The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 03, 1900, Image 4

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    Eugene City Guard
The buslneoa department of
the WEEKLY GUARD is cauaoo
considerable trouble
by corre-
tne pro-
.nnnHanit aririrAftftmQ
pnetors personally. Address all rmlnmna to the neWJOl
per or business connected there
with to THE GUARD,
Eugene, Oregon.
mi it. TO
Tlie extortionate advance in the
price of news end other paper
through formation of trust is
bringing even Pennsylvania thick
and thin protection newspaper men
to a realisation of the iniquities ot
trusts as the possibility of benefits
0 be derived from lower duties in
dealing with the legitimate off
spring of a high proactive tenir.
Til trtl-t advance ol pHM-r routs
the Oregonian about twenlj -live
dollars a ton extra, no small item,
and it took tsjcasion the other day
to place itself on record an to the
wore than highway roboery. Here
is the comment:
The Pennsylvania Editorial As
sociation h heen so aflect'd by
the dealings of its members with
the paper trust that at III annual
meeting in Harnshurg, on Tues
day, it adopted a resolution declsr
ing that "if trusts are honestly or
ganized to reduce expense and
consequently the coat of products,
they hould deend on their own
huines sagacity, and not upon
protection given to them hy the
government," and appealing to con
gres to "rceal such tariff dulie
a seem to protect the trusts in
their extortionate charges." The
overwhelming republican majority
in 1'ennsyvania is ufticient to
stamp the utterance of profound
national significance in tariff di
cuBsion. The protective tariff ha been
nbUlg Oibar ptOpU long time,
but the OrefODiu ha never made
an earnest protest until pinched
Tim Britiah officers iu South Af
rica have been marching their mon
lip iigi'ilisi noer iiiuuutinuouw
"just as if on parade." The Itriton
could not sec the enemy that rain
ed a pitiless torm of lesd upon
them, but the officer had ihem
inarch upright over lire sones
swept by the Im-si marksmen in the
world. If an American ollicer sac
rificed his men that way he would
find a court'inartial ready for hiai
it he survived hi first experiment
of making a parade attack upon
concealed shooters who ueer waste
a shot.
This sort of ineflicienoy on the
part of the officers has no doubt
disorganized or "rattled" the aol
iliAra There are sillDS that the
officers are quarreling among them
selves and that the private have a
profound ditrut of their leader.
Home of the order given by BritUh have resulted in the mur
der of their men, and the aristo
crats who carry the commissions
have proved themselves the inot
amateurish tighter of the age,
whatever may be aid in the praie
of their personal bravery. They
need loimnunder of the (ieueral
Wheeler type or, better still, like
that old ludian lighter lieneral
Crook. The devil must tie fought
with tire.
antipoim-s KBIT.
One of the oddest meetings ever
held assembled, in Indianapolis,
hid., the other day, on the joiut
call of the Anti-Saloon League,
and the State Liquor Deulera Asso
ciation, in the Mcridion street M.
K. church. The purpose of the
meeting wa to itevise means to
OOaptl peron who are selling
liquor under the government
license of 8S, to take out city and
state lieenre. In Indiana the
liquor license money is turued into
the sobool fuud and it was shown
that hundred of persons were sel
liug without having taken out these
Dr. Callen, secretary of the sa
loon keepers league, made the prin
cipal address, and K. K. Hitler, the
most prominent prohibitiouist in
the atate, presided. Between the
two some plans were agreed upon
whioh will probably bring the
license dodgers to lime.
Dr. Vaight, author of Fifty Years
of the Republic iu South Africa,
concludes bis interesting article on
Bav-B- m w w - w aM
m j ti i.i w
It rnakra rauacle by making hrallh
It makes health I'y curing thr du
easts which o.ndrmln tb armth
Th atartmg placa or physical d
terioralion and eknm togerurrmJly
thr stomach. Tht " Dtacorery pos
itively cures diseasts of the attamav-h
... : organs of digestion and mttrv
lion. Take Golden Medical Dis
covery" and you'll get wall and
I with to my thaaka to to fat
your wxodrrrul BioUdB. wtun Mr Qm.
