Eugene City Guard i HA lUKK A v TO CORRESPONDENTS. The business department of the WEEKLY GUARD is csused considerable trouble by corre spondents addressina the pro prietors peisonelly. Address ait letters referring io the newso per or business connected there With to THE GUARD, Eugene, Oregon. - l IOB ma i. ii BO B I i II k. The Vain, Malheur county, H r aJd ha the followio(? enroiiraqinif a'-counl of nood county government Mond throuirb a union of the re-I form forces. Tim station of our ooanty oili oere chosen from Um populist ami dtanneratia parties, aiinol by lbs silver republican, ban proved a HuccesK in Malheur county. It ha baao a boon in loa taxpayers In more way than one. With ellic iency in the work or t'.e various officer i- comprise'! n cuii-ereatltn board oi oommiselonere, boas nf fortn in curtailing thfl county inileblctlne will not -ui l for- Koiten. Instead ol our oount warralltM l!inK at 60 OaOW and 86 OSDtl on the dollar, an wan nolic ahle nodal tli" old regime, no our warranU Itring from $6 ''nt- to 98 ccnta. Thank to a f'iinn govern iiient. Fusion has rid lha e unity Of a favoritism that WM M l"iiK iii vogue, and supplemented an eco nomical snd judicioUH inanagein ml that has met tba tppi ihation of every taxpayer in Malheur county. With such conditions exiting there will need hut little effort to rally the democratic ami populist parties under one hanner thiM year, which will be heartily endorsed hy all friends of good governiueul. (JUR MOT tUrtTOMKK. The gentlemen who are contin ually waging umiith, snd pan anil ink contests agaitrnt Great Britain should study the recent exhaustive report of the chief of the foreign market diviali n of the ARricul tuial df pertinent 'it Waahlnftnn, The period covered ih Is'1 1 t' 1888, Tba statement IDCWS that the agricultural prodtMta exported from the Uniteil State: In tbl live years had an average annual value of C03,.i3H,20T. t)f tbee eonr iuouh export, about 00 per emit found a murket in the United Kingdom and its various depen I enoies. The sum paid hy the lirilish people lor the American farm product piirchanod during the parted mentioned reached as high as 1408,968,964 year. Qrant Britain alone took more than one halt of all our agricultural export, the consignments credited to that country forming shout .V per cent of the toUl shipments having an annual value of -f M0., 407 ,701. Considering these tlgures our past difficulties with the old coun try should not he Harbored in vengeful mood especially when it is considered that we invariably got the better of the scrimmage. H. A. BARR Writes Ten f os! Years. Pints it for yourself I'rimi tka K'' 8 fifteen to that of forty five a woman Hir, oii third of her time to llir miff'rinj imi'tmt to tiir rscarriag psriodle 'unc tion. Ten year of tillering! A.II.1 I Ilia Ijf , ul.irly ii I Mtl nat-, .mil ennurctl a a lenn nidi . lia.ih.litv for which UMfll no ht Ip! U$fbkt u I.-!.. Tlier la IHIt fur fvrrv aav ii i m t wo'iufi tu! for :tliit(mt fvvrv woman at i S f r K.-f-i nrniiMK in me ue i it. inff I'rrarrititi'in. It lamri . rsgnlarity, 'inr. tin- lrin BMtioo and ulceration and cam fa null- wi-jknevi. It i ii teni-i.irire Medicine nonaleobolk and nan narcotic. I , ,. . wrak I .In! n-rf h- Lrnih U walk BCrOfll "iv r .in " nl, Miaa labS Villrt 'if KeW Cluvulrocr, Cl!ov Co., Kf. I . I ofl iitfr.l UM One an.! m nrni- rrliair irsaM M .r.lonic t an.l th UiMof if ! rt I tlio h.l pclU which (hi '! h t wi'l wrn I umiiiik HI I '1M nn Kin IretiKiH li"i "r iii''o.iy lnin ii.i4htr; w very wrll o'l nrrv..iu all Ih li n Wa ifin-l 1" my l'l l'r llirr in .iiiliaan l I lir Soetor i"l'l i voauo nv-r i.. ,n, btU I llesd In Ihn rjr fnm ' ,i I ,.. I i.v a kln.l frlm.l lo try Or Here"! .T . t.i.1. r .i,.i i i t. rav.iiir ri-., ii.ii'ni. w-i.