The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 13, 1900, Image 1

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VOL 33
pftcial this week.....
Kid Gloves
$1.00, $1.25 pnd $1.50
83 cts.
i Muslin Gowns
$1.00 $125 and 150
I 83 Ct5.
THE AFRICAN YfAR "i,,irw t,"tH""',,i,i"0'"
cveuuu -1 I t f .
A Nicies of Incorporation of tin- Preser
plot Mining Co. have bMD llled in the
Boer Tactics a Revelation tOi;;::iriirrrtTByKtr:
4k n k port tors; too business Is to rent, mII,
tile BritlSil. Us and operile mines, etc. a No to.
erect HineiierN or reduction works.
Principal place of busi nes , Cottage
tirovt; cnpl'al Htock, IOO,(IOO; each
share $1 ( 0
Count v Clerk Lee lias issued u m.r-
uamtmrn, Jan. u-u.e noer laeiies rlage license to Casper I, Lea ami Nora
Me proving mi to the Kuglish Watch.
war departiiieni. The. ahilily to, County Clerk Lee today mailed a
I rapidly ina-s t mop at critical strategic marriage license to Mown H. Oflm and
points, (food marksmanship ai.d keen M BBlltn,
generalship are alike Inconceivable. PBOBATi COURT,
Estate of Jl N Hill deceased; execu-
Was Brought Up in the U. S.
Senate Today.
si.-cii to the oeaitf.
It I' conaidered uuaccouulable, pend
iliit arrival nf detailed new-, why
CAMPBELL BRO., Publishers
nFFIl'E-EMtni'le ol Willamette street, be
tween Seventh anil KiKlith iitreeU
taY rm
Si Uotba LOO
AJ'tftiiini: rate, made known on application
Ulna til buiineM letter to 'IT IK (iUAKL),
hp. Oregon.
HI tmctice in all the court of the state.
(Kk-ln Walton Mock.
ErtiE.vr, Okecon,
Hiiiu purchawd the office and fixture of
tW lite deceased W V Henderaon, I am
aoapnpared to do anything in the line of
DatMrr in the above said office.
STOiva ud bridge work a specialty.
tkb, W.tchen, Chain, Jew
7, Etc.
Vliairini; promptly done,
all work warranted.
OCn-Upitaln in Chruman Illock.
Hoon: 9 to 11 a m; 12 to 2, 8 to 9 p m.
The Mtisick Mine, tieiinri, May Put
in Ten Hort Hlaiups.
Superintendent 1. H. Hingbam nf
the Mustek mine, Bohemia, continues
to secure very satisfactory results to
the operation of Ita 10 -Stamp mill, and
Informed a QUABO reporter today that
the company In contemplating nu ad
dition of tea more stamps to the ca
pacity of the mill. The ore la Id sight,
Mr. Bingham asserts, to warrant the
compauy iu making this move and the
inert a-.- Iu earning capacity to be
thus secured is earnestly desired. Od
thereturnof Mr. Bingham from his
Eastern trip detail- of improvements
will take active shape. They will In
clude also the hiiilding of hetter roads
to the district.
Girl Disappears.
Cottaoe Gkove, Jan 8. Miss Min
nie Thorn, 10 years of age, mysteri
ously disappeared last night, and no
trace of her can be found. Hbe attend
ed the evening services at the Method
ist Episcopal church, and is reported
to have been seen at the railroad bridge
half way between here and Latham.
A nearcli party has been out today,
but their efforts did not lead to any
conclusion as to her whereabouts.
tora ordered to make distribution of
$670 on bands belonging to said estate.
KMate oi John H Kerauaon. deceased.
Ueiicral Holler did notcrojs theTugela executors ordered to make deed to 1(10
liver during the attack on Ladysinlth. acres in tp 15 irwtn Josephine Maloy
' devised iu will, and appraised at $1000;
The queen has sent a message , "' personal property sale made for
' -1.42 was anproved; total iiaid out to
(leucra) lute, congratulating him on . . ,.-. ,
1 " B I dale, SXoO; receipts $2,iw9.&7, leaving
the aide defeuse made of Ladysmllh. , ,,aUnce on hand of 2,609.67 executors
ordered to pay to E t ' Ferguson, T J
The American and (Jerinau einbas-i Kama, M A Pitney, .. phiue Maloy,
seys have beeu in close consultation to-1 J 8 K.rgueson, .1 H r-Vrgueson, M E
day, presumably 00 mailers. emlug Alle"' T J Ker '. h' WW each.
