The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 27, 1900, Image 2

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Eugene City Guard.
I. I- CAWimtLI
A u lateraillng ( oil r. 11.... of llau Wmm
U Two Hanleph.r. frmu4
la a Form.
Many Boer srs bslieved to be trek
king northward from LadyNinith.
The national convention ol United
Mine Worker! opened at Indian quits
When Bryan viiiti Saw fork he will
be entertained axoluaively by lam
many. For the flrat time in history grocery
toree and meat ihopt cloned in Chicago
od Bundsv.
(ieneral Wood haa crossed Orange
river and established the lint I'.ritinl
ioit in the eueiuy'i country.
A determined woman and a hnire
hreud knife kept a mob at bay in I'M
eago until assistance arrived.
Kir Wilfred Ijiuner saya that Can
ada will uive Knglaiid hoth men and
money to help her in the present (trite
Hummer resort of Knckaway lach
and Jamaica bay. New York, may have
to move on account ol threatening
Wheaton and Schwaii a trisipa are
keeping the relsslt nf Southern I.uxon
moving. A inericauii have lew loss
but the relxti losses are heavy.
The trana-Atlantic, steamship line
have increased their passenger rates be
tween Sew York and Kunqm, owing
to the heavy travel exacted to the Parti
John I'. Iteeae, under arrest in Kurt
rVott, Kan., haa lxen releaand by
Jugde Thayer's order. Iteeae was lieing
held for contempt ot court (or address
ing striking miners.
The Servian mini-try has resigned,
owing to King Alexander Insisting on
granting amnesty to all the political
prisoners convicted o( high treason
against his father, King Milan.
A circular apiealing for peace snd
pledging for the lloera, signed by 4iK
clergymen of all denominations in the
Nether Inn I- ha Juat Ih-cu delivered to
the ministers ol all Christian churulies
la (Ireat Driuin.
The suit for the prise money for the
destruction of Cervera'a fleet Involv
the question of whether or not the
erniser Sew York really participated
In the battle. The attorney-general
avers that as all the Spanish tleet aud
property were destroyed they were not
The urgent deficiency appropriation
bill, the first of the lniairtnt lulls for
the government, reported to the limit
by Chairman Cunnon, carries AA, I -' ;,-
Ml, of wbieh 1 1 .t SI 2 is reappro-
prlate.l for the military and naval es
tablishments, snd (M.M'.'S.ftUO for dis
trict appropriations.
The Hoers have looted all the store
and mines in Swasiland.
Two caaea of hulxmic plague are re
ported (mm South Australia.
Londoners are still complaluing ovei
the rigid censorship of war news.
Carter IlarrlHou has refused to accept
the candidacy (or governor uf llliuois.
1 he rod in 111 workers at Cleveland,
O., will strike, Involving s.OUU work
men. General (leorgo Sharp, a veteran ol
the olvil war, Is dead at Kiugatou,
N. Y.
Dutch colonials taken in arms are
not treated as war prisouers, but ar
being prvnecuted (or treason.
Hie latest ofticiul report upon the
foreign coinnieroo of China allow a
great increase both in its Imports aud
Tli ('roe Indiana of Camilla may
take the warputh and strike a blow at
Great llriuln, now that the llritiah
are busy.
Frederick I). Ilouflla, one ol the pro
prietors ol the Denver Post, was allot
and mortally wounded by a lawyer of
that olty.
French warships have taken posses
Ion ol Kwong Chan Wan bay, where
a boundary dispute lias been pending
for several months.
The wreck in St. Mary's bay, N. F.,
1 atill uuidentilled. although it Is be
lieved to lie the Helgoland, which was
under charter by the Standard Oil
(Company. Ten bodies hae been lo
cated among the rocks.
A lone nihlier held up two roatau
ranta in Uie uiidat of Kansas City at A
in the moruiug. Hoth Jolt wen ao
eonipliahcd in lens than live iiiinules,
and the robnor escaped, th gapiug
people making no rSsllUnoS
Mr. 0 M. Foots), of Um Augclca,
Cal., age. I 78, died suddenly on th
north-bound Oregon expreaa between
Gaaell aud Montague, in the Siski
yon. She was aivompaiiv ing the re
mains of her late hnsbiand to Seattl
for burial.
Trees and shrub are Mug planted
long the Sues canal to keep the sand
from drifting.
Jama It Oarlleld. son of the mur
dered president, announces himself aa
candidate (or ivngre in the Twen
tieth Ohio district.
Congreasmsil Jamea 1 1, Need ham
from the Saw-nth California district
was born at Carson i it , Nv in ar
migrant wagon while his parents went
pressing aorues the plaius to California.
Kxtenalva additions are being mad
to th United State naval atatmus at
Newport, It. I.
For continuous aarv ice A F. Burr,
of the Hartford (Conn Tim, ts prob
ably th oldest edit, t in the country,
having been in the editorial haruce
lor til yar.
