I fftlflllllillllllll CASTORIA AVef ASicPrcparafion for As -StOaliWurood and Kctfula ling ataioaachb amlliowcls of humotes DigCslion.ChH:iful ntssallteiLContiiln nritlw OinumlMorphlne nor Mineral Not Nahcotic. J.im -rrm ApcrffclRwncdy rorCorulipa lion. Sour Stomach. I)ianhoa Worms Convulsions . Fevcri sh oes. andLoss OF Su ' Tat Sum!.- 'Sif nature of kew Von k. LXACT CORTOf WRAPFtB. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of J M IP AW Ar IT The Kind You Have Always Bought. CASTORIA The duke of Westminster inher it! an eeUte KvnK l''m an innome of nearly $4,000,000 a year. That la the reault of the aeizure ot right which ahoulit he the iniblio'a by prirate individuate during the laat four or five hundred yeara. There are five or aix men in the United Btatea enjoying inooinea quite a great, and in moat cases they liuvit aucoeeded in accomplishing their apoliation of the public within their own lifetime. Our million aires havtt bwo more rapid and successful robbers ol the people than any who are bred abroad That waa a miatake about Agui naldo'a wife being dead, and more or 1mm MVimiHttiv has leen wasted. . . la paper The lady liui Ixnm ruptured by our 1 . , troopa and, in all probability, con neuted with her wardrobe, which, report Hay, came into the hands ol the American troopa prior to the capture of Mra. Aguinaldo. Il ! Aguinaldo thinks anything of hit wife he will now come into camp and be good. Trv a JACKSON SQUARE 5c Cigar AT All Popular Uremia Of Cigars for aale. Julius Goldsmith's t a I.m.i 141. IVOD V I I li t 1( I'l.mn MUkhllMH lr Ulo ..I ut1 II a atata aalajwl awal bjhl. kwBaWf w MH a MM mmmM araatl. Ia. mm will Mitd yvu t in -. i bv m i . I. II.., .!.- ! r ia-.l.all. a 11 Kiuln uiil Im II im al ) our Ili a I wall MatCM MMh Ml if aiaal till aa MMMH la wraarfi -- f, M4 , .1 ( U) Ml . w Hw (Mi It... . .i i. - I til H I III - M Ki I. I I liaa . i mm t.a, ravay rmli.ar, matw rn'iu imi; ' lla r. i-i , t- . I'..i. , .. iNriki full IvitajOi iMtMl brvAMM. Kagrr 1 miliar, Ian. iai I Mluat. triir."l aa vh! a nig- null til fur holtl Hal ir WtffWaat, an.1 sjaarawlaaal kKkillH Milk itr h ua ur l I lo r I- - I Ma SaylN iif Mr-I.'a Ma. klul.-li. Ui aj tk Kl tll.l.' I II MrM'll f "u I la l,l ( ier roalnl fr in ml . ft ill, i tie) fr I t.i llt-Lk iMHlk axiK. -i...., BIARIi ROIIUCR CO. Im CHICAGO I Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Itartlflrlallydlgenuthe food and alda ttature In utretiglhening and recon atrucllng the exhausted digestive or gana. It tat he hit eat illscovewldlgeitr ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it In efficiency. It In etatitfr raliov.M and pcrtuauently curaa Pyapepala, It.di. t . n. Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Slcklleadtu'hc,Catralgla,Cranipa,and Jl other reautta of luitxrfix-tdlireatloa Praporad by t C. DaWitt Co . Cblcaga. VIHCEMT A CO . Corner Drug Store- "IJIIKKK" IOOBIALI0T1O IUKAH. liegister, Jan. Dj We run amuck of ijueer aorta ol journalism tl daya. For instance, in Friday morning's Register we published a call for a meeting of the Republican county central committee, signed by the chairman and secretary. Our evening contemMrary, without conaulting either the chairman or secretary, copied and published