- - Intr I ll.l'l l iartl w l.tllr of II I rould w irk all lUf I l" lo " IxSllr "I Ih , I, I'ri iii.ll-.ii li'1 hIkiI &vt vll ill In rtei ' I'rllri I oacii un Mher Mdl i if I luvr ucvri h'l rtiuro ol Ihu aim V " an Interesting From Dawson. Letter imrif if ma. Jan. 1, IMA vte may aea falaaprtiplit, twHwoain i . ,. ly liellevewlial w -ay, wheu we Ktawaaji aflnlon Uaal M l koihk In OaSV, The walk re ley anil pMSta arn riaaajag A little MOW ami we wi.ulil eall It V In It Unlay. We hail a rallnaul wrick right In town it week Tti angina polb UiX loaded ear out of the luuilier yard when, HI rear IliK a hIIkIiI curW on UM awlteh, a Ihix ear, which waa los t- ...I I -an i ... i. k 1 1 L' mi ..lie aide tolilllnl oVrr. M. K. Muhbte i in receipt of u letter ,.Vj, wheela on the track. The from II. A Harr, of Dswaou i it , MH lP,, win, ili very elllclenl If, W. T., banrlnr date of January , I of lh pile driver, now at work at 1900, which l IntereHtliig In many 1 ,hB limine, righted the car PBIti and Klve mention lo many well- ,iurn(( tin-day and r. loaded the luni known l.aiie (ounty panftHt, He i-ayx H,r in part: J. U. .latloi K alio lamny are una-iv eivct much laroaaiarioa itualel lo llawaon. I lo V have Htore full of choice) merchandise ami appear lo bt doing well. Mr. Work- nan, of tbo Mnatow, to wofklog on a heiieh claim on livett Kiilch. Jiieoh Klein I In the . inploy o Itr Thomp aon on om- of bll claim on (lold BOO, He Is well and it hearty anever. Jak- NeUalHlUiii I worklli on Hunk. Mr. J. U Ooodnla It reported a rwoverhiK horn her late paralytic Mtroke. Mr. M. Itorna lia batn on the ick lit but I now rjovalaadog. A little Hon ol Mr. KrhdeiiU r- dM l-ridav nlarht alter an iiine of several week, and waa bOrfM in the I. O. U. K. cemetery HumUy A Kurirlcul operation wan perfoimwl 'Want of Watchfulness Makes the Thief. ..uny coses of poor health come from want of watchful ness. But if you keep your blood pure no thief can steal - health. The one e'fec- . nstofi I blood purifier is "s Sarsaparilla. r'.cie'iBooA-"Myfaihtrl,M . . . -i lri-jl!td-wthdisorcfrcdb!oodjnJ VCih bifli Hoofs Srnpdn:U fruit Kjn :tror.g And hedthy. he uorks evtrj A. S. W.a. S. Eislon, Ti. Humor-" WD I ffd Mood pert- I Uke Hood's Strsf riru'U. h cute I my humor and is ticellent u a nerve ' ," fate Ellon. SUfford Springs. CI. Our Grand Annual j Clearance Sale Still Continues. .1 . nil II"" ill'"" "o Irrll""" c i iak. Hi "-"' iwrllll. ' -SJ-lwaU we. KJ i p. www " " cre-k. t l ireuc-Adam Is working tor on the diaaoasd tblgb of Claud Taylor me." I last Monday, which It i bopad, will 1 1 liar r amivi t ii h) man Una w inter hrliiu ahnul hi recovery. At lal at- 0 per 'lay lot laborer- and $10 fn count he wa relli;K -aeily . AN DIAPPMOlAlBu AM MAI,. Despised or illy thought of as it is, the mule really merits a tlcsl ol consideration these days, from the commercial standHtint. It is a fact that the demand for this ani mal is growing tstder than the sup ply, and the consequence in a steady advance in its price. This is due to a certain extent to a better uii derstanding of the real value of the mule as a worker, and also to the improved breeding of the animal itself. It is larger, stronger aud better looking than the old-time mule, and seems to be getting more oivil ixed, too, or a liettcr lichaved fellow, which is douhtlcss due to better treatment than was formerly given hint. Another reason for the good demand is that the Ameru.'iii molt i highly regarded by outside buy ers, hence the foreign demand is good. ply the limi-h government with the five or six hundred million franc representing the cost of the war during the next three months. Thai it ih probnblt that gold will continue to appreciate and bcoinc scarcer in Kurope. We anticipate that the mont m il ' period "f the I'inglisb monetary crisis will be towards tb and Ol February. 