Eugene City Guard. I. I CAMPBELL. r,,i.i, EUGENE CITY OREGON. EVENTS OF Till: DAY LATER NEWS As i -.1 1 k cn-tio items rna tke Two ll.mlsphsres Presented la ' Un.r.l riin. A railroad borun hut struck HawaII. Six Inches of snow (till At Maoun, Ga. Itarhnanaland fanners are helping the Iloen. Boers fired plum pudding At Lady liulth garrison. Oregon wnolgrower expect to get 20 cent for their WOO crop. Vigilance nf Amerlcsn j.t . . t. 1 a projected uprising In Manila. At New York Kid McCoy knocked out Peter Maht-r in five rounds. Idsho produced $'.'. Mm, DiK) In gold And $, IDS, (KM) In silver list year. France and I nlmi may have trouble over Newfoundland fisheries. The United ... inAy buy the Danish Weat Indies for $4,000,000. Ohio Irishmen offer yuiiathy, money, Anna and soldiers to the ltri. One child received fatal and several persona serious burns In A New York flat fire. Nn-iii. I.iv czar of Kussla, has n.-nn Issued an appeal for iieace to the powere of the world. Multnomah's football team defeated Stanford university's eleveu at Port land; score, 1 1 to I. Illlli. ml K. Johnson, a water-front retsirtar In Han Francisco, was Arowued in a bathtob. Oovernment olllcials say the cruiser Montgomery was sent to Liberia to live the IllAck Kcpuhlio assurance of protection. More inlloa of new railroad hare been built during IHHU than in any previous year since 1HU0, when 6670 tulles ol line were completed. Nine January 1, I8UU, no leas than 4,600 mill- of traok have been laid In Uie United Htatea on 31:' Hues in 44 stales and territories. The torpedo-boat destroyer tinlds borough, built by a Portland, Or., linn, on her second contractor's trial covered eight miles In IS minutes, which la at the rate of tl'i mllea an hour, against a 2 V knot current. Hteam was made without effort, and Dot a bearing was heated. The run was maile In the I ulumlilii river, near KalainA. Hnutalle will probably never return to oo tigress. The lloer trenches at Coleusn Are bomb proof. Plngree's tax resolution was defeated In the Mlchigau senate. People are tired nf olnmliiuu war and Aak for Intervention. Ilritiah Columbia has sent a g"ld dls play to the Paris exposition. If Dclagoa bav Is closed the lloers Will raid Portuguese territory. The HUhl & Straub failure In Phila delphia is a cleAr case ol lisitlug. An Important witness against Hcua tor ( Hark lias confessed to perjury. Koliert Cornelius, aged ''0, was found dead In the woods uuAr tileiiooe, Or. Fossil lfcrnus remains of a gigautlo sea m 1 1 in! were fouud on tlie coast ol Chill. At Its last mecttug the cabinet dis cussed the agricultural possibilities In Alaska. Puller's Army on the Tugela baa uow reached the euoromus strength uf 1H, 000 men. A Loudon dispatch says Hussla long) to selae Herat, And she only waits lul KugUnd to occupy Delagoa bay. C. O. Goad, of Dallas, Or., has been appointed assistant sergeant -atarms In the United SUtes senate. A Colorado Midland passenger and a Santa F'e freight collided uear Palmer Lake, Colo. Oue fireman was killed and two engineer were hurt. An Kngllsh military exert aaserti that the time has come for a change In the cabinet, lie favors either a dicta torsbip ur au all-powerful mllltury uilnlster. Miss Florence lllythe Hinckley, heiress to the lllythe millions, was quietly married In Situ Francisco to A. A. Moore, Jr., deputy attoruc) -general of CaliforulA. AmericAiis have raptured another in surgent strougbold. Many rebels were killed, wounded and captured and an Amount of ammnnltlou and (isal taken. Their supposed lm pregnable poaltlou was north ol Sun Mateo. An Ottawa dispatch says that treasou la talked openly among the French Ca nadians, and all of their members havs retired from parliament. All the lat ent hostility to llrlllsh rule has been aroused by Canata' action in sending troops to the Transvaal Mrs. F.tra Shou, near Kalttllo, Pa., had a lively tight with a big buck, which she first wounded with a rltlt and then dispatched with a kuile. The Russian g)verument has ordered All the rivers of the empire surveyed with a view to connecting all the Im portant streams with canals. The Noah Webster association, which has been formed st Hartford, Conn., will raise funds for a library building in memory of the lexlcogra pher. A woman's society for the preven tion of cruelty to animals has been formed in New Jersey. New York young women have formed classes for instruct iou in intelligent foreign traveling. Andrew Carnegie has given sway over fV.OOO.OOO for building aud main taining libraries, the list of his differ ent beneficiaries numbering: 50. Edward lutes, ltbrariAn of the treas ury deparUueut at Washington, died at the home of his fstber. Dr. Julias Bates, of St. Loals. Mr. Hates woe burn About 