it verbatim, aignaturea and all. If the QtJABD had asked the priv ilege, or given credit to the Register for tho clipping, we should have no objection. In the same spirit ol friendlineaa that ia shown in the Register arti cle, of which the above is but a part, wo would ask what reaaon can there be for crediting matter to that has no part whatever in (he creation thereof? There is none, aud the Ret(isler certainly ia miataken when it claims that jour nalistic OtUtOM and courtesy de maud that credit be given for the publication ol such notices. As to 'conaulting either the chairmau or secretary" of that or similar meet ings in regard to publication of le gitimate news matter, the Uuahd will not do so unless those pcrsoua copyright their oalla or notices. TheUuAun proK)sea to give the uewa, but will give credit only where credit ia due. They are public property, signed aa auch, and no newspaper haa any moro right to credit therefor than had the ncwepaera that first pub lished the Declaration of Indepen dance or the Kmancipation Procla mation. We must disaent from the Register's claim that "the presB of the State will sustain us (the Register) on Una point." The beet newspaper practice of the atate, or elsewhere, ia to give credit for auch notices only where a proper under standing of the matter oan bo de rived through the publication ot the name of the paper in which such notice first appeared. There are other Republican pa pera in the county. Must they give the Register credit for the offi cial party call? Wt are certain they will not do ao, nor abould they. The Daily (JUABD published political calls and notices for the Republic.in parly ami its clubs, by request of managing chairmen, before the Daily Register was found od. Further we treated such notices as matters of news, and made no charges. ( I I V i Hi N li, A If ai I MeejllUg NlMef to Ka Num bered. Council met in regular aajejtofl Mon day evening, I' m. Ma)or Hum-, audOoaDeJIawn Oabaro, White, Lejak y ami Alirains. Ml Oil tee Of Dae, II, were read anil appr oved. I 'oiniiin ire reported tavor ablyon a number ot hills ami warrants were ordered dmwn rheblliator beat lodgaa at the lire department election for t , was al alowed ai (l. Petition nt t reasurer (Jraw for In crease of salary : The committee rec ommended thai his salary be Increased at the rale of ICI per annum, April 1, lltOO. 'It v attorney directed to draw an ordinance to thai effect; recommendation adopted. Councilman Ahrams, Iroin judiciary committer, on the demand for dama ges for Mr. New' death in a sewer, raportad that the city waa not Malic. On mnllon it was ordered that further action l Indefinitely Kstponed. He also reported IlkewlHc on the oaae of llert Whipple for damages, and the matter, by motion, was Indefinite ly postponed. The case of Mlsa H stel' for refund n it of bicycle flue, referred btnlt without reroriimeiidatiou. Motion to lay on table carried. Councilman Luckey read monthly report. Amount id lumber used dur ing month, 7.::s feet. Wat er IIoh, manager of I'arke opera houe, aakel the council to enact a quarterly llcene of not more than f referred to judiciary committee. rlltlon of r-. M. Douglas and brothers to urade and gravel JtOffaOU street from I be