Charles K VIoody. a millionaire of
Bath, Ma., asked the city council a
abort time before his death to erect a
lamppost in front of his residence. Tha
request waa rafuaad, and now hi will
ahoaa that ha revoked an intruded be
uuest of $76,000 for a new city hall.
Senator Oesr waa re-elected in Iowa.
Saw York has let a contract for an
other subway to ssjgf $.6,000,000.
Many Americans Will ba needad In
tha government plant for tha Filipino.
Robert M. McWsds hat bean ap
pointed to tocoaed Dr. Badloa at con
sul at Canton.
Tb Farmer' Alliance want th
proposed ship subsidy money tpant for
xpurt buiintiet.
iJoeri attacked French's advanced
post and ware repulsed with 20 killed
and 60 wounded.
Landlord Wl.itten, of Hkagway, fall
frOfl the gangplank of a itaamer at
Seattle and wat drowned.
titer 20,000 driver of all kinds of
vehicles are on atrike in ftio Janeiro.
Troops were called oat to maintain or
der. (ireat floods of $1,000 bills are said to
have been a prominent feature in the
campaign of Senator Clark of Mon
Thomas IS Heed says he finds selfish
neas is master of the human race and
the world must work to better condi
tions of the ieopla.
In the senate Senator i'ettlgrew de
clared that "the blood of every soldier
who has fallen since the war began is
on the hands of the administration."
Miss Helen liould has given $.f0, 000
to aid in the building of the new home
for the naval branch of the Young
Men's Christian Association in lirook
A London paper i authority for the
statement that the powers have de
mended knowledge of the United
Stutee' polls! In China and the Philip,
The sieclal committee of the house
to inestigate the case of Kolierta of
Utah, finds that Robert had three
wivea. It la aald he will not be al
lowed to remain in i ongresa .m l a ma
iority favoi uot allowing blm to be
seated at all.
Kosclusro'i friend and dote aao
ciate, llaym Salomon, will 13 given a
medal by congress. HI relatives
claim that ha loaned this country
money during the revolutionary war
and it was never repaid. The medul
1 a oouiprninlee uf their claim.
Denmark la coming down to our
price. She now usks only $4,000,(HHl
for the Danish West Indies. The
price first demanded was $18,000,(1011.
It la likely the deal will be closed he
fore mailt davs. The I- lands will be
valuable to ua in the event the Nlcar
agua canal Is built.
Dawson was ..-it- I by another large
(ieneral Joe Wheeler 1 coming
China I buying heavily of cotton
The Hoers have captured a fort at
Daily long range shelling of Iloera at
Modder river contlnuea.
Ion and id re I shipments are taking
all available shiprooin to the Orient.
Taylor' appnintineuta have been
nullified by the Kentucky court ol
The Northwestern F'ruitgrowert' As-
iciatiou met iu Tacouia in annual
F.x-Coilgresamau David J. Uolaon,
shot and killed two men iu a Frank
fort iky.) hotel.
Wainw light Si Co , Hoston bankers,
have failed 1'hev tiled to carry too
heavy a load Id mining ttockt.
A Wall -ii. . t rumor savs that the
Southern Pacific may buy the Galves
ton, Houston Northern.
The Hritish ship Reliance aud the
Hritiah ship Annie Thomas are loiig
overdue at Sail Francisco.
The French admiral dtnod with Pres
ident Jltuiuei, of Santo Domingo after
the troublesome claim was paid.
The third annual couvetitiolltl of the
Natloual Livestock Association ol
America met in Fort Worth, Tex.
Senate committee on interoccauic
cauals will favor the bill lor the en
structiou o( the Nicaragua canal.
A negro who was supposed to hate
aided two negroes to cucspe near llciid-
giu, Trim , waa liuchcd by a mob.
Negroes hate appealed to the United
States senate lor national legislation
tb it will protect them from burning
and lynching.
The troaaury depart incut i consider-
ing a recommendation to move the
I'nited Statea custom hoiiae (roni Maty
I ... 1 1 I to ketcblksli.
All the leading iiiaiiufactiirers of
meu and women's WOOItfl felt bats
have raised prices as a result of the
advance in pi ices of wool.
-d ietary Long and bear Admiral
Bradford Itave appeared before the sen
ate committee on na al affair iu ad-
vocaev ol the l'acitlc cable.
Two more death have occurred as a
result of Texas' worst lend Two hull-
lied deaths and over $1(10,000 have
I n sacrlllced in litigatiou. which
-tailed over tb disputed ovvnci-lnp of
an unhraiitied steer
Votal expenditures at the I'harlcstoi
(Maat.) navy yard (or th last risen
yar were $187,486.
I be Ninth regiment ot reuuavlvaul
celebrated the cue hiindreth auulver
sary o( its otgaiiiaatlou receutlr.
