b v NMpM TO CO-WfrSRNiLB-NTfiv aaaa .:: I r X6r iff-. liiaWwtio.wo-M r fa. !- Ste'elS U Hut'eaSy.- . -. rv ofoT-s -v The owS'-tess departmon of tne WEEKLY GUARD e caused con uderabie trouble by corre- atondonta addressing the pro fiM pnetors persons!!. Address n tetters rsfemng to the newict oer or bu imess connected tnere j , with to THE GUARD. Eugene, Oregon, eise y bi M tat fTM -af etfet -a aay .-.a :.im u m 1 0 4d m aat umIm at da aaai far Tt attaw yttj Pa a sat Was Ba t karri aaa at aafat aat aaaf . -a- aaaa a aaaaa. an aat L is sa aat at akn at r" ' atkat taw Waa w -aaa ta-ia aaSaa ae-Oa aw. tw a r-aa - aWI-a aw-asi aa taat -a tStaw aXUSXO eWa-e t"-" ut la dt 'VtrmOom. fasMnc t tlx .... t f .. .tar. '.St. faaaVl BaM wat tuffnat-a with tud do mtur. sad ait as re as LnanjfctUatr Lttkt murrnor quit beyood mtrrpre-a-rlo. Thar woe an toterval. during a L o r a vesta. BWOt-u-a. jbe . .. ua W . tb baa-a . CAMPAIGN OPENED. GOOD NEWS. WriULUALU UltK-UUM, e'ter eeve to C-t CD . -etua-kt -lewaV. M-Mr -..X.v' . ... ...... . . be-tic comment Jti tbi ettoker iq 06M of men in general io tmoki. , . t i . i. - .i-, io tbe proven of women, bi I I'.tri and Taliartrn i. .aiaO"l MMM vo worct a T.tc of!01 ,0M of t k ai. i. vama last, arid tet it IS A th .t Panieular, lit IrsjeJ str oc f Lr baad. M-ntrr c-trt xto tb a ..-. taespai broke, sad, turoiog asTaa it tb -old be dooe. A toan oatod r- tat, i itK ka. I ,rii ihr- navel1 U Ibe loriDeuIrr, .be said: -IJ io OvKitoero OWfM tor kilJii ece a -btt a rrtf.aa.t Ha4 aa4 a ; aaaa. -a ta- a Im1J a ttt- aafT Sal ef a joooooeeeeeseseeseeee . b al " deer out of e-aeoo. an I each Uw tbe jury bsa diaagreed. altbougb it may be preeuai--d tfi: tbere waa eo'iOgri edeooe to contrict. Tee i er urifr.rtooa'e The rol fair riaugbUf u( dil tttal :.a bar a KOiog oo for years in soothers Urefon i a cii-b against a'-eiet, aod ao irj-jry to .eroirlT io tl state, (t n.usi be atui-d oa -bow, sod tbose ebo vtU be elect i memi-ers ot the uezt lemslsturt sboald be pre.rel t ei.act oae -rjr striogeot aid if oeoeeear radical measure, tbat ili hht ibeae wboleeale alauguiereri f deer up ebere they belong with a sbort torn. Tboae especially inter- eated in this subject should -tut) v you were my koo I 'd paieoo jouf Her teigb br, remoriog bis cigar from b:s lips, promptly said: uai do too wrrW t!-atlf dir--t"y la knoe. madaai, re yoo my vile. aivl -ttJi bead oa one akle re- ' ' aar-V-1 ber latently. I a take that potsopr Th gir. m-traed ids caae trr. w.:b amuarineLL -sen with interest and tie taade of an a;,. -rt A : :-M trr i-...-rt-J tie boogaa. oa wnVri. tbe s-uvi(Lt alesiDed in great gold --atcbea. aad co-mtieai aoag birda darted from llcb to limb. aaaklag tbe air -oral aiti tbeir ra ne pta-np. red br-ar'-.l r spfoc and "T " . ..t.-'i i . f .. M . ...i.t t a.d palefaS a caw i MMi on tl be waitetj for br loadlirlftma acrt-i a .... ..,...,. i -- ... . ftaallT wiu. ' ' - ' a rniA from aar ha aad ceotly made of UN 1'ortlaod bealth ,jeiter--usly K'ted dowa a few oot- officer. A citiseo seked for a car- lines. Thee sbe consnlted tbe biigtt lificate to .bo. tbat be bad I btu 1CtJ? . palette aad w:th a raeep bere and b-en regietered smong tbe deal. tbm of broab tran-- He wanted this for tbe parpoae of ferred tbe nw-kas of ber amall featber- suod.ng off a physician bo bsl - ' ... . It d;. to tie Ugtt aad looked at It crlt- pren'ed a claim to bis wife f r tor a in is-ii titea laid It oo medical aervice