The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 23, 1899, Image 5

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40,000 Bales of Hops Pooled
by the State Association.
- ni prtoa io Unit
40. OOP lit!e will '
1.00,000 SAVED
Portland, Dm, lti ! 0 mi
Hop Growers' Asaootation I- Nalay .1 If
t-i atinnunoe 'hat It hJ aeeUrani
receiving 40,000 tales iu the poi (if
the nrgauiz itkffl,
tlmt it l alieady
ers 6 centa h p
m-aniugan I nor
ext -lit, which
aifgregate tt prnli
$40,1 K) TlWliffl
Ml viae growers 10 hold good hep for
16 cents per pound, . they bl
ances warranting tbttt . r i li I -enn-ummation
osu be reocl i i
mem h raving to pni'luc i I
The Lane county hop growers wi!
meet Monday, I is , nci ji
the matter.
IKAMm . ' f ALT! . . r
i 'in- Matbtwd Ab-'U toun
RoleajM a mortgage $ 3,013 0
Partial atM atiou nun gag m ""
"hank1 i ti'-i . . 1.54 17
Baal ..lute BtoHf ana), ... 4IIJ
S.iiefaclioh t inoitgage 4M I J
Ch ii.l mortgage 300 00
-plilne It Stile to UM trustee of
Ibe l'r.ehyterlan church o: Point'
T rrM,6Ql80 total Point Terrace; ft
.1 H MeClunf and (' w Voting, ex
' ia id Im isiaie ol Jaaawli Li ilk -I'"'
! cased, In Mary J Worllerer, 1
General Bailer Officially Reports Major Marsh Gives Up Chasing
r: to th Uuer.l,
LONDON, Dec. 16 Qart Culler
r 1 oris evcre repute III all' MttlO IO
It alto announce . , ' i in ii, ')i a ii iu ejiui r,w" Tllg'a river. Healtackut the
'"' "imv" 'he grow- W W Ogle-by and wife to Martin A Boera wllh three dlvlsl m. lieuersl
nil, or$l ptr hale, HfP.lrt.-h- ! 7. I 1 cU 12S. (...!'. ce :' n! Hart sultered severe l..m. uih.,ru.
Park) $1. I ag earlier Llttlelon'a cent-r i ccom-
I'he Vulcan Iron Wwk to the . ,, ,
to the arowari of ui...i. a, u.. r .k-- """ """'" m..,.h ... ni.iru
- the i flu Ion land iii Acme; $36tt.
J in,. - i h'i " t'i Mary B Diiuewooit
truatee '' Phn he, IVirl mid Jee
Dmimwdx i Mil 7
Paul, la u iu J
Mary B laui-"
Iowa pi i ut I- !.
A H Vi-k i i d
wife in Hie hwolb
Mil scree n : . 17 s r 1
w; IttU,
Es'ate of Join
II on inn ii i. c ii t-,
On.- i en, Wni elk
found. a il l it i-!1 ll
0 I ii telie, lot 8 In
, minor heira of
I, l4oek u, original
! M6.
a J i Hnie and
ly Lumber Co,
, und 1 1 17 r 1
, , tier' a-eil ; ill -I-
' made,
r, count not tie
, : I" .'I. vtiia de-
i'aleiiao atallmi, The Roer killed ail
the horse, and capturtil ll.dler's
artillery aod eleven lyddite gun. L7l -
Mpporti I by artillery, Ueuerai Baiter
had to withdraw hi troop,
H-viaed Brltih hwae- a M..ei-
f "ileln, 963 men and 70 oflWm.
.-in. I viih Hi C' ,k. N H Urury.
idmliilai io', dltebaigad aod iHimir-
M.en Mtlll . il id,
111 the ii. at .. r of the eatate of JOMph
Brown, ilt-ciaaed; aetui-atiuual alale-
uieut Hied, ahowiuit total ! i ;-t -. cf
$102 85; total ttltl iir-.'i,enta, $1)7 50;
balauce on himd
natuuaoi uokwbk.