I An additional iippraiHeineiit whs tiled,
Itrilish m -1111. - of var Out supp y , ,, , .., .
11 J amounting to $",,381.7(3 by appraisal!
Vessels. I I J Wim. W A flmllh u ,,,1 In tttenma
LANIi oontract.
Geo W AbraiiM and wife to Ueorge
A Houck, lots No. 6, s aud 0, block
, Hhaw's addition; $1700. Last pay
ment of $500 to be made in 1003, inter
est at 7 percent.
I'KIIOP ok i, a unit
"Dewey" claim; Black Buttt district,
by Win Harris.
L E Hcrivener baa llled Ills stock
brand, a letter S with circle under.
JUjS) Oil lull block south of Chrimnan
Euoene, Orxqon.
Hems Bothered About the Court
Heal estate mortgage $ 600 00
Heal estate mortgage 350 00
Release of mortgage 200 0O
Chattel mortgage 400 00
Chattel mortgage 1.50 00
Heuewal of chattel mortgage 3,000 00
Heal estate moitgage 140 00
J K Yost and wife to .Southern Pa
cific Co. 3.00 acres; right of way; $10.
(Jill Meadow to The Proeperplue
Mining Co, "Falling Mm" and "Ne
mo" miuing claims, Bohemia; $50
Lea Valentine, Paul aud Grace Har
pole to W J Thomason, 132.43 acres iu
tp 18 s r 7 w:$50.
U 8 to Johu W Marshal, 100 acres lu
pt 19 s r 2 w; patent.
A E Lovelace aud wife to John W
Harris, lot 0 block 4 Hhaw's addition
to Eugene; $1X10. The following declar
ation, dated at Essex, Canada: "I do
solemnly declare that Leora Foster
Lovelace la one and same person as
Leora A Foster."
Edward K, Willie and Orvllla Jud
klus aud Mary L Htearns to Josiah
Burner, 2.08 acres in tp 18 r a. w; $100.
R H Ulll and wife alid others to
J H Hill, 540 acres, in tp Itis r 5 w, and
lot 7, block 41, Junction City, 6,0M
The signatures to the deed were made
Died. In Amity, Yamhill ceuuty,
Jan. 7, 1900, of pneumonia, Mary E.
Booth, wire of J. W. Booth, aged 33
years, 9 mouths and 10 days. Deceased
wai a daughter of J. P. and Susan Cal
loway, of Eugene. She leaves a hus
band, three children, father, mother,
four brothers, two slaters aud many
other relatives aud friends to mourn
her loss.
Money Lost. Last Friday, iu Eu
gene, Mr. H. A. Kt. Earl, a Butte,
Montana, mining man, lost an envel
ope out of his vest pocket In which
was wrapped up $100 Incurrucyof the
following denominations: Three $20
bills, two$10 bills end four $5 bills.
Three of the bills were on Butte, Mon
tana banks. Mr. Earl offers $20 re
ward for the return of this money to
himself at the Hotel Eugene or to the
Guard office.
Hpt-rlal to tneUluaD.
Washington, Jan. 9. The resolu
tion presented to the Uulted States
senate by Senator Heveridge, of Indl
aua, to retain the Philippines aud con
trol the archipelago was brought up
tialay and was fostered by Ita author
In a speech of great brilliancy. The
galleries were crowded, as the young
orator and statesman Is already widely
known. Senator Heveridge spent
some time during the past summer In
the Piiillpplues, Japan and China
study log allaiis of state, and the atti
tude which the 1'n l ed State should
make towaid this question most likely
to result in its good btbaJf.
New YORK, Jan. 9. The president
of Santa Domingo has succeeded in
raising a fund for the purpose ot liqui
dating the French claim against bis
New York, Jan. 9. The flue resi
dence of Joseph Pulitzer, editor of the
World, was destroyed by Are today.