Daniel S. Fotvl, (or 40 year propri
etor and editor of the Youth's Com
panion, who died recently in Hoston,
made it an iuvariable nil that bit
uain should never pvear iu th col-
uiimi of his owu journal
New York ha twelve time as many
churches aa Herliu.
I'ubliaher iu Finland loe from
$0,000 to $10,000 a year du to sup
pntsaion ol book by th government.
China haa Just received a cargo ol
setting insc-hlu.s Irttin Aiuarica, and
Chinese wouieu are said to be takiug
kindly to the luuovation.
0i I' Huntington is the only turw
riir of the great Southern Pacific quar
tette, ixmposel of Staufunl. t'rocker.
Hopkins a:: I himself, aud b now
owns, or holds, an option on three -
lourtht of th stock of th road.
Buller Sends His Force
Around the Boer Flank.
Tb Kallra Curnuisnd Is Nuw un lb.
War to Kll Ladrswltb -Making
Uoutl Frogrsss.
London, Jan. IV The Time pub
liahea the following di-pst. h from
bpearmau't farm, dated Jatinary 111
"The force marched westward Jan
nary 12. Lord Dundonald, by a nffjfe
ing movement, occupied the hill above
1'otgleter' drift, 16 mile west of Co
leuio, taking the I ... r- perlectly by
orprise. The same eiening the infan
try followed. (eneral Lyttleton's bii
gade crocaed the river yesterday and to
day shelled the Hoers beyond with
Howitzers, (nueral Wam-u's foVM ll
now crossing Trichardte drift, five
miles alnive. He it not opiated, al
though the Hoers are holding a sjsition
five mile from the river."
The Dailv Mall has the following,
dated yesterday, from 1'n-t. rmarit.
"Newt hat been received that (ien
eral Duller It making tatitfactory prog
ress." A special disptch from Spearman's
farm, dated January 1H, say:
"The Hritiah column moved U. Spear
man's farm, beyond Springtield, Janu
ary 18. The dillicultloa in crossing the
swollen river were great, the wagons
being quite covered."
A diipatch V the Dally News from
SM-arinan'a farm, descrilMs Lord Dun
rlonald's advance to Swartzkop bill,
commanding 1'otgieter't drift, aud
ay a:
"(ieneral Lyttleton' brigade was
tent to hold a position on Swartzkop
hill. leaving a strong laxly to h-dd
Colenso and (ieneral Hlldeyard's
brigaile at Springlleld, our whole fon-e
advauced without delay. After four
days' bait nil the aouth side of the
Tugela, our advance northward began
January In. (ieneral Lyttleton's bri
gade croased the drift that evening aud
held the kopje on our right. Sir
Charles Warren' division has made an
attack Uaiu the enemy's left think.
The column is now crossing the river."
a.nal. Will
Vols .... lb. riuanrlal 1111
r.bruary 15.
Washington, Jau. 19. An agree
ment wat easily reached iu the senate
tialay to take the dual vote on the
pending bill fixing gold as the standard
of value iu the Uuited State, Febru
ary 16.
Aftar several day of debute, the
dragnet resolution regarding the con
duct of the Philippine war wus adopt
ed, it was introduced by Hoar, and
practically was adopted as a substitute
for resolution of a similar but lea ex
tended character, offered by Pettigrew
ami Isidge.
The house had another Inning today
over the sale of the New Y'ork custom
house by Secretary (iage. Suiter, of
New York, the author of the resolution
for the investigation of Secretary
(iage'a transaction with the New Y'ork
baukt, started the ball rolliug by
charging that the mandate had ulready
gone forth to suppress It.
latter iu the day. during the discus
sion of the appropriation for the army,
Caiiuou, iu charge of the bill, chal
lenged any member to move to strike it
out. Williams, a Mississippi Demo
crat, replied to Cannon, In an eloquent
speech, iu which he altirmed the loyal
ty of every American citizen to the
Hug, aud charged Cannon with shrewd
ly issuing a challenge that would not
lat accepted.
Tho urgency deficiency bill was
passed with only one uuiinportaul
0i.ratluna la l.iicon and tb. Huulbern
Washington, Jau. IU. The following
cablegram was received by the war de
p. n t incut (nun (ieneral Otlt:
"Manila, Jan. IU. Scliwan'n trtsip-,
independent of llat.iu. n ppovill e, ar
alaiut to move eaatvvard into the prov
inces of Tayabas mid LstfOOal Wheatoii
is moving ou latmeri and Taal, aud ba
the navy' oO-OpanttioBI casualties
slight; luaiirgent loss considerable in
men and proia-rtv, as they keep up con
stant opl-wltlon. I pe iiu. n under
Kobbe w ill leave for hemp ports to
light, (ieneral Hughes ia altseut 00
the western coast o( Pa nay, policing
the aectlon. A band of Nil Ttgall,
which landed in Negros ill December,
waa struck by Hyrne in Negros inoiin-tain-,
who killed IU and captured 18
ritica and aiiimuuition; no casualties.