County Clerk Loe laaued today a
with the foil iwIiik well-known atara , n.arrlaite licnee to K W Joidau and
In the list: "Moat Illuatriou High M,M "'" M Iu.
Mogul," Mra. A. Yerlngton; ' Uratld l irelice Caaa Matlock and MUl
Hlir'i I'ull-llauler," Mra. L. S. I,ucau;i Kflle May Uihunn were granted a
"Hlaier Bofwl I'aiijandruui," Mra. ! ma'rUue lu-en-e latehtat evening. The
Bradley; Hiater High Muck-a Muck," conaeiit of the pnreuli of the young
Mra. Diiulap; "Sliter Hobble de Hoy," I lady wan Hied with the clerk to the
Mra. Buckiuan; "Slater nibble (Job-luDtoo,
Members of Evangeline Chapter,
Order of Eastern Htar, held another of
their very euccea-ful lodge enteiinln
tnents last evening. The great) vent
of the evening w..h a roaring (,'
entitled "Female Manonry," given
hie," Mra. I". W. Lowt "Bister Linen
Draper," Mra. Alec ockerllne; '.Sister
A. K. & A M Mrs. Pn.f. l.illej ;
' liraud Iuner Gun) of the Temple
Key-Hole," Mra. Dr. botMBla; "Qraud
Outer Uuard of the Temple K -y-llole, '
Mr. McFarlaud; "8iater Mary Yelling
Bcreecb," Mas. I). B.Murray; "Two
Candidates," Mrs. J. Qoldatulth aod
F. L. Chambers; "Organlat," Miaa
A'-, I .""iiii- Kelrralimeiila were
served during the evenlug, and the
occasion was by uuauimous o loaaot
voted one oi the moat pleaa :t of the
senior hi capriur.
The annual rece''i"ii by the senior
class at Vlllard Hall lust night attracted
a goodly crowd, for this la oca ol lh
delightful stated events of the Mhoo
year. The class colors daoorated tbt
hall while mirrors aud pottad plant
added to the artistic additions of ilaga
aud auditorium. The following pro
gram was given:
OpeDlng remarks H D An.ell
belection Cllee Cluli
Address Prol Carnn
Music Miss Dlliaid
Iteceptiou Mlse Alloway
Helectlon Treble ( lei Club
History of the class Miss McAIIMer
In times gone by this aval t was
known as the "walk around" and of
course tradition could not be broken,
so the promenade was Introduced and
proved to be as popular as in day- of
yore. Light refrethmentB wataaarvtd,
election or c e okku ers.
The regular busiuess meetniLT of ihe
C E of the Christian church w as held
last night in the church annex, aud
officers for the ensuing semi -animal
term were chosen as follows: r'lecideiit,
Miss Vinnie KDapp; vloe-piealdent,
Victor E Hoven; treasurer, Alice (las
man; assistant secretary, C E t opple;
chorister, Miss Ruby Hendr'cks; or
ganist, Miss Alice Uasman ; librarian,
Mi-- Bercha White. Afier the busi
ness session a pleasant social tune as
had. This society Is steadily growing,
a number being added to the n ember
ship last night.
"Anodeau" claim, Bohemia district;
y.r Maud M I eraon, locator
Hotel Ai rival-.
Daitl Ooaid, Deo 16
(i W Calhlng, Wi lulling
D McOarly, Waodllng
V V. Mi" aity, Weiidliiif
I N Uroaa, Portland
John McCarthy, Portland
c h McCarthy, Portland
J Moar, Portland
Petal Hofcart, Fall Creek
Prank H Waroar, Fall Cn-ek
C A Lew ii, Wend I nig
John H ice, Pmtl ml
.1 Maailn, Portland
F P Tt- i t. Bulla CHy
A li KaMy, Waudling
Dug WaWlli, Haniabiiri;
J 1, Bin hanau, Plea-aut BUI
I, Smith, Harrlabuig
r winker, Portland
M s Wewb, vViaonnaln
1'' M BhOman, Portland
It H Miicomlier, Portland,
Tnoa J Danny, Baker City,
N Lnuaon( Lnke Praaton, s D.