DOT! fa eud, souh of Kighth street ; refernd to street com mittee. Hills read aud referred to llnance committee. i)n motion ol (Niuncllmau O-hurn the city atloruey was diiccteil to iiiHti tule suit for the collection of delinquent a-ecsMiieiit. The delinquents num ber nineteen, the aggrega'e amount being $U8U. 19. On motion of Councilman Osliurn, the eltv attorney, with finance com mittee, were directed to prepare an ordinance requiring the naming of the ntreelsiiml numbering the buildings. On Motiou of Councilman Luckey the Marshal was authorized to connect hie office with the telephone company. Adjourned. During the three months ending Deo 81 there were 420 trips, through the locks at Oregon City and 4747 passe, i gera carried, also 7084 touaof freight aud nearly IXKI.UK) feet of logs towed through. The Hulh made trips and carried till passenger through, the Kugeue made '2U trips and carried only 5T paasengera. The Pomona lead with 7N trios aud 1(143 passengers. Monday's Albany Democrat: "Ed McClauahau, of Kugene, is In the city on a trip through the valley In (he Interest of the Rambler bicycle. - Dnvitl I. Ink, a prominent shoe dealer of Ku gene has been in the oily today." m . This is the way they conduct a courtship in the Transvaal: When a young lloer goes to call on a young lioeress he meets her in the presence of the family. If lie finally brings tier a box ot IwMUneaU ami she accepts it they are engaged, anil are permitted to do their spark ing in a room by themselves. Uut when the mother leives them Bhe makes a mark on the candle. When it bums down to the mark the youug man must pull out for home, We don't think that candle scheme would work in Or goo, The first thing on the prof u u m litis section, murk or no mark, is to blow the candle out. HAIR SWITCH 65 CENTS. ai a. ana , . ., .... rr up aa.ia, ... . lit... U.I . .... i .1 M Nit t. OUR OFFER- 1 " ' ' " 1 . . HUI M an cul :vr th I- la aa m f4aJ aartai atiaa aad I r iKlaaf ajU will aaa a.iiM i .l ml t. Ih. I... I. 1--MII .I l .t .,wn . ...i . ..... ( . a. .. .M.t i. ... aiij miiJ t. . u I i AMI If y .-u .n. it.l iwrfwU r-uni it ...J m v will iatu.0 lata . i Bfcill.leat rtbaMn, to. IWh an. ioa, ii aao aat .i.m. Mot vtaia. U,il.iriw. ai.ttl tim. lata. hMK.Utart Ma. ai.aOi f la l.u.daarlMMa.M.aai S ' atu aa bur. .u... a J. I a. "a at .a.tiu tu wuaa tl. hihMi r.i. . :.. aaatrfeaa, aSaaM4ta t .pwti iiaaa Vw aaaw mmmj ir y ... EliM.t Write ir In. IW...... .( MUfUaaaa. aaiii. tcaat, aotauca a co dae i csic aaca. The GO AID is glatl that the Ore gon delegation in Congress has re commended Judge Bait of this city, for the posiiion of V. S. judge of Alaska, aud trusts that he will, in due course of time, receive the appointment. Judge Hale is a na tive Orecouian, a man in (he priwe of life and a tlrtt claas lawyer., a .. tlemau a-m4 a g.W ciilnM"B. Fer a number of veaiss fce wat . eweuit court judge i-H t'av Fiir.st district and refused to avVajt-anet-her nom ination for the poriUoa, as he wanted a real from the oneroti" dutier. PrtaUrDl McKinley could nit have found a better or abler man to ocnf r tbe honor upon. Delaware is beating New Jersey as i he home of the trust, Up to date Neat Jer.