The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 17, 1900, Image 2

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    Eageoe City Guard.
1. L. CAMPBELL. rroarlaSar.
4a Installing Celleelloo of I Immi fm
lb T wu l1Bilhrrt
In OmmI ""I
liii way to Eng-
(Veil Hhodea ii "ii
MsnIm Boltaf wMi million
dollars dir a law library.
ironje'i men ure DOW BflfUIINI 01
laiard lint lab wsrhipi.
Qtrausy win admit anisrioan mm
fur tear ol a uriff war.
The machinist- ol PMWtlpMo
maud a nine-hour day.
Six people wi n- ImniHil in death in a
New York lOJUIIHIlt IwiMI tire.
The increase in American imsirta
has been nearly in three vcari.
San Krandaco highbindera murdered
two iih'u. both lowiwi siefobanU ol
the c ity.
i.cncrul Wood I aaacrta tliat torn ble
in ( hi Iim ia now ahsolntelv nut Ol the
The traummrt Orant ha" arrived at
Boa Pnnelaoo fron Manila with
dirk mldiera alsiard
The P.ritiah second-class cruiser
Ilcmss la reported 00 at island, in
Bt ltahaina, in distress.
President Unvi't Starr Jordan, "(
Stanford rntveraltv. in a aiac'h at
Chicago, said Hint England would anon
Tronbls Ihih anwu batwtOB tin-1 unu
and box manufacturers nf Tampa, I la.
Advance in tlm uriru of lamia is the
Tom Sharkey und Unit I itzaiiiimntia
algm-d article" of agreement fnr it
rniind laiut lailuro tlm club offering the
iHri'Mt )iuraii.
The United Stalfa government will
latum thn manufacture nf emolielcsa
imwder and UOnpOlS with iirlvat" man-
ulai'tumr in point nf iuality.
Th Anonoea Clay MMwinotorinf
CniiilMtllV, the 1 10,000,000 onmaillda
turn M scwcr-niia. iiiuiiiifH-tiirira. will
control Ho air cent nf the industry
Near Olympia, Wash., IhrtO "Inl-
dren, aged f, 7 and il yeara, WON
burned to death while their parent
were absent (mm hOOM attending
At llnimver, llermany, DONOM
lint vet idelitilled turn a llritixh Hug and
madii an niiti-Kntiah detnonatnttoO in
front nf the reaidence nf an I mgliah
man, who had displayed the 1'niou
Jack in celebration "f the moomm iu
(south Afrit a.
l'miipectH fnr the termination nf the
I ailniiihlaii revolution are iiuorer than
At Vienna, the frown Princess Stcph
nine, of Auntria, was niurried to Count
nn iiiray.
The totiil number of liner prisoners
oittstiircd at I'liarilcl cig by the PuHlsh
il 4,tll
A nartv of aix Ainerli'iiu rubber pros-
wrliirN have Imoi massacred hy Indian!
In tbe wilda of Itraiil.
The twelfth .ollvolltioniif the Nation
nl ItcpuldloaU latMlgtic hat lieell called
to Mtt in the city nl M I'aul. July
17, 1100,
I'mn'li meat", supplied In the Ameri
can army iu the I'hilippilie, la reported
hy olhciali iu Manila to lie highly
A passenger train on the OoiHvHll
ravine, near TUOBtO, Canada, jumped
i lie track, and i-cvcikI ineinUTa nf DOf
llamrtlt were injured
The Kentucky leuialature haa paafe.l
a, bill OppoprUtlOl 100,000 to curry
uu tbe work of huiittiiK tluwn the aa
BHMiin of William Qoobol,
In an 0MU ent bOtWMH MoilOMM
in. I lHa IiiiIiiiiih. near Simla ('nil.
IKK) Meinana d(MK) 1,000 ludiaili.
Itidiana killed nuinheied 3'J.
Filipino iiiiuire'(iiiu haa net id
lieeu auUluetl. I'he reladu lire prepar
Ian lor tlm nitty IOhWI and will carry
am guerrilla vvarfaie 00 a scale.
William Henry, a half-lireed Indian
of CiueUi, Cel., allot anil killed Settle
hiullh, a ymiiiK Indian WOnaB, uud
I lien killed blin-ell. Jaaiouaj Wal the
Kiarty tbriv and (MM-hall liichea ol
MOW in A3 hotira la t II. lieu icculd
MtkbUahod Ot ntochagtaf, N. Y. ThO
railinatla an rtH"ieriu; hWal th( III IgOll
lllllit analiiHt the clem, nta they lias
had Iu many yeara.
The Carterav ille, 111., mil mi MtMrt,
Ih have laen nil trial lor (lie tunt 10
lay at Vienna, cliat'Keil with iniirilcr
liiK negni in nitTM. WON ununited hy
ii. jury, i ovi other oharnai orapond
Hill anatuat the uiincra.
I., 'i.i in ghOOtfioOOy nl priner U a
aurn eura lur tllAeaae waa the OaaM "I
the divoroo i.-i .iiw.i tn Qoorgo K
White, ex-fonrfteatiiian and a WOalih
luinln'r dealer nf OUcMfSi FlOni lna
Mle. Mlliuio A WhlU".
tjeneral Joubert la now in aupreme
toLuuiand ol tbe boera.
Ex-Pratidtnt Hairiaon haa eipreiaed
htl ay m path v (or the Boon.
The total coat of the war in the Phil-
ippinea an far il f AO.UOU.OOO.
Krltiih caaualtlei in the dual relief
of ;..e hamuli were alinoat 1,000
'I he laland nl Tutuila, ol the Samoan
frroup, ii to I- uied aa a naval atatimi.
l ire in the retail dry K'""' dn-tm t
nf I'hlladephla, caueed a Inai of 9100,'
I gaTI aay that the retreat from Lotto
Miuth waa due to a commander I Mt
S. uatiir llnar now wauta to ulve
Qaggfl Idliunkalaui $MO,000 '"" '
Ii ga on I j
Hie I'uerfi lliiatl tariff bill waa de-
d on need Iron Iho oolpU by a Waaiim--
l. ii milliliter.
