Eugene City Guard. I. L. CAMrflKLL. rraprlat.r. EUGENE CITY ... . OREGON. EVENTS OF THE BAY An tetMMMM ttH$ttM of luini Vrnm tlm Two llrmtliphrraa l'rmllt.4 In a nnd.nad Form. The New York stock exchango was thrown into a jstuio by two large Jail- UreS. Th house panned tin- currency bill by a vote of luo to 160. Eleven iJenio crats voted for it. The weather bureau at Kort Canby han been cloned and the work will here after le done at Astoria. The verdict of the Jury in the Mc Daniel cane was manslaughter, with the extreme, penalty recoinmeiided. Howard Tuttle, a former 1'ortland, Or., boy, denii'H that he In the man Who jumped Into the bay near Han Francisco. Yamhilll county hopgrowers hate decided to go into the pool an I havs sent delegates to the Oregon llopgrow ein' Association. The La Main optical OotnpatT, of rnilire, with II capital Ol $1,000,0001 will e-tal li-h branch factories in Illi nois and Coiinci ticut. The executive committee of ths Ilrotherhixid of Uieomotivc Fugiliecrs have di rided t build a $300,000 build in.' in Cleveland, O. A South Tactile nnval station will lc osta'dishcd lis -non a iditlolis in the 1'h 1 1 i ppiucs admit of the with drawal of Mime of the nhipn there. The Herman iuiy may lie used in conjunct mi: w ith t hose 01 I'r.tte e anil Kg dj to evert MMUI to prevent re infon ementn rem bint' South Africa. The preetdeni oi the Brown aniven. ity assorts that il England whips the BOM it will I rm ou a war of MtiOUl in which the United State niiiHt par ticijiuto. In the nteer-tyinjr content at Denver, Col., U, llarrell deleated "DoO." (iiMxIiu, tying live steers ill . miiiiitea 29 seconds. tiiMidin claimed the world's championship. It 1h probable that the distressed bark reKirted ashore near l'oint I ton 1 1 la on November IK, U the long-missing Colusa, which aailed from Honolulu on Ootobw '' for Btqnlmtiilt Lieutenant Thouiaa M. Ilnimby, Hag lieutenant to Admiriil Dewey dm in; the Manila campaign, who has laieu ill with typhoid lever for several week", died at tiarlield hospital, Washington, d. a (icneral Methueu ia preparing for nnolher advance. The Genua press and people are jubilant over Puller's defeat. Mjor- ieneral Wood anticliates hav ing a pleasant time in Havana. Agitator are alarming the n'ttcoable natives of the inland of Negro. Three Mexicans were killed an a re mit ol a light near Florence, Aril. New York in working hard to secure the next national Democratic conven tion. The Ilroadway National Hank, of lion ton, has (ailed, with liabilitiea of f 3, 000,(100. William II. Caipeuter, poet and edi tor, died at hin home in llaltiiuore, aged Ml. The unual large number of llritinh oflicern were killed iu the engagement ut Tugela. Aguinaldn bun retreated into the mountains and Major Marnli ban given up the chane. The lloern captured a great iiiautity of llritinh nuppliun and auimuuitiou al Magerslouteiii. The Forty-eighth United States in fantry lias lieeu released (rum iiuarau tine at Angel inland. ltuller'n casualties In the battle at Tugela river, in killed, wnuudod and missing, number 1,100. The American Federation of LftDOf han registered an emphatic disapproval of government siibnidieM. Huron Huberts han been itppoiuted to supersede (ieneral Holler in command ol the South African forces. Four persons were burned to death tn Alliance Ky , an a result of a child throwing some powder in a tiro. The Ancient Order of 1 1 lU-rniima will donate $1,000,000 to aid the lloora in their light against the K&f lUh, 'I lie Spauish government has formal ly ncogni.ed (ieneral Castro as presl .lent of the republic of V cnor.uclu. A farewell ban.uet ut Cnrlctnii, F.ngland. in aid of the fund of the American hospital-ship Maine, realised 8,000, Fire completely destroyed the school nnnex building of St. Michaels orphan asylum, of Pittsburg l'a., with a loiia of l, 000. A Cleveland, Akron .V I'oliimhun pas senger train collided with a switch engine near Cleveland, killing the en giuoer, II reman and conductor. The Chicago Northwestern road added 198 milcH to it- linen dining 1IM, ( iovemor-elect Nash, of Ohio, in a widower, and the social duties of hie riduituistratiou will devolve upon tiia etepiUughter, Mm. Habcock. Mian Marine .tenter, a niivo of Hu( (alo Hill, in -..ud to be the only female pres. agent on the Mad. She left the newspaper business to go into thin new Held. I I'rc-idcnt Harrison is one of (he busiest lawyers in the United States and han proliably the largest income from a legal practice in the west. To mark the ixmpIetion of ProftMOJ F.dward t iideon'n 50th year an a teacher in Philadelphia over 1,000 ol his former pupils attended a reception in hie liouor. During the tirst nine months of American occupation exporlnof mer chandise and gold ooiu from Havana to the United States reached a total of $10.41 1, II ;.0 more than to all other oouutxiua. LATER NEWS. Oregon pheasants are to be ' 'planted" (a Illinois. (ieneral Chaffee may lie aent to the Philippine- to succeed ieneral Lawtou. Prayer-meetings are ladn.' held in Holland for the success of the Iloer army. The navy in in need of more training vessels and two lirst-claas once will soon be ..