Twoservauts erished In the flames
before the firemen could reach them.
1)1 KD.
Another of Oregon's curly pioneers
has parsed to the Great Beyond.
Henry C. Owen died at his residence
on Elevetith street, January 9, at 2:00
a. iu., aged 77 years, 3 mouths and 22
days, after suflerlDg several mouths
from kidney disease. He haves four
sons and oue daughter. J. W. and
Clay Owen, of Monroe, Benj. A. and
Nesmlth Owen, of Lane county, and
Mrs. Henrietta Mansfield, who with
her husband are running a newspaper
at Natnpa, Idaho.
Mr. Owen was born In Lexington,
Missouri, September 18, 1822, and ar
rived Iu Oregon iu 1844, coming across
the plains with the late e Senator J.
W. Neemlth, aud the late Morris
Humphrey, Sr. He settled first at
Itlckreall, in Polk couuty, aud was
married to his first wife, Miss Eliza
beth NIchnlle, at that place, In 1848.
He came to Laue county to reside In
1851, and settled on Spencer creek,
where he still owns 3000 acre of land.
His first wife died In the 60's. Iu
1188 lie married his second wife, Mr.
Henry Vauduyue, who died several
years ag. HI brothers, William,
Benjamlu and Jason Oweii are still
remembered by many nf our citizen.
Three of bis old-time piitlcuiar friends
and assoclatt for year still remain
behind, ut In due mm of time will
also follow- Ex-Governor Whlteaker,
Henry O. Hadlty slid John Cogswell,
all ot F. igeue.
At one time Mr. Owen had large In
terests in the sheep business In Call,
fornla. While In that sttle he wasoue
of the early pioneers who so llercely
fought the Iudiaus at Fort Sutter near
Sacramento, California.
For year he was a prominent char
acter lu the politic of the state, and
fioiu the early (Hi's to the NO' was
present at every elnn nf the state
legislature, and was generally kuown
as Saint Owen, the Swamp Angel.
He got this appellation by being coo
nected with and owning nearly all the
swamp land In the state at oue time.
Many wa thejok" perpetrated at this
genial gentleman's expense over his
in qulrlug these lands, which he always
enjoyed Immensely. It wasnald when
lu the rush of apphcauts for this land,
he won by a few minutes, and this
vtas the description lie llled: "All the
xwainp laud lying fioiu the summit of
the Cascade mountains to the Pacific
an on the wet, aud Irom the north
ern line nf California to the Columbia
river ou the north, and from the Cas
cade summit ot the boundary ot Idaho
on the east, aud from the northern
line of California and Nevada ou the
Bouth to the bouudary betweeu Oregon
aud Washington on the north." About
the year 1885 he sold bis interest In
the lands to Charles Felton, the
California millionaire, aud his asso
ciates. Thereafter be lived quietly in
Eugene until death overtook him. He
was kuown by nearly every prominent
mau in Oregon aud Washington.
"Hen" Owen was a man esteemed by
his associates. He wa genial aud
generous to a fault. He was a true
Oiegonlan end loved the country to
which he so early emigrated.
The funeral will take place tomorrow
afleruoou at 2:30 o'clock from bla late
residence on Fleventh street to the
Masonic cemetery. It will be held
uuder the auaploea of Eugene lodge,
No. 11, A. F. & A. M., of which he
was a member so many years.
Reshined. Mrs Ray Do Lauo ha
tendered her resignation to the Oregon
Telephone A Telegraph Co, as mauager
of Its Hone ne station , to take efteot as
soon as practicable. The appointment
of the new manager vol probably be
an nounci II soon, The Eugene office Is
dolug a l.oge buslui ss ai'd now ha an
all night Mt-rvice. Mra De Lano haa
given tti.uplete aaiisfaetlon to the
oompan. ' patrons.
Died. The 8-year-old daughter of
F. li. Phillips, the Collage (liove mer
chant, died at that place this morning.
