorllMs.
H. F. McCornack.P. M.
Damoud, James
Lee, Tlii'..1
Mercer Plumbing
Sannes, O T
Soli net, D T
Smack, J N
Corvallis Wheat Sale.
A big sale ot wheat occurred last
week, says the Corvallls Times. The
wheat was a pool of 16,000 bushels
stored In the Finley warehouse. Tbe
owners were Hugh Herron and a num
ber of bis neighbors, and tbe buyer
was tbe Portland Milling Company.
Tbe price paid was 40 ou board the
boat, or an equivalent of In cents per
bu.bel, net, to,the farmer. Thesteamer
Hypsy Is now carrying the wheat
down the river.
Divinity School Appointments.
Eugene Divinity School appoint
ments (or Lord's day, March 18:
V. E. Hoven Fern Ridge.
Harry Benton Springfield.
J. J. Handsaker Harmouy and
W. T. Matlock-North Yamhill.
E. F. Beaudreau Wallervlllu.
G. B. O. Iluinliert Central.
C. R. Moore Humphrey schoo
That Throbbing Headache.
Would quickly leave you jf you used
Dr King's New Life fills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their match
less merit for sick and uervous head
aches. They make pure blood aud
strong nerves and build up your health.
Easy to take. Try them. Only 25c.
Money back if not cured. Bold by
Linn, druggist, Eugene, Oregon.
Stealinu Cmickenb. We are In
formed that chicken thieves are active
In the easteru and southern portion of
Eugene. A gentleman writes us that'
spring guns may cause some of the
gentry trouble, and provide tbe coroner
a Job.
DeWltt's Witch Hazel Halve Is lin
equaled for piles, Injuries and Skin
diseases. It la lbs original Witch
Hazel Salve, li vara of all counter
feits. Vincent A Co, Corner Drug
"I think I would go crazy with pain
were it uot for Chamberlain's Pain
Balm," write. Mr. W. H. Stapletou,
Hermlnie, Pa "I have been afflcted
with rheumatism for several years and
have tried remedies without number,
hut l ain Balm is ihe la-si medicine I
uave got hold of." One application
rellevis the palu. Pur tab by V. L,
Di Lauu.