BtOM are being taken ti orir iiiiw a
ak with M,000 capital at lOMi
.Morrow cnuntv, Or.
Striken and lalmr trouldea ol vuriniia
kimla have thpiwn MUM") men out nl
tnploymenl in Chicago.
( nil war ia imminent in China.
line prnvince la already in revnu in
the dethriiliement ol the emperor.
1 he M tiute haa confirmed the apiadnt-
inent 01 II b. Miller, nl .loM-piinic
cnuntv, Orenn, to M OMWOI hi t-inniK
Kniiik', China.
Lotly White, wife of (ieneral Sir
,. orgo White, bai boon wvettoa oy
lieell Victoria witli the OrdOf Ol the
I ruu ii of India.
Oongreeontaii Alfred '. Haracff, of
PiraniylYanie, tethei ol tbe bonee ol
inpieointotlrM ia dead at Pnlieaep
ihia. Igjod TB yeara.
The I'nited Slut, a em. rnmeiit hal
ordered that tha Celilomia "Mommofh
I ..... I .rove " iii Culaieraa cnuntv. he
lam letl Inr nark parpoeoi.
Die Pure I .aid mid DruK UOUgNOS,
In convention at waablngton, euopteo
reaolntioni goolrlng LougiaanWanol notion
to provide penaltiei lor idnltentioni
mm Gordon, ol blrtninghem, i n
land, the notononi m y inoatr, ia
deud. lie wit" known all over tlm
killed under VHTiOOl aliaaea, and ia
aitld tn lime heell wnith II 1 ,000,000,
Dr. Nan-en, the explorer, qneftionod
in regnrd to lna poonhlo into ol Andre,
laid: "I DOliOVO aa long aa poogible,
in hia retur inking the innat Ilia nil
allowance of time fnr III" reapl'inaiice.
hut l no longer hate eny hopo. i don't
lielieve that he ia llviugl nlherwi-e W0
ahould certainly have heard of bin.
All that can he looked Inr Iinw I- the
recovery ol hia body."
The plagtM iu HOBOlnlO ia under ciiii
tieiieral tiatacru hua nccupieil Storm-
( 'mat Cnl.inv lluera are retreiitiiiK tn
t Intuitu 1'ree State.
Qeneml Joe Wbeeler hei urivod at
Sail PrmncblOO (ton Manila.
A reaoliition wita introdii. ed ill con
Kic"" uaklllK Inr rea-al of the tariff on
The Itrit txli gOVOmnont haa decided
to retain Lord PnnnMloto aa nnbno1
aador at Wnohlngton indoflnitely.
I he latent in;iir tru-l 'l 1 1 Idond WOI
Ml 1 1 It Her than uaiml. hiililaiaed tti he the
reaillt nl the llht With Arluickle.
Ynqoi Indiana dUpereetl :io Moil'
onn Mldien who were noting n etoorl
tu the mail, near Potan, Mexico
i .era Id itie, the fnUOIIO racillK mure,
bolder ol the world'! record fnr naif a
mile, ia dead at Nuui f$tn, near
Napa, Cul.
Lieutenant KdgM KoehlaT, nf the
Ninth infentry, wm led Into an am
Inuh of rtlipino nboli north ol Torino
and killed
The Howo Lnrabn Uompnny ol
LOWOll, Maaa., hit" aaainueil it" a renilt
n( the failure nf the Globe National
hunk, iii BoatOOi In which the company
owed a laiuc ttnonnl nf umuey.
A revolotionary novononl near Ban
HnlvndOf Wai recently llipla-d III the
hud. and a oonnicetion hy the govern
ment of S0,0O0 lil'llillrtltlK Or. Joae
Alfaredo, tk plaoe, who, tt la remrt-
ad WM tn hate led the revolt.
Sir Charlc" Tupper, ex piemler nf
Oettada. boliovei thai the ia-ka boon
dart and other diiptttod qnoetioni he-
tween the United state" and Canada,
will noon bo -.-ti i.-.i und that Canada
w ill ixf (he nont ol it.
vi a Meeting ol the Bnptial Hoolal
i ni.iii ui ikiat.iu. it wm annooncod on
bohnll ol the Union Theological lu-ti-lotton
tliat John D RookelelUr bai
undertaken to OOOtribnti one-half nf
the $4no,tHiii needed to complete the
eqnipnenl ol that InattMtion,
Chiol Officer Uooekayt ( the truna
nort tiranti recently urritetl at sau
rmnoiioo, nid thai on Kebroary n, the
ahip tailed mer the -iiot when Morrcll
lalaud 0M generally hecn auiaiat.d to
he Inontedi It ll uu all chart",
hut at lltgQ A. M. 00 the date men-
tloned, the Grant Ml led over the poai
lion Ut latitude W dog nin. north.
longitndt ltd dog, II bin, eaat. gnd
Ml t trace of the i I net tmuld laa
fonnd, Vt noon ant laud inn fewH
ataivo the letel nf the aea .xiuld la. .., . u
Inr a diitatice td :t uitlea.
El1.liSlii OF DUST
Caused the Death of
Coal Miners.
llBalr In s Weal Virginia
Tuaru Terrible Hieliea Bl lh
at xulli t Ilia I'll.
Ie tlx' 1'nite I BtOtM there are &, 3 7, -7B7
laarhelora and M.'.'.'l It'l apltlaten.
XM IWU woman'" dun of PMlM
iu.i haa tawu orgnniaod by nno Amer-
Uav unmet, Eving in l'n nee
I he I. ui.. -I of telt'Kiaph Mile ie
the world la Unit ever the titer Klitna
in in Iim It io mee 4,000 (net long.
The tn-iial outpat fr.un 100 Kohl
inr. in the Immediate ricinitl nf
JtabiiuUeahurK la 1.1 i n. td gold a
a. '
Mtar than 17.000 pa-Miinet
Iretght oar and 110 loOOtUOtivel
U ii nrih-ieil hy '.'0 railr.mila, the
Mnonnttng u $11,000,000.