rendered him la tbe long graas beaMs ber and leaned spake. A a-aaa-M ... ; rof. -or . fa- a to go on. ::.ni. Iwr ej. n a little l; tbe borUn- Tbr aituati-n was growing awkwanl Tbe ,.rofr-. r f-It tbat Lis graap ; it; from b.ia and went on. a little anik'uate : -Vow kuu altutit sorb tblngs girl, fit. rail do Tell me wbat -ball I dor Mr lued Dertoualj witb a d--sd tw. : as be apuke and at-srebed tier ace ui. row It for encoaragement. f't-dora reflected for a moment, tben B" ed wttb decision. ll tlepends," tbe aaid dryly. Uxin ber eyes opoo bis wltb a aertous look. "VesT- Tbe professor turned to ber wttb a qova smile. taffy Ctntrol Cca- It Ll Stated TM III Wheat i CleW's Waireta k iBtact. 3 taatlf GasKL iUCOt T-ia WtMtm "f 'be aBwkHB OMWl aaBaatrP w-a kelel at Mils S I'M S . 1 1 ' v as Sbe e-txt ai- in i- H E SI I .,alrini . . I. 1 a: 1 k. I I- "li ! I'laii '1 mi .. vsatay. Oaiug to a cliaue in tju-atnil. to inmlortJi a lib lbs i.ew law. remoe.ts and atlMTf csuaen tb flral wik of tbe t-oruililltee aa 10 will reOflve OJ In the taeliict coiuiuitteeujeu, to 1 tht-reiu. Tlil- aja.aj . tb'.rougb repre-e"1'1""-' Hllrt f,,iN of the late Robert flnw ale Al. ni ai rniiitr- art- iirefii. aim eciwo Miasuaio. SassSSl to lbs Or iso. ji x'iio.n I'm, or., Jan, in. -olr. Ilea DSaaStirlDI loe whtl In I WUhOtllS and the JUDataOn t ry null, unuer dfnetlOfl of Jtecr'VHr Wa- burue, Ibis afterniaiii dsaiartd ihai tbey belieaed from in-mnn i, IMds I hat all the win at bald for Ninrae i- Intser, and tbat lbs hrruaaj every l.uahel laoed la moat eacellt ui ... , .-.. .I..V.-I V .1 tl...,. .1-. Sak ags.-.f. trunk of tbe tree, ber I . .,,., ,, . v . - . . 1 tt .l K t...l a wh tl the phy-iciao ruppoeed was h.s last luW The rilieaian K..I rTriTZ:. coroer t tw-t bandkercblet 7 r' . , T. --n-tbe .rtber one. yoa know -tb. giseu the man up for deed and af- ttoa oe tbe gleaxniag fields beyond. f( , Above Lr tbe rai-.t rusting oi u.e . . thi oat. rork was expeditiously ctrril very ba.iy over Ihe reault. ter waiting a reaaooab e lime for wind In tl' lea i .a drowsed the aflaoee. Tbe professor gaaed at bst in silrntt "Tl.oe.t.onsnd what k.bl f b Ue m.d. out nV a .llow a-TTb. " ' Li. i.M a - a L. . :J II . I .It.aaa.. ..e' -.fee t"aw4r.M ' ' ' of a law. if any. can be pseeed. tb.t u" - ue -"'-','- will be constitutional, and yet wi 1 reach these fellows who waoUo violate the law, but wbo cannot I e convicted by a jury of bit neigh bors. In the meantime iio e Warden Uuimby must not uecon I He .Ti.i-d IV 8TST. ssKt-i . . a-., J aara in a L,a voice. .kln cerlificale of life to convince tl.- "P. SM araint ,or T.nge-, ner cneea-. , preetaelj tbe - :ut." aaid be. pbysican that neither bis di.goosH Tf" are Tbosy"- be began. I-M,,a lut WD, lo flDd : . . , ..i j i , Otjt. oor eervirea were wnr'ti anyiinn . looaiug iwn at ui a inuc u.unra..,. . - ib. do." abe broke In quickly, emil- I SL. I of uo at Mm as sbe riute An Indiana city baa inaugurated never busy " Fedora prided herself . ua a t , k. ..ij .. upon tbat accompllabmenL "Do tit lie is doing gmd'gime, and adopted a novelty discouraged. w. irk, and it will have some gc I resulu, even if tbere IN jurors i the (tilde of Oiegon wbo perju: thema-lte. Oil join t IMUTlCaV Ti.e lluweourg Review refera ti the candidacy of a K-aehur- BSU for the Lane anJ looglas joint IM alorthip nomination, on the Itepuii lican ticket, as follows: Now, Iloaehurg baa tbe district judge and ditHict attorney, tho latter