-I.. I for. Thrta) wagon loads of mall will leave on the MMDMrt liraut for the soldier in the Phillppinei. The Santa Fe is now a competitor against the Southern Pacific for South American business. A Paris dispatch nays that the bank of Kussia han advanced the bank of England 000,000. Two big lawsuit! have been insti tuted in Chicago courts between Mon tana cattle companies. Samuel QonpfN han been iiuani mously re-elected president of the American Federation of ltbor. The interstate commerce commission will grant railways more time to equip their earn with safety appliances. A marvelous quartz discovery ia rc tmrtod from Dawson. The ore us-av-(HIM) to the ton, and the ledge is a mile wide. Senator Fairbanks has introduced a bill granting a pension of $9,000 V'.irlv to the widow of ieneral Lawton. A similar bill haa T5ceu Introduced in the house. The National Association of Itetail Druggists in strengthening its focron to light the cut-rate druggist throughout the country. Nestor Ponce de Iashi, a lineal de scendant of Ponce de Leon, dincoven r, ol Florida, in dead at Havana. He wan treasurer of the Cuban juutu dur ing the war. BoOMj with a sense of humor, Mil Hadeu-Powell, at Mafeking, a message in a livc-inid shell: "Don't drink all the whisky; leave some for us when we get in.'- The con-iil from the Orange Free State iu New York city rcsirts that many Americans have applied to him for enlistment in the I'.oer army. The majority Ol the applicants were sold iers who fought iu the p.ilil-h-.meii- cau war. l'.ngland's troubles are multiplying. Abv-siniH BOW threaten- to turn DPOU tin- Hriiish. Kmporor Manellli can put '.'110,000 men iu the Held and is -aid to have own preparing wr war over the question of territorial rights. Ills armament in iu excellent condition. The nenatc will take up the curiency hill on January 4. The Federation ol Labor has declined that slavery exists m Hawaii. The Negros uprising was caused by the Filipino junta at I long Kong. Two Chicago electricians are heirs to an estate iu Hungary worth $4,000, 000. Fire In Florence, 8. C, dortioyod the city hall, hotel, bank and live stores. The controller of the treasury finds that Admiral Sampson wan allowed too much pay. The remains of the late Lieutenant llrumby were sent to Atlanta, (ia., for interment. Eight liven Ml lont in the binning of two big tenement liousea iu New York city. (ioohc! in making preparations (or bis coming light ugaiust (lovernor Taylor, of Kentucky. The transport a BMMOOk and City ol Puebla have reached Manila with two regiments of infantry. All aged employes of the Pennsyl vania railroad will be retired uud pen sioned Jauuary 19, moo. England han ut last decided to send more cavalry to South Africa. Thin is according to Puller's wishes. Senator Mcllride, of Oregon, han in troduced a bill to increase the pay ol lettor-earriern iu large cities. Seuator Slump and party will visit Arltoua and N Mexico to i, n . their application for statehood. (ieneral Ijtwtou was killed while in front of hin tnsipn at San Mutco, l.n on. He wan nhot iu the breast and died immediately. Chairman Joseph II. Mauley, of Philadelphia, believen that only metro politan newspapers should 1h repre sented at national conventions. Dr. Andrews, su'riutciidetit of the Chrieugo pobllQ lohools, may lo-c In job through public advocacy of Qreal Hritaiu's side in the South African War, The supreme court of Ohio has o n dervd Its decision in the bribery ca-e of Attorney-i ieneral Monnett ugHiu-t the Standard OU Company, The attorney-general furnished Information to the effect that he was approached by Charles Squires, of New York, with it bribe of If 100,000 if he would penult the cases pending again-t the Standard Oil PftmpTHiy tO go by default. It w.t clatined that Mr. Squires vva-the icprc sentative of the Standard Oil Com pany. Tba decision fllamlim th' oases on the ground that this fact wan uot wtablisbcd. QOVftrnoI Stone, ol Pennsylvania, ex presses the opinion that every liusUind should deed to in- wne the homestead, Senator Dopevv has leased the Cor coran mansion at Wa-htngtcti for his full senatorial term of six years at an aggregate rental of f.'iO.OOO. A monument, a granite shaft TO feet high, Is to be elected on all eiunu ii. e at Brio, Pa., overlooking the lake, in memory of the late Captain V. I', (.iud ley, of the Olyuipia. 