Leaaa i. afnaaawaj ntMuico.,
C . Hui 17 "lu aUnuaa pa work
auft nine ao much ll"" rbrunic cslann
MaaMBSi Vour ' OikJca BMSMH M
. ..,. ,,,l.,l I U t
monthi asxl wo runi4ljr cMad of las,
geallua and (raatly relUrwaluf .twrt.'
'The Arriganders in NaUl," in the
Kebiuary number of the North
American Review, with the follow
ing: "The largest army whioh Eng
land has ever had on the battle
field in South Africa over 20,000
mon, horse, foot and artillery, wiib
powerful guns from Hritith war
ships and with lyddite shells to
help them has been hurled back
from the upper Tugela line, losing
'2000 in killed, wounded and pris
oners and also 11 guns. On the
Tugela, where the fathers died in
1838, aye, and south of the Tugela,
are the sons now, on the 10th day
of December, D"J9. Tbey are there
with Lucas Meyer; with I.oui
llothv whose mother was in the
laager on the Hushman's river in
1838, and with Schalk Huger,
whoe father was outlawed and
proscribed by the Uri.tish govern
ment and went aero Drakensberg,
in 142.
"They stand on the Tugela, while
in the background the great Drak
eusberg mountains, where the snow
white everlastingly glows, rear
their topmost peaks aboTe the
clouds. The British general has
asked for an armistice to bury bis
dead on the 10th of December
to bury his dead iu the very ground
where rest some of the hones of the
murdered Itoer trekkers.
"'Avenge Majuba,' the crowds
have shouted iu London and at
Durban and Cape Town, (tod has
avenged Slaohler's Nek instead."
The St. Loui Journal of Agri
culture say: Speaking of the gun
that was supposed to be unloaded,
it is frequently the gentle bull that
is a meuace to the life and limbs of
those who handle him and he
is certain to transmit bis vices to
his progeny. It Is a safe practice
to distrust every bull, even though
he may be reputed to possess a
most quiet disposition. It is nearly
always the quiet animal thai doei
the damage, because he is unsus
lected,bul when an animal is
known to be vioious, it is taking
long chances to trust him.
The Jacksonville Times iuferen
eulially indorses lynching in ex
treme case like that ot the Latham
abduction slid cruel outrage. The
Time says:
H. I'atterson and H. K. Harvey
railroad brakemen, have been held
to answer to the charge of abduct
iug and outraging Winnie Thoru, a
girl who live at Latham, Lane
county, and is under lb years ot
age. It is said to be a very bad
case of human depravity. There l
no punishment loo evere for the
eretralor of uoh an act. They
are usually lynched iu the southern
Daj 4 Henderson, Undertakers Mid
Entbilmers. Cor. Wil. and 7th sis.
Fuel for Force
Your body must have
farce, nervous force, mus
cular force, digQtt.Va force.
Fit is the fuel used to
supply this force. If you
arc weak in any of these
tones, use more fuel.
The cod-liver oil in Scott's
Emulaiop b the best fuel
for this work. Your nerves
grow stronger, your muscu
lar power increases, and
your digestion improves.
An Old Pioneer of '53 Writes
mi is ar puisto aico.
Haw Juan, Pukrto into,
Jan. i, 19O0.
KltlTOH ' 1 1 a hi H Mhi-I .!..!,
Km., wbo la one of iuy best friends aud
former ft Uow soldiers, haa kindly fur
nished me with the UlMKItof Dec. Kl,
containing "extracts" from my letter,
which convinces me that a little early
history of Lane county would not he
The "extracts" make me say, "Jim
Uuddleatou's resident twtweeu the
butie and the river." That was In
It-. and In correcting this mistake 1
would say, thai Mr. Huddleeinu bolll
III residence later, and at thai
llnik run a little store- the ...-t and
most extensive stock of merchandise
then In the county In a little log
house nor tli of the butte, be ai that
time beluga single man, aud outside
of hi store house and Mr. Skinner'
rimldenoe the town was "all on paper,"
for the couuty seat had Just been
located there.
i'ryor lilalr's residence, tliree-luurths
of a mile west of town, must have been
the next nearest dw lllug. Then there
were scattering settlers near aud skirt
Ing the river northward. The Davlses,
the Mil. iii- the i'oludexters, the
l'eaks, the Woody etc. Hut that
fertile plain known luthoeedays as
Urand I'ralrie, was destitute of luhab
Hants aud covered with long waving
grass, while bere aud thero ll was
dulled with herds of loug-borued cattle
ur roaming cayuse pnulea from tin
above settlement until you reached the
ling Turn or Kern llidge.