Mi. Theodora Tiuimea, ol OhloegOi
bai remnted her atneka and bOOW mil-
ei u- o( Illtnoii to m ape axoeeeivt .
Uon hlmllar MatOM h olhera ia
Tbe late EobartxBotMBr'l mure I Ml
wm euld at auction in New Ymk to
John 11. Kchulti. of Hraiklyu. fnr
gt.OOO. Mr. Homier i-aid $tl,OtKI fen
gua animal.
I in- Creek. W. Va., March 8. The
noet deatructive mine exploiinn ever
known iu the New Kiver dlitrict fa--curred
at the lied Aah mine, ahortly
afler the mlnen went to work, early
tbii morning. Although the moat hn
Oi vvnrk of the rew-ulug rty ha
la-en gniiiK on iuceaaautly all day, it 1
lm,H"hle tonight to e-tlmate the full
MMBt of the loaa ol lile and property.
Ten dead laaliea have already la-en
taken out, and the nmiila-r o( the dead
may reach (0 or more. It ii thonghf
lonik'ht that at leitat 40 milieri are yet
ciitmiihcd in the wrecked mine.
The Itivl Aah mine ia a larife drift,
and tM explnainii occurred near the entrain'-,
which ia thua dieted hy th
failing i late, in tombing a large nntnbei
0l minera. The I00M of the dlMtttOI
in hetweeti thia place and Thurmond,
. ii the aouth hralich of the Chewia-ak
g Ohio railroad. J. I n-d BfBngeT, Ol
Btnnnton, Va., ia the principal owner
ul the mine.
Keliel partial Iron ureat dintanooi
arrived aa "'"ill aa aiaaihle. State Minf
nepMtOI I'inckuey, with a OOfpl Ol
exa-rta, haa heen oil the Krnund duriiiu
the day, renderiiiK all aaalKtaticn h,n
aihle and detotinu hi" attention mure
tnwitrd relief than to an nUicial inveati
Katlon aa to the cuu-e of the diaaater.
Thil riiiiriHi;i-re and laiaaea of ml the
miner in thlfdietriot came to the mom
... . .... , tj- a,...
a- mkiii aa iai"n , aim juuaa mi-
work of reacue, hut they were greatly
Impeded by tbe extent ol the oaonnoni
hiockade at ti ntrenci nine unit,
The large, heavy aide tlera of the eu
lllllice were hluttll "lit tn Hume 'lie
tam e, together with a lot nf heavy tim
laun. Even nnilea were blOWB nut
'.iii'- distance. The furee nf audi an
nplocion oaneed au InnouM lalling
ul the alate and other dehria, en that
tin- entrance waa tilled Inr a great dis
tance. Aa many men aa cnuld work
at one tune were 'having away with all
their might, and theae were relived in
ahori rdaya hy other u. mo aa to ex
pedite the work aa much aa pOMable,
The first aucie-afiil attlke o( the rea
dier" waa about 10 A. M., when HI
bodiei were WOO feted. It waa found
thai MVen Ol them were already dead
The other three wen dying. Ah the
minera had fallen at different place
in the drift, and the 'explnainii had the (itllinir.alate to hlnckade tin
ii" in different parte Ol the mine,
the ttnrU ol reeoning the men met with
tine great uhatadu alter another. I In
men re-cued at 10 A. M. Were not fin
linn the entrance, while othera were ut
inn. h greater dUbMOM within thr
At the mouth ol tln iuiu the aoene
waa beyond description, the wlvoa,
children and noighhon 'f MOM win
were known to be entombed being then
ill full force, and their diatreaa win
moat Intettte. While they were all
seek in.; to help tbora who wen neouad
and to et the niM MOpOMd, yet
the-e hereiltud itaipe were Inr the nuial
jairt in the way of the reacuera und had
to he held hack (mm the entrain u.
The in iu ia one ol the lafgMl in We"l
Virginia, and WM very bMvily tim
berea in the different driite. It wm
lor tlli" ten wn ut once feared that hOM
who had uot beW killed hy falling ih:
brll at the time of the exploainu would
he pinioned hy tlm timber anri raffei
death fmm raffocntion.
Air waa (iirced into the iniue hy en-
lines on the ittrtaoe, vhtoh kept work-
lug after the exploainu, hut It vtut
found that air cnuld tat piunpod Lnti
the drift fin Dnljf H ahurt time, aa tilt
coal, atone and earth "hut off all "ia
nihility nf pumping into the uiiuu. Tin
pnnpi and all other machinery iu the
nine were ilonoliahed, n thai svery.
Ming hud to bo done through temporary
Arrange taMta on tbe inrlaoe,
Alter the men gut IIBdW headway iu
the work nl reacue, thay MOOhod IM
tirat party in half au hour, hut they
met glOaMI dlilicultlea after that time
It waa then that tclegraiui were a. lit
ui Idontgonery, Uharleaton and otbei
placea for physioiaMi nnrtM and cas
keta. hut during the gnatOI part ol tin
day there waa ti-e milt for the OMketS.
ll work waa gtoppod in the anr-
ronnding niinei of the dlitrict, and the
people w ithin a rtdlui nf many miiM
laiambled on the gronndi ol the Red
,"h Mrapauy.
The general bellal ia that the explo
Ion occurred from oontaol with duet
rrben tbe miners entered thianorning
with their hghta, and that It wa- not
due In lire damp. H haa hccii current It
rejajrtad all day.
Bosineei msu of Jaanf, Mexioo,
held a maaa meeting ut I I I', Icv.t."
tn petition PrealdMl ihas b WholiM
the free MM Ol Mexico, in which
JnarM 1 1 iltnatod, ami which ia 60
miles in width, aouth of the Kin
Urandn. The merchants contend thai
(In. true soue la ilctnuiciital to them
m in ii aa to Btaon fsoturing Interests,
gSSttniS Pllgllf OCMS nr.legad, but o
Talk ut aurrtrmUr.