W I Coleman, Coyote
J J Pi piol, Leaburg
C Pattce aud son, Leaburg
Otto Ohiiatiauson, Wttooualu
L H Plnolfar, Portland
H Cohen, H F
1) Acki rman, Mo
EPTablu, P laud.
J H Hobha, I land.
OlaJoluiaon, is.
John baudall, Wis.
J M Kuihtein, S F.
C W Frankel N Y.
J Kider, N Y.
S Cohen, 8 F.
Should Pa s.
Congieaamau Tongue baa introduced
a bill lo ihe lower houae aud Senator
McHrlda on in the aaaaai providing
for a iaiiai',ii ol $8 a mouth for the In
dlan war vataraoa in the Northwest.
Tln-re are now, It ia stated, ore thou
Hasty Call of Cabinet to Meet
War Crisis.
Special to Hie Uuanl.
London, Dec 16. I he Kngllah war
department i- aootoaadlj dlabearteoad
over Ihe w-ir crlala, ami a calnuet
meeting, If illy calleit, will at once
roavano. i la evident thai make
rapid aucceaa certalH dIOervnt tactlca
BUal oe "iiiployeJ.
I. in n. i Mimjiieae, Deo 16. Win
s' ' i ho i clnll, miii of Lord aud Lady
I. ''" I huichlll, bsa I eeu canlured
( I bett era.
IIA.Nk KAll.Ku.
Bank Goes
Broadway Naltonal
Sin lo the r.uard
Biston, Dec. 16. The Bioudway
National Bank failed today. It had
beeu n .n-i. I. i. I a solid couwrn.
Is Worse Again. C r Crontt
yesterday received a letter from Bd
Helms, of Jacksonville stating ha would
h conr.nelled to ko to San Franol-co
soon to have an
on his leg. It will be rememiiet
I .. - . I I....' l,U If. 17
several minima , , i ,.i, muuU
, ij.,i.i,il. ..iiMi.illmrig i "K"'o o'" -
mjureu in mu . ... . wj,
operation ,rfo.d -and au.vlvo a, out Ol seven ll ouaand
lltremeniiiemltnat .. originally eiil.ated, and th ee
hundie. I uivea of veterans. 1 ue im-
Oallr Uuard Dec It an
Judge It Scott was iu Eugeue today.
J 11 Pickens went In Douglas county
todav on a business trip.
Frank J Hard, the mining mail, re
turned to Boh'-mia today.
Kev L Piz iiylakl went to Cottage
Grove today lo conduct services to
A S Pence, of Corvallls urrlvvd up
bi join his wife for a visit with
her pareatf, Mr and Mia J M Hhelley.
C N McArthur went lo Portland to
day to make arratigeiueuta for Ihe ap
pearance of the U ot O UU inn at the
MarUm dining their holiday tour.
W B Brown, prenident of the Eu
gene Luttii A Savinga llauk, went In
Pjrlland todav lo look after plaua for
their proposed new bank bmldiug, ou
Ihe . .. in i where Peters' store now
Bosb Wheeler of Kloux City, Iowa,
arrived on llila morning's overland on
a visit lo bis uocle, A E Wheeler and
family. He will remain in Eugene
until afler the holidays, when he will
enter Stanford Uulveralty for an ad
vanced electrical course.
Bar and Mra J B cielaudaud child
arrived ti dav from British ( olumbla
Itev Cleland haa b WO called lo the
pastorate of the I'reshylerlan church
made vacent by the reeigualiou of Itev
Wm S Uilbert.
roacEO tuacHts were niiiino
Iseiial ui iii,. iiunt.
Mami.i, Dec. Iti Major Maiah,
after two day- of furml marching
artit -t Aguinaldo, waa tompalled lo
abandon pnianll, His rank- Mere dt-
aJatad M 1. nanl by the inability of
oklleri to wilbatand extra eiertloO.