1'JOO iiiibrH, Indaedi there bO inter vention for the rextor ition of ieace in the meantime. When it is finished the offioisl history of the War of the Rebellion Will he the OOStlieSt Istok in the world. It i being issued by the Government of the Hinted State, and at a cunt oi to date of about 2,000,000. It will consist of 112 volumes, including an index and an atlas, which contains 17 plttOf aud maps illustrating the import ant battles ol the wsr, campaigns routes of march, plan of fort and photographs of interesting scenes, i n iic - and i'rons. i-liullieera. Almit HSJ dOO team ami HO jisn iipsntsd tn laora tbo middle otlhl month for Nome, a dllaiiee Ol asst ssllaa, and it in axpootod Mm i-. pie will l'-ae the vicinity of Dswaoil for Nome durlim lheeaon. Mr. linn iHVervhiiler in hi denuuclatiou of dominion i.yn ,tmn for Blolog men, and aM-il that either reeull will I Mr un. I Mr. I. W. llllmali well! lo Lobsnon the tlrt of (bll we. k and are expteied home today. Tne m-at market h i- hei ii clo-.-d for pjri I day, the proprietor la-lOK uu ahle loll ml bSSf cattle to llpply the demand. Mia It l'atteron, teacher of the ami art-ii lliai eiiner reeun win . , . ,.,.. ... . -.ur inary department ha taken room Kept iroin me loyany iuiii-,-io oi nn - - - . . .. . , . ,.. , ,t Mr. T. audiiyn "luce it ha neen dtrlclwi ! viriually aOandoiiHl. looMiormv t'i walk in fnim her former I' in I I one ol i ni- Kreatet trouble lu "VT . coolend with. There will b emiUKh OOOfdlOg lace. for tbl aeaaon, hut after that it will he Hoy Hallard ha (roue oack Kat on very acan-e. With the Introducllou of a vlalt to hi graukmother. Kteam thawera much more work can he Mia Nora Wilcox t xi-ct anon to n doOM now loan formerly, aud Mr. to Harnaborg to accept a poalUoo in a liarrexpi-ct a larger output thi year hotel there. than ever hefoie. Wood I now Helling BiaUlloatbMM will begin at the puh- for S'JU pi r cord and very utile miereu ,,,,, ,1 -iurday, Kelt. I. The WiHHliueii reports grand time lor that. "Tbl district I at present writhing in the throe of official death. After much priieetiug under the greatest of dlffltrulllea, hy men who are leaet ahle to dn wi, Indian river and trlhu- tarlea lall hut a few claim, ha baOO at th.-lr InSUlw ttofl lat aturlay ulkht. Tba pupils of tba grammar depart mi-ill met laal ulght at the home of Prof. FulbefBOO In honor of hi Another champion of the doc trine of greed ha hi tire punc tured, say the Rosobarg Bovine) Kraslu Willi ii n is a bankrupt and will pay his creditors shout half a cent on tin dollar, says an exchange. Not Iod ago be wrote a book oil "How to Succeed ill lill incria." Hnpmnd a a model of coinmen ial v irtnc mid success, lie eulogized the advantage ol a gruh-as-grab-can system of business; and now he oilers his creditors 18,880 to satisfy claims of $918,000. San Francisco is haiug another high-binder war, the worst in years. The mysterious Chinese societies reoognixe no oivlllsed law, and a hen a real or supposed injury is inllictod by one "long" toward an other, an era of murder and crime begin which often lasts for a long DUlod of time. The cunning of the highbinders is usually more than a match for the vigilance of the police and few of the otlcndcrs are ever britiuhl to justice. The dillerence which thirty years sometime makes has been very concisely put by a biographer writ ing the character of a certain king. 'At eighteen, he was a gay aud handsome prince, skilled in music and ready with his pen. At forty eight, he was an unwieldy mass of corruptt d llcsh und evil passion.-." The city could do some profitable work on the crosswalk at Horn's barber shop. When tin te is rain the crosswalk acts as a seaer and carries the drainage of the stm" snd streetcar track onto the sidewalk. granted ... aonossriona from Ottawa for btrtbdoy. Tbooeenlng waa pan in a mere pitta. All the government the .jolly way of a . SUOh ga.he ,.