26 years ago. Britisher lost a supply train through treachery si Colesburg. I age Is are not friendly to A hbiabof Cbapelle, now at Manila The Stanford football team defeated the all-Seattle pUyers by a sonm of Ml to 0. The treasurer of Shell.) county, In- diAOB, Is short His hooks are missing. The Paris high court has found M. De Houlede of guilty conspiracy unlet extenuating circumstances. Hsnna will be rhalmian of the next Republican national committee, be cause the president wishes it. ilecause he rode on a railway dabs, suit has been filed against a member of the Kentucky election boArd. President Ode, of the i lobe National bank, of Hoeton, which recently failed has returned and will stand trial. Peter S. Wilkes died at Moektt CaI. He was A confederate congress man daring the Ust year of the war. The president has nominal' -d ' k M ISi Hates, Young and McArthur for pro motion. Hates is to succeed Lawton A native was found with all the symptoms of bubonic plague in Manila Two deaths occurred In the house where h wss sick. As a result of i smpeigning In the Philippines 14 soldiers sre Insane at the Presidio in San rrnm i-ro. They will be sent to Washington. 'Die situation at I-udtsmlth Is be- coming horrible. Twenty deaths In one day were rcisirtcd by ieneral White. Eutrlc fever and dysentery am prevalent. The recent California earthquake caused Inactive volcanoes In the desert to become active; made old gas wells at Yuma flow again and. caused fissures In 1 1 ii- ground. Trunk lines have all advanced freight raii-s Merchauta hate tiled protests saving that the new tariff will drive busluees awav from New York, ship pers taking advantage of shorter hauls to New Orleans ami OHM ports. I'."tb houses nf congress are alter Sei retary (Jagc The legislators desire to know by what right the treasurer lu ( leased deposits of government fundi in New York l ank- during the rei ent financial flurry there and correspond MM In the matter la asked. On her recent trip the stcsmer Aus tralia would not accept steerage pas sengers at Honolulu on account of the plague scare. One death occurred ou December 2'i, and two Chinese were found fiend on Christmas day. These fatalities started the plagus scare again. Colonel Pitcher won In a skirmish with the Ilia near the scene ol Me thueu's defeat. The gold yield for 1S0U In New South Wales was Mill, 418 ounces, au Increase of IflM.ugft ounces over 1898. The battleship Wlsi-onstu will bate the heaviest battery In the navy. I In boat will have her trial trip soon. South Dakota Christian Scientists sre opposed to vaccluutloii aud will take the question Into the courts. Twenty live thousand Pittsburg 1 Itorers were advanced from ft to 10 i r cent aud In some cases even A greatei percentage . In St Louis the electric lights in parks, public buildings and alleys are turned off liecause a contract has not bu n renewed A German atcAiushlp company re fused hi take back contract-lalsir emi grants And the captain was arrested at A TexA port. Hooker T. Washington, the promi nent colored man, says the Negro's only salvation Is to make himself use ful and keep pa. c with the times. At Colesburg Oeneral French was oppose. I by (miii , mm to 7,1)00 liners. The Hrltlsh losses were slight, while Hocrs are said to have lost heavily. A horrible murder occurred near Koasor, Ala. A woman was cut to pieces ami the rninulns were partially 1'iirueil Au old ncgrese Is suspected Secretary Hay announces that (.nor able replies have leeii received from Fngland, tiermany, France, Kussiu and Japan to an oieu door Hillcy in China. Secretary Ibsit has taken measures to break the corner III hemp. He has bad many complaiits and has Instructed Otis t.. open Southern Imon ports soon. MILITARY HOSPITAL Congressman Jones Working for One for Vancouver, I UK HI M "K II. ASKKI) lis Also Is Fit nn I t Mttiri' eg tslatloa Itlghts as Agnlusi i i . . . Lend a-rls. Senator lliiriell, of Kentucky, says Whallen tried to bur bis vote against liochel. llarrell vvauted .i,000, but re eked only l. iiv and uow charges lirlbery . Secretary Hoot bus directed the es tablishment of a government line of steamships connecting Sun Francisco, Honolulu and Manila, to that mnmiig )tttocti New York, Cuba and Porto Hi .. points. The last liuk in the great waterway , mine, ting the great lakes w ith the gulf has becu completed Water has been turned into Chicago's big canal, which took seven years to build, at a coat of f 3:1,000,000. The primary pur- ).-e Is to drain Chicago, but its poasi- I littles are great. According to the Montreal Herald, Canada never before was so prosieroiis Miss A. H Mnlroney, of Philadel phia, baa made f.