-ev tru-la have a cap ital of $4, -103,400,000. Delaware yet lag behind this very far, it is true, having thus far ouly $41t!, 000,000 worth of trusts. lUf Del aware hap done it all in less than niue months, while New Jeraaj has been encouraging the forma tion of trusts ever since the n!o Kuilcv administration c:ime into power. These figures throw rather a bright light on the recent asser tion ot a distinguished Republican senator that tbe only anti-trust law was a Republican law. The trust magnate- tuny well say, "Let who will write the laws, whi'e we control the executive." DAWSON NEWS Thousands of Men Ont of Work Delayed by Mild Weather. nucTUTiRo waai scan. Reports from Dawson regarding- oon- dlllona there are as l ouflicting aa dur ing the Klondike boom. Hundreda of men are deitllule, accardlng to the Alaakau'a Dawson correspondent, who aaya: "Ther are here today thousands of men, who are out of luck , out of work and nut of money, and with but alliu prospectant bettering their condition. The workout season ou the creeks has not yei fully opeued, owing to the eoo lluued mild weather. For the past ten days or two weeks the mercury ha hovered around at from 10 to 'ift above cam, and until there are several days witii it at 40 or mora batow there win be but lutie demand for labor. Per sonally I have no fault to find, aa i have done very well mnee my arrival, but with the majority of men here II la either hard labor or liolhing. UNbTABI.K MKAI. I'HICKH "ii feature of tine country la tl entire laca of price basis, fluctuation tiling its greateat characteristic. For example: A person goes to a rraiau raol ami eats a meal for which he pays 11.6(1 Five or six hours later he goes lo the saiue restaurant, duplicates the meal, and is charged i or l 50. If tie inquires tbe reason for the raise In prices, he ia told that meat haa gone up or that tbe cook haa alruck for higher wage, oraoiue other flimsy excuae. " The scale of wages on the creeks change two or three times every week, with tbe result that the mau w no goes to work lu the uiornlnR at the rate of tl an hour does not know at what hour iu the day he will be re duced toSoceuts. The same fluctua tions are appareut In all business cir cles. I kuow one gambling houae here that had three dtllereul proprie tor in four days. A man Is likely to go luio business here at U o'clock at night aud sell out next morning befoie breakfast. A OKEAT DOO COUNTRY. "This Is the greatest place on earth for dogs, and every dog iu Dawson, ouly one excepted, Is broken In har ness, 't he exception is tbe bull puppy brought from Hkagway by my little daughter. I had to come to Dawson lo realize the truthfulness of the letter wrltteu from here two yeara ago by Joaquin Miller, iu which he said: ' Dogs to tbe right of us, dogs to the left of us, dogs all arouud us; d u tbe dogs."' WILL MKBT IN Ha LEU. Tbe .Men May Festival or Music Will He Held iu That Gltf. A meeting of the committee of the Willamette Valley Cboial Uulin, which coualats of the choruses of Haleiu, Kugeue, Albany aud Corvallls, was held In Albany recently, and it was decided to hold tbe festival of May, I'.KX), iu Salem. Two oratorios, "The Creation," and "Ht. Paul," will bi presented. Kranoeeoo tJeley, of Malem, was chosen festival director, and will