The Noonday Mining Company
Opens a Good Ledge on
a Lower Level.
assavs are very satisfactory
Superintendent D. it. Murray inform-,
a HOARD reporter of a good
And made recently in the lower level
Of the Noonday IflnlM ( 'omniiiiv a
properly In Kohemla. Tin- level had
been run several years ago, but the
ledge uncovered narrowed until It nave
out, and upshiMitlug failed to catch It
again. Recently a shaft wa- -unk and
within a few fivt a vein about three
feet wide, and i tautly wldeuing,
was uncovered, which gives assays of
$(10 gold, carrying 11 per cent copper
aud much galena. The shift will be
continued at least 100 fi St, In the Imp.-
that the broken formation higher up
will have la-en left, and statile values
In large quantities uncovered
Mr. Murray went to Cottage Grove
till aftaraOOO to disburse about $5700
to the company's employes tor labor
performed. The company I welt
pleased with present prospects aud
will Atari the stamp mill again lu the
spring, la-sldes continuing ou a large
scale the development work.
H m km Uf kOBKtf I LOW. '
The funeral of the late Hubert Clow,
of Junction, was held yesterday after
noon to the M-isonlr cemetery of this
city under auspice of ihe grand lodge
A. F. a A. M. of Oregon. The follow
lowing grand lodge officers were
present: J. M. Hodaon, grand master;
Henry II. Tbielaou, deputy grand
master; S. M. Yorau, juuior graud
warden; F. H. Alllster, grand treaaurer;
Jas. F. Hoblusou, grand secretary;
Thos. Oray, grand senior deacon
Darwin Hrlstnw, graud sword bearer.
Other prominent members of the order
were In at tendance as follows : Dr. W.
T. Williamson, Halem; Ed Hlddle,
Dallas; O. P. Holt, Irvlns; rt. L. Moor
head, Junction; A. B. Muir, Dallas;
H. L. Rami, Junction; B. H. Hyland,
Junction. Frank Wllklusou, Juuctlnn;
J. C ftlorelaud, Portland; Philip
Male dm, Portland; 1). P. Mason,
Albany; W. H. Hobon, Salem; Dr.
Geo. Wall, Cottage Grove.
The remains were escorted from the
s. P. depot through the city by the
graud lodge officer, visiting Masons
members ol Eugene lodge No. 11 A. V
A A. M , aud Eugene lodge No. 3o7
B. P. O. Elks, Ihe graud Icalge services
being given at the cemetery. Besides
the officers above mentioned, Rer. J.
U. delimit, ol the PrebyterlMi ohuroh
acted as graud chaplain.
In the evening the Mason held o
special meeting in their hall, conllu.
ii I ii g the fuueral service, and addressee
were made by a number ol prominent
8tSoif ,u'''i"n to collections au.l matters in
I relate. Mousy to loan on real eslat.
mci-With A C Woodcock.
Euneno, Oregon.
Thp Rai-(- IncanCieiccnt Vpor Oa;
lie LCSl l.Uht The chepet and
si r, tiiKi-si iiKiituii .-!. -
white, powerful, stemlv Us lit H
""J power; com, lent than one half ot one
nWkear, No wick to trim Noimokcor
"'. -Vochlmnpy to clean, superior to clcc-JH.i;-
ylene or keron ne Now on dl.
V? u"1 ,or le t the
14th Semi-Annual
new goods
E WILL on Tuesday January 2d 1000 commence our SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE to continue through January. Wo ex
poet to make this sale the grandest event of the season. We do not expect any dull days. Our prices will make business. We ask
your attention and your presence in our store whore you will find a very largo assortment of merchandise; nono bo large in Eugene
as we have. Our husines has been very satisfactory this year and wo expect to add 20 per cent to it next year, 1900. Wo thank
jry much for your past prtronage and wish a continuance of tho samo for our great now year. I will now try to tell you what wo are
to do. 1st. Do as we advertise. 2d. Sell off odds and ends. .'Jd. Sell remnants. 4th. Sell old goods. 5th. Sell
I'lease read prices and what 1 have to saykon every ueprrtmont.
ii i
Superior Fotoarafs
Of Eugene.
Paid up Gash Capital, $50,000
Surplus and Profits, $50,000
Eugene, Oregon.