1 tannics llirsch has given ovei .f j. 000,000 to charity since the death ol her husband. Ihc total gold production of tin Cripple Crook di.-tn. t m Kovombw was. $2,Mft,n0O, au increase of more than $B per cent over the largest previous monthly record. '(Tie supreme court of Minnesota, in a case where a hunliaud nought to M cure )oscstou of hi wife, aged ID years, decided that girls under age can marry without their parents' consent, notwithstanding the state law ou .. ol oouseuL THE HOLIDAY RECESS Both Houses of Congress Have Adjourned. PBOCIIOIIOfl IN THE SENATE Aiitl-Ktpanslonlata Oiiiiile t Most ol 111 Tll.l t'illl.ualerluc in th lluut. " .i lungton, Dec 22 In the final es-iou of the senate tsluy before the holiday recess, Pettigrew of South Da kota, in a characteristically incisive speech, demanded Ut know whether it was to be the policy of the representa tive of the administration to suppros s (acts and news when called for by a -enator. He said he believed an effort wan being made to prevent the testi mony taken by the war investigating committee from being sent to the sen ate, and declared his purpo I not submitting to the suppression of infor mation to which the people, in hi opinion, were entitled. Taking Major-) ieneral Ilrrmke' (are well proclamation to the people of Cuba us a text Hale of Maiue briefly con gratulated the general upon the work he had accomplished in Cuba, and said be could now see the dawn of the time when the Cuban people would lie inde pendent. Morgan of Alabama offered an amendment to Paeon's resolution guar anteeing to the people of Puerto Ilico, Hawaii and the Philippine a republi can government, uud Hoar of Massa chusetts introduced a resolution declar ing how the ,coplo of the island sisses sJoM Of the United State should be governed. No bllll nOM wni transacted at the brief (tension of the houne today. The time was occupied in a tilibunter against n motion to adjourn. The Democ rats and some Republican did the filibustering in order to give (irow, the venerable cx-Naker of the house, au opportunity to reply to some state ments made yesterday by dailies of Tennessee. Payne, the majority leader, was defeated ill two roll-call. Rich-aid-on chaffed him on hi defeat iu a Ood-ltatUred way. After (irow had made Inn statement, the house ad journal until 1 -' u'ebsk Jauuary B, 1900. THE COUNTRY PRESS. Keel', at Philadelphia, tfaaM ahui Them Out Mt Nl.tloiiH.1 Conventions. Philadelphia, Dec. L'l. The auditor ium in the main building of the re cent national cxpnnition in pronounced by Chairman Joseph H. Mauley and H. 0. Payne, of the subcommittee of the national ReptabUoaH convention, a- the finest hall ever selected for a na tional convention. If all the available space is utilized, the convention hall wilt provide 110,000 square feet of loom. For the accommodation of newn panT men, it in proposed to erect a platform capable of holding alnmt 70 people, half way between the floor and the level of the stnge, This w ill gi-.e the newspaper men every opportunity to bear and see. Mr. Mauley, in speaking of the ar rangements for the representatives of the press, said: "There arc ttsi many newspaiH-r men at St. Louis. Every country uuwspaper for KrtO miles around had its representatives in the hull. Personally, 1 want to say that I am going to oppose giving the privi lege ol the convention tloor to any but representatives of the metropolitan press." The Dead leMler. Manila, Dec. L".'. Major-( ieneral Lawton ' body wan brought from San Mateo to Manila this aftcruisiu, his statf ami a nquadrou of cavalry acting as escort. It was found necessary to bl idge the river. The funeral will take placu from hi late resilience here, a mansion formerly occupied by a Spanish general, The body bus been placed temporarily in a vault iu F.l Piico cemetery, where many of the American soldiers have beeu in terred, and a guard of honor will be maintained. When Mr. Lawtou and her four children shall have completed thelf arrangements for returning to the United States the remain will las taken on a transport, with all escort oi officer! for final interment, an il thought probable here, iu Arliugtou cemetery. Parish! an the Taken, Vancouver. B, C. Dec. '.".'