Maleking, leb. II. Whnl may he
typhoid fever hss hroken out in the
wntneni' Issger, snd dyientery, doe to
the ahaeuce ol vegetsblei. U nle smong
the garrlnon. W e are thrown opon
nur own remurcei. Such luxuriei as
we had are exhsuited, or hsve been
iniiiliisndeered for the hoapitals, which
hp- filled to uterrtowing. Tbe children'-
gmveyud, I lose w the women's
laager, grows weekly aa tne young inea
IN Ml inort prematurely by ibells sod
f, ter. We liaik with hope deferred for
'I he oheerfulneaa which WSI charact-
eriatic of the early dayi of the ilege has
almimt deierted M, the men prelerriug
10 mnnM at their aita, rather than
move alauit and work up au aptlte,
which cannot bo satisfied, The natives
r. iii the ttor-t plight. Those who
are uuahle to obtain work are allowed a
-mall handful ol meat daily. Many.
hraviuK the danger, wander shout the
tovt n with gaunt and bulimy facet in
Mgrcfa 01 wnrk w im b eutltlei them to
mi extra ration ol meat. If they find
work thay an generslly u weak to
l"-rfnrm it.
Prom their advUM l-'ata the Iloeri
rake the atrect- an I the market equare.
11 i- Impniaihle Hi dodge their bullet".
We hate taken remarkable precaution,
however, und the oasnnlthMi though
h. .u v, are not what they might hate
h, an w illi less able men at the head of
I. u u tin- headquarters' tneM fares
acuniiiv. Llks saints under tbe altar,
I low lung. inrd, now
we crt
T wo hundred
-.ii- bats been
lead nf dlaeaae.
Boers Outwitted by Robert
natr.BUd K..tard, Krlng Petlewed
bX Kraorh a taaalrr The Oulrh
Makina ' WeeuifeetetBi
Iloeri sp-whatever,
Ivtl e
cat larv w ith
and ninety-two per-
kiiied, eounded, ur
The narriann ia ao
-mall that it would i criminal to
make ita wciikncae public, hut there ia
ne rer ro nnofa u a whisper or raggoa
Uon of the possibility of aurreuder, he
riiuae we do nut mean to gel bee ten,
tad w'e are cheeriniiy enduring the
uirMiip- of today rather than to make
i aurreuder in auy degree poaailde to-
Nullllliloli Worklliell V. Ill .li.) ell tin I'lll
cHgu lliiltitluga.
Chicago, March 10. Under police
guard, uter 800 IHfflnBfcHI Workmen
wen today given work by oontnoton
engaged In erecting rarioni down-town
buildings. Tina waa the lint nriOM
itttempt on the part of the cuiitractora
tu reaume the wurk Interrupted by the
-i like of the union affiliated with the
Building Tru. lea Cuuudl. Nearly all
the anflnisbed buiidingi were heavily
pii ki ted by the iininiia. but lasyoud one
ir two attempts to persuade the non
union men nut to go to work, no at
tempt wu" made to interfere.
I.alior trouldea culminated in it riot
at Thirty -ixth and W allace atroeta thia
evening. William Bchindler was almt
und probably fatally wounded, and aix
othera were injured. JoKeph W'slah,
foreman for the Link Bolt Machinery
C i iiny, and II. K,
Intend end of the aamu
StMoked b.v atrikera.
the atrikera have followed Walab and
Mcl.ain cu rt night when they left the
hops, and have threatened to kill
them. Tonight Mine one threw a dub
at Walab, etrikiiig him in the hack of
the head. I In accu-. d M-lundler, and
when the latter denied it fight bil
lowed. A OMWd of atrikera gathered
aroiinii end Walab, believing ht life
WM III danger, allot Sdllndler ill the
breart, A general Btfht followed the
-l ting ol Bchindler, and atrikera to
the UUmbM of 10 made an attack upon
Wahh and McUnu, and four others
eho wen with them i Although badly
pounded up, (hey nannggd to hold
theil own. and bonl off their aiHailiiuta
until tha arrital of the lailiLO. Walab
waa plaoed under arruat,
Dastrestlaa ef
Paris Piny
o...i. xiaerh 12 Tbe (auioui
rer Iran' ai- bai been uenruycti UJ
The tire broke oot
wai nut niicotcii"
Mcl,ain, luper
potnpany, were
I'or aumo tine
laiaduit' Peril hotels have raised the
rste- (nun ;t to ;i a day.
Tiannaa A l.di-on. Jr., aaya be baa
i urt.). in i a wtoiy slectric uilner'i
Prut M U InnUMT told hi- daaa at
Yule thai wu pei vi of all marriages
ate unhappy.
The lirgSSl real ratal .iwiaer ol all
Aiuiiicaii Institutions is the Pnirsgsity
.if I'exaa. which huhli over , 000,000
crei of laud.
The annual nuairt nl the New York
Hall hoard of health -how- tltal IS,
.lied in that atate laat year of cnu
The total expuila nf MlhTM fmltl the
ialalid of Puerto Id.'., (nun the date of
Aiutiican oeonpntton to KMMMhM Mi
IMt, waa &a,24S,0&2 muudi valutvl at
After nearlv hall a PMMfl nl netti
papgC Mini literary work iu thia country
Mri Jennie June l r. a Will ataiu leate
fnr l udaii l. the land of her birth.
rhaaW iho intends to fOM the remaiu
lg i ear a ul her I He
a ' i ' . ' i wt PrefMeee,
Uangor, Me., tlarcb h. Trofesaor ol the I'lllterMly g ilsiue.
ahtit and killed himself today t It is
bone tu tinuin iu bad bow eeffarini
inuii mental trouble... reaulttug fruiu
nver work,
Xlra. I MMIeit Unlived lite l '" ,
Waahington, March Qeneral Oots
bin today turned oter to Mra. Ijkwtoii,
widi w ol the Into Oeneaa Lnwtm, the
uud Subscribed lv the jaaiple of the
P4Mgy, It amounted to $US,-I3i.0i.