wkht and nun,
In the hills and near them, west of
town, lived the Mulkeya, the italleys,
the Lakloa, the Crabtrees, the K
dales and other pnimiueul faoiilles of
the early times; while up the Coast
' there were settlements of eUsl
Importance, liut there were nune of
more iutereet than those In the twu
forks. Isaac Urlggs aud hi sou, Kllax,
were engaged Iu farmiug and milling
where Hpriuglleld uow stands. South
west of this, In the upper lorkn, was
the famous l'leasaiit Hill settlement
with Its sturdy, stable clllens, while
on both sides of the McKeuzle were
flourishing, neighborhood!.. It will
therefore be seen at a glance, that Ku
geue was wisely located, and DM1 as
Ueuely has become the ideal city ol
the upper Willamette.
i ii i i ii i k
There being neither city nor town in
the county (except on paper I therefore
none of that hrlck-a tirac and ginger
bread in either bouse or dress; foi
houses were generally cotistiucted of
logs, aud a clapboard shanty was a
luxury, while a painted houwu was
landmark nut to be found. As for
dreaa, a pair uf brogans, a wool hat,
wooleu pants aud a hickory or woolen
shirt oompleted the summer toilet
add to tills a stake rope, a pair of cloth
or blauket legglus and a pair of high
spurs iroadoinelers), the gay and festive
young wan (bachelor as they were all
called), was ready to call on his bent
girl, or go to churcb.
uoino to OatCMUi
It may t a mystery to tluwu wliu
live iu that same iwrl, who uow ride
Iu buggies aud carriage, how we got
to church without tlnsie commodities.
Well, our meeting-place frequently wan
a achtMilhouse, private lesideuce, grove,
barn or sawmill, and how we went
wan ust this way: If we did not have
a horse staksd out on the grass, w
would walk all Huuday morning ami
oover a distance of 10 miles aud tlnd
uue to ride oue-half mile l the meet
lug, for the rldlug had tu te done. Or
In case a crowd was to go, we hitched
a yoke of sxen to a lumber w agou that
had seen service on the plains. Indeed,
the ox team beat a naphtha or a sail
boat, for it never failed to land us at
the right place.
The crude surroundings did not
iuterlere with the gravity of tbe
audience uor the eloquence of the
preacher, fur they were used to crude
things, and the young as well as (In
gay donned solemn countenances
under the "dripplngn of l he sanctuary,"
even If thev did niter clear of the
"amen corner," where the "veteran
of the Lord" sat, prompting the
fervent speaker, and a great many
"good meetings" were held. Vet, If n
well-dressed man found his way to
chuch be was a spotted bird, lor the
whole cotigrvgsltoti spotted htm bis
drew was an lutlovatlon.
bM . srsdit to ieast
Casts a Shadow
A single drop of poison
htocd will, unless checked in
. make the whole impure.
Hood's Sarsaparilld is the
great leader in blood purifiers.
I no ihdau, bui brings sunshmt
ai J hjtih into every housthcLJ.
y;pepsia " For six months my sys
tem uins out of order -with dyspepsU tnd
impure blood. Spent lots of money in
Win, bui Hood's SvstpvUU cured me
ihcrn.Q ly." Jos. S. Ziubt.Gtnot.Ntb.
Eruptions "I hd tnnoying erup
tions Ciustd by impure blood. And physi
ciAns' heAimenl f Ailed to benefit. Hood" s
SArsapAnlU removed them And I Am no
Annoyed." W. R. Hudson,
Nutror.A, Pa.
last, It would I
new country.
1 have plowed many a aea snd
weathered many a gale; have lived l:i
In many a city, tow-i. hamlet anil
neigh borhood, hut cever did Mini a
m -re genial, who'ifouled, clever pso
pie lhau I met at Kugene and Lane
county, generally. Individually anil
collectively they were a boat of kind
newt, and my hsppienl days were ,nt
I suppose that many of the llrst
itel tiers like myself have gone to DibSf
piin-i-s, while tin- noM part have gone
to their long home.