A . 1 l-1 , M . l . nfrutVDDU
"....ha . n.i t, ntj ni.i m
A lne on reasonable terms. ditfht
wm a Chicago, Sao FraooUoo and Port-,
Hii. ft!"!
II wns n'iu USA SUIVlAtU 'lJls w
"Powt received eubjectto check or oertifi
- Election entnuted to a will receive
WBSpd tUntW
Muslin Department.
4-4 Bleached Lonsdale
4-4 Bleached Frnit ol the Loom
4-4Weacbed Hope
All the widths in PsqOOt. PsppanoL Sheet
ing 8-4, 9-4, 10-4, Tubing bleached, unbleached
I Towels, Bath Towels.
I A bleached 5 1 -in bath towel 85 cts
i 40-in brown bath towel 1 cts
Nice bleached bath towel 18 ct
38-io dice pattern white hnck pattern 8 cts
and many more which we cauuot mention
Wrapper good worth
or Hxt c
10 ds
Cloak Department.
Cliiltlr. ii'h jacket at coat
I.sdies jacket reduced UO per cent
r'ur collarette 'i per cent 80
We have a full usHottment of capes which
ITS will close out cheap; boo them
For waist you shouldn't mis.
Our last year silk will go for 35 per cent off
Dress Goods.
We will have to bate yon come in to tell
joa what we.have. There is one item I
want ion to know and that isthii
CO ct a wool 40-in for 34
Voo will never live long enonus to jo men
bargain again
Lot of Ore floods at bargain
Linen Department.
Table Linen
A beautiful while linen fluiuh, '24c
A 70-in all linen clover leaf patter now 05
71-iu satin dmak. beautiful likeib f 1.80
70-in lurdseje limn, handsome, a bar
gain 'JOo
Oood half M. inched 10c and down
Nice colored table linen in-- lue, greon
brown and figured, at lew fig ea 2'Jcts
In toweling we have everything. ,We call
yonr special attention to onr Jl in hack
toweliDg 'Jl cts
Our fancy plaid at 7 cts
A neat check i cts
Ladiei all wool 2.1 cts now 17 cts
l,i u afleec.d worth 25 cla dow I!) eta
M :- - - ordnaudend worth Co cts now U'Jct
Iron clad aud nnmeroua other
Corsets. Corsets,
At cost At cost
$2.00 corset for SI 37
SI. 25 corset for 82 ols
$125 corset for U(i cen t
We are going to close out this mako and
not carry any more
W C O conet.
Thompson glove fitting; webavsall the nr w
ahadaa, abort hip and the ball
Carpets, Carpets.
Moipaet worth $1.25, for'J8 cts.
Velvet worth SI. 25; lor 98 cla
HmHHels worth $1 00 now 83 eta
Ingrain all grade You should aie tin.
wonderful bnw
See window diaplay
Muslin Underwear.
Too many; too nnmeron; but I will say w
can suit you as we have all the qualities
and styles from 25 cts to $2 50 a garmeut
Night gown, chemise
Corset oovers 21 ct, 37 eta, 40 cts and up
the line
Knit underwear, all wool, half wool, all
Ladies' Mackintoshes.
Von have do idea what wo are doing In these
iroods. Prioe down so low thut ws ouuld
not replace them lor double the price
A nice $ i4 brown covert for $8.90
A ueatgray check $10 stars (or $5,75
All wool oaahmere worth S4 50 foi $3.(10
Onr $1.50 goods for $1.17
Otll 1.25 goods lor 1.00
Oji 1. 00 good for .79
All In... Hkirt at 30 per cent reduction
No reserve; all muat go
Shoes! School Shoes.
All odd and end; all onr $5 00. $4.00 aud
$3.00 shoe slast 2 to 3) , for $1.95
All our romnanla in school 35 per cent n
ductiou. I wiah yoa would tee those
srgtiui .
Kid Gloves.
0 ir 81,80 bnlton and hookltl.OO
Onr $1.00 button and hook 75
Ask fur our DO ct kid.
Mochs kid now 79 ets. This glove is in all
colors, all sizes and iu clasp.
P. K. Skudgbass,
la H. Potttb,
Ass't Cashier
. . DUNN