I v.i bI lit,. War.
W'aabienoiii. March s. Acting Sec
Ntorj tlelklejnhu aaaut Ul the hou-e of
rvptvaeutattiai ttalay a ilsUnueut of
eapenditnns hp the war nwptitMMtt
entering the military iiperslioiw iu the
Philippine-, ill.' ludug otitataudiug lis
btltisa, (nun Mat I. lssS, to Notembar
l. IMA. Dm total i- k-it.nat is,;s,-
"', i, the inlmiljwl itemi being: xjuar
ter i.aal'i a lie i irtmeiit. $k'3,715.aH)t,
nl which fit. IU, set ia for army trani
portalioo; a. .t.ii. . itepartiueut,
tj, MO.OtK); adieal .iepartmeut, f I.-
giHl. 1S7; pay depart uieul. g0.ta3, ISto
ijiluutw dcpartmeul. fl.edO.S.
Meats ink .a ii l'n,
Washington, M uch 10. Format dia
Uattolt Ol the I'lieito Kican tariff and
mi gnvoranent bill began In thu aeu.
nta today, uud pontiootd oninterrnptedi
ly for i ' liuura. The principal apeak
en were li'liiker. ill charge of the
measuMi and I'eiiua, hut at various
tiuiss during the debate lively ml.
loqules poourred, In which other wn
atnra were participunta. After Maaon
had entered hja notion to tUschargt
the onnnlttef on orsignraUtioM from
farther popsideration of a resolntioQ
expreeeing lynpatb for the Buoys and
it liad BOM mcr until tomorrow under
the rules, Pettus dalivsnd a can fully
prepared IDMOh in opposition to thu
pending btUi Porakor oocupiad tha
Honr dnring the nmeinties of the iea.
inn, r fa king iu defense ol the bill.
Hint lire lit l'lnU.I.I.hl.
l'htladelphia, March W. Fire entail-
log an estimated loss ol over T00,000
occurred early today iu the retull dry
guodi diatrict. The oonflsgntion origl'
nstad in the engine room ol BhoMnan
Bl others 1 dry goodl and milliuery
-tore, at Eighth and Arch itreeta. The
prinoipal taaoTi are: Bhonsnan Bios.,
dry goodi atom, Ibnr-story building, to
tal loaa, 800,000i Marka linia., dry
goods -tore, a five-story building, ran
I'letclv gutted, SetiWS ted loa, .soo,
000; ilyerhnlf Itna.. inanufactiircra of
aounut'i gnjd children' clothing, ami
the I'liiiudclpliia l-lgciric F.piipuiiint
Company i catiniated biaa. f Jtiii.ilOO.
Beveral .-mailer bnililings adjoining
were inure or leaa aerioualy damaged.
Pb'Min fhnrah teettapedi
Obit-awn, March 10. The Seoood
1'raahttcriau ehufchi St Tauutleth
tn. i aud Mldiigau aveuue, waa de
ttoyed by lire tonight The bn tiding
aaa the home of out' of the moat ggistn
aratis uongiegatloi Era oity. Are-
Option waa being glteu iu the church
par Ion by the Tonng i'eopla's Chrietiau
KndMvat ftooiety ol the she rah, ami
the aaaeniblace wai ill the nildat o( the
le-tititic- when the blase waa disOOV1
seed In the orvau on the main Eoofi
There waa a wild ruah lortheexita, but
all eacawal -afely. The loaa on the
building and lurniahiugi ii Mttnated
t I'.W.lKHl.
lll( till Ileal III Ohio.
Cdun.l ua 0-. Manh 10, A itcial
to tlis piaiiatch (mm Toledo, aayi: The
I ugllatl IVHi h ioii --yipit-ate o( U'li-
don. the laeeign branch of ins Maui
trd til Oonpaay, M ratiably ranorvtl
to bine oleeed a gigsutio deal in Ilia
tilito oil fields. The tvinrxiny absorbs
the Cndahy combination, of Chicago,
i nd the Manhattan Oil Coiupauy.
1 he .oiiaideratiou is uuderstoxwi to le
London, Msrch 10 -Tne
a,,, t,i have made uu ataud
axceiit that while iu retreat they
j ,:Mll,.rMi P ran oh
ifjj.uii.. u - -
.1 M n i r.'i.. irt
riiic III V. PW a .-r.-
A the capture ol prisoners, the enemy
prnhablv got awav with their entire
force. " ieneral French la atill follow
ing them and keeping between them
mil Hloemfouteiu.
The evacuation ol the northern dia
tricta of Cape Colony ia now nearly
complete. TTie llritiah ant in potstes
ton of tim lialroad eroaiingt.
The military critic- comm. in D the
iiaconraging newa (rum Mafeklng.
Colonel lladeu-l'owell aeema to he in
,jrave need ol outaide help. rtterWlM
be would not allow- enrraspondentJ to
lend out Information reapectiug the
diatreaa u( the gurriwiii.
A re-adjuetiiient of mi f the higher
... ,mi. ,Hiida ia taking place. t ieneral
W la tu i al tit (If 1 f I I Sturm her-' to take
IV illi' a "- fa ww -
nunmo oonnand ol fienersl Osteon
.Ii visum and the Tenth dni-inn.
in proceaa ol funiiatiuii, which will bl
under the immediate 00m mend ol 1 "i-
eral Hunter, Siriieorge W Into a cliiel
nf-ataff .
The Daily Newa make- the fnllnwiug
"It waa rumored in London .venter
dav and we bate no reilanii lor 00
lieving tbe rumor to la- correct that
the two republic" made informal and
unoihcial overtures ol peace on the
preceding day. Unfortunately, the
cuiiditiona RuggcHted were of audi
character u to preclude the possibility
of leading to auy reault. Term- which
might have been gladly accepted be
fore the war, in order tn avert it. are
impoBiible after the war, with all the
lacriticea it has entailed."