Ttmp in Nortbertui are busy pursuing
robber bauds, with gtsul results."
Furlirlng th. t'aual.
Chicago, Jan. It. A special to the
Inue- llerald from Washington, says;
Hoth (ireat Britain and (ieriuituy
have formally served notice that they
will protest agaitist fortitlcatiou of the
Nicaragua canal, if that waterway be
constructed by the Aniericaii gotern
inant. Hlgih.r s Ns I'lare.
Washington, Jau. IU. Orders ware
ttauad today formally detaching Cap
tain SiirslnHt (nun the command o( the
l'exas and assigning him to the head ol
th naval intelligence bureau.
n. i ot tuat.r Nut Caagrvaad .
Sail Diego. Cal., Jau. U'. There i-
iittthiug known her or at Knsena.l.i
iMrntNtrating the resirt of the btowiai
up tif the gasoliu chtxuer Anita at
Magdaleua bay aud killiug her crew ol
Part, Jan IU The Matin tmtay
vtt - it i ni" .-el on the )ourse that
Count Horn de t'astellaue, husttand ol
A una (ion Id. has lost 8.000,000 francs
by uuluckv ipaoaUtlOtaV
Turin, Jan. IU. It i announced
that 18 pexaonn altogether were killed
and 40 otllers were wounded by the ex
pltwuva of dynamite at Avigliano, 14
miles from here.
Jal Mtaad
t larlaa-Hula.r Tr.atr '
la lb War
SeW York. Jan 20. A tpaclal to tha
Harald from .Watblngton tayt: It
aat tald tonight by a member of the
foreign relations committee that an
understanding exlttt between tha I'ni
ted State and (treat Britain under
which this government can procaad
with the ootutroctlon of th Sicaragua
canal without reference to tb provlt
lont of tha C'layton-Bolwer treaty.
Ther It no doubt that tlnce the nego
tlatiout for the abrogation of tha C'layton-Bolwer
treaty failed, and tlnce tha
agitation of the construction of tha
canal hat been taken up by congrett,
t discussion hat occurred between the
two governments, and it it underttood
that Great Britain bat given thit
country aaauraucea that it need not let
the convention of I $60 ttand iu the
way of action.
It hat been known for a year that
(ireat Britain was willing to abrogate
tha convention on condition that she
receive oonceationt In the Alaska
boundary control my, and It it poail
ble, If the hit made the statement
credited to her. she ha- coupled it with
the understandim; that her right eie
where will receive consideration in
return for her con i XfJoBi
Kepre-ciituti -ulj-r has prepared
til amendment to the Nicaragua canal
bill, requiring that American lals.r tie
employed in connection with the con
struction ol the caiiul.
Roberts Determined to Keep
Up the Fight.
McBrld.'t Hill. Ili-fun. In.-
Certain, fatasd
Atasy Oft
Washington, Jan. 20. Roberta of
Jtab announces that he will light his
caie in the i-ourtt II he it denied a seat
a member of the house. Robertt
hat been making bit contention on the
ground that the constitution preacribet
certain qualification for a member,
but he ought to know that the lame
constitution allowt the house to be the
Judge of itt own member. So court
will undertake to net aside a decision
jf the house on tueh question, etpec
tally at it would have no power to en
force it.
Or.goii Aiaar OHIr.a.
Representative Tongue aaya that, not
withstanding the unfavorable recom
mendation! of Director Robertt, the
coinage OOtnmittM will rewrt favor
ably bills for assay Offloed at I'ortlund
and Baker Oily. He baa received inch
assurances from members of tilt! com-
...ill.... un.l l.i.l leu-. I bat the bills have
WHEELER'S SEAT IN THE HOUSE ( mrlatxity v, Iuu,a the houte.
ir ii. frlee la Oeeaai it th. umsrai
Via; II. 1 1 1 . i cc . i i.i. I
Sew York, Jan. I'd. A special to the
Times from Washington aays: II Leu
real Joseph Wl ler txpecta to return
to Washington to kike a seat in cou
greet without further formality, it
look aa if he would meet with disap
pointment Inquiry has Iwen made
tlnce the announcement that he had
been relieved from further duty in the
Philippines, aud it is found that there
is ran general agreement on both tidet
of the house that it has bedfl clearly
shown by the examination of the ca-e
of lsw, and other precedents, that he
has forfeited his riht to a seat in con
gress, and that the only thing open to
him 1 t - go back to his district aud
seek re i lection if he ilealp - t utluue
in service ill congress.
No doubt ia entertained that, if he
seeks re-election at a Bwcial election
to Ml the ta.ancv, he will be returned
to congress, psnspi without opposi
tion, but it will be held by the house,
according to the belt authorities in
both parties that the teat is now vacant
and will remain so until a special elec
tion ha- la-en held. Some of his
friends iu the house hope that be may
be induced not to make claim to the
seat, but to go at once before his peo
ple for re-election. Thev think he
Idaho Kori-st It.a.rvea.