. A di. patch irotn Dawson, dated Decern bcl I I. recounts a terrible tragedy which took place near OgUvle. Mm. J. lviim- bklli Mr. Dnm bottom, Hear Kelly ami two MoNamen brothers, who hurl been passengers on the w recked steamer Btrhtton, hailing from Minneapolis, WON caught In an ice-jinn. Their Unit, being small, was crushed, and all perlihed. Another tragedy i reported from W hite Horse, where three men, named T. Smith, Fred Hatty mid John Mcintosh, were engaged in salvaging the cargo of the steam scow Linde menu. Being unexpectedly struck by a heavy swell, their Isutt tilled uud sank. The men were not seen after the bout disappeared, and it Is supposed they Wen carried under the Ice. n Oriental Oemaslaetea. Hepburn has introduced a bill in the house authorising the appointment In the president of a commission to visit China and Japan and report upon the commercial and industrial couditiou of these countries. It provides for the appointment ol live memberoone each from the Fastern, Middle, South ern, Western and Pacific states. The commission is to spend at least one year in China and Japan, and $78,000 is provided (or expense. ltHiiihon"er's sirnteiir.. Approx eil . Washington, Dec. L'0. The president today approved the recommendation of tlm secretary of war iu the ease of -vate Saharough, company It, Third iu fautry, aud Corral QeOtM Damp hotfer and Privates Otto K. Conine and Peter Melleunctt, all of company H, Sixteenth infantry. The men prolvablv will 1. confined iu the Uuited States prison at la v en worth, Kan. Our government ha interfered in no degree whatever U'tweeli France and China in connection with the .eliding ditln ultie.s between those two count! ion. INVESTIGATING FREIGHT RATES lutorstatv I'ninuilaalon I Looking Into I i.. i I A"ln,ea. Washington, Dec. 1'3. Hearing was ts-L'iin tislav bv the interstate com merce commission in the matter of the hange in freight classification aud Height rates by carriers using classitl at ion. Many complaints have lasu iVd with the commission, alleging that discriminating changes iu freight classification have tien agreed upon to take effect January 1 next. To deter mine this question a hearing was held today. Chairman 0111, of tho "official class ilication committee," was the first wit ness. He maintained the propose ad vance were due to the increased cost if railroad plants and maintenance, and that advance had la-en applied to classes of freight that could well pay them. He intimated that for some reason still further advance probably would have to lie made. PRICE OF FISH IS CLIMBING. Hay Iteai-h l lftern Onts -Changes Ki- Mflted In the Combine. Astoria, Dec. '.'.I. That fish are demand is evidenced by the rise in t price of iteelbeedl from 5 cents to ti . cent per pound, and an advance to t cents for ehinook salmon. The demand is growing every day, and It is confi dently expected by those who are in a position to know that before the winter season is over the price for salmon will reach a high a IB cents per juud. It is semi-nlficially announced, and with reasonable confidence for Issllef, that at the annual meeting of the can nery combine, to be held on January H, h ere will be a number of changes. Several of the present officials will ilmp out, and engage in the cannery business on 1'uget sound. It is also quite definitely decided that the com bine will not engage in the cold-storage busiuesH next season. Brill ill Hlcnnier galeeda Chicago, Dec. 23. A ipeoUtl to tho Record from Victoria, B. C, says: According to Hong Koug advices, the llritinh steamer Labium, which left Bandhkan on November IS, with clear ance pupcis, was seized by the United States steainei Castile at Caldera bay, ami sent to Manila under a prize crew. Captain Plort, master of the Labnan, reported that iienuissiou was sought to proceed to Cota Hutu to bring away several families, an they were in danger of Isdug killed by tho Moros, but that permission was refused, and the commander of the Uustile ordered the ltritish vessels to be seized. A prize crew was then put on Isiard and the steamer was then sent back Manila. Tho seizure was ut once protested by the master of tho steamer. Wont Fr.nn Mrthuen. Lunilnu, Dec. 28. The war office has received the following from General Forest ier-Walker, ltritish commander: "Cape Town, Dec. L'3. Methuen wires that he hits received a rude reply from xieueral C'ruuje respecting hi representations as to Lieutenant Chun-dos-I'ul-Oell, sayiug this officer is re gitrdod a- a spy. (ieneral C'ronju also states he will hold no further commun ication with Methueu." Ou December 1H, the British war office received the following, dated December 17, from Forestler-Walker: "Methueu reports that Lieutcuuiit Chandos-i'al-(iell waa taken prisoner last Thursday evening, while meeting it llag of truce. lie waved a handker chief iu response, and was unarmed." A Klomllkc Uoiimnce, Chicago, Dec. 