-. out of her shops (n tin- Klondike. Mrs lauilsaJ. Catvl, of laiwell.Me , is a Justice ol the jatace, and persoiiul ly inaiiagos a (arm aud au express bus iness. Lead and xiuc hate been dlstMtervM lu the vlclnitv ol I ciitaur. St. Uuus county, Mo., alanit 40 miles from st. Isiuls. Admiral Moutojo, In his oniclal re lirt, i barges his deleat lu Manila ly to Spanish uuprepareliieea. Jeuute Juue Cndy, known the worl ' Mill deter vttiter and advocate . he advancement of her sex, is vtvars old. The distress In the famliie-strickcu district of India is Wk-onithg more acute. A boat S,t&0,000 persons hate received relief. Robert Cosman, Jr , pastor of si John's church. Hoatou, ha lieeu MAV sen bishop of the I'rotestaut Kpisoopul .i-'- .-si- of Main Washington, Jan. B. CongressmAn Jones proposes to urge all appropria tion of f I7.V0OO for a convalescent oill Itary hospital at Vancouver barracks, the I'otnmercial (Tab of that city is active in promoting the enterprise, la. . ma would like a hospital of this kind also. Where the issuing of forest reserve lieu land aerlp has a tendency to de prive settlers of unsurveved lands of squstters' rights, Congressman Jones propisves by legislation to pndect the settler. Many i-omplauits are being received from such settlers. DEBATE IN SENATE. rinsnrlsl Hill Will He Tskrn Vp ml ...... Short Sessions. Washington, Jan. Ii. The senate evinced A disposition today to take up the work of the session in earnest, and, while the sitting was of only a little more than sii hoar's duration, a Urge number of lmsirtant bills were Intro duced, and a definite foundation laid lor i ling with the lliuiieial bill, by fixing the hoar lor Is-gluniiig the debate on this measure for 2 o'clock tomorrow. The uiost notable event of the day was a protest entered by Hour of Massachusetts, b the summary ills-I- -in. .ii of resolutions asking for in formation about the conduct of the Philippine war. He indicated a pur to d. mam I consideration for such measures, even at the expense of the financial bill. 'Die hth Inst, was named as the date for the eulogies In the mem ory of the late Vice-President Unhurt. The bouse wua 111 session only ID tnliiutes today, and during that time had a little Hurry over au attempt by Sulxer of New York to secure consid eration for A resolution asking informa tion eoiiei ruing the relations of the treasury deimrtmcut with the National City bank, of New York. The resolu tion was referred U the committee on ways and means. FLANKING THE DOERS. BfNATt TXKES IT UP. npsslasj mt Ihs rirbsl in the financial Hill. Washington, Jan. A In accordance; with the notice previously given UJ him, Henator Aldrich today opened the discussion of the financial bill with the explanAtion of a substitute for the house bill. The subject was carefully pi pan-1 and was read from manu script. It was delivered in clear And distinct tanguage, but without any effort At oratory. Senators present gave htm cAreful attention, but no one interrupted him with questions or otherwise during the delivery, nor did any one mAuifest a disposition to reply After he had concluded The senate adjourned for the purpose, It is under stood, of giving those who may wish to reply to the Khode Island senator an opportunity for presentation of the subject. The Pettigrew resolution concerning the Philippine war went over nntil Monday, when it is understood some senators will be asked to lie heard ou the Philippine question. Senator Hev eridge also gave notice of A speech for Tuesdsy on the Philippine question, prefacing his notice with a resolution lei laring his own position ou the sub ject. Tho house sitting was very brief again today, the only incident lading the adoption of the Suiter resolution Introduced yesterday calling upon See retary iage for information regarding the desislt of government funds in cer tain New York national batiks. Tho resolution, as adopted, was made more general In its scosi and an amendment was added to cover Information respect ing the transactions relating to the sale of the New York cusf un-houso lie. Hecretary Cage's friends hud been Informed that he courted the ful lest Investigation, and was prepared to submit nil the facts to congress. Accordingly there was uo friction over the passage of the resolution, which was tiUAUimously Adopted. SHOVEL AND PICK Boers Working Incessantly at Their Trenches. FLANK ATTACKS AKK DIFFICULT I'llrhrr's It., i l the rirst Step la Melh rs'i flan. Izomlon, Jan. A. Colonel Pitcher's occupation of Douglas is regarded as merely the first step of (ieiierul Me thueu's carefully matured plans hi out- Hank the Hocrs. The report of the ltoer attack iisin Molteno Is not yet confirmed. Appar ently lietieral French holds nothing within five mill's of Colesburg June thin. Ills request for retuforccmc uts dispels any present hiqie that he will Is able to s, re one ( tile criissitIgN of the Orange river. It is probable that when laird Kolort arrives lienerul French will la ordered to quit his pres ent unsupported laisittnii and to con centrate bis . on. ii an l at De Aar or i 'lunge river. Hurrs si, , ii, .1 a Hlniherly win. Kiml-trly, Jan. t. The Hints last night evinced considerable Interest in the Premier mine, using their search lights. This in. intng they actively -helled the fort. The Koval artilleiv replied. Our shells were well pl.ic.