direct the choruses In "Ht. Paul." "The Creation" will be directed by W. Ulflord Nasb, ot Kugeue. The oratorios will be pro duced with soloists, eborus and orche-tra The chorus, which will number I7." singers, will begin re hearsals the second week in January, aud will eudearor to make the festival a pronounced success. To till vacancies In tha union, the committee elected H. H. title aud H W. Hwallnrd, both of Salem, preaident aud secrelary, respectively. I'lie feat Ival was lo have lieen held in Albany, but on account of having no sultab.e place (or holding it, Baleiu was selected. i urn! inner I'nurt. I I i , p. I par auppliea for paU- (a-r Can I rail M J D Cx, suia-rvi-or tliatrli t No 4, &8 00 J u i ox, learn hire for road work O' I" Flak, supervisor roaU di.irlct No 61 M 0" J J Taylor, aupervlaor r .ad dia. trici No S4 8-00 Thomas Uray, auperviaor road dlstfM No 81 34 00 ti W Kredenburg, work on bridge 1 25 rl W Purler, work on road -4 il J J Wissl, rebate on ro.d tax .. 8 50 R.T Htlofley, work on rock crusher 00 Krauk Faajaanilan. work OO rm-k eruabar 30 00 Cnaa Kenpe, work on rock crusher 20 00 James HollenbK-k, work 00 rock crusher 3S W H Herbert and J Halley re moving drift from bridge " -'' Win Parvln, supplies tor pauper Cain 'i o i W T Halley, county commlsa- loner C C Hays.gravel 3 60 J M Maitin, road supervbor dis trict No S8 I8 KO Potter, county Judge 6(1 7" A H Patterson, wiurity treaaurer 66 70 VV W Withers, sheriff. loo 70 Kred Kisk, deputy sherlfl "S 0 E U Dee, clerk I' 19 W H He lie, deputy clerk oh I"1 K L Olhba, deputy clerk 75 00 Win Miller, school superintend ent loo 00 K B Howen, ferryman O Of W H Katon, ferryman kl 00 M ( ' Dolson, ferryman 3 7" U R Doyle, Janitor 40 On TO Muxwell, land forgra'el 40 W II Jolr son. at ravel I 36 U M Dorlty, work ou rock ciuher IS " J J Wood, work on ris k cru.her 40 00 W Pennington, work ou rock crusher 1 H Macklin, work on rock crurher 4l 0) John Heist, work on ris-k ciudier 3.') (Mi Alfred Praiton, wotsl for pauper Cautrell br 00 Hllas Wentz, work on rock crusher 12 40 Lyon Bros, work on road 66 On Milliorn Hroa. lumber etc U 00 H A -k.-cl- & Co, lumber U 61 John Maxwell, itravel 4 OS Kakio ct llrlstow, supplies fur Mrs Brown I M F IWisner, supplies for Indigent soldier Hunnicutt 4 61 C Cole, lumber 8 lo Eugene Water Comiany, water 17 W otto Darelius, lumber 10 Oil J lira Deadmoud, lumla-r 5 00 H K Klncald, printing 0 00 0 H Zumwalt, gravel 2 KO J W Kavs. mounting maps 1 66 J M tioldson, lumber 16 Of F L Chambers, mdse 14 65 (Irlttln Hardware Co. indse 00 M A E WimxI, supplies for pauper White ! 70 W V Patterson, itravel IK) J M Ooldsou A Hons, lumlier 65 - II 0 Wheeler, road work 8 00 Dudley tfc Beebe, lumber 10 Ni E Dyer, gravel 0 00 8 Ht John, gravel 2 00 Price Withers, itravel 5 10 John Tali, lumber 1 7(i L O Beckwilh. supplies for J O Hunnicutt 6 16 Alex A Foster, deputy shirill. .. :' oO C B Moritan. deputy sherill'. 6 00 Geo B Camp, deputy -In mt 3 He Triad b Sample Bottle aaalvevan 'lay iiple coma Intn drill i for tuetr tonaabla. (fy ..l.i lliev r." M 0 do i, twi-au., aa a rule, lliey do not Utlieve it proper lo ad- waaaTOfMlo take a patent Dieiliofne of whlrlitbayiln in. i know tlia lngre.ilanta.lt i Um nityaf clan'K i-uil-rm.n to pre acribe. H-iiiio make an ex captinii, how- .