'J3. Dr. Luella Day, who, two yearn ugo, left here, for the Klondike, uud whose death In a snow slide was reported later, arrived at the Auditorium hotel today and was regis tered by F.dward M- Council, also a Klondiker, as his wife. Mrs. McCon nell struck it rich near Dawson, and her husband, who had already been years iu tho Alaskan gold fields, owns several rich claims. Mr. MoUounell declared that after a couple of yearn which she aud her nun bund intend to spend iu traveling, she will return to Chicago and erect a home und hospital for tho treatment of crippled children. Canal Bill I Doomed to Walt. New York, Dec. 33. A special to the Herald from Washington says: Legislation providing for the construc tion of a trans-isthmian canal is not probable under the present session of congress. Both the Nicaragnan cunnl committee lu the senate, presided over hv Senator Morgan, and thu house com mittee ou Interstate and (oreigu com merce, piesided over by Mr. Hepburn, of Iowa, pro pOW to take the matter up without waiting (or the report of tho Walker commission, It Is extremely improbable, however, that they will be able to get a bill through eithei house of congress before that report ia available. Qlasswerkers1 Wuge itau.-it. Pittsburg, Deo. 29. D. 0. Ripley, president of the United States Olast Company, announced today that tha wages of blower and gatherers in theit employ would be advanced 5 per cent January 1. The increase affects 1,900 employee. Mablni, formerly a member ol the Filipino cabinet, suys that the future peaee Ol the Philippines depends en tirely upon the form of government the a merioattj establish. THE ANGLO-DOER WAR England Interested in Send' ing Reinforcements. ItrKiailittloii of Karl I.I. Peking, Dec. '.3. Li Hung Chang has been appointed acting viceroy of Canton. It is luslieved this is prepar atory to his degradation iu compliance with French demands. shorn o Beeasn to orating. Heppner, Or., Deo. 23. Sheepmen bad commenced to feed, but this morn ing the light snow which fell Friday night began melting, and the warm wind will soon restore grazing. Vaestteaa rlltlrl League. Washington, Dec. L'3. The Ameri can Political League has issued a call or a national eonvetiou for the nomi nation of candidates for president and vice-president of the United State, to be held iu llostou, July 4, 1900. The councils of each state are directed U appoint two dclcgatcs-at-larye. LACK OF NEWS FROM TBI FRONT Cooler', i ..... , mt Colitnao Wrrs Kiev lluudreil and Nlnrlreii Men Colonel l'l i . Kioeilltlon, Colonel Wilford, of the ltritish army, who was killed recently at Rietfontein, had in the service 80 years, but has not se. li active warfare till the battle came in which he died. London, Dec. 23. There is still no definite news regarding the military operations in South Afrlcu. Pwbably this is because the only cable that i now working Is choked with official dispatches. (ieneral Huller's casualty list at Co lenso, just published, shows that 148 men were killed and 748 wounded. Two hundred and twenty-seven are do scrilied as missing, and of these about 40 are known to be prisoner in the hand of the Itoers. This make a total larger than (ieneral Puller's original estimate. Royal letters, signed by the queen, are lieing circulated by the archbishop to the iishon of the varioun illocese authorizing a collection lu the churches and throughout F.ngland, January 7, In aid of the fund for sick and wound ed soldiers and their families. Interest centcrn for the moment in the preparation to send out reinforce ments. The various city guilds have given an additional 12,000 for the expenses of the Imperial volunteers, Issside gifts of horses, ambulances and other paraphernalia. The latest notable volunteers luclnde the two nephews of Lord Roberta, Majors Charles and Maxwell Sherston. Their brother was killed at Coleuso. The admiralty has decided to dis jNttch another naval brigade of 700 men to South Africa. It is believed that in mobilizing the I light h division the war office will have recourse to some extent to the militia, it ln-ing deemed inadvisable to denude the home garrisoua overmuch of reg ulars. The chancellor of the exchequer, Sir Michael Hlcks-Heach, has Issued a formal denial that any differences ex ist In the cabinet regarding war ex penditures. According to a dispatch from Cains Town there is a good deal of distress in the Orange Free State, owing to a scar city of grain. the Daily Mail says: "We undet stand that news has arrived from (ien eral White to the effect that Lady smith is well supplied with food aud ammunition, and can hold out much longer that has been estimated. n alias's cue- Tamed a on-i nim. New York, Dec. 23. A dispatch tc the Herald from London says: LlttU credence Is placed in the report that the guns lost by the ltritish were not captured by the Itoers. Had the story been true .