-l and dropped amid the smoke of the en emy's guns. I-ust night's storm ignited some ol our military mines, but there were no casualties. Civil Khndcs has supplied the Hocr prisoners with new clothing. i. sis. i. i ... ... a the lloers Hark. Stcrkatrom, Jau. fi Cem-ral (lat- ucie today met the invading (ones nt Cypborgat, near the ilritiah advance camp at Hushmanshoek. The Hocrs retired hurriedly shortly after the Hut ish artillery 0siiid tire. The enemy occupied Molteno and Cypborgat tislay. but the latter place Is now reocoupled by us. Tnlrol Forres I. oases. Krere Camp, Jan. ,V Captain Thorn- -roft's patnd found the enemy In some force at the little Tugela biidge. Their BNMBM was illseoteriM tiy scouts. It Is lepmi, . I that lite men ami a lieuten ant of the purty have not returned righting Around t'oleshurg. Naauw pourt, UnM Colony. Jan. ft. There was brisk righting today in the hills around Colesburg. The lloers stublsirnly resisted the Hrltlsh at every pntut, but graduallv retreated. The Hrltlsh held the extreme position to the smith and oust, overlooking the town. Hills arotiud Colesburg are numerous. not In ranges, but in groups, making It very dttlicult to hunt the Hocra out Si-xtocn wounded bate arrived at Aruu- del. Nil llumlretl l.ltrs l.nat. St Petersburg. Jan. ,V The latest repoits frmu Acbalkalek, In the govern ment o( Tlllis. show that MO lives were st during the earthquakes which vis Ited that district Mouduv. Choice of I'narus. l-YanklorkiKy , Jan. 4. After three ears of retirement, J C S Hlackburu was chosen tonight bv the joint caucus of the Democratic members of the leg islature as the successor of William l.lndsav in the Cuttcd States senate twithstah'lltlg Hluckhuru's nomina tion was a foregone conclusion and his lection mOrAlly certain, the proceed nigs ol the caucus tonight were enacted in the presence of a galaxy of ken .ucky beauty ami a dcuss throng ol Hlackburu admirers. Opening Triton PsSjSA, Havana. Jan. .V Today (ienenil Wood Issued an lmp04)A&l order givm ti-edmn t 40 prisoners in the provm. .( Santa Clara Some of them ha iss n dctaiiietl ttilhmit trial, and OtsssVs were suffering MMsBtVO puutshtneiit Ropotll from other departments are dally expectevl, and it is boltOrAt) that before the end of the month a large number will be released, especially in the province ol Havana The cases of those who have Isvn held (or a long time in detention without trial will 1st the tint to be investigated. RUNAWAY TRAIN. Thrilling l , .. to ... . r Passengers on the I hlrsgu Ureal Wsslern. Chicago, Jau. tl. A special to the Chronicle from Oalcna, 111., says: Travelers on u Chicago Croat Western passenger train hud a thrilling rido and a narrow . ap- from death at Oa lcna Junction today. To avoid death the engineer and fireman of the passen ger train jumpil just as their engine crashed Into- the reur of a disabled freight truiu standing In a long tunnel. So great was the foroe of the collision that the (uisseiigar engine bounded ba.-k. aud Is'fore the engineer and fire man could climb aboard the engine the train was going down a steep grade ut the mouth of the tunnel. Tin ndnOtOf w-as unable to use the air, and the train had run a mile, aud was within a bundled feet of a station ary freight train when stopped. Many of the pa--, ng, r- Jumped, while others sought safety in the front coaches. The wrecked cars und the calssise In the tunnel caught lire and were destroyed. The engineer and fireman of the paa senger truiu were both injured. The I'Ugue at Manila. Victoria, B, 0t( Jan. 0. The Manila Times, just received here, states that It has I., ,-n learned Iroiu various au theiittc sources that in main ol our closelv ucightairing towns a serious epidemic, liordcriiig on plague, is rag lng. The towns principally affected are (iiiadelupe, Mundatogana, Pienda and M ii In Ik nt, besides a number of other towns The cause Is said to 1st due to eating the flesh of animals which have died from disease. What ever the cause, there is little doubt that a species of plague exists, which in most cases proves fatal. It is said 'list the disease carries off its victims within DH hours from Its attack, aud in these country towns medical aid or