especliua! to be renominate i by the republicans, and Latin county feels that the thould hsvn at least the ioinl senator. Several down." tbe went on. wttb a brigtt look, pointing to tbe greasy plot oppv schfKil bunding, wbicb in tbe near tlte ber. Tbe professor besltated Bar future may become a necessary ari- ' tuddenly compUe.1 ' , ' , with tbe requett junct to all school building. Tbe A nlc(, -,y " he remarked careless- cit v referred to having lately hid ly at be sat down. a cosily nee house completed, the "?u,rm,nf"r',Urn .TZ' ' veytng him. with a smile. It bad and- board of education ordered it equil - ,ienly dawned upon ber that tbe pro--rd with bathing (aci lilies. This fessor was a singularly good lookin-; it done for the m.intenanoe of n to be ao old-almcatt 40. And :it spite of hit twoeoore years sbe founl ood health, at it ha been decided i herself looking with approval almost I tbat unhealthy people cannot do , admlraUon. Into hit deep, clear eyea. aoove wnicn me nin msaars oi Brown good work in the school room. ' forehead. (All professors bare Intel Latest mail advices from India lectual foreheadsj aasta.s-1 i "I ,on', "ke to interrupt yon. ..... t., ,.,u,r .mu.iiui, K,u,. , wlu a doubtfu, f,mnw, frt ta darker every wet k. Three millions , clplent sketch and Kr-Jora't tmall tre working on government relief Vax ttod fingers, "but there 1 . .... . - ... , at'Diethlng I wanted to say," he went wwoimv. o.m til uullurcll UV "Is be pretty T "Beatrtlfuir replltd tbe profesaor with entbnlasm. "Sbe Las tbe m.; matnlfi"ent brown t-ji-s in the worM aad hair biw do tbey say in novels like spun goM that's It." be BaWCaaaSd Impulsively, hi eyes aglow Kedora's cerulean erf" were atsldH ly mlty tad b-r dusky brown aSAd wat averted. Tie-re ats silence for a few mo atetit. After a little she leaned for ward to pick a flower, ber heart throb turtg vktb-Dily. and the color faded from ber face. Tbe praftasor drew a lou: breath an 1 sigbl "Sbe d-n't give me any eti coura-remetit." bt- Vt uturol. n-cardltit ber alth s ioeallonins. btif wislfu. 1 -.1 Sifl..al...u " I.S K.a aVaaaaaa 1 S hair wsved back from an Intellectual ' ' ' lMlmu " " io i.frfii. auv rare tor some awt else." I Tbe professor tare! at on. tugging at hit watcb charm. "Keally?" She gave a little cough and turned ber eyes expectantly upou him. "It's It's Important." faltered the pn. feasor awkwardly, meeting ber gaxe. Fedora broke Into a Rttte soft laugh, and two dlmplet came into ber face. "What'i the mattirT' be said, look- ind no rain it expected until June. In her In tstaelskmf t a sutplclon . i arising In hit mind that be was being rvated wttb unnecessary levity. If the Boert had all the voluc- -You looked so-so sertoua," tbe re turn up the tituation, it teem to lie I t,ra recruited tor them io the piled, with toch a charming little grim a cat id not enouirb olbces to g sround. csudidate are already out for ti.e , starving parent it becoming oom pIsce.includ.ogH. H. Friendly, of m0D Families sre being broken Kugene. and S. . Mxirt.-ad, )' . " . i.un au , u eacu ujeiI1 i.r (,ir llajse f , Junction Cit. and they do uot re- ' . oeive kindly the informstion , rch of lood. Abandoned chil brought borne from Koatbury. dren are lound with frequency. It Neither are George Brown and bin ; i s famine of water at well as food. Irieods very snzious to iu . Cule. are ti wing off by thousand, I . ...l.l.ibl I I . I.I I l,u las couiny mail iiuotitt ti arena for joint senator, believiog tbat it would completely abetter bis chsnces for renomlnslion. To her in (.