Willamette Poultry Association
Exhibit Closed Today.
Baaa Vtlw . 1in-i ....tti-T.l
PelM in WWaJaerta stroml
1' . brel v w 11. ml. . ajaaad
l is-k Whrrlrr Unia arinU't
Caalanl DOWeaawartk thlni
PaUal ia thirl
win ik WTANHOtTlB
Pea I - II I! "wman flint
Pal ho- da Br
1 ' s keiel - ( Aral '
PaJlat A Wdunt aMaad
i-H-kert'l .1 w.-eiid
I'lillet I. II i:.siuaa thinl
IVn Wilkine tint
Oaaaaaal do firt
Baa WbaalarBrai. lint
Pallet A Wilkin. Aral
I'm Wheeler mchuiI
t'm kerel .In u t
Hen .In
I'lillet V Wil'.. 11.- aeivo.1
Ten Wh.-eler llnie thinl
Oeafcttal da thinl
Pallaa- Tit thinl
J. W. Cook, Former Owner of
the "Music," Tells About
the District.
The chlrkena which have bftn OH
exhibition for the pp-t Ibiet days have
I -en duly decora'ed with the Millions
their excellence deseives and today
-larted tor their homes. 'he abow
closed ai 4 o'clock thla af iinoon, and
lljwas the be-t i ver held. A blfhff
stamlard if IuaIs was diaiilavxl
and In grealei number.
Preahlen. II L Marllu, Secretary II
C Wi'eeier, Sii erintendeut A W Bond
all workct lisnl for the -n of Ihe
ahow ami with good elt.-cl. (leo
WDiwns, Sr, Judge, la probably the
moat comiM-teut man In 1 ha state for
tbia work and deserves cndll for his
Impartial scoring.
Following is the list of premluma
awarded :
I'en Tim ft Hnaaii anrl U K Wel Ued
for. first
Peek Qee A Beack Drat
Cockerel l bret
Hen do eecoml
I'lillet il thinl
Cockerel B K Weet h ad
Hen da thinl
Hen tWinw ami Keeney tint
Cock .In aritmil
I'en 1 lo arc. an I
('ck- do third
I'ullet H L Martin taat
l'ullet Auiue Wilkin- teomil
I'en do third
Oaabaaal ITNicklhi thinl
whitk LB0BDBM&
I'en Ciwhow aii.l Keeuey
the fuueral of his father. BUai.l poison
eet In and he had a severe time, b t got
bett T, and now there appears to ba a
Monument Fund. The fol. .w Dtp
amount has been received loweid tbi
Memorial monument fund. Fr. m
Emergency Corps $18,50; Play Ciu.l 1
alia, $ft, Park social, w;v ntcK ' roii. () UKj ,
FL Chambers, fund leit over 11 m
breakfaet fund, $03,65; Armory social,
$32, 10, Ministeral union, $85,14 Chain
letters, $15. ToUl $204,S.
Bom I Hkm'ivkd.-A son of Zara Pot
ter of Wnliervllle was operated on he
day by Dr lirowu, a-slsied by Ilr
Selovei, for necrosis 1. r tbe bone. The
irreater isirti Hi ol Ihe in tin bone be-
nueti Ihe bill. Last year It passed tlie iweru no- .. . u w.a re-
1 " . u 11.. i.i ,, u,i I moved. It may yet become necea-ary
senate, but was held up by ( zar Reed. ( ) 11lUU,H
a lio is now out of the way, io that the
hill stand- a much better chance. a (Jay Old Bum. -Tde Junction
i,:i e county :s well represented iu the ( ,,v im, r 1 li .pman, who as
eterans and under Capt Noland . ,)OU,1(i oral on a charge of bigamy, at
J) N . I in are usloir their beat j M,,roe last week; "Is over 70 years of
tftnitl OatOOr the recogul'lou they r-ge, nnd 1- a pay 1 Hiking bird to have
Cock do
Cuckeral- do
Hen do
Pullet do
Cuckeral do
I'ullet do
t'.Mjkeral do
E Turnnlog firat
. ... Drat
. . .. Knit
. . .. first
, ... Ant
.MS "U.I
( 'la-keral
s. a. BAMBUJta
Ten Wheeler Ilr.