-..r a In n TtTns baa n rout h. aoU i tfaroalaad lung I . - ' ml A. kt-r -Mig- li.h Remeih, bacauaa I know Jut what it will do. It has curel eeery ca-e abero I l,.r.ssenitlrl I It i; lie ls-t -r-.iit uinl tome I ev.-r handled in my 1 vara npcrlei.ee. I will give Ju-t one in.lance of a B,.ntlen.ar, who had been troubled for , . . with a rtaaty, k klna "," I f , i ukar'aEnilUli Barorfy. Ha Wad 1 Mmi la bottle, and i cured batoro ha had taken half "fit. t ' wl'atevcr. TOM) I, an eicepiion.il eaaa, howavar, Mituiuolly 1.1a1" lallllf HI"1 1 u" , . (fllfatd) A. II. t'ook, lieilfrontamr, uuo. aU .i .v.-. noil il a bottle, tlir.nn-h. o-,t ikaVrdiotl -"tat- - and Cawadai and in El.n.1. at . : '".' Z art- not .ataaneo u.r .......... l-.tlle W your druggui, uuu get yvu m.v-w, bat k. , . t W ItlAAIW lie ffw-'w-. 11. livuLlU ' f ' " For Bala B- W L Delano it. m an . lOUie MaH EUGENE LoanEiSavinQsBa Of Eugere, Oregon. hi Up Bill c . til Surplus ' 353 OrNfSAI. BANKING BUSINtt TB acTCO on lAVcnroic terms. l.ralit L.utU I n the .rllie',.l cult. DBlltOttaweeatl tmeii-ii ro Birlaa. ,,t. i.-ai al lowed bb i ii ml: f, ... it-ii.ii abas mi Mated tgod, lol aatlona n ' I" ' I'" R,l'' auniuo I li ai a i BOB 19 v AIMUlU leugln. BpakiO of the aar, the British losees in South Africa give the Kichmond Va.1 Times another op portiinity to r.uuiiul one that even the BiH'r ar is child's play. To show what real war is, tl.c Times recalls that l'nkeU's division of Oaafadtrataaj lost at 0ltyabur MOtt men io thirty minutes of tighting than the British have lost Silled, wounded and captured in South Africa, since the war le gan. Heath's division ol Lee's army at (Jetty shurg lost 2?taJ men in killed ami wounded in twenty five minutes, Hancca k'a diviiion, iu the ajaaoll on Mare'a Hill, at Kretlericksburg, Deivmber 13, 1!62, t :-st about -2600 killed and wounded out of 5000 men. ' An Did Maseu. 'Vh nigh few members o' the Masonic fraternity of Kugene probably aware of the fact, H. C. Owen was the oldest member, In point of yeara of membership, of F.ugene Iodge No. 11, A. F. tfc A M. And tbeie are few Masons in thestate that can lay claim to au older membership than that enjoyed liy Mr. Owen at the time of his death. The recorda of the F.uireue lodgeahow that Mr. Owen affiliated lu IW and had lHen a contritiutlng member ever since.a period of forty-three year. The lodge records of those earlier days were not ati carefully kept aa at present, and an io snow wuai itHige made htm a Mason, but it was probably at Saleni or Oregon City, aa Mr. Owen was a resident of l'olk county three yeara bc i Me . .inung to l ane county In 1861. He must have been a Maaouover half a century, aa he ivrta:nly received tbe degreea la fori' the da-te of the SMBt nieuceuient of his I.Mie CMMal) resi dence. Onriitir all Ihoaw yearr-a these was not a nreak lu his un-intr..ti ij.. A dlBpatch trom Seattle says that representatives of SO leading logging Arms met iu that city and matte an advauee In the price of logs by to tar log Into ao agreement to ins In lulu a new schedule or shut dowu. Merchant able logs w ere ad vauct d to ti per lOOn, selected tofl.60, flooring to 7.50. A gen eral raise of f-.' per