Now with kindeal regards and best
wishes for the future welfare id the
Uuakd, all the old settlers and the
new aa well, I am very respectfully,
sincerely and truly.
I. J. Huuhks.
cobdm nwa
Tbe Kallroad lirldge Has Keen
pairta Other Items.
Jan 11, 1900.
Kred Hee, who lately cume from Cost
Hay to vlmt his family here, has gone
to HfMpiiam, Wash.
Miss Ella I'hiiippi is suffering from
the ellects of a hard fall on lite fruly
wslk last week.
Owen Vanduyu returned to ('mu
llock I .-l Saturday, where lie has been
re-eiii.oyed as principal of the school.
Fair View Notes.
January :i0.
We have bad some nice weather
lately. Frosty nights and warm, sun
blOJF days.
Some of our farmers are plowing ar.d
puttiug iu their grain.
The shooting-match at Mr. Wm
Taylor's last Satunlay was an enjoy
able ailalr. Jos. Hlse won llrst hnlce,
Jacob Taylor second, aud VV. I), 'lay
or third.
P. ('. Murray -pent the former part
of last week in tills vicinity.
Mr. Krvy Cnurtright and family, of
Klk I'ralrie, sient Saturday night and
.Sunday at the home of Mrs. Cnurt
right 's parents, Mr. aud Airs, Wm
The subscription school at Chesher
school house is progressing nicely uu
der the management of QsO Jordan.
Mr. It. I' Allison went to Mapleion
on busloess the llrst of the week.
Harvey Horn and Frank Klsk visited
tbe county seat Saturday.
0, W. Taylor has quit driving the
Sluslaw stage and Is at home again.
Old Mothkk ....
Dissolution Notice.
Notice la hereby given that the co
partnership heretofore existing lie
tween ('.('. Matlock and K, K. Mc
Clanahau, under the 11 tin name of Mat
lock a McClaiiahau.ha Uvn dissolved
by mutual consent, V. ('. M-.t k
having puYcliased l lie interest former
ly held by K. K. McClanaliau. C. V.
Matlock will pay all bills and collect
all outstanding lulls.
Dated this, Eugene, Ore, Jan 11, l'.UO.
c. c. Matlock.
E. E. Mct'l.ANIIAN.
I hereby desire to thank the clllzeus
of Eugeue for literal patronage hereto
fore extended, aud trust that my suc
cessor will be accorded lite lull patron
age of my frleuds.
E. K. Met 'LAN All AN.
I i ii Market
Feb ft, 1900.
Hotter-36 to BOc ir roll.
Poultry-!;! fiO to f4 BO er dozen.
Dried prunes 8 to 5 jo
Flour 75 per sack.
Oats US to 3n cents according to
quality. Dealers demand samples In
fore purchasing.
l'otatoes-3J to S3c. cash pt-r bushel.
Rpjt M tvnls cash.
When I t to tOtitS.
Hups to 10 cents.
- Iivm UU.ih aaajmuiliisajiS
.jrln Uj iak sill. Ilissl .sji.,.r:.ia.
HotSsai unile r this head Dot to eirsed riv
line. .MJ ueuU tr week; 11 N a BMOtfcl 1-'
psr yar.
For Sale.
POB BALE. Probably the very ben
1 60 acre tracts of land iu Lane coun
ty, and one of the best in the staU
of Oregon, owned by Dr T W Harris.
This is a ery fertile ami highly im
proved farm lying 1!J miles weal
of Eugene on an excellent road. The
doctor bought this farm with a view
to breediug Hue horses, but having
given up the breeding business, has
no further use for his farm and desir
ing to devote himself exclusively In
his profession, oflera it for sale at s
rare barirtln. ( all on the doctor loi
terms of sale.
Foil HALE. Comer First and Jefter
son streets, one 10 room house, an
two lots, 80x1110 feet each. Uisod
barn, water, fruit, line garden ground
Also house Hint lot, corner First anil
Lawrence streets, lot lib leet h inches
by 100 feet, young frcll trees, good
garden ground, water, etc. Also
house and lot, cornet Willamette
and Fourteenth streets For prices
and terms write SJ Hills, lacnliia
Wash, Hox Sli", or call at (iltAKi
men to handle our line of high vrade
Lubricating Oils, Ureases, and Spec
mil ics Salary or 'Jommisniou. Ad
tires-: Mutual Ketlulng (', Cleve
land, Ohio.
tor every ilay In the ver.