Cock- do
Hen do
OaakankV- do
I'ullet d
l'eu Thoe Walker
. . .lint
. Unit
,- 1. 11. 1
. lint
.. lint
a plurality of wives."
; rein Wa'chmai 1 'luvi atkme are'
cut announcing the wedding of Mr.
ird Emer.-on Oora, of Butana,!
...,i vi.s H .tt le M. Warner, of Med-
A Good Choice. Dr L L Wiiitson, f uhleh will take plaaa
ai the
of this city, was elected by the Oregon U0BI, , 1, ride's parent- IbbJ ivOO
at.,, AMuv.iBtliin w bici ri - n. 14. The hfl'te-IO-be
ri:i.' iuv-' - - , l.'Kl
oenUlly met in Portland, a represent- wu . , nne tlmea nopnaW leachei IB
tative to the National Association ,ii C O. S N. B. at ihla ptaor. Her
which meets at Old Point 0) mfort, Va, ia., , young Irleuds bie extend wall
oloeing the last weskln June, ISKXI. An w ..,e iu advuuc.
excellent eelectloa,
Boh Mabry, I raveling for the l ham
berlaln Medtelua Co., of Dee Moines,
lows, waa in Kugene yesterday, and (ksAeoel
li, , i renewal ol advertising Oontrml
with the OOAJtOv Mr. Mabry states
tlmt h a coran any gela better direct
eaaalta from iu advertising iu the Pea BO Weeewsrtt
rid a an BdaVnr. aud Htalrsmall, Cock
Hnlaaa, than any o her ta-o papers in
Oregon. But local adverllsera say the
same thing, for that matter.
Cock Wheeler llnm aecuml
Cockerel Thiai Walker aeoond
I'ullet Wheeler Urns n i
Pen du tldnl
Cis keral - da third
PaUet- Thoe Walker. thinl
Cock Amos Wilkine first
Cuckeral J Danleleon fint
Hen Amos Wilkina fint
PaBrt do tint
CoaktaeV J l.anielson Mcnud
Oook J M Kitclieo fint
1'H.keral do tint
Hen- do fint
I'ullet do first
Hen do second
Hen E M Jmlkine ftnt
Osokerel Wm Keres fint
I'ullet de fint
Pullet do eriund
Hen EM.Iudkini Moond
C.Kikeral- John Soott eeomd
'ockenl - do third
Pullet - Wm Keres fint
Pullet I eecnn.l
Pen A W Plackhura lint
Cockerel do ttrat
Hen do tint
Pullet- do fint
Pullet do eecoml
Hen do second
do eecobd
Ceckarel J llanielaoo third
Pullet A W HUckburn third
YrarliiiK tvs k D W Wallls Crat
Yearling -"k II K Kincald. econ.l
tWkeral Dag Waasoa first
Cockerel-- do second
Hen dt fint
Pullet- d. tint
I'ullet da ercond
I luck. II V Weet. fint
I lucks In second
I'rAee du bnt
llrakes d . . .second
Male A W Bead first
Female .1. lint
Cm 1-1 111,1 tloliitsvs-Si'llool Savillka
Bank Makes a plelidtu Miowiug.