-on latMStH "I never-thought -of-that." he said slowly, dltiay ateahng into his tone as bis eyea anugbt Ut-r with an inteue lk as thou:ri -earching her inmost aouL Tl.f SSBjaaj tl.at naWwed was uubro ken fur BSSSS nxin i uta Finally he tpt-kf "I htipt.' you have not made a m! take." hs alL rising to go. "tiecau-t It Lu-aut mueb to me everything." He was lia.klng ilow n ujx.n L-r. and there was mim thing in lu eyes the OH MV K TRAL t OHM ITI KE. Tbe rounty central itnuniitU-e a- ll now stands w:th the add'thum and other changes, h a Mleersi North Eugene No 1 rt VV Tsylor North Kug-iie No J L, H Jniiiiin r-Kitli Kug-ue .No I 41 K vVilliaui Ktuth Kugrne No i-O R Chriibiaii Bailey Wm Matbt-r- Blsutou H Paine Blue giver Geo U Venngbui boberuia-J W Cook Ka-t t'ottage (iroye-O K Kuox We-t outage Qrove W s (Tbrisaosii Cress ell-W V Kcitt I h-sber J V Hun amp Creek J M Dick i ayo:e V J K B intra H E M-.-Clure hairiunutil T B Anderson Kali Creek A D Hylaud e lorence O V Hurd Five Rivert-H M Pnndel ti when A L Ibmev tiale Creek J J Psplot (J enti na W T Bailey Hfrtnanu J L Tsjrl 'r H.x l Dell-D Kllaoa Heceta Ira Bray Irving E A Bond N. Junction F Monrliead r. Juuclioo J H Miller Jaeper-J B Hills Like Creek A J Burnett Lane H r-immois Long lorn J J Wiun Lrsw Valley w R Psrkey Middle i (irk A U Hylaud Mabel A Lewis Mouud F L I'reusbaw .tlapleton a 1' Koowlet Mohawk B bkiuuer MrKeurie A r? Foaer Fleaaaul Hill-n Rigdou itichardstin J 8 Custi Saginaw J F Walkt r riiuslaw J H Crow nprlogfleld- J C Brattain Hpeeesr J it Liles Tburalon H M Price Walton C W Lyons Wallace J U Powell Willamette-M J fk inner Zutuwalt J W Hollenbeck 1 1. tlT Ili-IUt. Jan I 1.. I., t I .M ..I' Ml 11 l-t.i I. II M ..... paf. waSDIIIg out b in -nit-raw.- lei eltis aini i.auiagiiik; tber property, M r' no -aril. 'lie llpti,. lual . it rtSf lalleO ti I liomeitlls v aeeounl of i t k waier. nr. ituiiot i- nouir iioui a f i j . ri h'av . . I. ..... Ltk Sthu ai JUILlll, minr 1IC It U"l UK O U 1 Vt S lot of dental work. Vi. i iii 1 . i a in 1 i. I wii .11 1 1. .. lid .'or :i number of years, died mid- (lav. ftlie was tmrieil at I'leaasiit Hi I cemet-ry Monday. t I I ' . I II A .- L .... ll. --..-". it in it trr alio rru, (I r.U.'elii.. Vli-lttd by tbe b(i I.Ie of M r. Jordan. Ihelrttt sciinoi cioeen rndayun ll I in HM V I I .1' III V .ill ur v I I a four month lerm. I l u.. ... .1 -71... . t. . I o 'ill nn nun. i.n, i'i i. in ii-na a . ...in i.'a'i in io . -m' i iniir. 'u. iiii.iiiii-; Io I in-lieii Mood, tt.. i.i . . . .. i . i i I t re-ent writing. l)r. Cbeali ri of Kugeoe, i in attendance. 'I l.l- ... A 1. . . . . .1. i nn. nt ik in i ii n u ii ai'ieii-i oi i ii e liiue in that a Christian Hejeooi "faith doctor" was bere three or f. u Ua laal aeek liiallni; the sick slid - -' -. . a i.. . . i m i. ainiririi . t:iiii v uuiuoer n am 111 I are inking trealnteflt, and the lisui cuit ate lieing i tlected. r. it rarker, notary paoiid lit oeeu h ii.i.iiue i r. k! - m um ninrer Mr Lost Valley precinct. Win. William wa kicked a few days slno by a horse, laying bim ou thedry iiock fur several day. Rao, I lie Supreme Com I From ihe Telegtani. K. S Ileaii h native Orsgocian burti in Taaklll o.unty, in lN'd. He was elect! su prem ladflt t-efnrs he waa 30 years old He it the aecoud native of this stats to occui'y s seat on the suprene lnh, lbs Sr.; bein .linlk.e .1 vim li. Walia Judge Moor was burn in the state af Main 55 years SM, lie HUI'KH IO PRKVKNT PlKTlll'. The emprvstadowager of China has lasued a warning address to governors of provinces in a huh sbe tbowt s becoming appreciation of the dangt r which threatent tb empire from foreign aggression, i nited Stabs by tbe yellow jour- a, ,. and a look so prorounaiy innocent that the Drofessor Imtnedlatelr dls- n .il, they could sweep the Koglitb ! missed his sutplclon at unworthy. "If you don't mind, though," he pur sued, a little uueailly, hi eyes on ber out of South Africa without the slightest trouble. But paper vol unteer can't fight. l.m I hat been selected by the U. 8. lar.d commission for the uni versity of New Mexico at Albu- querijue. it is located in the ex. and holds tbem lo strict respo.iti- ; treme uorlhweilern of g, bility for immediate defense oMrro county, sod compriset 1,06,1 their res iiec live tirotliice. thouhl attack lie made upon them. The various power, he says, sn casting uon ut look uf liver liki voracity, hutlltng eu'b other u their endeavors to be the first U eise upon our innsrtnost territory They think tbst Chios, bavin- t iti.tr money nor troops, would never venture to g to war will them. 44 acres of land PtihlLANP'S l.KrT I KOHI'KKll V HANMKI' otaaaaian Jaa. H The Oregooian fully agrees will Mr. Uoldtmilh in hit ttstemem tbat "the assessor it uot to blsmi for whsl is called hit arbitrary re duction. Il reduced itself, as far as town lots srs concerned, sot' bad reduced itself ever tinoe 18u3 though tbe unreasonable meott vers kept up till 1H99." Wbea lie Would r ight. All i lUrikUoaiialitisafvir which Seaator IWietkig caaas to Waal. tag-, n aith a ooa sklsrahla rsiuUtiua aaaa. It has aatinlv ilia aiwarl It may ta, though, that ks will show them il taxaaiua raauirss. It is cartaia ooa thai hia ahole atUtuiia ia .e n iea.. A tary .! atiary ia told as.) rstukl bar about oa l lWi aekbre fn.n la ako want tu hUB aad tohl him that nhroete. he kad an) l.liUt-al roa U wiuat ua hia support. The rentleaiaa himaall tails the aUiry as loUoas: "Sroal r IVa.aii Lr,'. (.-, m lh. i laa.l aail hil Hike tirsai m a hen he replied m a tery gaatl rtsVa: fu a I would rather you would not that you would Iw a little serious" "Yes, certainly," assented I'edora. with alacrity, pulling a straight face, but with a glimmer of a tmile showing about her mouth. Then the professor -leant! hit throat and went on with t alight bealtat oo: "1 have a proposition " He ttopped abort and looked at ber In a helpless sort of way. a ilivary little siiiile. The profeasor' fa-e brlghtenetl "Welir' said be, almost holding his breath. The girl did not Immediately reply Something seemed to clutch St ber tbnt I'ri .iutly she lifted her eye suspl lasoaly bright to his and said slowly, ber Voice half tremulous: "Just tell her in a straightforward, manly ua- 1 1 at you -love ber aud waut a-MTious anawer." She droppetl her eyes tuddenly aa tlie encountered his look not easy to evade. There was an Inaudible stillness, f cameUi St Helens, i '. luniliia county, in 177, t:tion to' the thief Jostic F. Moor bead moved that represeti bad never aeeo tbere before. latum at tne county convention be ' Ihere Is only one wav- to find out. tpportioued as follows: U.ie delegate 'L she said, sneaklne l,eru!. a!lv l.i a-i.i, at knw heaaah aaasiaaW r.., u..i. ' ... . supreme jaQgt in IK 15 votes, oMractlon thereof, as ca.t lor , Ort