Oseeral Reberti' Keimrt.
Ltuiduu, March M). Following ia
the text of Lord Roberta1 diipstch, re
ceived by the war ullice tndiiy:
"I'iiiiImi timve. .March 10. Two
brigadea ol cavalry, withhoiM artillery
aud Kelly-Kenny'- division, marched
Oalay lo miles eaat ward. The liner
were taken by turpriM j esterday.
They moved off ao hurriedly that they
left cookeil dinners behind them. We
captured a Krupp gun hiuI aeveral tetita
aud wagnna. The total caanaltiea
were: Killed, Lieutenants Keswick
uu I Frieslick; wounded, Lien tenants
Bailey, ol the Twelfth Lanoera, ami
Decrispigne, ol the second LifeOusrds,
both aeverely, aud Lieutenant Smith, nf
the Bbropihlres, who is believed to
have beeu picked up by BOOT anibii
lanoe, Two men WON killed, III WO und
id, aud one man is mining,
"Oatacn raporta ho Intendi oecupy
lug Hurgersdurp today. Kepairs tu thu
railnmds toward both Btormberg ami
lieynala-rg are being pushed, Clem,
euta now nccupies Norval'a I'dut, on
the aouth bank ol the OriiiiL'e rner.
The bridge was bluwu up March 6, am!
the enemy ii holding the north bank ot
the river, hut not, it ia ladieved, iu
any great strength."
Many Hate Muiial 1 1. a .
Jnokaoni Mi-s., llnroh 10. An ofcV
olal nport made to ths Hinds cnuntv
board ol npervleon reveals an ippall
Ug state ol iitfuirs in the JomsvUIo
neighborhood, ill the aiuthern )' nt of
the OOUnty, The cnmtnlinity is literal,
ly honeycombed with sinalllaix n! the
must virulent (oim, and during the past
six weeks nearly 100 deaths h ue oc
curred. ()u atituu days the death rate
litis been so large that it was Iihi-ism-bin
to secure OOfflOS, and rude cu-kets
were made (nun rails. Whole fumiliei
were wiped nut of iixisteme and ul act.
eral large families uuly one or tw o ohll
dren are left.
Many of the pan. nt- who are now- in
S critical pondltion are Without medi
cal attention, and are dying at tbe rate
of from three tu five II Uay. The death
ratu exceeds T.'i per cecit, and the en
tire lower portion of the county ia de
moralized. Thu lautrd of atiHrw-"rs
will make an etfurt to check further
Alltl-ltrlliall Ulnt In llnrileaill,
Bordeaui, March io. Late yaeteri
day evening atudunta and others Inning
from a pfO'BoeT meeting uiarclied tu
the Uritlall OOnMlatO, hrtttertiil dowu
the doors, shattered the windOWl witll
rtonoa, and then prooesded to tlm con
sul's private reaidence, w here tin y in-
dtilged iu tdnilwdanonstratloM, T he
police disponed the nob and arrested
nvenl leaden. The prefect of the
QiroodOi the mayor ot Bordeaux and
the oommlaaary of police called mi ths
OOnSul today and expressed regret at
the occurrence.
bout noon
the theater was burning furiouily
lore the fire brigade got to work. B
. t... ai.a. -iinliances were quite 1UR
ZTtS ,., cops with the conflagration,
2nd by :80P. M. the entire building
wa. a roariug furnace. The dense co -,,,
f smoke arising from the fire at
tracted crowds from all parti of Fans,
the Theater Fraiicais being regarded a.
goationnl institution. The theater,
bll b lathe bi.nie, 'f the Coinedie Iran
, ais was only reopened a fortuight ago,
after hating been renovated for the ex
pOSit mi, throng- IXPOOMd tntllltlariR
.l.trintf the tear.
........ ,- - ,
.hear-ll of It "I? " "
hilled lor the DlBtinM MO USI
eloded when the fire broke out. n-
e 1 I lull ii t'
, - ueuauii inaj
were atiu
died, two intre
mid Minleinoiselle lleliryot,
. ., ,1... ataire when an electTli
lused. und. a spark catching the ecen
,.,v, the whole -time was sia.U in tlanieR.
dgds Huillny had to be rescued in
costume and lot down fwn a window.
M Bardon, tbe playwright, arrived on
tbe Mono abont 1 o'clock, and burst
Into nan when he saw the building
was doomed, A part ol the dome col
lapsed at '.MO F. M.
Hie Theater Fraiiciiis, or omedie
Francai-. was -minted on the I'lace du
Theater-Francais, near the Pataii
Royal, and occupied the highest rank
nawng the theaters of France.
The magnfioieni ceiling, bearing the
allegoriral painting by Maaerolle, the
ceiling painting by De Beuff. the
younger, nf "Truth F.nligbteuiug the
World." which adorned tha (oyer, and
a Dtimber ol "ther mural tableaux ami
works ol art. together with iiriiuu ol
the invaluable library of manuscript,
perished In the flames. Pnctioally all
the iculpture, however, was nvod and
removed to the ministry ol finance,
w hich i MM the -ite of the theater on
the Cue de Hindi. The priceless
itatnte of Voltaire, by Houden, one of
tin- chief beauties ol the foyer, eacaped
by being enveloped in a pile of mat
tresses, t
aeretarji Mill tejre me Bergtiers Are
Nut IMaeoiirHgeil.
Pretoria, March 19. Secretary ol
state Keitz has Issued war bulletins,
iii which, niter -ayiiig the government
haa no ollicial tidings ol tne surrender
ol I ieneral Cmuje, he must accept it aa
it hu t. bo WS vei painful, he adds:
"The government remains assured
that the inrnndM will not discourage
the burghers iu the defense of their in
dependence and standing us a nation.