(ieneral Bulla must have referred to it. Sir Red vers' artillery cannot unw muster much more than 30 guns, while the captured ltritish weap ons have no doubt been mounted In the Boer Hues and cau l used, since the ammunition wagon seem to have been lost with them. Moved Hack Five Mile. London, Dec. 23. A dispatch to the Herald from Chivelcy camp, dated De cember 17, says: (ieneral Huller's army moved back live miles today, the march beginning at 1 o'clock this moruiug, two brigades going to Frere in order to defeat a possible attempt ou the part of the Itoers to execute a tlauk movement to destroy the railroad on the llritinh rear. Short of Ammunition. London, Dec. 23. The chief cnuse of uneanines which I rings hack the shadow to FCnglish faces is a suspicion that the Ladynmith garrison is short of ammunition anil' incapable of a pro longed defense. The war offloe does not admit that Ladysmith in in Berioiis danger or short of ammunition, but the censorship somehow has allowed these alarming reports to reach Kuglnnd. The censor, it is apparent, sometimes falls asleep, or is drugged by too can did and too inquisitive friends. Welcome Offer of Mcillittlon. New York, Dec. 23. A dispatch to the World from Brussels says: Heir llolhern. in charge of the Transvaal agency here, asked today what truth there Is in the report that President Kruger is ready to sign a treaty of peace If (ireat Britain will ask no fur ther privileges (or the uitlanders, and will pay what the war has cost the Itoers, has answered: "No such proposals have been form ulated yet. A contingency inviting propoeell ol pence would be welcome under certain conditions. If any gov ernment desire to mediate, the South African republic will treat." Amlrewa May I.oae Ills Position. Chicago, Dec. 21. Public advocacy of (ireat Britain's side iu the South African war by Dr. B. lteujatniu An drews, superintendent of tho public schools of Chicago, was the cause of resolutions being introduced iu the city council last night calliug for his resig nation or removal by the board of education. Making si iml at Stornihera;. London, Dec. 22 The Daily News has the following dispatch from Cape Town, dated Saturday, December 10: "The Itoers Intend to nine a big stand at Stornitierg, aud are massing a great force at the abandoned ltritish camp. One commando of 2,000 consists chiefly of rebel Dutch." Itandit held up a passenger train near Kansas City and secured the gold watches and $100 in money. (Sea Attomeya Klhl. St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 23. A Tost Dispatch special from Dallas, Tex., say F. M. F.theridge, one of the most prominent lawyers iu the city, today shot Attorney Kdwin O. Harrell, who i equally well known, four times, in ,a crowded elevator in the North Texaa building. Harrell died later at his home. Harrell ' a pistol half cocked it bis hand a he fell. F.theridge is in custody. The men were employed aa counsel on opposite sides in litigation involving a cotton will property, and quarreled over professional affairs. PROTECTED HER HOME. v k Woman Hhot ud Killed an In truder. Ratiok, Mass., Deo. 26. Lewis Ferry, aged 33, Spanish war veteran, was shot aud killed t.alay by Miss Lizzie Morse, at her home in West Natick. Four shots were fired, two of them taking effect, one in the heart. Mis Morse, who was placed under ar rest, says that the circumstances justi fied her in shooting Perry. The Morse family is one of the wealthiest and bet known in town. Mis Morse and the memliers of her family claim that I'erry and Arnold Slapim, on bicycles, i i.e up to the Morse house, demanded admittance without stating their busi ness, and, upon being refused, smashed several windows. Miss Morse went to the bureau drawer aud loaded a 22-cal-iber revolver. She claims that the men went around to the front of the house, whore Perry finished smashing the glass in ono of the windows, and climbed in, in spite of her remon strances. After gaining an entrance, he grabled Miss Llreta Morse and wrenched from her a croquet mallet, w ith which she tried to protect hersel' Lizzie rushed to her sister's assi nce and informed Perry that nln ronld shoot him if he did not leave he house. He gave her a terrific blow with the mallet and felled her to the floor. She managed to get np again, and told I'erry to get out of the house, wheu he dared her to shoot. She then fired four shots at Perry, who muuaged to climb thiough the window and then fell dead. WANTED HIS PICTURE IN PRINT. New Vurk Man Nhot Ills Wife and Killed Himself. Ilinghampton, N. Y., Dec. 