-, fraitlons ST) on Dominion have bs.0 ly had a good I h-.e . nrcHent were- Mi and M r t u keraon, old in :tawa for SO amount le than preent wen. ii i . MImhcm I. villa unit Etta Alfnrd, DOlM oi f Ibe claim went for one year Mle l,ma ana i- . i.-1 in i Viidiivn. I,o-, and Kthel Leach, Nel- iign III Itawaon. rn me rwioinn,,-' . ,, . ak , in i li,. II. . -on Jenn e, . -Itle and .-ruh trlhutarli no more location will he 1 ' . 1 ' . . DuTi.HK.oh Jl 11. Mil. of lal I),. MICK.-laOU, 1,1.111.- I ..'.. NKW MANAOKR APPOlWkW. K m. Doeabos In Charge ol Westers t'dlnn and Well-Kargo Huiueap. It M. Donahue, who recently ttk oborgoof ibe Weba-Pargo Ominnnjr's Bagena nflloei jrestordnjr took ehrK'- of lbs Western Uolofl l.uaiuea. ui ssodlngO. M D"ri,v 1,1 u,'u i""-"'"'"- Mr. Dorlty will Hike a pMttkNI "ii Hie road. Mr. DoMbM I- well ipialitled for hi new position, I a bright yoUOg bnslnees man, and well seqnsinted ' with the hulnesof the companies he represent. He will et once re-etah-li-h a messenger ytem in connection with the ofllee and will prove a wel come addition to the buines com munity Bities Uarriwui will be oparator at tba ofllee, and is a capable mini for the position. A "Dot" Town. Asbland i hav log an IntOrOStlng time with the saloon question. A romonstrenos againai glaliting auy Hal'Miu, signed bj 2l.t legal voter aud -II women, wa preeuled to the council meeting Mon day evening. The liliiheHt number of vnte illed at any city election was 407. Knur application, for renewal of IIOSDSS were liefore Ibe council, but each laektd the rnmilte numlier ol leual signatures, aecordliig to an ordin COMFORTS See Day Henderson's new line COMFORTS. A MmiMer Devil rili Destroying It victim, is a type i f ooostlpatloo, The power oftblamnr d.n is nmladv I felt on orgaus and dnev and h-n Lion Drag t'ii - drug loiinich. hver. kidney ami n wci- I.ulu Matbew and Nora Wilcox; MssereClerenosBnltb, Welby Wltklns, Eddie I'eeter, Herirert Vnndnyn, Ho. iiurl'llve ami llarvev Taylor. Booob ombel UUISprsSSOted claim cannot be located aa la-fore. AttOBptS are Mug made to murle the pre to i-p I ll pillule iroui irniiniia; v,i-r - .. ,.....-, am Sditof Of .he Hunday Hluar. t.rim Micke.o, ' fj meaner, K. W. Hem pie, was recently '", t'lalr v aughan and Ouy Him lined tlls-'t tor contempt, ami not "" allowed In go over to the bank to get .....I I.-..!. I l.. r.. - .1 ... I il,.. 11. .o,,-. nerves iiii iiiu-i-ie niio man - am-, ' ,' , , no health lill ii' overcome. But Dr. I were not granted, um manor eras JJJJ 8r f, held open lor lurlber examination, Beat lu the world for however. Two of the aloon which failed 0 obtain llosnss have clo-ed and Only -.ft lent, a the other keep o-H, but, it i sai l, d Store. no! sell llqoor. if all aliui llosnses -I, ,ii he r. fn-eil an extra lax evv f ' 1 mill mi property will he neoMsory, There I a dUposltlon to rslss the llceuae lee from Mm to liiSl or $-SU0. Ifc0.75 BOX RAINCOAT I I'-ll l. r )X, I 3 t'llK. (he money, hut wa placed lu jail while one of the officers wa sent after the amiuilit" Tot urea laid lu tine Day. Take Laxative Bronso Qnlnlno Tab lata. All dragglsts rsfand tbs money if II fall to cure. K. W. t Irove's algna ture I on each lix. ittc. t.KnglltlUl lilunder Will often caue a horrible burn, oald, cut or bfOlee. Hucklen's Arnica Halve, tbo beet In tbo world, will kill the pain and promptly heal It. Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcel, IhiiI-, fel on, corns, all skin eruptions. Beat pile cure on earth. Only KB ota, s bos, Cure guarantied. Sold by Linn Drug t'o. uruggist. riiAir.ii OUT. Dull headache, pauis in various parts of ibe body, sinking at the pit of tbs stomach, los of appetl, feverishni pimples or wires, are all positive evidence of Impure hloial. No matter how II became so, it musl be purified ,.,u n...l l...u1,l. kaBi. I III lilill'l in iiiiiniu a;i..,i iirniui, iiunn r KIimmI Klixir has never failed to cure Scrofnlousor Hyphihtic poiwou, or auy ot her bliNid disease. Il iscerlullllv a wonderful remedy and we sell sverj bottle on a DOSItlVS guarantee. Kor 1 ale bv W I, Del. alio. -steK- XT' 7 U r i ft.. 1 v tli. I . ill ex, mi ITI'M, ill.. wS 11 kl I 1 1 ll t r crun tirt iint'CV t i.l Si iii.ii mSSSR MM .'