sup plies are not to Is- had readily, and then only in a limited vvuy. lloer Kerrulllug nt Unite. I'.iitte, Mont., Jan. tl. Two hundred and sixty men have signed nil ngrct inent here to go to South Africa slid serve in the lloer army. They are I rlsh-Americans, ( iermuii-Anieiicaus Hid Fn neh-Ameri cans, Oulv tneii .i t ween N and 40 and without MO mm depending on them were enlisted Thuy will leave us soon us an agent of the '1 van-v mil government, now ou his way here, arrives. Sawmill Holler Kiploilril, Cincinnati, Jan. 0. A boiler in the savt.nill id Charles Stout, eight miles east of here, exploded and killed three cm- loves and injured the owuer this morning. Mr. Stout's head was crurhed, and he will probably die. The "leii lloitr. Washington, Jan. ii. Italy has turned a favorable NOpOBM to the cent note of the state department poonni the "oH'ii door" iu Italy was the last of the great remaining to bt heard from. The I'lagiie In llrll Hio Janeiro, Jan. fi. TheJ bubonic plague has broken out in the city mui 1'aulo. re re re China powers Santiago Murphy, who lobbod the Hank of Mexico of $70,000, has I i sentenced in the t ity ol Mexico to nine tears in prison. I'he lVUgou liuy award will not be made lor six mouths or a t ear. tlrronleile Is HsnUhett. Paris, J An, tl, The high court (OBAN) m secret session today con demned II Hutict and Dormilede to 10 tears' banlshmont, M. Ocuriu was seiitcn. ed to Q viars' coiiliiieuient m a foituied place. Mar. pus ile I.ur Saluces was sentcuvtHl to 10 years' banishment. tiriiish Agsal k resets! in ItasaU Borlin, Ian It Is reported Hritish eiinlling agent has la-en rested at Korbheta, Kusaia. the ar- M.-nt I'rU-es v i, . .. . i St Paul, Minn., Jan. . Ioeal and Northwestern retail butchers have ad vanced the price of vial aud srk 1 cent pu DOWkd, It is statin! the ad vance is to If general all over this sec tion, and that it is due to a scarcity ol U VOI took throughout the Northwest Herman Tra.le With t'nlled Stales. Herlin. Jan. ti The annual revrt of the Hremt'U chamler of cx'uunervse comments upon the growth of trade with the Cintisl tatis. expressing the o pin iou that this will be still greater lu ,-oiiMpien,c of , urrency reform. Haiti on the Tugela lllter Eiperted Soon Kltent of the Hull h Itlslng. London, Jun. . This morning's news throws little further light on the war situation. The exact position At Molteno and Cyphergat is not yet clear but in any case these little engage ments are of small importance beyond proving that the Hritish forces are beginning to attain a great degree of BWbilitT, It is fully expected that next week will see a heavy buttle on the Tugehx river, which is now the reAl pivot of the campaign The Hocrs appear U be working in cessantly with shovel and pick. Lord Mcth'ien' cavalry sennting has devel oped the fact that the Hsr intrench ments extend some 40 miles, far over lapping the I'.ntish positions and mak ing flunk attacks exceedingly dithcult. Military critics affirm that the Hoer trenches confronting ieneral Duller stretch away some 1 7 miles, and that work ujsm them is pushed unremit tingly. While the advance is delayed, Hank movements are rendered most difficult la-cause long marches are not done with ' elerity, and it is rmrd to time an attack with certainty. The extent of the Dutch rising may now be DOMtttod by taking a line from l'rie-k i, mi the west, U i Herschel or Harkly, on the east. Along the whole of this line, except at poinU actually occupied by the Hritish, the populution seems (..r the most part hostile. New redoubts are being built at KimlsTlev, und 17 miloeof works now ciie..mpas. the town. The admiralty programmine eat braces the stationing of small squad rons at Durban, Simons bay, Port F.lll als'th, Loremto Marqnez, St. Vincent, in the Cupe Verde islands, aud Cape Town, and sending au additional ship or two to Aden. It is announced that QlMt Hritain's ugents and detectives are secretly watching all Italiauports. It now appears that it is John Churchill, second sou of I .a iy Ran dolph Churchill, and ut Winston Churchill, who has been given com mand of squadron of the South Afri can light horse. Lord II -s -. In has thrown up his en gagement at the Court theiuer in order to join the yeomanry. Thetrfferof Lord Iveagh to provide at his own expense A completely MttiPMd hospital for use in South Africa has boon accepted. The war office hue Invited Sir Will iam Thompson to accept tho post of chief surgeon to the forces in South Af rica, instead of consulting surgeon. I'ltrher Falls Hark. BolmOBti Jan. 6. Colonel PitcLer, it Is officially announced, IsMng only mi a raiding expgdltion, and for mili tary reasons being unable U) occupy Douglas permanently, has evacuated the tow n, bringing