The Idaho delegation is much dis
turbed on account of the new prosiaals
o( the interior department to create
forest reserves in .hat state. Accord-
iiiir to the lines drawn, a reservation is
propo-od in -outhern Idaho, next tin
Oregon line, which will take in most
of Canyon county of Washington, and
latrt of Boise county. It will run up
to the suburbs of Boise City.
There is also a pm)ition in the
war department to create a largo mili
tary reservation at Snake river, to in
dude isirtious of Lincoln and Cassia
KeBride't Refaadlag mil.
In the regular course of business to
lay, the bill intrsluced and reported
by Senator Mcllride, refunding $1
hi acre to tettlert who paid $2.0 ((
lands within railroad limit-, was
reached on the calendar, and passed
without opposition. This bill will Is
of great interest to the people of the
Pacific coast states, as it affects those
lauds within the grants to the railroad
where such grants were afterward for
feited by reason oi the failure to con
struct the road. Both Oregon and
Washington will be affected by tha
measure, if it can be jutsscd through
the houte. Representative ktoodf in
would win greater distinction by this tend to push it through, although he
cour-e and, i( re-elected, he would Is?
entitled to pay (or the entire term from
March 4 last, as auy ouo elected to the
vacancy would lie.
will meet with considerable opisitiou
Improving Paget tVlllamrttr.
Representative Tongue today intro
hioed a bill appropriating $:'!, 000 for
the construction of t revetment on the
left bank of the Willamette river, one
mile below- Independence. Thit revet
meut it intended to prevent an overflow
uf the river at that point into La Cm
ole creek, which overltow threatens to
Interfere with navigation on the Wil
'4ft Nllra of Nurlhrrii I'si-lltc In I'utlatrh
Ia-wiston, Idaho, Jan. IU. The
Northern Pacific train service out ol
Lewistou is completely paralyzed. It
la .1. ii' tt-il If auother tram will leave
this poiut r arrive here for 15 days.
So inch utter demoralization ha ever
takeu place iu the history of the syitem
(nun St. Paul to the I'acilio coast.
More than JIS mile ol track has been
washed out, aud will have to be rebuilt
at a tremendous cost. There is noway
of I'stimatlug the loss, but it will bo
firmuut. Hie whole Potlatch valley tinning the detiatc on
has Ism'U washed clean by the tlisid, ' question. He took as
B.natur Wellington Taki-a Ills Turn at
th. PfclllpetM Debatei
Waahiugton. Jau. L'0. For an hour
today Wellington, ol Maryland, occu
pied the attention of the senate, con-
the Philippine
bis text the res-
ami uot a bridge remains to allow ulution he introduced last Tuesday, de
vv licie the Minlls' l mice was. As an clariniz that the I'nited States should
indication of bow complete a ruin has ' not take permanent possession of the
Ih-cu wrought, the origiual profile of archipelago, but, after sulaiuiug the
the road has laien called for bv the con- insurrection, wheh be sincerely de
tracting engineers la-fore they can be
gin to rebuild.
Andrew t iibson, chief of the con
structing engineers on the Clearwatei
Short Line, has been ordered to annul
all work on the new line auil take a
force of 1,000 men and four complete
work trams to the scene of the disaster.
vvh Waeelef is Rataraiag,
New Y'ork, Jan. $0, A special from
Waahlttgton to the Herald sav- So
doubt exists In the minds of friends of
Brigadier-! ieneral Joseph Wheeler that
his return from the Philippine- incom
pliance with his owu request I due to
the failure of t ieneral Otis to give him
active service in the Held.
In certain quarters an effort Is made
to attribute (ieneral Wheeler's return
to inability to atand the climate aud
to his age. Iu refutation of the former,
hia ft tends point to a statement he
made after visiting the men. an lilies,
"the impression that the new country
iu unhealthy is wrong." Ueuanliiii!
Ins age, it is pointeit out tliat he is
only about a J ear older than (ieneral
The on ler to (ieneral Wheeler to re
turn were cabled al-uit a week ago.
All Lines Faeled,
Chicago, Jan. 90. The Chnmiele
says: "As a result of the recent con
solidations and agreements among the
owners of the great trunk railways east
of t hicago, trie entire transportation
si-stem between the Missistippl river
and the rYUsaita sasnosid is to le re-
Lieutenant Howard pilot of the fa
mous Monitor, leave but one ether
urvivor who lerted ou that boat. Cap
tain Laiult N Stoddard, of the rv.-enue
iuM earvioe.
Ill.w i c lb. Sat..
Klletisburg, Wash . Jan. '.'0. The
nice ot I jo-sem A Sou, miller, three
mile ttom town, was hurylamcd U-t
tiicht. The safe was blown to atoms,
vidently with nitio glyceriue, and all
its contents takeu. The burglar se
ined $:(00 in cash, and SbOUl the same
I mount in checks. In addition thev
tiKik or destroyed H the paper, in the
safe, many of which WSft valuable.