Zl Z 1 Z Z tteer lor governor. Cartien Chair- In kj he was elated M hU pr-aeat ott.e. man McCoruack -lltuate h retire-! All of the ludna. .,wi .i....,. sentatlon of IS" delegate by this ap-. f the hw before being electeti to th . portlonmeot. Ed Moved by B, B. Eakiu that a c-om-mittee of Ave be appoiuted, and that tbe chairmau of the couuty ceutral committee l chairman el this commute-, to ascertsiu the number of delegate from each prtciuct to be wncn. iney are personally of vet. ;.ea-iit dispoeition. ami meet all viitors wiih a kir.ily K-eetin- tlat kr made them ma-iy frteu la. Ihe juiL'ra work io a manner moat satin nsSttfJ to each. Judge Bean usually dicl'- t tl nok.apher. Judge Moor?, at a rule, writes h' opinions iu full, while L'hisf Justue Wotvartoa employs bjlh methoja. The st- publiebed a-, as early a date a practi-1 , T . ' , 1M ble Carried , r"al " vraphers not only ty- rib) th opinio--. " tiTtiiI r Tirlfy talkialll-a thid. ut i uuer ine motiou. the committee a appointed stands: H. F. McCoruack, she exclaimed, with a "And you want the by- "Ah. I tee nn rry Utigb imthetltT Preclsety so," returned the profess or, hi face brightening. He thought that his task would not be a difficult one wltb tuch an appreciative young woman. "And uow to the point." be contln ued. gtvlng her a serious look. "A point Indicates mere position and has no magnitude," Interposed Fedora flippantly. "1 uppose not," replied the professor Wltb slight sternness "But It Is not a problem In geometry tbls time," he concluded, the glint of a smile hover "at , log about his lip, his voice calm. OOT eiclaluied the girl with wide eyea. as tbe folded Ivtb hands In her latStli, by coiupa-.u,,. th th urkdatl, Thi- relieves the lud-ea of ! llora Wi" kjoklog away like one In a ; chairman; E A. Bond, Irving; R. D. enable them lo give mon tim, lh ,x Johnson, Eu-' animation of case that must he .Uvideii. l-ortnerly the tin Hawley, Creswell; L. H res ju Iges occupieii but una tflea, t it at the beginning sf Ust year change, aere ma le, Bt that now each judge ha an "See by himse . This facilitate individual work, anJ prevents many intsi ,-uptioos hy visitars who call upon one ot th juilges. dream, her hands lying cold and pa sive IU tier tap. Frank Moor,,.! I.aasl. The sunshine circled atmut her n-J j u vv,ii,., !a.t . ' brown head In a .blmmering ralobow " NN ""Ui, B,otwl lhat th Tbe prof,-sor looked acn.s nt her ot","ul " n piwer lo deter his eyes full of unexiHvted adtniratiou n-,u' time of holding primaries his hands knotted close together. od county convention. Carried. After awhile he leaned tuddenly to i tu in Hlon of J. H. Met lung, ad wsrd her and with a quick movement :jourued. ft.Mt.wl iMttlv li.tr lian.lM In I I. - -" .... ...... '.i . - .'..i i i. . . , . "Fedora I love run Will v.... m.- Many nnainrs. men insert a sm" iJve.Jae mc" ."saltation I tree. msnt one or taioe in a publication "u a The girl gave him a twlft. startled ... d thn .it Itack and wait to tee what glance, and the color flamed to her . CrU,n nht M"P-'i" 'r! went to visit conie " tays an e-chaags. t,'uibi cheeka while the tears and tmlb s I 'n .D "' lh B-'o'hl""n tosroa. nUurallv, uothiag-or nt b. aothiag-eomf- ttrnggled for mastery. roni lh J I 'a of her a-rival h Vd "f I'f.p'.e ahoses your adrerUsemn.t "But - but my hair It not gold." th.. I"1 dJ ,h ruUns" ten, ia.ua. I ,or "r lwic are jnst itewinning to take n. K exclalm.