off all the loyalists. He has now returned safely to a close proximity to Helmout. When he an nounced the necessity of evacuating the place, the Inhabitants declared their lives were not safe live minutes after the trisips left. Pitcher, there fore, invited them to aceouiimuy him to Balm on t. The vehicles of the town were totally inadequate to convey the refugees, so the troops gave up the trausKirt wag ons to the women und children. MAKCS ONE'S Wholesale FLESH CREEP. he ongo Cannibalism In rrss si. i. New York. J.n. 8. A specUl to the Time from N'Ashville, Tenn., nxys: The Southern PreebyterUn boArd of mis sions in this city received letters today from Rev. L. 0. Vaos. and Rev. II . P. Hawkins, missionaries of the church stationed At Lnebe. Congo Free Btate, Africa, giving ACcounU of the horning of 14 villages And the killing of DO or more natives by state troops. They report thst eome of the victims were a '..-n by cannibAls, And that the bodies of Alt who were slain were mutilAtod, their heads having been cut off. Mr. Vass was formerly of Newbern, N. C, and has been engAged in mis sion work At Luebe since February 18, 1899. Mr. Hawkins was formerly At Vicksburg. Miss. Mr. Vass states that tidings of taiding by the ZAppo Zap- iu the BenA Kan, I. a country hAvlng reached them, And the work of the mis sionaries being threatened, the Rev. Mr. Sheppard was sent to make an in vestigation. He went to the Zappo Zaps' camp And found that 14 village hod been destroyed by Are and plund ered. He saw 47 bodies lying aroun 1 the camp. From three bodies the Acs had been carved and eaten. The chit said that 80 or 90 had been killed and five persons eaten by his people. Mr. BboppOld saw 81 right hands ent off and frying over a slow tire in order to be afterward taken back to the state officers. Sixty women prisoners were confined in a pen, And 16 hud already been sent away prisoners. It is said the raid was ordered because the people could not pay thu exorbitant tribute demanded by the state. The mission aries say that they reported the matter to the proper officials, and demanded tho withdrawal of the troops, aud that the chief instituted a counter prosecu tion on account of trie charges made. The missionaries further say the Zuppo Zaps are a tribe kept by the state for its protection. They are sent out to collect rubber, Ivory, slaves and goats as tribute from the people, and can then plunder, barn and kill for their own amusement and gain. The mis sionaries nay they are collecting evl lence about the massacre, aud will send it to Homa and to Europe. Mr. Vass says: "The whole country b pillaged and not a village left standing. The people are in the bush. Tonight in a radius of about 75 miles there are possibly CO, 000 people sleeping in the bush, un sheltered and weary, in the midst of a rainy season. The state is A terror to every one." til i n mil l it 1 I I 1 M FfcllLsU I 1 1 1 I'l' ALL An nvll ihli. American Prisoners Kescued From Filipinos. snCESSFl'L KM) F PI KSI H ANOTHER STEAMER SEIZED. Ami Baa parol William Thinks it is o- Ins; Ton Far. Herlin, Jan. tl. The imperial mail steamer ( ieneral has been detained at Aden, and occupied by Hritish troops, with the object of searching her cargo, which is to bo discharged. The Gen eral is owned by the Q arm An Fast African line. ! The seizure of the t ieneral has con siderably aggravated the situatioo here, and the indignation against Kug land is Intensified, The gov eminent it still earnestly endeavoring to preserve correct official relations, but England will do well to hasten to make the "amende honorable" to tiermany. On ubedutely reliable authority, the correal ou lent of the press learns that BmpHOT William is now thoroughly aroused by the repeated seizures of vessels, not one of which, he has been assured, is guilty at carrying contru hand. He regards the seizure us high handed proceedings, which Kngluud would not have dared to undertake if tho German navy were more powerful than it is. Ilunna Says No. Olovolaad, 0., .Ian. 5, Senator llanua declared today that, although he had been urged to stand for the per manent chairmanship of the next He publican national convention, he would not do so. "There are other men," ho said, "who are more ambitious than I, and who value that honor more than I do. I will give way to them." Missionary Killed by I hlnese. Peking. Jan, 6. Tho Rev. Mr. BrOOka, of the Church Missionary So ciety, stationed at Pittg Yin. iu the province ot Shun Tung, was captured in the vicinity and murdered December a by mom bore ol sedltlotia noa esdlad boxert," who have been active late ly in deotroying nun villages and killing native Christians. The gover nor Of the province has d'.