Pieces of th safe were picked up 40
feet away. A typewriter was wrecked,
aud ottos furniture badly damaged.
The sheriff was notified by telephone,
snd un mediately set to work ou the
Beat an th. itoritm-ht
stcrkstnmi, Jan. SO. Y'csterday the
Ivc-r blow up three culvert on the
Dordrecht line, rive miles beyond an
.lutpoat of the poliOS camp. The com
StsiMO at IKtnlrecht nutuler 1.000.
When a man is rich enough to afford
a luxury it ceanei to be a luxurr.
Buddhist are taking itrpa to erect t
temple in Sao Krauciaoo.
piorett. annum corner upon the rill
I in. the right to govern themselves,
affording them such protection as they
might need.
Teller resumed his speech on the fi
nancial bill, iu the course of which he
arraigued Secretary (iage for his nego
tiations with the National City bauk of
Sew Y'ork. He had not concluded hit
remarks WOSD he aiispouded thein for
the day.
The house pa-sed the senate bill to
extend the power of the directors of the
census, after striking out the commit
tee amendment to authorize the tlin-c-tor
to contract for extra printing with
private contractors. The whole Bgbt
was upon that amendment The imiu-
eiii e of the public printer and the labor
Organisation! Ol the country went em
ployed against it, and after a lively de
bute of several hours it was ov erwhelm
ingly defeated, The publication of the
(Sports of the I'Jth census, then-lore,
will be made by the public printer, a
ill the past.
Th. Only l as. of tli. Klinl.
New York, Jan. is. William A.
English, a son of the ex-lVmocratlo
t ice -presidential candidate from In
liana, and a captain of volunteers in
the war with Spain, has K turned to
Iht treasury a oheok for $1,171 scm
him for his serv ices, with the state
ment that he would not accept pay for
lervioe to his country iu the time of
iaiiger. It is the only case of the kind
Iu the Sianish war.
Hurra Oeeapy
Oai'dock, Caps Colony, Jau.
Saturday, January 15, the Hoers
commando of colonial rebels,
ptSd RUSKS, a village on the Orange
river, about 10 miles northwest of Do
lta mortgage having been taid off,
the Portland, Vancouver & Y'akima
Railway Company may build to Port
land utilixing the old bridge pierr
acntas the Columbia opposite Vancouver.
Run dW by a Frrrj.
San Francisco. Jan. K, A small
boat containing two Italian fishermen
was ron down last night on the bay bv
the ferrylsvat San Rafael, tiendatuo
Oliveri wat drowned and his compan
ion, Andrew Cattagnola. laved himself
by clutching the steamer 's paddle wheel
at the tlowed down. He held ou until
assistance came from the ferry boat em
ploye. Tidal Sum Sa-rpt t'bll.aa Coast.
Santiago de Chile, Jau. 20. Tidal
waves higher than have been knows
(or a long time have swept along tha
coast, doing conaiderable damage.
Gttlg Cd la War aad Has
t mad It.
New York. Jan. 22. An ldss of the
high hope entertained in tn Irani-
vaal republic of tne outcome oi ao
war with Great Britain Is given in a
letter written by E. Houthakkor, at
ilstant itationamter at Johannesburg,
tn hi iter in Brooklyn. The letter
wat tent In November by way of Lo
...i,.. Maronea. The letter rats In
"We tre getting used to it a bit now.
Since October 15 no more letters
reached u.from beyond the Tranivaal.
A solitary cable dispatch manages to
come through occationally, but then it
It a week old. At tint I ttill main
tained correspondence with Catss Town,
but that it no more postlble now. The
peers are tcoring aa enormous luccesa,
and they have already conquered the
biggett part of Natal. They are push
ing already into Cape Colony, whjre
they are joined by thebarghen. Kim
berley it likewiie completely surround
ed, as well at Mafeking, while In the
northern part of the Transvaal the
Boer are already beyond our lajund
ariet. Un every tide the Hritiah are
getting a good thrashing.
"The internal arrangements here are
excellent. All the English have ! ft
the country. Order is beautifully
maintained. The Hoers ttill remaining
may Ikj seen daily leaving for their
various communis.
"Johannesburg now Is fearfully
quiet. All the male population haa
been drafted into a special constabu
lary. So one it allowed out after S
P. M. With the exception of 10
mines, which are being worked by the
government, all the mines on the rund
are -hut down.