Aim how to nrecnie Iti.-m
Not ail orilumry cook hook, hut a Iresliiie on
cuokliiR for health; to lin-servt-Koisl spl't'tlU;
to niHke more tp"o.. atnl -m until to tie- brain
muscles ami uerres. An invaluable, book, tu t
the tKMik. you lll never retirct It. 1'rlce
cents. AiUrens tut A iiirheiii, Ilox Tiiiom
VahlUKto:i U-.ti-lDi
Kdenvule Items.
Jan. 81, 1900.
Wm. Wallace, of Jasper, transacted
business Iu this ueighlsorbuod on Mon
School closed last Friday. Mr. Win
Wilson has given excellent satisfac
tlou as teacher. Owing to the short
uesa of funds, the sclnsjl will la- taught
the next term by the lowest bidder.
A party at Mr. Ueo. Cral tree's last
Friday eveuing is reported as an enjoy
able allalr.
Carl and I'earl Baiighman visited
friends at Thurston last week.
Miss Carrie Hridges will teach tbe
Enterprise school the coming term.
Two Important real estate transac
tions In this place are nearly cuuiutn
m i c.i. ramcuiar will tie given
Dalton Haughmau has returned to
Camp Creek, where he will continue
teaching for some mouths.
Miss Allle Whitney, of Eugene, Is
visiting at the home of her parents.
Kay Mitchell aged 10 years, is giving
a party to hisyouug Irieuds today.
Several men in this vlclully have
the "Nome fever" It is feared, seriously.
Our Grand
Clearance Sale
A Nlltht or Terror.
'Awful anxiety was felt for the
widow of the brave lieneral Huruhain
of Machlas, Me., when the doctor said
she could uot live till morning ' writes
Mrs. h. H. Lincoln, who attended her
that fearful night. "All thought she
must aooudte from ptieuuiouia, but she
begged for King's New Discovery,
saying It had more than om-e saved
In r life, and had cured her of eonsnmn.
t'i-n Ai'ler three small she slept , .
easily all night, and Its further use' lake your furs to the Darker Gun
completely cured her." This marvel WorbOOM gal the highest price for
ous medicine is guaranteed to cure all I "lt'ni-
I hroat, Chest and Lung diseases. On-i Lewis Dennis, Halt ui. Iud savs
ly fiOo and H.00, Trial Uitlles free at 1 ..i- .in. i.iZ , ,
Lluu Dm Co s drug store. K,m1' more g.xl
. j until tin) iniiig i ever 100a. ll digests
Heiuilfs- t'undreti.
The Cliildrens Home-Finding So
ciety receives homeless dependent
clnltlreu aud places them by adoption
or otherwise In worthy families. For
particulars as to committing a child to
the Society, or receiving a child Into
the home temporarily, or permanently,
address Key H. W. Hrayton, State
Superintendent, sau Jose, Calif.
Wall Paper
V f V. 1 1 U I t.. tt VHH ll IV Uldt-oillllUlU ttll 1 J
a a
M " i ' It i .111111' lit, ''' OJI tllVWl llL II
I..:... ...:n ..ft u tx i.
of paper in Eugene at
If you call early you will find a line lino
of designs to select from. The opportu
nity of the season for handsome decora
tive work at a small expense.
,(er from
the V -
Removal and
H.i . u . olrasd (ml nearly ill of my former stock of
giHiJs, I have removed to '.ltd -rest, where in con-
nectionwith L K. Pilars' Pet ,u.l Oroosry, Paints
and Oilt, we are adding a cxpta new utoek of
Dry Goods, Furnishino; Goods,
Boots and Shoes, Notions, Etc.
I tiling business a formerly on a
Oath hasis wi'h aHosita oorrMpond,
STORE, gth St.
A. V. Peters.
o care , o Pay.