16. John F.ilgar lisrdiner, in order to get hin picture into print, shot his young wife audtheu killed himself today, (iardi uer was mi yearn of age, hin wife 2U. They had been married but a short time, and were living apart on account of his bud habits. On several occasions he hud asked how she would liku to see their pictures in a local par. His wife took fright at this, and forbude him to speak to her on the subject. He called at the house Unlay and askei her to come out, as he was going West. She declined, aud he forced his way In to her apartments, saying, "See what I have brought you," drew a revolver and shot her twice, one bullet passing through her arm, the other entering her side. The woman was able to rush from the house to it neighlsir's. When the ilioe otlicerB arrived Oardi uer walked to the center of a room in full view of the officeis, und, placing the weapon to his head, killed him self. ( rater Lake I'ark. Washington, Dec. 25. Among the familiar bills of the last congress to re apjs'ar this year are two that were in troduced by Representative Tongue, of Oregon. One is his bill for creating a public park, including Crater Lake, and much of the surrounding country, and the other is his bill providing for the examination and classification of the lands In the Roseburg and Oregon City laud districts within the grant made to the Oregon & California Rail road Company. Both bills are prac tically the name as were presented iu the last congress. The Crater lake bill prtqiones to set aside a tract of 24U square miles, with out drawing it from settlement or sale and making it a public park or pleas ure ground, to be known as the Crater Lake National Park. This iavk, if es talbished, is to he under the control of the secretary of the interior, who will preserve the lauds in their natural con dition and prevent all residence, min ing, lumbering or other business opera tions within its limits. The old pro vision for restaurants aud waitiug rooms is again inserted, as ure the pro visions for governing and protecting tho park. It is proposed that the costs and expenses of creating the park shall lie borne by the general government. It was thin last provision that aroused Speaker Reed against the bill last con gress, for he contended that any ex pense attached should be borne by the state. Now that Reed is out of cou--ress.the bill may have a better chance f becoming u law. Wa.i Advanced. Pittsburg, Deo. 25. The Carnegie Steel Company posted today, at Its va rious works iu this city, notices reading substantially as follows: "Taking effect January 1, 1900, com mon labor at these works will be in creased to 1.50 per day, and all other day turn and touuage labor (with cer tain exceptions), will be increased in proportion." The exceptions are tho tonnage men working under slidiug scales, where the rates of wages increase and decrease ,ii proportion to the proceeds of the products. This adjustment is 7.41 per cent advance on the wages now being paid, making a total of 25 per cent of increase made by the company volun tarily since the last general scale. Five l'l,, .a. ,oo I Bllla Introduced. Washington, Deo. 25. The officials of the house of representatives have struck a balance on the recent deluge of bills, showing that up to the recess the records stood: Total bills Intro duced, 6,015; joint resolutions, 95; simple resolutions, 65; grand total, 5,175 measure of all kinds. Htreet Car Dynamited. Springfield, 111., Dec. 25. For the bird time since the strike was de ilared against the Springfield consoli luted railway, November 10, a street car was dynamited at 11:30 o'clock lent night. The car was blown off the track and completely wrecked. No passegners were alxianl, and the motor man and conductor were not injured. The explosiou happened in the heart of the city, at Eighth street and Capitol avenue, and caused great excitement. Flrat Supply Bill. ' Washington, Dec. 25. The urgent deficiency appropriation bill, the first of the important supply bills for the eminent expenses, is practically isde up. and the total will amount to about $71,000,000. The Items have already been sent by the several depart ments, and these are being pnt together so that the appropriation committee will be able to submit the bill to the house soon after it assembles. Of this amount, 46, 167,871 is asked for the war department, and S, 143, 740 for the navy. Ollri li ne MID Ml) Tn Terrible Disaster ij, laee of italy LOSS OK 1,1 KK KKl'oitT.. An Knormoua linrk t'.n - II lie I. I. Vlllu. ou. noBMIa! New York, Dec. r, . the Tribune fnm, u-'V Rear-Admiral llradfM SB taunsj iroin me mi,, a. establish a bureau at theSl Million ut V'u.. . ""IW - ......yon tussfir f.f at nut... " W ... ... mm KV- .h, l egraphy It is pni crui ouicers inn ,,. Kuowiesige at this station nish facilities fo, udv ""' M ment. in the belief ti-JI tor than Maro.i,,' ' devised. ' ) Tho nrolect to sunn u . tern for the navy ha. J."0" abandoned. In the tnt I'r"ct1 was found to k. I '"- CI'Mi1lH..L i. a seaway, and their , Nlu - t'-fUJliMarx ----- . ,ii. t ,t l.