"Up to the present 1,600 English
are prisoners, among whom are 50 olli-
cers, and 6,000 are tlaiu. Our loss doei
not amount to 200, including the dead
ami wounded. It sounds like a niira
cle. It atill looks doubtful who will
come out ultimate conqueror, but at
things l""k now the bughers stand a
giMid chance. So lighting has occurred
iu their owu country. The supply of
! -I is plentiful. The l.nglish sol
diers are not worth much aud surren
der easily. Already two of their gen
erals are dead. Cape Colony will re
volt. "So doubt it will surprise you tc
see me having changed thus, but that
could not be otherwise, after haviug
witiies-ed everything. It is now clear
that Chamberlain's sole aim has been
for three years to make war against the
Transvaal and obtaiu possession uf itt
Van ii I Nation to Mak. a Last Htand
(.'hicago, Jan. 20. A special to the
Kecord from Kl Paso, Tex., says:
"The Y'aqui Indians of Sonora, the
only race iu all Mexico that was able
to survive the Saiiish invasion and
preserve its individuality, are making
their last stand against the Mexican
government. Thus far it seeius the
Mexicun soldiers have bcou found in
adequate to cope with the Y'aquis.
A proclamation has lieen issued by
the ruler of the Y'aqui nation, ad
dressed to "The American People,"
and in part is as follows:
"The Yaqui nation has begun its
struggle for independence. It will no
longer tolerate the Mexican army in
Souora. The nation has established
a provisional government, the otiices ol
which are at Habispe. In the event
of the success of the Y'aqui people ovei
the Mexicans, uo foreigners except na
tive born Americans will be allowed in
Sonora for several years. The property
aud persons of Americans iu Sonora
will lie protected by the Yaquis in
every way. '
Si'hrm. fur Hawaiian Kl.ctrle Kuadl.
San iraucisco, Jan. 22. L. P. Mat
thews, of Cleveland, O., representing
au Eastern syndicate which proposes
to construct electric railroads in Ha
waii, is ou his way home. He says
that $5,000,000 may be expended, and
"In the near future more than a
million dollars' worth of ties and lum
ber will be shipped from Puget sound
points to Hawaii for the projected
roads. Plans already perfected call
for tho construction of some 310 miles
of electric linos. Most of the roads
will be iu aud arouud Honolulu aud
elsewhere ou Ouhu island. Ferryboats
will be rim betvvecu the termini of
these roads aud the various isluuds."
Northern Pacific to Have thJ
Clearwater Country.
...IS. ,.. ii.. .
jvortn.ra . a.. u v mm i i, , ,.(
ii.. ii ti loiutuuia auu in. t ... ,,.
I .i. in- to fugat Suuud.
-- a ip..-cit
toe Norther,
American Snl. Her AtteniptrS lo Kill Otla
i hi, ago, Jau. -2. A -jc ial to the
Kecord from Victoria, B.C.. savs: J.
P. Molera, who arrived from Manila.
tells of au attempt ou the life of (ien
eral Otis. In conversation in reference
to the situation then- he said that (ien
eral Otis once appeared on the firing
line, when a shot from tho rifle of one
of the soldiers whizzed uncoinfortablv
ose to bis bead. As to who fired the
shot no clew was discovered.
St. Psul, Minn., Jan.
from Sew York tsyt:
The dispute between
n....;n ,1 a. 11 I a. V ....
I act ll v. uiu iiiw wi Hi . hs vo. , 0V
u.c nu v. ... '--r---- au. icj et
tend their lim-s in the Clearwater terrll
tory in Idaho, has been settled, audttJ
.-tormein racmc i master oi tne situaJ
tion. The O. R. & N. Co. has withJ
drawn its claims to tho ClttrwSfal
country, which It left in undUptit!
isissession of the .ortlieru racitlc, ,iU i
. . . .it . . l Trm
the next move win oe me retirement ol
A. L. Mobler from the preiideu"
the O. K. oo. ana nil traniler to tha
presidency of the Kausat City, Pitt
bnrg & Qltlii
rormai announcement ot the ttrd
roads will be deferred uutil February
b, wnen tne omciai lime oi uie ,i
months truce between them will XJ
pire, but the papers in the matter M
practically ready lor tignature, thtl
fight it ended, and there will be nol
more trouble.
The termination of the Clearwater!
difficulty marks the end ol one of thtl
most bitter railroad wars ever wagejl
in this country. F.vcry phase of rail
road silitics, diplomacy aud force wail
brought into play by the liuet inter
ested. The Union Pacific took up thtl
question in dispute. In order to facil-
itato an amicable settlement the North
ern Pacific offered the use of its Purt-I
laud Tacoma line to the Union PacilJ
in exchange for similar track privileged
on the Columbia, and the Uniou Pacific I
was offered the alternative of accept in I
the proposition or haviug the Sortherr.1
Puciltc parallel the line of the O. K. ft I
S. Co. from Lwitou to Portland.
The Union I'acilio has had the nffti
under consideration several months
and it has finally decided to accept it,
and to refrain from extending the 0.
K. & S. lines in the Clearwater dis
Senator Hal DS noun. .il lral Brit
alu's War.
Washington, Jan. 22. A speech
sensational in itt interest and interna
tional in its scope, was delivered in
the senate today by Hale, of Maine.