-patched a orve of cavalry to the scene of the dis turbances, but the soldiers arrived too late to save Mr. Hrooks. t'snatllnn Parliament Summoned. Ottawa, Jan. 1. It was ottlcialD announced tonight that parliament hai Ki'ii called lor lebruarv 1. The nnn. ijval business to la- brought mi mil ha the voting of tnoiiev for the militaM Wiring M to to !a OMt to South Africa. and the adoption of motion- indorsing the action of the government. Three Thousand Miners Stria. Vicuna, Jsn. ii Three thousand miners have struck for an advance ol wages in the Kotlach vma! district of Sttrta. Eierulors' lltg Kees. Chicago, Jan. 8. Robert T. Lincoln and Norman H. Roam, executors of the estate of tieorge M. Pullman, were today allotted as compensation for their services the sum of $41.5,000. The order was entered by Judge Hat ten, in the probate court. This Is said to lie the largest amount in fees ever allowed executors of any estate handled by the probate court here. Another order was made, fixing the widow's award at $20,000. The final accounting of the executors of the Pull man estate Is expected to Isn made next week. It Is said that the estate, which was listed at about $8,000,000 when the will was pmbuted, will now figure up to nearly $14,000,000. Tn Send Mure Holdlers to Cape Nome." Washington, Jan. 8. At the cabinet meeting today, it was definitely decid ed to send additional troops to Alaska in the spring. The points to which they will be sent have not been deter mined upon, except Cape Nome, where it is estimated there will be 80,000 people as soon as navigation opens. This place is now without government of any kind, and some sort of a force will be necessary' to protect the com munity against lawbreakers in the mad rush of people in the spring. No Substantial Gains. London, Jan. 8. No decisive ac Hon is reported from South Africa this morning, military activity being con lined to points of subsidiary import ance. In the central theater of opera tions the British apparently have re ceived no substantia 1 gains. The only dispatch of dramatic interest is the narrative of useless gallantry at the sortie from Mafoking, where the storm ers threw themselves hopelessly against a strongly defended Hoer work. Ore Elevator Fell, Chicago, Jan. 8. An elevator In the furnace-rooin of the biass foundry of the Illinois Steel Company's blanch works at Thirty-first street and Ashland avenue fell today instantly killing two workmen and injuring another so badly that he died a few minutes after being removed to the hospital. The dead are: Joseph Middle, Ignatz Oiazouk, Joseph Sock. The men were using an eleva tor used for carrying ore and blocks of iron to the upper rooms. When near the top the elevator table parted and the car fell to the bottom of the shaft. Against M. S. Juy. Washington, Jan. 8. The senate committee on privileges and elections today decided, by a vote of 4 to 3, to make an adverse report upon the reso lution to seat Senator Quay. To Kn Torre Payment. Paris, Jan. 8. The French govern ment has cabled the commandant of the naval squadron on the Atlantic to proceed immediately to Santo Do mingo. lr. vv A. Hammond Dead. Washington, Jan. 8. Dr. William A. Hammond, formerly surgeon-general of the army, died at his residence in this city tonight, from an attack of heart failure. He expired before a physician could be summoned. Ar rangements for the funeral have not v. t been completed. Dr. Hammond was 7 1 years of age. At the time of his death he was on the rolls of the I' States army as a brigadier-general on the retirel list. Remaining Members of Ynrhtown I'artv aUIUsed to Be at Vlgan-l'aw ualcn In Caslte. It- l. . .. ...... fi i ft... m .11 . O Hsllinge .11. ...o, ..,. , n nil. -i h of several days, (ieneral litis is able to notify the wat department of the com. plete success of the military operation in Northwest Luzon, the main object of which was the rescue of the Amen- can prisoners which the iusurgeuts took with them iu their llight. Although I ieneral Otis docs not sc lfy Lieutenant tiilmore, U. S. N., ,y name, the wording of his message is taken to mean that that officer Is among the list of rescued prisoners. (ienerAl Otis message is as follows: "ManilA. Colonels Hare and llowse have just arrived at Vigan, Northwest Luzon, with all the American prison ers. Their successful pursuit was a re markable achievement. "Schwan and Wheaton arc now with separate columns in Cavlte provm, Attaint in Liuzon, norm oi aiuim, have greatly improved. OTIS." Itebel Klronghold Captured. Manila, Jan. 8. Advices from Mag alung, province of Pampanga, report that Captain Cnnhuuser, with three companies of the Twenty-fifth regi ment, captured the insurgent strong hold of Comanche, on Mount Aruv at, yesterday. Three Americans were wounded, but the enemys' loss is not known. Three members of the Ninth and two of the Twelfth regiment, whom the in surgents held as prisoners, were shot and horribly mutilated. Throe ol them are dead and the other two are recovering. Captain Conhauser sctfiru to thu barrack- mid the town. TO BUILD TO GRANITE. Kloi-k Arrldeut at Homestead Works. 