. atain eaaiasre lasbra uruod hsadt at hceost, UksB osei J M l uantor rail. ela.s Hpuader nrvsit, UH I we talll nriiiluu llltBCMWl by tt$MM l.n.p., .ii' -M lo oiamloottoex. Ks mlnr anil frv it onnt s . . i egnrwaaufllre. and If foon.l etaelli ' a rrprvaeeiiet) 04 Ibe njtgj waneVrfol Blue tori sirr wmm 1 oanal lo bm rei u tm hoy nar MA ... 111 H 1 SI'r t 11." M HH i nn t, J2.75, Mei j SEND ... i ur hi tun E3enfTaBanr?eV eaBBSHnBrk. Hi ,- - i'J ---' . 0IT lgkl tt) 1 eiftl iiiiiubwr nM'ht r ImkIJ at "ai ano ami r will mm. 1 UmsllM MBal t yuu bjr nprg. 0. 9,4 e VALUE saw or (. mi tMCI&L I lafrtl a. 11.1 , m r e,r.i.for i.utw miiv. . I W . a I. I..I .1.1- fa. I ni tiircuidr riusn ,aiv fc-ani.irr.iim DMLillntT ' "". . ".V..i -K aa fi.,.. ui. .ir Ti ifi rmr. nrauy tm-i'i" - - - r . . m. n run I . -.a. .. Itixb.Cl A IO. are ia" K 6f AP nlji-. .i ) ftt'liir, m nlf frtm boatj siirrbn. f, taa r.h.r. graolae Ualalwrl data i full If i oth, doubkt brnwatgni. ftsnj r. ,tai. faiit- plant Itnlnit. f n i . i Mtil Mramn, Miitatuo itr in.rfij in ui ui rerl latk Sataplra ... .... a ui BReJ HlVttB ' - Mi-aanre dtllla ami ivtT . ..-it ..r fr.m t m. write for Me- I II ItlHIh o. lUlp. tiMrvaa, ROKBUCK & CO. Inc. i CHICAGO, ovtiu, LsU. an iborvwghlj rtllanlo. -kJIWr., j ' t . in i .. al, a I - I l' - I ' ill 1 rrf fitfr I nt v i-l rr I'rot J -f M.I - Mj ill I -II- xi CASTOR I A Fcr Int'..:;t '. . '.'liildrea I!i2 Rind Yna Hal "sip Boars tho Slit . f w Blgnatnroo' utf . ft r A.adi II TBAJnUTAAL WB MA. BtlMU KINAM'I M, H1VVM Kh. The l'aris l.u Nat in fcara a Batn rial crisis as the result ol the war lielweeu the llia-m ami tircut Jirii uin. Here is the reasoning of the French journal: During the jwrio! ol the con tinuance of the war the Bnglioh money market will be deprived of the 30,000,000 or o5,000,000 francs of gold which the Transvaal mlw I wt-re furnishing il month W . it aill be called upon to meet all the en gagements contracted in England lor the account of the different ruunlriee of South America aud the Fur Kaat, an well as all tbs oth i Jomign (lemantis that will inevita hly be engendernl by the Otisll nd lastly, it a ill be bound to rup Crowing lm Children must hit o ju lha right tviiil oi food ii they urc to become strong men ami women. A den cy of tat mtkej children thin ind white, puny and n rvotlta anl greatly rettrdi full growth gntj devclop ment. They need eScHIJtinilfMClL It supplies jllai what II delicate and growing children require. ft n4 II . Jlulfc ii i .ia..K raa A Genuine Closing Out Sale.... HAVING decided to open aLAlHKS' SI'IT AND MILI.IXKH Y STORK, we must clean out our Shoos, Clothing, Hats and Furnishing Goods in order to make room for the new departments. Wearogoing to carry a complete and up-to-date stock of the new Lines and make the Pry Goods, Suit and Millinery departments Beeond to none between Portland and San Francisco, In order to do thi we must have room, in order to make room WE ARK GOING SACRIFICE AND SLAUGHTER our lines of Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Roots and Shoes. They must go. Our prices will convince you that we mean business: and as the priees at which we will Bell will soon break the stocks, we would advise you to come early ami take advantage of the out prices. You will never have another such an opportunity to buy good, clean, new, up-to-date goods at the figures we will give you, Respectfully. Anticipate Your Wants. Coma Early. Come Now. Come Often. J. V. KAUFFMAN. r-t i II I