thousand over the usual rate was ordered on all logs over 70 feet In length. Kosehurg l'laiudealer: li. M, Dona hue, of Portland, has been appointed agent of Wells, Fargo & Co, aud (he Weateru Uniou.tor Kugene, vice V. M Dorlty, re.iguetl. Mr. Donahue Inn) the run to tills city on the local for a number of years and is well and favora bly known here. The clerk's office at Kosehurg Is now kept open until 8 p in so as to allow workingmen a chance to register with out listing time, .v gotal idea. W. I. enow. Praincnt. F.W. OttBUKN. tatnltr. 0. PAIliE, w. w. HKimtj, NO MO mTJmam - J m 8QLD PLATED Olll mmi t I ami I.. ruufit "u , . It at M' .,....( a'.Wa- Ur..riafH; aar-i ..-aiJ ; war e-iWiP arwaaaawaaj .. ir.l.i..tf an. M.aedOl A li.JilalllaUl.tliT Ui'b I lls' a:lIlaT as'i'i gj llfla ljU. laarrlraaj kitlr, l.U Ulled T I atta l. Jit latlta. JC.IMII,t.lal . HaleH.- 1' a fa i it t! e i ! r La-ttaT Ihnnaur M Ibraaj M l.i a. iw ifraaa K NlTB. t.la and prra BI0BBi Don'l be Deceived ht falffcy ndnlaaaali hkh ull I al tiU to Will V "U f"Ull afa-l anan.. in imi watrk Car 1 li to . wata afiHMWH' " ' .-aa. A. io A' UaTPU ' - f 1 Maatltag QUB $2.4j WATCH , J iifraBMkaj i Braril'M. at. I I U"l ' a- l . f If! , lli"f nirfil ! Dtrhi I ) ' g,:-" rTw.Tr.'..-;: , aa. i .! t',:-:."r''.,i';.lrJ rvsrrr.- air..-. SEAHb. KUtauua at.o. in gasBB a i..ak a t . uwtiaji i - aaaaa i ,'c- . f v; i -i ruiT v t.O AND fV!ArlUOr Cures Impotcncy.KiRht Emissions .inc n i an-, at. fl'tC i tbuae, or excess and inui6 trctlon. AucnetoMli'iuu' Mood boilder. Brino i tbi pink r!ow io pale cheeks and ic.sto.i : the lire cf youth. I iv ma ' .iOe per l?x: J boxes IJIOi wit- t v itton guaraita ... enra c kwjfiaM Um moiMyi NEPiv: .-, .'rciCflL CO. :;nts . -.-ck.i: n C... CrilCAGO, ItsV lataalaWL DaLaao DratgM NERVITA ot ; lit mi- in. CM& Boiiilwr - II - ) V...UI f . tie ' v w ajaav - .aaa .l . iti . I I I t.l.i. lur I. ".11 I a. This Circular fraj Capj hall. ...I l'l"-li. . . rrrs ... . rl.l...lrly mbrtil.lfrr-l illl " braiimr . BhasawSa, nn.ai... tklll l.r. ' LANE tblhlV BA Faint e lla IS.ir. EUGENE. OR EGC ft Itiiril Ukiij bbkirefs in ai bra transacted an favorable terms. A. (i. HOVKY, President J M. AHHAMK Cashier i PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM ni.n aj.il Ua-it.r.n tnt hair. --- a luiur.arl tmwth. N. vrr ffUU to 11. atore Ory Jiair -J m ivumtaa . Curr a ft p l "' ha r la..a. a an 1 I I at I 'I 19 pi SK ! Junction City : Milling Compad MANUFACTURERH tK THE- "WHITE ROSE" O O 0 FLOUR. GUARANTEED n ii o o r BEST QUALIT The most popular flour iu the market. Sold eatling grocers. bv SEND NO MOiMF ' M,..tM - " " W. .Ill M-ll'l . IM "t.u. v..r .aaiaii aaauica siwino (,niv i i.ai.i aa . Jtwaay aiaatlaiTl .t nu b ... 111, al jr,.,t iu utU Hlia ... u. .l-al I" arbl... ...V .r.v,. ,,. . - ". ". . ,, snivnuiner Prg SUiJ-.Q Marai i rr.-t.-tit ,-t,.r.',-. il..-, .in. ... rrf.-... .. ui.f, .rMtrliUO nillM. aivl it tu.ic .,..'. "a I- in. ami ai-wt'.i return.. itrVis 3..?. ."".T i , .. ii... all mi . .... ... .r.i- j . - '" Swkl.. lilala.. I.ut f II. Ill r..r tl,l. Iiatip lata r.a.UJ ,1,.. .r. ,i.;,vi.;;v..;:r;.,.. 'a, STiX2rtmi w BEWARE OF IMITATIONS tr Il,.