The occasion of the utterance was tht
simple question whether a resolution
introduced by Allen, of Sebraska, call
ing for information as to the recogni
tion by thit country of the diplomatic
representative of the Transvaal repub
lic should be directed to the preiident
or secretarv of state. Hale made the
question the subject of an impassioned
speech in which he declared that nine-
tenths of the American people sympa
thize with the Boers in their gallant
struggle for libert v against one of thi
L-icutost powers in the world. He de-
dared that the war which (ireat Brit
ain ia waging ia the most fatal bios1 it
human liberty that has been ttiuck in
tho century. He declared "that tht
American people are not in sympathy
with Oreat Britain in the South Afri
can war to stamp out the liberty of tin
people," and when Mr. Balfour, iu th
house of commons, made snch a state
ment, "he should be met with tome
disclaimer from this side of the Atltn-
t., . " He declared that the Kugliah
people themselves were not in favor of
this war, which "had Ihmu brought on
by a sharp cabinet miuister eugagej
with gold speculators." Hale spokt
with unusual force, decisiveness tnd
earnestness, even for him, and his pas
sionate eloquence claimed the closest
atteution of every auditor.
The resolution, which previous to
Hale's speech had caused a sharp col
loquy between Allen and Spooner, ol
Wisconsin, was passed finally hi
amended. Morgan of Alabama al
dressed the senate briefly ou the finan
cial bill.
Rrrns Were Ittirglars Bold.
Vancouver, B. C, Jan. 22. John
anil l nomas Brew, supposed to have
tteen lost in a atorm off the northern
coast, are said by the police to have
left behind, in a shack formerly occu
pied by John Brow, a quantity of odds
and cuds, which the police claim to
have identified as hav iug been stolen
from various Vancouver stores and res
idences which had Ix-en entered by
burglars. There is a collection ol tools
sufficiently large and varied for a well-
equipped carpenter shop.
Berne, Jau.
for Amrrlrau Fruit.
22. The bundesrath
lay abrogated previous regulations and
granted permission for the imnortation
of dried American fruits, and alto fresh
iruits, on condition of their exami,,u.
tion at the Berne custom-house.
Osiuan Digava ( sugiii.
Cairo, Jan. 23 News ws aal. t
here tonight that Osman Di-na, prin
dp general of the late Khaliia Ab
dullah, has been cat.tnm.1
Hard Trip of Hark Agate.
San Francitco. Jan. ) kA..t
. , , , -- -..I . ices
Honolulu state that the h,i.
Agate, day from Rritiih i vin-t.;.
vviuui lua
for Honolulu, arrived at her destina
tion in a dittressed condition The
vestel was long overdue. On the vnv
TJ. TV.8"5 en'-nn,' severe
norms. The itatemnm. n.i
with water and much of tha n.-i.t
ruined. The freah water gave out. and
the crew waa nlscaH n .i . ',
, ... , , r raviolis
A ihip was lighted, and tni.kt o.,.
gallon of water to the eshauited ass-
Innorrnt Matt llang.d.
St. Paul, Jan. 22. A special to (he
Dispatch from Redwood Falls, Minn.,
says: A report has just reached rare
from relatives of the deceases! that old
man Slover recently died in California,
and that ho made a confession to the
effect that he killed Moses Lufkini, i
(iales township, this county, some U
years ago, instead of William Kosf,
who wus afterward hanged for til
GaassSStsa to Amrrlrana.
Victoria, B. ('., Jan. 22. The pro
vincial government has declared its in
tention of amending its alien exduiot
law so as hereafter to permit Ameri
cans to hold claims purchased from
Canadian locators. Such a oonceSfkM
quite satisfies the Americans iu Ulm.
Will Aid Oom Taut.
Portland, Or., Jan. 22. A ntmil-er
Oi Boer sympathizers in Portland have
unit,-.) to form a society for the pnrpOM
if raisiug money to assist Oom Paul
and his followers. Arraugenieiit- r
uow making to secure a hall and
speakers for a meeting.
firing at Ladrtntlth.
London, Jan. 82. The Daily Mail
publishes the following diipatch. dated
Thursday, from Spearmau'a camp:
"It it rumored that the Boers havt
evacuated Colenso in order to reinforot
their troops here.
"Heavy gun fire was heard from
Lsdrsmlth thit morning.
"General Buller't order instructs th
men to heed the white Man of the Hoerr
only when thev lav down their arm-
It also instructs them to beware ol
false bugle callt."
Liable lo L.garjr Tax.
Port Townsend, Jan. 22. According
to a ruling received today from tit
treasury devartment and niade by the
'ommissioner of internal revenue, a be-
quett of money for a priest for the pur
pose of saying masses for the Try
the toul it liable to legacy tax. Th
"ate came before the commissi untr
from Illinoit, where a bequest had been
made for that purpose.
Linen wat the flrat fabric woven.
Cincinnati motormen get 16 2-3 cents
r hour.