Tliere is consider ilile nclivlty dls-
pluvcil in Hie .Ml n.l,-. of (lie
put lie schools in making preparation
for IboCbilstniaa holidays. Miwt of
tlie roomi ale getting up -pccial pro-
gi iima iu honor of ihe orcaslou, and
daoorajditg ihe biaokboarda appropri-
atelv. Tlie pupil- iiiauilesi a dicti In
ternal in the Christmas donation, and
nic i mlvt d io make mis the heat ot e
on leciid "
The annual report of iba Hohooi sav
in..- I'.mkaiM i.e prepared after the
l i-t depiili, which will he made next
Monday. Dee, 181b, AM deMitors
must in s. ii i in ir bank hooks on that
dale, in orilci tlia the accounts may
be balaUOed, and new I 'is Issued for
til-new veni, liegllinlllg Jan. Mill. The
bank was Ii . ii Isst March, aud du
riuu tue mi montha, over $'J0t) have
been irptadled hv KtO children. Of
this amount, ab itn $iiHi i malu on do
potll ut tbi- dkte, 40 depoaitots have
withdrawn their money, leaving lio,
a Ill cuatomi rs of I lie liialllutloli. Of
this laat nuurfero. have made no new
deposits mihv lust June, while Ihe re
uialning g am more or leas "active"
.Mr. Iteseler Is lo reml m paper lufore
the State Teachers' meellm, in Salem,
ami i- making a careful sludy of the
Eugene system, which Is the only one
In operstion In Oregon. ihe billow
ing questions are to no answered by
the pupils who are depositors:
1. "How do you get the money to
J. "Why do yon put II Into the
school savings batik?"
a. "What did you do with your
money formerly?"
4. "For what have you spent mon
ey recently thai you might have de
i. "What are you going to do with
the lliin.ey you -in" '
I) "W hat are you going in Is when
you are rown-OpT"
The object of these questions Is U
learn In Iher III a Is a prai ' leal device
fo: loaoblug tbriftj Wbatbt ( the chll
dreu nie Ii flueuced by the wishes of
their parents Mini it-min t -, i r by oilier
conaldetailons; whether tills idea lias
Influenced Ibell I'ublta as yel; and
whether ll tearhi t lie uorrei't estimate
of tin- v Iu- oi money. Mr. Ueaaler
would he vry grateful ll parents
would s-sisl li i hi lo securing evldeuoe
to tbegOOdol lad effects of the
BuIiihiI ,--,vi"ii Bank. The parents ate
In a piisliion to know what ellecl the
bank In - had on hahlta of their
Child e . Any ipcciflo examples of
economy or thrift exhibited will be
much apprecla' d.
Tim next meeting of the general
oommlttee on Christmas donalious
will o. cur Monday, Deoemlatr IHth, at
7:1 lpW,lrt the itiilorsof the M. E.
eEr hum ia aoNEMia.
IVrtUmt Teleinm, Ivc. 1
"More oiilside capital haa gone Into
tlie Itohemia mining dis'rict in the
past six months than iu tin- previous
six yeeie," said J. W. Cook at Hie Im
perial yesterday. Mr. C.a.k waa pro.
prletor of the Muric mine until last
spring. The Music Is the most ItVDM
tai I mine in the district end It VB1
tbfongh II Hons of Mr. took that
It was le eloped.
"The proanaatl are thai from now
ou the Bohemia itfttiUt will Increase
In in i-.ii in . Just to show bow
much faith foreign ni'iilng eiierls
have in the dlelrlol. I will cite the cms,.
or tin Vesuvius. This Is merely a proa
peel, yel It la boo dei I to an Knglleh
syudicale for $36,0)10, and they will
nave men at work uu ll all wluler
MINK "l I.I ..I mi ,
Byrnes brothers. Johnson it Kim. fen-
stein have opened a largo gtfa of luo-e
ore II yc feet In width, which given lb -
remarkable assay of $1N0 to ilia ion.
1 tils nunc haa heeii Isuuhsl .an Imi-
gllah syndicate for a large sum
Heed A Fletcher have bud men at
wotk during the past summer opening
up line rich body of ore. Phase aie
Just a few of themiat Imporlaut In-
stances that I have mentioned Tbeie
are many others.