-m. ula , rr..riT,.f ..au. ETS ... IOl,iil ii LieraaenU. M rlla-aosee frifBtl lathiru THE BURDICK e. C rj's . i ', thcil Y i:r lips ;!;; -s qi c pale, your nervei '., ;v:il your whole bodi rcatlydelulitated. Th d i r i ay 'You have anaemia." just one thing ycu ed something to make e I lood rich and red. coTi&muWciL ill certainly do this. It r.ukc the mot hjtppr ianga for you, nd ixxmi our t,4J rength ani ac Vf Wt)) rctunx. JTTai .. Oaanaaa, Vai-HviA An important manufacturing ititjut try in la-tin: alarttaj at Hcio. by the Nortbareatero Max A Fiber Manufac turing i in pan . aaya the Albany Heraltl. This factory will manufac ture grain bags, burlap aacka, tarlnra ami all tha coarser grade of linens, auoli aa crash, toweling, linen ulster, ate. The plant Is already being lu Bfrtfad, li will result In tbe growing of S00 to X) acrea of flax In tbe vicinity of BatO tluting this year. 1!" .'!?is i Fuitfilfl in-- Hit I iiai wit th, rut .1... ilia Mitil flr-rarS .tlH " iTiinriHiriMM f 11 t B UMl fl ,i).iiM, area aj aaa taa at in,.,, aJVl, ..!nJW',i, mi mi 1 1 i-..V-VAalJ' ' awnnur .an u.n.i,,... ...'. ' auaaai m ii.ai ,.,,.'n i-niNror ki i i, .ii. an i, m a int i K...I I-. HI ,, ,, ar.t aaalrr. la Irt.m Ihr b.-al anal SOLin QUARTER SAWLD OAK "Of pts CAIIHET . .. , .... . ., , . . fur llluitrutl in ; 4i: ih.- ..ii,,'r',; :'';, h faf iiiLVXX! wn,ir. r..r..r. ..,.,.,, .,.... r "L.. . .Ln.,ML iul rat..-.l i, ii,,,,!,. nn..t n,.-i., i.,i. all a.lju.lal IrtrratlJ. .in-nuln.Sti.ythlri tml II..., I .... r t" ill , . ,.,iu.?. "," i ' "" ""una 1 1bnaBB .huttir. .wa "W ""A. QH.HWTWD il iraaalat, , T, ii ? aTA ,'i. f T, "" "": " I- '."".k.. and o it Tnt , .,,!r iiil eillan,l.eltl..-i '. .i .A '" i'l-l.i.n.',, II Wia TUU NOTHING 1 iai..ik,..rn. , , ,r ,,n, , in.a m.iniha , .,i, ... ,-,.u-r.. , ... u,..u tal t m. nd thrn If ml, a TO ktii it . i in k in i UmUtJi am il V ' ' " r, . ".tti.ii.-u. Addre, SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO. tlncJ Chicago, III i.i Si CASTORIA For Lifauta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough. Baara tie Siuatora a! I Iti Juv i i wv .j"r-i I! BTWa tt . . ab laal. ... or...icuu:,.c- ......... ioN, II I a.Ulll I IT I ' t ill- h'V., ggy!mj?ATALQCUE FRfl IHI bIG CATALOGUE mala. ia pa... a'.r..'I aS 1 '"' """l Bf.J aataa, .,.. - J ' ..-,....., lapa..ls yr.l,.rr. Hit..-- !"'' " a.a,..v ,M,l,,ir... e,..t a..i,.i l. 1. "' "TT- a...h.aaaai tulto. atnaaa. f 77,1,. J'lM l.t ..aTgW..,, ktH-wrat h.m . r "ttiiatf ktknaaa4wasilKi Mm fr.m inr. " I'll. . rli..Il. ,.t i Ml,. t.lr h,, nm I ' .U a 111 ha on anythlnj t.i Jour town. The li ..I, 1 wat. IU - 'A ..4 !. Mia at.k will . at ! V. n'lthi,,, ,t,....rt.,Ait,.....r . - IZWZ It L,',-l"a' S Pl' M ..rrO""-' JftW"'' "v" Altoi T TWiarvTiic' J'l II 1 la a ni.num.-oi ( boalaaw UUonuaUoa."-Mlanar- '' in.an. atfraat M. n CFREELOFFCR. nnp ma ihr U (arut rkttAjrw. aa ta WU -y aa. i aaw.l.l. .n l il v. M prt(hw Kaa - .. rWfllP ' ; :.R,T',,1,llin.t,ls1arlni- .t.inarHMtM.r aa,' . . wai , m Wllflg l;-..f IMlrtl. M a'.7'U',VT'dB of 'lititlaronraala. iWaW I W. SEARS, ROEBUCK A CO. (Ir , CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, U. wrrtt -Wuhlnrton Katlonal Tna la. n or lh- laMHi h..aM , ( IU M1 of ttaff flMaJt tb'rrlnf ta Cofiattrutlna. rhT" hnuMfi HaraaM NMI aa-h. ..ia." Thvtloti I rttwUe l-