1'ittsburg, Jan. 8. One man is dead ind three injured as the result of on iceident at the Homestead steel works tst night. The dead man is August erger. The injured ore: John Flem ing, crushed, will die; Joseph French crushed, will die; Jitseph CohAll. Ami crush el. The men were chAnging the rolls In M M inch mill when the chain with which they raised the rolls into place broke, letting the heavy moos of iron lown on them. Herver wa intntU- ' killed. Railroad t'ompany Or(Uhied, Taken, Work c t mi. Latirande, Or., Jan. 8. Articles ol incorporation have been tiled for the Hilgard, (irauito Southwestern Rail way Company, with a capital stock of $KO,000 place of business, l.a Qnukdo, Tho incorporators are: J. M. Church, cashier of the Lu tininde National bank; Robert Smith, manager of the lirund Ronde Lumber Company; J. M. Herry, merchant. At a meeting of the stockholders, the following officers were elected: President, Robert Smith; vice-presi dent, E. S. Stanley; treasurer, J. M. Church; secretary, K. W. Hartlett. All the stock is subscribed, and President Smith ha gone to Chicago to close arrangements for the construction of the railway from Hilgard, a point on the O. R. & N., seven miles west of Lu tirande, to tiranite, a central point of the l a-tern Oregon mining district. It Is announced by Secretary Hartlett that work on the preliminary survey will begin at once. The proposed route Is about 00 miles lu length, und fol lows the greater part of the way a water route up the tirande Uonde river. The road will connect the important mines of Eastern Oregon with the rich agriculturl section of tininde Rondo, and it is assured that Lu tirande will be virtually the northern terminus. Fxtensive bodies of timber lie contig uous to tne route. ine movement is hailed with great delight by La (iraude people, who have faith in the financial ability of tho incorporators to carry out the project. It is stated by offi cials of the company that one-half tho capital stock was subscribed in Port land. The movement is regarded at .me of prime importance in the rapid development of the mineral aud agri cultural resources of Eastern Oregon. Another Island Taken. Washington, Jan. 8. -The United States navy has taken possession of another Island in the Flast. The news of the seizure was contained iu the fol lowing dispatch: "Cavito, Jan. 8. On December 21, Wcntsbaugh, commanding the Albay (a little gunboat), hoisted the flag on Sibutu island and the chief date pro vided and raised the pole. Natives and North Borneo authorities pleased. WATSON." The island lies at the southwestern angle of the boundary line of the quad rangle enclosing the Philippine group. It is probably i ut-ide of the line, and lies very near the coast of Borneo, com manding the principal chunuel, but is not one of the islands of the Philip pines. The sultan of Jolo, whose group is close to this island, is believed to claim jurisdiction over it, and as his authority is recognized by the native tribes on the north coast of Hurneo and vicinity, it is believed his claim is well founded. It was probably at his Instance that the naval officer com manding the gunboat moved, Trainmen Killed by Dynamite. Chattanooga. Tenn., Jan. 8. Word has reached here of the killing of four men on the Tennessee Central railroad, eight miles from Rockwood. They were unloading dynamite when a quan tity of it exploded. Agreed ou a Judge. Washington, Jan. 8. Members of the Oregon delegation today united iu unanimously recommending the ap pointment of Judge W. 0. Hale, of Eu gene, Or., as district judge of Alaska, to till the vacancy caused by the resig nation of Judge Johnson. Judge Hale was once judge of the first district of Oregon, and has strong indorsements trom all of the circuit judges of the maw, as well as the judges of the preine court, aud from prominent puDiicaus. Wire Trust Advances Wages, Pittsburg, Jan. 8. The American Steel a Wire Copmany today poftod tioti. es in all of its plants notifying it employes of a general advance in wages of 7 S per cent, to take effect from January 1. The advance effect .10,000 employe. 10,000 of whom are in the I.ttsbnrg district, the rest being employed in the company' works in Chicago, Cleveland And Kokonio. Ind. Irving Shaw, aged 14, of Providence, V V ., was convicted of murdering hi plAvmAte, Jesse HUvnche, And sentenced to Ufe imprisonment. su-lie- o