The itrnggle thus tar has shown that
the republics have vindicated then-
M ite- m an Independent people. This
reverse will not i tagger us. In the
truggle for our oheriihed rights, our
hulio! remains that, whatever happens,
the Lord still reigns, Owing to the
Invssion of the Free state by a large
number of the enemy, aud other cir
cumstances, it became necessary to
take up other i"isitiolis, heuce the
burghers iu Natal have retried to Big
geraberg. All the lummandos have
reached there in salety, except a few
Who retired iu the direction Vau Ileeu-
bb'i Pass, Thus Lndysnith and Kin-
berley are mi nuiie besieged. In retir
ing, the enenT was time after time
driven back, ao that our laagers were
not cut off. Ill these lights a few men
were killed ur wounded, ami the enemy
Inst heavily.
"In spite of nil reiairts. the spirit ol
the fighting men as tu the outcome re
main! unchanged, Among the con
mandos iu Natal the burghers are full
uf cnunige. tieiieral Dewet BOW com
mands all the isiiniiiiiudivs at the Mod
der river. Tlm president started yes
terday evening for I'lloomfunteiu, to
ti-n tin- Inagon ol the Free state."
Dlebenlag Oleek Arras tan.
Wa-liin.-toii. March 1'.'. Cliiel Wil
kin, ol I lit. tieasury secret service, was
notified today ol tbe arrest iu Philadel
phia) nf Bdward I . Orinnall, formerly
a civilian clerk iu the disbursing utlice
of the medical department under Majnr
1). II. Hall, iu sau rranclsco. Chief
Wllkie at. ilea that nu December 'Jll
Qrinillell ileciimiaul with a clerk laaik
containing 100 checks ol the regulation
ingnved kind nrad hy the disbursiug
clerk-, nincted to the anlitant treai
Men ol the I'nited States. He came
cast uud nuth and in January drew
clucks nado payable tn him to au
amount approximating 10,000
line Paetary ntew I'ji,
I'oniptoii, N. J , March la. The
smith fuse manufactory, at this place,
blew up today und (nur aarsuns wen1
killed und a number mure or less in-
jured. lne Victim! were at wnrk iu
the factory with abont ao other men
ind drls. The bodies ut the (nur per-
roni kiiieil were l.ailly niiingle.l. and
auinu of them blown 10 pieces.
Iterrtlllr.l tn l ull Itlaaglh.
Ottawa, March 10. Minister Borden
reoelved tonight iron the war offloe a
cable accepting 100 men to recruit the
First Canadian contingent to its full
itfapMh' They will leave with ths
Strathcoiia Horse.
KIht-( lull l lriiilt.
New York, March lo. 1 he National
Baseball League fur the season q Huh)
will have an eight-dub circuit. This
innOnnoamMl a a- made at the Filth
A i. iim lintel at 11:110 o'clock lotndit,
alien thu leagM RlMting adjourned.
A verbal sgreeiuwnt was reached to-
night, sud tonarrnw the tagnement
will be (ormallv executed. The retiring
duiai are Wsshlngton, Baltimote,
LoulevUfo ud Clevelnnd, Each club
! will receive s inOUey iVUsideratitiu tor
its (rauchlse.
Haaolullun la a, iii" Uumlilf n,
Santo Domingo. March lo. The gov.
eminent has apparently discovered
that a political nOVOMSUt In 0 posittoi
, to it is iu pntgress. UOMU I'epin,
the es-goveruttr of Santo de ',. - I'a' el-
i lii haa revottod igalnst the nrern-
j incut, and government tnmp bat e been
?u egiinat him a rtatc ol liege bM
! psan (Uhisrwi snd oonstitBUonal gnnr
auteas hat ti been ext,in,1,M m the south
western part of tbe l-laml .-eieral
arreeU have Ueu nude aud nhSMn in
the cabinet may ukt ; lac, 9 fllll
Icityis vjuiet.
iTTiri iiiiAviTTrr
fl I I II It I I'll I I 1 ft 1 1 II
Ll I 111 II II II S fig I If W
' .1
Filipinos Assaulted theT..
but Were Driven Back.
Kabali In the Houlhrni PaelaiSIl
-B.I.,. m.,.
."'" al CalabBiiBB.
Manila, March 12. Qnnerall Yoo
snd Hood sre aiking for ninforcs2
and a battalion of the Itoty -eighth S
lieen sent to A parr i. Other troon 2
The rebeli n-centlv nersiat hiiii
, . L ...l Anurri fnr Ha.tat.-ul U. ...
ir-". ii'iura
were nuttlly driven away,
the affair are lacking.
The rdsali are holding ii 'ini,,..
the proivnee of Noith 11
red Kstapunan croei, lymbolle of .
listence, ie again apiajitriu.
the native-.
It ie believed that the inanigetita-
erals, Tinto und Klorhea, hate b,
driven by Yonng into Hood's terriior.
Daiparadg KlllaS,
uenver, .Man n r. a special to the
Republican (mm Albiiiiueripie, N. M.
payi: Bannel Sandoval, a young dei
perauo, was Kiueo Hint several citizens
Wounded at the battle at Aturimie,
Hiucn loiiovvcn au attempt to arrest
Sandoval ami .loan Mesta-. who bad
neon inootiug up the town. Mestas
uu- captured.
ll. iia anil HarrlniBii.
Indianapolis. Match i j Fug presi
dent. KogOM Delis, of Indianai fur
vice-prenaent, joq iiarnuuin, o Culi
loruia. inn is too national ticket of
the Social Deuocretio inrty, which
win iDsoro the HiiqnitHanrlman fac
tionol the Sociali t iLabor party bv
igreetusqt. lhe Social De nocrats wen
happy ttalay. They ny thu candidacy
ot i rem will attract Hundreds Ol thou
nndaol voters ha their party, Thev
nnitu,, t.. uu. at... 1 ',
' oegiuumg ut a great
uatiouitl t ICI'TV.
iNnwerhesi Oit More rT,
touugitown. v., uaroh II. At the
luuioniiiiy wnue 01 DISTMM here yeater
amnaj re, r.-entuttvea of the
......tiitaiuaicu association and the lmn
'Itttmi (alOtlirvMt il tin -0 ax.