-l. with a purde l lltt'e biugl l"-abl adjunct to aa "awfully go. J tim,,, :"f wht tau tay, and i srhapa t-rea. :.. to taking Sfcjrtj at bim. "aud my eyes Jld "P her in k sat number. She had " your ,:oods a trial. The next tim tl.r.v are-blue." lo ol beam aad was the enty of all the riVh ovr lh advei -.isemtnts io their favor, :e ' My dear Hoy, there la out gulag u-hsaav Up and fixed uivn hlru a look of arave p a I mm I havs any roa aiU aaybtje attention. If aayhwly au U. have a row -iU, ., ! He hlfted hit stltlon a little, pulled .ill rat ...v tn-m him: aot oaly that, hut j at a tuft of graas, tben looked across I will rua hard. Put, aided Ut aseatar. at ber wltb tudden resolution and ailh a .litter al tat sye. if aavbody .atrha poke. "Suppose that-a-man"- up ana ae there ai.i la Ut-jWe. ' laJlaa I The professor stumied thort And mine." said he. taklug her In sirl in town. hit arm, "are color bllnd.'-fhlcago .News ' paper yon arn't thera. l'ons.ueuUy the nisi. Nsw York Tribune: Tbe fol lowiog story io sltributed to -ar-bsll P. 'Vilder: Sims eveoiag ago s mau was ssslsd in Lbs cor- apolia 1'rsav '. th iafortualMa of our ItuiaJe ras.lt r. of th alas la peesuaaiw. wa would suu that th raasoa hy I '..' is 01 1 a hasp yrv, al UtHiih it is ditiaible by four, ia that, 01 i in It th lirasoriaa ajaUw, o huh our . aleo lar is baaatl, th . I wing year of a .aatury is arar a Usap ysar Balsa it i eaatly divWbl by 400. Th astt leap yea- a ill Uftos, tka bust soviet beta Its. tteaalrlac Teallry Wire a. Esch road has two or three trouble wagons," oue st each car shed Th. horse sre tralucd like those of tne Art department. The crews are always In readiness. Along the line, at interval-, of a few blocks, are tts0Si laixt-i W be there It trouble along the line, t alarm la t. . I In .. n.l .1... Wll" ah. ..i- 1 l v. -"V... . '. """ "e.ol lawwa urt mm rianaatsl tit- a . i I.m ..i.M.t.i..!... i I... ,. n , , , ... i, ii i. in., an i iu.o vm aui.u uauu. and cleared hit throat again In a diet-on verted tort of wty. Fedora met hi gmt with a mis chievous trade and chewed tbe end of ber long paint bruh "That a sian Is " "Yasr "Wall la tore, yog know." bt Uun- wlre reivalrera. hasteut to the mm.. There are 2i of these wagons, tuauul by nearly 100 uiea.-St. LouU I'uat tilapatch. lo th mm to of th week teteral "in dvertiae ta-liy and perti.tentlv a ii.- thiogs" in the sbaa of lectures, operas and th'ir vuon lenc and gets their trad, it ll ter-optioo eihibiti.n, that fav, nllki , oajaj jiu. aal proper thst ha should, (ft town ailh their medi.v,; y, ,, t) uu-losly . ingtotak the trouble to hoot u; littl place. a man who shyly bob up to th rariao now Although th young men talked about the ' ,od tima' n boD ,lown agajn y?" a WlratJ ov" her Albany Democrat: There are people beoeht, not a mao invited h.rt0 . : , uere are peop.i- teruiom.ot "aglata- bo make a practice of bumming their At brat ah n. chagrined, finally ah bw- I ioC' p,per" r"l"" "round the stores cam di-utsd sod indignant; a, hen Suaday 1 'ld B,U'UK "0 Btal glaOOl al tl.ein. night cam, and oo of her oilint beau I Tt"" M C t ' "u a' 'ts-t lu ot e aaked her it h would go with him to churi h ,'latv. tbat tbe pa.er was ordeied d -hrplid.with diada:o lw,j f hrconUre "vered st l,le res i'ence. A City will -for tb cUaaaes eihiHie I by th youog aiea out newepaper would be a poor place olth. town -'I-hsakbsavsr, saJeatioa'sfrssr j to live In, therefore every man should s-MeaJi oala-imw. pay hia own way.