That ti the way all dVSRffaai sell QfOVSI
TU-le Chill Tonic for Catttaj Malaria an.l
Billioasaass, It in m (ilraaant te ukeen
l.eiuou Sjrruti. MvuU
what you eat ami can not help but
cure dyspspsla a-ui stomach troubles.
Vincent A Co, Corner Drug Store.
State of Ohio, Ciiy ol loledo, l
Lucas Couuty, j 8"-
Kkank J. Ciiknkv makes oath that i
See Day & Henderson's new line ol
McClanahans' Prices.
Chickens from f:i.2o to 1. 00 per dozen
E(tK lt cents per dozen.
Ducks Ik) perdozeu.
Pin keys, live 11 wnts per pound.
Ucfse $5 and $t per dozen.
scott a aowNi.
Many were Inclined in the ball and
the dance, but what we hav said in
rtrlanou to the oostuunw woru at
cburt'h and the manner of lh cmu
treyaucs thereto ars M similar that a
description would uot W lnteritinKv
The wtllllon was the favorlt "H(rure,"
aud was gauerally uard.
rtuKSK lMI'HoVKD. o
the town grew slowly at llrst but
mad a greater stride later for as house
alter houas was added to the group, lie
Interest was augmeu ted, aud it statu I
had a good oourthouse, schools and a
college, so that In 1W& when 1 aaw It j
BOM, In Portland, Jan. 7, P.XJO, to he is the senior partner of the firm of
Mr. aud Mrs. fcdwln C. lest, a girl. K. J. Chene A Co., doing busiuess in
the city of loledo, county aud state
atnreeaitl, and that saitl firm will pay
I .. Ii and every case of (.alarrh that
Cm Hint i cured by the use of Hall's
Catakkh 0DM.
Kkank J. Ciiknkv.
Sworn to U-fore me and subacribed
in aaj praatooa, this Bth day ol Decern-
tier, A. D., KViB.
A. . (il.KASOX.
Si.e doesn't Indicate quality. H.
ware of counterfeit and worthlesa salve
ntlerwl fur IWItt's Witch Haiel Salve.
DeWilt's Is the only original. An
Infallible cure for piles and all skin
dlsea-e- Vincent vt Co. , Corner Drug
Store. vi . I imatoa. Pa., writes
Darker (?un Works pays the highest
prices for furs.
Siek Headache aotorotalj and pet
manently ciixi by ualof Mokl 'lea.
A pleasant herb driuk. Cutis c -nsti-patlon
and ludlgesttnn. tinik.- you .(,
sleep, work and happv. Satlfi
guarantewl or nmuev back. m. ....i I
For Infant! n.;id Children.
l! Kind Yea Have Always Bougtl
i'.- ars C
Mgaaturo of
"lamwi,i,:,;o,.e,y o.,h thai J ska,. ItolahUo Tor'DoLan?
wascureti of poaataooia entlrelv by ' ' awasno,
the uas One M i. fjaagll Cure 'after ' "Hall's Catarrh Cure I taken Iska 1 nX s ""liern It. It.,
doctors MM. It also Ct I my chil-' n''-v anJ ' blood la ', "'"; J -0
, . . , , ., f , ' and muivus anrfaceeof the system. u-. praise of One Mn ute
dren of whcavplug ivuKh." Quickly Heu.t for tesilmontals, tree. y,lm- Cough Cure. It my case t
. w i- v'.iis, eiou,
grippe and throat and lung trouble.
Children all like It. Mothers eudorse i
IL Viucenl a Co. Corner Drug More. 1
K. J. Ciiknkv A Co..
,'Poledo, Ohio.
Kld bv druggists, Toe.
Hall's Validly Pills are the best.
like a charm." The nil V li,ni ....
remedy tbat givea Imniedi-.'e reau't.
Cores coughs, colds, croup, b-onchltis
I and all throat and lung troublt. Vin
osot A Co, Comer Drug Store.
1 3
aKZu- 1 T.
St r r A,
$2.45 GOLD PLffl
( Ut thin a-l out aMivl m
r.Mti HilNV. ami
'i t ' is. nfttrh br
-t. 'i , t t. I' i it
I'latiiine ll ai 3 ur "r1 -
and If fuund prfre
ur.iafftl; ,r-r"-',"".T
i., ..i. ir ni 'VT;
.nlli.loitf J- ' 1
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