Botam-e tu gg rente
a ton iu the rate for pnddling was
agreed npon. The rate will now be It)
ta a.,.. al... U. -L . . -
- , uigncar iiit
.xiaiui .o.iiiKi men
Si It 1,11.1. O
-nice lsso
are affected by the
atnttaa Paeten Uurnd.
oltn " , . " "'-The pUnt
..-7. . Z J ' a ue i . llilstT w1 ,,,
uy ure tonay. Uis. f 100. 000.
l'-ldl.. '
The fact that Young la una
to lack of troops, to maintain irarria,
in all the towna occuuied Im- iT,
. o uaq I
bud effect on thu uativei.
(ieneral Hates hae returned )l(!re
ter leaving gurriaona in the pnivin0
V,.l. un.l t-ii.tth I ...... '.-.
...',...,......... ii . llldaj.
peditiou loit aeveu men kill-l and li
wounded. Dnenteriuit New r.
- m ' nwg
province of Smith Cainarin. -. tn-J
D.aa l..uin,l ttmt O AAA .
i io iwimux ...... i u-urmti
had departed the eame day. I be Ai:nn.
cans immediately sent out three purij.
lug columni, encountering tin
iu three small engagemeiit- m kiiiiB.
a total of 40 men.
The Spanish priaoners repouthntla
enemy was divided into small bsnbn
the tnouutaiUM, under the lealeriliiijf
Qeneral laigaipi. The town of Irin
baa beeu burned by the enemy, Botk
proviucee were thoroughly ioontet
l ite niiianitania ot tne -1 i-trict of
Libnianan, including Abella, the m
vincial governor and other ollicial, bb
returuiug to their bOUM. AUIU hat
iaaued a pniclamation onlling i;.,u tn
natives to submit to the American
The liberated prieata from Newfr.
cerea report that the iusurgeuts killed
6H Chiuameu and 40 Siatuianls it .
town of Calahauga.
It U estimated that there are lie.
000 bales of hemp iu the Cuuiiriiai
Twelve hundred well armed infuf.
gents, formerly of Cavite pruiviKt,
with a Chinese colonel in 'iiiiuuyl.
surround the towns of A I ba t ami U
gaspi. They have effected three uuht
attacks and continually hantsa tin
Forty-seventh regiment , which bai ,t
eight men killed aud 'Jo wuuuileiia
defending these towns.
(aeiiBral Wheeler Ntiggeata a TrrrlUirial
San Krancisco, March 11'. tieoenl
Joseph Wheeler favors givine the Fbil
ippiues a territorial form of guvem
ment. Said he:
"I believe the people ure leady fun
certain kind ol self-government. Tbn
could be given the power to make lin,
uuder such a sytem of government a
has been adopted for our territorle
The municipal governments are ill ii
the hands ol the uatives, aud they
aloug without tniuble ur friction.
Under a territorial form, the islandi
could be best controlled. "
He reviews his impressions nf irsik
possibilities iu the Orient as follows:
"Kuglaud, Huasia, Germany n!
Franco have braved war aud ja-stilriiit
In efforts to sex-ore a share of tin
wealth which will come to them b
commeroiul relations with these peo
ple. The treaty of peace cast upon M
the resainsibility of Mvenlgnty out
from 9.000,000 to 11,000,000 peoeh,
together with the islands which they
inhabit, tsintaiuiug an area three timn
that of our great and ptvoperoui Empin
"Very naturally, there mat behunert
differences of opinion as to whi-thrr
everything has been conducted iluriiif
the two years in accordance with lis
highest wisdom uud beat poedble jiof
ment, but there should be n" qMnt
among the American people as to tie
duty aud wisdom of now uniting II
determined effort to take the -ituatia
as it stands, and so conduct the affain
ol our couutry as to add the must
glory, honor, welfare and pniprfrtfi
It is a friendly struggle for oonoMMe
supremacy in which our rival nllM
are using their best efforts, and I toj
let us, in a friendly but deternlM
spirit, use our best efforts also."
taane! Itlsunlera la Ohleage.
Chicago, March IS. Efforts ol
tractors today to place nonunion nd
at work on buildings in various pcrtf
of the city, work ou which ha- bna
torruptod by the strike, resulted iu IW
eral encounters between union n"
uuioti men. At the new tOgdenWM
dock, Ohio and Kingsbury street!, J
contractors succeeiled in gettin fight
men through the picket linei ol W
union workmen and put them to
A lew bricks were thrown, hul neiW
was hurt, und the police quickly "r"
pressed the disorder,
lllg Ure al Lead.
i .... .i a rt xi..... i, in l ire WU
.rati, n, u.. t'- -
morning destroyed 40 bnildiwf
ii j
Ueudwixid Are department WM
on Inr BaataSanaa Bnd i'
addition to the combined lire depertj
meuts, it wai found necessary to "'
up buildiugs in the path of the"ItT
dynamite in order to nop its vrtr.
Owing to the high wind blow Lug.
scarcity ol water aud the inflamm
. l... 1 ... I I.I....- tie Iin-u
mm ui HID "UH'iu,1 i
were unable to do auvthiug to itnf
tlatues iu any other way.
Vlctlun of the lle.t Aah Mine-
Thurmond. W. Vs., March '-' -"V"
toUl number of those taken out Of"!
Red Ash mine up to tonight tt
1 If liiau., a-.. ...on a.,.l uL.'t In"
- tiicnv, I no llicu ai axa
irsil am llenlMnn an.l mnv rtt'v' r
nnnittaa h....Ue tn has in th.' W-1
ttiii i ( vsilMlgll xr uv saai -
'JO. Thii makes 48 killed and thn w
V. . i.i. iii In a rreii. h '"'
v i a r . u
.a iiuen, r rauce, .tiarxin
miners have been killed by """L
ion In a coal pit at Ilessege" W
leriea ol the mine ObUapaed. ' ur''w
bodies of the victiiui