The II. I. in. Is mucli the richest
mine In the district, but It is now
Oloatd down an account of litigation,
the Helena haa a new five-stamp mill,
which It has not had an oppartunlly
to run. Although the Helena haa a
richer streak of ore, It has not been de-
vt-loied ss much aa haa Ifeeu the Music.
Tbt latter la now running 10 of Its lf
stamps, and Is a good pnatucer.
II I llawley mid Eugene narlie.
who aie associated together, have
some line claims which they are devel
oping. I understand that raid bodies
of ore haa been opened up by 'them iu
the Celepoola, Fairy and While
ki i m i I I CKIIT1JC CRKKK.
" The Bohemia disirlot oomprlsee a
large in itierallaed eia-tlou of the coun
try, and I believe that Its poaslbtlillea
havejusl begun lo be realised. The
formation and the quart and velu
flllluga greatly resemble Ibe Cripple
Creek, Col, dietriot, in fact, eminent
experts say that they are almost Iden
tical. I believe that some time mines
aa good as any In the world will be In
operation lo the Bohemia district.
In addition to the quartz mines,
there are some excellent plaoer grounds
iu Hie district. These are located lust
below the properties of the Hlverslde
company, and have been worked porfll
ably for years Iu a crude way with
ZIod Hems.
A W Boed
Cockerel l)U W.sslworlh. .
Pullet -Wheeler llrus.
' Hsu- A W LlJ
Pi KAKhl N A 1 UKB. All any 1 -inner
' Dec. 16: "Mr D H Young, the
agal man, today 1004 fed $."0 lu cash
fur an sgale, probably the hlghrst
prh ever paid lor an Orig in stone.
I be agale wr a found Iu the I." rue
Itivervslt. y and cut by Mr Young.
It imuairs a ille-'lke woman's fa-
sud hi very an .king stone. 1
A in 1 i ii i' Fakmkk Mr Doug
toaof the firm of Dougla A JLetVlBfar,
who own a creamery and wheat farm
about eight miles east of lietc, Informed
us that he had abtmi W" bushels of
wheat lu tlie MptiU' held mill; that he
intendeil paying lltu stnrsge ou Ihe
same and liaulin it hack la his home
aud leed It to blealoob.
Dec. 10.
Elden Templemau aud (Jeorge ( arr
have returned home from the Mohawk
railroad. Too much ralu for gradlug.
Itev. K. o. call i, pastor of ihe
Christian church, Is oonllnuing ihe
meetings la?gau by Itev. Humbert.
Quite a number of friends aid I da
tives gathered at the home of W It
Parker ou Ibe 8th Inst., In celebrate
Mr. Parker's Mth birthday, John B.
Crutun and family, of Pleasant Hill,
being amoug the number.
D. H. Hunsaker and granddaughter
Carrie left for Man Frauciaco last Fri
day, taking the overland at (loshen.
Thomas, Frank aud Wlllbim Cruxan
are home from the Saginaw mills,
win-re they have la en employed for
nearly two years.
A (Jooi) PoaiTloN. Htate Journal:
Ernest L King went to A.'bauy last
Thuradsy to take charge of the Piwtal
I elegraph "ill ' e. The salary aud com
ii Isslnus amouut from $.5 to $100 per
month. While workiug at the Asylum
in Salem he practiced and learned te
legraphy during hi ' apere time and
now, soon after resiginlug bis position
at the Asylum, baa secured a much
better i oeltlon, free irom politics and
political howlers.
The First National bauk ol Baker
City, In its latest staiem. nt, showe
that It carries deposit segregating
$1,000,968.68. Of this amount It baa
invested $372137 In government bonds,
while Its loans are ouly $14,621.21.
Its capital Is $76,000, with surplus and
undivided profit of $70,171.0'-' more.
The state fair board has ( footed W.
H. Wehruug preaidaut, and J. H.
Hettlemelr vice preaideut. A. Bush
was uauiial as treasurer for i he coming
yea'. M. D. Worden, of Poll 'and, we
elected secretary. Last year's de
ficiency over the appropriation and all
other leoeipt waa tmMa