-i in L.l i. V OH . u. inmn lM. . , ln unable. t kaulTS "s ication when a fiTSM their circle of MHHtm J3 to send a message to either nout T defect destroys the vih.. i Vw. "..vm uiuiu limn ivvo mmi i ' i i viiicre im eniMTiv send disturbing mesiuges. i iuuuy, aiarcont's ternm olfc for tho first rear and tin nun .r? thereafter were regarded it njojjjz for the use of his half-developed itT tlon. He decline. I nlnln..l. - -.Sri , hi oat hin . r ... .. l 1 1 ' . T ... - r'n.1 in, . mi Hike vers , ..... . uiuro, nun w pay mnW outright lor i net. and 500 a year each u rata, lor llieir use. He p-Mined to sen' . or Tliiif i, . - & i i sum.', ttllll t'Hf Alllon.'llfl fiav.l ,. - w mm - M-ni uiucej a, J aJU-a i ... w uuuurruu(i HUH M QM Dot cai in. nu-iii i ss till 't an I UiHilav r ropean navies were IMitina lsii.J elusive use of his coherer ami other seutial spite of the raa, radical shortcoiiiinits. as dinuivswu this side of the Atlantic. Maws, uftirtiili, Ii.u,imI , I. ........ .. B -"-' . ... v. me aim, waa scay different, aud thu Rinual coma itm alien I ou a sytem of Its own, . avoids the Italian s patents, ut. ready is said to be producing bettet-suits. Hear-Admiral Hradfnrl beliprmr. some of tho electrical experts ! a naval equipment bureau, if the oajaj tunny is given mem, win prtKiiKv niiratus to meet the oeeuliar conrlia ..I .L. .... h,!,!,,,,,, - .. oi I ill' i il i lui'nii .1 i i i i r mi dlture, ami iu all iriiuinnty the periments he desires will be urr! One station win tic located it a training station and the other it a torpedo school, on islands ibont i au apart, and us progress is nude akt stations will be set up at vsriotupur) in Newport harbor, when WrpaS boats are always svailable, ritflrrisii in motion or for miniature rn tlons. Several forme of appuitaitai American Inventors have already bai submitted for tent, and doubtless otiin will be received when the workim uully start.' I. Ended In a Frrn right. Paris, Deo. 25. A pro-Boer im strut ion, convened this evening j Tivoli Vuuxhall by the execntine) mlttee of the Jeuness Uoyaliste, a In a riot. Tho socialists enteni I force and broke up the meetiitsa indescribable uproar and eVaf "Vive la social revolution," af'l lias Deroulede, " with counter "Vive Deroulede" and "VlveJBW Several nationalists who wert" endeavored to speak, but the ., Inn.lila free tiirllt " and the proprietor of the hall nfT thn oik. The combatant lighted newspapers and continued tight, smashing the fittings oi mmm and using them as weapons. HUM tho nvK. ohi-red the nwni, but tin were compelled to charge several tints before order was HMnum Th. L.lghtho IS i. n n lw. 25.-The ltt ICMU lit, . v., , . V,n .wmer Quadra left this noon for Kgg island. Panning stis retiort no tatacon siiowinK i " '- !,,, there. The keeper in tntii w It Is feared he may have died. Hi" a littlo daughter, 3 years old, , him. Sep. mile s,.r,.iliK VT for Atlanta, (ia.. Dec. 23. law Candler todav niirned the bill pns 1 ing the sleeping-car coinpiinies ,w mg ill tne ntaie inini nn iii-hhib ... nami nu.millirnril evcelil ill COfS I w uugjtv, -rv- - I - - . , used especially for the accotuuiii"- of negroes. New York Aldermen Km it I'1""' v.,.,...ri, rvir. or Tim bene rl IS V TV S ui V . . .u aldermen today adopted s t'1"! praying "the God of battles the noers successful in the sr Kngland. The resolution P . 5. if o,.t buAv rn to me oouoaniii aun n m curs,, will come before M?ot Wyck for his approval. tavstatatlr Kill"'- . v Koseburn. Deo. 25. A I K"!1 engineer at the Oregon llrewfJ Company's plant, lu this ntTij attetnntins to put ou a pomp caught by a large pulley nn high speed, and instantly kl" Isidy was ilreadfullv mangle"' t was present. Tho other ''""'la. the premises heard a scream. y he spot, and stoppeil tne en.i" -ictim's brains were leattered au too euniue-rwiii. Soda Tank Kiplodr.l. Wtxxlburn, Or., Dec. K.-Wm losion of a soda tank In the " . - i IUIm aallaV. rr' ia w oras uuumuis rmes and Lawrem-e Moahberger riously injure.1, and a rtiou t actory building wan badly wr ITie cause of the explosionjsanit" - n-l. 1A TW.25. VivS5 .w tax.., ....... . vr lara entered the private bank Ham Sharp last night and ""La, open with nltro-glyerm; T n" don threw out the troui no... Iowa of the building and arenas-a.